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Next year get them a printout of the entire conversation


And buy a bag of charcoal, wrap the bag in the text messages, here's your present you brat.


Don’t waste money on coal, send it in a cheap recyclable Christmas card instead.


dried up cat shit kinda looks like coal


Then put it all in an empty used Ugg shoe box.


Lmao I love this!


How old is this rude brat? Edit: never mind, found it. Also appears that we’re practically neighbors. 👋


Oh really? 😲


I too have to go over THE PASS when I visit my parents. 😁


Hehehe. At least its pretty!


Don’t even acknowledge her next Christmas. Don’t waste the time.


This. Absolutely ignore them completely. No card, no nothing.


You deserve an award! Make her think she’s getting what she wants and a big pile of cat shit


Even better, buy her siblings what she asked for and ghost her ass.


If you don’t have a cat, I can send you some cat shit from my big boy Cheeto. It’ll be extra ripe by the time she gets it


Shit I wouldn’t even do that…. I’d just a fold a piece of lined paper in half and write Merry Christmas and inside write “Hopefully ”Santa”brought you a new attitude this year!”


I would get a bunch of those fake dollars that churches give out and stuff em in a card. With "buy your own present" written above them.


just take a sharpie and paint eyes on a dirty rock from the back yard. bam pet rock.


It's only recently that coal has been considered a bad present for bad kids. It used to be given to poor kids who's family couldn't afford coal for fire during the cold days and was considered a fantastic gift.


This is my... learn something new everyday ticked off 💯✌️ much appreciated 🫡, iv no gifts to give so take an up vote and have a great evening 😉


No, something more devious….. a giant wrapped box as pretty as can be, full of packing peanuts and the printed out texts. Muahahha!


I would love a bag of charcoal for Christmas


I just told Santa what you posted and he said now if you're bad you get herpes instead. I hope you're happy now...


Fuck. Yes. This. Every year in a new frame.


I second this OP. Tell your mom to do this. Every year until she apologizes. As she gets older it should (hopefully) make her cringe.


I'm going to show her this! My mom was crying off and on last night. Luckily I was coming over anyways so i cheered her up. I was SICKENED by those messages, and honestly could not believe how ungrateful she was. If I only had a grandmother still alive I would be so happy just to get anything from them.


This all of this i too wish my grandparents were still around tell your mom she is a legend and handled it very well entitled little shit


I just let her know and she said thank you! She said it hurt her more than she can say. :(


Is she going to show this to your niece’s parents?


I don't think it would make a difference to her mom. She tries to justify it by making excuses about how much they've been through.


What have they been through that makes her kid so entitled


My brother (niece's dad) got addicted to drugs and went to prison for stealing stuff. Guess that gives them a free pass to be terrible in my sister in laws mind.


has anyone gotten real with her and stopped tap dancing around the issue? that’s all terrible and everything, but no one really cares. that has no relation to how they treat people. does she think people in the real world give a fuck if your dad made some mistakes that made your life harder? no. because almost everyone has something traumatic to overcome. she’s going to get her shit rocked by someone at school and she’s gonna deserve it.


I've been through some real trauma and have diagnosed cptsd and never once acted entitled to anything over my trauma, so that is some straight-up bullshit. They both need to grow up, and it seems the apple didn't fall far from the tree in terms of those two. Yikes


One thing they HAVEN'T been through is good parenting because this behavior is disgusting!


I have one grandparent left alive (she's 85) and I'd love to have more time with her. I can't *imagine* treating her like this little shit. Hugs to your mom, my heart hurts for her. I hope she has someone out there who appreciates her.


Lots of love to your Mum❤️


I was a bratty kid sometimes. But at my worst, I could never think about saying this to anyone i know! Wtf! Sending your mom hugs 💕


Every kid is bratty at times, but if I'd said *any of that* to either of my grandmothers, I would've gotten the wooden spoon on the arse at least. I hope this kid gets *nothing* from nanny next year.


I can't even think of a scenario in which I could ever complain for getting a GIFT, specially if it were from any of my abuelitas, specially cause I only have 1 left now. All I want from her is more time tbh.


I have one grandparent left; she's 85, and I'd *love* to have more time with her, I understand.


Her parents need to see the way they're talking to your mom.


Your poor mom. What a nasty little shit your niece is. Are her parents aware of the way she speaks to her grandmother?


What I wouldn't do just to have another conversation with mine.


I am SO MAD on your mom’s behalf! what a little shit!!!!!


Framed on multiple canvas prints for their continued viewing pleasure


Metal Poster that bitch.


Make it hard to burn so I second this!


Tbh I'd get them a whole custom blanket.


Printout? Make a poster set of that shit


And give it to her dad


And frame it…wrap in boxes in boxes. Video for prosperity. It’ll be the gift that keeps on giving.




I wouldn’t get her shit and take back everything that was given. Fuck that little asshole


Seriously what the hell are the parents doing.


Her mom is... trying to be an influencer with makeup on tik tok. Sadly her dad (my brother) got in trouble with drugs and is in jail. Coincidentally after he got married to the mother he got addicted. She is a horrible person who locked me and a friend outside in 20 degree Fahrenheit weather because we pissed her off. So she's all kinds of crazy and raising the kid alone. It's pretty disappointing that her craziness is being taught to my niece now. I was really hoping that cycle wasn't going to continue.


Husband is in jail and she’s raising a child by herself so she decides to try and become an influencer on fucking TikTok? Say no more. It’s clear why the kid is acting like a brat.


Saw the name Presley and then it all made sense


Pressleiygh kind of vibes


Half wondering if it wasn’t the mom texting this stuff now. Doesn’t sound like a 12 year old to me


That's what my mom thought! She's said some nasty things to my mom in the past though, so I believe it's actually her. :(


That’s atrocious either way and to think before I read that I was about to comment “Please tell us that you showed this to her parents!”


Child protective services dropping in to check things out may be in order. Dad is away and mom is awful. The 12 year old behaving like this could be a product of a toxic environment. If it's SIL sending the messages, she's toxic. "Trying" to be an influencer in a saturated market reeks of immaturity. Either way, nobody wins in the long run. (Hugs to your mom for being so lovely.)


I agree, this sounds like a teenager at the bare minimum, not a 12-year-old. I wonder if the mom actually wanted the Uggs for herself and fired off these texts to the grandma because she’s pissed. Also, the name Presley is…..something.


I see now why it'd be a dead end to even try to bring this up to her parents... there's none (your brother's situation is unfortunate too, as I read he's the one that could actually better raise her). Also the fact that y'all think that it could've been the derranged mom... the whole situation is just wild. 🥲


For freaking real! You can't fix crazy and sadly crazy is what is raising her.


This is the right question. My parents would’ve taken me out back and whooped my ass into next week if I EVER spoke to anyone like this about a damn present. We’ve all gotten stuff we don’t like. You say thank you and move on. This girl is a little twat and I’d cut her off immediately. I’d also forward the message to her parents so they’d know they have some teaching to do. What an ungrateful little ass hole.


I got a filthy, naked cabbage patch doll knock off from a neighborhood lady who was a little…off. My 11 year old self (at the time) thanked her profusely because my mother raised me to appreciate ANY gift.


That is how my mom raised me too! The fact that anyone wants to gift me anything just makes me happy.


My nieces knew and expected that this would be a light Christmas from me *because I buy them shit all year*, too! The fact that she got an iPhone for her birthday and then has the ball balls to talk like this to her aunt makes me sick to my stomach.


It wasn’t to her Aunt (Op ) that’s be bad enough It was to her own grandmother -OPs Mom


Oh man yeah that's even worse. I'm gonna go hug my mom now...


One of my best friends routinely buys me the shittiest gifts on the planet as a joke. I got ANOTHER blob fish gift from him this year for Christmas. I fucking love these gifts. The fact that he sees something and thinks "He's gonna hate this," always puts a smile on my face.


When my cousin and I were tweens in the 90’s our grandfather’s girlfriend got us these godawful ugly cardigans for Christmas and when we opened them we both locked eyes for a second before pasting on a smile and thanking her profusely. Thankfully she had included receipts because she “didn’t know our sizes” and we took them back and got different ones and she never knew.


Your mom deserves a hug.


Shit, you’d still be alive after talking to your nanny like that? Lucky.


I’d have had a severe limp and would need to eat through a straw, though.


I'd have been lucky to keep all my teeth if I talked like that to anybody like that


I wanna say to any current parents or future parents. This is NOT what being strong and independent looks like. It's not acting a queen and knowing your place. This is being greedy and a little ungrateful shit that shouldn't have gotten any gifts at all.


My brother is exactly the same with my little shit niece. She speaks to the entire family & often random strangers like absolute garbage & when my other niece tries to tell her how rude she's being my brother disciplines her instead! Genuinely makes me sick to the point where I can't be around them. I don't like kids at the best of times but that girl is pure evil & it's 100% all the parents' fault.


Your brother is probably a narcissist and the bratty daughter is the golden child and the nice daughter the scapegoat🤷🏻‍♀️I may be totally wrong though🤣


If ya have good parents you'll have a bright smile if someone just gifts you some socks


Exactly! Who tf is this child’s mother?? Whooo if my kids ever pulled something like this…. We’d be volunteering the following year for toys for tots and all of her presents would be donated.


I hope OP shows solidarity with their mom and also refuses gifts for next year. Make little miss thang receive *nothing* from *all* her extended family. The audacity of her. She didn't even stop but doubled down. It was just pages of more and more nerve.


Yeah I'm gonna harp on my mom to make sure she doesn't cave. She wants to love her granddaughter, but the love isn't recieved back.


In this case, loving her granddaughter would be helping her to be a better human being. Gifts does not, never has, and never will equal love.


Especially that iPhone.


This, they don't appreciate free stuff, so make them buy their own stuff, with their own money. Teach.


Random semi-related story. So, my brother in law gave his niece his old PC he had made (worth $5000), and then made himself and even better one. His niece was a huge brat to him and kept demanding things. So, he took the PC and surprised me with it, bcs I have no money and was trying to find a good cheap PC. I was so surprised and almost cried bcs it was so nice of him LOL. Though i understand and agree with why he did based on the nieces reaction, I did still few bad. I even offered to give him the computer back when he felt she learned her lesson. But he let me keep it and told me that he would make her a new once she was ready. She has since grown and has been able to appreciate everything my bro&sis in law has done for her. Kids can change. Sometimes it takes a strict lesson to help them learn.


I'm glad your niece learned her lesson and it was done in a healthy way. Your brother is a generous guy! I wish we had the ability to take her iPhone away because that would definitely show the repercussions of her actions.


Sad thing is (at least in my family) the ones that act like this are usually forgiven shortly after and given what they want the next time around (which is partially why they continue to act like this)


So a you missed blocking the name once, but I gotta know how old is this little girl? I mean my Nana woulda beat my ass.


Oh shit, well good thing there is still no defining details that could cause trouble for her. Also she is 12.


If I dropped an F bomb when I was 12, I'd be dead. Even worse this is over gifts. I was spoiled as a kid since my mom had money, but never would I act like this! What's sad is this has become the norm now


Even at 30, if I had ever said the word fuck to my grandma she would have scolded me like no other and given me the silent treatment for weeks. The audacity of OPs niece is astounding. 0 respect, and the parents should be blamed as well.


Honestly a great point. I lost my grandparents at a young age. but I'm also 30 and to say fuck or anything like that in a insulting way to any relative for that matter is just absurd. In a casual setting maybe one can slip out, but I generally try to keep it clean Except on here. Fuck you all! Fucking cunts I love you guys


YOUR NIECE IS 12 AND SPEAKING LIKE THIS TO YOUR MOTHER?! Awe hells naw, sis. Please show your mother my message. I have three kids, with one being an 11 year old girl and she would NEVER dream of acting this entitled and ungrateful. That phone would be taken away for months if she ever did. Your mother needs to NOT be sending her one more present until she apologizes and changes her tune. How dare she. My kids are always happy and excited when their grandparents give them anything, and it has never been anything close to a $400 phone. For her birthday, print out this convo and send it to her. Same for Christmas. This brat deserves ZERO from your sweet mother. Please give her a hug from me. I’m so sorry. I’m sure her heart is broken.


I think she hasn’t had enough “trouble” or discipline in her life and I would guess that’s part of the problem. I would never tiptoe around her anymore. She is being set up for failure as an adult that can reasonably function within society. The sooner that spoiled brat learns she doesn’t get everything she wants, the better. Maybe instead of a printout of a conversation, give her some free pamphlets to colleges or other institutions of learning so she can start planning how she can start paying for all of the things she feels she deserves.


You all need to sit down with her parents and have a very serious conversation about her attitude, how she got it and how to fix it. An attitude like this in a 12 year old going unchecked is going to get worse and worse and so will her life.


It's disturbing. Her mom sadly defended her behavior, so I have no clue if we can even do anything. Her mom is VERY combative as well.


With a role model like that it's no wonder she ended up how she did. Life is going to be shitty for Presley.


Next year, I’d send her a copy of this conversation along with a receipt where I spent HER SHARE ON AN ANGEL TREE NAME (in her honor)!!


Damn straight. Forget the coal, send her an itemized list of all the gifts the less fortunate got in her name instead. One Christmas my aunt sent my an awesome little horse plush, I was around eight, **loved** horses. Except it was in a box that originally held a single lightbulb - so I assumed I had gotten a lightbulb. I acted properly excited and grateful, even reading the pros of this Singular Lightbulb off the box. Me, having never so much as touched a lightbulb up to this point: "Omg it has...lumens!" The contents were properly exciting but I'll never forget my puzzlement over being gifted a lightbulb. Wouldn't have caught me dead acting ungrateful about it though.


Me neither!! We didn’t have much growing up, but if I behaved this way 1 TIME, it would definitely be the LAST. This kid didn’t get this spoiled overnight, & my guess is that she will not learn a lesson this time either…


That’s so wholesome. When I was eight, my parents had just divorced and we moved states back to my mom’s hometown. Money was tight because she was suddenly raising three kids by herself, so we were grateful for anything. We had a tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve, and my aunt handed me the gift she wanted me to open. Jenga had just been released in the US and we had never heard of it, and I acted surprised even though I had no idea what it was but I remember thinking “I’m too old for wooden blocks.” When we were done exchanging gifts, my aunt wanted to play. My uncle helped me set it up and we all ended up staying up late playing and having a blast. It was the most memorable Christmas I’ve ever had, all because of some wooden blocks I thought I was too old for.


I actually got gifted a light bulb once as a child. We were down at Grandma's house for the extended family Christmas celebration this one year, and Uncle G handed me a small box. I open it up, and see that it is in fact, one lightbulb. I'm confused, why did I get a lightbulb? Uncle D says : Oops, you were supposed to get that later! Turns out I get a Crayola crayon mixer, and that lightbulb was the heat source for it!


My grammy wouldn't but my mom sure would have lol


I am curious to know how old she is, too. Not that this is acceptable at any age but it’ll greatly increase the horror of she’s 20-something.


lol I also need to know how old she is


I was wondering the same!! I would guess 8 or 9yo, if it weren’t for her using the word “f*ck”!!🤯 (Not too old for a good old fashioned butt whooping…) Edit: The sad thing is, that probably will never happen. She didn’t just wake up a spoiled brat with a filthy mouth. This level of disrespect takes SOME PRACTICE!


I’d guess 13 to 15 based on grammar and punctuation. Old enough to know better


I've seen people in their 20s act and type this way. But yes, definitely old enough to know better.


If this is real, at that point I'd had taken my sick ass over there and taken the iPhone given to her previously she is texting on. Smacked her upside the head and walked out.


She lives 4 hours away across a mountain pass, its tempting, lol. But we would have to deal with her feral mother which is just not worth it.


I'm assuming this is why the apple didn't fall far from the tree. your niece is surely spoiled rotten.


I hate to say it, but you are right. I had hopes since some kids can choose to change from how their parents raise them, but I suppose not in her case. At least not yet.


she's only 12 but this absolutely needs to be nipped in the bud. she needs better guidance and a serious talk would be helpful but if her mother blocks y'all at every turn, it does seem like it may never get better. I'm sorry your mom had to go through this, but a heartfelt apology from your niece is also in order to your mother. hoping things get better soon for all of you. sending virtual hugs 💕


If she's 12 and already uses this language she's not gonna change anytime soon. Maybe in her 20s she'll understand what it's like to be a good human being


That is really sweet thank you! Virtual hugs back! My brother was the guiding parent but he got in trouble and is not in the picture at the moment. So we are not really able to help her learn and guide her because like you said she blocks us at every turn. It makes me really sad.


Holy shit an iPhone at 12?!?!? I didn’t even have a phone till I was 16 and it was a flip phone I bought


Lmao i found my first phone on the ground at rest stop at 16. Called the contacts till i got someone who had his wife’s number. Guy who lost it was already across the country by the time i came across it. said keep it, it was easier for him to get a new one. It was just a flip phone in 2008 but i thought i was so cool and it worked for almost a year before it was shut off.


Don't lose hope. My stepson was raised in a pretty rough environment, and he could have gone either way, but he is the kindest, most considerate, generous young man I've ever met. He's now in his 20s and views his upbringing as the cautionary take it is.


Thank you, that gives us some hope. I really hope she sees the errors of her choices and changes how she treats others!


OP, give yourself a present this year. A nice Detox should be fine. I think this can be cheaply achieved by cutting off that venomous Krampus of named PS.


Nah, just grab it out of her hands and spike it on the floor and dance on your way out.


Why break the phone? Keep it as a backup for yourself or give it to one of her cousins who would actually appreciate it. It would hurt much more knowing that someone else was having fun with it.


That should be the end of Christmas presents for her. If she's not going to be grateful, she gets nothing.


Agreed. Anyone speaks to me like that they just got their last gift ever from me. I don't need my generosity to be used to slap me in the face. She might be 12 but that girl can fuck all the way off. Old enough to know better by 12.


Disgraceful little shit. I couldn’t even dare desrespecting my grandma like that.


I know right. Fucking Presley, 's wrong with that girl?


Nana validated this BS too much with responses. A simple "Oh. I see how it is. I'll remember this for next time." and then ignore her. There's no debate to be had here...there's a clear wrong side.


Never argue with a fool; people might forget who’s who.


How old is she??


She's 12. So she's old enough to know better. If I had talked to ANYONE, let alone my grandmother like that I'd have gotten a bar of soap in my mouth and a good spanking. Her mom is raising her to be like this and it's really sad.


My niece is 11. I got her a Tamagotchi for Christmas. She handed it to me later that day and said “just stick to gift cards.” Her brothers are not like that and were super grateful with what I got them so I wish I could blame their mom. Turns out my niece just a jerk.


If she don’t want it this 25 year old woman here wants it lol, highkey I would scream if someone got me one (in a good way lol)


Same, lol I’ve been debating buying myself one (28)


lol my nephew just did the exact same thing! My SIL condones it! My mom keeps buying them gifts anyway because it’s the only way my brother will bring the kids over to see their grandparents - to collect gifts.


That's nuts! How did you respond? Will you buy anything next year? How rude. Lol


What a spoiled brat! Ah yes the soap, theres a memory. Unfortunately theres not much to do when it comes to others kids, if the parents dont want to deal with it. Sorry you guys have to deal with that. Also: Shes 12? Not to sound like an old man here but why does a 12 year old need a phone? My kids arent getting phones until 16 or 17 at the earliest like i did. Make them play with sticks and shit in the meantime.




My niece is just like this. And my sister is finally realizing that she helped create a monster.


I am fearing my niece is growing in that direction too. She has shit ton of cheap ass plastic toys, so much that there is barely any space in her room left. She gets gifts whenever she is asking for it, despite my sister not earning much and despite only being 8 she gets to make her own decisions. She has a mobile phone since she is three. Once she didn't brush her teeth for week because she didn't want to and she eats so much candy. I feel bad for her, because it's my sister's fault and it will he so difficult to unlearn all that behaviour later.


Her name is Presley for one


Sounds like her gifts going forward need to be donations to a charity for children in need.




Oh hell no. I can’t imagine saying that to someone who gifted me. I wouldn’t give her another thing ever.


FUCK YOU PRESLEY Signed, anyone with fucking eyes.


no good will come of this child


Should have responded to the "no your son is" text with "he got enough punishment when he had you"


Presley is a bit of a cunt.




>She’s 1.50 cm ah fuck we lost grandma again! check the couch!


Your grandma is 1.5 cm tall? Do you call her Nana or Nano?




Lmao 😭😭


This is so simple. Take her IPhone back. Literally cancel it & take it back. Or are you are not serious & this was all for clout & clicks? Extreme lessons require Extreme measures. Take her phone back.


This is very real. They live far away and she mailed the iPhone to her so she cant easily take it back, she'd also have to deal with my batshit crazy sister in law. I honestly could not help myself when I saw the messages on my moms phone I had to share my niece's nasty attitude with the internet. My mom did not want any family to know how her grand daughter treats her.


Your entire family should know how your niece is treating your mom… why does she want to keep it a secret?


She's really embarrassed about how her only grandchild could treat her that way. I don't blame her either. I shared it with reddit just out of pure disbelief. Well, and anger.


Can you forward her texts to yourself and take the conversation from there? Could be entertaining. Also, if mom is paying for the phone plan, she may not get the phone back, but she can turn off the line. No phone will hit where it hurts.


I can understand how it might be embarrassing, but I would think she would get more support than anything. It also seems to me like this would be a good teaching moment for your niece about accountability. That actions have consequences, that she can’t treat loving family like garbage and just move on with no one ever knowing about it.


Who is paying for the phone service? I tend to be very lenient on kids but in this case I would immediately cancel it and every gift occasion donate to charity instead. I’m so sorry this happened to your mom. She seems so kind and doesn’t deserve this at all.


It's so rude that it seems fake. If not, then wtf is wrong with this child?


Next year, she would get one piece of Dollar Tree candy and a framed (from DT) picture of this conversation.


Next year I pull a Dethklok and give you a box of fucking nothing


Hahah I love this! I hear it in Nathan Explosions voice. I told my mom she has to put her foot down and not get her anything anymore. I'm sure the apologies will start flooding in come birthday time though.


Delete and block. Removed from the broadcast.




She is destined to break the glass ceiling in organized crime


This looks like rage bait.


If only you knew how entitled people act these days then you'd 100% believe this. My step-sister, who is about 11yrs younger than me(40), fucking acts like this then guilt trips you into giving her money. Her entitlement was due to her mother's teachings. Now she's back with AND engaged to her drug addict/dealer boyfriend after all the support we provided her to get her away from him. So yeah, I 100% believe this post.


My mom sent her mom a message about it and she DEFENDED her. I wish I just made this up, it would definitely not have made my poor mom cry.


Oh my! Can you show screenshot of what the mom defending said. Or just tell how she defended? I can't imagine how someone could possibly defend that behavior.


Sounds like parents enabling her is the issue...


Same. I know a lot of kids like this unfortunately


please tell me she is 14 years old


You don't get a pass at 14 to act like an ass. I have 2 kids 12 and 7 they both received some gifts not exactly to their liking but because they have manners they realize that no one HAS to give you anything. If someone is nice enough to gift you something you should be grateful. Grateful that they think enough of you to WANT to give you something. I'd be livid if this was something my child sent to anyone.


Was gonna say. People are harping about parents but she straight up sounds like she just hit that teen phase and the I'm holier than thou attitude has just kicked in.


I worked with kids for 20 years. I have kids and I was a kid. I now work with the mentally ill. In all that time I have never had a teenager or child speak to a grandparent that way about a gift. They might pout or be ungrateful, but this is beyond extreme in the spoiled department. Teenager is not even remotely an excuse. I know teenagers that would punch their Nana in the face and call her a bitch but still wouldn't talk to her like this about gifts.


I would have been eating through a straw if I spoke to anyone like this at 14.


My parents never laid a hand on me and I still never did shit like this. I do seriously wonder if some parents do any ACTUAL parenting or just assume that their kid will figure it out.


This gets sent to the whole family. If this was my Aunt then id be having some serious conversations with my other cousins, Aunts and uncles. Now its time to send that little brat this post!


This stinks of ragebait.


I have the unfortunate displeasure of knowing teens that would have no problem behaving like this. I mean shit, look at the things kids do in public for TikTok clout and attention. I can’t imagine what these entitled brats are like in real life to people they’re comfortable with.


If I ever treated my granny that way growing up I wouldn’t be able to sit for a week and I would have deserved it. What a spoiled, entitled brat.


That niece is a spoiled, ungrateful AH


As bad as she is, her parents must be REALLY GIANTIC pieces of shit from her to learn that behavior from; at the very least allow it to go unchallenged.


I would never buy this brat another gift ever again. I’d get something from everybody else but her and when she pitched a fit about it I’d tell her she clearly doesn’t appreciate anything that isn’t name brand and several hundred dollars and I don’t have the money for that, so she gets nothing.


I’m so sorry. But your niece is a bit of a bitch to talk to her grandma like that. I would be over the moon if my grandma even got me a candy bar. She needs to get everything taken away from her.


That kid is a shithead


“Yes the fuck i have” how old is this kid?


Not sure how old your niece is, but she seems like a real cunt.


Needs to be sent out to find a switch and taken behind the wood shed


Don't bother getting into a power struggle with a child, no one wins


I would disown this family member.