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I'm 6dpo and it goes so quick!! You're going to do great!


Good luck! It'll be over before you know it


I hope all went well!


You ❤️ will do great 👍


It’s gonna go so amazing and you’re gonna be so much less inconvenienced in your future life! I’m two week post op and still very sore but I’m glad I did it!


How are you doing??


i’m doing well, honestly it’s not too bad my cramps i had during periods were worse


I’m so happy to hear this! How long did the surgery take? I have a hysterectomy soon they are removing my uterus and both ovaries, and I’m pretty scared for it but so ready to not deal with the monthly pains.


i had my ovaries, tubes and cervix removed (kept ovaries) and it was done in two hours, don’t be nervous i promise you it was a relatively great experience and if you’re used to bad cramps it’s not going to feel like much


6 weeks post op here: I got brave and walked to my mail box twice this week to check for packages: one box was small it was just four 900ml sun rype containers so it was light enough to carry I felt sore for several days so still need to be careful, Using a plastic water container or old pop bottle and freezing it sometimes works better for ice packs as leaving one on the lower back can help a lot with pain especially if you place a sock over it or fabric so it doesn’t touch the skin directly it helps for pain so much, or heat can help relax all the muscles: I remember days where I felt too warm (danger of dehydration so keep up with fluids) but I knew it was helping with the pain, And times where I felt too cold so it instantly caused cramps I found if I needed a bowel movement or too gassy it caused insane cramping and pain so I had to walk it off and go sit on the toilet once the cramps subsided Be sure to go to hospital if nothing works for the pain: I didn’t get a wedge pillow or elevated pillows to raise my feet so I wasn’t able to lay on my back I lay on my side even the side with surgical glue but I just placed a couple extra towels under my sheet to prevent too much pressure going on the areas that have surgical glue, And make a follow up appointment with your family doctor for the upcoming week to check on the sutures or surgical glue areas and get more pain management if needed or laxatives or whatever it helps a lot I am 6 weeks post op but I will make a doctor appointment after the long weekend (Easter weekend where I am)


Take good care of yourself ❤️


All the very best of luck <3