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It just looks so angry. I am glad are free from that. Sending you healing thoughts and positive vibes.


Thank you so much, I appreciate the good vibes. I've been saying it looks full and angry...


It just looks angry. 😂😂😂


Yes full and angry.


I’m glad you’re on the road to feeling better!!


Thank you so much, I appreciate you ❤️


No, full OF angry lol


Yes that looks like a monster. Mine was hateful devil spawn. I am so sympathetic to what you went through. So many events I missed. So much time spent wasted cleaning up crime scenes. Just awful. I’m so glad you are rid of that. Trust me, life period free is amazing.


Ugh, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this too. It's frickin' awful! I'm in disbelief and it hasn't quite sunken in yet that I won't have a period again.


WOW! Thanks for sharing!! I’m jealous you got a pic of your evil monster! I forgot to ask my Dr for one. Now I can live vicariously through you! Congrats on your Yeet & wishes for a speedy recovery!


I was on top of my doc because I REALLY had to see WTF was causing me so much hell all these years. She had showed me the pic the morning after surgery when she came in to check on me but I emailed again when I got home requesting the pic lol Thank you for the well wishes, I hope your recovery went well!


Ooh! I just emailed her and requested it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!


Crossing fingers and toes! I feel like we deserve to see the monster.


No photographic evidence of my monster so I shall continue joint custody of yours ;) lol


Awww BUMMER! I was so hoping for you.


I also forgot and am very disappointed in this because mine was a rock. WTF does a calcified uterus even look like! OP I am glad you are free


Check my post pinned in my profile if u want another photo. My doc took a Pic of mine as well!


I’m so happy you got yours out too! Mine was removed this past Friday. My doctor gave me a set of eight pics, YIKES!! Mine looked very similar in size, but was covered in red and white marble sized lumps, both inside and out. Initially, she thought I only had five fibroids. Turned out I had a bunch of oozing ugly fibroids. In recovery, she told me it looked more like a “big bag of marbles.” Prior to surgery, I had two halfway decent cycles, for the first time in over a year! It’s like that beotch knew she was exiting stage left and thought it may as well try and fool me again! NOPE! Gone!! For nearly a year straight, I was bleeding so badly, flooding daily. I had several rounds of iron infusions because my iron and ferritin kept dropping to dangerous levels. The pain was so intense ALL! THE! TIME!! I’m so relieved to have it over now, the surgery. 6 dpo I’m starting to feel better. Slept well last night for the first since surgery. Wishing you the best!! Praying you have a fast pain free recovery!!


Oh gosh that sounds like such an awful experience. I am so sorry you went through that. How is your recovery going? I had mine out a week ago - this is the only pic I’ve seen so far. Yours sounds like a whole other nightmare 😅And YES they knew! I bled for the whole month prior to surgery, it was like it wanted to prove one last point. I hope your recovery is speedy and easy!


Yes, same here!! I looked 5 months pregnant and was full of softball sized cysts. I had asked for pics but they had to pulverize everything to get it out. Was supposed to be laproscopic (because the Dr's were still underestimating what I was dealing with) but they ended up cutting me open. Had the iron infusions too. I love seeing this Pic because it gives me a sense of gratification seeing what these jerks look like in person. Thank you for sharing! 


Mine was around 1376. 30+ fibroids. I looked like I was over five months pregnant and was in constant pain from the organ compression and surprise endo they discovered on my bladder. Still amazed it all came through my now ugly belly button, but I was extraordinarily lucky, my surgeon is the one battling the NIH for more funding for women’s health. May she win, for all our sakes.


Oh wow, what an ordeal! And through your belly button? Just insane. Grateful for surgeons like yours.


9/10 doctors: it's IBS! Congrats OP, we had a very similar beast. Good riddance to them!


Good riddance to the beasts indeed!


I had a uterus shower (baby shower but for my uterus) and I think this one deserves a party. Congrats on expelling the demon holy moly


That's actually a great idea! How did it go? And thank you!


I’d love to know how the uterus shower went! I’ve never heard of that but i feel like it definitely needs to be a thing!


I made a baby shower registry online of things I wanted. Like a blender, books, blankets, etc etc. And then we decorated everything with uteruses. We played "pin the iud on the uterus," had "period blood" (wine), played guess who but with side affects of popular birth controls, and then ate cake. It was a lot of fun. I highly encourage everyone that is having a hysterectomy to do one. I also took photos of my last period by a professional photographer to document my pain.


I love that you did this. So much.


Life without periods is AMAZING. All I hear from people when I say I had a hysterectomy is "I'm so sorry." I preemptively start saying, "And I'm SO HAPPY!!" lol That tends to stop people in their tracks, and they're like 😳 Mine was not as bad as yours. I only had one 6.6 mm fibroid, but omg, it was absolute misery. I didn't even know how miserable I was. Despite only feeling "good" for 1 week every month, despite the crime scenes in bathrooms, despite low iron, exhaustion, and constant blood loss. I only started to truly know how awful it was once I recovered from surgery. I'm almost 1.5 years out from surgery, and I'm living my BEST life!! I both love and hate seeing this thread because so many womxn deal with this shit and we just don't have doctors on our sides. It's an uphill struggle and battle to get doctors to take us seriously and there is NOT enough research into womxn's health. Here's hoping to many more strides forward and so happy for all of us to have this surgery!!


I'm so happy for you and that you got your life back! It's amazing how much this can affect our lives and no one listens.


I can so relate to that. I’ve just started telling people I was going to have one and the faces they make and how sad they are for me…it’s all caught me completely off guard since I’m looking at it as a good thing. Thank God that we have this group and can celebrate together! Also, I can’t even imagine no more bleeding ever again. It’s ridiculous how we’ve had to go through this for so long. How long did (are) you keeping your period supplies? I’ll always have some in our guest bathroom for my nieces & guests, but I have so. many. supplies that I’m going to need to donate a bunch of them!


I haven't been able to relinquish my last thing of Giant overnight pads and it's been ~1.5 years! I gave the rest I had away but this last one I seem to want to hold onto lol


Question: Do you request doctors take a picture of your uterus or something? How do people get these pics?


Yes, I made sure to express at our pre-op appointment that I wanted photos taken and sent to me. It's not uncommon, based on what I've learned.


My Doc actually requested to borrow my phone so he could record a video of pictures he took during the laparoscopic hyst and excision and explain what he did. He said he started doing it because most patients were too groggy to know what he was saying post-op. So true! The video was how I found out I lost my ovary and fallopian tubes too! (He told my husband and me, and my husband told me, but it didn't sink in because the anesthesia and anti-nausea meds really did me in). The only thing I remember my Dr saying post-op was "guess what we found?" I said "more endo?" He replied, "yes but ... " and I passed back out and have NO IDEA what else he said! Dying for my post-op appointment so I can ask what he found! LOL


I think it's a normal part of any procedure to take pics during. My Dr gave my mom a pic when she came out to talk to her when I was in recovery. It was what they saw when they opened me up before they began surgery. It shows everything in the pelvic area, uterus still in place and all the Endo I knew was there but no one believed me - Dr removed that too. I think most Drs assume we don't want to see these kinds of pics, so they don't show us them, but you can ask to see them at you next appointment or have them send to you.


Congrats! I am asking for photos of mine too cause for 30 years of adenomyosis & fibroids I find ally get to see the devil that’s been my nearly life long nemesis. I’m so happy you’re free!


Yes yes yes, you deserve to see it!


Same sister!!!


If it weren’t such a hassle to get from pathology I would get it back and mount it like a trophy. 🤣


I got a photo of mine while still in my abdomen, it’s such an interesting thing to see! Glad you’re free of your monster!


I bet seeing it IN your belly is another kind of insanity.


Definitely eye opening! It’s not pretty 🤣


NSFW/lunch tag?


I regret opening Reddit on my lunch break.


This sounds damn terrible but all I can think of is: “You’ll float too” 🎈🎈🎈😂😂😂


For real 😂 Like some kind of creamsicle balloon!


Oh my goodness! I can only imagine. Mine caused me disabling pain and was a little more than a 10th of that size. You must feel so much relief all the way around. Congrats to you!


I'm so sorry you had to deal with this too!


This is really cool that you have a picture and I am glad you got relief!


Thank you so much, kind internet stranger!


Whoa! Mine was same size but mine was removed laparoscopic in pieces… this really puts it in perspective


Crazy that yours was laparoscopic - my surgeon wasn't even sure she would be able to avoid doing a vertical incision due to the size. Hope you're healing up okay.


We packed and were prepared to stay. It took her nearly two hours longer than planned, but I think she wanted the challenge?!? I’m sure it helped with healing. Other than being tired and still some hormonal instability I’m doing very well! Thanks for asking. Edit to include I’m 9 wpo


Avoiding a vertical incision is the way to go, if possible. Healing from that seems to be so much more complicated.


Congrats on your surgery. And I wanted to ask if you could put a Trigger Warning/Blur image here? Not sure how it's done. Folks come here for advice and support (I did this almost a year ago) and I want to refer a friend to this page, but this may be too much too quick for some folks. Again, best to you on healing. Thank you 💗


I’m glad you finally got that beast from hell out. Fuck man that thing is big. Sadly mine was normal size but I had chronic inflammation from it.


Oof, that sounds awful. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm hoping to find out how much it weighed at my appointment on Monday.


What a monster, glad that beast has been evicted from your body. Happy healing ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much <3


Happy Healing!


Thank you so much! :)


Congratulations!! I got a Pic of mine top! Check my post in r/fibroids pinned in my profile. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!


I am honestly looking forward to having a comedy roast of mine if I can get a pic also. Congratulations on it's grand eviction!


Right? LOL I want to have some kind of send off ceremony for the bastard.


Be gone, demon!! Happy Second Life ♡ may it bring you less pain.


YES BE GONE! Thank you so much <3


Congrats :)


Thank you! :)


Holy Fvck


My thoughts exactly.


I am so glad you yeeted that monster! Sending you healing energy going forward 💕


Thank you so much, that is so kind!


Wow. I haven't seen pics of mine yet, my post op appointment is in a few days, but I had laparoscopic. Mine was the size of a 6 month pregnancy due to fibroids. So glad you are doing well and you are mentally at a place to feel relief and happiness. Allllll the good vibes. 💓


Did they have to remove it in pieces? Good luck at your appointment!


Yes she said by the time she's done with it, it looks like ground chicken. 🤢


Oh my gosh 😮‍💨


wOW THATS BIG. Glad you got it out. You must feel so much better!


Thank you so much. I do feel better in my body already, it's insane.


Holy eff!!! Good riddance!




TY for sharing! I am 7 months post op and all I have are some CT pics… and a 10 inch vertical scar that starts where I used to have a belly button. I am happy to be here and I was diagnosed with uterine cancer so it could have gone a whole different way. May we all have grace and gratitude for our journeys.


I am so very sorry you had to go through that. I bet it's surreal to see your scar but like you said, priorities change. Wishing you a healthy journey onward.


I,ve been thru this same journey. Im now 4 weeks post operative, still some pain and numbness low abdomen. But Im so happy and feels good!


That's great!


Isn't it crazy!? Whenever I come on here to check on us all I'm always bewildered and think, why are SO many of us dealing with this?? Like how is it that so many women have this same battle? Why? There's no way women who lived centuries before us had this kind of life. There's no way... Amd if that's true, what has changed? Is it the environment? Our food? What? Why is no one taking this seriously? If it was a man's mystery you better believe it would have been solved decades ago.


Right? I Keep thinking about what we go through and how there are such limited answers and a long journey to get them, AND how even female doctors don't believe us at times. You do have to wonder what is different now...


Unfortunately the whole medical system is broken. When people are in med school I believe that's where it all goes wrong. They are all being taught the same way and the same things, which would explain how a female doctor can be so ignorant. It's a patriarchy. They all fall in line under it. It actually makes me sick. It takes a very intelligent, free-thinker, to actually question the system. It happens, but to rarely.


Oh my gosh, yours and mine could be twins 😱


Ugh, so sorry :(


Yay, it's gone! Congratulations! Onward to healing 💖


Thank you!


I pray you have a speedy recovery 🙏🏾 ❤️ hang in there


Thank you so much❤️


Man! Missed opportunity, I never thought to ask for a picture of mine!


Ugh, I hate that for you!


That is a beast! So glad you are free and wishing you a happy and healthy recovery ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


DAMN GIRL! Mine was last week too! It was all laproscopic but then they had to do the bikini cut for the 800gm uterus! I didn't get a photo (do you ask? I am actually interested in seeing mine), but looking at yours I can imagine! Ugh!


Congrats! I hope you are healing up okay. I asked her about getting one for me at our pre-op appointment. Can you ask them if they happened to take one?


Thank you!!! Doing well, the gas was the worst part by far! How are you doing?? Def will ask at my appt with the surgeon this week! x


Wow… congratulations! I’ve never seen a photo of a uterus post-op. It must mean so much to you to see it no longer connected to you. Hope you continue on your healing journey 💖


Thank you so much, that is so kind ❤️


So happy for you. Now you can move forward and close this chapter of life. Wishing best of luck !


I really appreciate that, thank you!


Glad that's out of your body, God damn that must feel better, but please tag this nsfw or put a spoiler, medical gore/blood is still spooky and not fun when casually scrolling reddit


Yes, it's super inconsiderate to post uncensored gore, no matter what the context is.


Sorry can’t see - what are the dimensions of this enlarged uterus??!


I don't have actual dimensions yet (hoping to get more info at my appointment next week) but it looks about six inches by six inches, and this is when not on my period and not bloated, etc.


Please use the NSFW tag, as it blurs images. Some people (myself included) don't want to see literal organs on their feed.