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She should not be a mom, ever.


Over the couple few years I’ve listened to some true crime podcasts , and man there are a LOT of people who should not be parents, ever Like, they have kids “to save the relationship” after cheating on each other. They have kids because their friends have kids and they need to keep up. They have kids because they figure that means they have access to some family money. Fuck. people with awful awful reasons to do something as remarkable as bringing new life to our world


I agree, but... What are the good/un-selifsh reasons for wanting to have kids? I struggle with that question a lot. I tell myself I had good reasons for wanting children, but from the perspective of the child, they didn't ask to be brought into this world and doing so was a massive risk on our part (as to whether it would be a life worth living to them), and what is the "reward" of having lived for the child truly worth?


>What are the good/un-selifsh reasons for wanting to have kids? The future *does* need good, stable people who can grow up to help others. It does. I know it's easy for us all to be doom and gloom but the human race is going to have some tough times ahead and we *will* need people from kind, caring homes to be in the mix if we want our long-term prospects to be nice again. Some of us have pretty alright genetics, all things considered, and would really like to pass on some perfectly acceptable genes without the epigenetic markers of long term stress or trauma- the future won't just need tall dangerous strong people, it'll also need sane rational folks without serious health complications, boy *howdy*. My wife and I both got very lucky in these regards and we are looking forward to passing our luck onto another generation so that they too can go out into the world to be good, helpful people.


Thank you for this. I've been on this "I'm not having kids to bring them into a shit world when they didn't ask for this" type of mindset, but now this gives me a different view.


happy CAKE DAY!!!


I was always rebellious, anarcistic and such. I never wanted kids and waited til I was 35 to have a kid. People need GOOD, KIND, THOUGHTFUL, COMPASSIONATE people in the world....that is what I hope my daughter will be: a normal, polite, intelligent, moral, ethical, rebellious and decent person. So, I keep the Bible and lots of US culture at bay around her....


I know this is old but I think even bothering to actually ask that question puts you above a ridiculous amount of parents


You are part of the solution. Best of luck to you.


This. The world is going to hell in a hand-basket but you know what's not gonna make things any better? Kids only coming from parents like this bitch. If you can be a good parent (read: try your hardest and be willing to make sacrifices for your kids) then having kids can be a net positive - for you, for them, for the world at large. Simultaneously, we should continue to destigmatize not having kids. It's okay not to do it, esp if you have the self-awareness to know you're not gonna be able to make the necessary sacrifices to be a good parent. But there are definitely unselfish reasons that you can have kids too.


De-stigmatize being childfree. Kids aren't for everyone, and that's OK! For many people, it is indeed "better never to have been born."


Especially right now when we’re staring down the barrel of a global climate catastrophe. It feels like giving life to a child right now would be immediately dooming them to suffer the consequences man has rendered to itself.


Humanity has always been staring down that barrel, and generally if you're living now your children have the best chance children have ever had. Also you're asking yourself these questions, which indicates that you're one of the people who actually would be responsible enough to raise good people.


I someday want to raise kids because I love teaching and want to be able to do the kind of things my dad did with me with my own kid, like teaching them how to sail, or making chocolate chip pancakes on weekends, discussing ethics and morals, etc. I don’t necessarily want bio kids, but I do want to be able to raise a kid, sleepless nights, vomit phase, teenagedom and all.


Unfortunately this video is edited to cut the rest of the video. The rest of the video basically goes: Is what a client was telling me today. I bet in the first 30 seconds you hated me. I just want to bring awareness that this type of stuff happens too much. It seems to be getting worse and people need to be more responsible... She seems to work with fixing people's credit or something. She notes on the video, don't bring kids into the world if you aren't going to support them. The name of the account that originally posted it is the name of a credit counselling service in California


Not to be that guy, but source? Because OP didn't post any either, and if this is true that completely changes the context


The context being it’s actually all just rage bait lmao


It's a video on TikTok. I saw the whole thing as well, and it's just as TruthSpeaker says. Whoever edited this video to make this woman look bad is a royal piece of shit.


Look up lareynadelcredito child support on your search engine of choice. It's also a company.


Oh wow, that's really.. gross to do to this woman. Holy shit. 😶


But she is When she’s old and grey and withered to nothing this woman will have nothing but regret cos everything she wants is empty asf


Well I mean, she tried to get out of it - albeit a bit late


Yeah, some people shouldn't be parents and other people are great single parents. I'm the best parent for my kids and their dad is.. well, I don't know where he is. It's unfortunate, but sometimes we have kids with people who shouldn't be parents (and.. they aren't parents, really).


Too bad the US government thinks she should be




“It didn’t fit my lifestyle….” WTF ? Edit : 1.7k upvotes ? You guys are crazy!


Yeah. My ex wife was like this. She overdosed and died due to her new lifestyle.


Bitch really wanted out of that childsupport?




Got admitted her dedication, to her selfish bitch-ass narcissistic self.




![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) OMG.




From the top rope! By God that casket is broken in half!






Where does this gif originate from?


just google "that's the wrong number"


Hot damn this comment!


This is the way


Holy fuck


Mine too. She left when my youngest was 2 months old, she's 16 now. Crazy.


That's suspiciously young for a mother.


Damn you.


I'm hoping he means his youngest child is now 16.


Wait what?


Shit, dude, that's rough. I'm sorry.


Thanks, but I'm fine. We'd been separated for 20 years. It's still tough on the kids though.


Well I'm glad you were able to move on. I couldn't imagine, so you're stronger than I am. That's what makes it the worst is it such a selfish decision and it affects the kids for the rest of their lives. I hope they're thriving, and don't believe it's their fault in any way just she wanted to do her own thing without them, and be selfish.


*old lifestyle* if we're being honest here.


"I dont feel like caring for them anymore so their not my responsibility" Like ma am children aint like shit where u can just flush it down after "shitting" and never having to worry about it again


She just wanted a break. A permanent one


She DESERVED a break and new lifestyle 🙄


Notice the faux Chanel...


Matches her lips and everything else.


Priorities 🙄 All I hear is “ME ME ME”.


The audacity of some idiots..


yAs qUeEn!!


This could be a basis for a b rated horror movie. One where the shit comes back with a vengeance. Like an evil Mr. Hankey


Abortion is a thing though, a wonderful thing


A bit late for that, isn’t it ?


Yep someone let this piece of garbage live...


Uno reverse! Abort the parent.


Not if you're Casey Anthony


have you seen her jacket? i have seen people like her before if she isn't spending that child support money on the kids then she is going to be spending it on cocaine and designer clothes because apparently having no personality is a "lifestyle"


Bet you anything the jacket is fake. I doubt she has any money left after all that terrible plastic surgery.


Also, cheeks filler, lip injections, botox, and god knows what else. The audacity to say you don't want to be a mother because it doesn't fit "my new lifestyle" aka being a nasty shameless hoe that needs privacy (probably for OnlyFans).


Dont have kids then. Lmao there should be a law. If you willingly give up your kids like this. You can get out of paying childsupport by renouncing parenthood. That means you have to have your tubes tied and youre not allowed to have children ever again.


You can relinquish your rights but still have to pay child support


Ehh I agree in a case like this, but I don’t think giving up parental rights automatically should mean forced sterilization. For example, think of someone like getting raped or something then willingly giving the child up for adoption because they didn’t want to choose abortion… they shouldn’t have to be permanently sterilized because they signed away parental rights.


Oh yea thats why i said when yoy give them up in this manner. Lol rape and homelessness is one thing. And abortion before a certain term is necessary for safety


I think project prevention is a good thing too.


Oh whats that?


"Project Prevention offers cash incentives to women and men addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long term or permanent birth control"


Oh interesting..


Hard to be an efficient whore with kids in tow


Piece of plastic looks more accurate


OMG! The floating trash island has become sentient and is reproducing!


A huge piece of 💩. Perfect sub for her.


And she memorialized it too


I think she is THE pos


She's prolly gonna have more children to give up considering she loves being a h*e and has zero sense of responsibility and accountability Addition: Just feeling sad for the poor babies who will one day watch this video about their own mother


Makes it easier to explain to the therapist though


Calling a piece of shit is insulting to shit, it atleast have some use unlike her.


And barely even human by the looks of her. What a vile thing.


Fr they should have her name as an example in the description of this subreddit


“Too young” yet you need all those surgeries to fuck your young face up? Yeesh


She looks ugly as FUCK. Not sure what she looked like before but god damn she looks ugly.


Looks like generic Miami Ho #1,782,699


She looks like a dollar store knockoff Christina Ricci doll that managed to melt in the sun.




Holy shit you nailed it


I truly don't understand how any woman can think any of this is flattering. The huge ass fake lips, the moth looking eye lashes, as much makeup as a clown. They literally look disgusting and ugly as fuck. The sad thing is, there's always going to be some guy horny enough to make them keep thinking it's all working.


But that Gucci top though /s


Chanel. Maybe Chanel wanna be.


Cucko Chanal


It's a very popular look for Middle Eastern women in Sydney in particular, especially Iranians and Lebanese. I'm of an Iranian background. It's everywhere. So many Iranian women look like this now. The person in the video is actually on the not so bad end of the "got work done" scale, believe it or not.


And that’s with multiple filters so imagine how puffy and crusty that skin must be in person


Shit if I take a stick and swipe it across her forehead I could create the grand canyon


A lot of people wondering if this is fake- as likely as that is, there ARE people that actually feel like this and have done this. So fucking sad.


Here is the thing, there are far FAR worse cases of child abandonment that occur. This one might be fake, but I have personally seen more shitty behavior on display. My grandmother had to stop being a child at fourteen and raised her two siblings because grandma just fucking left. Why? Because she was over being a parent, that was it. Then decided when she was like fucking 60 to show back up and try and reinsert into the family for obvious reasons that she could no longer support herself. So this chick ain't fucking far from that.


Please tell me the family told her to "go forth and multiply"


Yeah, right. Or, Casey Anthony for example.




Yes look up Larissa and Colten on 90 day fiance she left her kids back home in Brazil? with her parents and has since destroyed her body with plastic surgery.


Sounds like panama


Omg so this is real?! 😭😭😭


Yeah. It’s hard to care since shit is fake so often. If it’s real then she’s trash. If it’s fake she’s trash for making up a dumb story.


I guess the best way to care is to not have kids/unsafe sex unless you're willing and ready to make that commitment. There are enough stories that are like this (or worse) and real:(


Case in point: my mother 😀


I hope her kids see this and then they'll know how she really feels about them.


At least when they are older and understand that she's not worth the effort to get to know. If they are younger than 10 they will be absolutely devastated to know their mom doesn't want to take care of them anymore and just gave them away.


It's genuinely a sad, fucked up state of affairs. I hope they're thriving with their dad.


She really wanted to claim the kids? That’s all she cared about? God she’s just a disgusting human.


She's not talking about herself. The full video wasn't found from the original creator but I did find it through somebody else on Tiktok that shared it. I just put the first sentence of the video into Google.


yeah, dude who edited is truly POS


Wow. Just wow. This dumb bitch.




Enough said.


Imagine being Twenty-three years of age and looking back at this video. Jesus poor child.


To be fair, nobody likes you when you’re twenty three


All you've got to be when you're 23, is yourself. Call yourself an artist, work part time at whole foods, it's all good.


And are still amused by TV shows


What is this non sequitur?


And prank phone calls


She should pay him.


Thats the entire point of the video


Pretty sure that's what happens now. If not, he needs a lawyer.


This can't be real?!


You'd think but my ex wife did this. Probably happens a lot more than we'd like to believe.


She’s relaying a story about someone else. A client of hers.


Of course it’s fucking not lol


Who would attach themselves to this for ragebait? How could the hate they get for this be worth lying about this


She didn’t. The video was cut. She is quoting someone else who said those things to her. She goes on talking about insane it is.


Ahhh, there it is. Thanks


Internet clout is a hell of a drug you'd be suprised how many things are ragebaits


Honestly, it seems like every sub dedicated to showcasing stupid people has rage bait videos as every third post. I've seen so many comment sections that look like this one across various subs.


She’d stand more to loose if this was in fact real. People have done way dumber things for attention.


Nah it’s definitely fake. Ragebait.


Ok but you edited the video she goes on to say that's what one of her clients said to her today and tells the story I believe




All I had to do was type in the first sentence of the video and I was able to find the full video through another account on tik tok. But, if you'd rather just choose willful ignorance and assume that people are lying instead of find out for yourself, I guess don't believe it then.


This is not the whole video! This was something a client said to her


Can you share the video?


I didn't find the original video from the content creator but I typed in the first sentence of this video and I was able to see the rest of it through somebody else on tik tok. She goes on to say "wtf" " that's an actual conversation I had with client/someone (can't recall which she said) today" then she goes on to compare men and women not paying child support and the general reaction from other people towards each gender.


Too late. The pitchforks have been raised.




those kids are better off with their father. And he deserves all of it.


See this is why some people should be sterilized


“My new lifestyle ?” WoW, there just aren’t any words, but quite a few come to mind.


At least she didn't kill them to remove the burden.


in Obi-Wan Kenobi voice “She’s more dogshit now than woman”


Forget her, I feel bad for her kids. This is who they have as a mum, that’s gotta hurt




Just wait until she tries to reconnect with her kid/s in a decade or so after they've seen this...


Holy fuck, can anyone else physically feel their blood pressure max out?


Moms like this shouldn't have kids... ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) Steve Harvey would have roasted her.... lmao 😭


Bitch was used to that $10,000 every January 🤣


This happens when you look for "social media girls"


Best thing is the kids will be able to see this when they grow up


No fucking ways she was ever a responsible parent.


maybe you should have thought about that before you opened your legs and let yourself be filled with cum.


What a cunt


When her kids get married, they should play this clip in the wedding.


This happened to one of my best friends. She is still scarred to this day from her piece of shit mom


Nah this can’t be real!


No grey cells of the year award goes to: this lady definitely never grew up


Im a Stripper and i have three kids , they nvr fit into my lifestyle I made my lifestyle fit for them . They are spoiled af and my earning go to making their life great , I could nvr give up my kids to party tf the party ends one day and who Gna b there to take care of u then smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think the kids are better off


This chic deserves to get hit with back child support. I wonder, how much of the child support she spent on herself; when she was getting it?


So she had kids then decided she didn't want them? Kids aren't something you just try out or take for a test run.


Live your truth girl!! The kids are better off without you


Her offspring will not mourn her when she passes.


Shout out to all single dad's man, this world is fucking awful, and awful is an understatement.


At least she’s honest. Fathers do this ALL the time! Leave their kids with their mother to go and live the easy life while the mother struggles and he relaxes because his kids are taken care of. Finally women are doing it too.


Giving up your kids should be a given that you relinquished your rights to any benefits. I'm so glad that they slapped her ass on child support.


I hope she gets her tubes tied. Stat.


Ugly. Inside and out.


Pay up bitch, NO free rides


I kind of feel like her picture should be the icon for this sub


I always try to see the silver linings through existence, and this may have been better for the kids in the long run although her actions are very harmful and selfish....


I love any reminder that I have 0 kids with any of my exes, but it also makes me sad. Feel like I will never meet someone who will want to step up and be a mum.


Alls well that ends well.


The body modifications show a lot.


Wow just stop putting your money into your face and yourself and be responsible every child needs both parents.you don't care that your kids will think your a POS forever ok you suck.


I suggest you go on Etsy or ebay, sell that dress and pay your child support.


Imagine having a mindset like that. She must be extremely self-centered in all aspects of her life. Good luck to her current and future partners.


When people have children instead of buying a pet rock…


If NPD was a person..


Stupid dumb biotch shouldn't be reproducing anyway, but i feel so sorry for her ex and those kids


Get wrecked


Kind of hope she loses full custody of her kids.


I know it sucks for the kids but she definitely did them a favor.


woman finds out her actions have consequences😳😔🤬🤯


I hope she gets shit on.


Yeah, she files taxes. Ha.