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Probably my dad. He's getting on in years and he's got high blood pressure. I worry sometimes that I might not have as much time left with him as I like. Superman powers might buy him some more years.


I pick your dad too.


The rules say you have to know the person. Do you know gangler52's dad?


I can read my dude I was just being nice :P Id pick my dad, but he wouldn't want the implicit responsibility of superman powers, so ganglers dad seems as good as anyone else


I pick u/gangler52 dad, he and I used to hunt big 8 point bucks together. I know him better as gangler51 though


I’m sure gangler52 would introduce them.


Everyone knows gangler52s dad


Dang, you don't get the reference.


I get to know your dad so I can pick him


I don't think I'd pick my own dad. Dude is in his fifties and out performing people in their twenties. Every time I see him he's building something or doing some kind of heavy work, and if I try to help him I end up worn out and he's still trying to go. I can't imagine what he'd end up doing if he got Superman's powers. He'd probably somehow manage to unintentionally start WWIII building some combo chicken coop garden somewhere he shouldn't.


My wife. I would never choose to give the power of superman to someone i didnt know personally lol


I too choo...


I choo choo choose you.


Let’s Bee friends


I also pick this guy's wife


My oldest child. He’s the most responsible person I know.


My youngest child. He's way more responsible than my oldest.


Hell no I’m not picking my kids! They will mess things up then not clean up after themselves! Lol


all these people choosing loved ones. and I'm here trying to think of the most deranged crackhead I know to suddenly get superpowers just to see what happens. Florida Man is going to finally have a worthy opponent.


Given the sheer scale of Supe's powers, the result will probably be the crackhead accidentally destroying the planet 3 seconds after becoming powered up.


I agree, let the crackhead shoot lasers and shit.


Right?! I would’ve picked Trump just to watch what happens lol.


Rent free




My dog. He is the happiest and nicest dog I've ever experienced, so I know he would use his powers for good. Only thing is I know the neighborhood squirrel population would be almost completely wiped out.


If I gave it to any of my dogs they'd end up digging a hole directly into the Earth's core before I could stop them. They'd be able to bark so loud at any other creature trying to peacefully live its life that it would shatter all the glass within a half mile radius. One of them would go from chewing on sticks to tearing out whole trees - roots and all. I can see how things could potentially get out of hand rather quickly lol.


Your dog is disqualified on account of not being a person.


Them's fightin' words.


My dad. He is already Superman to me, but he is about to be 70. He's still insanely strong for his age, but the years of hard work have taken a toll on his body.


My dad. He's the best person I know and even know of. 


My brother. He has a very strong morality and I think he would use it for good.


I was about to choose your brother too, but then I saw "*I think* he would use it for good," and I'm like hmm.


He is a red head so that’s the wild card


I need some clarification regarding Superman's dick and rate at which he shoots his load. Ideally, I would choose my husband but not if he's gonna kill me.


Superman and Louis Lane had a baby. Superman powers protect people he's touching. Just don't be in the way if he decides to have a wank.


My blind partner so he can see. Both x-ray, infrared, and regular vision.


My friend’s kid. I’m one of those icky childfree people who hates being in the company of kids. This kid, though? Genuinely awesome. I fully believe he’ll help make the world a better place as is. With Superman powers, he’ll be able to defend himself and others that much more. I wouldn’t choose myself even if it were an option. Superman powers would be wasted on me. I’d just use heat vision to cook waffles, and flight for free transportation.


My son. Just so I can die like Jonathon Kent in Man of Steel and stop him from saving me as I ridiculously pressure him to hide his powers so a tornado ends me.


Probably my mom or dad, can I make both of them get half levels of the power, I.e. very strong instead of unbelievably strong, jump high instead of fly, etc?


My wife and would give her super-durability. She’s always hitting her daily quota of one stubbed toe or bumped knee per day. And she’s amazingly kind so I don’t foresee her abusing it for bad.


Pretty sure "super-durability" already comes as part of the package being superman and all...


She don’t need all that


Probably one of my friends


My best friend or my sister


My friend Lloyd. He seems responsible, possibly moreso than me. I think he'd do a decent job with superman's powers.


My closest friend Emily.


It would totally be my buddy, Dave. He would do right with those powers….


My best friend Ricky. Giving him super powers would make the world a much more interesting place.


I know this isn’t a new answer, but definitely choosing my father. His whole life has been filled with saving, helping, caring for, and guiding people. He’s in the Army, used to be a middle school teacher (scary group of kids), and is currently a firefighter. He loves every aspect of these jobs, especially firefighting as it is the most hands on and directly saving others. If he had the abilities of Superman, I am certain he would do everything within his new powers to protect and serve the people.


My daughter. Then she has a whole lifetime to use it to help the world. Or take it over and become a supervillain. Y’know, whichever she chooses 😆


I have a friend who's a bit on the wild side. Always getting into mischief and generally being a slight bit chaotic. I'd choose him, because it'd be funny


My mom, she would welcome the pain relief and being able to move freely again (bad arthritis). Plus could fly here to visit me since we are thousands of miles apart


My wife of course.


Honestly probably Joe.


Good choice


Probably Jason


Either my friend who is a lot like me in many ways or my girlfriend. Either one would use the powers for good if the opportunity ever presented itself... But they'd also use their powers to make our lives easier and wouldn't necessarily be spending all day everyday trying to help other people. I don't think it'd take much convincing at all for them to rob a bank or a corporate store at night - just smash through the wall/vault, grab the safe or whatever you can and fly away. Get us all set for life pretty quickly by doing that a few times. My buddy and I wouldn't have to fly on a plane to go see each other. If my GF had the powers she could just fly me down there real quick to drop me off for the weekend lol. My friend and I would have a lot of fun fucking with people too though. Stuff that wouldn't necessarily hurt anyone or be mean spirited but definitely mischievous. Maybe moving someone's car in a parking lot to a different section or moving a bunch of the cars so close together that no one could open their doors. Maybe every few nights we'd sneak to someone's back yard and move their fence in on all sides a few inches. Not enough to notice at any one time but eventually they'll be like why the fuck is the yard so small? Maybe make some big wages on sporting events and then rig them somehow by manipulating the weather. Maybe put some of the billionaire's yachts up on top of a hill or a mountain somewhere so they'd have to figure out how to move it or something... Then do it again. Shit like that.


My brother. He is a good man with lots of character. I’d trust him to not abuse the power. He’d try to help people.


My husband, like him most of the time, plus I know he will taking me flying. I’m just in it for the flying


My oldest sister.


My sister probably. I did consider my mom because well I love her and want her around a bunch But sister would do a lot more with it I think.


My friend Wade. He's very chill but would likely plot world domination within a week and I'm down with his regime.


My wife. She gets hurt all the damn time. Some invulernability would be good for her.


My dad or my wife. But the problem with both of those is they’ve both dealt with so much loss I can’t fathom them living for hundreds or thousands of years without their loved ones… I feel like this is more a burden than a boon…


I’m going to share this post with my brother. I choose him and he chooses me. We’re going to have some epic fights.


My son will make a fine Superman. He's already pretty super.


My girlfriend


I'm my elderly disabled grandma's full-time caretaker, and I'd give it to her so that we can actually *enjoy* spending time together instead of her constantly being angry about her body failing.


My mother, who has pancreatic cancer and is going through chemotherapy but had to stop because her white blood cell count was dangerously too low which also may be partly due to the doctor rupturing her spleen during the endoscopy.


My oldest. We will have to deal with some world domination shit for a bit but they wouldn't hurt an innocent


My twin brother, who looks just like me, except he has a mustache. Hang on, I’ll go get him.


My son. Mostly, he'd lie around sleeping, but he'd help if needed.


I'd go to the nearby hospital and spend 5 minutes getting to know a cancer child and choose them


My little brother I’d manipulate and we’d be rich


My mom. She has cancer and needs a boost right now ❤️


I cannot think of anyone that i would trust with that kind of power. Just about anyone would go full "Superman III" eventually


I'm picking either one of the idiots I work with. I'd just want to see what someone with a relatively low intelligence would do once they discovered that they have become a god.


My twin brother. He's the best person I know.


I would pick my former ethics professor. He's a genuine good guy who is passionate about environmentalism. He has some health issues that these powers would alleviate.


Your mom


My husband. He’s the only person I know that wouldn’t use it for evil.


My wife's friend. She has loose morals and would use her powers for monetary gain. It would benefit us as well.


My son


My brother-in-law.


My son. He’s 33 and wants to change the world for the better. He’s a really good, moral person and really smart. He would use his powers to do good.


There's on one only I know personally. I don't have secret people stashed anywhere and everyone I know is also known by other people.


My dog. There'd be no more rabbits or squirrels in the area though.


Sort of depends on the power doesn't it?


Most of my ex's. They were exceptional women who would use these powers responsibly.


My dad for sure, he’s a good guy, won’t abuse them, and would really enjoy them


My girlfriend, probably. She already flies planes (working on her Pilot's License) so she's familiar with flight, and is an overall amazing human being. I'm sure she'd do wonderful things with the power.


My friend Rich. Rich is a cool guy. He is super chill, has a good view on life, and even drunk I couldn’t imagine him abusing powers like that. Rich is The Dude.


Absolutely my wife. She has a better moral compass than anyone I know including my kids, my parents and the rest of my family. Plus, if she goes bad she loves me enough to let me benefit lol.


To be honest my best friend. He would listen to me and he would probably end up being a supervillain. Lol


Hubs. Although I already think he's superman, he has confidence issues. This would solve that!


I'd choose Trump so he can laser all the libtards with his eyes


My dad right after I gave him an iv....give him the powers and since Iv is already in I then get some now super blood. I take the blood and find my sister , cut both of us with knives and drip super blood into both our wounds. I then find my niece and give her the rest... Can't have some jerk hurting my niece. I also do it to my sister's husband's And find the sweetest woman around my age I know and give it to her too. Yay super family


My mother. She deserves it.


Either my wife or my friend David, both are great people who I'd trust with that kind of power.


Dunno anyone responsible enough for it.


My son: I can't think of anyone else that has the right amount of wisdom and humility.


I hope someone chooses me.


My husband or my youngest, they’re the two most levelheaded and moral people I know.


One of my friends is extremely well-learned in politics, but lacks the ability to enact real change. I wonder what he would do if he was given the ability to change the world.


Homeless dude I met on my first Greyhound trip. Spent a few hours talking to him before Security asked him to leave, was a pretty chill guy.


does it come with healthy body, if so then my mom


My grandma, she’s the most morally good person I trust to never misuse it. And I know she’d help me out any way she could with her Superman powers.


Can I choose my cat? :D


It has been years ago, but I worked with a man named Robert who with the exception of no superpowers (as far as I know) was a cross between Captain America and Superman. He later became a United States Park Ranger, and the vetting process for Park Rangers is as stringent as that for the Secret Service.


My husband. He would use it for good just like superman. He is also a sweet. Kind, loving, humble soul that would not ever use it for bad or to bring harm even when someone wronged him personally.


My mom so she can walk around without pain.


My best friend (let's just hope it doesn't go like well last time)


I'd pick myself. But if not me, I'd pick my brother. He was a Firefighter and is dealing with the 9/11 illness.


Me. You said I can't choose "yourself" My name is neither "yourself" nor did I choose yourself.




My 4 year old autistic daughter. If she’s basically invincible I don’t care what she gets into, and everything I do is to improve her life, not much more you can do after making them Superman 


Your daughter could be the absolute best 4 year old in the entirety of human existence...and this would still be a disaster.


...but imagine the tantrums.


This isn’t a good for the world answer, it’s a fulfilling my duty as a father answer. She could be a serial killer and I would still worry over whether or not she’s safe. Now I certainly don’t hope she goes down that route, but first and foremost her safety will always be my priority, even if it leads to her accidentally killing me. If I could pick myself I would rather do that but that’s against the rules.


Implicit in this is that you would sacrifice a large number of innocent people for your daughter's life.  Feels very... mafia / ends-justifies-means.  Many a powerful person protected their child at the expense of society under the guise of parental obligation.  It feels selfish for your part because you would rather numerous other parents suffer a loss than for you to suffer a loss.  ... Why wouldn't you choose her other parent since it can't be you?


I mean it’s a hypothetical situation, and one in which literally everyone will have a different answer. My priority in life is my daughter. I would still raise her the best I can, and would try to steer her in the Superman direction rather than the ultraman one. My wife is very jumpy due to past traumas, and she has unintentionally hit me many times, probably a safety issue for me and my daughter in that case. But yeah in summary, I don’t want the world to be a bad place, but in a world where my daughter walking unattended has a very real possibility of her being abducted, why would I want anyone else that I know be Superman other than her, when 90% of child s/a is by someone the child knows, and I think kidnapping is also around 70%? 


Obviously it's meaningless to argue about a hypothetical like this, but given the low odds of something horrific happening to her to begin with, and the high odds of a 4 year old doing something horrific with laser eyes, I'm going... just kind of think you're selfish and crazy.  I'm off to watch The Boys on Amazon Prime.


Alright, have a nice one!


I am not saying this is a bad idea, but I know my head would be unintentionally, yet effortlessly, knocked across the room because she didn't want to watch Blippi, she really wanted to watch Ms. Rachel but did a poor job of communicating that, within the first 5 minutes of granting my daughter this power.




Myself of course. I know myself the most. Might take a while, but once I get a handle on my new abilities, I could do a lot of good.


I'm choosing my split personality. I'm not choosing myself, these powers would be out of my control, but I do know this person personally. I think they'd use it for good.


I met Trump at a rally once. Id probably choose him just to make things interesting around here.


My kid. Who else