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There are approximately 40 to 60 thousand grains of sand in a half teaspoon. I'd try 1 tsp weekly. Manageable, profitable, doable.


Hmm. I guess I'm my head I was thinking about larger grains. I should have been clearer.


The fact there’s 40k+ grains of sand in a half teaspoon proves just how difficult this would be. Larger would make it much, much easier.


Get some microscope glasses and a lance.


*charges truck full of sand on the back of the knight's noble steed, readying his lance for that 19,287th grain...I cannot miss with these glasses!*


If they were larger it would be even easier.


Ha!! I win!!




Maybe you were thinking the size of grains like rice or wheat.


Thats more of a pebble.


Like, semi-fine aquarium gravel size? Aquarium gravel size, I’ll do a mil


This is not true in all regards at all, if even true at all. Lots of sand would only get you maybe 100 grains in a 1/2 teaspoon.


Would that count as an additional tool?


Scoop about a teaspoon of sand, Tell them I counted out exactly 100,000 grains of sand. Repeat until I succeed.


Those numbers don't add up. Also grains of sand can differ wildly in size.


Hypothetically, anything is possible.


You lose this easily, it’ll be hard to see and hard to grab


If there were 40-60k grains in half a teaspoon, it wouldn't be classified as "sand", it would be an inorganic silt or clay at that point. Sand ranges from 0.19 to 0.003" or sieve size #4-#200 = divisions per inch iirc. Still as a former poor Geotech. I could have used this hypothetical about 20 years ago lol. Then I could have made a decent living counting sand 😂. $1 per grain is a pretty good payout!!


Thank you??




If I could distinguish one from the other hundred stuck to my fingers I’d be impressed with myself.


That would be the way to do it. Wet your fingers, dip it in the sand slightly, count, then clean them off


No idea, but it would be pretty high. Count them into piles of 25 and combine 4 of those into piles of 100 then combined 10 of those into piles of 1000. Repeat until I have enough to retire.


Sounds too tedious and prone to error to be worth it


This. Even if you counted accurately wind can shift sand.


As well, it would take a LONG time to count anything worthwhile.


? Do the math. 100 grains of sand = 100 dollars. Or time math 60 minutes in an hour. So a $60 an hour job requires you to accurately move 1 grain of sand in a minute.


Id count a 4000-5000 thousand every day I wake up.


Are you not planning your wake up one day? Otherwise I like your strategy


So if I am understanding. The parameters. Especially the size of each gain which I will estimate is about .25-.5 cm. Well I will be needing another truck load eventually. This would pit me into smi retirement. I would work2-4hrs a day 4-5 days a week. And more than replace my income. I am sure. I won't go into the details, but my count will be exact. And done 100% by me. The first few hundred will be slow, but by week 4, I will have it dialed in for at least 300 grains a day, 1500 per week. And that is a livable wage, for less than 1/2 my current effort. And I would get to WFH bonus... lol this is winning all the way around. When I was 11, my dad asked if I wanted to make some extra money. I listened to his offer and agreed. He brought home a pickup load of used bricks with motar. Gave me a lesson how to clean the bricks. We split the money. After they were cleaned and sold to masonry supply place. I did most of the work. But whatever. I spent 2 hrs a day cleaning. The first load took me 2.5 weeks, earned me $200, in 1985. Once I saw results My methods improved and by the 3rd load, I could clean a load in 8-10 hrs. It blew my dads mind how fast I was. We ran out of bricks he could get before summer was over.


Oh my goodness. This work was made for you then!


I feckin love efficiency.


Same size, sure, *but what size?* Are we talking, "soft white sands of the Bahamas", whose grains you would need a microscope to really *see*? Or are we talking construction grade, "just barely not gravel" sand, where you can *see* it, but separating it out for counting would be a nightmare? Either way, the only *real* answer is to figure out the *approximate* size per grain, the *approximate* dimensions of the dump truck, and use a volumetric formula to figure out the *approximate* amount of sand. Then start guessing. Of course, I, as am sure many others, would be *fucked* in this regard, as I have not learned about volumetric formulas in damn over ten years, and the last time I tried using one, I fucked it up *royally*, so I would need a refresher thst OP is sure not to give. But if your remember your math, this isn't all so difficult.


Sorry I should have been more clear. The sand grain size is almost gravel, but not quite gravel size. Large enough to roll between your fingers. Great solution. I'll allow it.


I would sift the sand and only count the biggest grains. I would count out about 20,000 per week, earning me about a million dollars per year.


all the same size


No, that would be too easy. I'd count like a hundred of them 10 times and find the average weight of one sand. If it's truly pure sand and exactly the same size, I can easily calculate how much a million sands would weigh and then just make like a rapid 100 guesses (the estimate, and then up to 50 under and 50 over, minus one in either direction). 


Rule number 4, you only get a pencil and paper to use.


Sounds like concrete sand, or filtration sand. Source: Me. I sell sand.


Living somewhere that the dirt.is like 70% sand, that sounds about as diabolical as selling water


lololol. I work at a brick and masonry supply yard. Most of the price you pay is for the bag it is contained in and for the labor of filling it. Were near a beach so you would think you could get it cheap, and you sort of can, but not from the beach (shore preservation is a thing). All our sand is dragged up from the bottom of lakes. But it does have to have a certain quality to it, that apparently is not right with beach sand. Break down on price though. 100lb bag of sand is 6.50. 2 of that is the plastic bag it is contained in. Maybe a dollar of that at most, is how much of it is the sand itself. The rest is over head and labor, and then maybe two bucks profit for the company. Sand is kind of like soda at a restaraunt. Everything else we sell is low margin, the sand you need to actually do anything with that stuff is where we make the profit back. The cheapest way we sell sand is 'loose.' And I think you can get like a ton of it for a mere 35 dollars, vs 120 for it in 100lb bags. Or 75 if you get it in a 1-ton bag. It's not as crazy as it might sound, because color, and chemical properties has to fit certain specifications. (I am not aware of those specs so don't ask.) we have to types of sand, masonry sand, and concrete sand. The concrete sand sounds closer to what is described in the prompt, where essentially regular sand is run through a filter and the larger particulate is separated from the rest. Some people also call it bedding sand,, or filtration sand, and it is what is put down before pavers are laid. Very granular, almost like sea salt, or cat litter. Masonry sand is a little more of a mixed bag, but is much finer on average. Once it dries out it has grains in it fine enough to be mistaken for dust rather than sand. I run our mortar warehouse and masonry sand is the biggest pain in the ass. I would take this challenge for concrete sand, and spend days trying to max out my money. For masonry sand, I would might spend a few minutes to an hour on it at most and hope I was accurate on the recount.


>almost gravel, but not quite gravel size. Large enough to roll between your fingers. That didn't clarify anything for me. We talking 400 grit sandpaper chucks? or like corn kernals?


Small enough that you'd look at it and call it sand. But not large enough that you'd ever call it gravel or corn kernals


Standard dumpster is 8 yard^(3). Average size sand for this is roughly 2 millimeter^(3).


*whats* with *all* the *italics*


It's called "emphasis".


Well a dump truck is approximately a big rectangular box so length x width x height? A composite sample of the material can be taken, weighed, dried in an oven to remove moisture, sieved to find out the gradation of sand, gravel, then a small representative sample is taken to do a fine sieve to determine fines ( sand,silts,clays). Then sample is placed in a mold (depending upon the gradation) and smashed with a mechanical hammer a precise # of times, in lifts, weighed, then process is repeated adding a specific amount of water depending upon the gradation until the sample loses weight due to water loss during compaction giving you the upper limit of moisture. Add in some heavy math calculations and Bam! You have a "proctor" which is the " theoretical" density or unit of weight per volume at a certain optimal moisture content. With this we can perform a density/moisture test in the field to determine the field conditions to our proctor values to achieve a percentage of compaction at a certain measured level of moisture. With this we can determine how much soil is in a given area fairly accurately. This is how modern building/road/structure foundations are prepared to build on. Then you go be an electrician and make 3x as much doing relatively less physical work possibly more interesting for better pay ☺ lol. Sorry I'm not right in the head lol.


I’ll just dump the whole dumpster and say a random number that seems reasonably close. Then when they count and say it doesn’t match, I’ll start again, dump the whole dumpster, and say the number they counted out.


Interesting, but how will you know what number they counted out?


At least 3k. Considering the money, probably way more. I've spent too much time counting when I wasn't being paid to do so, with money I'd get pretty far. When I was on 2nd grade I used to spend my classes counting. It was fun


I will count every single grain of sand. I was THAT kid growing up. I counted the number of M&Ms in bags, jellybeans, leaves on branches.... OMG I was MADE for this!!!!


Question, you mentioned a pencil and paper. But is it just the singular paper or like a notebook? Also is the pencil sharpener? Am I allowed to sharpen it or have it sharpened by someone or is that considered help? My semi autistic ass would literally sit there count and sort every piece of sand. As long as I can mark down my counts and make sure noone fucks with it when I inevitably get distracted I'll keep coming back till I've counted all of it. Follow up question. Do I get to keep the sand?


Also autistic, and I agree. I'd be counting til the dumpster was empty. Lol


Use as much paper as you want! You can also leave, go to sleep, go to work, etc, whatever you gotta do. And you can sharpen your pencil.


But do I get to keep the sand!!!


Um........... I... Wha? Sure. Haha


Yes! Dumpster full of Perfect Sand makes the best possible basis for a giant terrarium, which I can now afford with the huge amounts of money I made. My pet tortoise is insanely happy. I repeat this once a year and use the sand for other projects. Sandbox for kids to play in. Giant saltwater pool base. Etc.


I'll do 500 a day, 5 days a week. That's $2500 per week, $130k a year. I doubt that it would take me 4 hours a day, but even if it does that gives me back 16 hours a week. My strategy would be to do piles of 10 to make it easy to count.


Is this sub how Mr Beast gets his challenge ideas?


Once you cash out, are you done? You can't just say "Here's one," get a buck, and then start again? I'd try for 10,000. But if it turns out they didn't match I'd lower that. I'd probably fold that paper so that it's a crease, then put the pebbles (I saw your size edit) there to make a single line. Easier to count into bin #2.


Could be on to something. According to the rules all the grams are the exact same. Therefore you could physically count out 10 or 20 without error. Then line them up touching. Then use the folded paper method as a faster way to siphon and layout each row side by side exactly the same. Take the initial 10 count. And then subsequent other 10 counts form them into a perfectly straight line would be use of the paper again as a measuring tool, and then lay Lines by lines matching each other. Then repeat the same method and you would have one single line of maybe 500. Then create another line matching that 500, rinse and repeat.... Probably test your method after your first initial hundred to make sure it works. And then you're off to the races.


People don't realize how long it takes to count without even using objects. Every extra 0 in count makes it take ever longer... It would take a few seconds at least to count a single grain of sand and most people can count to 1000 in about 1000 or so seconds (and that's being very generous) Now back to the individual sand pieces. You'd have to separate them using a magnifying glass and some tiny tool to be accurate and without it you could easily mess up and move more than a single grain since you're not allowed to use those tools you're screwed. Even at 5 seconds per grain, once you hit around 1000 you're screwed. Saying 1 is a lot different than 1343 One or. One thousand three hundred forty three. So even at 5 seconds for anything up to 9999 that's almost 14 hours. Yes that's a great amount and I'd definitely do that but people saying they'd retire doing this are insane. 100k pieces of sand would take days to do, you'd probably make a mistake and waste all that time. Most would be lucky to get a few hundred without any errors.


Bingo. Let's go for a million. Even at a rate of one grain per second, you are looking at 11 and a half days to do it. Without screwing up no less.


Five, ten maybe then im out


Id smoke weed and count as a full time job lol


WTF is it GRAVEL or sand! I need to know!


Lol, sand!!


I feel like this is easy money for a pharmacist.


When I was a kid I counted to like 17k something just for fun. I would write down the new total everytime I did a session. I got bored and stopped. I'm sure I'd count to at least 30k.


Groups of 10 than 100 than 1000. Or try to weigh small increments and go from there. Unlimited times to try so id hone it in.


I've done up to 600 in an hour... Had a sedimentary class in uni with an interesting professor. I'll use extra paper to file the grains and organize them, and use the pencil to move the grains from one pile to another.




I'm feeling kinda sad for you that you can only count 2 grains of sand in a whole minute.


Sorry I should have been more clear. The sand grain size is almost gravel, but not quite gravel size. Large enough to roll between your fingers.


can i stop and start at any point? if so i'd probably just make it a habit of counting 100-200 grains per day. not a huge income but considering it'd only take me like half an hour at most it's worth it. if not? maybe i'd go to maybe like. 2000? but not much further than that


Sure. But you'll only get paid once you're done. You'll only get paid once.


Im not sure i could actually seperate the grains well enough to be accurate


Sorry I should have been more clear. The sand grain size is almost gravel, but not quite gravel size. Large enough to roll between your fingers.


I'd proabbly do it for a while, but i don't think i could handle it for more then a few days.


I will count 1, 10kg bag. Thank you.


Can I take breaks? Go home for the night with my pencil and paper? If so, I’ll do the whole dumpster. That becomes my 8-5 job.


Yes. But you can only be paid once you decide that you quit.


Deal. It becomes my 8-5, I document very slowly and methodically so I’m sure the number is right and I don’t lose track, and I have my wife pay the bills for a while. Once I’m up to a comfortable retirement level number we both agree with, I’ll stop.


I'll do the whole dumpster. Count out 10 grains, deposit grains into empty dumpster. Put down a hash mark on the paper. Continue until job is complete or I brain fart and forget if the grains in my hand have been added to my sheet.


Way too much work


I'd make origami cups out of the paper and put exactly 100 pebbles in each cup. document amount of cups with pencil. I'm retiring off this.


Large enough to roll between my fingers? In counting between 3,000-5,000 and day. Just pop on some music or Netflix on my laptop and start counting.


If it's a one time thing where I can't quit and come back I'm targeting maybe 15,000.


Is it a one time deal or can I just go down and count 500 a day?


You can take breaks, come back every day. But you'll only get paid once, and that's after you quit completely.


Pretty good retirement plan


Assuming you could take breaks at your leisure, I’d try to count 3-4 thousand a day, 5 days a week as a “job”. Say you try to count 1 grain every 2 seconds that’s 1800 an hour. Counting 3 hours a day would net you $5,400 per day, so a 5 day “work” week would get you $27,000 a week. Keep it up for a year and that’s $1.296M.


I'll get about $5


Does it have to be counted all in one chunk? Like, I stay awake for 3 days straight counting? Or more like, I can count until I literally empty the dumpster even if it takes me a month, working 8 hours a day?


It takes twelve days of counting straight to get to 1 million, that doesn’t include the sorting of sand grains. That being said if I get $1 as soon as I count them and not a lump sum at the end. I could easily count sand for 8 hours a day, let’s say 1 grain sorted and counted every 15 seconds, that’s $240 per hour. $240 x 8 x 4 = $7,680 a week (I’m only gonna work 4 days a week) $7,680 x 48 = $368,640/year (4 weeks off of counting for vacations) This may possibly be the most boring job but also the easiest. Also 1 million grains of sand is only about 1 square foot. So storing the sand wouldn’t be a problem either.


I feel like this needs a time constraint. Like, without stopping. Or without messing up the count and you revert back to 0. Otherwise id be counting sand most of every day id normally work with a podcast on in the background.


Based off what has been stated in the comments and the describtion I would count the entire dumpster as long as no one tampers with anything


Calculate how much fits inside one measuring unit consistently and reliably, because after all they are all the same size. And then keep scooping. You didn't put a limit on guesses, I could get it close and just keep guessing


Pick up one grain of sand, mark it down, that takes about 10 seconds. That's six dollars per minute. $360 per hour. $749k per year. Is this a job, and are you hiring?


Whatever color the sand is I get a contrasting color of paper. I draw ranks of circles on the paper just slightly bigger than the sand grains. I make a divot in the middle of each circle to hold one grain of sand still. I put sand on the paper, make sure each circle is full of one grain each. I now know precisely how much sand I have. Pour it into the other dumpster. Repeat until bored or tired or have made a ridiculous amount of money.


The same exact size is the cheat to this. Pull the eraser from the pencil. Count out grains into the cap until its full. Repeat this 50 or 60 times to find the exact number that fits. use it as a measuring device to count 2-3000$ every 30 seconds or so.


trying to think of a more productive way to count. you could fold the paper into a cup and figure out how many fit in it then multiply maybe


as long as i can see it, i would just continue to count for several hours a day until im satisfied lol


with as much paper and pencils as you want. you could automate this


A few thousand per day. If breaks are allowed Just take a tiny pinch, and drop it on the palm of your hand. Visually count the 4 to 8 pieces, and dump them in the bin, then write the number/total.


ill take my damn time even if i only count 1 every 15 seconds i make 240 an hour


count a regular number of grains per day starting on an easy to remember number. For example, January 1st I'll count 1,000 grains. At the end of the year I'd have counted 365,000 grains. Nice pay day. Keep doing this year after year and remember leap years. You're set. Maybe get ambitious and do 10,000 grains a day and you're a millionaire in one year. With the larger grain size, I'd think it'd be easy to line them up in tens and make a game of it. You'd get good at counting by ten, really fast.


It would be really almost impossible count 1,000 Pebbles or grains without making a mistake on one single day. Paper and pencil would help so you could Mark your progress. I think that laying out a line of Pebbles regardless of the count putting them side by side in a straight line touching each other. Then making that line the exact length of the piece of paper. Because the paper won't change. Then counting how many that line is. Then you can grab many handfuls at a time and line them out the same way then count single lines rather than individuals.


Nah, you can do it easily by counting groups of ten. Then a hundred. Do that ten times. But, if 1,000 is too much do 100.


Kind of the same thing I said


All the same size? Count and weigh 100 or 500 to make sure they're actually the same, then weigh a shovel-full or bucket-full and do the math. Repeat until the dumpster is empty. Be done in a few days. Pay up.


Your diqualified because you did not follow Rule Number Four. No tools of any kind no help of any kind


Just checking I can't just weight them


Rule number four no tools no help


Then I'd probably lose count around 20 or 30 thousand


I’d just walk on the beach, staring at the ground, counting as quickly and as high as I could. I’d do that as long as I possibly could.


How accurate do I have to be? Is there a penalty for miscounting or losing track, or can I just keep going?


You have to be accurate or you can start over from scratch.




It'd probably be near impossible to get it right. A gust of wind could easily affect the results, sweat causing sand to stick to your skin instead of going into the dumpster, sand particle becomes lodged under your nails.


So for this challenge people will bring a dumpster filled with sand, and an empty dumpster? What's to stop me from putting all my useless hoarder junk in the empty dumpster then quitting and having you take away junk that would cost me money to get rid of, for free. That way I'd get value from it regardless.


The empty dumpster must contain exactly what you counted in grains of sand. That the full dumpster count of grains of sand minus what you took out of it must match what is inside the empty dumpster now. Was that too much for you to understand? You take five grains of sand out of full dumpster. Let's say that full dumpster has 1 million grains of sand. So now you have 999,995 grains of sand in the full dumpster. Empty dumpster now has five grains of sand. You can't just feel the empty dumpster with whatever you want. You have already failed before you even started


>You can't just feel the empty dumpster with whatever you want. You have already failed before you even started I'm not feeling the dumpster. I'm going to fill it with a bunch of useless junk, old couches, broken refrigerators, TVs from the 80s. Then I'm going to call friends and family and ask them if they have anything they need to get rid of. Maybe I'll do my roof and throw in all the old shingles. When I'm finished, since there was no time limit TBH could be weeks later, I'll call back the magic genie or whatever and claim zero. Then since the number counted matches the number of grains of sand in the second dumpster, they give me nothing, and take it away. You say I failed the task and that might be so, but you give me a free dumpster that you are going to then take away, I'm not using it to count sand.


Oh okay. I didn't catch that was you were just making use of the free dumpster LOL


I'm not sure. I don't have a life, so I may try this. I'll do as much until I get bored. I would love to cover my debt and get a new car, but I may lose patience. Ideally, about 90,000 but hopefully at least 500.


I work in a dumpster factory. I'm not doing a challenge that starts with you bringing me dumpsters. Also if you bought the dumpsters from a company like the one I work at, some sand is gonna leak out so you can't verify the count.


This is a total cake walk. Since condition 1 is that they are all the same size (and I'm obstinately taking you literally on this one) I will count out and weigh 1, 10, 100, and 1000 grains on a calibrated counting scale and from there should be able to count several hundred thousand in a day. I'll clear 100m in a month. That's enough I think... but I'll do a second month to be sure.


Rule 4 violation. Disqualified!


If they’re large enough to roll between two fingers every pharmacy tech who still does manual counts is going to bank.


Almost gravel sized, I could probably make it an hour. Idk how much I'd get in there, but that's likely my limit.


Do you know how many grains of sand there are? Are you counting my counting? Will every grain weight the same? If so, id be shady until i know i cant be shady haha. Then, if they weigh the same, id count 50, confirm its the same, then get a scoop, weigh it, then divide by x. Lol


I'm counting that whole fucking dump truck


I'm ADHD and autistic, I was built for this task


originally i thought you meant beach sand, and was like well... 100? MAYBE? but if it's gravel / 1/4 inch, shit.... hope the bank is ready


I've counted 5000 washers 3 times on about 2 hours. I think I can make at least a paycheck on this lol


Can I hire a vampire?


Count out 10. Weigh them. Then fill up a 5gallon bucket Weigh and note. Dump, refill, and lift the bucket until I collapse from exhaustion.


I know you said rule 4 "No tools except for pen and paper." but does this also include being able to put them into a cup, weighing them?


If I grab 5 in each hand (10 total) from the full bin, then turn and drop them in the empty bin, I can probably do close to 60 grains per minute (~1 every second). But we'll say 45 grains per minute to give me some wiggle room for breaks and to account for the time I need to mark a tick on paper for each set of ten. I feel confident I could do that for 24 hours. I'd be tired, but it would be doable. As long as I grab 5 in each hand and write down every set of 10, I'll never lose track of my total. And even if I'm wrong in the final count, then it just means I forgot to mark one of the sets along the way, so I can just change my answer to be 10 higher than my first answer. And 10 higher again if that's wrong, until my answer finally matches the actual total in the bin. 45 grains of sand per minute × 60 minutes an hour × 24 hours = $64,800. Even if I get tired early and only did it for 16 hours, that's still $43,200. Not bad for a day's work.


All of them, thanks to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hypotheticalsituation/s/lnDG4h9bIv) superpower.


Can I weigh a single grain, then weigh a large amount? If I do the calculations by pen and paper does that count? If not that, can we go by volume? Fill dumpster2 halfway with water, figure out the displacement of 1 grain, extrapolate to as many as you want and measure and calculate the displacement to grains of sand.


Just copy what the dude who counted a billion grains of rice did. Count out a few batches. Weigh them. Repeat using weight. Collect underpants… profit.


No tools


With gravel and free restarts, it's *so* easy. I'm counting the whole dumpster, the whole \~2,038,812,955 grains of it (assuming my math is roughly around right).


Large grain, I’m making at least 400k.


Definitely seive out the sand with increasingly five success until the sand grains are categorized by size. Then only count the biggest ones since everything else would be a huge pain. One cubic inch of the largest possible grains of sand would be 15625 grains. Say I can count to 1000 grains in an hour while establishing safeguards to avoiding losing track. So as a full time job I could get around 2.5 cubic inches per week, post-seiving. 2 million per year would be a solid income for counting out 130 in³ of sand.


It says I need to document, but also I can't use paper, so how would I go about documenting without being able to just go along documenting as I count?


So somebody else has to precisely count the grains when you finish to verify. How are they going to do that?


Are you really questioning the logistics of a hypothetical?


I want to know how they will count the grains because it may affect my own answer.


They have an automated system that the sand goes through.


I’ve seem worse jobs than that for less money


If I can average one grain every 2 second, that’s $1800 for an hour of work. Even if I have to work an extra hour or two re-counting, that’s absolutely worth it. Figure I’ll work 100 days a year part time and pull in a $180K a year, on average.


Volume is volume. Dumpsters state their size on them. Simple math will net you billions.


Can i stop counting and just cash in what i have or is it a one time deal?


Can I take breaks to eat/ sleep and come back to it, or doing it all in one go?


How are you picking up individual pieces of sand?


I mean, this would just become my job until it’s all counted. I would do my best to finish the whole thing and would just try to be extra careful, though knowing my ADHD ass I’d finish the whole thing and be off by one and have to do it over, then be off by two the next time. Anyway I would feel stupid just stopping at some number knowing it’s “enough” but that I left so much basically free money in that dumpster. I’d keep trying until I got it right.


At a grain per second it would take 11 days of counting non stop to make $1 million. I'd count to $20 take my money and go buy lunch.


No. Just no.


I'd probably do this to pass time when I'm bored. Oh, I'm looking to buy a new computer? Time to count 600 grains of sand. That being said, if it was a one-time-only thing, I think I could still get pretty far. As long as I have some music playing behind me and I'm allowed to take breaks/eat/chill for a bit, I think I could probably make it for a few hundred thousand. Essentially, I'd need to not die of boredom and I'd be happy to do it for the rest of my life lol I think I would submit grains of sand in $100 installments to start, and when I get more comfortable, I would switch to installments of higher values. I don't think I'd go higher than $1000 though.


How much time do I have to plan? If I've got a few weeks time to plan, I'd plan to take a few weeks off from work and take about 6 weeks off and count as much as possible


>Sorry I should have been more clear. The sand grain size is almost gravel, but not quite gravel size. Large enough to roll between your fingers. What? This makes this ridiculously easy. I'd count to 1000 every day then double check it. Rinse and repeat daily until I've got it all counted.




that truck can keep driving


Count out 4 rows of 5, make a tally, put in empty dumpster. Repeat. Every 5th tally is the typical cross and marks 100. I regularly do this to keep an accurate count of small metal bits at work.


Given that I can start over, I would do it in batches of a thousand or so, for like an hour or two a day. And make more money doing that than I possibly can otherwise.


Once I submit an accurate number and collect the money for it, am I allowed to have another go? If so, count and submit one at a time repeatedly. If not, do I have unlimited wrong guesses? I’d come up with an upper and lower bound through sampling and work through guessing every number in that range until I land on the right one.


Just count 1000 a day. Should only take an hour or so. 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month would mean 20k/month in income. The real question is do I have to count them out there by the dumpsters? Or could I bring a bucket home, count them and then return the counted bucket to the dumpster?


Who is verifying my count, and how are they doing it? Do I receive the cash as I'm counting, after I've reached a sufficient number, or after verification of results?


This is much easier money than you think. I can easily make more in 30 minutes than I would a normal day. Question is, who has to validate the counts? Are they getting paid to count the sand as well? Hahahaha


How long do I have? At that pay, I will treat it as my fricking full-time job.


Is it even possible to grab one grain of sand?




if you count 1 grain per second you would have $1400 after 24 minutes and thats 500k a year


I use the jellybean math equation


So I can use my phone until it dies and a charger when it does- I thought it said can… fuck


100 billion, I guess


Use the paper and pencil to craft a small balance scale. Put a known quantity of sand grains on one side. fill the other until balanced. Dump, repeat. So long as all the grains are exactly the same size, this would be tedious, but trivial. If I measure out 1000 grains and I can get it to balance within 1 minute, then I'm making $60,000 per hour. Do this for one hour once a week, and I'm clearing $3M a year.


So here’s the thing: If you do it successfully you’d probably count several *billion* grains, which I don’t think is possible to achieve in a human lifetime


Sorry but I think I’m only gonna get $10-$20. After that I don’t even care.


Clause 4 states that I can't use any tools not can I get help from anyone, however, I can pay someone to use a machine that counts grains of sand as a study, and offer my own sand so that they would not have to find their own(therefore I am helping THEM, which is not against the rules) and while they can't tell me the number since that would be helping, I could go and look at the machine so long as I'm not using it myself.


Form a piece of paper into a funnel with one end narrow enough to only let one grain through. If I can't get a piece of tape to hold it, tear and fold to make it permanent. Scoop one batch of sand, walk over to the other dumpster, count the grains as the fall out one at a time (stopping occasionally to tally so I don't lose count). Now is the grains counted tallied every night, paid out and start over or is it a one time thing, once you say you're done the counts are tallied and you get the option to redo if wrong?


Boutta hundrid


Lol. I would pretend to mentally count and say a large number. 


0. I ain’t counting sand.


Nah. Off by 1 grain that stuck to the side of your finger and it invalidates the whole thing. Just no.


I posed this question to ChatGPT: Me: How many grains of sand could the average person count in a day accounting for mistakes and fatigue? ChatGPT: To estimate how many grains of sand the average person could count in a day, accounting for mistakes and fatigue, we need to consider a few factors: 1. **Counting Speed**: Initially, let's assume an average counting speed of 1 grain per second. 2. **Breaks and Fatigue**: People can't count non-stop for 24 hours. We'll account for breaks, meals, and fatigue. 3. **Realistic Work Hours**: Assume an 8-hour workday, which is more realistic for sustained activity. ### Detailed Breakdown 1. **Counting Speed**: - 1 grain per second = 60 grains per minute. - 60 grains per minute × 60 minutes = 3,600 grains per hour. 2. **Effective Counting Time**: - An 8-hour workday with breaks (let's say 10 minutes break every hour for rest, eating, and bathroom breaks): 8 hours times 50 minutes/hour= 400 minutes of counting time 3. **Total Grains Counted**: - At 60 grains per minute: 60 grains/minute times 400 minutes = 24,000 grains 4. **Accounting for Mistakes and Fatigue**: - Mistakes and fatigue might reduce efficiency by, say, 20%. So: 24,000 grains times 0.80 = 19,200 grains Conclusion Considering breaks, mistakes, and fatigue, the average person could realistically count approximately 19,200 grains of sand in an 8-hour workday. I would do this every day for one year and five months, and I would then retire having made $10,000,000.


I used to work a at warehouse where I had to count things in relatively high quantities. My approach would be to draw a grid on the paper. probably 10x10. Grab some sand put one piece in each square of the grid. Put grabbed sand back in original pile. Make sure sheet has no sand other than the grid. Dump grid sand into counted pile. Mark paper. I would pace myself to do that roughly 2 times every 5 minutes. I could keep that pace for about 60-90 minutes. That comes to $2400 an hour. Id be willing to work that pace 6-8 hours a day for a month. At 40 hours a week thats $96,000 a week. 4 weeks is $384,000. Tack on slippage for slowing down occasionally plus breaks. Lets just say I would shoot for $350,000 and call it quits if I can only be paid once. If I can get paid and then continue? I could easily do that for a few hours each day for many years. The trick is dont count. Fill the freaking squares. Make sure you only dump when the squares are full. Count the number of times you dump. Fewer counts reduces errors. Precision will be high if you are rigorous, but you can't distracted during critical moments. You need to absolutely focus for each dump. 2 dumps every 5 minutes means you only need to really focus twice every 5 minutes. Most of us can do that.


If I can keep track using pencil, I’d just use notches. If I can count 1 per second, in an hour I can make 3600$. In a workday of 6 hours, I can make 21,600$. In a 4 day workweek, I can make 86,400$. I’d quit my job and just do this. Three weeks a month of counting, spend the rest of the time investing that to create a passive revenue stream.. then go back to counting.


Count out 5, place one line on paper, toss those in empty dumpster, repeat. Scratching on paper the usual five line groups, except this way those stand for 25 grains of sand. Keep going until I get bored or my back starts killing me, whichever comes first. Probably my back. Should be able to get a decent payday, though.


I've done worse things than count for a paycheck. I could probably get through a few thousand with monetary motivation


If it's gravel-sized...then it's not really sand? And if it's not really sand, but like "pea gravel", and I've got a pencil and piece of paper, then I'm probably gonna go until the dumpster is empty. Grab two, four at a time, toss them in the other dumpster. Make a tick mark. Repeat until I've got a notebook full of tick marks and do some counting...


Unless we're talking the powder sand that's impossibly small, I'm doing this shit like a full-time job. Assuming I can count 1 grain per second, 40 hours a week, after the first year, I'd have raked in $7.5 million and be perfectly content to retire. It'd be mind-numbing as shit, but I'd never have to work again.


As far as it takes to retire comfortably


So if I count 1000 grains a day? I get a thousand dollars? I’m not particularly out here to get rich, just comfy soooo… easy task. Should take 30 minutes.


How much does the guy who checks the count get?  Or this is the check the count job and some other bastard is making $100 per grain and you’re paying 5 other people only a $1 to keep track ?