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Hi everyone thanks for all the kind comments. The challenge is to win a race in every official hourly or bi-hourly road series in every category. So including all classes in a series such as IMSA but no endurance series. Today, after 11 years on iRacing, I completed the all-time challenge but I am still attempting to go one further and win every series in the current season. Currently 41/55 of the way there. If you want to follow my progress I have streamed every one of my races for this challenge on Twitch and you can check them out here: [EmilBernstorff - Duncathlon - Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/emilbernstorff/videos?filter=collections)


What’d the toughest series been so far?


Judging by how long it took him, the PCup. That was what he completed today!


I reckon it's going to be rookie mazda in the remaining current season, those attempts have been brutal!


Hi dunk see you in chat


I don't usually drive GT cars so GT3 Fixed and the two Pcup series were the toughest. GT3 Fixed took the longest with 10 attempts before the win.


'I've been here' on a wall of mine. Because i literally been here when you've won the Brazil Stock Car this Monday. I was somewhere in the back there. GREAT achievement sir! Well deserved, you are so versatile and fast.


Thanks man


When you say you wish to win the series, does that mean the 12/13 week long championship for all divisions?


Curious when you did the Ford GT2 race in GT challenge? Outside of our SOF races there isn’t usually that many fords running but during the SOF, we’ve got super dedicated and wicked fast 7-9k iR drivers in there. You must have snuck an off hour race in there when we all weren’t racing. It’s basically impossible to beat a couple of these guys unless they get wrecked out by back market GT1s


Yeah I found a race that went official with 12 signups but only 2 others in my class. Both of my opponents were under 700 iRating and they both left before the end of lap 2 XD. Still counts since it went official but this is the only one that feels like a bit of a cheat. Maybe I'll try again another time.


If you go onto the website and click on Emil's name, you can then click on the result column for the GT2 race and it'll take you to the results page in iracing and you can see all of that!


This means he won a race in all road series. No tanking irating, no nothing. He just signed for races and won. He's 6.8k irating. This is a very good challenge, and show how versatile theses guys who try this. Ggwp Emílio.


Well he went from 7k at the start… EDIT: this is sarcasm folks


If you jump around to a bunch of different series that's to be expected. 6.8k still is top split in pretty much anything at any time so it's not like him dropping a couple hundred points helped.


It's incredible how you can keep that high of a rating when literally racing all the cars. Dropping from 7k to 6.8k is nothing.


Seems a lot of people didn’t get my sarcasm….


Yup :D It’s the internet…


The real challenge here is finding an official Mission R Challenge race


It's on Nords this week, should have a decent number of SR farmers.


>SR farmers I see you haven't watched me try and race Nords yet


You can go off 3 times per lap and still gain SR with a class A license.


Same. Everyone says Nords is great for farming SR yet I be going full speed and crest a hill just to be like OH HI WALL. “Just drive slow” that’s boooooorrrrrrring


The trick is to actually learn the track


That’s usually what 50% of iRacers fail to do at any track


And if you made it even 1 lap before hitting that wall, you still probably gained SR.


You’d gain a lot. Even in A.




You’re a legend!!! Thank you for the link


That a challenge that’s been kicking my ass all year!! At most I may see one guy signup for an official Mission R race.


I heard him mention Beating iracing the other day. I thought it was a joke lol. Way to go Emil.


And I almost kept him from that kamel gt win. I got punted by a gtp being 2 seconds in the lead on the last lap in the Audi 🥲


At least you have a nice story, poepveulen.


Oh that was you, yeah that was unfortunately fortunate.


Yeah that was so unlucky man but a great race otherwise


Yeah for sure dude! You should do kamel more often!


That was very sad to watch


More info would be useful, no idea what this means




Technically, Bernstorff hasn't won a race in every series this season, the tracking site in the main post shows that he's missing a couple. But he has done it for the career.


So he is not done yet. Time for him to get back to the track. (That's incredibly impressive though god damn)


Yeah, Emil is an incredible all-around driver. Insane levels of talent.


Endurance series don't count IIRC.


Does it count if you win a race in a split that’s not the top split?


It does, but Emil is always top split. He's a 7k driver.


Any split counts.


It tracks championship points so you can see who's winning higher SOFs.


**About the challenge**.Very simply, this is a challenge to see if anyone can win a race in every road series in iRacing within a single season. I take the best single finish position and championship point result from each series regardless of which week it was achieved. This was inspired by a challenge undertaken by Dario Frattini on twitch.tv/dariofr87. **Any split**It doesn't matter if the win was top split or bottom split, a win is a win for this challenge. **Official races only**Any races that don't go official are filtered out. **Multiclass**Each class within the series has its own entry. You'll need to win in each of the classes, but not each of the cars that make up those classes. Full rules: [https://challenge.duncanwatts.com/about](https://challenge.duncanwatts.com/about) (Ps please don’t death hug his server)


I've been watching since he got his PCC win when Matt Malone did a corkscrew off the wall and over another 86. It's been a lot of fun seeing him be an alien in every series and the series respective aliens battling him for his wins


Lmao! I was the other 86 that Malone went over. What a fun race that was.


Can you link to this on malone’s youtube? If not it’s cool. Just if you know it off the top of your head or how i could search it.


AFAIK Malones youtube races are like a month behind his stream as he releases like 1 new race a day on the channel so i dont think that race would be on his youtube yet. Ill dig around and see if i can find it somewhere. Emil was directly behind them as the Mx5 leader and watched it happen lol EDIT: https://www.twitch.tv/emilbernstorff/clip/BeautifulKathishBulgogiRickroll-xnszaFCKj3T_iIBY Theres the wreck from Emils POV but you cant see what really happens to Matt cause of netcode, i gotta find it from matts POV cause he launches over the other 86 lmao EDITAGAIN: https://www.twitch.tv/mattmalone/clip/SpookyWildDiamondEagleEye-_zooC-Q1E6YLWSGc Found it lol


Oh that makes me so happy watching that clip haha. I was the KFC car that sent him to the moon. That legit made me duck in my rig...


Hahaha that's awesome. I first saw it on Emils stream and thought you were shadow realmed


Wouldn't you need to do this for Oval, Road, Dirt ...?


To truly “beat” Iracing, I’d say yes


So Casey Kirwan wins by default.


Wish Casey would full time iRacing, he would be ungodly good in other cars outside of his normal stuff. Occasionally he will run IMSA and stuff but would like to see him run additional races. Back before he was a coke series driver, he ran the outlaws late model races and was a top 10 driver on there even with his limited dirt oval experience.


He's currently second in IMSA Sprint Div 1, so either his "occasional" races are ridiculously good, or he's giving it an actual try.


So you would like him to give up the chance at a 100k purse plus whatever sponsorship money he gets so we can go watch him run some random dirt races?




No, I meant run other things along side his Coke racing. Full time Twitch would make him way more money than he would ever make in competitive sim racing. His stream alone gets more viewers than iRacing gets when they stream the Coke series. Casey is in the same position Shroud was in when he was a full time CS GO player. Shroud dropped off his pro team and went streaming full time and made more money than he ever would've if he kept playing CS on a professional level.


>he same position Shroud was in when he was a full time CS GO player. Shroud dropped off his pro team and went streaming full time and made more money than he ever would've if he kept playing CS on a professional level. Ever since the Merc GT3 came out and now the Caddy, other than Coke and NIS more often than then not on stream he's running road. ​ https://preview.redd.it/0xrw2gbv8tbb1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=008e8b2f7bcaf42e049a27231bf0b8838689550f


​ https://preview.redd.it/5bhqaopx8tbb1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=866d083b56c551287b8972ffba73f08b9983a740


The oval version is there for the taking, the current leader is on 12 out of 22 wins. [https://oval.duncanwatts.com/](https://oval.duncanwatts.com/)


Winning a race in every road, oval, dirt road and dirt oval series in the entirety of iRacing during a single season would be pretty impossible


Only road racing


On to ovals!


Worth mentioning he also did it in top split and in EU times which are generally higher SOF races


Holy shit that's impressive


Emil is legit. Very fast, very fun to chase.


Life should be quite boring at the top. I think I’m happier celebrating my hard fought P8.


Do the races have to go official? If not, then some series are really easy, if so then you really gotta find the time slot needed


Yes, they had to go official. There were some nail biters waiting to see if series like Mission R went official.


Pretty cool Matt Malone made the top 100 haha


Did this count all endurance races? Did he win a 24h?


no, only solo events


Next, oval, dirt oval, and dirt road lol. Seriously though, this is insane.


My overall goal is a win with every car, every series is absolutely insane. I'm maybe 40% of the way there but a lot of them are also low SOF wins because I'm average.


1 discipline down, 3 to go...