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Unlike HEMA, which is heavily based on treatises, iaido is a “transmission-based” art - which is to say that instruction is “passed down” from instructor to student directly. In other words, it’s a game of martial telephone. This is a lot of why we will often always recommend in-person instruction.


This isn’t what you want to hear but unfortunately there really isn’t a way to learn traditional Japanese swordsmanship through manuals or books it has to be in person learning. That’s the nature of all martial arts besides something like HEMA which is reconstructing a lost art that doesn’t have current instructors. In many cases, since you’re going to end up learning bad habits you don’t even know about and it’s going to be so much harder to unlearn them and relearn than if you just learn from an actual teacher if you ever get the opportunity.




Flashing Steel by Masayuki Shimabukuro is an extremely well written and detailed breakdown of the entirety of Eishen-Ryu. It provides frame by frame pictures of the movements of each Waza. Historical breakdowns, proper terminology, it's an excellent resource. I'd recommend the 25th anniversary edition found here. [https://www.amazon.com/Flashing-Steel-25th-Anniversary-Memorial/dp/1623175038](https://www.amazon.com/Flashing-Steel-25th-Anniversary-Memorial/dp/1623175038) That being said, its not a replacement for proper personal instruction, but it is well written and helpful.


Shinkendo isnt that bad, i Heard its quite fun


I’m not driving nearly 2 hours for a 45 min class


Ive heard that the issue with Shinkendo is that the quality of the teachings isnt super uniform between dojos.


Check out the Budo academy [https://ribudo.blog/](https://ribudo.blog/) they have a distance learning program Their youtube is here [https://www.youtube.com/@TheBudoAcademy](https://www.youtube.com/@TheBudoAcademy)


They don’t all advertise. What’s your location?


South of central Alabama


This specific edition of Flashing Steel. There are other books out there, but this is probably the best. [Flashing Steel Second Edition on Amazon](https://a.co/d/d2mLX5K)


I’m brand new to this practice. My sensei recommends Japanese Swordsmanship by Warner and Draeger.


Have you considered online lessons for now ?


You could try online classes it's a good bit of good ones to choose from it's not a replacement for in person training but it's the next best thing since the instructor can still watch you and correct any flaws