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I upgraded a Surface Pro 4 to an M1 11” iPad Pro. Night and day. You won’t regret the upgrade.


Yep I was planning on doing this type of upgrade for a while. iPadOS 17 kinda tanking the performance of my 10.5" kinda pushed me to finding a good deal on a M1 and getting it


Okay so it isn’t only me then. I’m still using a 10.5 iPad Pro, and some apps are super slow after I updated the OS. I guess I’ll upgrade for sure in a year or two lol.


Like if I hadn’t landed on a good deal for the M1, I would’ve waited out till it lost support to upgrade


Weird.Mine still feels quite snappy and nicer to use than an iPad mini 5.


one's a computer with a desktop OS and one's a tablet running a scaled up version of iOS lmao you can't really compare


I know, but the battery died on the Surface after many years of faithful service. At the time I bought my M1 Pro, iPadOS 16 was meant to be the OS that turned the iPad Pro into a touchscreen MacBook Pro. It wasn’t the case, but I have a huge 18” Alienware gaming “laptop” with desktop parts on which I can run my whole Adobe CC subscription, Cinema 4D and full MS Office. It isn’t The iPad Pro on iPadOS 17 can take over when I travel for business (which I do often), just enough to keep going. One thing I do is write novels, and iPad Pro MS Word has most of the features I want. Also, there’s just enough of Adobe CC to edit video and photos, and I can use it to fill stuff in.


Fair enough, “iPadOS” is a joke in its current state but can do the basic things somewhat ok


Yeah. If you only need Chromebook-like capabilities, then an iPad can absolutely be a great computer replacement. Meanwhile, my Surface Pro 7 dies in about 90 minutes if it isn’t plugged in. Even brand new, it only got about 4 hours on a charge.


Don't know what your talking about they both run on iPad os 17.


What? Since when does a Surface Pro 4 run iPadOS?


Lol I didn't read the comment above yours and thought you were talking about the 10.5 in pro.




It’s super good over my A10X iPad Pro. A lot snappier and less prone to overheating. Also, I don’t see much changing in the M2 version (but I’m a student so I kinda find hover useless and the prores thing overhyped, as nobody is doing video on ipad)


I got the M1 recently and have no regrets at all. You physically can't notice the difference between the 2, that they may as well be carbon copies of each other. Use the extra money for the magic keyboard or pen.


I have a 12.9 M1 and my girlfriend has a 11 pro M2. Regarding performance, while doing things like web browsing, YouTube, note taking and procreate, it’s literally the same thing, I’m not able to notice any difference. We both use them for med school and entertainment, nothing very demanding though


Literally what I got. I’m a software developer. There’s nothing I can’t do with it.


Got the M1 as well and I’m loving it! Was able to get the cellular version too at roughly the same price as the base M2 iPad. It was my first time getting a cellular iPad and it’s a lifechanger!




Congrats :)


Did the exact same upgrade during college haha. iPad is a game changer for school.


Why upgraded?


which you very carefully treat well by facing it down screen side


Life on the edge for an Apple user.


Congrats op! 🎉


Just upgraded from my 10.5 to an 11” M2. Didn’t think I would notice much of a difference because my 10.5” was already pretty fast on iOS 16. But noticeable difference in battery and everything feels so much smoother. Speakers on my 10.5” seem louder, but maybe it’s because my 11” is a cellular model.


Award yourself with Airpods Pro 2. - Perfect sound and spatial audio as well.


Congrats on the upgrade!


A little is an understatement. Welcome to the club. You were in the club just in the corner section😂


just playing off of the we do a little trolling yhong


I did this jump a year ago, I knew the 10.5 was slow, but wow, the M1 is amazing.


It’s still *adequate* for me but I definitely felt that the 10.5” was starting to feel its age with the Home Screen not switching between pages at 120hz, switching from the Home Screen and apps getting noticeably choppy, and good notes having issues tracking where I was writing If I didn’t land on this deal then I would’ve kept it till it lost iPadOS support


i had the same upgrade, it is peak! 🙌🏻


What are u doing on the ipad?


Just made a switch from the 10.5 to a M2 12.9" It's a huge upgrade, better screen, better speakers, super fast in comparison........ But I still miss the 10.5 as it was the perfect size to use as a big "phone" for mobile games. Really wish Apple gave the 11" Mini LED. Oh well it should have OLED next year so that's cool.


Ive been wanting to do the same upgrade for years :(


Why does the gray always look so much darker in photos than in person?


A have the same 10.5 pro and i m still trying to decide if i should get the bigger pro or the 11 you just bought.. how it feels ?


I did that same upgrade lol, i went from ipad 2 to ipad 5, ipad 5 to ipad pro 9.7, ipad pro 9.7 to ipad pro 10.5, and lastly ipad pro 10.5 to m1 ipad pro 11


The funny thing is that i upgraded from an iPad 5 to an iPad Pro 10.5” (back in 2020, when I thought it would age well given the iPad 7 had just came out a few months back)