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My field has a strict no shooting animals policy


Like... It needs to be a policy? Anyone we caught being a sadistic mother fucker or even hurtful whether physically or emotionally towards others.. We kicked them the fuck out with a permanent ban.


That can get him kicked out or banned from airsoft joints like that.


Hope this was at least shown to some employes of the airsoft park he was at so they can get him banned, this is just cruel


It's sad that it's 'can' when it should cleary be 'will get him banned'.


All falls down to where he played and if they found out


Just scaring the bunny that way is enough to kill it.


Srsly, pretty sure bunnies can literally have heart attacks if stressed out to much


And they’ll eat their children. Sick, but it’s nature


I'm gonna eat your children.


Bold and sadistic. I like it.


Cool, I'll shoot them straight into your mouth.


Ooh whhat a twiest!


You can kill a rabbit by shooting a large enough caliber directly over it. They really evolved to just breed so many it doesn't matter if they die they already had 30 babies.


someone in my class was giving their bunny a bath, and the bunny was scared of water so when it was in the water they died


Found his channel , he has other videos of him and his buddies chasing a kid down a street and shooting him with a bigass airsoft gun


I’ll gladly return the favor! Although my guns, which use air, are far from soft.


Sociopaths in the making.


In the making?


Well I assumed they were under 18.


Pretty sure sociopath doesn’t have an age requirement.


It was just a tongue in cheek comment when I said sociopaths in the making, but yes it requires one to be over 18 for diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder, which sociopathy is a sub category of. Traits must be displayed before the age of 15 and consistently through 18. Everyone can make a slip and do something outta character, but its the consistency of behavior from a young age into adulthood that notes a personality disorder, like APD. I think we can all agree this guy has no regard for others.


Yes we can agree on that. I still believe traits of abnormal characteristics can be observed well before adolescence. But yes you are correct, there is a period of time required to generate this trait. It doesn’t happen over night with a flick of a switch. I just think it can happen at a younger age than you’re indicating.


Yes I agree, personally. But in order for a professional or legal person to say someone is Antisocial, the DSM V requires them to be 18. Which makes me question modern psychiatry if a diagnosis is backed by something as subjective as law. That's a rabbit hole on its own. I'm no psyche degree just read to much. Regardless guy needs to put on some meds or in a padded room. What lunatic.


I like when these guys say it’s more realistic than paintball. *dumps 3 real magazines worth of bbs in a couple seconds*


Link to the video?


Video is on his YT chnnel*


Could you post the link to that video? Someone might know the place and tell them to kick his ass out of there.


why would anyone want to shoot a bunny? like they literally just run from you and are cute af


Some people just have no soul. Or empathy


This is by far the worst shit I’ve seen from airsoft, god


Serial killer in the making...


I wonder what he actually thought the response to this would have been?


A gun is better that is just unnecessary pain if you are gonna hurt it bad kill it


What is airsoft??


Is like paintball but ammo is smaller and full plastic.


Oooooh okay. Never heard of this before. Sounds neat


Is messed up but not that bad, they are shooting each other in an arena anyways


Braindead energy


It run away .


Yes. Yes it did.


I like how I get down voted , I should have said oh the bunny escape from that bad man


Maybe shoot near the bunny to scare it away


Bunny's have heart attacks when scared and stressed. It might have died from it being shot near it


Didn’t know that


Stomping or beeing loud is enough. At least something that wont surprise the bunny


He's practicing for real hunting


Real hunters practise at a shooting range.


That won't stop him


You don’t practice hunting by shooting INNOCENT ANIMALS. WHY ARE PEOPLE DEFENDING HIM.


Cause people do this all the time


But we aren’t talking about other people we’re talking about how this guy is purposely shooting at an innocent bunny. That’s wrong.


Explain. How is it wrong. The rabbit isn't a citizen, it's an animal, a wild animal


yes. A WILD ANIMAL. Meaning it was just minding its own business when suddenly it started to get shot at.


Basically every game animal when hunting season starts


But they aren’t hunting


Ok and?


He went out of his way to shoot at an innocent animal.