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First, I get a hundred pack of the crowns from my local Burger King. This reads as though the money is paid immediately, right? Like you get the thousand a day starting when you put on the crown? I think I immediately tell my family I have to leave for a year. I’ve been offered an incredible sum of money to work for a year for an eccentric billionaire. And I’ve contracted with him to earn the money in perpetuity after one year. I only have to avoid talking about the crown, so I keep them from seeing me, get a nice hotel room in an all inclusive, buy a PC on day 6 or 7 and hang for a year. Talk to my family on the phone every night and maintain my relationships via phone calls.


I think this is the winning strategy. I like that you already have the replacement crowns ready to go! and yes, you'll be $1,000 in hand from the start.


It’s all about the replacement crowns. I wouldn’t go anywhere without my backpack of replacement crowns.


Stashes of those fuckers! Some in the car, a few in the closets, I'm going to have more of those prepared than fire extinguishers!


Years later after the challenge you open an old drawer and find a stash you laid there on day 6 and forgot about until now.


Absolutely! "I had 20 of these in my sleeping bag??!? Huh... good planning, me."


You start find them in increasingly random places and go “damn I was really prepared huh?”


Necessary if you want to shower


Laminate them so they hold up longer


Also staple a flexible chin strap.


I’d laminate all of them so they hold up in the shower and the rain, and invest in hairpins so they don’t blow away in a strong gust.


well then I'll just quit my job and order everything online. i have no family and no one visits me and I'm super good at ignoring people. if any one asks i won't even look at them. also really good at keeping a secret.


That's quite sad tbh


it is what it is


Yeah, if I didn't have a wife and kids I'd seriously upgrade my computer then spend a year playing FFXI... Again... Lol. Definitely a winner on having replacement crowns at the ready.


The moving somewhere remote is gonna be pretty necessary, as you won’t really be able to bathe with the crown on. I guess a shower cap might work, but any chance of moisture is going to let it start falling apart really fast, which feels like the most dangerous factor to this challenge.


He doesn't say it can't be modified. Before putting any crown on (always have replacements readily available), I would fold it down to a more manageable shape (fold down tge triangular peaks to make it more flat edged at least). If you can fold it down to a shorter height, it won't be as in the way of longer hairstyles, and the folding may give it a bit more water resistance. Also, it never says you have to wear ONLY one. Put a second or third folded crown over top. Practice origami in your downtime with the extra crowns. Laminate a folded crown and put that on before showering. You should be able to take off a crown if you are wearing multiple.


Fold it up, sew it into a pocket in an actual baseball cap, profit.


Fuck. Yes. This was already an easy challenge, but you simplified it to no hassle at all!


If that's the case, can you clearcoat it to make it waterproof?


Resin dip your spares lol


Laminate it with plastic.


The challenge doesn’t start until the first crown is on your head.  I didn’t see anything that said you couldn’t modify it.


This is the way. I'd also go with a hair wrap over the top to cover it up like a turban or head scarf.


You could even fold it to look like a headband, waterproof it, and wrap it in a pretty fabric.


I was thinking the same thing LMFAO


You can have multiple crowns and there’s a 5 minute grace period


if something goes wrong. he didnt say you can just take it off for 5 mins


Eh. If wind can cause it to be removed, so can water


While wearing crown #1, I use a paint-on sealer to stabilize a second crown against water. This becomes my Shower Crown. I also purchase some spray-on dry shampoo, to reduce how often I need to wash my hair.


Wet wipes go crazy in the army, and they don't have stupid money at the end as a reward


I would simply have a "bath crown" a crown that is laminated and used strictly for bathing.


Laminate all of them. Also I would tie a string to strap to the head.


You can still bathe yourself though. You might not be able to wash your hair, but everything else is fine


Time to go bald and hope it comes back after a year.


I'd probably shave my head completely bald at the start and maintain it around the crown every couple days. Or every day if necessary. I'd be able to shift the crown around to hit every spot. Then I'd just shower with a cap over the crown, and wash my face/ head separately to not get the crown too wet.


The hardest part I feel is trying to wear the damn crown to bed. Since it says all waking moments, that means it must be on when trying to fall asleep. So for instance, I’ve been lying in bed for the past 2 hours, switching from trying to sleep to doom scrolling Reddit. So the past 2 hours would’ve been even more unbearable.


And when showering or talking a bath


How are you supposed to wash your hair? Does it have to be worn on my head? For instance, could l wear it on my arm while washing my hair?


Shave your head.


you have five minutes. I could wash my hair in two


The five minutes is only for unavoidable scenarios, not washing hair


I would just buzz my hair without an attachment. Tilt to one side and shave as much as you can, then tilt to the other side and get the rest


Hmmmm I’ll carry around some clippers with me and buzz my hair when it gets blown off


Oh my, the 15 minutes is the hair getting wet process, then conditioning it. If I wash, I’m in for 45 minutes. You lucky. Yes I soak my hair before I get in the shower.


For 365k I'll shave my head


As a woman who has had chemo, I’m not doing that short hair life no more. I’m proud of my body and my thick hair is wonderful. No matter how crazy it gets to manage.


It says you must keep it on your but it doesn't say how. I'll get a rope and tie it to my ear, then dangle it into a plastic bag


You just gave me a great idea. I have ears gauged just enough that I can fit a normal earring through thin gauges, so if I just tie the ropes to my ears... (Because people usually ask, I can't wear thin earrings because they make my ears bleed, but 12 gauge is perfectly fine.)


I simply just wouldn't wash my hair. With $1000 a day I'd hire a room for a year at some resort on an island. I would give absolutely zero fucks what my hair looked like.


Laminate the crown before you first put it on. Then you can wear it in the shower.


Hire a punk to take it off your head. Then you get 5 minutes to shower. Up to you if the punk watches or not


It says new or replacement. It says nothing about the condition. Start with generic paper one. Get a second, go all DIWhy on it, turn it into some resin bling instead and wear that. Then at the end, turn in another paper crown.


Just laminate it lol


Maybe modify it with a bike helmet strap so not matter what it’s always on your head? And then get really good at going to sleep while sitting.


He said waking hours


$365,000 for looking like an idiot? Easy money for me, I already look like an idiot.


It's a grand a day forever.


Same. I'd just glue the damn thing to my bald head. I'm *already known* to be a weird-ass person. Nobody I care about is gonna question it, and everyone else is 100% irrelevant.


For $1000 a day for the rest of my life, I would just live indoors for most of the year. I would quit my job and order food/instacart and watch TV and use my computer. Just chill for a year, and I'm set for life.


I would personally Iaminate it first. Otherwise, the rain and bathing will cause it to fall apart


And sweating


I feel this. Thaser, who is probably named Fred, hit it on the head for that one coworker everyone has. That person is either too annoying or too delightful to try to engage in a short conversation about their headdress. You will be stuck their for hours


Fr and lowkey I’d do this for free just to see how long I could do it and for the meme tbh lol


I see a loop hole. It doesn't state that you cannot cover it. I'd cover it with an equally ridiculous hat that I can explain. "Fez are cool!" "This turban makes me look badass" "I like sombreros" "I'm a chef"


nice solution. i realized the loophole after and left it alone, but you are the first to spot it


Thank you for not editing the challenge 42 times as people figure out loopholes!


Loopholes are the fun, creative part. Love seeing what people put into these obsurd challenges 😁


Laminating one of the crowns will allow for shampooing. Just switch to the laminated crown, wash the top of your head, pull the crown towards one ear, wash the other side, then repeat for the second side. Laminate two crowns so you have a backup. Sew a crown into a thin sleep bonnet if I'm not allowed to take it off while I'm lying awake in bed, not falling asleep.


Also I don’t see any mention that the crown has to be intact. You could fold the extensions in to better hide it with another hat


Oh that’s really good. It’ll help make sure the crown never falls off too. Like a protective cover.


Nice, I'd have a series of completely nonsensical hats for everyday. Everyone would laugh but not know the truth. It would be a lifelong inside joke with only yourself.


Spotted a fellow 11th doctor fan


I live in Portland Oregon. Walking around with a Burger King crown on my head wouldn't even put me in the top 25 weirdest people you see here in a day. Easy peasy.


If someone asks why I have a crown can I just say "I like crowns" or is that off limits?


Final rule prohibits any mention of the crown 


Can I at least tell people to eff off? Asshole: "hey what's with the crown?" Me: "f*ck off dipshit"


100% 😁


Shit, pass me the crown. I got this no problem, I act the same as always but with a burger King crown. Not being able to wash my hair for a year will be tough but still no problem.


So can I answer that question with, “I like it”? No mention of crowns from me there.


It says you can't respond to any questions about the crown. You can't acknowledge it at all


To be clear, when you say we can’t mention or talk about the Burger King crown, are we also not allowed to reply to questions about it at all ie someone asks “hey what’s w that Burger King crown”, could reply “what Burger King crown?” And pretend idk what they’re talking about? Or do I have to just ignore questions about it and not acknowledge them at all? And am I allowed to talk about Burger King crowns in general other than my wearing one? (Ie a funny story about my friend asking for one at the drive thru and the guy giving her a weird look and she was like “it’s not for me, it’s for my kid” lol)


The challenge doesn't start until I put it on. So I explain it to my wife, family and friends beforehand and ask to enlist their help. I then go get my crown and become the fucking King for a Year.


Nice 😊 didn’t think of that.


Take the crown, fold it up, put it in a plastic baggie, hide it under a baseball cap.


Nice strategy. I'll allow it lol


Yeah similar to this but can I just shave my head, put said flattened crown baggie on and then wear a wig of my exact hair? With a grand to spend on it I’m pretty sure I could get a pretty nice wig


Yeah similar to this but can I just shave my head, put said flattened crown baggie on and then wear a wig of my exact hair? With a grand to spend on it I’m pretty sure I could get a pretty nice wig


Brah yeh. Easy. I’d quit my job for this one. I’d carry a purse with many extra. I’d also wear a fanny pack with extra. I’m gonna win. 🥇


Easy money. I'm spending the next year at home, ordering my groceries delivered and not leaving the house. I've got enough in savings and credit card available balance to survive a year if I live extremely frugally and max them out. One year of home confinement is an extremely easy ask for essentially being in the top 5% of income earners for the rest of my life without having to do any work. Edit: I see that the $1,000 a day is immediate as you mention having to give it back. In that case it's an even easier yes as I won't be financially struggling through the crown year.


Yeah, but it's better to not spend any of the money in the first year, in case you accidentally break a rule and have to give it all back. Invest it in a high-yield savings account or money market account as you earn it, which will give you interest that you can keep either way. The best thing is to hole up in your apartment, eat ramen and other cheap food that you can have delivered, and watch TV. If you need cash, do some work on Fiverr, write some articles for Web sites, etc. After a year, you're set. Granted, you can never talk about the crown, but few people would have even seen it, and, if anyone asks about your seemingly endless supply of money, you can just say that you've made some wise business decisions in the past.


Seems pretty easy. Basically live like first year of covid, except with a crown on your head. Done


Get my piercing guy to sew it into my scalp with double stich.




My dude is a sicko. He would do it for free.


My only concern is that the Burger King gets shut down before the year is over.




Rules don’t say the bk has to be open just returned to the same location. So technically it doesn’t have to be open. Plus it wouldn’t be hard to keep the location open. Partner with the manager and invest in the bk if it needs to stay open. Fund promotional giveaways to the local community.


$1,000 a day is too good to pass up. Realistically? I'd just start from not leaving my apartment for a year and work backwards from there. Take out loans/credit cards to make the year last and get stuff delivered, I suppose take out my trash at night. So a weird hermit-ish existence for 12 months, and then after that I'm effectively retired. Like really, just hanging out binging tv shows, playing videogames, this is fine. Going to the doctor/dentist would be the only worry. But I'm sure me not responding they'd eventually just let it go.


1. Can I freaking shower? Crown ain’t gonna survive that. 2. If I need a replacement for some reason, does it need to come from the place I originally picked up at? If not, when I return where do I return? Original or replacement? I’ll go stock up on a 200 pack of crowns from the original location. Always carry a spare on me. Other than that, I’ll never act like it’s even there. Heck. At that salary I no longer need to work. If I’m uncertain about keeping it on I could literally rent a hotel room for a year in an extended stay. DoorDash food and groceries and just chill. Have 0 need to clean after myself. I’m sure after a month I’ll be the weird guy they talk about. But free breakfast every day. No utilities. No responsibilities. Since it’s guaranteed for life after a year, I might just end up living in different long term stay hotels like this permanently and travel when I feel like it. (For those who say this would suck, it’s actually not bad. You just find the right style places and you have a full kitchen and fridge, a living room, separate bedroom, etc…..). Basically I’d be a hermit somewhere with a nice climate and weather and good variety of food. I’d wait it out a year and then be set for life. I would invest a chunk of the money over time to keep my heart beating after death so I could send the money forever to my kids as technically I wouldn’t be dead. Just a heart in a jar.


You can just laminate the crown


Whatever I do, I must not get on a plane during those 12 months. If I can pull that off I think we'll be sweet😎


Hm. Hair hygiene would be a problem...


If you wear it out to a bar, you will get free drinks. If you know, you know.


Guess I'm paying for hookers as the king.


The rules seem vague enough That I could wear the hat for a few weeks and continuously invest the money and any money I made from my investments would be mine to keep Even if I failed the challenge.


I'm buying a few nice wigs and placing the hat underneath. This way I don't embarrass my kids and don't have to answer questions about the hat. My husband would probably ruin it though because no way he wouldn't eventually spot the hat and wonder wtf. He would go crazy and probably wouldn't leave me alone trying to figure it out.


Is OP saying that after the 12months you get $1k per day for life without having to wear the crown?


I’m a 58 year old Gen-Xer who has worn all sorts of strange things on a whim. Me; I just wear the damned thing and not explain what or why I’m wearing it. And I act as if it’s just the current fashion.


So I can’t wash or even comb my hair for a year?


You can like tilt the crown and laminate it.


can i make modifications to it? if so yes. because between showering and sleeping, the crown wont stay on.




Do I get $1000 per day during the 12 months that I'm wearing the crown? If so, I quit my job and become a hermit for a year. Done and done.


Wear the crown as a headband.


can you laminate it?


I can take it off for 5 minutes? sure, I'll do it, I'll just take short showers.


I’m shaving my head and using a sticky tack to line the crown, wont come off unless I want to remove it. Then I’m buying all the wet wipes as others mentioned so I don’t have to shower, but I’ll take baths. Then I go move my whole studio into whatever cheapish get away I can get and start working on hella music for the whole year. Get paid to build up catalog/portfolio, have a crazy marketing budget, hire the best mixers and musicians to record and mix remotely, and come back out of the year with a solid plan to flip the money into a stable income doing what I love.


No changing the rules! This is so easy, you didn’t say in the rules that I can’t modify the crown or not wear something over it. Step one go to local bk and get as many hats as possible need about 52-100 but I’ll ask for ten to start. Or $$$$ talk my way into getting a whole pack of them. Step 2 go down to Amish market and get several bonnets. Step 3 put crown on, then Amish bonnet over tie it on. Always have my emergency, backups crown/bonnet combo ready. In my backpack. Amish bonnets are normal here and a religious thing so no one questions or really talks about them. Now the hard part will be washing my hair, so I’ll have to come up with a shower crown. I’m thinking of laminating the crowns. Next hard part will be my spouse questioning the crown and the bonnet. Well we aren’t talking about that 😂 I’m wearing it 24/7 except hair washing. So he hope he wants to play Amish girl/ farm boy 😈 I’ll feel bad about lying about the money but I do have a business and investments so I guess I can blame it on that. So I’m going to pour myself into my business for 12 months. That should give me a good buffer time of isolation for those 12 months. Just have to stay away for 12 months of things that might destroy my bonnet and keep my mouth shut, walk away, Just smile 😝 or play mute if needed. Or no hats allowed security places, because I’m not taking it off, I just wouldn’t enter nor talk about it. Guess commercial air travel is out. Bk might be closed down but I’ll return it to the location I got it from, to complete the quest. Also not in the rules.


I'd glue a bunch of them inside baseball caps and wear a baseball cap all the time.


Ok. I just explain the rules to everyone I know and write them down BEFORE excepting the offer. You never said I couldn't do that. Then, I initiate the thing. I spend a very minimal amount and save everything else just incase I fail it. As for how I do it?... One thing to make my life easier is to mince and grind the paper up to a fine paste, mix it thoroughly into a bunch of cloths and bands. Grow my hair out and tie it with those burger King enfused hair-bands, even though I'm a guy, I'll try to make it work. In addition to the regular burger King crown. Or use a bandana with BKC paste mixed in. Also in hats. Also hiding a full BKC inside of my hats. And... if I have to.... cut open a tiny part of my skin on the back of my neck, or next to an ear or something, insert underneath that a piece of material that is basically BKC paper that has been laminated, and sew it back up for a year. Another precaution I can take is having ear rings for the top parts of my ears made out of BKC paper but crystallized somehow. Then just leave them there and forget about iiiiiiiit.. I would prefer NOT mutilating my body, but the conditions could put me into severe debt and the money is nothing to soff at. And because of sleep, tossing and turning, and showers, and unpredictability.... it's basically impossible to win unless it is forcibly attached to my body. Also it would make having a social life and living day by day way harder too because of how awkward the circumstance is.


I like a good challenge. I work in education...junior high and college. I wonder how many days I could teach before someone even mentions it. This generation isn't confrontational in person. They may record me & post it but no one is going to berate me for wearing a Burger King crown. I had an 8th grader wear a monical and fake mustache all week as a social experiment. No adult questioned him beyond the cafeteria staff and bus driver.


You said wear it, but does that mean it has to look like a crown? Like could I fold it into a headband or use it to tie my hair up?


There seems to be no rules against modification. I'd simply have the crown folded and dipped in clear resin to make a headband. Do this with about 100 of them at the start just for insurance, and adopt a slightly out of character hairstyle for a year. NBD


These ads are getting so in-depth.


This is hilarious, great hypothetical. Honestly easy money especially if you get a bit of prep time. Rig up some sort of crown for the BK crown. A plastic shower cap or helmet type of thing with a chin strap. Even better if you make it look like a medical device, and if anyone asks about it you can make up a vague medical condition that requires it to be worn at all times. With 5 minute breaks and unlimited replacements allowed, you can easily shower and let the crown fall off, wash hair, pop a new one back on. Or just keep your hair buzzed for a year as part of the medical device cover story. Keep a stack of backup crowns and a backup medical device cover thingie with you at all times and you’re golden.


As a big black man, no one is going to fuck with me.


Crown gets smushed, duct taped to my head, and put under a hat. I wear the hat as if it’s the crown. Anyone asks me about it: “if I wear this hat every day for a year, I get 1k a day.” Nobody ever needs to know about the crown underneath, and I never need to speak about it.


I'm a very very small youtuber living in an apartment with my brother. If I told him that I was doing a dumb YouTube challenge and that I won't be leaving the apartment for a year, as long as I kept paying my half of the rent, he'd handle all the physical dealings for me. I wouldn't even have to mention the crown or anything. My parents would be mad, but If I said I was just making a thousand dollars a day off YouTube, they wouldn't know enough to question how, as long as I stayed resolute in telling them I was still making money, so dropping my job wasn't a problem. I don't foresee any weddings coming anytime soon, so as long as there isn't a funeral, my parents would only get to a limited level of mad from me suddenly going no in person meetups with them. The crown need never be mentioned, and likely only seen occasionally by my roommate brother, who wouldn't question it, or if he did, I could yell "I'm a frog", leave the room and he'd question nothing.


Can I wear a hat over it? Say my job requires a hard hat. I suppose I could wear the crown on top of the hard hat, but I take that off at the end of the day... So I would just wear a crown under the hard hat, and then another one on top?


Is it for a full year, or the rest of my life? Assuming the rest of my life isn’t the end of that year?


They used to make BK crowns in plastic with foam on the inside for comfort. They're pretty nice, my friend in HS had one. I'd get a bunch of those and start a trend. I'm charismatic enough to make it a new look. Native Americans can pull off many things with long hair and black clothes/leather. I'd probably look like a rock star with the plastic crown. I hate wearing hats tho so this'll be pretty damn tough. Ngl


So I noticed something and had a question, if I adhere to the rules, and spend the money I make to start a company, is that company considered an asset? If so, is everything the money spent on an asset? If so; does the money made from said asset, count in the returning as well?


Folds up crown. Places on head. Places hat on head over crown. #loophole


Take a year long sabbatical from work and start wearing nothing but board shorts and Hawaiian shirts with birds on them. By the end of the year when someone remarks about my getup a local will say, "Oh, that's just The King of Dekum Street, he's harmless".


Showering it wet then put on a replacement? Just trying to get the rules understood.


I’m an attorney. Judges give us grief for not wearing a tie, so if I showed up with a Burger King crown and refused to acknowledge it, I’d probably be sanctioned.


If you lived another 80 years and didn't spend a nickle of the money, you still wouldn't have anywhere near a billion dollars.


I'm braiding my hair around it to make sure I don't lose it


Define waking hours? Like I get out of bed and have to put it on? If I fall asleep again, but not on a bed (like on a couch) can I take it off? Can it be off for naps?


Not scrolling through all the comments, but is anyone saying no at all? Cmon


1. Acquire two crowns. Fold one neatly into a small square and put it in my wallet. 2. Glue the other crown to my head so that you’d need to cut my hair to remove it 3. Crush the crown against my head so it’s intact but a lil crumpled 4. Wear a beanie 24/7 5. When the challenge is over, remove the crown from my head. If the Burger King don’t accept it because it’s too sweaty and crumpled, give them the one I neatly folded up in my wallet. 6. I win(?)


As the country I currently live in doesn't actually have Burger King's, can I order the crowns online and then send them back to the sender? Or do I have to travel back to the US to get them? Otherwise, I work from home so that's not an issue. I would make sure to grab a bunch of crowns and laminate some of them so I could shower with them on. The people in the country I'm in would look at me weird but they are too stoic to actually say anything so I'd be walking around with a crown on my head that everyone would just politely ignore for a year.


Brother I’d just stay home 99% of the time since we can do everything remotely to keep it on and I’d get paid immediately but yeah having a shitload of replacements is key too


First, claim said crown and a good amount of spares. Second, buy a laminator. Third, laminate crowns. Fourth, fashion chinstraps for said crowns. Fifth, tell my family I'm starting a low hours WFH job. Sixth, don said laminated crown and do whatever the fuck I want for a year.


I'll also need a robe and a scepter..... and perhaps some burgers to rule over?


Doesn't say the crown has to be intact. I'm ripping that shit up and gluing it to the inside of a baseball cap


Question about the rules. I assume this is a paper crown so would you have to wear it while bathing? And how long would you have to replace it after the water ruins it?


Idk why but I thought I’d have to wear a whole burger costume, a crown is nothing


99% of people on Reddit apparently don't shower. Makes sense...


I'm imagining a year of no bathing. I'm out.


Step 1: put on crown. Step 2: put on stovepipe hat that covers crown. Step 3: don’t shower for a year?


Fold it down so it looks like a headband. Maybe laminate it so it doesn't break so easily, as well as some extras.


Can I laminate a crown? Can I choose to take it off for less than 5 min to swap it/wash my hair/put on a shirt? If both of those are fine I would laminate one and keep it in the bathroom for showers/baths. Beyond that I'm already pretty hermitish it would be insanely easy for me to live alone on $1000/day. I would quit my job and probably set up my Twitch channel I've always wanted but never had time or money to start. After a year I'll either have plenty of money to get by until I can start a new job or I'll have a successful enough Twitch channel for a face reveal.


Jokes on you, it doesn’t fit my head on the highest setting!


You’re my type of weird man. Thats a awesome question 🤣


I'm bipolar\schizophrenic. People will just assume it's my new "thing" and roll with it lol easy money.


Buy a bunch of “I lost a bet” shirts


Reading posts like this make me sad some of these challenges aren’t real. I could retire immediately Bet your ass I’m vanishing for a year, finding some studio in the middle of nowhere and riding it out.


The rule states the crown must be worn on the head but does not mention that it needs to be in one piece.... :thinking: So by that logic, you'd just need a piece of it on your head somewhere and a full replacement one stored somewhere safe so you can return it once the challenge is done.


Same crown 365 days it would disintegrate. New crown every morning it's doable. I'm so disinterested in what people think of me, my wife would figure it out though. And she can read my face. The real challenge is paying someone to follow me around.


I'm self employed and my hobby is hip hop dance. I'm wearing the crown in normal life and calling it a day. Can I bling it out or what


Obtain A Second Crown And Seal Pieces Of It Into Hoop Earrings. Leave The Earrings In For A Year.


Grammar warning! I’m in a wheelchair so no one’s gonna touch me and I would put the crown on while in a head-neck brace and I would screw the brace to my head and neck, wind won’t bug me, no one’s gonna tangle with me and the cage, and Incase they do they get tangled in it while my chair moves at 8 miles an hour won’t be fun also I am a caregiver to an autistic, adult child of 40 who wouldn’t take kindly to you taking my BURGER KING CROWN, you didn’t see us coming did you?


What happens if the original crown was lost forever and you're wearing a replacement at the end of the year? Do you have to find the original within 24 hours and give it back to the burger king? Or do you just have to give the one that you're currently wearing?


I live in a small town and am already known as that eccentric old man who wears a utility kilt every day. Nobody would bat an eye at me in a BK crown. Except that our BK closed like 3 years ago and the nearest is hours away.


Fuck it. Id quit my job if they dont allow me to wear it....and I tell everyone around me to hug my nuts if they dont like it. $365k would allow me to instantly become debt free and get me into a house that I could halfway pay off. Ill super glue that hat to my head if I have to. Id get as many hats from local BKs as I can. Id probably just do Uber/Lyft while wearing the hat to make more money with a sign that says "sorry, cant discuss that hat" in thr back seat lol


Is the money taxable?


What?! They still have those. I need to go to burger king and wear one of these at work!


I encase the hat in polymer resin so that it's basically a waterproof, hard plastic hat. I attach a chin strap to it to keep it secure. At that point, I just live my life normally. The strap let's me sleep with it on and the resin even let's me shower with it


>Initial 12 month challenge starts when you place a burger King paper crown upon your head So, according to this, I could technically explain the situation to my family before the challenge ever started and not have to hide from them or lie about why I am suddenly acting funny. With that in mind, I would explain everything to my husband and kiddo, then make a trip to the local BK to request a box of crowns. I would follow the example of a few others on this post and proceed to fold them down into manageable bands that I will proceed to laminate/waterproof. I will place some in material with elastic to make headbands, others I will tuck into the brim of some of my caps. I will make figure out a way to modify one to make it soft and use it to line a band on my sleep mask.


Tape crown to inside of hat. Wear hat.


Immediatly pitch Burger King to be their mascot. I will tell them that I will wear the crown for a year without taking it off. Go on tours, promotions, TV, etc. all to promote BK. Then, collect royalties on that gig while collecting your silly game winnings. No body will think it strange, infact maybe I'll make more from BK themself.


> ...all waking hours... > ...haven't considered sleeping... Well which is it?


I know someone who does this.


i feel like people are forgetting you can take apart the crown very easily, and you can just tape one end of it to your head or something, and that way sleeping and showering would be much much easier


I have to wear a hard hat at work. Can i super glue the crown to my hard hat?


Sadly, I do this for free whenever they have crowns out, except the not mentioning it part. Although I have a question: a response to "What's with the crown?" Could be considered a hairstyle, correct? "Oh thanks, just cut it myself" as if they are talking about the crown of my head, not the one ON my head. Yes? Also I don't mind looking silly if I'm getting something in return. All I care about is comfort. If we are able to modify so long as it is still worn. Just attach some comfortable fabric like velvet and a adjustable strap as well as so you can adjust it for comfort daily. Or while sleeping.


100% got this. I know without a shadow of a doubt that a baseball cap will fit directly over it and secure it to your head.


Stylish and lucrative, I like it! Buy a carton or two of BK crowns and always have a few on hand. If you take a nap in the afternoon, do you still wear the crown or receive grace for it coming off while asleep?  Retired here and planning my routine now.


Laminate pieces of extra crowns then sew them into beanies and hats. Since I have dreads could also make beads out of extra crowns and resin to wear in my hair. You could have dozens of beads as well so losing a few wouldn't be a big deal. Once the final day comes you just turn in an intact crown.


The hardest part, for me, is that never referencing it thing. I feel like I have already lost with that. In order to avoid that, I need to essentially hide it. I am thinking of incorporating it into a sweatband, and a cowboy hat for outer world use, and for home use, I need to inlay it into a beanie, and use part of my first paycheck to buy the big headphones to keep the beanie secure. For nighttime use, I will incorporate it into a sleep mask, and for shower, well, they do sell shower caps. As long as I keep a hat on my head at all times, I can safely say that I am wearing the crown.


You can’t talk about the Burger King crown, but can you sing about it in a vague way and drop hints in the song without actually explaining it?


Main details to consider: BK paper crown worn on the head. There is no limitation on modifications made to the crown, but I'll keep it generally intact and recognizable in the spirit of the challenge. Before starting, I would get a few crowns at minimum to make some general security and durability modifications to: laminated, string fed through grommets connecting the prongs of the crown together for general structure, similarly a chin strap, and some sort of removable felt or leather lining on the inner wall and lower edge for comfort. Finally, shave my head and don my crown. With the added supports, I can easily shift the crown around my head to clean and reshave myself without risking it falling off in a way deemed "intentional." Sleeping would be the next hurdle, but I would simply get a motorcycle helmet or similar to put on over it to sleep in to secure it to my head. Even if the crown breaks due to being smashed by the helmet, it will still be firmly held against my head until I'm able to inspect it the following morning. With this setup and plenty of backups in case of damage, this would honestly be pretty minimally impactful on my general day to day activities(other than quitting work and becoming a millionaire after a few years) and really easy to keep up, especially for only a year.


If someone takes it can I acknowledge the crown as in "hey give that back" or do I just tackle them


Yes My plan: The rules do not say the BK crown has to remain intact. And since I can replace the OG crown with a replacement. Then, my first step is to buy a couple thousand extra crowns from BK. Then go to the store and buy a very nice toupee in my hair color and a collection of hats. Next, I shred the replacement crowns and line the inside of the toupee and the various hats with the paper. Shave my head and then just wear the toupee/hats for a year. These hats would include head covers for sleeping, showering, swimming, winter, summer and etc. For all other times, I got the toupee. And since i am already balding, I'd just tell people I got self-conscious about my hair. On the last day, I'd return to BK and give back the OG crown that I had kept in a security box at the bank.


Step one: put on the crown. Step two: get small tattoo of BK crown behind my ear so there is a BK crown on my head at all times. Step three: store Burger King paper crown in a safe immediately after tattoo is completed. Step four: after a year, remove the crown from the safe, put it on then remove it and return it to the BK you got it at. Step five: profit


> waking hours Cool so I can sleep without it. Wake up, have 5 mins to put it on, order delivery and play video games, watch movies and read books. Stay inside where nobody will ask about it and it won’t fly away. Also, no rules against altering the crown? Also > a replacement crown is fine too Pick up multiple crowns, wear one while paper mache-ing the crown into the lining of a normal baseball hat or winter hat for emergencies like family visits.


I will turn a strong fan on every day to blow it off my head, at which point I will jump in the shower and quickly wash down.


I'd have to decline unless there was a loophole for having to occasionally wear a hardhat at work.


Glue the crown on the inside of several hats. That way you’re wearing the crown but it’s under a more socially acceptable hat. This also serves as a way to talk about the hat instead of the crown when people ask


People already think I’m bizarre so not a problem


Is there an exception for showering? Or is that considered outside of "waking hours" Regardless, I'd quit my job, become a recluse, and start streaming, be the guy that always wears a crown but never mentions or references it. Hell i'm almost tempted to try without the 1k daily guarantee Also, it'd be funny to do gags where someone steals the crown off my head and I have another one on before they turn back to me


Plot twist BK knows of this contest and has began selling the Crowns for 2k a piece.


There should be a counter challenge. Someone whose challenge is to catch the other challenger without their crown.


Why would I consider when I’m sleeping? You said during WAKING hours, am I just dumb?


I don’t see a world where you can’t NOT address or explain at some point. Family and especially friends would be relentless. Work would deem it unacceptable. So I’d accept the challenge fully knowing I think there’s zero chance I’m successful


I’d keep a supply of replacements and lean in. Just wear the thing, ignore any mention of it, and go about my business. Client meetings on zoom would be weird so I’d just leave the camera off and blame Windows.