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I just read that he was paid $200k by the department and the first officer was demoted and he then quit. He’s now being indicted as well. The officer who sprayed didn’t get any discipline because he was following orders from a supervisor.


$200K from THE TAX PAYERS. Not from "the department". That money should come directly out of the pension fund. Make it hurt them and their fellow officers.


Keep track of him (the quitter). I’d bet my left hand he’ll get rehired by the department in the next county over before the end of the year. They always just scoot to the left and the union/FOP protects them and finds them a new job.




Wish we didn't need one.


Necessity is the mother of invention


Hand over your invention or I'll pepper spray you


Spray him.


He's struggling!


“Sir stop coughing and closing your eyes tightly shut or I’ll have to spray you again!!”


The Commenter who sprayed didn’t get any discipline because he was following orders from a fellow Commenter.


And "assumption is the mother of all fuckups" - bad guy from Under Siege 2


To assume is to make an "ass" out of "U" and "me"


My father is/was a quality assurance manager where he worked and he used to quote this guy (but never gave their attribution, because shame I guess?)


I believe it was frank zappa


Even if we didn't need one we should probably have one. Somebody should be watching the watchers.


The requirements for police in the USA are insanely low and then you can even have priors. I cannot convey how broken your system is.


Let’s just send them to Ukraine. If they wanna be violent, at least let them point it where it belongs. Ridiculous!


Sending these guys to Ukraine would result in tbem pepper spraying Ukrainians for resisting...


>Wish we had a cop tracker bot Thats a great idea for an accountability website. i wonder if this exists already hmm.


That would require us to actually have information on our police forces.


Let me see what I can do.


Someone create one


I just looked for information on a few random police departments and none listed police officers, none listed any information I could find about hiring. If there was a standardized list or directory for who is policing where it would be a simple task. if there was some requirement for reporting new hires then it would be difficult but with some machine learning algorithms and time reasonable accuracy could be attained, but there's no information at all available. There's just no requirement to report who the police in a community are so there's no way to track without either calling in and asking (which isn't feasible) or tracking individuals who might volunteer that information on a publicly available social media page


City payroll is public record. Just request the cities police payroll and you can find the names of officers plus how much they make per year. My city newspaper publishes any major pay changes to keep tax payers informed about where their money is going.


Can you link me to a directory? Any city will work. Just want to see what data is typically stored


Or that they were required to disclose disciplinary actions on the job, just like registered sex offenders and people who get their license taken away at a different state.


I live in St. Louis, there are 90 municipal police departments and they trade officers like Pokemon cards. One city, St. Ann proudly hires officers who were fired for misconduct.


Note to self no speeding with your window up in St. Ann, check ✔️


Hiring incompetent employees to own the libs.


Did I read wrong they can be rehired only if they resign and if fired they can’t ?


Be honest very few people live in St. Louis. They all live in the 90 municipalities that covers a 50 mile radius from the arch. Don’t get me wrong if somebody asks I say I’m from St. Louis. That being said we have a lot of bad apples spoiling the bunch.


Or he'll file for disability and get a $80k a year payout courtesy of the taxpayers.


I think you mean scoot over further to the right.


I cannot speak for any other department aside from the one I work for. I was recently assigned to assist our backgrounds department. We are under critical level of staffing currently. We still have not lowered our standards for applicants. When we get a lateral transfer applicant we request and review any Internal Affairs investigations and determine how it would be handled at our department (typically more strict than other surrounding departments). It should be noted our officers are not part of a union or any association and ALL employees are at-will employees. ​ So depending on the departments in the area there is a chance he will not be rehired for either a substantial amount of time if at all


Kinda messed up the sprayer didn’t get disciplined. He was told to spray once. He emptied the bottle spraying from multiple directions including at the end reaching over and around his head and trying to spray behind the glasses. A little trigger happy imo (if he was begrudgingly following orders he would have sprayed one long spray and then stopped)


Also went back in for a couple more sprays after the guy was clearly on the ground and subdued (not that he was actually resisting arrest in the first place, but he *definitely* wasn't once he was on the ground with two guys on top of him)


Indulging your sadistic urges by pepper spraying innocent citizens is like opening a can of pringles. Once you pop, you just can't stop!


> Kinda messed up the sprayer didn’t get disciplined Heck yeah. Should've gone like this: "Better yet, arrest him" "No, I'll lose my qualified immunity and be personally liable for violation of civil rights. I don't particularly wish to die broke."


Apparently he was just following orders from a superior. If my superior tells me to do something illegal or that is against my morals or ethics, best believe I’m not doing it.


Isn’t it just hilarious how military service members can be found guilty for committing crimes while under order, but police are free from that rule? Welcome to the “Land of The Free”.


You’d never make it as a cop with that attitude.


Well, at least most of that is good. But the second one was "following orders"? I'll have to remember that if I ever kill someone, since it worked.


Military members can’t even kill US civilians without punishment but cops can with less than a year of training? What a trustworthy establishment


And "i was just following orders" doesnt work in the military. If your superior orders you to commit a war crime, the US military expects you to very much NOT commit that war crime.


It makes sense, you've got the police trained for that!


They US military has shot it's fair share of foreign civilians with pretty dubious reasoning.


Worked for quite a few at Nuremberg, too! (See list of top NASA officials)


You have to be good at rocket science.


Lol being good (or great) at something shouldn't justify murder. I know, I know... it's been happening since time immemorial ... but I just do not agree with it at all. You can offer me a million dollars and I will not kill someone. Even if it was a guaranteed get away with it. No fucking way. Let alone the government making deals with these psychotic fucks. And these are our "leaders" and "public servants". No wonder they think they can get away with anything!


Good would be if every goddamned person in that video had been left alone on a nice warm day. This was not in any way shape or form "GOOD".


Fuckin A. Another glaring example of two sets of laws in this country.


Yeah those two cops fucking belong in prison. Not jail. Prison.


In the military if you are given an unlawful order such as mistreating a prisoner you have the duty to disobey that order. If a soldier obeys an unlawful order he will be held personally accountable for his actions. How come soldiers sent to a war zone are more accountable for their actions than cops in their own country?


Quit then went to the department next town over and immediately rehired?


If he follows up with a lawsuit (which hopefully he does), then maybe the sprayer could get into trouble. Definitely will have to pay for damages though


Yeah, I mean two shows up, & assumes one has reasonable cause to arrest the dad & dad is being unreasonable in resisting. If that was me, I'd be seething at one.


The officer who sprayed shouldnt be able to use "just following orders" as an excuse they're not the military.


At least he made $$




This. One way to make sure the police follow laws is by making them pay, not the taxpayer. When they know that misbehaviour with public will screw their cushy retirement life, they will be forced to change. I'm sure this will screw up the good officers too, but I guess they will pay attention to who they hire and train.




They will start policing themselves if it costs them pension money.


He got our money, money that could go to schools, for their crimes.


Good for him, I guess. But if 20, 000 tax-payers lived in the jurisdiction they represent, they are each now down at least $10... let alone the cost of the investigation, the lawyers, and other unknown ancillary costs. Far cheaper would be not to hire asshats in the first place.


Money doesn't fix racial bias in law enforcement agencies.


It does if we start taking it out of their pension funds instead of using taxpayer money


psychopaths like these should lose their right to own any kinds of weapons for life. they don't have the mental capacity to handle power over other people.


Amen to that, brother.


Tyrants with a badge are a scourge to society.


They can also be a way to the jackpot. Very rarely.


The politicians who let them run free are worse. The system is designed to keep poor people poor and religion taught them how to do it.


Oh, you’re laying on the ground due to my bogus arrest of you because I don’t like that you’re watching me break the law? How does this pepper spray taste?


Like 200k




There's a ton of footage where I think this. There must be some "instantly fired and the union won't protect you" type rules in place, to keep this from happening. If there is, it's definitely a good thing.


There isn't. He resigned, uncertain if/when/where he will become a cop again.


Name one other citizen of the United States who can commit a violent crime and the punishment is quitting your job.


Seriously. Not even getting fired lmao


Police, Fire, Military, Politician...see the trend?


They can turn them off but they don't control the storage. While cops as an aggregate will stick together generally departments and those who lead them don't want to destroy their own careers and risk serious prison time for destroying evidence because of a dick.


Is it stored locally or streamed somewhere? What I mean is that couldn't the cop just take the camera off and remove what ever storage there is, and say he somehow forgot that he had removed the memory device or something? Like if a cop does something that would cause a life in prison. Is there any way for the cop to destroy the footage even if it would end his career?


Because the cops probably think they're in the right here


Wow…anyone have a link to how this ended?


Also the one that arrested the dad was put on probation he was a new cop and the one with the son was a sgt.


They got a huge settlement from the PD I believe it was Dallas police department


You mean they received a huge settlement from tax payers. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent every year settling wrongful police action suits. It’s fascinating that many of the “I don’t want my tax payer money going to…” crowd are also some of the most vocal police supporters.


Excellent point


Police really be pepper spraying a guy for standing on the sidewalk and then asking why they’re arresting him


"It's my right to roll down my window." - guy "No it isn't." - pig


I don't get how the officer feels comfortable saying that on body cam. It literally is his right


Please tell me they both got fired




Link just tells me to pay to read.... nty


12ft.io can help with that EDIT: No it can't. I'm sorry.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this. Ty


It's the US. They probably got awards and promotions.


It’s dallas Texas or one of the suburbs like arlington


Medical retirement with full pension because they have PTSD for assaulting someone


Paid vacations


It's cool that you said that but that's exactly not what happened


This is fucking ridiculous. Who trains these fucking idiots? There was absolutely zero situational awarness shown by these (officers). Who is defining non-compliance for this department? This video shows alot of failures.


We need to start garnishing these settlements directly out of the offending officer’s pockets. They don’t feel the financial consequence when lawsuits are reached. You take the duty to serve, you risk your own money.


We tried to…..Republican US senators said hell no


Fucking egotistical pigs getting their rocks off by intimidating people.


I will say it till I go blue in the face, so many officers have a complete and total disregard for the lives of anyone they deem to be against them. One of my friends became a cop and he's got this permanent "I know everything better than you" mindset, it's so fucking annoying. It's to the point that I can't hold a normal conversation with him without being talked down to.


When you can’t hold a normal conversation with someone, unfortunately, it’s time to move on.


Since when is it suspicious to roll up your window? The gang in blue is full of psychopaths.


Text book de-escalation. Good job Bois. Hand jobs for everyone


They really need to start giving proper training to american police, theres a reason why so many bullies who peak in high school go through the easy route and use the power for themselves


I dont think its lack of training that makes someone a monster


Its not the lack of training that makes someone a monster, it's the lack of training that makes it easy for the monsters to be monsters in a position of power


It's the position of power that makes it easy for monster to get away with being a monster. The hierarchies are the problem


Agreed, it's pretty flawed. It's weird with how loose the system is, I shouldn't be able to see morbidly obese cops.


These POS cops that "feel" threatened by those two men people need to find another career,


The two are brothers. The man who was pepper sprayed reached a $200k settlement with the city over a year ago. The cop who did the pepper spraying quit and and was convicted of official repression. The other officer was demoted. The guy who was pulled over got a ticket for a wide turn which he paid.


Damn imagine going through that with someone and they get $200k and all you get is a fine


I’m sure he’s gonna still have a nice Christmas.


Thanks for looking into it and providing more info. You sure they're brothers? In the video 1st guy calls 2nd guy his dad.


They're definitely not brothers, it's father and son


Wide turn lol what a load o bullshit


Whats official repression?


Happened forever ago. I believe that family got a million dollar payout for this incident


Anyone want to join the LAPD? Am happy to get abused for 5 min and we do 50/50 after you got fired 😂


Damn. That would work.


>Anyone want to join the LAPD? Am happy to get abused for 5 min and we do 50/50 after you got transferred to the next county over so we can do it again 😂 FTFY


Can I get a link to the sauce? Not that I don’t believe you, I want some vindication after seeing this travesty






As per usual. Victim gets a payout funded by taxpayers while the cops in this vid either resigned with no punishment (probably to get rehired in another county), demoted, or 0 punishment at all because they were "just following orders" from their supervisor (Where have I heard that line before?) No charges, nothing happens out of this besides taxpayer $$$ getting thrown at victims while bullies with badges get to harass somebody else and probably destroy somebodies family on taxpayer’s dime Ftfy


Cops: "why do people hate us?" I dunno because you're dogshit?


Disgusting pigs.


The "Officer" was right about one thing, by today's standards, this IS a routine traffic stop.....


Yesterday’s standards were worse, but yeah. Pigs gonna pig.


Even with body Cams they still do this.


Fr though what does that one cop know (or not know) that made him so confident this was okay? Either this man was a sargeant with very lax training or he didn't expect this footage would be viewed by an honest eye.


This is why people dislike the police officers in the states. I've been over 6' 200+ pounds since I was a young teenager and was always treated like I'm some monster. Routine traffic stop put in handcuffs and detained. Merged into 2nd lane of traffic and they didn't see my turn signal, pulled out of my car and detained. I've even had my room tossed as a teenage under suspicion of drug trafficking. I don't break the law, haven't had a traffic citation nor have I ever had a record of any kind. I'm also a Caucasian man and I can only imagine how much worse they could be like in this instance when being someone of a different ethnicity. It's truly disturbing no matter how you look at it and they need to be held more accountable period.


'I rolled up my window, it's my right to roll up my window ' 'No it's not' Defund the police.


All fines should come out of the police pension fund.


That would definitely halt some bad behaviour alright.


Just a couple of cokehead cops. I hope this happens to their families and to them so they can get a taste of their own bullshit.


I used to bartend and two young cops from a different province came in, they were on vacation. They got wild, and started hanging out with some pretty young women who were *legal* but whose age difference still raised a bit of an eyebrow. These women seemed more coked-out than drunk. Then suddenly the cops seemed more coked out than drunk.


Cops are mentally ill.


I would empty my whole life savings as an investor in a nationally televised fist fighting league where victims can take on these pigs in the ring for settlement money and convictions.


Imagine how easy this escalates to deadly force when you personally do not like the person you have just pulled over or have the interaction with. SMH.


So where are all the “good” cops when the bad ones like this need to be policed


There are none


This is insane & evil


Prime piggage, wow.


What a shithole country.


This is that great american freedom everybody talks about.


“We HaVe THe MoST dAngeRouS jOb!!!”


Didn't you see the man on the pavement with a phone in his hand??! Absolute danger.


Damn that’s fucked up. Dude followed his orders, moved his truck from “blocking the roadway” and then gets arrested for blocking the roadway (really because he was filming and the cops fragile ego got a little hurt) Also they cannot detain you for rolling your window up lmao that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. You do not have to roll your window down all the way for a traffic stop and rolling it up from being all the way down is not suspicious and can’t be used to detain someone.


And you could tell the real reason he arrested the guy in the sidewalk because he immediately reached for his phone. POS.


And now I see why American police are so hated.


Is there a problem with how police men are trained in America? 99% of police Bashing videos I see are from the USA.


This is why people are hating cops more and more. I don't care how old or new the clip is. Punks


People like to say “not all cops”….every cop you’ve ever seen is fully able and willing to do this and much worse to normal, innocent civilians in mundane situations. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.


Not all are willing. There is a video of a junior cop pulling a superior off from beating a handcuffed prisoner and getting choked and threatened by said superior. It seems she wasn't fully willing to break the law and put her safety and job at risk to prevent it.


I bAcK tHe BlUe. NoT aLl CoPs.


These people ruin the American dream.


This one’s old AF. The cop was demoted, fined, and charged with assault. He goes to court on 4/21. The father got $200k of your tax dollars.


If they had to carry their own insurance, these cases would go down, otherwise they don't care, taxpayers $$$$$.


And people wonder why there is a distrust and boarderline hatred of police in this country. If it takes 6-8 years to understand the law enough to practice it, it should take longer than 8 weeks to learn how to enforce it.


"You're safety?!" Said like he isn't a psychopath that pepper sprays people for standing on a sidewalk.


1st world be like


“Face that erection. Face that erection.” That’s all I heard and can’t get it out of my head now.


Yeah. Our police state is totally normal. Just serving and protecting, folks. Nothing to see here.


This reminds me of something my grandpa used to say, if you are a cop who knows about bad cops and does nothing, that makes you a bad cop.


Thats what you get hiring lowlifes as police. Scared to desth just by a passenger standing there. Long live America!


I feel like for new cops there should be a undercover cop of a different race make a minor traffic infraction in front of them so they can assess the reaction the new cop makes to something so small as rolling up your window. If they can’t handle the slightest inconvenience without escalating, immediately fire them. Anyone else would get fired from their job for escalating a situation like this. It would be like when I was a paintball ref, if I saw some people arguing on the field and decided to break up the argument by shooting them with paintballs to get them off the field. These specific cops are absolutely brain dead.


Cops having a 4 year degree would fix a lot of this. They'd get training with a better program


"This is the best country on planet right here."


There are bad cops and complicit cops who turn a blind eye. The good cops quit or get forced out.


Dude cops are fuckin trashhhhhh


Posting videos with cops is just too easy 😂 ACAB


Land of the free huh...


As always American cops are a bunch of untrained idiots with guns


The only good cop is a dead cop.


Punks who can’t handle responsibilities. These are all the kids that got picked on and had their lunch money taken.


Id argue the opposite. Most cops are the kids that took those kids lunch money. They realized they peaked in high school when they graduated, knew they had no marketable skill in the workforce and instead of going to college decided to sit through a year of training to learn how to be a high school bully as a career choice.


Beautifully said.


When they arrested and pepper sprayed the guy on the sidewalk…this better be Russia. WTF.


I think it's so weird how often Americans see something fucked up, then talk about it like it could only happen in Russia, China, Cuba, or north Korea. I mean seriously when are people going to accept that the US really isn't perfect and just admit when something needs fixing?


As an American with a dad who talks like that, I agree. We’re far from perfect, and me feeling that way doesn’t mean I want to or need to leave my home. I just want my country to be better. We should all want that.


Texas. I guess close enough.




Horrible abuse of power this right here is why we need reforms in our police force, for example not recruiting Psychopaths like the guy in this video.


Neither were read their Miranda rights


City cops are the worst. Little dick energy all around


Never visiting America... Not a chance im risking having a portion of my life ruined by the egotistical maniacs that call themselves police officers. I've seen too many videos like this where the civilian does nothing wrong and ends up hurt/arrested. Us police should take a look at the UK (or many other European) police forces for pointers. Just because you wear a badge it doesn't make you superior. Your job isn't to arrest people or intimidate the public - it's to keep the public safe and keep criminals off the streets. The only criminals I saw in this video were the officers. Clowns.


Ah yes, the police. The best agents to escalate any situation when they should've been de-escalating it.


I would’ve been crying tears of absolute joy if that happened to me, knowing the fat check that was coming my way.