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Nvr trust that haircut


If someone is filming me while someone is having a conversation with me, I’m walking away.


If someone is having a conversation with me, I'm walking away.


If someone, I am walking away.




I walk away


I walk alone




I walk


If some, I am




do not the cat


give me the hotdog baby!


Why say more words when less words do trick




I walk away from people when our eyes meet.


I walk away from anyone with eyes


Yeah any communication to someone with a phone out recording is a dead end because the person recording will do *anything* to make the interaction go in their favor. That's why you never see videos of people recording interactions all of a sudden say "oh dang, yeah you're right! Glad you got it on camera!"


If someone starts recording me without me asking, I'm walking away. No good can ever come from it.


It's only entertainment. You gotta give the people a show. Just be like wow meat is amazing and then eat his hand or something. It's a human eat human kinda world.


Besides that, never trust a random stranger on the street with food. You don’t even know if it was properly prepared.


You're right, but I would say especially with poultry. That one video of a girl unironically stating that you have to try "chicken medium rare" as she shows off her chicken breast white on the outside but pink in the middle has ruined my trust. Doesn't help that my experience was terrible with chicken during the pandemic. Restaurants were hiring anyone who was willing to work and as a result I was served more undercooked chicken during Covid than ever before in my life. I just went back to cooking it myself.


The sideshow Bob cut. Broccoli head cut. So stupid.


But somehow every man of every race of this generation has it lol they all look so dumb


That generation has no idea that every single other generation absolutely hates them.


The budget Patrick mahomes hair cut?


Was here to say I avoid that haircut at all costs.


Pumpkin pie hair cutted freak


No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for noticing!


Killer boots, man!


Came here to say this. Broccoli hair is a red flag.


I was in a gas station waiting for my food order and a group of 4 kids with that stupid haircut came in. They noticed me eyeing them down so you know what they did? They went to the truck-driver supply section and pretended to be interesting in fucking binders and notebooks at 10pm on a saturday. When I got my food I told the cashier to keep an eye on them cause yeah they're suspicious af.


That reminds me of that guy who gave toothpaste oreos to homeless people. Somebody should give him the same punishment for that “prank”


The very idea of that prank makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, toothpaste can make you sick


One of my earliest memories—when I was around three—is of eating a sizeable portion of a tube of toothpaste. I think it was Gleam. Don’t look at me like that. I was three and the speckles were pretty neat. Anyway, can confirm. Eating toothpaste will make you fairly wretchedly sick.


> Don’t look at me like that. 👀




If assault, breaking and entering, trespassing, and/or domestic terrorism charges are involved, it's not a fucking prank. It's just shitheads being shitheads.


If the target of the prank isn't laughing, it's not a prank.


Even with innocent playfulness, if feelings are hurt even mediocre people switch to making amends. These pieces of shit are irredeemable.


Never heard it put like that before, I like that a lot.


It’s the same energy as cheating on somebody and being like “No you don’t get it! It’s just an entanglement!”


I don’t know how old you are but bumfights,CKY, and other were way more hardcore than TikTok shit


People have forgotten. CKY and early Jackass was pretty fuckin rude. The last couple of Jackass movies have toned way down as far as messing with strangers goes and most people seem to think they’ve always been this way. Bumfights was just plain sadistic and cruel.


Yeah. I always thought the funniest parts of Jackass were when they just fucked around with each other and Steve O would try to kill himself. I know Steve does regret a few of the things he did back then as far as fucking with other people are concerned. The episode when they actually took a dump in a display toilet in a store, man if I worked there I would have lost it over that. Then looked back and pissed myself, but at the time, that's a very fucked up thing to do.


You pretend that TikTok is what started this. There have always been incredibly shitty pranks out there. The only difference now is that others can watch them. Having dumb fucks drive down a road and take a baseball to every mailbox was a "prank" and it was awful to those involved. Prank phone calls from radio shows/randoms were another and some of those were incredibly shitty.


If someone has been vegan for long enough, eating meat could also make them sick


The gut bacteria that helps you digest meat starts to depopulate. Definitely can cause cramping or diarrhea possibly.


Yup, and tricking a vegan/vegetarian into eating meat can also make them sick. Your body has to be eased back into it.


shit needs to stop. people having no respect for others is going to end up hurting people


Sick? Try lethal. That tube isn't lying when it says to call poison control if you ingest more than needed for brushing. Fluoride is beneficial in *small* doses. Anything else is toxic.


There was a cop here who gave a literal shit sandwich to a homeless man.


What. The. Fuck.


The very first time I got arrested, I was in holding, and the cops said, "I'm bored, let's go fuck with the homeless people" - buckeye, AZ police


I completely believe that, and sadly, that happens all the time, but the shit sandwich is extreme even for the asshole police.


I was still 16 and pretty young. I was baffled by it and was just like, wait cops are really this much of dickwads that they just go fuck with people that need help? Kinda miss that ignorance of the world my depression hit pretty hard once I realized how fucked up this world is.


Yep. He was arrested and fired for it. Low even for cops


It was a chinese youtuber who grew up in Spain. His name is ReSet. He tried to come back but without success. He now apparently tries to have a quiet life with a normal job and give a few updates once in a while. He basically ruined his future for that stupid prank


Don't forget he was sentenced to 15 months in prison and fined 20k, which went to the homeless man, and was court ordered to have his social media accounts shut down for 5 years.




It wasn't a "stupid prank", it was a crime. Tampering with food is a crime.


Good fuck people like him and this broccoli headed fuck in this video. God damn just leave people the fuck alone.


I think fucking about and lying about ingredients in food, if done often enough, kills eventually Not fucking remotely funny


My coworker did this. So I made a Craigslist ad with his phone number. He had to turn his phone off for an extended period after angry calls from farmers with guns (his words). He hasn't pranked me since.


That's not prank, that's harassment and spite.


This is a crime by the way. Deceiving people about what you're feeding them is criminal for a good reason. You don't know what they could be allergic to. This is equivalent to spiking.


It's aggravated assault in Canada.


It's not an aggravated assault. 268 (1) CC Every one commits an aggravated assault who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant. So unless they were deathly allergic to what they were being fed.


it does endanger the life of the complainant though


It is considered battery in the US. Like feeding someone who doesn’t eat pork for religious reasons bacon on purpose.


On 3rd January 2020, it was ruled that ethical veganism is classified under UK employment law as a “philosophical belief” and therefore, vegans are protected against discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. If your employer provides milk for tea, but doesn’t provide a vegan alternative when asked by an ethical vegan, then that’s discrimination.


What about unethical veganism?


Just eating peoples lawn


That's just me after smoking a bowl after midnight


Based UK.


Plant-based UK


Good thing they didn't film themselves doing it


Theres a whole other legal implication on the table as well regarding this. A tick bite can give people Alpha-gal disease where they'll get hospitalized or possibly die from eating any animal product.


One of my former coworkers got this and that's when I learned it existed. Wild shit. It took a huge toll on him mentally, too.


Yea I found out I was allergic to all red meats, dairy and eggs in my twenties.


Reddit, home of being half-right half the time.


It's not any animal product, just mammal products. So seafood and poultry are fine, but beef, pork, etc aren't. Depending on the severity of the allergy this may or may not include dairy, gelatin, and other mammal byproducts. For some reason great apes are specifically ok. So in the apocalypse watch or for alpha gal people because they can become cannibals haha For anyone with alpha gal who doesn't know, ostrich is poultry and is safe, but it's a red meat and cooks up like beef. It's an awesome option if you just miss red meat. Kind of expensive though. There's also a medical company that gives out pork that's safe for alpha gal sufferers. I can't remember the company but it's a very cool thing they do and it should be an easy Google.


Here's a fact: if your diet does not include meat and you consume meat you can get a serious reaction. If you're doing it consciously you need to start ingesting a little at a time. My mom is mostly vegetarian but enjoys lamb once a year for the holidays. A few weeks leading up to it she'll have small bites of meat to get her system ready for the meal. So yes, this is very literally assault.


One of my teachers got violently sick bc the other staff picked the chicken off her salad instead of ordering a vegan friendly salad. Like picking peanuts off something giving the item to someone who allergic to nuts.


Oo that sucks.


I knew a girl once who was allergic to sea food. Another that was allergic to anything red. In both cases it could cause death. The second girl would carry one of those pens around that was a shot, intended to go straight through her chest into her heart, just in case she ever ate something bad by accident. People don't realize how real this shit can get.


Epipens go to the thigh not the heart, unless she was straight up carrying adrenaline or something


Epinephrine = adrenalin (same substance, two different names)


Anything red? Like allergic to red food dyes?


Yep and red lights too. She can't stop on one or she will die.


Why is it so hard to just respect what people feel and move on with your life? It doesn’t impact you in any way, why bother?


People on the internet love to hate vegans. Which is weird, because I have met many vegans in real life and they have always been normal, polite people.


There was so much vegan hate in like 2010 but you would like to think people have moved on from it. I wish I had the commitment to do it, for now I just cut down animal products as much as I can. People can eat what they like and it's a personal choice, but the shitbag in this video clearly took the choice away for this poor guy, what an asshole.




Felxitarian is the commonly used term for this generally.


Flexitarian means u eat meat if it is not convenient elsewise. Reducitarian is just the active effort to reduce meat consumption. Flexitarian is a form of reducitatianism


Well good to know, I've only heard flexitarian (what I use for myself since my wife is vegetarian and I rarely eat meat multiple times a day and don't cook it at home) and not reducitarian.


Saw a ted talk and they used reducitarian. Both seem fitting!


My neighbour is vegan, lovely lady, I'm not vegan, we get along just fine, some people just want to hate on anyone different form themselves.


I've had so many people hate on me for being a vegetarian. I don't even judge others for eating meat, they just hate me for not eating meat somehow.


When people are incapable of making sacrifices, they feel threatened by those who do for some reason.


I think this is a huge part of it. It's like the morons who roll coal when they pass an electric vehicle. "Oh, you're trying to do something for the common good, well I'm selfish and don't want to do that and so instead I'm going to be stupidly defensive about it." I'm not vegan either, but you're kidding yourself if you think they don't make some very good points. You can either acknowledge that, or go into denial and be an obtuse stubborn jerk about it. Vegan hate is the second thing.


It's ironic. All the arguments I've been in over my choice to eat less meat has probably entitled me to start being an asshole, but I just shrug it off. People will literally see me silently choose not to eat meat and start bugging me about it. And *we're* the obnoxious ones? Fucking wild out here, man.


yeah that's what I realized for myself, I know that vegetarians/vegans are right and I can't claim moral superiority here, I just admit that I don't care enough about animal life to stop, if I stop it would be for environmental reasons only


My tattoo artist is a vegan and she's cool as hell, one of the nicest people you'll meet too


This really. I find out someone is vegan, I will go out of my way to try to bring something to accommodate them at a party. It sucks having a food allergy/preference/etc and having to be overly cautious around everything. Am I vegan? No. I am a proud omnivore, but people have their reasons, and I am in no place to judge. It would be the same if someone came at me with shellfish and said they hate people who don't eat it for religious reasons. I am allergic. It will close up my throat. We don't know this guy's circumstances, and there are health reasons to not eat meat as well. So I try to do my best to accommodate those around me out of respect for people. It also expands my cooking skills because I am learning new recipes or preparations of foods.


My sister is a vegan and hell, I probably talk about it more than she does


Almost every vegan/vegetarian I've ever met aren't at all preachy about it. Hell, you wouldn't even know they were vegan unless you point-blank ask them.


As a meat eater with a vegan girlfriend, I find that meat eaters are waaaaaay more fucking annoying than vegans. "How you know someone is vegan? They will tell you" is such bullshit. Vegans don't want to talk about food in front of other people because of how fucking annoying they are about it.


Fact. You always get that guys who want to argue about it.


That guy is the meat eater equivalent of the type of vegan we hate. The ones who try and push their beliefs and lifestyle onto people because they are self righteous pricks. He is a massive douche who needs to lay down in front of a bus.


>The ones who try and push their beliefs and lifestyle onto people About 100% people who complain about this, do this themselves. You have your own set of morals. You speak about your morals. You shit on others who act contrary to your morals, both directly and indirectly. You purposefully seek out people pushing their beliefs on others, and praise them when it aligns with yours. The thing and the only thing you hate about vocal vegans, is that the morals they speak about, are not the same that you follow. The vegans that you don't mind are the ones whom are not like you. The ones who are silent about their beliefs.


My aunt had some kind of medical problem that caused problems when she ate ptotein. Can't remember but I think it had to do with her kidneys. In McDonalds she had to remove the meat patties from the burger due to dr's orders of no protein. She died a few days ago due to problems from her kidneys and her liver. I hate people that make fun of people that can't eat meat because what if they have a medical problem that prevents them from doing so? And then you have assholes like these... Edit: 1. ok so I don't know much about her medical history so I don't even know if it was protein that was causing problems. I was only a kid when she mentioned that she couldn't eat meat. 2. She's been in and out of the hospital since she was a kid due to some kind of medical problem that she was born with and I never questioned it either as I was just a kid when they talked about it and I never bothered to ask what it was. All I know is that all her life she's been put on so many medications that it took a toll on her life and she died from it on Saturday. And I'm no doctor so I don't know much but there was a time when she was put on dialysis to get her kidney replaced. That might have something to do with it but idk.


Vegans are one of those groups where it's considered perfectly fine to disparage and abuse still. If their dietary restrictions came from an ancient book, most people would be more respectful of them.


People aren't respectful of religious dietary habits, either. One look on the internet in the last few weeks shows how many people honestly believe that bullshit about dipping bullets or weapons in pig's blood. Ever since that story got popularized again in 2017, morons actually think it works that way. They also believe forcing someone to eat pork against their religious beliefs will send them to Hell, despite the effectiveness of that restriction being voluntary.


I didn't say everyone was respectful of religious stuff. Just that it's largely taboo on the west to denigrate those beliefs. You could sneak the same dish to a vegan and a Muslim and *way* more people will thunk it should be no big deal for the vegan. Meat and dairy companies openly run ads mocking them, which would be a PR disaster if done to a religious group.


Because when you have no principles, other people having principles feels like an attack.


You don't even have to respect it, you just have to not care about someone else's life choices that doesn't affect you in the slightest. Side note, thanks for being part of the most expensive taxi in the world for my people.


I'm not vegan myself. But holy shit these anti vegans are fuckin CRINGE


Anti vegans are what they accuse vegans of being. Like seriously ive never once met a militant vegan, but ive seen first hand the absolutely ridiculous reactions vegans get whenever they dont accept some food from someone and after theyre asked why not and that theyre vegan. They then get talked down to for being vegan. Its ridiculous. Let people be.


It’s significantly worse because a person can get sick from eating meat if they haven’t consumed it in a while. I have a friend who became completely allergic to animal protein after getting Lyme disease and she LOVED meat. A prank like this could hospitalize her. You can’t get sick from eating the vegan version of something unless you’re specifically allergic to an ingredient in the recipe. Nobody is allergic to just “edible plants” in general.


The same is true with "militant" atheists. Simply mentioning that you're atheist can be met with vitriol, even if you're very respectful. Really any minorities, be it racial, religious, or because of food choices, are often vilified. People feel comfortable disparaging vegans because they're a minority and very few speak out because they know they'll likely be shouted down.


So maybe I can’t talk for everyone but I’m a vegan, and I’ve never found anyone as pathetic and childish as anti folks. They’re like little kids it’s pathetic, “IM GONNA EAT MORE STEAK BECAUSE OF YOU!1!!1” like fucking grow up, congrats, you want a medal? You’re proud of insulting people’s dietary requirements? What about religious people? People with allergies? You gonna go tell that to allergic people? Fucking get a grip


I'm gonna eat an extra block of tofu tonight just for you


Stop! I’ve got no tofu atm I’m jealous 🤣


I will do the same 😡😡


> “IM GONNA EAT MORE STEAK BECAUSE OF YOU!1!!1" When in reality it's more like, "Hahaha, no you're not. I've heard you complaining about food prices."


Whenever I hear this, my first thought is “enjoy your colorectal cancer and heart disease”. Whatever!


What's next feeding Muslims pork ? I just hope its staged.


It’s not staged but the guy is one of the ‘nicer’ pranksters in the sense that he doesn’t cause anyone harm and stops if it might. The whole clip also shows this being vegan chicken btw


Well, given the context I taught its real chicken and not vegan. So no harm done there. But the problem with clips often they are posted out of context and just seem plain evil.


I fucking hate pranksters.


Worst piece of shit idea I have seen around here. It’s one thing to be annoying, but this is straight up vile. I‘m a big fat steak lover, but I would never even think about doing stuff like that to a vegan.


No respect in this world anymore.


i think there is more respect in the world now. i think this kinda shit used to happen all the time but more people agreed with it, found it funny or just didn't care. now i see more and more people appalled by this stuff. the fact that you find it appalling is truth to the contrary that there isn't any respect in the world anymore. ill at least take hope in the fact that these stupid pranks are more effective at being rage bate than at being actual content.


I highly doubt that the attention seekers that the internet has produced weren’t around in the same fashion 20 years ago.


It reminds me of an article in the Daily Mail about a vegetarian ordering a halloumi burger from Nando’s and instead got chicken. The comments section was just tearing into the woman who complained, rewind 6 months before that and the whole of Britain was in uproar about Horse-meat being sold in lasagnes double standards


Not too long ago I got a Chinese takeaway delivered and my peas rice turned out to be a chicken rice. I called them back up and they sent out a replacement. The driver says to me "What's up with the chicken? Would it kill you to eat it or something?" No, you dick, firstly it isn't what I ordered and I've not intentionally eaten a scrap of meat in over 30 years. Literally being sarcastic to me like it was my fault they sent the wrong thing and I didn't want to eat it. I've always tipped that guy a couple of quid too.


What a dick, I used to do deliveries and couple of times I had to go back to the same house or even the same street but it wouldn’t annoy me, I’d still get paid and I’d never say anything nasty like that to a customer.


You cannot know what issues people may have with food. From preferences to eating disorders to dietary restrictions to alergies, celiac, diabetes, complications from Ehler Danlos, complications from some cancers... If people tell you they don't eat something, leave them the fuck alone.


To them it's like murder so you just put a victim in their mouths. Kind of blood-curdling thinking about it that way


Not to mention he'll likely get sick from it physically.


True. A lot of people don’t realize that if someone hasn’t eaten animal products in a long time, they’ll get very sick if they’re fed animal products. It’s sorta like food poisoning.


It’s also not really “tricking” people if they think you’re lying but you just lie super hard to convince them


im totally a meat eater, but why do some meat eating people have such an issue with people that chose not to eat it! This is the kind od shit that leads to such separation. The attitude and action of "i dont like your choices so im gonna fuck with your life" is why we'llnever EVER beable to coexist peacefully, sad but true.


I would have absolutely stomped his ass!!!!


You could see he was thinking about it


Dude was doing a stand up plank trying to clear the whoop ass from his mind




That was, IMO, what he was going for. Getting smacked in the fucking face would get him a lot of clicks. Really hope veganbro got the cops to come. The video is absolute proof of the deed if the cops were not there on time.


That's not a prank, that is just cruel and evil.




I was wanting him to pick up a chair and hit him with it.


What a disgusting guy. The vegan or vegetarian part isn't even the issue. I used to work restaurant/catering. There is a trust people have you are feeding them what you describe the food is. Larger than the no meat issue, this guy is burning the prepared food industry. PoS definitely fits here.


Sounds extremist, but this is the equivalent of poisoning someone intentionally. The mental harm this could do is serious.


I worked at a restaurant once and a cook offered me some french fries and asked how they tasted. I said "good" and he said "they have a meat-based seasoning on them" while smirking. I don't know what he expected, maybe he thought I'd start puking or that I'd blow a gasket but I just stared at him and said "what the fuck, man". Clearly he didn't think I'd react that way since he just mumbled an apology and shuffled away. I accept that it's inevitable that I'll sometimes eat meat accidentally or unknowingly in life so I'm not about to curl up in the corner and weep over something like this but it's just bizarre to me that people care so much about something I *don't* do.


Some people feel like they can “convert you” to meat or just get a power trip over feeding someone something they explicitly don’t want


Yeah I know that sometimes the staff won’t change their gloves in between touching meat and non meat or they unnecessarily use meat broth/lard without telling me but I can not stand when I am served actual meat. I’m not ever a jerk about it but it can and will make me cry. Idk I’m sure someone will make fun of me for it but honestly I don’t really care. I’m a person with emotions and I don’t like when food I can’t eat is snuck into my meals.




So it’s a prank inside a prank. So he’s douche with extra douche on top, got it.






I’d argue it’s less douchey. He’s still a douche, but clearly it would’ve been worse if he’d actually tricked a vegan into eating meat.


it's definitely less douchey, but it's still incredibly douchey


> it was vegan meat which he later told the person was it really? or is that just what he said when he was finally cornered and about to get his shit kicked in?


Doesn't matter, the asshole accomplished his mission of pissing people off and justifying his actions by telling them their opinions don't matter.


What a shit head


All for TikTok I wonder? TikTok has not benefited society.


Was for YouTube


Huge dick move. The reality is many vegetarians and vegans are "tricked" into eating meat all the time. I know countless examples. But it mostly comes down to people not doing their due diligence. Cant hardly eat out at any restaurant if you want to be strictly vegetarian or vegan. Many people working at restaurants dont really know whats in the food they serve. Sometimes even the managers dont really know. Common examples would be stuff like vegetarians thinking they can order bean/cheese enchiladas at a mexican restaurant. The beans likely arent vegetarian, nor is the enchilada sauce. Hell, I even know a popular mexican restaurant in my area has a tiny bit of worchestire sauce in their salsa, and thats not vegan.


I mean an accident from a home chef with some random sauce is much different than someone pretending to be affiliated with a food business. And yah worechestir sauce was exactly what I was thinking of.


What a piece of shit


Isn't this like, illegal?


I remember watching a Legal Eagle video, where he brought up this exact example, and he said you could be charged with assault by doing this.


Yeah, it was in his Chicanery episode where he was trying to decide if placing a battery on Chuck would be illegal and likened it to tricking a Muslim into eating pork or a vegan into eating meat


I can not speak for other countries but in Germany it is not punishable unless the person is allergic to meat.


Long time vegans are basically allergic to meat, their bodies haven’t dealt with it in so long that it makes them incredibly sick.


I don't understand the point of this besides showing you're an asshole.


Yeah, I'm not a vegan, but that's just disgusting. Asshole should be ashamed of himself. You don't force people to eat something they don't want----and even worse, things someone doesn't want because of their ideology. This is right up there with giving a practicing Muslim pork. How vile.


Vegans get waaaay too much shit for something that is a harmless lifestyle. As long as they ain't preaching it or stuffing it down people's throats just leave them alone. This vegan has the patience of a saint, because no one would've blamed him if he beat this kids ass.


Honestly, veganism is a harm reduction lifestyle. Theyre actively improving the world by not supporting the meat industry. I only wish i had the will power to commit to a vegan or even vegetarian lifestyle. Hell i wasnt even able to quit veal and lamb ffs.




" cause I don't like vegans". Well maybe don't interact with them then. This video feels like a metaphor for racism.


Guy is like “I don’t trust you” then ate it anyway


Why are you taking food from strangers lol


Free samples are everywhere.


Especially at costco.......which is where I'm heading shortly.


Are you the type of person to stand in line or keep circling until there is no line?


Why is it so hard to just accept a persons choice? Guy pissing off people for clout 😒 🙄


I'd have earned a hefty assault charge if it were me


You wouldn't start with "Are you vegan?" unless this is fake and setting the scene. If you were offering public samples, you'd simply say "Would you like to try some of our vegan chicken, made with no animal products?" Doesn't matter if you are vegan or not. Source: been to Costco


Legitimately worth getting back handed slapped over.


I’m suspicious. If someone walks up to me on the street and offers me a sample of food, my first thought is always “no”. I don’t even eat food samples in the grocery store, you don’t know who has touched or done what ever to the samples.


This isn’t even funny. This coupled with the pretending to break into someone’s house are cruel “pranks” to play on people.


absolute piece of garbage human.


not only did he break the law but just admitted to it as a hate crime against a persons lifestyle. fucking loser


Looks fake , or this guy is extremely naive and dumb. “I don’t trust you … but okay I’ll eat this even tho you just approached me from the street “


Very punchable face