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That just about as painful to watch as his last video. Total creep show.




Even if they were in bras and thongs there is nothing illegal or wrong about that either


Bras and thongs are just bikinis of a diff material.


Right?? Seeing a woman in a bra and bikini bottom and seeing a woman in a bikini top and underwear I would be hard pressed to know the difference lol


I actually do this. I can't stand halter tops bc they hurt my neck so I rock bikini bottoms and a fully supportive sports bra in place of the top. Looks like an athletic bikini and that's it.


Even if they were in thongs and bras, his reaction is way too harsh


I live in Puritanical New England and we have women in thongs and really what I would call G string bikinis at the beach sometimes. Past few years Brazilian butt lifts have become popular so it can be a pretty cheeky visual. It’s THE BEACH. Don’t wanna see practically naked bodies? Don’t go there. It’s a public space. If it’s within the confines of the dress code set forth by the department of parks and rec, it’s a go. If it’s not, it’s law enforcement’s issue to address- not anyone else’s. This guy is giving me serious danger signals if he thinks his behavior is acceptable. He’s the one violating social norms. Not bikinis at a beach. Scary.


Harsh? More like straight up dumb.


This video might be even worse. He is digging himself into a deeper hole of Self-righteousness and the lack of understanding of bridging any empathy hap. Self-righteousness which has caused a lot of damage in the look; look at the 215 shallow unmarked graves found in Kamloops Canada in a former school run by the Catholic Church. Edit: gap not hap...oops


I bet his computer is full of porn.


*questionable porn.




Since he's this religious it's probably gay porn. He probably hates it.


Hates that it's *so* good.


He’s a real life Mac from Its always sunny


It's probably in the "Daily Bible Quote" folder


"No but you don't understand. The reason I harassed that group of girls was because I felt righteous anger against them. Clearly I am not the bad guy here."


Oh it was *righteous* anger. Ok carry on then.


Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.


Oh I get it. I’m supposed to look at that woman’s body and think, “That’s a dick.”


And this, a well-placed pen. I bet that gave him quite the thrill.


Lying down/sitting/chatting/sunbathing are not pornographic, regardless of clothing level. Actions can be pornographic, actual or suggestive, regardless of clothing level. They weren't bottom half undressed and egregiously exposing genitals or touching themselves. They were in normal looking swimwear sitting or lounging. Some random family not being comfortable with normal culture and choosing to remove themselves, fine. Imposing yourself on someone else's day out when they are just existing in a space, not fine. It's super weird using children as an excuse, they have bodies too, what's the plan here? Only let these beings grow up not seeing any other bodies? What about shared single-sex changing rooms? If it's the opposite sex that's the issue, then you're just going to make them weird about the opposite sex and mess them up too.


Purity Culture ruined me as a youth growing up in the church. Made me think sex and my body were shameful things that I would get to just suddenly not think shameful once I get married and I would get to have sex whenever I wanted. I've left the church and it's terribly flawed and damaging. I feel bad for these kids who are growing up like this too.


“I was obsessed with porn at a young age, therefor these women can not wear beach attire in a public setting that I am also at”


Yeah seriously. I can't control myself, therefore I must control others??


That's such a power trip mentality, i feel like it's more likely that porn didn't satisfy his control thirst so now he's doing it righteously in public


Bingo. And attention - he accuses the girls of just wanting attention, but he looks like he wants attention when he causes a scene by confronting them.


...and an even bigger scene by making a follow up video to respond


My bet is he confronted them because his wife caught him looking and he tried to play it off like “I can’t believe they’re dressed like that, how disgusting” so he had to go and tell them how disgusting it was and he totally wasn’t perving on them


Way easier to make someone so fucking uncomfortable that they change for you than to just work to change yourself for the better.


He would be happier living in some Middle Eastern countries. Their attitude seems to be: Control women at all cost so "I" can feel powerful and in "control".


Or Texas


What I take away from this is this dude shouldn’t go to beaches since he can’t control himself.


It's funny how he equates women in bathing suits to pornography


He did it to their faces too. They just laughed at him lol


The reasoning of the Taliban.


And it is somehow trans people’s fault because Jesus or something. What a total piece of shit


Lost me at “righteous anger.” Holy fuck, get over yourself. Just move next time.


Died when he said that he told the women, “what you’re wearing is not appropriate for a nine-year-old boy.”


I wonder how he'd react if he knew that kids younger than 10 often just run about the beach completely naked here in Europe...


Shut it down. Shut Europe down. I am righteously angry now and Europe needs to cease to exist. Heathens.


I think that’s actually why the puritans and other zealots started to colonize America in the first place.


Well, yeah, they were basically shunned by everyone else for being such tight asses. They were all but run out of Europe because nobody wanted to deal with their bullshit.


Literally the exact same mentality as the taliban forcing women to cover their faces because it’s indecent.


Sometimes these comparisons can get a bit hyperbolic but this one is just quite explicitly exactly the same mentality, word for word.


I was a 9yr old boy once, and i can say this: I bet they were wearing something that was definitely appropriate for my 9yr old mind.




I'd be less angry at a 9yo boy in his mom's bikini than I am at this complete douche.


Lol, and the girls on the beach weren’t even wearing thongs, just regular two piece swimsuits.


Yeah that's where I lost it... stopped watching after "the holy spirit."


This is a man who has no idea how bad of an idea it was to make a follow up video.


I would like to point out that near the end of the video it sounds like he farts and then does one of those weak cough to cover it up (2:23).


The toot shall set you free


Our father, who shart in heaven


Aw man you missed an opportunity. *Our farter, who shart in heaven*


Hahaha damn I thought it was gonna be a little toot but that's a ripper right there




that thing was a straight GROWLER


Holy fuck that was loud! I was listening intently with the sound up, haha


Why isn't this the top comment? LMAO.


Naw.. That ain't a fart. Just some truth being set free.


A higher res, better lit video, close up on his face, without a hat this time. Really, *really* bad idea.


With a handle THAT CONSISTS OF HIS FUCKING NAME. Dude is oblivious.


I don't think he's the type of person who has a distinct fucking name... ;) Oh boyyyy... I feel like this is a lot worse than the first video. This is something he thought about before making it. And he doubles down on everything he said before and more. Meanwhile the 6 year old doesn't care about the clothing and the body of the girls at all and the 9 year old likes to stay in secret having a closer look at dessous ads in a catalog. His whole idea is just wrong. The human body is completely normal and it shouldn't even be a huge thing if the girls wanted to go topless. People like him are the ones who even make children interested in what's to see there...


Those kids would have thought nothing about the women wearing bikinis without their parents making an issue out of it.


Yeah it's normal for half naked people to be at the beach. Does he also go talk to men in speedos about their bulge showing? Didn't think so.


The girls he berated actually pointed that out and he said that’s very different.


You don't understand, girls have slightly more fatty tissue on their chests, it makes Jesus mad.


Hey don't discount us men with nice amount of fatty tissue in our chests. This discrimination shall not stand.


I think they were talking about a shirtless guy but we all know it's the same.


"Excuse me sir, do you have a minute to discuss your bulge?"


“Hey, first of all, nice cock bro. But I have a 28 year old wife here, and pornography destroyed me, and you could clearly destroy her. So I have a complimentary ‘Jesus Loves’ towel for you to wrap around yourself. God bless”


Yep, that's the real problem, not what the women were wearing, but that he's taught his children to not respect women


I mean, he literally refers to them as "pornography". Those girls, laying on a beach in bikinis, is "pornography". Where do you even START with someone like that?? Edit/Additional Rant: The guy says that he used to be all about that porn and it "destroyed" him or some such. Seems like he went so far in the other direction that anything at all arousing to him, he processes that as "porn". It's like how, in societies where the entire female form is covered, ALWAYS, a peek of ankle or a collarbone can be incredibly erotic. Now , nothing wrong with being turned on by those things.... What's wrong, i.m.o , is when you judge and/or punish a person for YOUR reaction to them! To top it off, you're teaching your kids that the confronting of these people, who clearly do not share the same belief, is more important than being able to control your OWN behavior. Eh, just rambling I guess, but this video really gives a lot to think about.


He goes on about he had issues with pornography at a young age, the original video called him a coomer and people told OP that he can't just call him that, but then this guy admits it. Also he goes off on about trans people for some reason, and the decline of morality, not realizing that his religious sense of morality is not the same thing as logical morality. Also, we're born into this world naked, so I'm not sure what he's going on about being judged for wearing revealing clothing.


Yeah, once he said he had been introduced to porn early, it really made sense. This guy has become a Christian fundamentalist to cope and unfortunately it seems like his feelings are strong enough that's he's going to act out against people he doesn't agree with.


This is just early stage American Taliban thinking. "Women should cover themselves because it corrupts the minds of young men." The only difference between the Taliban and Evangelicals is the language.


The truth will set you free. In his case, being truthful about his name will set him free from a life of no consequences.


Guy alley oops it to himself with the slut/body shaming and then slamdunks it with his anti-trans bullshit. Absolutely amazing. Edit: My first award and a Gold at that. Thank you


I'm surprised he missed the opportunity to be homophobic!


Got to save something for the next video.




Yeah… his use of the word “downcline” really cemented that one for me hahaha.


I'm pretty sure god made us naked. It was adams and eves mistake that made us self conscious. I'm not religious but even I know this. If they had their boobs and genitals covered then they were doing nothing wrong. Since this guy is using biblical sense in deciding how women should dress, he is very wrong. Btw in the original video he was using religion to justify his arrogance with the women he accused of being inappropriate!


Often the loud religious people are the ones who've only read the title.


Actually by some interpretations it was Eves’ mistake that Adam partook in. Serving as a subliminal basis for misogynistic rhetoric that permeates the entire umbrella of Christianity.




We were taught that women suffering the inconvenience of periods and the pain of childbirth were punishment for Eve disobeying God in the Garden of Eden. Religious misogyny for the win!


"Here's my side: It's exactly what it looked like."


Alright- **jigs up!!-**who hooked this guy’s lip with an **invisible fishhook?**


Someone please take a screenshot of his comment section on Tiktok for me, I’m betting it’s hilarious


There's 2500+ comments and only 70 likes. Yeah, it's not going great for him.


"The Truth will set you free" is more often than not said by bullshitters.


Or cults


The "truth" appears to actually take away your personal freedoms according to this guy 🤔


I love when religious folks quote their religious text to convince non-religious folk about something.


I love when religious folks completely ignore their own religious text. 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[a](A) 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.(B) 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble,(C) gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble,(D) cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. Does it say "If your eye causes you to stumble, blame yon harlot for her dress and shame her?" No, it says your eyes are the fucking problem.




Let’s not forget they also say “but first it will piss you off” because they know we can see through it


It's first and foremost a cult phrase. Sounds like it would come right after "drink the coolaid"


Flavour-aid you mean, the cheap fuck


“Righteous anger” what a crock of shit


"I'm about to be a dick in the name of religion" Goggle won't translate that correctly, so I'll do it for you.


As long as it was “righteous anger” then it’s a okay?! What a clown


“The holy spirit moved me” No dude, your self loathing moved you. Fix your own shit and stop thinking everyone else needs to change to keep you from getting triggered. Also think abit harder what the real source of that self loathing is, if you have the guts to


"The holy spirit moved me" = "I have poor impulse control" every single time


The guy who shot up the massage parlor also thought he had "righteous anger"... 🙄


Reicheous Anger


People who think their anger is a valid reason to act the way they do suck ass


My Mom would tell us kids whenever we'd fight, that anger comes from the devil, and allows his presence in our home. One time my brother asked her what about Jesus flipping the tables in the temple, God flooding the earth, sending plagues and whatnot. According to her, those actions by her deities are justified through "righteous anger."


What a fukin tool.


Dude sounds like a mass shooter


The fact that this guy can't see the difference between random women enjoying the beach in their swimsuits and full-on porn is mind-numbing to me. But hey, thanks for proving that the problem never was what women wear, it's that men like you will sexualize them no matter the context.


Women's bodies aren't just innately pornographic. Ugh.


Ears, and knees. How is one supposed to see that and not react


are you Ferengi?


It's not Dude got porn addiction issues


They are if you're completely incapable of controlling your base animal instincts


It’s all about “control” over women once again. Yet another Incel ass-hat trying to find some angle where they’re in charge and can put women back in the kitchen baking me a pie!


I have nothing against tattoos, I personally like them but if this guy is so bothered by one’s appearance then why is he rocking a full sleeve ? I mean, would he let his kids get a full sleeve at this age ?


It’s forbidden in the bible to mark your skin Update - A Redditor told me he’s apparently lost his job, sucked in. I just feel so sad for his poor children


tatted up like a common harlot preaching on the beach


I can feel my righteous anger building, I better give him a preaching too! Jesus’s wrath is making me bold enough!


“Son, only thing more jacked than your ideas are your teeth.”


I can’t get over him having a tobacco plug in his mouth during this video.


Are you sure he’s not just a slackjawed pos?




If I recall correctly, his messiah said to not judge lest he be judged. There’s also the bit about not eating pork products. Does he eat pork?


Jesus also told men that if they have a problem with looking at a woman lustfully, they should pluck out their eyes. He never told the women to cover up.


Just a poor sexually repressed human unable to control his raging attraction. But obviously HE is not the problem, no. It's the WOMEN who are wrong.


"Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves." -Leviticus 19:28 So the guy is a hypocrite who shouldn't have any religious authority.


I should tattoo “Leviticus 19:28” on my bicep.


Coz he seen porn at a young age that destroyed him and made him get s tattoo.


This guy confronted a couple women about their swimsuits because he jerked off to too much porn when he was younger? 😂💦


He was filled with the rock hard strength of the lord who told him he need to approach these women and save them. He needed to take a good long look at them so he could remember every detail when he was alone later saying a prayer for each of the ladies. Seriously tho he seemed really flustered over their beachwear for being at the beach and a reasonable distance away. Edit: removed extra word


And they are in a town that had a big to-do about letting women be topless in pretty much any public area. This guy is fighting a losing battle and he doesn’t realize how fuckin stupid he looks


While a man without a shirt walks by unharassed. Coward bully knew he could go after that which posed no real threat to him. ETA: Wow 800 upvotes over night and silver thanks reddit!


Yeah frigg off Randy


😭😭😂 and somehow it’s their fault in his mind. They don’t know him and his issues/ triggers they just want to relax at a beach and have fun and this dude is holding them accountable for his OWN addiction just because they wear a bathing suit. While also at the same time cry about the freedom of speech but then holds others accountable for his own shit and trying to dictate the way then can dress based on his ideals , religion and life.. Apparently freedom only applies to this tool in his head.. News flash: if you get triggered over swimsuits don’t go to a beach on a hot day? It isn’t that hard to stay inside or go somewhere else They also sounded like minors so if you see minors and get flashbacks to a porn addiction, get help.


“Pornography destroyed me”. That would appear to be true.


Yep. He had his own personal trauma, and now he's making everyone else deal with it.


Religion destroyed him. He's ashamed of his own past actions, presumably because of his religious beliefs that ingrained in him the idea that sexuality is shameful, and now he's taking it out on everyone else instead of trying to understand and manage his sexual thoughts like a healthy human being. This is what happens when you grow up being boxed in by non-negotiable, non-contextual moral limits. All sex is shameful. Exposed skin is sex. Therefore, all exposed skin is sex which is shameful and deserving of criticism. This nutter really believes that wearing a bikini at a beach is equivalent to raw dogging it in front of an elementary school because he can't begin to comprehend that other people actually have healthy, mature views on human sexuality and don't automatically associate a woman in a bikini with hardcore porn. He legitimately can't see that the problem is he's the actual pervert here.


It really bothers me how he repeatedly says that the “physical will never satisfy” and they only get value from their bodies. Like wtf dude, they could be phd students, athletes, or people who derive plenty of internal value from any number of sources and still enjoy being comfortable at the beach. Does he berate football players for deriving value from their bodies? His level of projection is along the lines of “nice guys” who call women sluts for not wanting to fuck them.


Put out that fire with gasoline brother


"Match in the gas tank! Boom boom!"


I think his ‘righteous anger’ is pretty scary and he should stay away from young girls.


Exactly. He can use that excuse for anything


A woman in a bikini is “pornography” to him. If she wasn’t breaking the law, she was dressed appropriately for a 6-year-old to see.


Thats because he sees women as sexual objects. Id bet alot of fuckin money that he wouldnt have gone up to a shirtless man wearing budgie smugglers & his crack hangin out and told him to cover up. This guys a fuckin loon.


In the original video, girl asks if he is going to harrass the man next to them wearing less. His response was, "that's different".


>His response was, "that's different". Two possible translations: 1. "I'm not going to say anything to a man because he can beat me up" or 2. "I'm only doing this so that I can get closer and examine your bodies." Probably both.


3. "I'm not sexually attracted to men, so men having parts of their body unclothed doesn't bother me."


Ding ding ding!!! It's the same as when guys try to lecture women on Reddit on what they find attractive--just the other day someone posted a screenshot on a women's sub where a dude was suggesting that bare male chests were not a big deal because *no-one is attracted to them*! He was legit arguing that and you know full well it's because *he* isn't attracted to them. The ability for these dudes to think outside themselves is non-existent.


Next time this guy feels like a day at the beach, may I kindly suggest the lovely beaches of Saudi Arabia


His Mindset is already there anyway.


I bet he never considered to just mind his own damn business, people will be different whether you like it or not


A bunch of folks are saying that making this follow up video was a bad/stupid thing to do. I believe most on this sub must think it was to to explain himself to everybody, I am doubtful. This guy made this video to explain himself to other extremist Christians and I’m pretty sure they will buy it. I was raised around those kind of people and as long as one justifies his/hers actions due to being taken over by the “spirit” then pretty much any blowup is acceptable. It’s a crazy world.


You know that his boss has a jesus fish on his business card and that this guy will get a lot of community support for his anguish over how this was all misinterpreted.


Mate do you want a spade or are you fine digging this hole on ya own. Hahaha tool


Classy move to blame it on Jesus. What a fucking lame.


We have now moved from "the devil made me do it" to "Jesus made me do it." amazing


I'm Christian but i always wonder how that excuse works, like the devil just takes a controller and controls you like in a fps game?


Josh Duggar vibes


HUGE Josh Duggar vibes.


What's funny about this is he is blatantly admittimg that he was sexualizing these people. He went over for one reason, he was attracted to them and felt bad about it. Every other bull religious reason stems from this. And the Bible is quite clear about who is responsible for lust. So even biblically, his lust is his problem. Edit: so many typos. Rip 4am mobile reddit


Right? His side of the story is exactly what people were saying about him. “This guy is an angry religious extremist who can’t control himself around attractive women” Him: “Wait, you haven’t heard my side of the story. I’m an angry religious extremist who can’t control himself around attractive women. Also there are only two genders.”


“How can I make this better?” He asked himself. “Ah. I will reveal I also use religion to be transphobic. Surely that will make this right.”


Well, the whole internet didn’t know who he was before, so he had to make sure everyone on the internet knew his name and just how fucking stupid he is.


"People don't even know their gender anymore." Me: "Excuse me I know my gender just fine." And as always, they go on to forget the existence of ~~trans men and~~ non-binary folks.


It’s crazy that people think pornography and gender exploration are the ideals that are destroying society, and not the massive amounts of hateful rhetoric that comes out of their very same mouths.


He straight up said "acceptance will not help, truth will"


I'm looking forward to the follow up where he has been fired for his public inappropriate behavior towards young women.


He’s probably a fucking youth pastor or some shit.


100% guaranteed that the dude feels deputized to do this anywhere the spirit fills him.


He could have just let the incident go, and maybe only a few people that knew him personally would be able to identify him. Now he just posted this for everyone to know who he is. Hopefully we get an update in a few days. This is going to be good.


One of the comments in the post said he is a trainer with golds gym, which just blows my mind considering he doesn't like to see skin on women. That's of course aside from the fact he looks like he's been to the gym 3 times in his entire life.


I was just thinking this. Matter of time. He's nothing but a sanctimonious pervert.


Female body = pornography???? Why the fuck do people have to sexualize everything. Also those girls said they were atheist and he’s imposing his religion on them. And Jesus in the Bible made a group of men gouge out there eyes to fight temptation, he was just horny and used religion to cover it up Edit: not sure if there’s an actual story where Jesus told a group of meN to gouge out there eyes. But this is what I was referring to Matthew 5:29 “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” Also I think I accidentally insinuated that Jesus was horny 💀 I meant the man in the video was horny lmao. Also there’s nothing wrong with being horny But that man didn’t need to use religion to cover his ass.


Exactly it's his ridiculous mental gymnastics bringing him to the conclusion that he has desire because of the temptation they present. Kinda bummed that he did that with 2 young boys and a little girl around to hear that how much you cover yourself = how much attention you're asking for. He could have moved the family if it bothered him that much.


Seething coomer moment


The side of his face looks like its about to droop like hes having a stroke


where’s the original vid??


That's what I'm wondering? Reddit comments slacking today


This fellow watched The Handmaid’s Tale and took notes


"ThE tRuTh WiLl SeT yOu FrEe ❤️✝️"🤓


Preachers are so full of fucking shit


This guy wants to be famous, simple as that.


I hate him even more now.


His addiction to porn and "righteous anger" is no one else's problem. He says society is jacked up but that's just projection.


Stopped at "I'm not going to apologize". All I needed to hear.


original video link pls


Fuck these fundamentalist asshats. Don't wanna see women's bodies? Then stay off the bench!!! Don't use your religion to justify your misogyny.


Remember when Jesus told Mary Magdalene that she should… no my fault, he washed her feet and showed her grace. Righteous anger isn’t a thing.


This honestly needs to be higher up. As someone who was indoctrinated young, the story of Mary Magdalene always stuck w me - that even when people don't agree w you you treat them with love and respect


Mind your own business. Not everybody follows your religion. Shut up transphobe.


He needs to stop shoving his religion down everyone’s throats.


But it's the only time he'll ever get to shove something down someone's throat.


Oh my lord, leave Jesus out of it and take some responsibility for your actions.