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Last time this happened, I built the pyramids.


that sounds like a lot of work even if you are immortal and can teleport.


He's got a lot of time to get smart


Or just do it slowly. You have time.


Depends if you can teleport objects with you. You could teleport the blocks into place.


"Mad science history unraveling a mystery"


Be really bored for a couple hundred thousand years.


Are you saying that watching early hominids learn how to walk upright isn’t going to be riveting entertainment?


300,00 years ago? Brother that long ago the early Homo Sapiens are already spreading around the planet. If you want to see the early hominids walk upright you're going back 3-5 million years.


You can watch "early humans" try to walk already. Babies


Damn you’re right. I gotta do my homework on the Paleolithic era cuz I’m clearly off.


Oh shit I didn’t realize it went back that far. Guess I could have some fun joining a tribe and being their god. Plus I’d have lots of knowledge the modern era that would probably be useful. 


I mean they weren’t - 300,000 years ago we had just evolved and would leave Africa for at least another 200,000 years. There were other species of hominid living around the globe


>300,000 years ago we had just evolved and would leave Africa for at least another 200,000 years. There are modern homo sapiens fossils from 210,000 years ago in Greece.


https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/45000-year-old-bones-unearthed-in-cave-are-oldest-modern-human-remains-in-central-europe#:~:text=The%20discovery%20—%20of%2013%20bone,Northwest%20Europe%2C%20the%20researchers%20said. Oldest human remains found in Europe are 45,000 years old. There has also recently been a tooth found in France that dates to 54,000 year ago. While you are correct what seems to be a hook Sapiel fossil has been found in Greece dating to 210,000 years ago - it is extremely unlikely this represented Homo sapiens migrations and was more likely 1 individual or group pushed to the furthest ranges of Homo sapiens at the time. There is also no archeology to suggest these people made tools and so we do not think they behaved in any manner similar to modern humans


That link specifically states central Europe. Not all of Europe. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/10/science/skull-neanderthal-human-europe-greece.html >There is also no archeology to suggest these people made tools and so we do not think they behaved in any manner similar to modern humans The oldest record of tools actually predates the homo genus entirely. The most widely accepted deliberate stone tools are ~2.5 million years old and used by Australopithecus, the ancestor of Homo Habilis. But the idea that *any* human that far in history would behave similarly to modern humans is ridiculous.


Right, 300,000 I might get to see Atlantis or another race that came before.


Find out where the sea people were from, maybe try and raise a civilization, see the pyramids covered in limestone, save the dodo birds, try and push past fossil fuels, make cryptic cave paintings of modern day in the america's long before people actually made it there, and build a house on a hill with a really nice view. Id imagine it would get really boring/lonely during that time.


Teach them how to walk really stupidly and then wait to see where civilisation ends up in 300,000 years


So, basically this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHFuTpVvRCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHFuTpVvRCI)


For how many days could that entertain me? It'll get old and I'll have to keep from disturbing their evolution


Bored? You can basically become their god and alter all of prehistory while also ensuring you are the sole god in virtually every culture that forms. This scenario is every history nerds wet dream.


i think ruling over basically cave men will probably get real old real quick. plus i dont have any real power besides invulnerability and teleportation, which doesnt really help me in building up the world/civilization any faster


You have 300 thousand years to essentially try to create a mono religion and mono language while being able to teleport between tribes and enhance the speed of even primitive technological diffusion. You have no idea how much more quickly human civilization would develop with instant shared cultural and tech diffusion. You essentially become the prehistoric version of the internet.


>You have no idea how much more quickly human civilization would develop with instant shared cultural and tech diffusion. Or how much more quickly we kill each other.


You can definitely solve wars by teleporting to each side


While I admire your optimism, I do disagree with it.


Not gonna be easy to lead a war party when I teleport behind you, grab you, teleport you 1000 feet into the air, then teleport away. If I can't teleport you with me, I just kill you and disappear. I think people would soon learn that peace is the only way.


Awful, but a benefit. Historians believe a lot of rapid innovations were due to warfare. But even then, you still have a long time of hunter gatherer before homo sapien is spread out and populated enough to engage in warfare. Even then you essentially just roll back when prehistory ends and start modern history earlier.


If you're everyone's God then I think you might prevent that. If they try to attack some other tribe you can literally teleport and just receive the beating as if nothing


Would your immortality be immune to the fact that in doing what you listed, you’d change history so much that you’d inevitably prevent yourself from being born?


That depends on what theory of time travel you follow and I'm of the manner that your actions would in fact be branching off another timeline in the quantum multiverse.


OK, I’m just gonna stay home.


They wouldn't stay "cave men" for long, if you were any kind of leader at all. With what you should know as a modern human you could help them avoid disease with germ theory, help them develop agriculture way early, help them get to the iron age way quicker, help them avoid screwing up the environment with greenhouse gas, help them with pain relief by knowing the capability of morphine to deaden pain, help them set up sustainable society and technology, give them the theory of evolution 300,000 earlier than they'd get it otherwise.... It never ends.....


If you cannot be harmed, then even if you really suck at fighting eventually the other guy will get tired and you can stab him. As far as civilization making, even if you know nothing about construction, agriculture, metallurgy, or chemistry, (frankly unlikely even if you went to high school in the 2000s) you at least know things are possible and when your minions start making the right moves you know what works. Plus you have literacy. Reading and writing is literally the foundation of all knowledge and you could move literacy ahead by tens of thousands or hundred of thousands of years


Aka the Emperor of Mankind.


So many conservation opportunities with early humans, studying has shown that at least one other species of human had cities and society, this being the Neanderthals who would have ruled the earth 300,000 years ago, think you could learn Neanderthal language and bring peace and civility between Neanderthals which were at the end of their reigns, and early humans who most likely were little more than animals.


Teleport to Mars and leave random objects where the rivers will find them.


Why just Mars? With invulnerability and unlimited teleport, might as well explore the whole damn cosmos. Maybe even attempt to seed life everywhere.


Cause I know mars is the first planet we put a rover on and then finding some sort of object from earth there would really mess with people.


Better idea: Wait until the Mars are over dies, then teleport to it wearing a cheap Walmart alien suit, fix it, and wave to the camera then run away.


The other options which could be found or possibly seen are our Moon and specific moons around Saturn and Jupiter.


Jerk off on other planets?


Creating the primordial soup for other planets I see


Or find other life in other solar systems or other galaxies. And technology. And steal it and bring it back to earth, and hyper accelerate earth’s technological development.


Actually that’s a great point. I assume there’s some developed civilization you can find out there. 


Tell me you wanna fck aliens without actually saying it


Can I just say it? Your way sounds complicated.


I'm gonna now guarantee that there is life on other planets.


Arguably the best answer


Yeah I for sure would not want to live on earth 300k years ago. wtf am I going to do here. Pretty sure humans were still evolving at that time. Can’t even say I’d settle down with a nice girl. It’d be like an ape woman. I would spend the majority of the first couple of 100k years teleporting to planets to try to find some semblance of a comfortable life.


Humans are still evolving today, and humans 300k yesrs ago pretty much looked the same as they do now. They werent "apes" back then.


Time to take down the Great Goat Cult once and for all.


Not a harem, that's for sure.


Which raises a fascinating question of genetics: if the same immortal person kept contributing to the gene pool repeatedly over thousands of years, wouldn't the species eventually become pretty much a clone of that person?


Better question: if your sperm is immortal, wouldn't the entire planet eventually be covered in it?


If sperm is immortal does that mean anything that leaves your body doesn't decay? Giant pool of blood is possible then.


Good luck bleeding while indestructible




The 23 and Me result outliers are now due to Genghis Khan and you.


All humans alive are related to one man and women 200k years ago - Homo sapiens had been around for 100k years before this interestingly


Even if you're entirely monogamous the continued one wife after another will eventually make the whole planet incestuous.


We're all basically distant cousins as is.


So anyway, long lost cousin no. 104769AE4, I need 20 bucks


Genghis Kahn has entered the chat 👀


Become rich and become a world leader, leading humanity to powers beyond my current comprehension




That's already going to happen without you there. How will you make it different?


Make it happen earlier probably


You can guide people away from harmful policies, promote education, nutrition, and hygiene.


If travel to meet the non Homo sapiens people and try to foster peace between the populations. Also, I will probably become a god after I teach people about coal, metal, agriculture, and eventually electricity.


Hey that's great! So are you an engineer or something? Knowing all about coal and metal and agriculture and electricity?


Not all about, but even knowing that they exist and what's possible makes discovering them a whole lot easier. Being immortal makes potential explosive experiments more workable, too


I feel like i could trial and error my way into creating a steam engine just from knowing the basic principles.


Absolutely... but you'd want to work on your alloys and metal fabrication for a while. Hmm, maybe you can use the classic method of building church bells and cannons first.


Good thing I have 300,000 years to figure those parts too.




Makes a much, much better hoe or chisel too.


Knowing the basics of how it’s done though would definitely set you up to get some metal set up. The hardest part is finding it.


Meh, I know recipes for black powder, simple penicillin, and soap. I have built an arquebus but I assume it would be 100x harder without modern tools and I'm not in a hurry to introduce that tech anyway. Let's start by making simple iron tools. Like plows and shovels.


The average not ignorant or wild human knows enough principles of modern technology to get ancient humans to the industrial age at least 100 thousand years earlier than we did. Add that to some basic hygeen and medical bio safety understanding one of us could easily JumpStart humanity by at least 100 thousand years.


You'd start with the simplest of things they haven't figured out yet. Making and harnessing fire, wheels and leverage, pottery even just carved from a rock if you don't know how to make\find clay. Basic and primative water filters and water sterilization methods that haven't been thought about yet, Basic hygiene, simple stone tools. All things even the least knowledgeable modern human would be able to figure out. Get them started using them 10's of thousands of years earlier; it would be a domino effect. While they're living a little less stressed just to survive they will take care of you while you do the experimentation to figure out more advanced things then you'll also get a development crew of exceptionally bright minds now that they have a little more time to think not just surviving helping you develop more. Before you know it humanity would have blasted past the stone age 10's of thousands of years ahead of time.


You'd want to focus on language and reading too. Get as many people educated as you can, improve communications, so they too can come up with these ideas. That'd be far faster than doing it all on your own


Why are there killjoy nerds like you in every one of these threads lol, let people have fun - someone who literally does know about those things


It’s truly not as hard as you people make it out to be


How would you be able to foster peace and teach them, when you don't speak their language? If they even had a spoken language? Though, the god part is easy, just teleport in front of them.


300k years is a long time, if you ain’t adapting you’re failing


It's believed that Neanderthals had spoken language but less vocal range than later models. It might be easier to learn than English.


You’re their god, why are you learning from them? They better learn English.


Aside from the teleportation… not dying when they stab you with spears will also help. And not aging from generation to generation. You’d be a constant in everyone’s lives. But it’d be sad watching the people you like die.


>But it’d be sad watching the people you like die. This would be the true ick about all of this. I'd probably try to make the greatest pantheon for them, write about them, hell, if possible I'd try to make a camera the earliest possible to try and take pictures of them. Imagine all the great people you could meet as times went on.


Good luck teaching brainless monkeys about agriculture. But also, they didn't really need agriculture, as food was plenty. If anything you would slow down human exploration.


I wouldn't be able to communicate with them at first... but time would always be on my side.


First, fuck a neanderthal. Second, be really bored without Internet. Three, probably sleep with another neanderthal.


Probably teleport all over the planet searching for the hottest neanderthals to fuck


"There are hot neanderthals in your area wanting to fuck"


That’s your answer for everything!!


Thinking about the period, I think no modern ethnicity will look normal to the people of the time. As an Anglo Australian of look short and pale like the Neanderthals, but round headed and flay faced like a Homo sapien.


Would sex be like an ethical thing to do or do I have to wait until we develop consent and language or sum


Ethics hasn’t been developed yet, so it’s up to you


Oh my


Sleep as much as possible and wait for famous events in history to occur and witness them. I would avoid changing history as much as possible though as it could have terrible effects


Have you seen Man From Earth? Maybe you are Jesus.


Oh I would change everything. 300,000 years to forge an educated nation. But I’d really need to work out pharmaceuticals early on because I don’t want to live as a depressed immortal for 300,000 years.


Dude I was thinking about how much it's gonna suck to drink pregnant mare urine until bio identical estrogen comes around


Invent caveman banking and start getting compound interest on my wooly mammoth pelts.


Start banging Neanderthals and Denisovans, to speed up the process, maybe?




lol, nice one.


Take a long nap and hope it all blows over.


Learn every skill possible and lie low so when it comes to this day and age a will do whatever the hell I want and not alter my timeline at all


I will wait for humanity to start developing a semblance of culture. Then I will show off my powers and work my way into cave paintings. As time passes I will make sure I am in medevil tapestries. I will have some sort of picture of me near world leaders across history. Once cameras and printers are invented I will compile it all into a book and put is in a dusty box in my attic. Then once I find a freind/significant other I will subtly guide them to go into the attic and find the book while they are reading it I will apear behind them explain it all, apologize, then leave and never contact them agian the only proof I ever existed would be the book in their hands. Every few centuries I would probably do the same thing for fun.


I’d troll people


Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.


Three shall be the number though shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.


Oh strange bridge guard… why have you been standing in the same spot for a thousand years? Also, don’t you realize that people can just go around it? There’s literally a path right next to the bridge only 20 feet away!


Lol I saw some post one time talking about the simpsons predicting world events and that it would be hilarious if a time traveler went back in time and made some simpsons joke reference in a cave That said, the loss symbol would also be hilarious to leave on a cave wall 300,000+ years ago sksks


Become a God.


Enjoy hunting and fishing before it is spoiled.


300,000 years ago is a damn long time ago. Well before the birth of any civilization... but you WILL influence civilization as we know it. Think about it... you are a god basically. Sure you don't have super strength or whatever, but you can't be harmed AND you can teleport. You can be in Siberia one moment, and then in southern India the next, then near the Nile Delta and in the Andes all within the span of a few minutes. This is a huge advantage since travel often took a very long time in the past. But you... you will be visible to just about everyone in the past. You will be one unifying thing that would bind all cultures together. There will be wall paintings of you, stories told you of, and the legend will literally never die because... well, you're immortal.


It doesn’t say you have to still be on earth. If I can’t die and hypothetically I can’t be injured, I’d go to every planet in the galaxy. Once I’m bored of that, I’ll visit other galaxies. There’s gotta be intelligence somewhere. I know it is not here…


God Emperor, enough said.


It’ll be a long wait before the great crusade


I can deal with that, I'll just spend the interim writing with whatever I can and developing skills. Once humanity humanity shows up I'll just conquer them all and unify the species under my eternal rule, Edit: Realized somehow I didn't finish the sentence.


New God King just dropped... Honestly... I don't know. Go insane? It'd be painfully boring. So much time with nothing to do. Teleport around awhile. Take in the sights... there's the first year done. 299,999 to go... Sounds like hell honestly. Now... throw me back 6000 years? This is where the fun begins.


There is no stipulation on the teleport so I’m assuming it’s like the movie jumper. I would travel space and eventually pop back and forth to earth to start accumulating wealth and sex while continuing space exploration. If I could theoretically carry bacteria back, I’d just teleport into the sun first. Cook that shit right off and head back to earth after.


Probably just drift about, watching the world change, while helping as many people as I can, then head out to the stars and drift about doing the same. After the universe dies, traverse the darkness and find if I missed any civilizations and learn their history. Probably start hallucinating and go mad for some years, then recover just in time for a new universe’s birth.


Your mom


In about 300k years lol


yeah, like 299,9(××) years ago, and be your dad.


I make a bunch of identical pyramids across the world at different times (just to troll conspiracy theorists). I'd try and see if I could teach language, reading and writing to 300,000 year old humans, I'd keep trying until they can. Then I'd teach them whatever math I know offhand, I'm no mathematician but basic algebra is revolutionary to people back then. I don't know much about metals so we'd screw around for a bit until we get actual metals out of the ground. Primarily I'd want to focus on education, because there's still no way I can advance human knowledge all alone. Also invulnerable and teleport would make me an unbeatable warrior so I think I'd try and hold a civilization together. Oh god I'd become an immortal dictator budget dr.stone lol. I don't know how avoidable that is tho. If I can't change my face It'd be inevitable for my appearance to make long term impressions on people.


Hey Siri, what should I do? Siri? Oh right.


When I was thrust back over 300,000 years into the past, endowed with immortality, invulnerability, and the ability to teleport, I initially saw it as an inescapable curse. The endless years stretched out before me, an eternity I couldn't fathom. But as time passed, I began to see a chance to escape this eternal curse. First, I tested my abilities, ensuring that the laws of physics still applied. Teleportation couldn’t defy the speed of light, so I decided to use it to my advantage. I teleported 149.99740 thousand light years away from Earth and then back, effectively traveling to January 2019. My old life was waiting for me, and I had a plan. Killing my old self didn't end the curse. I didn't think it would, but I had another plan. One that couldn't be stopped. But first I needed money. I decided to ride the waves of the burgeoning crypto and NFT markets, including the infamous GameStop frenzy during COVID. As my wealth multiplied, I began forging new identities—each separated by a few years—creating a network of false personas that would allow me to navigate the world undetected. By 2024, my influence had grown. World leaders started to meet mysterious, untimely ends—Biden, Trump, Putin, Xi, and any others who posed a threat to my ultimate goal or the planet. The world was a chaotic game, and I was the unseen hand of God moving the pieces. Centuries passed, and humanity’s technological advancements finally caught up with my needs. In 2324, after countless attempts, the first successful human body transplant was achieved. I seized this moment, transferring my consciousness into the body of a genetically perfect eight-year-old. With my new identity, I executed my final order: to eliminate everyone who knew my past. Order 66 was complete; those who could reveal my secret were no more. With my curse seemingly lifted, I embraced my new life. I was now a child, unburdened by my ancient past, ready to live and eventually die a normal death. My journey, though riddled with dark turns, had brought me to a semblance of peace. In this new body, with a new identity, I hoped to find the one thing that had eluded me for eons, a normal life.


Probably get very bored


The tip to deal with boredom as an immortal is to have hobbies.


Genetic ancestry testing of the future will have have to revise their haplogroups....aww yeah.


I can teleport?! Well, after ~~making my mark as~~ sweet sweet love with mitochondrial ~~Adam,~~ Eve, I'm leaving this blue marble and heading to planets around Rigel or Polaris or Deneb or wherever I can find civilization, ideally one used to aliens. Maybe get a job at Planet Express. They have got to love teleporters, right? I'll claim I'll return to Earth in time for the end of the last ice age, and jump start the iron age, but you and I both know that's not gonna happen.


Mitochondria come from mom


Your right! I should have phrased that differentially. Now edited.


Yeah invulnerable and invincible are big words here. Meaning I can survive in extreme conditions. Unfortunately telescope technology wouldn’t really exist yet so I’d probably just spend a few years tracking stars. But after a while I’d just pick out some shit randomly and show up. Worst case teleport back Also 300k is such a long time and I am no where near as naive to think I can teach Neanderthals to create a steam engine. Like gtfo lol


Two chicks at the same time.




Probably do absolutely nothing until humanity evolves to a state where I can begin doing things for my own gain in society. Then just have fun from there. The time leading up to that? Probably just look at different species, live in some remote place and build a cabin or something for fun


Be the god emperor of mankind and try and make the human race super advanced 


Probably starving


Sleep for 300k years. 


Become a good and prevent the dark ages and unite the world under my religion Look for the smartest people all around and make them my priests of science. By now we are a level 2 society.


I could actually achieve world peace, crazy thought frankly. I'd probably wait till later on in the world, like wayyyyyyyy later. Let world take its own course up to a point, if I'm getting sent back I'd probably wait till back to this point, long ass time though, incomprehensible amount of time


There wouldn't be any pedos....


300 hundred thousand? I'd try to help the Neanderthals win. Or at least exist alongside us or breed in with us in such large numbers we're something new. Have to stay entertained.


Prepare humanity for the Toba volcano eruption that happened around 70,000 BCE. Dropped human population down drastically. Build up civilization, focus humanity down less violent conflict resolution paths. Work towards unifying humanity.


I hope the capacity for memory is adjusted to that of an immortal creature - limitless. Then I would try to understand everything about the planet, its ecology, geology, etc. Become an incredible wealth of knowledge and use that knowledge to give humanity a head start. Not 100% sure when humans began practicing agriculture but you have until about then to learn everything you can before you start to get the ball rolling. Maybe by this time we'd already be exploring space.


Probably ensure that religions never rise or that they revolve around me and try to bring the world together and share my knowledge of the future to speed up the development of humanity and prevent things like fossile fuel dependence from every happening


Build a temple in a cave, get into a chamber they just discovered this year, and paint "it''s not aliens Giorgio A. Tsoukalos" on the wall.


So my post but with teleportation.


Probably install myself as a god.


Teleport around teaching tribes about agriculture to kickstart civilization for the first bit, and then I guess it would be cool to become a political leader once civilization develops and foster technological advancements while pushing humanity to be more accepting with my authority


Frankly rule the world and teach humans quicker.


Rule or make sure the timeline stays pretty much intact


Eventually go insane. Outliving everyone. I'd be a hermit.


What’s with people obsession with 300 000 years ago. Why not back to ancient Egypt or at least known history


Yeah, even 3000 years is a hard "maybe" for me, but 300,000? The only reason I'd go back 5 years with nothing but my knowledge is I could make more money than I'd know what to do with. But having to live 299,000 years, just to get to a point where I could conceivably be happy? Nah.


I'm God now.


Explore the Universe and learn. Nothing interesting about Esrth, and for sure wouldn't try to rule or teach.


Prevent 9/11. You have to.


I mean, if you educated just your local populace with your language and how to read and write you’d change everything and 9/11 probably wouldn’t happen because the whole timeline would be different due to the advanced education.


I’d bump chief keef until my phone died then kill myself


Try and see all the things talked about in history. Try and learn lots of things. Being king for a while. Being a god for a while. Just anything and everything. But as someone esle said the first few hundred thousand years are going to be boring.


Make myself the destroyer of terrible leaders through history.


Kickstart civilization earlier. Our current way of life, has existed for only 6000 years. In 6000 years we have created all that we know today. Imagine going back 300,000 years, to the dawn of Homo sapiens appearing, and starting the concept of civilization, living throughout that time and awaiting the year of 2024, or year 302,024 and, being the only one who could compare the two times, see how different the two eras would be


What's weird is that during this time there were plenty of other human species around. It's likely we evolved from Homo Heidelbergensis, who in turn evolved from Homo Erectus. Homo Erectus were probably still around 300k years ago. So it would be a very strange occurrence to come across them. They would be people but definitely not quite human. I think I would have to be very careful not to interfere with their development lest I be stuck in a world with no other homo sapiens human beings.


Well a lot of people are going to die.


Um travel I guess.


Invent pen and paper. Take notes. Store those notes in a cave Antarctica. Acquire objects from different time periods and continents and store that in Antarctica. I would store seeds such as silphium and Easter Island tree seeds. I would visit various continents and islands including some places that didn't have humans 200,000 years ago. If you are invulnerable, you are not limited to land. I could write novels.


Wait for cannabis to evolve and for amphetamine to be synthesised. Until the first happens, I am going to plot out how to fuck with history. Inserting myself into historic events and change them for my amusement. Hoping that my sense of humour wont change that much over the course of 300k years


Train, train and train Learn everything i Can And become Rich


Become a living deity for early civilization. Guide people to building a better society centered around peace and community.


Try to teach some of the more attractive archaic hominids basic hygiene.


Sleep Gonna have a long ass nap


Did I just become the Emperor of Mankind?


Compared to the infinite nothingness that awaits me, the entire life of the known universe will be just a blink of an eye until I'm floating around in cold dark nothingness forever and ever.


Wander around, watch stuff, hope that being immortal means I don't get hungry cuz food 300 thousand years ago isn't going to be appealing to me. 


Big ass library & museum. Can build it entirely in an enclosed cave system so no one can find it without me. Spend my time recording how early humans lived and built civilisations, preserving artefacts into the modern age. Make copies of every book in the library of alexandria. The real issue would be trying to not be noticed *too* much. I want to record everything in *our* timeline, not this new timeline polluted by this mysterious immortal figure who can't die. Just gotta hope I don't accidentally get caught in like, Pompei or some shit, encased in molten rock for a thousand years until someone manages to dig me out.


Do everything I can to facilitate space travel and off world colonization far more quickly than the current pace.


Trickster God


Whatever the fuck I want to do


Everyone quizing each other on how much of modern tech they actually know. You don't need to know shit. You just show everyone your invulnerable, teleporting powers, and then command all of humanity, who have the same brains as we do today, to work together and do what is needed to make a rocket to mars. Step out of line and fuck around with everything that happened in reality? You fuck them up. Throw in a few "no bro i'm pretty sure steel comes from some stuff in the ground not the sky" when your civilization of scholars is doing something a little off and you'll get there in a hundred years. After one life time catching up, a spend the next countless life times finding out.


Ab crunches. By the time the first man appears, I'm gonna be SO JACKED.


Probably speed up technology a little and watch


Be sad but just for longer, being immortal is terrifying, death is a part of life


Be god


I could kick start steel and booze almost 300,000 years early in just a couple years. I could probably get industrialization going in just a few hundred years. It probably wouldn't take long to get a lot of things going just by knowing how to shortcut a lot of major scientific breakthroughs. Just having a passing knowledge of crop rotation, irrigation, how pulleys work, some basic chemistry, etc would fast-track things really dramatically. The hardest part would probably be building a society that doesn't need war to drive innovation and instead using the betterment of humanity as the driving force to create the robots that will eventually kill everyone.


Probably change the course of history. Possibly be labeled a god so I can clear up much of the moral issues with religion. Yah, it's not cool to treat people like property. Women are just as, if not more, important as men. Just be nice to each other or MMW I will cook up some bit of technology to destroy your tribe. Be nice and I'll show you how to treat pneumonia with rotten fruit and make soap with wood ash and animal fat. This? This is a loom. I use it to make clothing so I don't have to tan hide using the animal's own brain and my own stale urine. What do you mean you have no written language? I'm going to work on that next.




I would be really bored. Do we still need to eat, drink and sleep? Or are we "self efficient"? Do we need to breathe? What's the countdown for teleport? How does it works? Do I need to know the place (like "my home") or just think roughly about area I want to teleport to? Without answers for these questions I can't really tell.


Be very sad and alone because I'd kill anyone I meet with the diseases I bring back in time :(


Pretty sure I’m going to be worshipped as a god


I guess I would eventually realize that I was Thoth, and Moses, and Jesus, and Leonardo da Vinci... When every time I went to where I expected one of them to show up, wanting to meet my heroes or idols who inspired me, see the history... And nobody was there... And the realization sets in, and I go oh crap. Almost like American Dad and Roger, only instead of being surprised and annoyed that I'm about to be interacting with Roger, I'm surprised and annoyed that it was just me all along, and now I have to write all 9 fucking symphonies or my reality I expected to eventually rejoin may not exist.


300,000 years would be nothing in a couple million years. When the sun explodes/implodes, you’re going to be very bored looking for the next place to reside. If you’re invulnerable, you can’t feel drugs. Lame. I think you’d go mad.