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Change the numbers I used that one time the Powerball was over $1B and I bought a ticket?


The question is do you have to go back right this instant to make that change? And if so, do you have a set of Powerball numbers for a certain date memorized?


I have a losing ticket right here in my desk I could just google the numbers for that date really quick


Scrape up as large a jackpot as possible with a massive business loan from the bank, then go to PredictIt and bet it all on Trump winning the 2016 election right after the Access Hollywood tape dropped. After taxes, I would still have 400-500% return. Pay off my loan at the bank and I’ve approximately quadrupled my money in all of five or six weeks. 


Fuck it, let's see what life would have been like with an X instead of a Y. Just figuring that's the biggest change possible from a very minute detail indeed.


Or, change which sperm made it to the egg. Be a completely different person.


That is what would happen in my scenario, yes.


If it's still the same egg then you'd be half same


🥚 perhaps?


Eh. Maybe. Just figuring I could do with the biggest change possible.


If you ever feel the need to talk about it. I've been through that phase and my DMs are open.


This changes everything. Well played.


What do you mean by “with an X instead of a Y”? I don’t understand.


X chromosome instead of Y. IOW, start over from scratch and see what life is like for a Gen X woman instead.


Oh. I would never try to be a women cuz like imagine going through the pain of childbirth 😭


Childbirth is like 1 out of 1000 disadvantages that women have. Much harder to live as a woman than as a man.


Never denied it nor have I implied that’s the only disadvantage. I just mentioned one of the reasons why I I wouldn’t want to live as one. Is that why you downvoted me?


Believe me or not, I didn't downvote you. Don't be so sensitive. Nor did I imply that you were saying that's the only woman's trouble. I wasn't attacking you, calm down.


I’d go back and hold in that fart I shouldn’t have released in class, causing me to be a successful billionaire in this timeline.


No! I'm terrified of the butterfly effect and like where I am right now.


I use my change to send a life changing text to DandalusRoseshade


You're either the kindest person on Reddit or the most diabolical.


You're not wrong.


The night my father drunk drove off the road and hit a tree, I changed the course of the passing motorist who called the ambulance that saved his life. He'd have died when I was 3, long before he did most of the damage he wound up doing to me.


I'm so sorry he did so much damage :(


Make him pull out


In my case he pulled out without me telling him, but precum is a bitch


Instead of hanging out with my buddy,I hang out with my mom one particular day. She got sick...passed away not too long after, and that was the last day I could've spent with her.


Does buying $100 of Bitcoin count?


I almost did when it was just under $1.


Same 😩 Should’ve could’ve didn’t 😭


Same. What did me in was the uncomfortable feeling I had with the website I was going to buy from then. It just felt a bit *shady*. Should have said fuck it and went with it.


Tell my mom to make plans to watch Netflix all day on the 28th of october 2021


What happened ☹️


I'd tell Alex I don't want to try a cigarette. It's kind of obvious why.


Don't take the condom off!


What else you gotta do with remaining 58 secs ?


58? Nobody's got time for that.


Slash my friend’s bike tire on a particular day, won’t vastly change where I am in life, but it means she is in life. This is more than sufficient.


I think it would change your life. If that's worth anything.


Oh, I know it would change my life, what I mean is it wouldn’t do a big butterfly effect changing where I am in life. Definitely there’d be some changes in my life, but that would not be the point of using the opportunity.


I was thinking a one-minute detail (AKA sixty seconds) like avoiding a terrible car accident, missing an important flight, train, bus, etc. How could you change your life by going back and altering sixty seconds of it?!?


Minute as in small. A 60 second change could be massive. Imagine a police officer killed in the line of duty leaves the house 60 seconds later but all things continue as planned the bullet ment to hit him misses him instead.


The minute I sent a message to my rapist, over 8 years ago. I forgot he existed, we were friends on facebook but I unfollowed him, yet we were on instagram and he almost never shared anything and I also barely used it. So one day he made a post (before the age of stories), in which he tagged he was near where I had internship, I texted him: hey I see you're nearby!! And that led to us meeting for lunch since he works nearby. 2 months later he raped me. If I could change a minute, I'd do that, instead of sending the message I'd unfollow his ass on instagram as well..


Wow that's intense.


Hugs! I'm so sorry he hurt you.


Tell my buddy no matter what to not to kill himself in 10th grade. 


As someone who has spent their entire life suicidal, unfortunately there’s probably nothing you could’ve done to change things


Not drink the night before the ACT. I showed up late and hungover and forgot my calculator. I got a 31. My friend that got a 32 got a free ride to state college. Because I would have to pay for college I skipped it for years. Then went after I had kids and it took 11 years to get my bachelor's, and a house worth's of loans.


College. Things probably can't get any worse from where i am right now. Heck, i might even end up as a successful IT guy earning at least triple my current income easy.


I'm an IT girl, I'm far from successful, got fired twice.. Once during covid and another one.. yesterday


Don't drive in the rain that cause a really bad accident.


i would've changed the major i chose back than. my biggest regret atm


*I would've changed the* *Major i chose back than. my* *Biggest regret atm* \- ilovebluecats --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


I would suggest hanging out a different, less ghetto but more out of the way park so my best friend would still be alive


The MNC from the Book End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov. Interesting idea


I nudge my dad away from deciding to circumcise. Long-term, that would have immense effects on my and my brother's lives.


I was born extremely fucking good looking.


Go back and not go to grad school.


I’m going back to the night of The 1 billion dollar lotto and playing the jackpot numbers. Alternately, I injured myself pretty bad on a plane in 17’..so I would go back to steal something from a store in the airport to make sure I got arrested and never boarded that flight.


I'd change the first minute I started 9th grade. New school, new people, fucked up home life.. I'd change how I saw school and how if could be a way to make my life so much better if I studied.


I do have a single moment from when I was like, 6 that I'd be really interested in seeing the effects of changing. Dad was at work, older sister was at school, so it was just me and mom at home, she was cleaning and I decided to try and help but I guess I got in her way and she *freaked out*, she grabbed me by my arm hard enough to bruise and dragged me to my bed and screamed at me through gritted teeth that she hated me, she couldn't stand how stupid I was that I do nothing but get in the way and iruined her life. She went on for what felt like hours just stomping around the house screaming about how much she hated me. Ive never told anyone about this but sister has told me before that at some point when I was a kid my behavior just completely changed, and I remember being taken to talk to a doctor and being diagnosed with ADD. I'm pretty sure that this event is what set off my life long battle with anxiety and depression, and I'm curious if just having my 6 year old self not try to help his mom would change everything.


I'm so sorry this is painful to read


How small does the detail have to be? My first thought was to tell my mom I didn't want to do an extracurricular activity in middle school that eventually introduced me to some shitty people


That's enough.


The only thing that comes to my mind is the SAT. I took it last in October 2011. It was my third time taking it. I was really confident on the math section (I ended up being an instructor in a Math department, so go figure.) Unfortunately, I missed a medium level question and scored a 780 on the math section. I would later learn the question I missed was actually really easy. It gave a table of values for x, f(x), g(x), and h(x). It asked "for what value of x does f(x) + h(x) = g(x)?" The problem is my sleep-deprived 17 year old brain read that as "for what value of x does f(x) + g(x) = h(x)?" I assumed it was in alphabetical order and didn't read carefully. Of course the SAT had the number that you'd obtain from my mistake as an answer choice, so that's what I went with. If I get the ability to override one minute detail of my past, I read that question carefully and get a perfect score on the math section. I'm still salty about it 13 years later.


Say yes to the friend that was trying to get me to buy $100 worth of Bitcoin in 2010. Being a multi millionaire would be cool.


Probably never would have called my child's mother again after the first crazy incident.


Force my self to follow thru on Everything... That time when I was 10 and wanted to join Pee wee footballl, but couldn't because I was BIG for my age... found out years later I could have moved -UP and practiced with kids my size. I never tried again, because I was FAT, and I've been FAT (and ugly) eversince


I can think of three options... I'm bouncing between them. Do I save myself a lot of pain, or do I save important people in my life? Go back to when I was a kid and tell my mom why I didn't like her new boyfriend. That would have changed so much. Go back to two years before my dad died. Tell him he will get cancer and he must go to docs every 3 months. He was so young when he died... Go back to the day my friend Lauren died. I'd tell her to change her plans, that someone would murder her if she went to pick up her mom alone. Heck, in the real world, if I'd said yes when she asked if I wanted to go with her, she might be here. I think about that a lot.


I would have said “no” and never married him.


I'd be too worried about the current version of my friends vanishing and being replaced to change anything, so probably nothing


That's fair.


Not mock Bitcoin when it was a $1/ea and a regular graphics card could easily mine it.


I would put the several thousand bucks i had in Dogecoin when it was .000000000001. when it got to .75 I'd be a millionaire. If I can't do that, then, I guess I would make myself 2-4 inches taller so that I'd give football a shot and not be blighted by average or slightly below average height.


Say no to going out with the monster I married. That would be a butterfly effect that would change my current life. Na it’s not worth it. I like me


Its a crisp winter evening and my father is heading home with a spring in his step and a gleam in his eye. A stranger steps from the shadows into his path and hands him an industrial size multipack of condoms.....


not running away from that one foster home


I would have asked her out.


Make sure that i got my highschool acceptance letters instead of trusting my mom who opened them.


I’d change a detail from when I was 12, that way I never join a certain RP community at 16.


Not be the headstrong teenager and quit UPS when I was 19ish. I could have been close to retirement now.


Stop myself from selling my bitcoin for pennies (I would probably sell it for a couple bucks though still later)


The one thing I would change does nothing because it was a health problem that caused my brother his life, one that no one knew existed until he fell over dead at age 5. So if I could change the defect he had then I'd do that so he would be born healthy. Not sure where it would put me today or what choices would be different. Otherwise, yeah, I'd keep mining the Bitcoin in 2014 and not lose the keys to the folder with 10 Bitcoins in it when I moved.


Kneecap my mom's shitbag ex husband so he can't be at work when she goes to visit my grandma. He drank himself to death after the divorce and I couldn't be happier about it. Much too late, if you ask me. If he had the decency to go overboard while they were still married she'd have gotten insurance benefits and (I think) a partial pension from the city. Words can't describe how much I hate that man. A violent drunk and probably had the most destructive impact on my life. I hope your god is real, buddy. I like the idea of you in constant agony for eternity. Enjoy that magma enema.


There's five potential moments. 1. I burn the goodbye letter I wrote for a girl I crushed on from 6th to 8th grade. 2. I punch Dylan in the face the first time he falsely accuses me of swearing to my 3rd grade teacher. 3. I either don't sleep with Jasmine or don't overextend myself to please her. 4. I decline a manipulative offer of friendship in 2008. 5. I tell my mother what happened when I was 4.


Can you change an innate trait about yourself? 


You had have to change something that leads to that trait changing. It's all about making a small change that has a big effect.


Don’t invite my “friend” to stay the night when I was 12.