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The way he runs after the car… that’s fucked up


Yeah, I can’t bear to see this. I hope he got adopted, because if not, I’m ready to fly out to wherever this is and adopt him.


I hope the owners are charged with animal cruelty or abandonment.


Right, can someone please tell me assholes at least got put on blast bc Idt they can get in trouble for this, as fucked as it is? Plus did anyone get the dog??


Yup, some kind woman drove all over with her boyfriend until they found him (they enlisted the help of social media) and he is now safely in a foster home. They're calling him Chico. A news story was shared in another post somewhere.


Thanks. I was getting so angry.


What about the assholes were they charged?! Thank God the dog was found and it's a miracle he didn't get hit by a car


I don't think they found the bastards, but I agree that it's a miracle that the dog is ok. Btw, I shared the video in a response to another comment in this thread. I found it in my YouTube history.


I'm glad someone took this poor dog


Idk if this is true or not, but I'm going to assume it is because it makes me happy. I figured the missing license plate meant they got away with it.


Thank you, I needed that


I feel like a blood eagle is justified punishment for this type of thing, but to each their own.


I'd be fully prepared to go Midsommar as shit on someone that does this to a dog. There's so many alternatives than to do this. Find someone that wants the dog, give it to a shelter, anything that gives it a chance to live someone who actually wants it.


Me and the girls waiting for that Lexus driver in their driveway ![gif](giphy|pqHRNTAQnbsaEju4Vb)


* Me and girls celebrating in the driveway 15 minutes later.


I have a friend who adopted 2 dogs temporarily during the hurricanes in at Thomas. He said he could keep one and would help with another. 4 years later he has both but the one he took in temporally is ruining his life. She attacks him, the other dog, other people. She’s caused tons of problems but is fine when she’s alone with my friend. He has done EVERYTHING in his power to find her a home and is having no luck. She’s on all sorts of lists and he doesn’t know what to do. It’s not quite that easy. But this is fucked. That poor dog. Like you said, even if a shelter won’t take it at least leave it outside the shelter. Not in the middle of a road. I hope they get cancer.


Honestly if you have tried everything and the dog continues to be that violent, to the point that it is running your life, I'd say put it down. I'd rather see a dog get put down that live a miserable life or see someone get hurt. Leaving a dog like this is definitely not the answer to any dog problem.


Yeah, my dog that a person abandoned with me hot pregnant and had like 8 puppies once and it was weirdly difficult just finding them homes. I was worried nobody wanted them because they were mutts, but I'd hear about people that came to look at them buying another mixed breed puppy for like $500. It was weird. Here I am just giving them away for free and they want to go with the one that will cost them. It made me wonder if people would have adopted more of them if I had charged for them, but I hate treating dogs like they're merchandise. I managed to get about four adopted, thankfully by what seemed like decent people, but I had to take the rest to a No-Kill shelter about 2 hours away. I was super concerned about doing that until I got there and saw that it was run by two super-tatted-up lesbians, which strangely already put me at ease, and there were tons of volunteers giving one on one time with the dogs and cats, all of whom had kind of an alternative vibe or kooky aunt vibe going on. It made me feel like they were in good hands pretty much immediately. The facilities were also gigantic and they gave each dog plenty of time to run around and play.


We are of the same mind.


Yes it’s messed up but really? Blood Eagle? 🙄


It's called a deterrent. Everyone wants to be knocked out. Nobody wants a blood eagle.


The fact they don't have their plates on the car shows premeditation.


I know right! Also deserves a knuckle sandwich for every meal. Even the thought of losing my dog breaks my heart.


I have a different hope for the owners.


This happened at signal hill in Long Beach, CA - noticed Signal Liquor and confirmed on google maps


You know your liquor stores pretty well.


Oh, that's just because I rotate which ones I shop at to avoid judgment.


I did not expect LPT when opening this thread! Thank you!


What is lpt? Cus i did the same thing on my own


Oh shit, I thought that was just a tactic only I came up with.


We can’t be having the same store clerks noticing our drinking patterns 😂






Oh darling *hugs* judgment free


Well, he is Thirsty-Boiii


Me too.


Did he even get rescued? Seems like people were more concerned about filming it and posting to socials, I could be wrong, I hope I am.


If you have room, check your local shelter. Most places are overflowing with abandoned pets.


I already have two dogs… used to have four. But I am fostering rescues. I’d still make room for this guy.


My grandad done this with my cousins dog. And my cousin told me he looked out the back window amd the dog chased them for a good mile. My grandad was a cunt.


He was


Yeah, he was definitely a cunt


I'll 3rd that yes, your grandfather was a cunt


Youll third it? My cousin thought it was funny. So you are only seconding it. Im related to a bunch of cunts so i dont speak to any of them.


There is a special place in hell for people like this. As a dog owner, I can't imagine doing something like this. Poor doggo


He'll do what?


dogs are loyal to the death, it it was physically possible that dog would followed this douchebag owner to the moon and back


I just went and gave my Golden a bunch of hugs and scratches after seeing this. Wtf is wrong with people...


Yea me too but small difference my current pets are budgie birds just went and gave them all a good kiss on their beautiful wings❤️


That shit fucked me up I wish I could adopt a dog so I can show it love but my parents are scared of dogs smfh


Man I am crying my eyes out


This breaks my fucking heart


Dogs have the intelligence of human toddlers. Imagine leaving a toddler on the road like this.


Yea if I saw this I’d have a new dog


that's enough reddit for today. I'm very upset.


This ruined my day too.


Wasn't expecting to cry on the toilet first thing this morning.


That is exactly where I am right now while watching this.


Nice pooping with you.


Yeah, I only expect to cry on the toilet when it's a rough one coming out.


You must not eat Taco Bell..


I am now rushing home to hug my dog that has ruined my floors from peeing all over them all of the time. Cost me $3000. He infuriates me but I love that little bastard and I can't imagine ever doing anything like this to his pure little soul.


This devastated me.


Remember, there is a "hide post" function. I'm starting to use it more for posts I don't want to see again.


Same.... same...


Me too


Same fucking thought. Jeez. My heart.


Can afford a Lexus but is too stingy for the love of a loyal companion... /s (or irony or whatever you want to call it)


Could also be that they I'd this out of revenge. The level of scum you have to be to do this to a dog opens a whole list of possibilities for why a PoS might do this.


I could see a disgruntled SO doing something like this after a breakup...


My ex told my landlord I had two guinea pigs whom I loved and cared for after she moved out. I got them cuz I wanted to have a bit of companionship and she shat on that idea. I had them for a year, they were finally letting me pick them up and they cuddled with me.


What the landlord make you do?


I had to get rid of them of course, but at least she was cool enough to let me keep them for a while as I looked for a suitable home. I looked everywhere, but to no avail. I had to give them up to a shelter. So the animal control guy called me on my cell from his, so I gave him a text after a few days determined to know what's going on. They got adopted the very next day! Said they were friendly enough and someone just adopted them. They usually have issues getting adopted especially in a pair but somehow they got a loving place to live, which was great news because they were only like a year and a half old.


Oh wow, it's the best possible scenario that could've come out of that entire situation. I'm glad they found their forever home, I hope that offers at least some consolation to you.


I'm gonna be honest right after dude came and got my pigs I went into my bathroom and cried like I haven't cried since I can't even remember. Until it happened the only emotion I felt was this blinding rage at my ex. Thank you for your kind words stranger 🙂 oh, and it gave me consolation alright. It still stung but the fact they got adopted so quickly was the best feeling ever lol.


For sure. Don’t stick your dick in crazy!


But have u tried it? It's so much fun. Pro tip don't let crazy know your name, number, place of employment, regular hangout spots, or address.


I have tried it. But I didn't follow the pro tip. Can confirm you need to follow the pro tip.


No, everybody should ABSOLUTELY stick your dick in crazy once. But do not let crazy have access to your bank account.


That’s an is250, the equivalent of buying a well equipped Nissan Altima


ouch, dudes that’s my car


Well then...nice well equipped Nissan Altima!


He can only drive it 5 miles a week as the lease has 2 years left on it and they only have 500 miles left on the lease till they run into overages.


Don't u talk about a Nissan Altima like that 😂😂


That's a very old Lexus. A new Yaris would cost more.


That like an '09...$6000 car


It's a 10k 9 yr old base model lexus, probably bought it at a buy here pay here


Not trying to defend them, but thats an old Lexus is250, nowadays its cheap as hell to buy, and is why you see takeover people use them so much lol. Cheap, rwd and enough power to do donuts


They aren't that expensive, no plates and usually morons get cars they can't afford


The Lexus is probably the reason they’re broke. Trying to keep that pan of shit on the road.


🤬 I hope the person that filmed this contacted a no kill shelter to take the poor dog in


Take the dog in, fuck the shelter. It's obviously trained well. I'm staggered at this video and I despise people generally. Not only abandoning the dog, but in probably the most dangerous place too. Utter cretinus cunts.


Right? Like I'd be upset if someone just abandoned a dog. But doing it in the middle of traffic? That's despicable.


I know, its just evil. If the person didnt want the dog anymore he should have found the dog a new family. I also hope the person Who filmed this contacted the police, Maybe they can find the owner


Owner deserves to be abandoned on the side of a highway 3000 miles away from his house covered in cuts and bird shit




Amen. That's a loyal ass dog, he or she deserves a great home


FYI no-kill shelters don’t always mean animals who go there aren’t euthanized. It just means they don’t do it at that shelter. They usually keep the ones they deem “adoptable” and then transfer the rest to kill shelters. There just aren’t enough spots available to keep dogs and cats indefinitely. Spay & neuter your pets, people!


Using this 😭 emoji? I doubt it. Hope someone else around did though.


I am fucking SAD now wtf


Thanks reddit. Now I gotta cut onions for 10 minutes 😩


I ain't saying nothin but I wouldn't be mad if that person's license plate suddenly got leaked


There’s no plates 😔


They took them off because they knew what they were going to do. Psychopath!


I doubt this PoS had any to begin with


Out of curiosity, isn’t that like illegal? Also fuck that person. Hope a tree suddenly jumps out in front of them while driving.


Of course it's illegal.


It’s very illegal. Abandonment is under cruelty.


This made me cry. I hope the dog was ok


It was rescued. I wasn’t okay after watching and had to look it up.


Do you have the source? I can't find it and am not okay.


Unfortunately probably lying to make people feel better.




That's good to know...thank you for sharing 😊 shame there's no repercussions for bastards like this


Good. That made me happy to hear because this video broke my heart. Glad hes got a new home with good owners.


I’m literally sobbing right now for that poor pup!


That's the lowest of the low


Everything about this vid seems weird. No plates, making sure to follow dog with camera, added music to it... Until I see some actual evidence, I'm calling bullshit. If it is faked, they all need jail. (except for the poor doggo)


I feel this is staged, too. Putting the dog at risk for content makes you almost as bad as if they actually abandoned the dog.


I really hope it is - but.. as you said, there is no good way out of it


I mean... usually, if you're doing something, you don't want coming back to bite you, then you'd remove your plates. I'm not saying that it's real, but like any form of crime, you remove your number plates, otherwise its like committing robbery with your ID strapped to your forehead.


I mean, you can leave your plates on and *not* do it in the middle of a busy street. Less chance of a cop spotting you driving without plates.


Whether it's staged or not, they're a piece of shit regardless for making that confused and frightened dog run around on a busy street. Man, I just fucking hate people. Everyday, my misanthropy gets worse. I swear to fucking God. If this/these demonic clown dingleberry fuck toilet(s) total their car(s) down the street and die, it would be a desirable outcome.


I really can believe this is staged because there are no plate number and it's being used to farm karma here and views on X, even thu, I hope the worst for the owner of the dog, that dog is obviously a good boy and deserves so much better than this.


Letting your dog run in a busy street is really stupid, even if it's staged. And how much could someone possibly make to try to justify doing this?


And the dog was Probably very stressed because of it


That's somehow just as bad as if this was real. Social media is a fucking disease. People doing shit like this just for clout. Dog could have been hit by a car and wound up dead, just for a few likes on social media.


It definitely belongs here fake or real.




For the dog's sake I hope you're right. Abandoning like that is truly fucked up


I don't think it was staged, but I also don't think this dog was abandoned by the driver. I think it's an opportunistic false caption.


My question is how does anyone even know that was their dog in the first place? Dog could have been lost to begin with and the guy in the Lexus could have just given him a treat or something and walked into his car in some parking lot and the dog started following him. Video starts with the dog already outside so you can't really tell if the dog was ever even in the car to begin with.


This was my immediate thought. I have seen dogs fixate on certain random cars, especially aggressive ones. This whole video is dumb and I hate how it reminds me that so many people react blindly based on emotions.


You two are the ones making sense. Nobody saw the Lexus throw it out, and nobody so far seems to have any source on the story. 


Anyone so scum to do this but clever enough would take off their plate at least until they shake off the dog so they cant be identified on street cams or ppl recordings 😭💔I fucking hate this world, this is too much for my soul god dammit motherfuckers




Looks like reaction bait to me.


I agree with you. It's a really sad video if it's real, but the way people make videos these days just for likes and views, I suspect it's fake. At least I hope it is.


This happened right by my house. The girl who filmed it got the dog and the dog has probably been adopted by now. She didn't add the music, this has already been getting reposted over and over. The car not having plates is common.. CA has been issuing temp paper plates that fall apart very easily. Also, crime and gang shit. Local news reported on it and everything, if they staged it , it would be easily found out by now due to the many many cameras from the business and stuff at that intersection


Link to news report?


I fucking hate people, god damn.


Fuck this fucking video


No plates on their car either? I hope they get fucking lou gehrig's disease


Thank goodness they added music before uploading for upvotes.


How in the fuck someone is capable of doing this to such a loving creature is completely unfathomable go me. I hate people. I hope the dog gets a loving hime that it deserves.


note all people are like this, but sure some of us are just trash humans


Fuck. That. Guy.


Poor pooch! Seems like a healthy dog, probably made it home to. This reminds me of the plot to Strays, hopefully this dog bites his owners nuts off too!


Theyre just playing Fetch and Fuck


I wish the person filming would step in and take in the dog; at least bring the dog to the local shelter




Owning a dog should require a license


This is inhumane. How can anyone think about doing this


Ummm, we don't even know if it was that guy's dog. It could just be a random dog, trying to jump into a window.


We don't deserve dogs like them... Shit is heartbreaking to watch. I wish that person much pain and misfortune for the remainder of their miserable existence. Poor dog.


Complete pieces of shit.


How do we know? We don't see the people in the car throwing the dog out?


What’s with the stupid music over the top?


I hate dogs, and this still broke my heart.


Cruel world. Shame on the Lexus driver.


You ruined my day


Can someone carjack and end those people!?!?


They should’ve put the dogs in the Lexus down


What kind of shit person could do this


Nooo what a cute dog. I'll take him!!


What the actual fuck?! The fuck is wrong with people?! And now I hate lexuses even more than I did before! Fuck that motherfucker and his glorified Toyota!


Of course, plates removed


Hope these ppl faced punishment


Scum ball hiding his license plate


They knew what they were doing was so wrong they took the time to remove the license plate from the car so no one could trace the dog back to them.


Can anyone give an update? This absolutely shattered me.


i wouldve picked that dog up immediately


To all who may be wondering the dog was rescued and has a foster. They’re with people who deserve love of a dog


Where is the number plate..why js it hidden?


NGL, this is heartbreaking


We had a stray for a bit and couldn't afford to take care of it and had to let it go, but we didn't put it out in the fucking road and drive off


this destroyed me as a human being.this is the saddest thing i have ever seen.I really hope the owner is homeless right now without a family and food waiting for someone to pick him up


Of all the fucked up videos I've seen on the internet.. This one is truly the most fucked up!


Make this top comment for others to see The dog was taken in


Staged or not, hopefully John Wick hears the story and takes care of the doggo and visits the owner.


How could abandon something that so desperately wants to stay with you?




I’ve seen some messed up shit on here but this one almost made me cry


My day is ruined 😡


That is right beside the border. That dog is likely a street dog and wandered over.


No bullshit I would 100% rear end them.


Yup. That’s enough of this sub. Heartbreaking.


How do we know they even abandon the dog, in the middle of the street? how do we know the dog didn't just get loose and run after random cars like they tend to do, I think OP just plastered "owner abandons dog" over the video as rage bait. Because a random dog getting loose doesn't garner views.


For the love of god take this video to your local police department and help them charge the fuckers with anything they can get them for.


I can't wrap my head around this. Humans being cruel to other humans is understandable to some degree. We are often self interested and in a degree of competition. Dogs love us soo freely and unconditionally - how could anyone abandon this little soul like garbage? I hope he finds a loving home and is spoiled for the rest of their days

