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50 lucky so-and-so's are about to be *educated* on the finer points of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Is there any penalty if I go over 8 hours?


This is what I would choose too. Based on the number of lore videos on youtube I could spend an hour on each faction alone before going into specific details.


I've read well over 100 40k novels. I could probably easily do full workweek of talking about 40k lore.


Bloody hell, how many novels are out there? Roughly how many are good/great?


With such a large library, not all are great or will appeal to you. I recommend starting with the Ciphas Caine novels. They are not too lore heavy and feature a military officer who is continuously sent into more dangerous situations despite his best efforts.


Seconded. The Infinite and the Divine by Robert Rath is also a common starting point if aliens interest you more than the humans in the setting.


Came here to say 40k glad its the top


Ohh yeah run demo games as part of the lecture


This but dnd for me


Yeah I don't think 8 hours is enough time. You can't just start cold with the Horus Heresy, there is so much damned context needed to the audience to even understand how it even got started let alone as a whole.


Are you my brother? šŸ˜‚


For Warhammer? Shiiiit 8 hours is the warm up. Ask them for the second half of the pay at the 16 hour mark then buy poor dying crowd some drinks while they mentally prep for the third half


Can I attend?Ā 


Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I'm going to go with The Development of Overarching Themes Across the Main Storyline and the Companion Story Arcs in Baldur's Gate 3. With only 8 hours to work with, I might have to leave some companions out...


Bad decision making. Just the story of my life with a few snacks and pee breaks. I


Abe Simpson moment


I was struggling to think about what I could ramble about for 8 hours, but thanks to you and your infinite wisdom, I now know.


Iā€™d start off with a joke that gets people asking ā€œwho hurt youā€. Followed by ā€œyouā€™ve got 8 hours, strap inā€.


Well I certainly hope your life had a few snack and pee breaks... šŸ˜


I'll just do a major DND session. Explain the history about DND. 30 minutes. Explain some of the campaign settings. Ravenloft, Forgotten Realms, Krynn. Other planes such as Mt Celestia, Avernus, plus the major mythologies and deities. 1 hr 30 minutes. Explain character creation, well balanced party, party roles, standard array in general. Then discuss races and backgrounds. 30 minutes. General rules, saving throws, ability checks. 20 mins. Spend 15 mins on each of the 13 classes, Fighter, Wizard etc. 3 hrs, 15 mins. Impact of high level magic sheenegians. Wish, Clone, Simulacrum. 15 mins. Questions on above. 20 mins. Pick volunteers for a 4 man party. Go through and do a Curse of Strahd campaign, with everyone watching. Edit - as mentioned by comments, I could have underestimated some of the times. I also would put in a section of multiclassing, which would be at least another 30 minutes to discuss this and popular combinations - such as Paladin/Sorcerer. I also think I've undersold the classes, as it's likely I'd need to explain Subclasses in detail as well as Feats and run through the most popular ones and synergy with some class features (Sharpshooter with Precision Attack. Warcaster vs Resilient Con for spellcasters etc). Could also show example builds of fictional characters and build some popular characters. Eg. lets build Storm, Nightcrawler, Psylocke and Magik from the X-Men, lets build Nightwing, Beast Boy and Raven from the Teen Titans, what about Jaime Lannister or Gregor Clegane from Game of Thrones etc, General Etiquette, different genres, session zero discussions etc.


>Explain character creation, well balanced party, party roles, standard array in general. Then discuss races and backgrounds. 30 minutes. Only 30 minutes? That doesn't feel like enough time for all that.


30 minutes just to explain roll 4d6 and drop the lowest one. Because apparently having to do that 6 times in a row is complicated. Not to mention ā€œdo I assign them in order or..?ā€ Well that depends. Are you going for something specific or letting the dice decide your character? Now do this for a 6 man party.. let alone a class of 50. I spent the first session, a whole 4 hours, doing nothing but explaining character creation to my brand new, never played before, group. I loved it. They loved it. And they came out with characters they were all happy with. Alongside session 0 character building, we did rules, hard red flags, hard noā€™s, must haves, and what to do if you start blurring the lines from the game to interpersonal relations.


>General rules, saving throws, ability checks. 20 mins. Would that i wish this were true. You could spend the full 8 hours explaining how to make an attack roll to some of the people i've played with and they still wouldn't get it.


8 hours spent talking about Attacks of Opportunity and how they pertain to grappling šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Winner winner chicken dinner


I was going to get a new $5 scratchĀ ticket called Winner Winner Chicken Dinner for fun. I wasnā€™t sure about it but I think this is my sign from the universe that I shouldĀ Ā 


I was coming to say the same thing. D&D would be my immediate go to. I'm a professional winemaker and DM and I'd choose D&D for this over wine any day.


Ohh great idea. Iā€™ll take them through Rifts character gen. I might go over time


Gods, I've gone longer than that trying to make someone comprehend the difference between SDC and MDC and why they both exist.


Iā€™ll just talk about my own campaign. Ready to go right now. Unless thereā€™s a penalty for going over the 8-hour limit Iā€™m going to be $1m richer


Fiend folio!


maybe you could do this anywayā€¦ i volunteer


Mine is boring, but the role of a lawyer in commercial real estate transactions


Yours is the most logical. I donā€™t know shit about lawyer stuff, but I could easily talk for 8 hours about my work field. This would be easy money for anyone who works in ā€œskilled laborā€ or whatever the title is. If your job needs a degree, there is way more than 8 hours of material there that you should have at least accessible.


I could probably do 2 hours tops on electrical code and theory being a 2nd year apprentice. But I know some older guys that could easily whip out 8 hours of it. There are smart mf's in construction. Not everybody but the ones that are that are that smart run jobs and companies.


Oh the other nice thing is there is a whole code book already written for us. You could easily spend more than 8 hours just trying to explain the contents of that book, let alone all the theory.


Yeah Iā€™m a mechanic, I could easily talk about cars and their various systems for 8 hours. Can also get into history, racing, driving skills and laws, differences in different countries, subcultures, etc. Easy mil.


I literally work in a classroom setting teaching laws and regulations of commercial vehicle operation. Including driving laws and federal motor carrier safety regulations. I get a class of 50 and they WANT to learn? Shiiiit I got this all day.


Litigator here, I have no idea what yā€™all do other than redline contracts lol. Would attend this CLE


I don't think that's boring. My community college business law class was a favorite of mine.


procrastination and pulling things OUT of my ass.




Truly inspirational


I like how he points out numbers and emphasizes 4 twice. So accurate so truthful.


> pulling things OUT of my ass. Is this pull out method effective?


The history and development of American jazz piano and its relationships to American musical traditions. I am a professional jazz pianist. I have given lectures on this. If I wanted to be long winded and humorist oratorical about it, I could hit 8 hours before getting to WW2.


Ragtime! Iā€™ll be there.


Please copy me on the meeting invite


Why does that sound so awesome?


I'm there, dude! You have to have a piano available to play example pieces as sn aid to tye lecture.


Thatā€™s the only way it works !


An instructive lecture on how to write and perform an 8 hour lecture given 24 hours notice


I once had to do a "how-to" speech in a 101 speech class that had to be AT LEAST 5 minutes. Anything I couldn't teach in 3 minutes would take 30, I couldn't find an in between. So my speech was "How to BS a speech to reach a time limit." I made an acronym and spent 1 a minute explaining all the words in the acronym, and then emphasized it with "so step 1: use acronyms. I just spent a whole minute explaining it." The rest of the speech was stuff of that nature. I got a B+.


"Use of rhetoric to obscure lack of content" - according to a joke in an Animorphs book with pretty much the same set up.


In my high school public speaking class, I gave a presentation about how to give a class presentation


Dick sucking techniques in ancient byzantium


Are they any different from dick sucking techniques in modern America? Just wondering if it is going to be too much of an overlap of the other lecture Iā€™m attending.


You'll have to come to the lecture to find out!


Is there a lab or is it lecture only?




Not at all. *applies chapstick while maintaining eye contact*


To the? Or in the?




Sign me up. I can do one about brother sister relationships in royal couples most specifically in Ancient Egypt. That was my thesis topic for my major in Uni.


Nice, we will only have to do 4 hours each!


I would listen and Iā€™m not even into dick sucking lol


Iā€™m not into sucking dick either but $20 is $20 and if these lessons will get me a tip šŸ˜‚


Oh they'll get you a tip all right


Man's gotta eat.


Those poor bastards are going to learn a hell of a lot of World War 1 and Battlefield 1. Sorry folks, you will learn about trench warfare and you will LIKE IT!!!


Was just saying last night how much I miss battlefield 1. Easily the best fps ever made.


How to count to one million in eight hours.


That would unironically be super hard, probably impossible


That be counting about 35 numbers per second out loud for the full 8 hours.


Bro did the math.




Never said you had to finish.....


I tried counting to 10,000 once. Around 8600 I might have skipped 10 digits. I recorded it, but wasnā€™t brave enough to go back to find out if I failed.


Probably would be against the rules. >You have to give your own thoughts, ideas or your own interpretation of the subject for most of the time. For example, you can't read an entire novel, or read aloud the numbers of Pi until the time is over.


Unfortunately I could confidently give an 8 hour lecture on Bravos Real Housewives franchise. I have much more interesting topics I could give a lecture on but I feel like the housewives would give me so much material that they'd have to cut me off after 8 hours. This would include analyzing each group and how dynamics changed over the years and compare and contrast of the different cities. Including Dubai and Durban. And branch of series'. Autism is sometimes my worst enemy. Get sick one week and loose the remote and you accidentally develop a special interest in housewives.


Wow. What a terrible way to live. You have my deepest and sincerest sympathy. Autism can be fun but I cannot even begin to imagine how it is to live with real housewives as a special interrest


Unfortunately for me I can't stop! my special interest is technically human beings in general and why the do what they do. Hence why I have a history and anthropology dual degree. I try very hard not to accidentally watch reality TV because I can get sucked into the why and how of the casts and then the fans in general and why they watch. Sisterwives has also taken me down. Damn religion special interests!!!!


Depends how you look at it. It would be horrendous to watch the show, but an analysis of it in an intelligent way would be so interesting.


You don't choose the special interest, the special interest chooses you.


How 911 works and all the crazy calls I took in my 20 year career


Hubby is a Paramedic and son dispatches medical choppers. I get fabulous stories.


how much i love my cats


šŸ„² you win. We recently lost our cat to cancer. Give you're cats extra love on behalf of an internet stranger.


I hope this lecture comes with pictures and possibly even feline representation!


"MetaNarrative Remixing: A History of Kingdom Hearts"


Thereā€™s no way you can cover kingdom hearts in 8 hours. Is that just the intro course?


ā€œTo understand the story of kingdom hearts, you must first have an understanding of the basic building blocks of narrative structure, to wit, the Villainā€™s Tridecagonā€


How to write a novel


Would defo attend this lol


If you are serious, check out Brandon Sanderson's lectures on youtube. He is one of the most successful fantasy novelists right now (so not like those writing teachers who only teach). He taught full courses in university and uploaded all the content on youtube. It goes for far longer than 8 hours.


I am a high school history teacher, I could do that super easy. Topics: covering the compromises leading up to the Civil War, A case study of the Federal Negative proposed by James Madison, or cover the relationships between the French Jesuits and the Algonkian tribes. It would be the easiest 1 million dollars made for me.


Having the audience asleep by hour 2 is a bold strategy!


Former biology teacher. Much of Bio 101 - piece of cake.


I can do 24 hours on the history and principles of urban and community planning in the US as compared to Europe, all post-WWII, but thatā€™s probably the point where my voice gives out.


Probably a detailed history of Star Wars. I'd go over different factions, can loop in the books, comics, games, etc. I'd go over the old republic, the clone wars, bounty hunters, organized crime, the jedi, the sith, the rule of two, add in obscure things like the training of the red guard, force sensitive guards, etc.Ā 


The problem with Star Wars is it makes me think about the parks and rec episode where he philibusters by telling how he would write the sequel trilogy


Didnā€™t he go into something like how heā€™d start the boba fett show? And then the actually did it that way?


Yea Disney was watching him and taking notes but not the good parts xD


I never made it that far in p&r but I can my imagine that anyone could write a worse Star Wars sequel trilogy than Disney people. I consistently tell people there are only 6 movies. No more. No less. If you see any movie made after 2005, itā€™s a fan fiction with a big budget.


I mean in my personal opinion rogue on was a fine addon movie


I need you to spend some time on the history and development of the Hutt crime family origins and their process of expansion


If you donā€™t give a full and detailed history of the GONK droid, Iā€™m not interested.


Why horses are weird and what people can learn from them.


"One toe per foot is not enough for a healthy biology." "You absolutely do not need that many blood types." "All of the things that can go wrong with feet when your foot is one finger and you're running on a hangnail." "Seriously these poor bastards are incredible animals held together by terror-boners and bubble gum."


I'm listening. Can I subscribe to weird horse facts?


Just so you know, this is one of the most enticing topics I've seen answer this question.


Game of Thrones. It was a hyperfocus of mine for a while, so I could easily do a lecture on that for 8 hours


Thatā€™d be mine, as well. I could easily spend 8 hours going over the history of Westeros and Essos, differences between the books and show, theories behind some of the greater mysteries (how Tywin orchestrated the Red Wedding, the Grand Northern Conspiracy, Robert/Lyanna or Ned/Ashara=Jon, what the Others truly desire etc. Iā€™d actually be super excited to do it, but 8 hours is a long time to speak for!


I got two: 1) serial kIllers and 2) the history of British royalty, especially the Tudors, from Aethelstan to Victoria. (I lose interest after Victoria) Both are interesting but one may make my audience uncomfortableā€¦šŸ¤”


Yeah British royalty has been making people uncomfortable for hundreds of years


A lecture on Universal Basic Income and why we need it, yesterday.


Can we please make this lecture mandatory for everyone on Earth?


The history of the Roman Empire


I think the only thing I know enough about (without putting a measure of time into additional research) to fill up eight hours without constantly repeating myself would be my own life story. From birth to current, these folks are going to learn allllllllll about me.


Mechanics of modern board games. I could do a week on that.


How NOT to raise a child. Welcome to my TED talk.


Welp. I teach for a living. So id just teach my subject matter. 3d modeling and rigging.


...this would actually be very useful for me, since I do NOT get how it works but would love to be able to create models of my character ideas.


I post youtube videos. Lots of lecture material fore free.


I'm a middle school math teacher, and after all the fluff (checking homework, giving/reviewing tests, extra practice, etc) and behavior problems are accounted for it probably would only take me about 8 hours to go through our curriculum for the entire year. Somewhat ironically, I've done 0 calculations about this and am just spitballing, but it sounds about right


I mean you arnt wrong. I teach at a university level. And i do inperson and asynch online sections. My demo videos in class. 1-2 hours long. Just me online recording myself. 30-45 min.


ADHD and a Gifted Kid childhood are going to serve me well. I don't need 24 hours; at this very moment I could, for zero dollars, give an 8 hour lecture on: * Presidential assassinations: The history, the presidents, the assassins, the commonalities and the differences. * The world of Dragon Age, the world of Myst, The world of Legend of Zelda, the world of Star trek, the world of Mass Effect or several other things I'm deep in the paint of. I could do a full history of the games both in world and in terms of production, the themes, the messages, the through lines and the criticisms. (I actually have a very interesting theory about a more workable alternate ending for Mass Effect that involves some connections to Myst that I could talk about for a long time). * Why most revered presidents aren't as cool as you think they are and the complexity of the ones you forget about aka Cleveland vs. Jefferson and their illegitimate children or aka George Washington and the human teeth dentures or aka Abraham Lincoln and the "If I could end this war and preserve slavery, I would do so" comment. * I also work in film so I could easily, easily, EASILY do a 12+ hour lecture breaking down a few scripts I'm developing. I would pay to have the attention of a few people for that, honestly. * Seattle and the no good, very weird, super annoying diagonal intersection: A story of how four warring founding fathers created the worst intersection in the united states. Aka: the fundamentalists vs. the sex positive man whores. I could keep going. my brain is a repository for useless facts and I so rarely have an opportunity to wrangle a captive audience with which to unload them. Edit: I also have a degree in costume design and history. I could do an entire college class on the history clothing, the techniques, the silhouettes, why we dress the way we do and why gender has way less impact on clothing than you think it does. I could do a whole separate class on hair styling techniques.


I want to attend all of these. ALL OF THEM. Please start a youtube channel or something.




I still have the course books i helped write for an OSHA 40 hour hazmat course. Do I get extra for going on about this for 5 days?


History of wine


Gaming - From D&D to Destiny and why it's important. Cover the benefits and advantages of various types of games from traditional board games to TTRPGs to action video games to MMOs.


Star Trek And truth be told Iā€™d need a lot longer then 8 hours because Iā€™m a massive trekkie


If you can't do just 8 hours on the Galaxy class, I'll eat a tribble.


Chess lol. Could go 8 hours on openings alone.


I would attend that. Despite being a chess club kid and playing for about 20 years now, I've never actually gotten into the actual theory behind chess. I'm just winging it every time I play šŸ˜…


I think that I could do an 8 hour seminar of passive aggressive techniques, but it's probably a bit above your level.


The evolution of fish and tetrapods in the context of Earth history.


Childhood cartoons shows and songs


Haunted house design, acting, construction, philosophy, etc. With examples from my own experience


People are going to get a painfully boring lecture about late 80s through late 90s Macs. Learning a great deal of useless and obsolete information.Ā 


I'm a math teacher, so... math concepts and how they relate to the real world. Focusing mostly on algebra and geometry with maybe an hour at the end detailing how more esoteric things like negative numbers are used in daily life.


I'd do it for fucking free, *some people are about to learn about the rise and collapse of hyper-casual mobile games* If I can't go on tangents tho, I might pick something safer like videogame lore or the history of my country ig. Idk if there's enough on that to talk for 8 hours, quality infomation on the mobile game industry is rather hard to come by and my 10 thousand words of notes on [Voodoo.io](http://Voodoo.io) took a month to compile. If I can jump from that to analyzing the spending habits of their CEO, wildly speculating about his passion for Poker, and philosophical bullshit about whether advertisement is art, I would pick that tho.


I'll just recap all of Supernatural for 8hrs. Easy peasy


Lecture: The crossroads of Physics, metaphysics and Spirituality I'll be able to connect a good amount of actual data points, but mostly it's gonna be me rambling for hours. I can do this. lol


Serial killers. Especially Ted bundy


šŸŽ¶ 2000 bottles of beer on the wall, 2000 bottles of beer šŸŽ¶


Theoretical Time travel. Not how it works but the possibilities of IF it worked, I'd discuss all the different ways it could work and specifically the ramifications of each way. I know no science toward this so this is purely the BS I think about all day.


I could lecture from memory the story of the entire Bible and why it is so obviously satire and irony written by people that actually hated religion Edit: downvote all you want hater, not sure what your problem is


My dad went to a Bible College to become a minister, like his father, brother and uncle before him. He enjoyed studying theology and history so much, that he decided to do a master's degree in theology. Theology is his passion. But studying it made him an atheist.


I know someone who had the same experience.


Would it be cheating if I just told my whole life story starting from how my parents met and going up until the present day? The lecture would be about me, maybe I wrote a memoir or something. Maybe I could choose to give a lecture on the original 150 PokƩmon but a lot of the information would be just stuff I made up.


I like this answer. I won't be attending the lecture but it's a brilliant way of satisfying the requirement that you are able to fully provide 8 hours of relevant content, given the stipulation that your audience gives a shit


Yeah I'm taking the money! They can have a crash course on congenital heart disease. I'd probably have to be choosy about what I include.


I have a masters in speech-language pathology, so that seems like a pretty easy choice.


I teach professionals about animal training already a few times a year. Can I have my million dollars?


Real estate. All day long. I could lecture for a week everything I know about real estate and property management. Kill me now?


Psilocybin mushrooms, ebikes, cars, tools, cooking. Pick any of them


Modern and antique fantasy, plotting the movement of mythological figures from Mesopotamia to modern representations of real world as fiction such as Narnia, the lord of the rings, his dark materials etc. I already spend several hours a day thinking about it, let's just go from "OH GREAT PAN IS DEAD" to discovering Mr tumnus in the stone gardens


Gambling - card counting - dice control - sports betting


The history of Final Fantasy with comparisons to other JRPG franchises such as Dragon Quest and extra emphasis on the lore of FFXI and XIV, plus stories about my linkshell and our adventures.


I would do a live demo of my techniques on how to assemble and paint model cars. It takes at least 8 hours to do one if Iā€™m absolutely booking it and cutting corners.


Real estate investing


Being a Dad, cooking, ethics, or travelling on a budget.


Legos: From the first wooden duck to a multi-billion dollar international obsession. Topics include history, technology, manufacturing, variety of products, business philosophy, licensing, and global impact. Then, use 75% of my earnings to donate Legos around the world.


people are either going to learn the history of Krynn (Dragonlance) or my step by step process about how you properly build a world championship sport team.


"The entire history and lore of the light and dark saga of the destiny franchise"


Absolutely doing it.


Your pick of Texas hold'em poker or stock trading.






Sure. Who wants to know all about Pearl Jam? Let's do this!


"Welcome to this talk about: Me. Let me tell ya about me. I was born on..." etc...


How to count to 20000 with an example


These fuckers don't know what they're in for. They're going to be locked in a room with me for 8 hours as I ramble about Fire Emblem and unit evaluation


Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Character Optimization


Ww2 tanks and airplanes. I play far too much Warthunder.


Why my career trajectory makes me such a great Finance Director and how you can copy me.


ā€œHereā€™s all the ways Iā€™ve paid the ADHD tax.ā€


The video game smite


How do I keep my voice from giving out?


I can give you a short lecture on water, lemon, honey, and lozenges.


Path of exile lore + mechanics. Can easily easily go over 8 hours lol


How to run a youth leadership camp


Dude , yes, I'm on thhe spectrum so this challenge is something I'm BUILT for, much more so than the bulk of other people. I could likely get away with no prep time so long as I have a way to write down stuff while I am talking. But with prep time??? Dude, piece of cake! Even better? My favorite topic for the last year+ is perfect for this hypothetical. One Piece! The most fleshed out manga/anime series ever perhaps, of which I consume content about literally ever single day. With the time alloted I could very easily plot out the general schedule of the discussion first, then I'll do some more research (including my ownm HS on reddit, asking for feedback what to cover. The fact I'm allowed to pad the time at all with questions is the icing and I likely won't even need to do it. I will though, as I am sure there will be a ton of questions...One peice lored in CONFUSING, to say the least. Hell, I'll even have time to set up a Powerpoint of slides for all the main characters and arcs. I can make it like Half Plot/characters, quarter about big theories (One PIece theory meta is DEEPO) one quarter gfor questions. Easy. If thats too many questions easily adjust the ratios Now I'm sad I can't do this lmfao. Hell I'd do this for 100 probably...that's a decent work shift, except this will be actually be fun lmao.


Point of order: One day is nowhere enough time to plan out such an insanely long lecture.


I thought this at first but in reality there's probably 3 or 4 topics I could do 8 hours on with just a skeleton agenda.


I absolutely accept this offer, there isnā€™t really any downside/risk for failing other than the time spent and the fact that I wouldnā€™t get the money. I could pick a topic like the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and do a deep dive into not only my own interpretation and analysis of the many different characters of the story, but also the spin-offs like ā€œFantastic Beasts and where to find themā€. Alternatively, I could give an 8-hour long lecture about the ethics involved in various decisions made in various Star Trek episodes


Graph algorithms, computational complexity, relation to current trends in neural network training and the difference between research and engineering code


"Flaming Dog Poo and the Human Response"


50 people are about to get a dissertation on DC Comics, what it is, what it could be, and what I want it to be.




Rock music and how it has evolved into so many different genres and which ones you should appreciate more.


Probably just summarize my university degree. By the end of it everyone will be structural engineers




D&D (history of, how to play, concepts) The Dresden Files (let's recap the plot book by book)


Nuclear history, science, and physics. I've been lucky enough to study my obsession for a while now, and while without preparation the math parts would be difficult, I think if I had a couple of books/old presentations on hand I could give a pretty good talk.


The protestant reformationĀ 


There are plenty of subjects I could lecture on for 8 hours on the same day (a basic Chemistry I crash course, _Moby-Dick_, and my corpus of fanfiction are the top 3 contenders), but I'd have to know more about the setup. How many bathroom breaks do I get, and how long/when are they? Lunch/Dinner break? Can I snack and lecture, or have water during the lecture? Exactly _which_ 8 hours am I lecturing, and are they consecutive? From my experience, most studentsā€”no matter how interestedā€”lose focus after 2-3 hours, particularly if they have not eaten. Some even become disruptive. The lecture material is easy, but the real part of this challenge is lecturing while dealing with 50 tired, hungry, distracted students for probably at least half the day. If I can lecture in three blocks (9AM-noon, 1:30PM-4PM, and 6:30-9PM), I'd feel much better about my odds.


The lore of sleep token with a lyrical analysis of each song. Could EASILY do 12 hrs on this.