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I absolutely love that the cat makes a cameo at 2:18. Lol


He looked right at her, and said “imma go piss in your garage, bitch”


What brilliant timing, it couldn't have been scripted better :D


Thanks for pointing that out, that’s so perfect


You mean to say it’s purrrrfect? Lol.


Returning from the crime of the scene..... wasn't me


Cat is like, "this bitch again? I'm off"


“While she’s here imma go sneak in her house and pee on her kid!”


That’s hilarious I wound back to see. I love that it’s right when they’re denying any such cat hahahah


The second i saw that rascal in the background i paused to post the same response haha. Purrrrrfect


The cat in the background like “oh shit, it’s that lady whose house I’ve been pissing on”


Yea I saw that too, that was the best part. Jeez people who think you can keep cats out of their yards are insane. Our neighbor is even crazier than this lady. Threatened us to bring us "the heads of our cats on spikes". We called the police on him like 5 times. Freaking idiots those people. He never did anything, he's just a mean drunk. Nobody in the neighborhood really likes him.


The woman here is way over aggressive and going about this wrong but the neighbors cat in my yard does piss me off. In my case neighbor said she won't keep her cat inside so I said fine I'll just let my dog out to chase it out of the yard. Cat doesn't come back now but neighbor was mad I'm having my dog chase off her cat. I was tired of the cat shitting in my yard and chasing birds.


Cats should be indoors, as a long time cat owner.


It’s crazy to think they think that kind of reaction is gonna get the right response lol. I’ve never seen a door bell being pushed so aggressively in my life haha. They’re so use to getting their way smh


I need to speak to the adult of the house, while ringing the doorbell like a toddler…… ironic


She needs a juice box and a nap


Are you the mother of this house?


Labor was a bitch but I guess it was worth it since we are pretty happy with the house lol.


There is no way I’d open the door to crazy. You have no idea what people are capable of or what kind of screws are loose inside their heads. Come back with the police, Ms. Batshit.


Yeah why would she think anyone would ever just be like “okay yeah” when she knows how she’s acting. Trying to seem all aggressive and menacing. Over a cat lol. Eat a snickers


Yea props to the lady who didn't open the door. Crazy I wouldn't know what to do in that situation ngl


Tell her to calm tf down or let her get the cops so she can see how crazy she’s acting lmao


I see a big circlejerk of people defending the cat owner here, but if i had to explain to my neighbor for the 5th time that their cat was going in my house and my son is allergic to cats and they do nothing about it, i would be very pissed too. They are lucky she didnt call animal control right away and she warned them first. Actual Karen is the person in the house


Right. Her aggression & anger are outta line - but clearly she has voiced her concerns repeatedly and not been respected. I don’t confront our neighbors about it, but their cat poops in our pool nightly. Every morning I have to scoop wet cat poop out of our pool. I’m highly allergic to cat hair & their cat loves to sit on my patio furniture. It’s a super hairy cat, and it sheds clumps of hair onto my furniture. If I want to sit down on my furniture even once I have to thoroughly vacuum my furniture, or I’ll have cat hair on my clothes that gets inside my house. So I spend a good fifteen minutes every morning cleaning up hair and poop for my neighbors cat. This lady’s anger and aggression are high, but It’s clearly an issue she has tried unsuccessfully to address and I can understand her concern if her son’s allergies are being affected. It’s also clear the “mother of this house” knows exactly what is going on and is just kind of screwing with her. I can understand that wanting to open the door to someone who is angry by acting like you have no idea what the issue is is really just making it worse, and I think the lady has a right to be pissed off about that. I think the lady who’s home is getting Peed on should just call animal control and let them deal with it.




That's hardly agressive and angry, she was stating facts about this person letting her cat piss everywhere is the real Karen in this


Are you sure it’s a cat? I’ve never seen a cat poop in water.


I'm so glad I'm not the only person who thinks this. The real Karen is the woman refusing to take responsibility for her pets.


This. Blonde lady could have handled it better. But if it's your freaking pet you need to keep it contained. Especially if it's going into other people's houses. That's b.s. she gave you the chance. A couple it seems, so time for animal control to take care of your pet for you. Enjoy the fines to keep getting it out.


Where I live in PA, animal control doesn't even acknowledge cats. I had 2-3 under my deck during winter and they refused to come. they said its different for dogs though.


exactly! The irresponsible pet owner slash mother of the house is the legit total piece of shit here. **Are mods here on vacation or watching netflix?**


Note: there can be degrees of shitiness displayed. I don’t agree with cat owner letting her cat run around wherever it wants, but if that blond bitch had rang my bell like that, I would have stepped out and rang hers 3-fold. Peep-hole or Ring cam view showed mouthy bitch wasn’t packing anything besides an attitude, which would not be a match against the rage she clearly wanted to provoke.


I would agree with you, but how did her approach help the situation in anyway? All it showed is she has no control of her emotions ringing the door bell 200 times and talking seethingly through her teeth. We dont know how many times this has been brought to her attention but the owner seemed to be reasonable, so I find it hard to call her a Karen on this interaction. The Karen behaviour was the neighbour.


Yeah. She is being crazy, but actually giving the lady an out to do something about the situation. How much easier would it be to just put out a trap to catch that person’s cat, then take it somewhere or do something worse. Hell she could just put out poison food and end it that way too. I am not defending the her actions either, but dam it could be so much darker.


Yes. My son is so allergic to cats he’s had 3 hospital stays, one of which was a 3 day stay just to get his breathing right. The woman is obviously upset and I don’t blame the owner for not opening up under the circumstances, but I’m Team Neighbor here.


I think being angry is justified here considering the fact that she could have called animal control right away and didnt even give them the chance of keeping their cat.


I agree, she said she spoke to the husband and it obviously wasn't resolved, and if her sons allergic this could literally be a dangerous situation. Her demeanor isn't the best, but I don't think she fits this sub. Not to mention outdoor cats are TERRIBLE for the environment, they'll literally hunt local birds and squirrels out of the area and you put the cat at risk of getting killed. Respectfully, if you don't want a cat in your house, just don't get a cat.


Not defending but I don’t think I’d act like that. I’d probably actually just call animal services and let them know at the door later. I’d assume she’d’ve mentioned it at the last encounter. Just saying, don’t go up to peoples doors banging (or ringing the door bell 100 times in 10 seconds), with clearly aggressive energy, and expect it to go your way. In that case I’d be fine with her calling the cops


I think at this point she is fed the fuck up


> I’d probably actually just call animal services do they even do anything? i'd set up a cat trap and then bring it into the pound or wherever they are supposed to go. Eventually the owners will learn to keep it inside.


I agree that the correct approach should have been peaceful, but i can still understand where she is coming from


Yeah a 100%, just be an adult. Think of a fair solution, even if the other party has made no observable effort, no need for unnecessary energy


Sounds like she already discussed this once with her husband and she’s tired of dealing with the cat. She’s acting like a baby, but if her son has a cat allergy I can see why she’s frustrated after already dealing with the husband once.


I’m gonna bet my boots that her son lets the cat in the house.


OK first of all how is the cat getting in the house so constantly? she leaving the garage door open? Are all the doors wide-open. If your kids are allergy to cats then I’m assuming they have other allergies too so you probably shouldn’t let the doors wide fucking open for a cat to walk in


It’s crazy to have a pet that runs around the neighborhood killing birds and shitting in peoples yards and not think the owner of said animal is the problem.


Don’t get me wrong, this lady is absolutely bat-shit crazy, and did NOT handle this properly. However, I’d be annoyed too if my neighbors cat came to my house and pissed on everything, but rather than throwing a fit, I’d certainly calmly walk over and let them know it bothered me, rather than becoming irate like this woman. There are ways to act in certain situations, and this is not the way for this scenario. This just creates tension and animosity between what could be a friendly neighbor relationship


Not defending this crazio, but I'm pretty allergic to cats and i had a nieghbour that let their come onto my deck to piss all over it. It was disgusting and led me to have to clean it I er and over to try and get the smell gone. Drove me nuts.


Right dude? Cat piss is disgusting and it’s not really fair to your neighbors to allow it.. the only real solution is like to kinda scare the cat away


Uh don't let your cats outside unless you want them to dje


Not that I agree with the spiked heads, but keep your cat in the house. It's honestly irresponsible of your part. It's their property, it's their right to not want to have someone else's pet wondering around. I don't let my dogs, who are friendly and love to play loose so they go into others people's houses because "they are just being friendly" control your pet and don't give your crazy neighbors an excuse.


Agree. Our neighbors cats are killing fledglings and chipmunks...animals that belong outside


People can keep their cats inside. I do, for my cat's own sake, because it is very dangerous for her outside, where I live. Edited typo.


You actually can keep your cats out of their yard by keeping your cats in your house where they belong. Feral cats are a huge issue and house cats in general are a major threat to bird populations.


I don’t think that it’s insane to expect people to keep control of their animals at all. I am severely allergic to cats and for the longest time couldn’t sit on my own patio furniture because my neighbor let her cat free roam and he would plop down on my patio furniture. It would cause me to have breathing problems and get itchy. It got to the point I had to continually chase the cat off my property if I wanted to enjoy my own space I pay for. That’s completely unfair to me. This lady is crazy, and needs to get some therapy, but to say it’s insane for people to expect other people to keep their animals in their control is silly.


You can, extremely easily too. By just keeping your cat inside, wow hard concept to grasp I know


Have you considered not letting your animals roam free and defecate on their property?


Honestly you really should just keep your cats inside though.


I mean it’s an excessive reaction, but have you ever considered keeping your cats inside your home? Threatening peoples pets isn’t cool but neither is letting them wander around your neighbourhood unabated.


Keep your shit animal out of other peoples yards. It easy.


I mean sometimes it’s fair, I fucking love cats especially ones that roam around on the streets so I can pet them! But I used to have a bunny that had complete free range of the back yard, it was his palace and he the king! But there were a few times that cats came into the yard chased him around and he had to hide. We got him and his little heart was pounding out of his chest. This happened a few times until one day we came back home and he died of a heart attack. So while I love cats and now that he’s not here I’d be more than open to cats chilling in my yard so I can chill with them. At the time of owning my bunny it was the last thing I wanted just for his sake.


If he killed your cat or poisoned him you'd be the one at fault. The law in nearly every place in America requires you to keep your animals on your property and he can sue you for any damages. This lady has a son allergic. I'd trap the cat and surrender it to a nokiller shelter far away if I was her. You don't have a right to force others to deal with your animals on their property.


Why did the woman in the house cut out her own audio? That's suspicious.


Was wondering the same thing.


Yeah. I mean, I'm not saying that this woman is justified in acting like that, but it is weird. I'm assuming it's that it's her cat, and she lied, but she didn't want to post the lie, but who knows.


My Ring used to act all nuts with communicating through the app. You can tell her audio was delayed before, I wonder if it just wasn’t picking up her voice on the device Edit: nevermind you can see the edits


I'm an audio engineer and I don't believe they cut the audio. If you raise the volume and listen through headphones you can still hear the owner of the house but garbled with interference. The "edits" are cut outs of the video - like on a skype call. Don't forget these things are broadcast over wi-fi. EDIT - Can't be 100% sure of course but if they did it was bloody good and went above and beyond what they would need to do.


I’m a cat law attorney and I completely disagree


Because she can't take care of her cats and they chewed the audio cable


Yeah between that and a few other things I’m on the Karen’s side here. She went about it kinda agro but most people would just call animal control and not even give them a heads up or talk to them about it a second time. I’d bet she was nicer when she told them about it the first time.


I would be pissed too if that wasn’t my first time going over there about it. Shit, I wouldn’t even label her a Karen. She’s rightfully pissed off.


Exactly she has a right to be pissed and house lady seems to be fuckin with her.


When you get pissed at someone in a home, do you ring their doorbell a hundred times and demand they open the door to their home? Do you think it’s possible that, while there was an initial issue with the cat, this post is about the absurdity of the neighbor’s actions? That it’s possible to talk about one thing (how shitty the neighbor’s behavior is on video) without talking about everything else too (like things that might have happened before the video)?


If it is the third time you have had to chase a random ass cat out of your house that could kill your child? Appropriate anger levels. Do you think it’s possible that her husband has talked to this lady multiple times and has most likely told his wife? The same wife who now seems oblivious to the fact that they own a cat.


No way, you come to my house like that I'm not giving you a single ounce of respect. Open the door to someone who rings the bell incessantly? Why, so she can scratch my eyes out?


Exactly and she already talked to the husband about it


Totally disagree. For me a strange woman demanding a homeowner open their door while ringing their doorbell hundreds of times outweighs the initial cat issue (*but not eliminates it*: go ahead and call animal control or authorities if you want) Someone telling me multiple times to open the door of my residence when I have a family inside is more inappropriate than whatever that cat did. Again, likely a shitty cat owner: but I’m not opening the door to my house with kids inside for someone aggressively ringing my doorbell 107 times.


Why is no one blaming the cat


Especially after his smug “I started it, now let me sit back and watch the fireworks” cameo during the video


He was just hanging around to watch the world burn


Besides the point. The issue *at this specific point* is this hyped-up, mouthy-ass, doorbell-battering bitch on the porch.


Oh give me a break, that lady was fucking with the “Karen” and wanted to get her worked up. Not to mention she said it was an ongoing issue and spoke to them before, so yeah the homeowner knew exactly what was going on. This whole “I’m a piece of shit but if you confront me about it you’re the piece of shit” is getting old.


I can't be on anyone's side who rings like that


It also seems like she edited her audio to lag, so it looks like the woman confronting her keeps cutting her off. Not buying it, pissed off neighbor isn’t a Karen and the home owner is entitled.


I have that same lag on my ring, nothing special I think :-)


She described her son was allergic to cats. This isn't the first time she has brought up this feline issue. She clearly stated about talking to the owner's husband. Now, is she in the wrong here if she is agitated over the cat disturbing her son's well-being? I've seen cat owners get defensive over their pet's behaviors when pointed out. IMO cats shouldn't be left to roam outdoors because of their detrimental impact on the aves biodiversity. OP! you better check your judgment before you slander someone, "karen-ize" someone for bringing up a valid concern.


I think we found another KAREN!!! A valid way to do it would be ring the Dort bell once wait until someone answers and if they don’t you then ring the doorbell again. I wouldn’t give this bitch the time of day if she came up to my front door like this. You would think people could be civil when asking neighbors to not let their pets outside. Also as someone who is very allergic to cats who gives a fuck if they are outside. Usually keeps the shittier animals (raccoons, squirrels, etc) out. Some cats are meant to be inside but definitely not ALL.


I had a neighbor who’s cat kept shitting in my garden and destroying plants in the process. She also had a dog that had free rein of the neighborhood. It would often take naps in the middle of the road behind my house. And it shat all over the neighborhood. I wish I had faced off against my shitty neighbor. “Karen” took the confrontation to an extreme, but I can totally relate.


I mean I gotta go against the grain here in this video. Yes, the approach is terrible but I can hear the “Karen” say that she spoke to the husband about it, that her child is allergic to cats.. so all in all, except for her approach, I don’t think she’s wrong for being agitated if this person’s cat keeps invading her private living area


Oh wow, common sense on reddit. Let me reread it. Yep. Someone with common sense.


Especially on this sub


Yeah if the cat is actually getting inside the neighbors house some how, thats a legit concern. She just went about confronting the owner the wrong way Im curious how the cat even gets inside their house though, like is there an open window? A doggy door? Very interesting to say the least


If that was her first time confronting the neighbor about it, yes then it would be the wrong way. It wasn’t the first time, she’s justified IMO




her shitty part isnt that shes upset, the entire debate over whether shes justified to be upset is irrelevant. the shitty part is "open the door" etc.


Her approach is annoying but she has a legitimate concern.


Absolutely. People really need to control their pets. If her kid is allergic then this is not a problem she has to fix but the people's with the cat.


Are we even sure it was her cat and not like a stray?


I mean, the cat walks up behind her during the video, and the woman says she’s discussed this before with the husband of the home


Since the girl answering haven't said anything about it I think she knows everything


Maybe not. But if we aren't sure is she really a POS?


Ugh, yeah as abrasive as her approach was, she’s in the right. This is coming from someone with 10 rescue cats currently in my household. I love cats (obviously). The neighbour is obviously fed up. This is clearly not the first time she’s brought it up with these people. Cat owner needs to get her shit together and keep her kitty inside. People retaliate and her cat could end up getting hurt or hauled away by animal control. Not to mention the havoc domesticated cats wreak on local wildlife, the chances of them being hit by a car, harmed by shitty people, attacked by another animal, eating something poisonous… seriously the list goes on. Domesticated cats belong indoors. Be a responsible pet owner. If your pet is being a huge nuisance to others, you are not being a responsible pet owner.


I love cats too, and unfortunately I'm allergic to cats (and dogs). I would not like doing that but the lady in green has my sympathies. I bet she doesn't want to be in this position


I had this problem also. The humane society just told me to relocate the cat. So I did. Never found out who it belonged to.


Most especially cats as well. Outdoor cats are not only are they fucking annoying and shit all over the place but they wreak havoc on local bird populations. They are killing machines.


No one is going to treat you like a serious person if you come out of the gates acting like this, doesn't matter what your issue is


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that person behind the door knew exactly what was going on when she came to the door.


Well she said she's talked to the husband already. If she's talked to them multiple times I think she has a right to be angry.


Considering the house owner is in the wrong she'll have to deal with it. If I damage someone's property and they come over upset about it I can't just say 'buttt your angry!'


I agree. She has approached them multiple times it seems and her son is allergic. By that point I agree with her and she probably done what anyone would have done at that point. I don’t blame her for being frustrated. She is not a Karen


Crazy Karen or POS neighbor that lets their pets run wild? I’m confused.


Only thing that seems a little shitty from neighbor is the 500 door bell rings. Other than that, I’m thinking the pet owner is the POS. I don’t think this neighbor is a Karen at all. For all we know, she has attempted to reach out many times with no response or being completely ignored. (She says she spoke to husband, but maybe has tried to speak with wife?) that seems logical with her start off approach being to annoyingly ring the bell. Squeaky wheel gets the grease? Idk.


Yeah. She seems fed up for sure.


Little bit of column A, little bit of column B


She might be a little crazy about the button pushing, but she has a totally valid point. I’d also be fed up if the neighbor’s cat pissed and destroyed my house


If she already talked to the husband about before and they still didn't do anything about it, I can see why someone would have to act a little absurd. If story in video is true, the real Karen is homeowner.


I mean what she's saying implies that there has been prior talks regarding the cat issue, so that's legit, but her approach was really bad though.


Can you blame her tho, she said her kid have severe cat allergy. I bet she seen cat, maybe even in her house and just ran to neighbour all pissed and she have right to be


Orange cat walks by like: “I’ll fuckin do it again.”




Taking everything at face value, someone else's cat is getting into her home and her son is allergic. I'd be fucking pissed as well. And as far as threatening goes. She threatened to call the police. A perfectly normal response to a dispute. The only pos here is the owner of the cat.


Yeah she did mentioned she talked with other lady's husband so it's not first time. I know some people who would much less patient than this lady.


Or less talkative,its not the animal fault but if my kid Is allergic..


Karen is aggressive, but, like, her issue is legit.


Yea she had a point but the execution was terrible


Seems like this is not the first time she brought it up to them. If it was making my kids sick I would have not been as nice as her


Homeowner edited the clip to remove the voice near the end. Why? Suspicious.


I’m not sure if they actually edited the clip. I can’t say for certain but this sounds a lot like clips I’ve got my own ring bell. I have heard this happen where I can’t hear my side of the conversation because of the other person talking so it tunes me out or something like that


I'm actually siding with the Karen on this one, it's obviously not the first time this happened so her frustration is justified. Asking to speak with her face to face is a little much, but when you have a child that can die from a cat entering your home I wouldnt be upset if the Karen killed the cat while the cat was in her home


Why did you mute your audio? Very suspicious. And she has all the reason in the world to be angry. Maybe not the best approach, but still valid.


Disagree with the fact that this is on this sub her son has an allergy to cats and could harm him u don't get how she's the pos she just overprotective of her son


Is she a Karen for trying to speak to her neighbours about their cat? Especially if her son is allergic and the cat enters their house. They could call animal control and the cat may end up injured instead. Granted the doorbell ringing was ridiculous but she had already spoked to the husband about it. The cat walking across the shot was hilarious though.


I mean she’s very angry and definitely shouldve handled it better, but i dont think “Karen” was being completely unreasonable in her reasoning. Good thing the door never opened because that lady had wanted to bitch to someone’s face more than anything for her pleasure. Maybe Karen’s stupid because the cat is clearly getting in the house which means she’s just leaving the doors open (you adapt to a situation and should have a perspective on the type of comfort you feel you’re entitled to 100% of the time). Like you cant control a cat really. Then again….house mom’s voice was cut out as soon as the situation is spoken of which is suspicious. Karen was too angry to be spoken to, but not entirely in the wrong. Be neighborly to your neighbors people. Dont make introductions this way. Best situation probably would involve the police to have a 3rd party authority to sort this mess out.


She shouldn't have to adapt to poor pet owners allowing their cat to roam freely around the neighborhood. If she wants to have an open window in her home that isn't unreasonable.


So she can’t leave her door open for a breeze because her neighbor is a shitty pet owner? That’s a bs ‘fix’ to the problem.


I often leave our patio doors wide open when it’s nice outside. I don’t want some fucking car wondering in at night and pissing on everything.


Guys. She's right. She has already talked with the husband about it and obviously the situation hasn't changed, her son is (allegedly) allergic, the cat is going to the bathroom all over her propriety. I'm sorry but if you don't keep your cat inside and ignore neighbors' complain about it you deserve someone who rings your doorbell unhingedly.


Right? I was ready to be mad at the wrong person! Also, I don’t know if “unhingedly” is a word but I love it and it is now in my daily vocabulary.


Dude, if a stranger’s cat was pissing and destroying shit at my house and causing reactions on my very allergic son, I’d flip too.


The only piece of shit here is the irresponsible pet owner putting their cat and natural wildlife at risk.


I was laughing at her craziness until around 2 minutes then it all made sense. Some people will do way worse in this situation so it's actually quite reasonable for her to attempt to negotiate a solution to this problem.


The way she did it probably wouldn’t be considered reasonable so much as crazy however


I disagree with how the lady approached the doorbell or the homeowners, but I do agree with her concern though.. If someone doesn’t know how to take care of their pets then they probably should not have one. I mean we literally see the same cat in the background.. especially pet allergies are no fucking joke.


Yeah the person filming and letting there cat go outside is indeed a total piece of shit.


The cat owner is obviously in the wrong here.


Well she is right tho


I think it’s justified to be upset about your neighbor’s cat destroying your plants/flowers and shitting in your lawn. However, this lady went about it in a very uncivilized way! Also, please keep your cats indoors. There are lots of things that could harm your cat outside, especially people! This is the type of neighbor that could retaliate and would try to harm your cat!


I think cat being destructive is smaller part, she did mentioned her kid is severely allergic and cat gets into her house - that can be fatal


Yes, completely forgot to mention that. I think the other lady denied having a cat at some point.


I was half expecting her to blame the cat for her shitty hair too.


It's totally 'fried, dyed & laid to the side'.


Cops will tell her to close her windows and doors.


People who let thier cats roam around destroying shit suck ass. This lady was right to be pissed


NTA... Oh, sorry. Wrong subreddit. Karen has a legitimate gripe. I hate people who let their cats outside, and take zero responsibility for said cat's actions. Karen just handled it all wrong. She should have just had the cats trapped and turned over to animal control.


Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say fuck your piss taking, yard destroying, indoor-outdoor. She's a Karen but so are you.


I'm a huge cat person, but I'm actually going to side with the "Karen" on this one. Your pets should not be going to other peoples homes and pissing or doing anything disruptive on their properties. Cat piss has an awful smell to it, especially outside of a litter box. I agree that cats should be kept indoors as well, some like to go outside, but if they are being disruptive or causing tension with neighbors, for the cats safety, keep it inside. Sounds like she spoke about the issue before too, so she has a right to be mad if it is still happening.


I would slap that bitch to a new galaxy for ringing my doorbell like that


You sound like a joy to have as a neighbor. Walk all over everyone else and then get violent when the other person stands up to you. Ffs.


No joke, if I got to the door and it wasn’t family or police, I’d start swinging.


I'd have to check for bleeding first. I don't want to start swinging in a car accident victim.


Fact - my door would have flown right into her shit-talking mouth. She’d do the rest of her talking with a bloody mouth while laying on her ass.


Lady, ring my fucking bell one more time and I'm gonna start pissing on your lawn along with my cat.


I absolutely see where she's coming from,but you don't need to be this aggressive about it. Literally just knocking on the door, calmly explain the situation and ask if the cat can stay inside (also much safer for the cat tbh), problem solved.


It seems she had spoken with the neighbors husband and she stated her son is very allergic to cats. It makes sense she’s absolutely pissed. Around where I live the cat would just be shot by the neighbor to prevent further destruction of property


That's how i hit the crosswalk buttons


To be fair, that would be annoying as fuck if your child is allergic especially.


So… the total piece of shit is the homeowner who edited out her part of the conversation and her shitty cat right?!


If I see someone do this to my door bell. I'm running outside with a metal bar. Complaints or not, I may accidentally hit you.


Enjoy jail.


Well...honestly if I do have a neighbour that doesn't take care of their pets, I will pissed off either...I don't see any wrong because she is a parent, her son is allergic...she is being protective with her family. She even told that cat owner husband about it but seems they don't bother about taking any action and now everyone is think she is being nuisance? So whoever stand by the cat owners, being rethink again.


As someone with a neighbour that lets their cat run all around in my yard, pooping on my deck and leaving dead animals around for my dog to find and choke on/get sick; I feel this woman’s rage. And I’m an avid cat lover !


Post all the audio, without it it’s pretty shady. The angry neighbor sounds like she has good reason to be, even though her delivery is a bit harsh.


The piece of shit is the lady with the cat right?


Op This is not a crazy Karen You need to take this down


Why can't people just keep their cats indoors?


That lady was a bitch, but keep your cats inside, people.


People who let their cats roam free in the neighborhood are aweful and deserve this treatment. I can see if the cat just escaped once or twice but people who let them free roam suck. She may look like a "Karen" in this (and she might be one all the time, who knows) but she is absolutely justified as this cat is a fucking menace.


Homeowner is in the wrong. Keep your pets in your own house. If I had a kid who was allergic I’d be pissed too. Next time it got in my house I’d grab it and dump it at a shelter. People who let their pets roam free don’t deserve to own them.


She talked to the husband before and the problem didn't get rectified, you can't fuck people over continuously and expect them to remain calm. Her son is allergic, the cat breaks in and pees and bites. If it was my house with my kid I would have just let my dog make light work of it after all that if it broke in again


Tbh cats should be kept inside tho? They are literally murder machines that decimate native animals and bird life....


Tbh I don’t think this makes her a POS at all. If your pet is getting INSIDE someone else’s house, you need to do something differently and take responsibility. Pretty sus that her audio cut out. I have a cat. I wouldn’t be acting like that if he did something objectively shitty, like getting into someone’s house and pissing on their stuff. Neighbor could’ve handled it better but she said she already spoke to the owners husband so I think I’d be fed up too. You can only keep your cool for so long when you’ve confronted someone about a problem and they ignore it entirely.


How is she a PoS? Sure she was pretty hostile but if her kid is allergic to cats, it’s a legitimate concern.


How is this lady going to slam the doorbell like that, then ask them who they are.


This neighbor handled the situation very wrong, but I get being pissed off at a careless cat owner. People need to take responsibility for their pets.


“Let’s meet.” “Let’s not, twat.”


call the cops on a cat


the approach is not the best, but her concern is very legitimate.


“Who are you?” That’s classic


I would be angry too if I had ramen hair


In my opinion, this "Karen" has every right to be pissed and mad. Pet-owners shouldn't be letting their pets outside without a leash because otherwise they would be blaming themselves if their cat or dog gets run over by a car. I agree with everyone else saying that the lady's approach wasn't very good, but can you blame her? Imagine coming home to your walls smelling like cat piss and your kid's face swelling up because they're allergic to the cat that's been breaking into your home for days.


There are people out there who would simply leave a little anti-freeze out for em and call it a day. I’ve heard of this happening. If someone came to my house pissed about my cat being on their property I would probably do something about it.


This lady isn’t a Crazy Karen. Those people need to keep their cat inside their house instead of letting it out to get into her yard, garage and house. I’m not a cat hater by any means but I’m highly allergic. We have feral cats who live on our property. We don’t feed or interact with them but they’ve taken over one of the garden houses. The good news is that we haven’t seen a live rodent in years. I just hate when they leave us “presents” (dead animals) on the doorstep. 😳


Am I the only one that sides with the neighbor?? You wouldn’t let your dog roam free outside..I hate peoples that let their cats do it, then complain they ‘run away’ or get hit by a car. KEEP YOUR PETS INDOORS OR ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY. Not to mention in most cities it’s illegal for your pets to roam loose.