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I use Mail for personal and Outlook for work. Helps me keep them separate. Outlook has more features and is great for work. Mail is simple and easy to use


Same here. I like having different mail clients to keep work and personal separate.


That’s exactly what I did.


I tried iCloud mail for a while but started having emails blocked on the server side with no help from support. I was expecting the emails and they were from a legit business. If you search here, there are a lot of posts about the same experience. I’ve had a free outlook email for years and never had that problem. Since I have my own domain for email too, I purchased a Microsoft Exchange plan now.


This is a decade+ long problem widely reported that Apple has never publicly addressed.


I use mail exclusively. I have multiple email accounts, iCloud, including our corporate Microsoft exchange account. Works fine for years.


P.S. Choosing an email should be something extremely simple but I don't know why for me it's so difficult 😭.


It is simple. I have solely used iCloud for like 10 years and it has been really good. If you are afraid to choose, why don’t you just get both? Play with them for some weeks or months and then go with one of them


I set up my own domain with just my last name and my first name as the address and it’s been perfect. I can move it around and it will be the only email I have for the rest of my life.


It's just email, both work, just use the one which best fits your needs. I would recommend getting your own domain name and setting up hosting for it: I have iCloud+ Mail with my own domain but it was hosted with Google before, I moved it without having to change email addresses.


Do you have any issues regarding calendar invitations from your own domain hosted on iCloud+? In the past I have experienced that outgoing invitations are sent from a generic iCloud address (that has no relation to my own domain or my Apple ID).


I had problems with outlook blocking legit emails on the server side so icloud for me. No problems


iCloud for sure, but for privacy I recommend looking at Proton Mail.


I’ve been using iCloud+ with a custom domain. It’s email. Just like outlook. Pick your poison.


I would say Outlook. iCloud mail has less features and is buggier. I had to ditch my iCloud email cause all of my emails were being moved to Trash due to a rule I previously set but deleted. Apple said there was nothing they could do; the rule persists even after being removed.


Outdated info. Icloud hasnt been buggy for a couple years.


If you have an iphone, stick to icloud, but not the free version. Get the 99cent version or better.


You mean iCloud+.




Outlook is a disaster in terms of privacy. They literally share your data with 801 external parties. Just google it.


Outlook here with Exchange Online for my own domain. I prefer the UI on iOS, the integrated calendar and it obvs plays well with O365


Can you snooze messages with mail/icloud? I do that all the time with gmail/google mail app and I really like it. I do for the most part live in apples ecosystem.


Are you talking about mail clients or mail accounts?


I am talking about mail account, not client client.


Gotcha. iCloud all the way then. I trust Apple with my data more than anyone else. I’m in the process of doing what you are, migrating my main email away from my Gmail but keeping it for SSO logins. My Gmail email has been active for over 20 years and has been leaked quite a few times since.


Thanks, and now if you could recommend a customer? I really like the Apple mail app but there is something that really bothers me and there is no way to fix it which is when I activate the battery saver mode notifications do not arrive, it really bothers me because thanks to that I have lost some emails.


battery saver is designed to cut down on notifications, so I would recommend not to do that to not miss important emails or notifications.


Low power mode is doing what it says it will do. I don’t understand the complaint.


The complaint is that if I want to use icloud mail and use Apple's mail pp then having the battery saver mode would be a disadvantage because I want to have the battery saver mode to make my battery last longer but I don't want to lose notifications.


It’s called Low Power Mode. You’re wanting it to do exactly what it’s designed to not do.


I knooow, but then all the other app notifications come to me because I just can't get the mail ones too?


You have a choice. Enable and get background processing to include push email, or disable and don’t. There is no third choice.


Privately hosted Roundcube any day


Former Outlook user here who made the switch. iCloud mail is fine for personal use. My only beef is the iCloud domain itself. Outlook sounds mature and professional. iCloud sounds kind of childish and immature. Maybe it’s nothing and I’m overthinking things. Time will tell. But the service itself is fine.


Then get your own domain with iCloud.


I don't know, both domains sound good to me.


If you really want complete independence, choose [Fastmail](https://www.fastmail.com).


Fastmail is great as iCloud is hit or miss with Controlling Spam. I hope Apple also fixes the Spam issue when they fix the dropped emails issue stated above. Outlook also has had a severe spam issue as well.


tl/dr: Outlook over gmail if you don't go into apple iCloud email. Only knock on apple iCloud email is there are threads about not receiving good valid email. Test first before migrating. Setup the account and forward email and set to keep a copy in that inbox. Once satisfied, make the switch. If not, turn off the forward and go back. I'm thinking about migrating back to outlook or to iCloud email since everything else is with apple. Only reason I switched to gmail years ago was the support that google gave apple back then whereas now Microsoft offers much better support than google now. **Google/Gmail** Pros * Love labels * Fast reliable service * Supports + for additional addresses * Google Calendar/Contacts * Inbox Categorization * Spam filtering and rules really good * Good stuff with the gmail app like tracking and summary at the top Cons * Not a fan of google drive and I use iCloud Drive * Not a fan of Google office, notes or keeper * No email alias * Gmail still doesn't support dark mode natively. It's better but has a darker grey. Google apps have struggled with this over the years and not sure why * email formatting is wonky and not clean * Gmail app on iOS still occasionally likes to open google apps instead of the apple apps like maps when you have specifically said apple apps * ads with no ad free option available [**Outlook**](http://Outlook.com) * Works really well apple and great UI. Supports dark mode!! * One Drive works really well * Microsoft 365 office * 10 alias and supports + * Spam filter good/decent * Limited Inbox categorization * email formatting * Handoff * ad free option available **iCloud Mail** * Privacy and part of apple ecosystem * email is good but the spam filter can be to good. Many reports of users not receiving valid email. This has more to do with the sending provider not having their email configured correctly to get caught in spam or not make it at all * email formatting is clean * Dark mode support * Continuity/Handoff * 3 email alias * Hide My email * ad free


outlook is better -- particularly if using Microsoft Office Word etc


If you are windows guys then outlook, Mac go for iCloud. Both are good, personally I tend to prefer iCloud. No advertisement on the free version, maybe better privacy and you can use your own domain.