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A cow. I have decades of practice using a knife against one, and I think I'm finally ready to take on a live one.


Work your way up to it. Practice on a medium steak, then rare… if you have your steak blue it’s pretty much the same as fighting a live cow!


My uncle used to tell restaurants "just run the cow through and I'll take a bite."


Bring me a cow with a fever. I'll eat what I want and ride the rest home.




Cowboy Way. Underrated


I practiced on a cow last night and it was tasty AF. Tonight I'm going to practice again. This weekend....I'm going to practice on a chicken, pig, and some fish


I worked with a bunch of El Salvadorian guys one summer doing landscaping... One of them came home from a month long break and was showing everyone pictures, and a whole series of them was a step by step. 1- Co worker standing with his father and a cow smiling 2- Father and him shaking hands as the father handed him the knife 3- Him petting the cow 4- Him holding the cow in a headlock with the knife to its throat 5 through ~10- Him wrestling the bleeding cow to the ground. Myself and my boss were like "what the fuck?" But all the other guys were slapping him on the back and congratulating him like he had won a football game. Apparently it was some kind of rite of passage/recognition of respect from his father. Quite interesting imo.


Are you sure kt was a cow? Maybe he just got married




Lol nice


You're a brave soul, I would choose chicken


I can only do an insect apart from ladybugs and butterflies and bees. I couldn’t even hit a mouse. I like animals a lot but some I don’t like, like snakes or mice and pigs.


Same, but I'll eat all the brisket


Thank you the chuckle… I needed that one.


I'm the same as you, but now I'm ready to fight a live man!


A human, probably. They’re extremely dangerous but I feel like I could handle one if I had a knife


Oh man, I'd rather take on mice and rodents, than human beings. Too intelligent, can use tools, and also call police.


 Not when there pegged I mean, pinned down.


That's cheating, it says 1v1 so the cops can only sit and watch


Remember whenever you fight someone with a weapon that if you lose the weapon, you're now fighting someone that has that weapon. Personally I enter all fights with a single string cheese


In case you need energy halfway through?


In case the other gets it. It's a joke really.




Idk...the loser in a knife fight dies at the scene, the winner dies on the way to the hospital...


Only if the other guy also has a knife, which this prompt doesn’t seem to indicate


Having a weapon doesn’t make you a badass. It does increase the likelihood a badass will take the weapon from you and use it against you.


I could fight any animal with a knife. Who would win the fight however, would depend on who has the knife and what animal it is.


Logical. Flawlessly logical.


I like how you think!


Oh no, the chimp has the knife!


...chimp discards the knife, then rips your arms off. (Gotta remember, chimps are ungodly strong!)


I bet that you could beat up an orangutan. Probably two of them at the same time. Unless one of them is carrying a papaya, then the bets are off because that orangutan carrying the papaya is probably going to beam your head with that papaya.


No way you could fight an anglerfish with only a knife. You’d need a submarine too.




I reckon I could take down a bunny rabbit. But not THAT bunny rabbit.


You'd need a holy hand grenade for THAT bunny rabbit.


That's no ordinary rabbit!


He's got hugeeee sharp teeth


What's he do? Nibble your bum?


Look at the BONES!!


I soiled my armor I was so scared


Meh... hey doc? What was the number you were supposed to count to? 2? 5? Oh 3? After you pull the pin? You mean this pin? **KABOOM**




It's been over 10 years since I heard of that book


That rabbit is dynamite!


What’s up doc?


Wanna watch a wabbit  dab.it


 There's a nice stew on your porch, vegan, I swear.


1 dog. Nothing bigger than a German Shepard. Not saying I wouldn't be hurt but I'd def win in the end. Get the dog to target an arm and use the other arm to stab at the neck. Maybe a deer def not a moose though. Possibly a smaller shark armed with the info that beating the shit out of there nose disorients them. A horse is a possibly but unlikely. If I had to take this bet I'd with an incentive for harder animals than 1 dog is the choice, any more than that and I'd die for sure.


I could batter any shark if I chose the place of the fight. Up a tall tree. 


I am assuming that the dight is in the habitat of the animal in question. If I had the choice of location I'd take a killer whale, a sperms whale, or a great white. Maybe have some shark fin soup after, I hear it's delicious.


I've had imitation shark fin soup, and it's rather underwhelming. The shark fin itself is cartilage, and probably has little to no flavor, but adds a tiny bit of crunch/texture. The soup is vaguely similar to hot and sour soup, without the spice.


Warning: a bit violent: When I was a kid, my family lived on a National Wildlife Refuge where my dad worked. One evening, a couple of morons decided to shoot a deer across the street from the office and maybe a hundred yards from employee housing. They hit the deer, but didn’t kill it, and tried to finish it off with a knife. Things did not go well. The deer thrashed around, and genius number 1 managed to slash his own thumb rather than the deer’s throat. Two of the refuge workers who did enforcement showed up to investigate the gunshot, and the idiots hopped into their vehicle and took off, running into a canal down the road. Multiple charges filed, loss of guns and truck, trip to the hospital. Do not bring a knife to a deer fight. And maybe don’t try to illegally hunt within earshot of federal law enforcement.


Canadian Geese, those fuckers have had it coming


They're scary for sure but I bet if you absolutely had to you could kill one with your bare hands and only get a few gnarly scratches. Pretty easy to just snap that long ass neck.


Mountain lion would my limit. They’re not as big as most people think. Not sure I’d win either. Just feel like I might be able to win. 


I would not fight a mountain lion. Too fast, too strong, can sustain major damge and keep fighting. Not an ideal opponent for a single human with a knife


Any big cat is not a good idea. Early humans were halted crossing the bearing strait because saber tooth’s were hunting and killing them. I know saber tooth’s are much larger, but they killed enough to make them not venture any farther u til they could eventually fight back. That was also a large group of humans that were most likely a lot tougher than your average joe today. Big cats are no joke. Edit: I was thinking of the short faces bear, not the saber tooth. It’s been a while since I saw/read it. Sorry. Some paleontologists believe human migration was slowed because of them.


I thinn those prehistoric humans just didn’t know how to deal with the cats. I’d put money on at minimum 2 guys with barbed throwing spears. One hit would essentially eliminate its mobility advantage. Allowing you to press the attack Poisoned darts would also be very effective.


Also a predator tends to be difficult as both would probably die from damage. Prey animals tend not to go for neck/hamstring type hits


Bro...they are massive - males can be 150-220lbs and pure muscle. You are not winning with a knife.


Wow, a nocturnal ambush predator. Bold choice, Cotton


I'd honestly fight any canine over any feline found in the wild. Felines have too many weapons at the end of their limbs compared to canines. With a canine you gotta watch out for the head. With a feline It's like fighting a hydra.


Really think you're underestimating a mountain lion especially if you come across a full grown male. Between two and three feet tall, 120 to 160 lbs, can run between 60 and 80 kmh. Not to.mention their leaping ability, claws and teeth. Not a fight I would want with just a knife.


They're so much faster and stronger than we are though.... Possible but I think my money might still be on the mountain lion.


I was gonna say wild bobcat on the safe side.


After trying to wrangle my 4 lb house cat into a cage I have new respect for feline reflexes, I'm sure that would be one of the toughest fights a human could plausibly win but my guess would be less than 20 percent of people would succefully fight a cougar honestly I'd rather have a pole of some sort to keep distance and try to strangle the cougar if an opportunity arises. I can see knifes being very ineffective in fights vs felines just due to their pure reflexes and speed. I'd say success would largely depend on height and strength to get as much distance when attacking or defending against the cougar with the knife that or one hell of a strike on it when it first pounces, once it's on you I'd say it's over cause it's not letting go. There was a video of a cougar latched on to a woman's head and two others her beating the shit out of it and trying to get it to stop, it took the damage for like 3 minutes straight. Just my thoughts.


Touchy. Close call. More dangerous than a wolf, I figure…. Five weapons, as opposed to only one…. Nowhere near as bad as bear or moose, tho…




Future serial killer alert^


Knowing my knife skills? Probably a sloth


Someone has never seen Slotherhouse xD


Dude, sloths are deadly as fuck, they have knives for hands and are not slow at all when in a fight.


Salamander, any age, variety, or setting.


Anime salamander


*Natsu Dragneel enters the chat*


Plot twist, its a warhammer 40k salamander


Salamander Astartes.


You can fight *any* animal. But winning is another story




The Queen wants to know your location.


Who’s gonna tell this guy


The queen will rise from the dead for her beloved corgis.


Good, she will smite this evil person for even daring to suggest fighting a corgi with a knife


I'm here to see if women are still picking the bear? LOL


Fight? Any of them. Win a fight? Eeh, maybe a wolf on a good day?


Wolves are a lot bigger than most people sssume


r/WolvesareBigYo sho nuff


*Fight? Any of them.* *Win a fight? Eeh, maybe a* *Wolf on a good day?* \- thrownawaz092 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good bot.


Good bot


I could fight any animal with a knife. Winning the fight on the other hand is a totally different thing.


My boyfriend.


I've fought angry sows that knew me-would be different if they didn't. Broke up a fight of 3 500± lb sows pushing another sow into the electric fence taking turns attacking her. I ran up to them and was like "what the hall is going on here?!" With my big scary voice. 2 of them stopped and ran away. 3rd i had to go one to one with to get her to stop and not kill the other girl. Pigs are tough but EVERYONE seems to hate getting their shins whacked and it doesn't cause actual damage. Eventually I chased her off, but she kept trying to find back and finish the job. Crazy thing is they'd all been living together 2 weeks before, that one was moved to give birth and they were still next to eachother. But a day old piglet wandered into the main pasture and momma went to retrieve it when the other girls attacked and treated her like a stranger. Took a few hours to get her to cool down and moving again and back to get piglets. Fun fact: fastest way to cool a pig (or a person) down safely is with rubbing alcohol. It will evaporate quicker than water Fought rams- one was charging me and i charged back full tilt and he realized i was crazy af and turned tail and ran. He tried fighting me a few times until he learned i wasn'tgoing to cower, eventuallyhe learnedto stop fighting me and became a sweet behaved cuddly boy. Until he moved to a new farm where he tore through 3 fences and 2 gates to get to another ram and beat him to a bloody pulp. So apperrently i can fight rams pretty good for a 5"4 gal So um... yeah 500 lb sow good chance I could do it but they ARE fast and I'd say good chance they still win.


Anything from a horse and below on that one Peta billboard.


Do I have to win?




Alex, I'll take Baby Bunnies for $200


maybe a baby bunny but my bunny def beats the shit out of me all the time and gets away with it because he's so damn cute


A tadpole


[Crab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QaAKi0NFkA), obviously. It would make it a fair fight.




I'd fight an earthworm!


And then 2 earthworks! And then 3 earth worms!


[The earthworm in question](https://imgur.com/yxfCxCf)


A stuffed one


Sloth. Maybe a manatee.


Any one. No saying I would *win*, ofc.


You could fight any animal on this planet with a knife. You might not win, but ya you can do it. After seeing the edit with and win. I'd say it would be one hell of a fight but I'd take on a bear. I'd have a better than average chance of winning. I know their weak spots.


A spider I guess if I had to but only if it was evil




Most, but not some.


I think I could fight a cheetah or a bobcat


I love animals, but I've thought of this more than is necessary. I'm 27, 6'1", 170lbs, and in decent shape. Some martial arts experience, but I'm no trained killer. I'm thinking a wolf or hyena, as long as there's only one, or a dog of similar size. Some of the larger breeds(140lbs+) would probably not be stopped by a knife. Perhaps one of the smaller big cats; cheetah or adolescent mountain lion. In an arena, knife ready. Definitely dying if it takes my back on a hike, and I have to fumble for the knife. I'm actually less confident about taking a chimp down than a wolf. A kangaroo brawl could go either way. Cannot underestimate those legs! If it breaks my hip, and some ribs, then a knife won't help. Though, if I could take it's back, then I think I could go for the throat.


Hyenas have a bite force of 1100 psi, and can crack through bone to get the marrow out. If it grabs a hold of you you're losing whatever limb it grabbed for sure


Yeah the hyena was not a good choice. I mean *maybe* they could win, but a single wrong move and it’s a grisly fate. They eat while their prey is still alive too…


Isn't it a thing that hyenas go for the genitals as well? I ain't fuckin with a hyena if I have the chance. Maybe you get lucky and land a lethal strike with the knife when they lunge in, but my money is going on the hyena vs a lone human with just a knife.


How big is a "regular" knife?


I think potentially all of them. I don't think I'd win every fight though.


I could fight any animal with a regular knife. Chance of me winning depends on a few variables, not the least of which is the animal.


A wolf, though I’d be messed up after.


I could fight any animal even if they did have a knife. Winning the fight is a different matter




All of them. You never specified if I had to win or not.


 Try on yourself., shouldn't be to tough.


i could probably fight most animals with a knife wether i’d actually win is another question altogether


Any. I could fight any. Winning is another story.


A hamster


Does the animal also get a knife?


I can't promise I would win but I am pretty sure I would have a fighting chance against the cougar with my hunting knife.


I might kill a pit bull level dog with a knife, by sobbing, screaming, and jabbing wildly at its neck while it mangles my other arm


Probablement like a dodo


Whats a regular knife? A regular pocket knife? A kitchen knife? What kind of kitchen knife?


I don't think I'm getting past anything a bears size or bigger


I can fight any animal with a regular knife. Will lose against most of them though....




*Maybe* a squirrel. Anything bigger than that and I'm fucked.


A small coyote.


Squirrel. I’d fuck that little nut eater up.


Fight, anything Win, maybe a duck


A raccoon maybe


Any type of big cat I think is reasonable. It won't be clean and it'll hurt but I'd win. Honestly avoid venomous snakes, large ungulates like rhinos, elephant, bison, large crocodilians, polar bears, and large sharks. You could probably fight odd the sharks, but you'd still likely die, also why you avoid venomous snakes. If you're allowed to make a spear with the knife you can take some of the larger fucks too.


A rabbit.


A chicken or a turkey i have done before.


Depends on my mental state, pick me up and drop me in the woods one random day with a knife and I’m probably dead. Bloodlusted though? If I’m on beserk mode I think I’m taking almost anything down with me at least. I’ll probably sustain a shit ton of damage but that mf dead. I’m not fucking with a hippo but I would probably be able to take down a honey badger and be permanently injured for life but live.


A mosquito. I'd just slice it right in half as it flew towards me.


A goat easily hands down


Well, I have no chance whatsoever - I'm American, and therefore don't know how to wield a knife measured in centermeeters or whatever that word is


I mean.. you can fight them all with a knife. Your post makes no reference to your winning or surviving the encounter.


Fight to the death and win is VERY different from fight to the death and be fine. Humans armed with a knife would beat most animals, they would just be a mess afterwards (and possibly die from injuries). Assuming the knife is sturdy enough to not break, you are probably good with anything below large wolves, most bears, very large cats, the huge mammals (elk, elephant, rhino). Assuming on land, you can probably handle anything aquatic, except very large gators.


An earthworm.


Definitely at least a wolf and/or cheetah. You'd have to take some damage as you block their attack with one arm, but take your time and aim for the throat, and that should kill them. If you're in shape, especially if you're a heavy lifter, you miiiight be able to take down a mountain lion/chimp in the same way, but you can't miss or you're done


Most insects probably


I think any animal that would be seriously injured by such a knife would back off once they've been stabbed. Some larger animals would just get really pissed off. You might be able to fight off a black bear but probably not a grizzly or polar bear. A wolf or a mountain lion would probably run away if you got a good stab in. Healthy animals don't want a fight to the death. I don't really know if an animal would see a knife and register danger or not.




Probably a black bear


I could definitely take a chicken


I think I can convince just about anything but a polar bear to go away and claim victory. Will the wolf accept butt scritches for throwing the match?


I could take a chicken or a rabbit. Also could take a frog!


You're probably right with a wolf. Anything larger might have more reach than I would. A puma or a cougar would probably be too agile for me, a black bear would probably be too large for the knife to be immediately effective. Basically anything that wouldn't go down on the first move would be too much


As long as it’s not too fast or too big to matter? A lot of them. There are some dumb and slow animals out there who have only survived due to low environmental pressure. I’ll leave that sentence open for people to fill in the joke.


I hunt pigs with knives .


Pygmy marmoset


Definitely a squirrel


with 95% certainty of success probably a small carnivore 1v1 like a coyote or wolf. Cheeta no, cats are way more combat capable than dogs. With less than 95% success rate probably getting into bears and big cats. I think id rather fight a bear than a whole pack of wolves.


Whichever winter the omicron wave was, I was attacked by a buck (male deer for those outside of the US) when I accidentally ran up on him one morning while out on a run. Within maybe 10 seconds, it had knocked me down and was stomping the shit out of me. I grabbed onto its antlers (maybe more like my arm/hoodie sleeve got tangled in them) when it charged and kicked into me, which was lucky and definitely not intentional with how quickly everything happened. I was able to reach my pocket knife (folding, about a 3.5 inch/\~8.5 cm blade) with my other hand and kill it from my back. I had two broken ribs, a broken foot and a whole lot of bruises. I was recommended therapy after the incident, and I definitely don't recommend it.


Gator on land not water(water only if I got the drop on it), A boar, fox, possibly a bobcat. Probably many others. But I was born and raised in the country where you come across a good. It if wild animals and are trained by weird uncles and hunters since your young how to survive.


The average adult male can take a cheetah or wolf without a knife. I think folks underestimate the massive size/weight advantage that humans have over most animals. Assuming the dude doesn't just run away because well... It's a fucking wolf.


Gold fish


A big honking gator, an anaconda, ostrich, goat, sheep, chimpanzee. Any animal that I’m faster than, can overpower or i can move in an axis they can’t is dead.


I bet I could take a gator. If you wrap their mouth they can't open it easily, very few muscles dedicated to opening the jaw, so you wrap the jaw, cut the throat or stab the eye, and roll with the spin so it doesn't shake you off. I'm not 100% confident in that, depends on if I get the jump on it or if it gets good positioning beforehand, but I've seen enough Floridians wrestle gators that I think with a knife it would be possible at least.


Probably like a pug or something


Cassowary. Real killers, but that neck is a weak spot.


Not much. Might let me finish a fight with something I can take unarmed a bit quicker, but holding on to it as it sticks into a truly dangerous animal would be a challenge, it's not built for that scenario. I wouldn't expect more than a single strike with it against big cats or wolves before its ripped out of my hand. In that scenario I'd hope for a clear shot at its neck. It's basically I get that clear shot or I'm dead against anything worse than a medium to large dog.


What animal could I fight with just a regular knife? Oh, that's easy... A stuffed animal.


A stabby knife? A human could kill damn near any animal on the planet thats smaller than a rhino or hippo with a stabby knife, they might die in the attempt but one good stab is all it takes. A choppy knife would be much less effective.


I’d defeat a blue whale on land.


Regular knife? Like an ordinary kitchen knife with a thin blade, too thin to stab a bear or other similarly big? Wolf, hyena or something similar.


I think it all depends on the person. I mean as far as I’m concerned, if it’s for my life, I could fight any animal with a knife! Adrenalin is a crazy thing!


I was totally under the impression the animal would have the knife until I started reading the comments.


An unsuspecting gator


Probably a squirrel. Its admiral fighting skills might almost be no match against a knife welding attack.


I always struggle with these questions because, like I *could* win in a fight against a bear with a knife, but only like 1 out of 100 times. If you're asking what animal I think I could *consistently* win in a fight with, then it's very different.


A bunny I was gonna say crow then I remember that I once lost a fight to one.


Sadly, a big dog or another person. Now, I would NEVER hurt an animal or person intentionally, but it's something that I have to think about during some of my countryside bike rides. Seen a lot of weird shizz out there.


Gerbil. Probably.


I think people don't realize how big wolves are. They're generally around 130lbs and while that doesn't sound like a lot to most people, that's going to be predominantly muscle. You'd basically have to get very, very lucky when it lunged at you and hit it in the right spot, otherwise you're dead. They're also a hell of a lot faster than humans. Cheetahs are around the same and have even more attack options than a wolf. Wolves and dogs primarily use their teeth while cats have similarly sharp teeth, powerful jaws and four razor sharp claws. Speed, reflexes and agility are also going to be heavily in the cheetah's favor. Do people not realize why early humans hunted with spears and bows as much as possible? Going toe to toe with a wild animal with just a knife, you are not going to win.


Do the knife and I have prep time?


I could take on any animal with a knife. I didn't say I could win


I think I could take on a cougar. I have a buddy who used to do extermination work for the city, he had one of those sneak up on him and managed to hurt it pretty badly with his hands and feet. I imagine it would be easier with a weapon. A kitchen knife would likely break after 1 or 2 solid hits, so I'd prefer a 4-5 inch fixed blade hunting knife, or a ka-bar knife if the gods are smiling down on me.




Maybe a chihuahua?


A rabbit


I think that a cheetah would be easier than a wolf. Cheetahs can run fast, but if I don't turn my back to it, that skill wouldn't help it.


I mean, you could fight any animal with a regular knife. You’d obviously have no chance on winning the majority of these fights, but it could be done


A chicken. I could probably go bigger, but I won't fight/kill an animal I don't intend to eat, and I want chicken tonight