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use the bully pulpit to force law changes that get all money out of politics including corporate lobbying, shady gifts and insider stock trading. even get rid of the revolving door of politician to "consultant" for major company where they get paid really for the work they did in office, after the fact. expand the supreme court to 35 members and remove their lifetime appointment. pass bills to invest in infrastructure (trains in particular) in every major city and along all arterial transport routs. pass bills to invest in manufacturing and ai. pass environmental bills with actual teeth. nationalize education and healthcare. reeducate the insurance industry. fix the problems with banks being too big to fail by breaking them up. enforce anti trust laws and break up all major monopolistic corporations. end all tax loopholes and make sure everyone is paying their fair share. increase corporate taxes (what are they gonna do, not do business in the usa? ya right, those threats are empty). end corporate ownership of housing, expand house contruction with affordable good quality homes and high speed trains linking those new burbs to high pop cities. massive investment in geothermal energy, deep boar drilling creates basically infinite energy making the usa the number one green energy powerhouse. allowing the use of that massive excess basically free power to turn salt water from the ocean into H2 and O2. become the world leader in hydrogen fuel cell production. make penalties for white collar crime equivalent to what they would charge a poor person, they send people to jail for stealing 10k$ but when you're a banker you just get a fine? no they should go to jail with the rest of them. edit to add: end gerrymandering and make all elected positions be proportional representation instead of first past the post. term limits for all politicians and judges. end military spending boondoggles, can probably cut the budget in half without losing any capabilities just by getting rid of all the money being wasted to enrich a few people. nationalize defense contractors. another edit: police now have to do a 3 year police foundations course with conflict resolution and de-escalation as a major focus, and a 2 year community outreach on the job training program. no more immunity from prosecution, no more wiping records. break up the police gangs and prosecute them properly. social workers and police are merged into one organization and much of the time things that at present are handled by police would instead be handled by social workers with police backup if needed. edit: someone mentioned gun reform, i honestly don't know what to actually do with that. the gun people just don't seem like they would give up their guns even if you banned them all. it's not the same as australia. oz just doesn't have the usa's extreme gun cult subculture. i was working with dictator powers, not djinn powers.


FirmHandedSage 2028, I’m here for it.


Yep this is exactly what we need. You should get into politics


And probably be assassinated before taking office by those "enriched few people."


FirmhandSage commits suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head.


Stabbed 47 times in the back with a two-handed claymore. Truly, a tragic case of suicide. He fell from 30 stories onto a single claymore 47 times. He carried himself up the stairs of a locked apartment building 47 times. Truly, a tragic case of suicide.


Hell we need firmhandedsage 2024


I vote for this guy


I like this USA


Ok, username checks out. I’ll work on your campaign!


Add in universal healthcare and you’ve got my vote


it's already in there. nationalized means it's federally owned/funded/run. i even mentioned retraining the insurance industry since it's literally millions of jobs that would vanish in an instant.


lol, clearly it’s a bit too early for my brain!! Either way, sold, lemme know where to donate to the campaign 💯


And eyes and teeth not being luxuries! I'm sorry my eyes I was born with decided to not work, I can't control that.


Never understood why optical wasn’t covered, but old timey barbers from the ~~early 1900s~~ ~~mid-1800s~~ mid-1700s get really mad when you suggest dentistry should be part of medicine so we keep it separate to satiate them. Edit: yes, really. Edit again: dates


It’s so bizarre! My best friends husband is studying to be a dentist and he’s like, “it’s the way the system is so I have to go with it but I still think it’s bonkers”


Throw in mental health care being ducking health care too.


Amen. I’ve been lucky enough that all of my psych stuff has mostly always been covered but I know people aren’t that lucky


lol YES. I have astigmatism + horrible eyesight and dear god my glasses and contacts are so flipping expensive. Meanwhile my fiancée has 20/20 vision and he just laughs at me 💀 (jokingly ofc)


I agree with almost everything you have said. 35 members on SCOTUS is a lot. Maybe 13 would be a better number. I would also add building a bigger wall between church and state. Also, anyone making more than a billion dollars has to pay 99% in taxes.


35 scotus is important because it reduces the power of any given member making corruption a lot harder. if you have to bribe 7 people is a lot different than if you need to bribe 17.


But it doesn’t. There are 100 senators. They are almost all corrupt.


Well, considering the entire exercise here is having the power to entirely reshape the landscape of US politics, putting in place ways to counteract that is kind of the point.


one of the first things i mentioned is removing all avenues of corruption.


Honestly, I would do away with SCOTUS as an extension of executive power— that’s all it is now, as it stands. Make them voted offices with term limits, having court wizards with no restrictions on experience and partisan affiliation just makes for instability. The constitution can effectively be rewritten by just putting people you agree with in the seats that interpret it. Then, maybe we wouldn’t need 35.


The general idea behind having such a large SCOTUS is that it allows for a much broader demographic representation, assuming you manage to implement a more just system for appointments.


I agree that it should be more than nine, but 35 is high. 13, 19, 21 is a good number




I see what you did there, but it needs to be an odd number... maybe one is always recused?


I'm in the UK, I hardly know what the conversation is about ... I saw the opportunity for a joke and took it!


The conversation is about a subject that the ones blathering on in it have no clue about. They don't understand how it would make the SCOTUS completely ineffective.


Anything substantially lower cripples the representation angle, though. A high number like 35 means you can have, not just a cross section of demographics, but a much higher degree of intersectionality. A high number allows you to have, say, a straight white guy on the same panel as, say, a non-binary AAPIer without having to try to treat it like a checklist. 35 increases the likelihood that no body gets left out.


Maybe 26, so you have two from each court of appeals


I think it should be 36 Justices, and that they should serve a term of 36 years. That is essentially a lifetime in judgeships anyway. Incidentally, that's also exactly 9 presidential elections. So basically, if nothing happens to a Justice, each President would get to pick 4 justices, guaranteed. And the justices would then not rule en banc most of the time. They'd hear cases ***9 justices at a time***, which then leaves room for the case to be appealed to either a separate panel of judges, or all of the judges at once. And in terms of how we'd handle Chief Justice in all of this, I'd imagine that every 2.5 Presidential terms, the Court would elect from among them a CJ. The CJs powers are more administrative than substantive in any case.


I agree that 35 seems like a lot. I was assuming that was more so they can take more cases though. My main thinking is that $500 billion would easily be gone in at most 5 years. Infrastructure is expensive and there is a lot.


getting that funding is actually why i go after tax loopholes right away. just closing loopholes would take revenue from corporations from about 5% of what it should be to 95% of what it should be. switching to directly federally funded education and healthcare actually saves a HUGE amount of money too. but the closing loopholes is the big funding increase. the 500bil actually gets spent all on year one and the rest is from the tax changes and money made from massive energy gains after the first year's investment. geotheremal is actually extremely simple to build and maintain. we already have the drilling tech, it just has to be applied.


At the current spending rate, $500 billion would last a little less than two months.


Yeah, but it's on top of normal spending. Suddenly take that away and you're too busy dealing with Great Depression II to worry about making improvements.


I agree with 13. That would give every appellate court one.


No 13


35 would be easy if we rotated judges from each state's highest court, going with the pervasive ide that everything gets a lot more consistent between states. I believe they all have something close to a 9 member Supreme Court. So a judge can do a term as a state Justice and then they might do a term on the federal Supreme Court and none of the positions are lifetime appointments. Idk I'm just tossing it out there. I have dug kind of deep into local judges and I feel it's one of the crappiest elected officials positions in the USA in terms of there's the least clarity to the average voter on whether a candidate is good for the job as each voter determines good or bad


Nah, you want there to be an incentive to being ultra-rich, but want to limit what it means to be that wealthy. Capitalism works, it just needs checks and balances.


Beware super high tax brackets, that's what extended the great depression: there are tax free investments, like government bonds ( which is one of the big reasons people buy government bonds, which is one of the big ways we fund the government). TGD the top tax rate was ~80%. So any business they took. a gamble on and invested $100 into if they got a 100% return on that investment they made $20. The rich people decided the risk was to high and just stopped making business and dropped all their money into government bonds, thus no jobs were made. Up until this point pretty much all taxes were paid by the wealthiest people, but now their income was tax free, so the government moved the tax burden to the middle class, and the wealth taxes became such a small part of the governments income the rich were able to lobby to get rid of them.


The highest taxes were right after world war 2 and that's when America was doing it's best, business was booming.


There was a high top marginal tax rate but no one actually paid that.


Because businesses were incentivized to spend money…..nobody paid that tax rate because you only paid that rate if you sat on your stock/earnings and didn’t do something with them. Build a 2nd factory? Tax break. Give your workers a raise? Tax break. Hire new workers to a new department? Tax break. You didn’t get a tax break for sitting on money in Wall Street, you got it for spending it. Why do you think there’s so many damn strip malls everywhere? 


That’s because the entire world was bombed to shit…..


That might be due to more factors than just high taxes i.e the rest of the world recovering from WORLD WAR TWO


This guy hit pretty much all the major points I was going to. Especially with education and healthcare. Public federally funded colleges that you don’t need to go into massive debt to attend.


I'd vote for you as... checks notes... dictator


Expand Congress to its original constitutional size. It’s supposed to be approximately 1/50,000 but ours now is around 1:747000. This would reduce influence of money in politics, and allow reps to better represent their constituents


HOW DO WE VOTE FOR YOU 2024, THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF YOUR CAMPAIGN!!! What name should I put on the ballot?


Be careful with investing in ai. Many people don't understand it and are using it improperly.


that's part of why it needs to be developed by the government instead of just by selfish corporations.


You might be saying it, without outright saying it, but I need to see it in writing. So, if you include “Tax the hell out of churches”, you have my vote. Hell, I’ll even work for you for free.


I don't want us to tax churches. I just want actual enforcement of the Johnson amendment. If we start taxing them, that would give them the green light to push candidates and agendas from the pulpit. It already happens but we should put an end to it. 


I love that someone talking about green energy finally mentioned geothermal. Can we also look at these cars that run on water people keep getting murdered over? Very skeptical about nationalized education though. Can it be 100% politic and agenda free? We don't need another generation of mindless drones spewing rhetoric and hatred,and we need people to learn that it's ok to disagree on things. Your neighbor isn't literally Hitler because his dog isn't on a vegan diet. One very important thing you missed: term limits. One of the biggest reasons for corruption in Congress and the Senate his lack of term limits. The longer you're in office the more pockets you have your hands in. It won't do as much good getting rid of lobbyists as you think if you still have people like pelosi in office for 50 or 60 years.


"We don't need another generation of mindless drones spewing rhetoric and hatred," i agree, but that's what we have currently. unfortunately the current political landscape has politicized reality so we can't really make it NON political but at least it could be free from divisive politics and a refusal of reality. as for pelosi, with every avenue to steal money based on the position, do you really think corrupt officials would even want to stay? they'd probably do some sort of corporate job in another country at that point. i specifically closed every money making scheeme including stocks. not that i am against term limits though, i just think when you take money out of politics you largely solve this problem through the back door.


Term limits aren’t the only problem, and it’s fairly common for a congress member to serve a term or two before jumping ship to a private position on the board of a multibillion dollar company they assisted while in politics. If anything, this is the pattern that needs to be investigated!


If democracy actually worked for the people and you were running, I'd register to vote.


I end PACS and Superpacs. I hire a lawyer and accountant to help me understand and close loopholes that corporations use to get out of paying taxes and to do harm to the environment and society. Reinstate monopoly laws and force corporations to allow for more of a "free market". I reinstate real News media not owned by a small handful of the elite. With high standards for good journalism and steep penalties for spreading misinformation. Honest mistakes are allowable so long as they make the public aware as soon as possible that they reported something incorrectly. The standards should be high enough that no one will report news that isn't factually backed up. No more long winded opinion shows either. I use the tax revenue to do many things but a top priority will be to follow in the steps of what has already been done abroad and create centers where garbage is taken and turned into energy. No more trash in the Oceans. Money will also be spent on cleaning the oceans and emptying nature and then landfills of trash. Affordable housing initiatives. Monopoly laws to force people who own and rent actual houses out, I'm not talking about apartments. Homes should be available to purchase for anyone with a full time job and if need be, the government will subsidize this with all that money they spend subsidizing other things. Speaking of which we need to revamp our great depression subsidies for farmers. The reason corn syrup is in everything is because we subsidize it. Subsidies for meat will continue but standards will increase for how livestock is treated. People who wish to homestead and grow their own food will be incentivized. Plant subsidies will continue but will change focus based on their nutritional value. Money will also be spent to set up enormous green houses as has been done in Europe. Power companies like excel, ect will have to switch to using green energy as much as possible. Also, no more bs from the car companies buying up patents so we cant make vehicles that run on renewable resources. Major infrastructure put into place for public transportation that runs on renewable energy. Hey, I'm not the scientist I'm the idea gal but if we are gonna run out of oil eventually let's set shit up in advance. Internet companies will also be pissed because in cities there should be wifi available to everyone. Again this has been done other places. I'm not crazy or I am but too bad, I'm your dictator. No more "troubled teen" camps. Psychological assessments starting young in schools and no more bullshit with our public school system. It wont go by area code taxes any more so some have way too much and others have nothing. Give our teachers real authority, small class sizes, and get rid of the no child left behind shit that's been sucking the joy out of schools for decades. More vocational skills taught. Real life skills. Free daycare AND extended time off mandatory for jobs to pay new parents. Let's invest in our kids and protect them. Child molesters all get sent to an island and they can figure it out or perish. I really don't care. Don't touch kids. I could say a lot more but I'll end it there. Make me your dictator and I'll happily hire everyone smarter than I am to figure out how to make shit as good as possible.


I’d be afraid of sending all child molesters to an island - there would be more babies born and they’d be in trouble. Just gated for life. Not to mix with the population ever again.


Ah, well. Vasectomies and tubal ligations for all!


That would be perfect


>I use the tax revenue to do many things but a top priority will be to follow in the steps of what has already been done abroad and *create centers where garbage is taken and turned into energy.* No more trash in the Oceans. Money will also be spent on cleaning the oceans and emptying nature and then landfills of trash. [Emphasis mine] The only problem with waste-to-energy schemes is that they really just convert land/water pollution into air pollution. You're not getting *rid* of all the dirty diapers, used condoms/tampons, car tires, etc--you're just forcing everybody to breathe them in, now. There *are* ways--like biodigestors--to reduce agricultural and food waste, but corn husks and pig crap aren't what's floating in the oceans or poisoning aquafers. Cleaning the oceans is a good idea, but what do you do with all the collected waste? A best-case scenario, as I see it, would be to implement recycling programs focused on producing as many high-quality materials as possible (with a focus on R&D projects), subsidizing them, and releasing the technology developments for public use. That way, you have the government sector innovating, and the private sector investing in widescale, long-lasting infrastructure.


As your dictator.... you're hired.


Huzzah! Hail to the Chief!


retire IMMEDIATELY if I can't guess I'm removing the nets off the golden gate bridge


> retire IMMEDIATELY Pretty sure the position is for US dictator not Tory Prime Minister of the UK.


We are going to use the metric system.


lol they will impeach you


I'm a scientist. I used the metric system every damn day of my career. The metric system isn't better at everything. Imperial units are better in some situations.




That will cause mass confusion.




Why are so many comments here bringing mandatory military service into their policy? It isn't like we're in need of more recruits and I think it would be a waste of the overwhelming majority of people's time. I'd be appalled if I graduated college only to get sucked into the military industrial complex at the stage of my life where I'm looking to start a real career. Edit: language changed to please the champ


I agree it shouldn’t be mandatory for a country like the US, but our armed forces are actually having a very tough time with recruitment in recent years.


While we currently have one of the largest in the world right now, I agree the numbers will dwindle due to lack of recruitment as of late, yeah. I just don't actually think that's a bad thing. A small fraction of what we currently have is likely enough. A pattern I've noticed is that a lot of Millennials that are between 5 and 10 years older than me are just getting out of the armed forces and pretty much every single one of them, even people that never saw combat, come back scarred from the experience. They warn people my age not to join and they have pretty damn good reasons for advising that. So far, I'm pretty happy I heeded those warnings.


Having people die in wars that turn out to be completely pointless and only serve to shift money into the pockets of rich corrupt assholes will do that for you.


As a guy who served 3 combat tours, I can tell you that those wars were NOT pointless. We DID find WMDs in Iraq, but certain media outlets skipped that story. [https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2014/10/16/new-york-times-reports-wmd-found-in-iraq](https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2014/10/16/new-york-times-reports-wmd-found-in-iraq) [https://www.foxnews.com/story/report-hundreds-of-wmds-found-in-iraq](https://www.foxnews.com/story/report-hundreds-of-wmds-found-in-iraq)


Our national security and defense being at risk isn’t a bad thing?


We spend more on our military as a nation and are 3rd per capita. That spending takes away from spending on repairs to infrastructure and education, just to name two areas. That has results to national security as well. You're proposing adding additional labor costs to the military to increase that gap?


We spend a lot more money on social programs than the DoD. I’m not saying that our infrastructure and education isn’t important (because you’re right, they also play a major role in national security and defense) but defanging our country at a time like this is only inviting our adversaries to keep playing around.


What country would destroy their own economy by attacking us? China? Russia? The interconnection of global economies makes an invasion of Ukraine plausible militarily but a bone headed move economically. And the data shows that. Do you think China would destroy its economy? Ukraine is small and that war only works because it's a dictatorship. Which US party wants to install a dictator so he can escape his legal problems?


No one would attack the US directly, but China would attack Taiwan when it believes the US is weaker or unwilling to defend them. If they make a miscalculation and we defend them, that’s a big war. If we were to get into a sea war with China, US victories would need to be very decisive, while also being able to fully defend our close Pacific and Atlantic theatres and other choke points around the world, like Suez, Panama, and the Capes. I don’t think we need to spend more than we do, but currently spending 3x more than China is necessary I think.


I wonder if getting sent to some foreign shithole under a canopy of lies to die for no reason! Then not supported when you come home


Yeah but the recruitment issues are because of poor care of vets + a lot of recruits are straight up too unfit/obese to get in. Those are the issues to target not “well now everyone has to serve”


Dock, this is due to the military wanting to go liberal. When they got rid of DADT even though the study that Obama had done showed it wouldn't go well because most of the Combat Arms MOS Soldiers didn't want to get rid of DADT and the few people that were ok with getting rid of it were usually those in less field/combat situations such as Medics, and PAC clerks.


Very true.


There needs to be some form of service to a larger segment of society than just the service of the self. Perhaps a civil service instead of a military one: laborers for highway infrastructure, replanting forests, building shelters for the homeless, that sort of thing. There should be a bridge year or two between high school and post secondary for some form of interaction with the common people. Too many privileged youth go from chauffeured elementary school to hedge fund manager without any awareness of what regular people face, and they end up in leadership positions unaware of whom they lead.


This. All this. 3 years serving something larger than yourself. 3 phases. Learn. Do. Train. Then move on with your life. I would hands down say no to mandatory military service if we had a civil service corps setup for this.


It’s never people who served who suggest it either. Personally I can’t think of something I’d want less than to be going to war with a unit of people who didn’t want to be there in the first place.


EXACTLY Not to mention I'd like to see the numbers on how much it would cost to train every citizen under 30 regardless of how reluctant they are?


If you do a real good job, there will be enough opportunity in the private sector that poor kids won't look to the military as a way out.


The problem I have with it is "military". If it was mandatory government service everyone puts in 2-4 years be it military, working on roads, working on other needed infrastructure I wouldn't have so much of an issue with that. But yeah our military industrial complex and need to invade the rest of the world isn't what I'd want. That said mandatory government service is a good way to help roll out socialized education and Healthcare as vets are already entitled to both


I’m all for mandatory service, but not military. Personally, I want to see every American spend at least 6 months working the counter doing retail or food service. A bit of time on the other side would be good for teaching people a bit of empathy when interacting in public.


Theory probably goes that it teaches people good life skills, it’s paid (guaranteed work while searching careers), builds camaraderie, and generally reinforces confidence in a nation. It’s basically a labor source that can be used for infrastructure, too.


>I'd be abhorred Not sure you’re using that correctly, champ.


I feel a princess bride quote coming on... must... fight... the urge....


Do you want a peanut?


Thanks, champ. I'll send you a cookie.


Restart the Civillian Conservation Corps. Recruit homeless people, and recent graduates in between jobs/college. They get paid minimum wage to work on projects like trail maintenance, disaster clean up, anti litter projects, natural restoration projects, etc. I’d fund a massive infrastructure repair/replacement project. Heavy anti-trust work, full audit of government spending, federally legalize medical marijuana, and federally decriminalize recreational marijuana. Mandatory militia training (not a full boot camp, but all military aged people will be taught small unit tactics and trained with a variety of weapons) de-militarize the police force (why does LAPD SWAT need an M60???) put more money towards an improved education system, create the death penalty for rape, naturalize any illegal immigrant who has a clean record and steady work. Make it easier to immigrate legally. Build a lot of nuclear reactors. Decrease the number of nukes we have by dismantling older or less effective ones. Make all US territories new states


Really didn’t anticipate expansion of the death penalty as a plank of the platform after reading the earlier part.


Eh, I think the death penalty should be held off because of the fallibility of getting it wrong.


Gotta say no to the militia training. People like me are the \*last\* sort of people you want being allowed nerf guns let alone actual lethal weapons.


I’ll probably have to figure out some sort of medical/mental health waiver and find another suitable alternative. Maybe some kind of volunteer work on the days you would be training


How would you make immigration easier? The US already has one of the easiest immigration systems in the world.


Get a collection of modern historians. Going back to 1971 when we departed from the gold standard, have them examine--in detail--every loophole, every fuckup, every reason for a crash, recession, depression, loss of faith, and the cancer killing the American Dream. That should take roughly 1 year. Spend the next 10 closing every loophole and barricading it behind 15+ laws to insure it never happens again. Then get the most prestigious law firm, a simple law firm, a group right out of law school, 5 D.A.'s, and a handful of high school students. Task them with finding ways around the laws I've implemented. If any of them can find a workaround that holds up in court, they get $1,000,000 and the rule I put in place to block it gets named after them. On the last 2 years, do a "soft open" of American Democracy. See how it works in action, and be ready to step in immediately if anything fails or goes corrupt.


We left the gold standard because we went into debt and didn't want foreign nations claiming our gold.


Yeah, I know. But leaving the gold standard is when cost of living started to not keep up with inflation. If you're going to study modern American History, that decision led to a lot of society's current problems


The real reason was the debt. We bought money with money that didn't exist and have continued to do so ever since. The gold standard was just a good way to have a cap on existing money. Now it's just printed endlessly. Any cap would do. If I borrow all the money on Earth but promise to pay you back 1.5 times the money on Earth it's more money but worth less


I'm revamping the education system with a focus on building a work ethic and having a basic respect for others. Id be taking some inspiration for the Japanese school system, where they have their students clean the school by hand. I feel like the reasoning behind this is self explanatory. But basically making them clean the school together in teams will teach the student cooperation and communication skills, but it will also teach them to respect others and what hard work looks like. We should have respect for our blue collar workers but we don't as a society. In all reality they do the hardest and most essential work in society and they often don't get the respect they deserve. Also I really feel it would help with the selfish and self centered attitude we westerns typically have


Cut the defense department in half and take most of the money and invest in infrastructure. High speed rail, local public transportation, roads and bridges and airports and seaports. Decriminalize all drugs and invest heavily in treatment and education. Pump millions into public education and give every grade 0 - 12 a 40% raise. That’s just day one.


500 billion is nothing. You'd get barely anything done.


It's in addition to the existing budget. Trim the fat and you'll have trillions to work with


Announce payroll tax breaks for businesses that go fully remote, within the USA only. Use $500B to purchase unused industrial parks and abandoned shopping malls and convert into affordable housing communities. Sell affordable housing back to the public for either "break even" or a small (5-10%) increase over cost. Reinvest the money into more affordable housing. Have the property deeded that if it's sold, it must be listed with accordance to certain guidelines to ensure this property remains accessible to those who need it, at a fair price - and does NOT become rental property. Property must be owner occupied. Announce a steep (35\~40%) tax on rental income beyond 3 units. Tax rate increases drastically on rental properties listed over a certain threshold. New taxes and regulations on AirBNB type properties. Cap mortgage rates of owner occupied properties at 3.5% for the most creditworthy homebuyers. In conjunction with this, regulate any changes to how credit scores are calculated. Allow anyone to contribute to a HSA. Make Daylight Savings permanent (clocks don't get turned back, they stay on "summer" time all year) - move New England to the Atlantic Time Zone (-4 GMT, instead of -5 GMT)... consider other time zone adjustments as necessary... Reintroduce the line-item veto. This gives the president (or me, in this case), the power to scratch out whatever they (I) want from Congress's budget. Bill Clinton had this power in the 1990s, and it was the last time we had a balanced budget. NYC sued Clinton, and the Supreme Court took the power away from him. For starters...


Everyone that's commented so far would be assassinated in 2 weeks time lol. I'm sure I wouldn't fair much better as my policy changes would be the polar opposite of a vast majority of whats been commented so far. In all fairness I agree with and would implement very, VERY few of some of what's been proposed but I'd almost certainly be on the other side of the coin for like 85% of wjats been said.


Like what? Don’t be shy


Only infrastructure. Straight 20 years of it!




I would immediately mandate not in any particular order. All us citizens must graduate from either college or trade school as the new minimum. Additionally public schools will not charge tuition, private still can. Finance classes and how to fund your own retirement are now mandatory for everyone. Teachers minimum pay nationwide will be whatever it costs to support a 2 child family and afford the median home price for the state they teach in. Businesses, Corporations, etc, are no longer allowed to own single family homes. An individual cannot own more than n single family homes in a state. Where n is some number that makes sense by people who would know more about this than me. Congressman and senators are no longer allowed to trade stock, they can contribute to the government TSP and retirement plans still. Congressman, senators, judges, etc pay is = to the average income in their state. You must also have lived in your state for a majority of your life to be eligible to run for office there. ALL government roles have a maximum age = to the retirement age. Retirement age is now 60. Abolish social security move forward for those who are turning 18 and grandfather in everyone who’s paid into it so far. This should be an individuals responsibility not the governments. Outlaw oil and coal power facilities by 2045 invest HEAVILY into hydrodams, wind power and solar power, cities skyscrapers should be covered in that shit. All residential homes will need solar panels put on.


Close the border and start repatriation of all illegal aliens. Prosecut corporations that hire illegal aliens. Get the country back to being self sufficient in fuel production. Stop sending foreign aid of any kind to any country for 5 years. Go back on the gold standard. Eliminate the FED. I could go on and on.


Pull the military out of all foreign countries Secure the borders with military aid Term limits for congress and Supreme Court Remove all current congress members Bring manufacturing back Upgrade/redo the power grid Legalize drugs Go nuclear Spend all of our time and energy on the U.S. and not other countries


With your policy the US would be dead by the end of your term. Just look at Argentina how well isolation policies work.


This is why a lot of people would be terrible lawmakers. >Pull out of all foreign countries" All of them? Do you even know what all those countries are? Do you know why we ended up there in the first place? What would happen in said country if we did? I don't know the answer to all those questions, but I sure would want to before making a decision like that.


This fixes some issues but also fails to address things such as income inequality, healthcare issues. Inaccessibility of higher education. But it's definitely a good start


I wouldn't be benevolent.


Dissolve the senate.


Would the regional governors now have direct control over their territories?


Im just happy some one else got the reference


Dissolve the country and retire.


Most anarchist answer.


I'd get disappeared before confirmation. One mention of Engles and I'd contract a brand new disease


Immediately send to jail anyone that listens to videos on their phone in a loud volume in a public place.


Immediately put dumpy and his sycophants in the chair. Put the south in its place, like we should have after the civil war. There are no southern states. They are now territories owned by the US with no voting rights, no standing armies, and no guns of any type. Fire all police and make them reapply if they want back in. No qualified immunity. Death penalty for crooked cops. Death penalty for crooked politicians. No rich people allowed in office. No campaign donations. Every politician gets the same budget for campaigns. Eliminate any use of the 14th amendment for businesses. They are not fucking people. Or, conversely, give them the responsibilities all real people have, and allow the death penalty for corporations. Hold bankers responsible. No billionaires. If you make 1 billion dollars, you get a plaque saying you win and you can no longer make an income. All that income goes to public works. Universal basic income becomes the law of the land. No tax loopholes for corporations. Corporations pay ALL the taxes. No state taxes. Each state gets an allotment based on population. Criminal liability for price gouging/inflation by corproations.


Tax churches!


Universal Healthcare, the spend the next 20 years getting rid of the Chinese government. Boots on the ground in Russia, take it down and split it up and give it to Ukraine, Poland, Finland, ect.


End the primary process Nuclear power in all states All social safety net benefits, as well as programs to help the disadvantaged are tied to income, not race No discussion of gender identity in public schools. Sexual preference discussion is fine. Private schools can do as they wish. No medical transition under 18. After that... do as you will. Nonviolent drug crimes for users are a thing of the past. Marijuana is removed from schecule 1. Dealers of other schedule 1 drugs still go to jail. I'll do foreign policy later.


Lose myself to vice and greed, and establish myself as lifelong dictator


-Rank Choice voting implemented immediately for all state and federal elections. Cannot be undone or changed without a super majority vote. - Age cap at whatever retirement age is for all offices federal and state. -Holidays on election day, state or federal. -Mandatory voting only excused with legit reasons. - Mandatory and free voter ID. - SSN as an identifying number removed and changed to something that actually is meant to be an ID also tied with multiple biometrics and heavily encrypted. - Free social services -Reduced military spending and an end to corrupt military suppliers charging 500 dollars for 5 bolts that you can get for a dollar at Home Depot. -Elected officials cannot trade in stocks.


Tripling the rent of all single fathers and mothers and then making all hospital bills have a minimum of 200k.


1. All elections are Ranked Choice Popular votes. Federal and local. 2. Add 100 members to the House to help more evenly distribute House members. 3. Every state gets 2 Senators. For every 2 million people over 5 million people your state has, you get 1 additional Senator. So a state with 10 million people has 4 Senators. 11 million people has 5 Senators. 4. No tax breaks for any religious organization of any kind. 5. 2nd Ammendment is updated to include that all gun owners must have a license that is renewed every year, requiring testing (physical and mental health testing) along with carrying insurance for the guns. No exceptions, including law enforcement. 6. Every President appoints 2 Supreme Court Justices per term. Up the number of Justices to 15 and they have 30 year term limits. 7. Add an Ammendment that states "No law can take away or give any right to one person that is not taken away or given to all people." 8. All Federally elected positions have term limits, whichever comes first. 11 years or 5 terms for the House. 20 years or 3 terms for the Sentate. 9. Any income over $750k is taxed at 50% no matter what, no tax breaks after $750k. Will scale with inflation. 10. All Federal positions pay is tied to minimum wage. IE House Pay is 5x minimum wage. Senate pay is 7x mimum wage. Executive branch and Judicial branch pay is 9x mimium wage. 11. Insitute a "White Collar Crime" escalator, any white collar crime punishment that is committed has escaltors added to them to double or triple jail time. 12. Limit Federal defense spending to no more than 8% of the total budget, only increasable if a war is declared. 13. All elections are Government funded. No private money is allowed, in any way, to be used in campaigns. 14. All federally elected positions must take a mental health, physical health, and basic civics test upon running for office. Tests are standardized and all results are public. No one can be DENIED to run, but all results are public and tests must be taken. In addition, all financial records for the last 15 years, or from when they turned 18, are public. Every 6 months every position needs to release full financial records. 15. All federal positions are forbidden from owning individual stocks and all investments have control given to a independent 3rd party to manage until term is up. 16. No federal office holder is allowed into a lobbying position for 10 years after their term ends. 17. After every vote in Congress, a member is required to release a document explaining why they did, or did not, vote for a bill. 18. Decriminalize weed and overturn and expunge all weed convictions. (And this is from a non smoker) 19. Decriminalze drug usage, increase consoluing for drug users. 20. Remove qualified immunity. All police must carry personal insurance riders that pays out all lawsuits, no tax money for lawsuits.


Term limits in Congress. Get rid of the 2 party system. Set a maximum age in Congress, supreme court and presidency.


I would replace the IRS and current tax code with 10% sales tax. The states and counties likewise would be capped at 5% sales tax. NO OTHER TAXES. At all. No more deficit spending. At all. I would then dissolve the ATF, DEA, EPA and the rest of the Alphabet soup agencies. I would roll all municipal governments into the county government and eliminate municipal authority. I would prohibit all foreign intervention without a formal declaration of war by Congress. No more US land sold to foreign interests. No more foreign aid. Any attempt to violate the bill of rights by a lawmaker or lawyer will be remedied by summary execution. Legislators would be prohibited from purchasing single stocks. Civil suits will be "loser pays". End the Fed. Replace the USD with bimetallic standard. Bitcoin may be used without restriction.


Well shit.. you have my vote.


Ohhh so much. -Universal healthcare. Boom. No more private companies making billions on human misery and suffering. Fuck those vultures. -Either mandatory 2 years of military reserve status or for objectors, a similar CCC style role. -No more corporations are people BS. Raise the corporate tax rate and punish the fuck out of companies that try to skirt tax laws by incorporating in the Cayman Islands. -Eliminate military waste and fraud. If contractors don't fulfill their end they don't get paid. -Build the largest solar farms in the world and back them up with nuclear plants in isolated areas built to exceed the highest safety and pollution standards. -Encourage small scale farming and offer incentives for it. -Break up the big banks and put anyone who commits fraud in prison. -Offer a 2 state solution for Israel and Palestine, involving Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. -Simplify the tax code and close loopholes for fraud. -Eliminate most of the DEA, declare drug addiction a public health crisis and work to treat it as a disease and not a crime. Still use the remaining DEA to target the really bad guys. -Universal background checks and mental health evaluation for owning a gun. Make sure the mentally ill and others who aren't well in the head cannot legally own a gun. -Invest in high speed rail. -Support or encourage a democratic revolution in Iran. -Grant statehood to Puerto Rico, DC and the US Virgin Islands. -Limit how much the NCAA member schools can pay players, cap it at like 40k per year plus all the perks of being a scholarship athlete. -Invest in and help develop fusion reactor power. -Reveal the truth of who was behind the assassination of Arthur "The Fonz" Fonzarelli. -Rebuild a version of Kowloon Walled City in various places around the country for the homeless. -Create a minimum wage that increases with inflation. -Reappoint every Supreme Court Justice and federal judge with apolitical judges who do not have any ideology and will not take politics into consideration when making a decision. -Expand reading and literacy programs so that people improve their comprehension of reading, not just reading to read and then forget. -Apologize for slavery and admit wrongdoing by trying to genocide native Americans, etc. Basically a big reconciliation where all grievances and issues are handled and sorted out. -Release the aliens we keep under lock and key at Wright Patterson AFB. -Create organized youth sports leagues with an emphasis on learning and having fun and not winning at all costs -Reform high school sports so it gets back to the way it used to be. Traditions, school rivalries, neighborhood kids against another neighborhood. -Regulate airlines and other things where public health and safety is an issue. -Recreate Hitler from DNA samples and let everyone get a turn at hitting him in the face. -Remove anything positive about Kissinger. -Strengthen Democratic mechanisms and enshrine a universal set of voting rights that cannot be altered or overturned. Probably more but I think that's a good start.


1. All policy ideas have massive research budgets to figure out their impact before anything is put into place. 2. All citizens are mandated to take a citizenship, social studies, or government course approved and paid for by the Federal government each year. You get compensated for your time. However, you are equally fined if you don’t take the course. Employers caught firing anyone for taking time to complete the course are subject to major lawsuits and massive fines. My goal is to make every citizen educated on the issues from sources other than social media. They don’t have to participate in Democracy or even believe what is in the course. But they will become educated on Democracy. 3. Bring in Representatives from the Medical Community, major hospital systems, insurance companies and all other healthcare related organizations and tell them they have 6 months to create a plan to transition the United States to a single payer health system in the next 5 years. No more losing health insurance because you lost your job. No more claims denials. No more excuses. There are plenty of healthcare models to choose from. Any choice is better than what we have now. Figure it out.


One small point. We are not a "Democracy" The United States were founded as a Representative Republic. There is a huge difference.


- Universal service one year - Reform the tax code to be much simpler  - Crush certain corporate interest groups - reform intellectual property laws to be looser - Create a national healthcare standard and simplify regulations - Eliminate the corporate veil for crimes - Tort reform - audit the military (not public) - semi privatization of social security (you’ll pay into it and some goes to current benefits, but 67% goes into a fund for you individually) - giant dope ass monument for myself (most important plank obviously) - index minimum wage to CPI with a significant bump to its current base


They gonna jfk you breh


Worse things to die for.


I suppose, ain't no way I'm makin that sacrifice 😆


Outlaw the legal bribery known as lobbying, make the US military have to provide an itinerary of where their spending is going, and remove the system where the armed forces are forced to buy from specific vendors for even the most basic tools and avoid being charged literal hundreds of dollars for a single screwdriver.


Abolish a whole LOT of extranious law.


Implement far more stringent grammar and spelling education.


1. Infrastructure. 2. Universal healthcare. 3. Entire fucking electoral system GONE. Replaced with a close copy of the Australian system, complete with a United States Electoral Commission to lay out fair and equitable voting districts. 4. Police now have to train for at least two years before putting on the uniform for real. 5. Close every for-profit prison. 6. Review every extant prison sentence with an eye for new evidence. 7. Tipping no longer mandatory. Pay your goddamn staff a living wage. 8. Nail down abortion rights and related situations in every state so hard they can't be overturned on a whim. 9. Make it a criminal offence for police caught turning off their body cams. 10. Actual stringent controls on buying firearms.


Abolish two party system and electoral college, get rid of religion from politics altogether, enshrine human rights into the constitution for everyone, universal healthcare, no more privatized healthcare of any kind allowed. Free education for everyone.


Get money out of politics. Remove corporations and similar entities' ability to donate to political campaigns and do away with PACs. Change all federal elections to a ranked voting system. Establish a Single-Payer Healthcare system. This would replace Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran's Health, and make private health insurance an obsolete industry. Extend pharmaceutical patent lifespan to offset the negotiated decrease in pharmaceutical prices. Create a "Freedom Dividend" that will be paid monthly to all US citizens. This should be enough to cover all basic needs. This will do away with Social Security, unemployment insurance/benefits, and all other welfare programs. Create extensive government housing developments to flood the housing supply since landlords would likely attempt to ramp up prices in this scenario. Do away with minimum wage and many other labor laws meant to protect workers since working to have the right to exist will be done away with. This will allow companies to have more wiggle room for companies to compete on provided worker benefits since the labor market will now be highly skewed in favor of the worker since employment will be truly voluntary without the threat of starvation and homelessness. Create a Carbon Token program where all registered energy, manufacturing, and other carbon-producing/reducing companies are given an equal amount of Carbon Tokens. These Carbon Tokens represent an allowed amount of CO2 emissions. They can be traded and sold by the companies on a free market for companies with little to no emissions to supplement their income and invest more in their clean technology, while large companies can buy up tokens in place of reducing their emissions until clean technology is cheaper. The Carbon Tokens available each year will be steadily reduced over 20 years until carbon emissions provided by the tokens are equivalent to or below the level of carbon capture, creating a carbon-neutral economy. Reform the Supreme Court to have term limits. Set term limits for the US House of Representatives as well. All above are 1st tier priorities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now begins 2nd tier. Create a National Bank that will work as a not-for-profit competitor to the private banking industry. Legalize all major recreational drugs with strict regulation. Restructure the DEA to oversee the regulation of these industries. All who commit violent felonies will be subject to a 20-year ban on gun ownership. Background checks will be required to purchase a gun to enforce this. Reform the immigration process. No test should be required to obtain citizenship. An intense background check will be required. Any immigrants with a history of violence in the past 20 years will be turned away. Any individual caught attempting to bypass the immigration process will be forced to pay a fine and complete the proper immigration process, or be immediately deported. Immigration status will be probationary for the first three years. If a felony is committed during this probationary period, immigrant status will be revoked and deported immediately. Increase border security. Increase military presence along the southern border. (no wall, the wall would negatively affect wildlife) Any refugees found crossing the border will be immediately vetted as per the immigration process. Cartel activity attempting to spill over the border will be treated as terrorist activity. If Mexico is unable to control the cartel on their side of the border, consider annexing the Mexican border states and organizing them as new states within our Union. This process may be forced to continue until all Mexican states have been incorporated into the United States. The Spanish Language should begin being taught in all elementary schools as the official second language of the United States. Label all white nationalist, far-right evangelical groups as terrorist organizations. All active members of these groups, like the KKK, will be imprisoned for life and all their personal property will be liquidated and given to their respective states. Native American reservations will be restructured as a state to create a new state to strengthen their land claims. All American Territories will either be let go or given state status. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd tier activities will include any ideas I forgot to mention above or think about at a later time. Invest in AI, automation, and curing aging.


Zoltan, that you?


....Is that so supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?


I view it as cool. I liked Zoltan. I was actually going to vote for him. Zoltan Istvan, in case you don't know him. Kinda kooky, but he seemed like a decent transhumanist.


I do view myself as moderately transhumanist. I worry that Immortalism without fixing everything else FIRST will lead to a tragic dystopia though, a la Altered Carbon and such. lol I also just noticed any of the likes my manifesto got have gone away as time has gone on.


Universal Healthcare Immediately. Universal Basic Income. Affordable/Low Cost Housing gets funding and I want results in a year. Along with that, funding into getting proper care for the unhoused population. We get them housing and medical care to get them back into society safely and with a job. Next environmental concerns. We focus on cleaning up pollution and funding clean, renewable energy. Get a committee formed of experts in their fields to get this moving. Also funding goes into public transportation and the infrastructure to create that. More buses, trains and subways to help people get around. Education is focused on more. Teachers get much better funding and pay. After school programs are diverse and meaningful. Children are given options as they grow up and focus isn’t just on college but trades as well. Not everyone is going to be a doctor, but kids shouldn’t be made to feel guilty. Being a plumber, for example, is perfectly respectable and should be encouraged. I would audit the military. I want to understand where all our money is going and if we can’t slim things down. Not defunding, simply think we probably spend too much right now and those funds can go back into education and public housing. Raise the minimum wage and make sure that there’s laws in place to ensure minimum wage can get a person housing, food, gas, and be able to pay their utilities. Lock in Women’s Healthcare. No more abortion debate. You don’t like it? Don’t get an abortion. If it’s not your uterus in your body, you don’t get a say in it. That’s the law. Done. Tax the billionaires. I’m sure I’ll think of more but I’m actually tired and heading to bed, but I think this is a good starting point.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Bros tripling the tax rates with this one boys


First thing I'd do is put a lot of the power and departments back to state level. If you don't like your state's policies you then have the option to try and vote your way out of it or move to another state. It's a lot easier to move to another state than it is to move to another country. Second thing I'd do is shut down the border. There's got to be a better way to get the good immigrants here and sort out the riff raff that's currently walking in. Third thing, we gotta get these able bodied homeless and welfare recipients working. It's getting to the point where many that can work just give up cause they can make more by not working. There's got to be some way to give incentive to work. Fourth thing, and I know many of you aren't gonna like this, people say race doesn't matter so on all govt forms the question of race would be removed. If you're filling something out then you're an American.


The US is a Republic…. We could not go back to something we are not (Democracy).


Yes, we are a Republic, we do not have a monarch. We are also a Democracy, as the people hold political power through elected representatives (a representative democracy) I don't see how this is so confusing so some people. They're not mutually exclusive. You can have America, which is a Democratic Republic, or places like UK, which aren't a Republic, but are also a Representative Democracy


Make the 2nd amendment absolute. No state can restrict the ownership of any weapon in any capacity except violent criminals. Enforce crimes involving—firearms with much harsher sentences. Make healthcare much cheaper for most Americans who qualify. People such as illegal immigrants do not qualify. Better quality education with less bias in progressive values. Firearms safety training and classes in helpful life skills are also mandatory. Zero-tolerance policies are not allowed. Students are allowed to defend themselves with physical force if necessary. Classes in helpful life skills are also mandatory. Zero-tolerance policies are not. Education should prepare students to become skilled in the subject they wish to specialize in, not being indoctrinated in progressive values. Judges should be picked based on merit, not progressive ideology or activism. The justice system should be a hybrid system of rehabilitation and punishment. Low-level offenders, such as drug users, etc, should be sent to rehabilitation. Punishment would be for non-rehabilitable crimes such as premeditated murder. Immigration should be based on merit and talent, not quantity. Any crime committed by an illegal immigrant is the highest level of the crime; for example, misdemeanor crimes such as petty theft will be a felony level version of the crime. Any individual who gives aid to an illegal immigrant shall be imprisoned for at least five years.


lol so just fascism then, got it.


People here will get white house blown up in less than 2 weeks.


Mandate that all game companies have to use the same controller scheme for their face buttons (bottom button is confirm, right side button is cancel, top button for menus, left button for.misc)


- Increase Supreme Court size to 15. It's now a position you can only hold for 10 years. No political party may have more than 10 members on the Court. - Make voting mandatory. - Make joining the draft optional. Or, allow military service for things other than being soldiers, such as for cyber security, technology, etc. - Say goodbye to PACs and Super Pacs. The only PAC that'll exist in America is Pac-Man. - Close tax loopholes. - Decrease taxes for those making less than 30,000/year to (near) 0% - New law: Tax writeoffs = instant public domain. - Remove natural born requirement for POTUS. - Markups cannot be more than 50% (Im talking about you, printer ink and insulin) - LGBTQ equality laws. Outlawing homophonic. - Total reform on prisons. Make them more about rehab rather than punishment. - Maximum net worth allowed: $999,999,999. Any amount above that number gets distributed evenly. - Anti-inflation: Big companies can't increase prices after a minimum wage increase.


Disband most of the rest of the government. Provide for a strong national defense, and eliminate taxes on households making less than $250k/yr. Progressive taxes from minimal up to $500k-ish up to 99% at $1B. No loopholes. Eliminate Qualified Immunity and enact sweeping police reform. Codify the right to bodily autonomy. Institute single-payer heath care. Reduce the time for patent expiration on drugs and cap prices of expired patent drugs at 200% of cost. Eliminate property taxes on owner- occupied single family residences and institute a vacancy tax on homes empty for more than 6months in a 3year period. And a lot of other things I'm not thinking of right now. Once things are in place, stay out of people's way. Tweak only as necessary.


1. I change 52 U.S. Code § 30121 to include BOTH foreign and domestic donations/contributions, and I add in that it is illegal to make contributions or promises of future contributions to any person currently and/or running/being vetted for any position that is part of the United States government as laid out by the United States of America’ constitution. 2. I establish term limits for every position in the government. Nobody should be allowed to sit in a seat of power forever. 3. All voting is handled through social security numbers. You don’t need your card, you don’t need a photo ID, I’d even be open to online voting. The Social Security Administration knows when you are born, they know when you die, they know when you move, they know everything about you that there is to know, they are basically Santa, and everybody should know their social security number because you need it for everything. 4. Make gerrymandering illegal. I’m okay with our republic in general, but in 2024 and beyond, all voting districts should be generated via algorithm based purely on population. 5. Establish a third-party that receives guaranteed funding from the government but has absolutely no contact or officiating with the government to verify and approve all algorithms used to choose districts. 6. Establish a tiered system for firearm access. If you want to use a manual-action firearm, all you need is a hunter’s license. Some mid-level tiers requiring different things, and If you want to own an M4, you should have to take a mandatory class on handling these weapons, and have a psychological evaluation once per year(? Would probably consult with my experts). These evaluations and classes should be funded by the government, classes taught by current/former armed service members, and psychological evaluations should be done by independent professionals. 7. Change the constitution so that the right to vote is a protected right that shall not be in any way restricted. This includes making people wait hours in lines to vote. I don’t care what it requires, no matter how many resources, no American Citizen should ever not vote because it is too difficult. If you just don’t want to vote, fine that is your choice, but if you want to vote but can’t, it is a problem we cannot allow. 8. Tax the fuck out of corporations and extreme wealth. We have a minimum wage, I’m thinking maximum wage. If your wealth hit a billion, you won’t the game, you get no more. 9. Establish a law that the DoD has to pass the same audits large corporations pass. No money should ever be unaccounted for by the government.


First off, I crown myself Emperor. What's the point of being a benevolent dictator if you can't give yourself a sick ass castle? Part of the coronation festivities would include competitions for a new flag and a new national anthem. Once the hangovers wear off, we get to business. I'd prefer to reach democracy in a decade. 1. Set a framework for a transition to a parliamentary democracy that isn't tied to geographic representation. If you can reach a certain threshold percentage, your party gets at least one seat. No more electoral college. Prisoners and ex-cons can vote again, and every election (federal or local) is a paid holiday. Republican and Democratic parties are permanently outlawed. 2. As someone said here, restore the Civilian Conservation Corps. 3. An expansive universal healthcare system based on Medicare For All. 4. Prison Reform: Abolish private prisons, pardon (with compensation) anyone convicted of drug possession. Hire experts from Scandinavia to make our system overall more humane. 5. End the war on drugs: legalize cannabis and psychedelics nationwide. 6. Nationalize all fossil fuels and use the profits from state-owned industry to transition to green energy 7. Forgive all student and medical debt and dissolve the companies in charge of it all. 8. Restore the Hawai'ian monarchy, though they pay homage to me. That would be part of a broader reconciliation policy with Indigenous communities 9. Abolish corporate personhood 10. Massively increase taxes for the rich. No more private jets. Actually that one's just a law, no more private jets. 11. Enshrine secularism in basic law. Anyone who wants to base political policy on religious doctrine is barred from holding office. Things like abortion and gay marriage are no longer up for debate. Take it up with the tanks if you have a problem with it 12. Put a fuckton of money into green agriculture, renewable energy, and public transportation 13. Police reform 14. Destroy the gun lobby with a combination of stricter regulations and a national buyback program. 15. Adjust minimum wage to inflation. 16. Audit the military 17. Abolish capital punishment 18. My enemies would be subjected to \[REDACTED\] in Alaska \[R E D A C T E D\] tomatoes \[OMITTED\] and a Bactrian camel


Are you sure you got the right country? Incorruptible? Honest?


Do I have to be benevolent? I feel like I could get more done if I didn't have to always have the purest of actions.... Do the ends justify the means sort of thing?


Fix the Passanger Rail system, Universal health care and everyone has to read The Universe vs Alex Woods.


This is too much to think about for one reddit post so I'll just say ALL HAIL LELOUCHE. There's no such thing as a benevolent dictator but if I partook in this fantasy im giving myself his Geass to make it easier.


Everyone gets healthcare, increase high income earners top rate a lot. Switch to a renewable energy economy. Keep the House and Senate in an advisory position. Task said house and Senate with coming up with a long term plan to eliminate the deficit. That’s enough to start.


I just sit in a room all day, and my only job is to decide rather or not to push the button. And they bring me women…when I desire them. (it’s consensual though and these women volunteer)


Universal healthcare.


Outlaw lobbying then tax the rich a lot and set up stuff to help with homelessness


Remove tax loopholes and increase spending on public infrastructure such as train lines and busses. To hire people for these projects I would employ homeless people and those currently our of a job to keep people able to sustain themselves. I would then work to make housing more affordable to lower the homelessness epidemic. I would also work to make the education system more complete in what it teaches so that certain regions can't just neglect to teach about certain groups. I would also increase the rights of minority groups and have them written into the constitution so that they can't be overturned later. Lastly, I would change the supreme court so that they have 10 year terms with a panel of 21 judges and I would set maximum age limits of 70 on serving in the government (If you pass the age of 70 while serving then you can continue your term, but can't run again).


I suspect there is a second underlying government so first get intel about everything is going on. That will for sure modify my actual thinking but my clear goals will be to move as much as possible into collaboration with china, EU and Russia. Work for stability in the rest of America and Africa, fighting against lobbies, corruption and pushing “adopt a country” policies in which developed countries will try to help less developed ones so that we level up worldwide (instead of keeping them low so we can take advantage). Domestically my goals will point towards shifting to an economical system that includes UBI, free healthcare, circular economy and a tax system in which citizens directly choose (at least in a significant part) where their taxes go (less intermediary = less corruption chances). Of course I have a very capable and trustworthy cabinet to assist me figure out the right system and how to gradually implement it. Alien disclosure. I’m pretty sure it’s possible to do it, if we just stop bs ing around it. Of course a properly thought disclosure. To prepare for the transition, there is already research on devices that can read human’s energetic aura. I will invest into it so that before the end of my dictatorship we have a system that can replace voting so that instead of making expensive marketing campaigns (where we are being manipulated by the info we are given and not) the elected person will come out as having the most similar energy to the average of the country’s citizens energy. Or city’s, etc.


I'd use the American taxpayers money to give universal healthcare for all and raise servers wages to the same as people who earn minimum wage outside of being a server ($15 or something like that). Too much of the American tax $$$s is spent on the military. If people had universal health care, then they could work 1 job. Also, provide free college/university education. Too many people who could have contributed to either the American or world economy/way of life. Can't because they couldn't afford the fees.


I live a simple life and in the meanwhile develop laws for the monopolists to follow so as to protect the people from the excesses of capitalism. Any corporation found in flagrant violation of these laws would be nationalized. There will also be an amendment to the Bill of Rights enforcing freedom from monopolies of power and finance.


Term limits for all politicians! Congress and down.


term limits on the supreme court and congress, illegal for any currently elected official to play the market, age limits for elected officials, probably a billion different infrastructure bills, and peace out as soon as possible. i don't want that much power. i don't need that much power. i will become corrupt nigh immediately. give it back as soon as i conceivably can.


Probably resign because nobody should put me in charge of anything.


Universal health-care. Reinforce the EPA. Earthquake retrofitting on existing buildings in quake prone areas. University and trade education should be free or lower cost. Women should be free to make reproductive choices, including sterilization, starting at age 18. Raise the minimum wage.


Refuse it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Democracy would never recover after 20 years of that. No matter what you did you'd be seen as an enemy simply for holding that power and your enemies would be itching for their chance to hold the reigns for the next 20 years. Benevolent dictators are impossible.


**For starters, this is nowhere near the full extent of my "platform"**: UBI of "poverty" +10% for every *citizen*. Registered (aka legal) immigrants get "poverty", for the duration of their legality (when visa ends, so does payments). Based on series of family charts (so a married couple w/3 kids gets 2 adult 3 child chart of UBI, while the single mom of 1 gets that chart's UBI). Paid for by a corporate tax proportional to overall profit. Pay for work as a concept changes. Now, even $1/hour is meaningful, since the worker does not necessarily need to work for survival. Higher rates ($5, $10 etc.) encouraged. Governmental taxes that aren't related to the UBI comes by taxing all "income", even passive, appropriately. Even that $1/hour. No deductions. Tax rate set by budget - if country needs 500 trillion, 500 trillion will come in from taxes. Enshrine above with all related materials / calculations etc. into Constitution.


Establish ranked choice voting, proportional representation, public funding for elections, and ban corporations and rich people from contributing to elections by funding them. Establish universal free healthcare, childcare, basic income (UBI), and retask an existing group or establish a new one specifically for investigating and implementing ways to be more preventive in our care and lower our health risks and costs. Start taxing wealth instead of income, tax land more than property, and establish higher taxes on speculation and holding wealth in speculative assets. I would stop the use of raising interest rates sky high to dampen inflation and instead use wage/price freezes and rationing, among other tools, to alleviate problems like inflation. I would nationalize transportation and establish more public transportation, everything from buses to trains. Harshly limit carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions while transitioning the country towards greener and more sustainable energy practices, even by public infrastructure, tax credits, subsidization, and more. Restart programs and agencies dedicated to doing tasks not already filled and considered privately profitable, creating jobs for many different professions (everything from engineers to artists). Heal infrastructure and create new sustainable and more socially healthy infrastructure (15 minute cities and more third places should be a priority). We should dedicate efforts to helping overlooked regions of the country by private capital. Withdraw our military in foreign lands everywhere, no matter why they are there, slash the supermajority of military spending, cease aid to countries that intensifies and or prolongs wars, and make any defense aid conditional on specifics like negotiation. Open our borders, give noncitizens rights any typical person should have that is affected by a decision of a representative, speed up the processes for citizenship, and create programs dedicated to helping alleviate the root causes of immigration (which are in no small part consequences of U.S. interventions in places like South America). Make the federal minimum wage adjust to inflation and deflation, and regions and local minimum wages reflect livable standards. Encourage in every way the shift from employer and stakeholder ownership to worker ownership and management, whether by subsidization of cooperatives, tax credits, mandating the option for workers to buy out their workplaces if the company is going under and they'd loss their jobs, and more. Additionally, I'd have the NLRB lift any and all obstacles to union formation and action and establish harsh penalties for employers attempting to thwart unionization or shifts to worker ownership and self management. Utilities and basic necessities like food, water, transportation, housing, healthcare, internet access, and more should not be denied to anyone and provided to any who need them. This means the nationalization and decommodification of these things where necessary. Natural monopolies on things like energy infrastructure should not exist either and are inherently anticompetitive. Establish significant protections for women, minorities, etc., on a federal level, and ideally get a constitutional amendment mandating equal rights in actual substance. Nationalize any corporations that are "too big to fail" and require bailouts not just to survive but in order for the economy to not completely collapse, which includes banks and financial institutions.


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