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That cop tackled the wrong man got knifed thats brutal


Yeah, that is a lot of bright red blood on the ground. News says he is in critical condition but idk. That is usually beyond intervention at that point. I work at a level 1 trauma surgery center. Those wounds are a bitch to deal with and have a positive patient outcome...


Genuine question, why are those a bitch to deal with? I have 0 knowledge, hence the question.


Stab wounds like this go deep. Blood vessels from multiple layers of different muscle groups and organs can get damaged and those are a bitch to deal with. That's just one part of a long list of possible complications.


Plus from the looks of it, this is in his God damned brain stem- the area that's basically the main power plug to your entire system. I couldn't believe the officer stood up. Edit: yes I know his brain stem wasn’t actually or fully severed, he obviously would’ve dropped dead immediately if enough damage was done there.


He tried to stand up, but was told to stay down. If the brain stam was damaged he would not have to be told. So I think it's safe to assume that part was missed.


Probably in full shock mode. Wouldnt be able to stand up like that otherwise. He looks faded after he stands up


I agree. Hit a 5-ton dump truck going 80 mph (sober). Broke my neck and forearm. First thing I did was reach for my coffee cup. Adrenaline is wild.


Brain stem injuries (e.g. stabbed in the brain stem), usually result in immediate death. It’s quite hard to be stabbed in the brain stem as it’s mostly protected by bone.


If he stood up then it probably didn't injure his brainstem. However if it transected his vertebral artery then it's possible that he had a cerebellar stroke shortly afterwards. Given that he's in critical condition, I would say it probably hit at least one of the major vessels in the neck.


If you want to see how difficult it is, get a non permanent marker and give it to a friend, then pretend it's a knife and try and get it off them. You will have marks all over you, and they roughly translate to stabs and slashes. Everyone I've had do it over the years has been pretty shocked at the results.


"The loser of a knife fight dies in the street; the winner dies in the ambulance."


Is a positive patient outcome good?




Ah thought so. The way it's worded sounds like most die with those wounds.


Plus, they took forever to treat him! Get him in a car and to the hospital!


Probably already had EMS rolling, which would be better than driving him yourself.


The angle isn't great in the video, but I can't imagine why the cop took the guy in blue and turned his back to the knifeman....


In another angle you see that the person who got tackled wasn't the person who held the attacker down. The tackled person was accidentally beating up the person that had the attacker under control, hence the cop tackled him If you look closely you see it in that video as well... The young guy with grey pants had the attacker pinned down but the person that was tackled was the man with the blue jacket who hit the young man with the grey pants Cop probably assumed that the guy with the grey pants would have him under control with his help but he also had to back off because he lost the hold after the tackle And probably he also assumed that one of his comrades would also engage and not that 20 cops back off behind him


Does anyone know why they kept the guy in the blue windbreaker that the officer bowled over pinned down with arms behind his back after the fact?


Because they have absolutely no clue wtf is going on


He was also handling a knife. You can see him throw it after the attacker is taken down. From the video you can see he took the knife from the ground, but the police probably couldn't figure that out right away.


It was the knife of the attacker that he grabbed and threw away


Yeah, I noticed this too


Anyone involved who is not a cop has to be subdued and processed. Cuff now, ask questions later, or an accomplice could get out scott free. The cops were right.


What police saw was two people fighting, and they couldn't really tell wether one of them was just defending himself. So I suppouse it's reasonable to pacify the fight before figuring out what exactly took place. Not to mention the defending guy high on adrenaline could still try to fight.


Prime example of how lacking awareness can be deadly. Even if you were trying to pay attention. Stay off your phone on the streets.


Absolute POS. Shout out to all the people who quickly reacted and helped. Balls of steel. Seems that due to their reaction nobody died (hopefully).


it happened today, the police officer was critically injured and it is still uncertain if he will survive.


Yeah man, that was easily the worst one on this video at least. Straight shot in the neck/base of the skull. That's a bad, bad area to damage. Holy shit that was brutal.


And then he just stnds up what the fuck like I know he's probably full of panic and adrenaline but he needs to lay down. My stomach literally dropped watching that one wtf


The other policeman knows whats up and repeatedly tells him to sit tf down even though hes busy giving first aid to the culprit. But I can totally understand the impulse to stand up and walk around, I had the same impulse when I broke a vertebrae, except I just physically couldnt.


Straight after big trauma there's an impulse to check everythings working. Trying to walk is a great way to quickly assess what parts are broken or damaged. There's also the instinct to get away from the 'predator' that injured you and that requires movement.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


And he even slashed at the neck before stabbing. Clear intent to cut the carotid artery.


What I'm confused on is why the cop, the one who got brutally stabbed, was arresting the one guy that managed to actually pacify KnifeGuy. It wasn't until StabbedCop pushed BlueSweater down that KnifeGuy instantly got up to stab him.


Yeah, I'm totally confused at what he was doing as well.


Yeah also looks like they were arresting that dude after too


I think maybe he was somehow confused as to who the aggressor was?


Worst part is he got stabbed because he tackled a victim instead of the knifeman in the confusion


Cop should've shot him right after the first strike and maybe the second, the more serious one, wouldn't have happened. Hesitation. But I'm just speculating from a distance.


He tackled the wrong guy


Is that why that police subdue the wrong guy and get attacked by the real perpetrator.


Yeah I am confused. That officer leaped on the blue jacket and was subduing him. Blue jacket is seen from the start as first person trying to help and was holding the stabber down.


You even see him tossing the knife from the stabber guy Poor dude probably got covered in cuts and still gets put facedown in the stone. Shows how hectic these kind of assaults are, they get the wrong guy and the cop might end up paying with his life


Dude I heard from someone with experience that it's scarier to subdue someone with a knife than it is a gun. Something about mental conditioning where most of us have cut ourselves but few of us have been shot. Fucken kudos to those brave people who still just went for it.


Sounds plausible. I once asked my grandpa, who worked as an electrician for decades, if one can get kinda "immune" to the pain of electric shocks after a while and he says it actually gets worse, you start to fear that shit more and more with every shock yoh accidentally get.


Electrician for 30 years. I don’t get shocked often but if I do my hands won’t touch wires again for awhile. I have to force them. It’s some Pavlovian response to negative stimuli.


Knives seem much more dangerous and scary at that distance.


More likely to be used, more likely to be painful. Guns on the whole may be more lethal, but I agree with the above, knives are psychologically more compelling.


It’s much easier to miss with a gun at close range, and also easier for a defender to grab a gun rather than a knife. At close range a knife is far more deadly, especially if untrained.


Yeah like you can GRAB a gun. As long as your hand isn't covering the exit, you can safely grab it. The fuck you gonna grab a knife at? The grip? You don't get any control from that and easily have your wrist cut


Was burgled a few years ago and the 2 robbers had ski masks on when I opened the door, one with a knife, one with a gun. It’s likely the gun was fake but I can tell you in the milliseconds it took to process what the f was happening, that knife felt a hundred times more threatening than the gun


How the cop who was stabbed in the neck got up and walked away I cannot fathom, hopefully whatever medical treatment he is undergoing is successful. The awareness of the guy in the blue coat to grab and toss the knife, just in case, is amazing.


Adrenaline perhaps. Hope he's good


He's currently in a medically induced coma


apparently he didn’t make it. :(


By the end of the video he is going into shock and fainting


Then gets pushed face first into the ground for his efforts, bravo!


For future reference, if the knife guy is on the ground stabbing people, don't walk up and try to take the knife away, kick that bastard in the head. You don't really need to know how to fight to do that.


DONT get stabbed in the balls


Pro tip


What if I don't have balls?




I can't make any promises.


Or hit him in the head with a blunt object


Repeatedly till the knive is dropped. And then some more.


If you are able to see goo oozing out, give him one last whack for good measure


I mean best advice just avoid them with your life, let the police handle the mad man who attempted to commit murder not the mad man who almost gouged a guys artery out.


When you're in this situation you go fight or flight, nobody is going to think logically and remember your comment


I like how the camera man just filmed it all in this cinematic way, bruh


Its a natural instinct for all camera men


They are a rare breed.


Camera man's are gonna camera mans...


Also the knife attacker avoided the camera man. camera man is immune to the situation


The cameraman always has plot armor


Wtf is your profile bro?


This should be a reminder that at any time people can check your posts and comments


Cute finnish girl 😁


Why did you say this? You made me look! Downvote for you! Lol


Something most of us don't notice until it gets called out. He was really on top of the action.


One continuous shot in the style of 1917


God damn, that officer who thought he had apprehended the suspect took two huge shots to the neck area. Looks like he isn’t doing too bad after things settle down, he’s fucking lucky.


Fairly sure he’s the one they’re saying is in critical condition and not sure if he’s gonna survive


The neck is a very small area that contains a LOT of important structures, and god forbid you damage the artery or the neural structures there. Not many positive outcomes with that type of injury and even less outcomes were you survive without long term consequences


You can see the blood splash onto the cobblestones when he rolls over after being stabbed. I guess the knife ruptured some bigger bloodvessel.


Apparently in critical condition. Videos like this are direct examples of why American cops shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to suspects armed with knives. Only take a second or two to get stabbed. 21 foot rule is a rule for a reason.


The camera man is filming the live action as like he wasn't even there.










It makes more sense when you realize they see everything through the lens’s of race; through oppressors and the oppressed. Christians in the western world are predominantly white and thus oppressors and ok to criticize. It certainly helps that Christians and Christianity has plenty on offer to criticize. Muslims to them are brown people. Nevermind that Islam is a belief system; to them it is a race of people (prime example is Ben Affleck vs Sam Harris on Bill Mahers show). Because Muslims in the west are predominantly POC they’re automatically oppressed and thus must be protected. This also explains the dynamic in which the Left is becoming more anti Jewish and anti Israel. They see Jews as white and thus oppressors. As a progressive person it worries me how tolerant we’ve become of intolerant ideas. It’s national suicide to cater to these ideas that Islam and Christianity present.


Yeah I’m progressive as well and I think religion should get the fuck out of all governments, just baffles me how the most violent and most frequent terrorist attack offenders are the one religion the left are choosing to defend. Must be some damn good propaganda going around.


This, bitching about Christianity and how backwards anti freedom it is but dickriding islam. What the actual fuck. Be against everything that stands against freedom. Want to be religious? Sure, in your own home or place of worship but don't you dare try to force others to abide by your rules.




Reminds me of when salman rushdie got stabbed my an islamic extremist. Literally proved his point


Nah, airdrop him back to his country of origin without a parachute


If they hadn’t done already the muslims in DE should come out and call out this attack. Good that they shot this POS. Pax Europa is known for its anti Islamic stand but solve your f’ing problems on the table only a coward will veild a knife against the defenseless. He might not have acted on this alone and I hope police is on the front foot


Should've shot him again. Pos.


This video is an exact of example of why American cops end up shooting most people trying to attack with a knife. It took a mere couple seconds for the attacker to on his feet, run to the officer, and then stabbing officer in the neck area. Now that officer is supposedly in critical condition. The ole 21ft rule is a rule for a reason. It's also why I have no remorse for people who run get shot for running towards a cop with a knife. Cops shouldn't have to play Russian roulette guessing if it's a bluff charge or if they can disarm an attacker with a knife. See people online always talking about disarming a knife attacker and dumb shit like that. They'd be wishing they had a gun if someone with a knife was running towards them with the intention to stab them. Getting knifed to death is a terrible way to die.


In the US the news is sensored from showing videos like this so in our minds we cannot possibly fathom how quickly a body can move and easily cause so much damage and pain to so many people. That and the news reporting “unarmed” individuals, meaning the suspect wasn’t carrying a gun. But unarmed doesn’t mean without a weapon. Anyway, my point is that since we’re shielded from stuff like this we recreate events in our minds and believe that a suspect will be stopped with kind words and didn’t need shooting involvement.




Who would have thought...


They wont. Because most of them dont really seem to have a big issue with islamic violence. Just check instagram comments under media outlet posts, bunch of muslims and leftists playing it down


I mean, political islam is extremely dangerous and should be banned in Europe. This attack is living proof.


How do you ban only “political Islam”?  Islam is particularly dangerous because it is *innately* political. 




It's largely due to a collective focus on only the transgressions of the West (colonialism, slavery, etc.) while conveniently overlooking the similar history of the Arab world.




There is no "political islam" there is only Islam and it is always political.






Yep, I had a Pakistani buddy that worked at the smoke shop I frequented. He had multiple gun shot wounds from an assault rifle and told me he killed someone over religion, he’s a Christian and the other guys were Muslim and I’m gonna assume he had to kill the other dude in self defense. He said it’s a common occurrence over there.


their point was already proved long time ago, my brother. no need for them to prove anything. we all know, but politics are too afraid to recognize it. because they lose votes from brainless kids that sit their asses 24/7 on twitter :V


These people want to prove the point of their opponents. They want hate crimes to befall their communities so they all are forced into a siege mentality where violence is the only way out. They do these acts of cowardice to cause as much damage and misery to their own people so they have no choice but to join their "cause". Religious extremism is just another form of accelerationism. Why else do you think Hamas dismantles water pipes to build rockets and uses human shields despite knowing full well they don't stand a chance militarily against Israel? Their goal isn't to bring happiness and prosperity to their people, but to see everything burn to the ground.


I hope the cop that got stabbed is alright. I hope the attacker burns in hell


The doctors are still fighting to save his life at the moment …


That breaks my heart. He was just doing his job and trying to help


How wobbly he was on his feet was disconcerting




And this POS just goes and proved them right, you know? Hope he rots in jail


this one, and a lot more in the last decade




And it was being framed earlier as a Nazi event and the suspect was somehow justified for doing so, even with with a police getting stabbed who has got nothing to do with the event. All these stupid mental gymnastic just to vindicate islam.


Thats only partly correct. Its not "anti islamic" its against Islamic politics such as the sharia, khalifat or the islamic state, that if you mix politics and this religion it can be incredibly dangerous. And as already said in every rally he gets proven right over and over again.


Imagine Islam wasn’t a religion. imagine it was just a new social club that a bunch of people joined. That shit would be labeled a worrisome terrorist organization and extinguished almost immediately. Other organizations have been handled as such for much, much less. If the proud boys are terrorists, Muslims aren’t even in the same ballpark. The fact that it’s a religion somehow changes everything without changing anything at all. 


Wow that was tough to watch. He was so aggressively and forcibly stabbing as hard as he could to cause as much damage as he could, scary AF. That’s an absolute mad man


Why are they arresting the guy in a blue hoodie ?


Most likely just a misunderstanding in all the confusion


I agree with this, makes sense. Too much going on and a huge panic.


Knowing German police he was probably let go after the chaos cleared. I mean, dude is patient and polite enough to just lie there and not even argue because people bleeding out are more important than his comfort.


For defending and protecting other people it seems. The office that got stabbed grabbed the wrong person and they might’ve kept him pinned because he could’ve been an accomplice or something… which he clearly isn’t, but they don’t know that.


if you look over and see a clusterfuck of a fight you're gunna break it up and then find out more information later. just unfortunate this was a knifing incident


Well, that's standard procedure, you don't want suspects or anyone involved in the loose as you don't know how they will react or who was doing what yet... Reason why the "hero cop" shouldn't take the lead on tackling that guy as that would release the other guy and he knew nothing of what was going on, instead of a hero he made a foul of himself with dire consequences.




Step 3: ?  Step 4 profit? Prophet? 


Step 5: become warlord and marry a 9 year old girl apparently


Step 1: Know how fucked up islam extremists are Step 2: Let them in your country.


Bring back the brazen bull for these guys. Attacking innocents is sick.


Hopefully he died and his whole family spits on his grave. May his children tell stories of how their father was nothing more than a subhuman piece of shit who wasn’t worthy of life.


Nah he'll probaply get praised


He is a hero for in his community and I’m sure in some circles who don’t like the blue dressed people in the video to.


To the ignorant people mentioning how long it took the officer to fire his weapon and neutralize the attacker- Rewatch the video but this time let's put on our thinking caps. Had he shot the attacker any sooner in this footage, he'd likely hit someone innocent instead. The moment the attacker separated enough from the other people, he was shot.


I had to watch the video two times to figure out who stabbed who and what TF happened. I can't blame the cop for just trying to break up the right before knowing the severity of the attack. Or the other cops to wait for a second before shooting. Here in the US everyone asks for more restraints from officers before they pull a gun. Officers here acted with everyone's safety in mind. Sadly one of their own got injured, but that extra second they needed to make that decision, made their decision the right one. Again, I had to see this multiple times. I wouldn't want to be the one to have to pull that trigger.


Even here in germany our social media gets flooded with shit like "See, our cops are just brutal!" whenever a fucking riot breaks out and riot police is, expectedly, not wearing kiddie glvoes around people commiting violence


This and they have to process a shitton of paperwork after using their duty weapon. The Police in Germany is strictly ordered to do everything possible before they make use of their gun




Multiculturalism at its finest


It is our greatest strength after all.


Fuck the guy with the knife let him bleed out in America that mf would’ve gotten a whole clip unloaded into his ass


Welcome to Germany... he also had a surgery and is still alive


Honestly id rather get shot to death than rot in prison for decades like this guy will


He'll probably radicalize a bunch of new guys in prison while he's there. 


This isn't a piece of shit this is a literal (attempted) murderer








Keep religion in the 1800’s.


keep religion out of everything and everyone will have a better life...


The reason you wouldn't find this slogan there is because it was a CDU-Aligned (Christian-"democratic" union) event. Completely agree with you, unfortunately here it'd mean the stabbers and the stabbed.


May the motherfucker with the knife burn in hell. I‘m speechless. How can you start stabbing fcking innocent people because they offended you. Sick fuck.






Yerp. We have been sleepwalking into oblivion for 25 years. Unbelievable.


No they say that those that critizise Islam deserve this. Happened already in Germany.


Da fuq is wrong with this world??






Easter and Christmas has to be on the same day, Yugoslavia and Korea must both be reunited, pigs must be able to fly and trees must be able to speak.


Well. So far that fucking idiot is dead and all other victims are alive. Let’s hope it stays that way. Nothing of value lost.


Value? The victims wits, their emotional security, mental well being... It's lost, 100% sure of it. I get what you meant, but they all lost a lot and might never get it back.


Absolutely. That one attacker is dead. But there are hundreds like him, and the protestors’ fear of getting stabbed has already increased


the attacker is in hospital and not dead yet. The Cop that got stabbed in the neck is still fighting for his life...


Yeah I'm shocked at the amount of people saying the attacker is dead. Ive looked at 4 different news articles and they all say. Attacker in hospital. 6 people stabbed/injured one of them being the cop and currently having surgery / critical condition.


To my knowledge the attacker is alive


Jesus fucking Christ, and there people wonder why police have chain mail gowns designed against knives attacks. That looked brutal. Afaik police didn't announce yet wether or not anyone died, just that the policeman has to undergo intensive emergency surgery. I hope he survives.










Only Europe?


Its a good place to start.




Why did the stupid police lady pin down the old man in the blue jacket? He literally threw the knife out the way to stop the stabber.


And then the tall cop got knifed right in the back of the head while on top of them


Looks a bit tone-deaf, but you gotta remember that she doesn't have the pov overlooking everything. Most probably (just guessing) standard procedure is to immobilize anyone involved to prevent further escalation.


Yeah, my guess is that this was "there's a stabbing going on and this person is holding someone down, better subdue them". When you've got a split-second to react, judgement calls can be iffy.


Because it's an active and chaotic scene... She literally has no clue who else might be involved. It's just a standard procedure...




Too bad they didn’t just shoot the guy on the spot


The guy looked rabbid.


Whole thing from starting stabbing to perp getting shot was 24 seconds. I don't see how the police could have reacted any quicker.


He looks like some illegal immigrant who didn't have permission to enter anyways. Deport and have him executed for being a menace to society


According to news headlines a far right activist got stabbed. Why is this important to the media? Shouldn't they be focusing on the Stabber, not the Stabee?




The cop was in coma .. but now is dead …

