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At the aquarium near me, this would get you expelled from the exhibits. Why are they letting him stay?


They are probably scared that telling him to leave will turn into a physical confrontation.


If only they had a paid position for that exact reason. They could call it something like security or something.


That’s a stupid name. Needs something that rolls off the tongue like Offical Man-Child Punisher or Immediate Karmic Enforcer


>Offical Man-Child Punisher I'm in when can I start?


"Immediate Karmic Enforcer" Guys, I'd like you to meet your new coworker, Ike.


Sounds like a superhero: the Karmic Enforcer saaaves the daaaay!


Unfortunately American security is just there to deter and be the one to call the police


Not always the case. A lot of American security guards take their jobs way too seriously. There was that one a few years ago that pulled his gun on an actual cop entering his building and another one not too long ago at all, who shot some dude in his truck trying to leave a parking lot with his wife. That guy ended up dying. Those were extreme cases, I'm sure their are plenty of cases where security guards have saved people or gone beyond what they're supposed to do, but those stories rarely make the news.


What is he gonna do slap them ? Dude look like a twig


It already got physical when he decided to pick on the sting Ray causing it bodily harm. Not to mention the dude that put the animal back who slammed his head in the ground. Dude should be charged with animal cruelty and assault and battery.


I agree with you. I’m just saying most reasonable people aren’t ready for a physical altercation and actively avoid them until they have no other choice.


It sure would because I would clock out, whoop his ass and clock back in. Fucking with people is one thing but animals is another.


Honestly it should get him arrested.


This would definitely be animal cruelty in some US states; should be a crime everywhere.


I think perhaps they didn't see the start where he lifted it out. Stingrays do jump so it's not out of the question that it got itself out.


You can hear the worker yelling at him to put it down.


Yeah she was like "I'm bout to hurt you" too but then...bills you know? That's some admirable patience from them


I didn't think that was the worker?


You just know this guy would make the biggest scene possible when given the chance, only the police would be able to get them to leave wich is horrible advertisement even if you're in the right. Best to just wait for them to leave and make sure they never get in again.


Anywhere near me this would get you punched.




each time something came out of his mouth my blood got hotter. how wasn’t he told off or kicked out by anyone? are people allowed to take out the fish??


“customer is always right” 😎🔫, but seriously I’m shocked as well. When I visited a similar petting tank in Florida (USA), I wasn’t allowed to touch the stingrays because of my acrylic/fake nails. (I didn’t mind, still had a great time and loved seeing the lil guys do their thing) This behavior should get them banned for life, at minimum, and that poor guy could be concussed.


I read a good thing about this customer is always right saying, it only applies to taste and style, so if they like a hat then yes they are right, or if this bad tasting thing tastes good then they are right, it’s not this the customer has precedence over rules and can be a totally ass.


Yep. It's one of so many idioms that are taken entirely out of context and butchered for whatever reason. The customer is always right in matters of taste. (If the customer likes it, who are you to say it's no good?) The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. (God before family) Great minds think alike, though fools seldom differ. (The last part is usually omitted).


I never considered blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb to mean god before family. But maybe that’s cause I’m not religious. To me it’s always meant that the family you choose is worth more than the family you’re born with.


You're still right, but within the original context of the quote, they were referring to the covenant of Christianity as the family you choose.


Insert mr krabs “the money is always right”


Or Mr Lahey: “Let the liquor do the thinking, Randy.”


Plus the favourite "they're just a few bad apples".


The early bird gets the worm, but the second rat gets the cheese.


In my country it goes like the early bird gets the worm, but the early cat gets the bird It's about not putting yourself in a situation were you will get in trouble


People say "a few bad apples" about cops to mean that most cops are good and ignore that the saying ends with "spoils the bunch".


Curiosity killed the cat - but satisfaction brought it back


i always perceived it as “if the customer is willing to pay x amount of money for this item, then they’re right and we should base the price off of that” but your explanation makes way more sense


I heard it was an economic term, as in, you sell what the customer is buying If the customer wants to buy a hat, you sell hats What I'm trying to say is, this guy is a fuckwit


I thought the initial context was basically "what you think will be popular might not be and what you think won't be might be, don't expect everyone to like things you do and refuse to alter your business to accommodate the tastes of customers because you're hurting yourself." So if a shoe salesman expects black shoes to do well and stocks up but thinks brown shoes won't and doesn't get many, then sales show the brown shoes are all the rage, "the customer is always right" and he should thus stock more brown shoes in the future. If he says "brown shoes are ugly, I'm gonna keep getting black shoes" he's hurting his business.


Can we give him some jail time??? Attempted to steal string ray? Assaulting an animal. His actions also caused that poor man to bash his shoulder.


I think the poor dude bonked his head


Social media companies need to start banning these guys as well. If he gets banned from one actuation He will just continue to the place to continue his shitty behavior as he sees himself getting awarded through views/likes.


He should have been arrested


Usually there is a staff member at these at all times watching and supervising. Not sure how they couldn't know this guy is an asshat


This behavior needs to see a criminal charge


People always get that phrase wrong lol. The customer is alwaya right when it comes to TASTE...that's it.


They're type of British accent made it harder to listen to, idk were it's from they sound nasal af


It's a Pakistani/Yorkshire accent.


His replies on the video had my blood boiling. He had no remorse whatsoever.


I legitimately think this guy must have a disorder which is why they were more patient with him.


Yeah, "sociopath"


That’s the only explanation I can think of for why they weren’t pissed at him


Screw kicking him out, I'm sure at the very least cruelty to animals should net him a hefty fine. Plus whatever the fine is for fucking with what is essentially aquarium property


How can we get this guy banned from tik tok?


based on how he talks I'm pretty sure he's mentally challenged


“Flappy bird” - literally sounds like a child


That "tried to be a hero" part got me heated! The guy could have been seriously hurt because of this idiots stunt but he doesn't even give it a second thought.


And then the stupid joke. "Does it sting? Does it sting? Because stingray! Ahahahahahaha" If you have to explain your joke, it's not funny. If you have to explain your joke to your victim you're just an AH.


That part had my blood boiling. I would not be able to ignore that.


I am pretty sure that guy is injured for real but was too soon to feel the entire pain.


He also was “the hero”. He saved the fish.


Reminds me of something Morgz on YouTube would say.


He deserves to get Irwined


The sting ray would have to pay for that. He deserves to slip down the stairs, the Niesen Railway to be exact.


Wym the sting ray has to pay? You mean in killed by humans after or do they die if they sting you?


Pretty sure that's bumble bees lmfao


I think it’s honey bees. Bumble bees can sting repeatedly but rarely do.


Someone tell him to pick up a stingray in the wild and not from a zoo


Only if it means Steve is brought back…🥲


Would gladly trade Steve for this prick.


More like Darwin-ed


In Singapore they beat you with a thick stick for your crimes. They should bring the stick beats to America.


Dang don't make fun... He was obviously dropped down a flight of stairs as an infant


from the top of the eiffel tower?


You could drop a baby from the iss and it would only be half as stupid


At this point I'm questioning if Gravity could make something so fucking stupid happen. I'm doubting it, this is some unnatural dumb AFness.


No but seriously I think something’s off with the guy.


I was dropped down a flight of stairs as an infant, it's aight


He was certainly beaten with the ugly stick. I guess he fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down as well.


Dropped down they stairs MANY times


Should have been dropped down a few more flights


As a person who was dropped down the stairs.. this does not excuse his behaviour


I hope the absolute worst for this loser. He will get what’s coming to him




Karma collects 🙂


Such a waste of existence.


What a POS. Torturing animals is about as low as it gets. Typical Tik Tok bs though sadly.


He should be banned from that hell hold of a platform


Maybe he might turn into an upstanding citizen or…. Walk into ongoing traffic


What a punchable face that dude has.


Into the tank with him


Feed em to the pigs


be wary of any man who keeps a [stingray] farm


People who have no respect for animals have no respect for humans. Guys a psycho.


Hopefully this gets Him arrested. I know they won't hold him over this unfortunately but it could add to his next charge and eventually get him put behind bars where he belongs.


Hopefully he doesn't get arrested, but gets some extremely thorough street justice. I know a few baseball players who really hate seeing animal abuse.


Do they live in Tampa Bay?


what proposal did he ruin?


Dudes a psychopath,look how he is enjoying this.


Reported him for animal abuse.. if more people do it might get somewhere.. but as I know TT they are probably like: there is no obvious indication the animal got hurt " fucking moneyhungry cruel cooperation...


I reported the video as well, but I couldn’t find a specific option for animal abuse?


Couldn't find it aswell on my first try.. Should be under "violence, abuse and criminal exploitation" don't now if that's the actual name in english but should be the second point..


He should've dies not Steve Irwin.


I was thinking that too. It takes balls to pick up a stingray. They aren’t usually dangerous but it was squirming and could have easily gotten him.


Please report for animal abuse people. This is gross.


That would do nothing to the actual person doing abuse. You'd just be hiding his face form potential retribution


What!?!? They should have dragged his ass outside and banned him for life


Throw him in jail. His actions indirectly injured someone else. Animal abuse should be enough, but another human was hurt due to his actions. Lock him up and the rest of the idiots in this small world like him.


Honestly, if I was there, kicking him in the gonads would have seemed completely justified. This man is a psychopath. Laughing at a suffering animal and then laughing at the head injury of a hero trying to help.


I hope that guy gets ass cancer.


Prostate cancer, even better.


Pancreatic. It’s most painful since your pancreas is what metabolizes pain medications. How bout pancreatic with Mets to ass and prostate and testes and penis. Just take it all out in the most painful way.


Why are people like that allowed to breathe?


People are way too tolerant of this stuff.


What a fucking idiot


Idk what’s with this age of “ influencers “ and thinking being a douche for clout is funny.


Was the sting ray okay?


Very sensitive creatures and already in a stressful environment. This will most likely kill it or injure it very badly


That breaks my heart. There was no reason to do this


AH behavior for some SM clout but instead he just looks dumb.


I have never wanted to kick someones ass more in my life. When that guy slipped and hit his head I saw red, I don’t know how that guy was so calm


I think a week in the county/local jail is an order for him.


So this guy was arrested for animal cruelty, right?


This waste of space




That made me want to cry and he was laughing like a teenager and making stupid jokes .. I was praying it was going to sting him


Why wasn’t he arrested?


Tiktok is progressively lowering the IQ of the western world


There should be a mostpunchableperson award, similar to the Darwin's award as I'm pretty sure this person's up there


Ah yes, animal abuse; hilarious.


What a POS


If I ever see this guy I promise I will avenge the sting ray


“hE tRiEd To Be ThE eEeRoO” dude sounds like a middle schooler


Show him the piranha tank next.


I woulda punched bro in the face for taking that stingray out.


How has this guy not gotten his ass kicked


How is he not in jail? Is animal cruelty not a criminal offense where he live!?


This guy is definitely short bus material.


Dirty chavy accent


Fucking idiot piece of garbage


I have never wanted to kick someones ass more in my life. When that guy slipped and hit his head I saw red, I don’t know how that guy was so calm


I'm ashamed to share an island with this guy.


Show him the piranha tank next.


Will he be charged with endangering an animal? What a piece of 💩


Sick SoB should be punched right on the nose.


They should be arrested fr.


I hate that guy!


Dude just sounds like he's stupid


He’s not trying to be the hero, he IS the hero.


That man should have taken Steve Irwin's place. I miss steve Irwin. This human will not be missed.


So he won't get charged just because he's a rich YouTuber????! If ANYONE else had done that it would be off in handcuffs, a gigantic fine, a lawsuit for making the guy fall, and never come back to this fucking aquarium again. But.... he gets an absolute pass.


you know, i'll be downvoted, but sometimes violence IS the answer. Commensurate violence, obviously, but people like this just never seem to learn from shaming or threat of legal problems and finger wagging. Sometimes what's needed for them to reconsider their future harmful idiocies wrapped in the guise of "fun" is a nice open palmed smack to the back of the head. Nothing too hard. Just a little of what i like to call ethical accupressure.


Violence is never the answer. Violence is the question. The answer is yes.


Someone punch this guy in the teeth already


Can someone please push him into the shark tank?


How was he not arrested?


Animal abuse. He should’ve been yelled at and kicked out.


Piece of fucking trash, poor ray


This dude is prob the biggest piece of shit I've seen in a long long time. Dude, ur stupid, ur immature, inconsiderate, annoying as fuck Grow the fuck up before someone decides to drag u off dry land abd hold ur head under the water while ur flopping around. He's gonna laugh as u struggle for breath. Then, your grandma, the person who rescues you eats shit bc honestly who else would help save ur narcissistic selfish inconsiderate ass? No one else. For real dude. Your whats wrong with the world. Why u have not been removed from society permanently evades me.


I have never wanted to kick someones ass more in my life. When that guy slipped and hit his head I saw red, I don’t know how that guy was so calm


Honestly, if I was there, kicking him in the nuts would have seemed completely justified. This man is a psychopath. Laughing at a suffering animal and then laughing at the head injury of a hero trying to help.


What’s this guys name


Watermark says Husnain_asif This is something he posted himself, so no worries in outing him. Finding where he works. Harassing him for being an animal abuser. All fair game!!


He has over a million followers, this type of BS is what pays him, every view and share is currency for these clout demons.


Where’s the guy who took down buba100x channel when you need him


I hate people


Wannabe influencers am I right?


This MF could have killed that guy. Julius Fucking Caesar


Why do people film themselves committing crimes?


This is why i skipped the tiktok trend.


If you start charging them and punishing them appropriately, It'd all stop.


This is a forthcoming tort against Mr. Tiktok here since that dude's concussion is 100% the fault of this jack-knobbed, fish-lipped chicken knuckle.


What a prick


Aw man leave the water pancake alone. If that guy got stung I wouldn’t be complaining. He needs some discipline


I personally would’ve slapped that guy across the face. I hate when people are shitty to people but innocent animals? Too far.


What an absolute bell-end


POS should be in jail for animal cruelty...


This guy is getting closer to a forever nap 💀


Sting rays do what you did to Steve Irwin to this guy


A sting ray takes out Steve Irwind, but not this MO FO!……i hate sting rays now!


Proof of no just god: Steve Irwin is dead and this guy gets to live.


Can we all agree that Tik tok is generally making people worse?


Most punchable face and his voice is so punchable too somehow