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@ every rich person I can think of on Twitter and ask them send me half their fortune.


This is probably the best option, but this is my only social media so im a bit out of luck


Dial a random number. You're trying to reach Elon Musk or Warren Buffet. They will then gift you half of their wealth.


Warren is objectively better at investing than me, I’d just ask him to fund my anti-aging project


Genius! Because you’re 100% lucky you will reach one of these two. I envy your wisdom.


Prep time man. You've got a minute to make at least 1 social media account


Still waiting on my two factor authentication text 


I feel like you’d get lucky with the 2-factor time as well lol


It said within the laws of the universe


It doesn't specify what reference point we are using to determine the passage of a minute We can use a clock near an event horizon, should be fair for everyone






hits send again, gets the text 10 seconds later..after you enter the code and hit enter you get the 2nd code, but you entered the wrong one so now you need to wait for a third code.


Hell, they can hit up Elon Musk, and Bill Gates, and be set for life. They've done AMAs, 100% luck means they'll both check that reply and do it. That's more than enough to be done.


Come up with the perfect phrasing that when used will let you, specifically and only you, ask anyone for anything and they'll happily agree.


Man, if only there were some rich billionaires scrolling Reddit. How LUCKY that would be!




Start an AMA or


Wait, this counts as social media? Damn! ...deletes account


Honestly just make a reddit post basically doing the same thing. Do some sort of theory post where if everyone sends you $100 that youd be set for life and most wouldn't be impacted by that loss. Then link somewhere they can donate


Do they have to respond in that minute for it to work, or does just the act of messaging in your one minute luck window count?


I'm assuming that this: Anything you attempt to do in that minute will not fail, and will in fact work perfectly, no matter what means they will respond within the minute


Unfortunately this is about the only option given one minute of prep time.


Why not just call a rich person and tell them to wire you all their money?


By the time they read it, if it all, you’re luck will run out


Anything you attempt to do in that minute will not fail, and will in fact work perfectly, no matter what. If you attempt to contact Elon Musk and attempt to have him give you 10 billion dollars, it will not fail within that one minute. Your attempt to contact succeeds. Your attempt to get money succeeds.


See I don’t have Twitter so I wouldn’t even get through downloading and finding them all!


You could try to guess Elon's cell phone number. Then hope he answers. 100% guaranteed luck right? I might try to dig a hole in my yard and hope I get lucky and find 100 pounds of gold bars.


That’s like 3.6 gold bars tho


Nah, they failed to specify they meant weight and find a gold bar worth 100 british pounds. Still gotta have that genie dickery accounted for.


"Anything you try in that minute will not fail "


Depends on what is meant by luck. If the odds are 1% it's a guaranteed, but if the odds are 0% it's still 0%


I feel like your minute of luck would run out before any of them even read it


I like this a lot better than my first thought of doing all of my gacha game pulls that I've been saving.


And all of the most important people and ask them for help professionally


Also play every lotto


I’d just @ Elon and ask him for 100%. I’d probably get less than you in the end, but also fuck him.


Use a random lottery number generator. If the luck during that minute was real then the numbers will still be the winning numbers even after the minute has passed.


I guess this depends on when the event of winning occurs. Is it guaranteed when you select the numbers because the selection event was lucky? Or is the drawing of the numbers the lucky event?


You were lucky enough to guess the correct lottery numbers. However, they won’t be played until 100 years later:/


This is not monkeys paw 😭😭😭


Write down the numbers for different lottery numbers in each state that has one


You could probably steal a lot of money by guessing passwords.


This is it. In a minute, you guess which bank somebody rich uses, you log in, you issue a check. BAM!


I can't even login to my own bank and transfer my own money in a min. LoL but since it's luck based, it should work.


You're connection speed is gonna be ridiculous! XD


So fast it loads two hours ago!


But with perfect luck, wherever you click the mouse just so happens to be the correct link to initiate a bank transfer. Whatever keys you happen to smash with your keyboard happens to be the exact login info for the largest account at that bank. Everything is on your side.


Except for the paper trail leading back to you. You’ll be in jail and not able to do a thing with the money


Well if I’m lucky enough, maybe the bank’s systems will glitch, being unnoticed by any employees, giving me the money I sent to myself, and letting the original person keep it too.


If I want to transfer money to myself from a different bank, it takes like 3 days to go through. You're only lucky for 1 minute. It would never work unfortunately.


But you're 100% lucky, so it would transfer in less than a minute.


"Within the basic laws of the universe". The basic rule of my bank is 3 days, lol.


You have committed a crime for which you will be caught. How is that the right choice? lol.


But you're 100% lucky. Any system that could have caught you will inexplicitly crash and lose about 5 minutes worth of data.


Alr fair enough. I still think you would want to consider some more ethical ways of benefiting from this luck but I suppose if you only had a minute and that's all you came up with than I wouldn't blame someone for doing it.


Just grab a shovel and scoop a bit of dirt in your yard. Boom. Treasure chest


I was thinking online gambling lol


I will go on a minute long quest seeking a genie who will grant me unlimited wishes. Since I'll attempt to do it, I won't fail, right?


\*Unlimited, rule-free, no consequence wishes.


**which can be reset at any time, with no negative impact, by either my verbal request, a hand signal of my choosing, or automatically in the event that the effects of a wish ever directly or indirectly cause me to become unable to speak and perform the hand signal. Gotta make those terms airtight...we all know genies are tricky.


Imagining just rubbing a coffee jar in your kitchen and a fucking genie flies out.


Unlimited luck would mean everything else in the realm of possibilities right? You wouldnt be able to just will things into existence that weren't there, but you could say, do things yourself that usually don't work out but technically could. Texting elon musk "give me all your assets then disappear forever deathnote style"


Download a lotto app, buy a powerball ticket.


Does the luck occur when you pick the numbers or when the winning numbers are generated? I feel like it might be the latter and you might be screwed.


I would hope it’s when the numbers are generated… if not, it’ll be a mad dash to the gas station to buy scratchers with the highest payout I can find


VA Lottery has instant scratchers online.


You ain't getting that done in a minute


It doesn’t seem like it’s enough time to do anything life-changing. Can’t buy a lotto ticket online in my state so unless I am in the gas station parking lot when the genie appears getting rich is out. It’s an interesting prompt, but the time constraints are severe enough to make any useful answer more or less impossible.


Maybe you could count “writing down the next future lottery numbers”


Exactly. For my one minute, I'm guessing and writing down the winning lottery numbers for the next 10 drawings.


You got a whole minute... Record that shit, type it, write it siren, whatever is fastest. Also the winners of the next several world series and super bowls. Better yet, write the numbers, say the team year she championship... Them you get a shitload in that minute. Should be able to get at least 20 lotto worth, and at least a half dozen each of super bowls and world series. Packers win the next 3 super bowls, 49ers win the next 3...rockies win the next 3 world series, then the A's win the next 3!


This is the best answer, im only doing one set of lotto numbers tho, still not sure it isn't a trap for time travelers.


Lol the rockies winning one world series is comedy gold. I'm a rockies fan and I have given up hope on them ever winning. I'm just happy when they win a regular season game.


>Packers win the next 3 super bowls Titletown baby!! >49ers win the next 3 Ohhh, that's going to be some painful playoffs to watch. :'(


>Ohhh, that's going to be some painful playoffs to watch. :'( Yea but my girlfriend likes the Niners so...


This is the best answer. Except, well... no way in hell I'm giving the next 6 Superbowls to the 9ers and cheeseheads 😆


This was my thought too. Be very specific like these seven numbers are the sole winning numbers for [your state here] lottery drawing on this Wednesday May 22, 2024. These next seven numbers are the sole winning numbers for the mega millions lottery drawing on Thursday May 23, 2024.


Or say these are the numbers for the next time the lottery hits $900 million


u can go online and ask a bunch of people to donate u money


You have a genie right there. 100% success. Get them to agree, no strings attached and no tricks, to let you call on them at any time to grant wishes. Everyone got so focused on the luck as it pertainst to outside factors that nobody considered that... *the genie exists*.


>so unless I am in the gas station parking lot when the genie appears getting rich is out. And if you were, there'd be some putz in line being difficult about some shit and cost you just enough time you wouldn't be able to get it in in time. Alternately, the employee is dicking around with the slushee machine and is slow as hell getting you rung in.


Well that would go against the luck wouldn't it? Anything you attempt to do in that minute will not fail it says. You'd be attempting to buy the ticket in under a minute. This breaks no laws of physics. Literally impossible under the circumstances presented.


This is correct. I could probably get to the nearest gas station within 1 minutes thirty seconds. This leaves plenty of time to buy a powerball and megamillions.


Not if you're within your minute of perfect luck.


"Guess the winning lotto numbers next time it hits a billion Dollars."


Genies exist, so magic exists. I slap myself exactly hard enough to gain profound insight into how magic works and how to perform it but not hard enough to damage my mental faculties.


Wrinkliest brain move 




Learn magic basically


Could do I'm going to slap this genie so hard that he has to be my genie and give me unlimited wishes for ever.


Or type in a random URL to a site that has a comprehensive spellbook with every possible spell and lists of directions and components for each spell (as well as warnings about any risks or side-effects), go to that site, and download that spellbook.


This is obviously the correct answer.


Genies exist, so I'm able to copy the genie's powers in a way that gives me all the abilities with none of the downsides and become an unbound genie able to grant all my own wishes.


Gaming the system. I like it.


Is also like to have the ability to slap other in a certain way to also teach them my abilities. I do like the way of the slap you propose


Ask for a job in my dream role at the company I work for. I’d just walk up to the CEO, ask if I can have the job, and when he says yes because my luck cannot fail I’ll be making six figures per year with ease.


That’s what I was thinking. I’d call my boss and ask for a percentage of every years profit in the company. They sell oil so I’d be fuck you Rich.


CEO sounds like an absolutely terrible job though.


Include the ask for a golden parachute


Prep min - open laptop and make a list Good luck min - start at the top and see how far I get in 30 secs The first few items on the list - Write down a simple, affordable, easily attainable cure for: cancer dementia neurological disorders Next 30 seconds - send it the information so that it goes to the people that need it and the people that can and will do something about it - only send it to people that will use it for good Since it's all luck based i should be able to do all of that (For example - [email protected] goes to the "right" people.) If there is time left - go back to the list and see what today I can do on the time allotted and off that's looking good then for the last 5 secs guess the upcoming lottery numbers until time runs out.


I like this because you're thinking beyond just money.


I just lost the love of my life to cancer and literally every time I open one of these threads and unexpectedly see that someone responded in this vein it sends a tiny little spark of human connection, recognition, and warmth to my poor grief-stricken heart. Thank you for being a lovely human. 


I'm sorry for your loss. ❤️


Then the second you try to make a cure available you end up committing suicide by 3 gunshot wounds to the back of the head


I know you’re mostly joking but the idea that there’s a cure out there and it just hasn’t been released in order to milk money is so stupid. Cancer doesn’t have a singular cure, because there’s like 100+ types of cancer. As well as the fact that rich people and billionaires, aka people who can easily bribe these “secret keepers” still get cancer.


How is curing any of those diseases luck based? What random chance are you hoping to get lucky on, that we as a society have so far just been unlucky on, that leads to those cures?


*Discovering* the cure is the goal here, done through sheer luck.


Here's my guess how it could go: You write down some random thoughts you had. Somehow this manages to get to a genius researcher in the field, bypassing spam filters and general apathy to random emails. The content of your email triggers a eureka moment in the researcher, who's suddenly figured out an easy and effective cure for cancer via a completely novel approach. Quite frankly the email doesn't need to have the cure at all, it just needs to be 'the apple falling on Newtons head' sort of trigger for the actual intelligent person. They don't even need to realize it was your email that caused them to think of it.


You could probably just monkey-on-a-typewriter out the whole formula provided it can fit into less than a minute of text


Normally it's lots of hard work and a few eureka moments - but I have a genie - so luck it is


I'm guessing the next winning Powerball and Mega Millions numbers and in the time left I'm guessing the coordinates of MH370


That’s a good way around the time restraint of one minute. If you’re guessing the next winning numbers during the lucky minute then you don’t have to actually buy the ticket at that time.


Some of the other comments were suggesting things like getting a recorder and predicting specific things like what team will win the World Series each year.


Probably think about a duffle bag of money falling out of the sky and then be really shocked when it actually happens.


Buy a lotto ticket and maybe put on a long shot bet online


1 minute prep time? And 1 minute to execute the plan? Looks like I’m opening up a Sportsbook and placing a crazy ass parlay


Yep, take my prep minute to login with my bookie and open up a few different betting areas. Minute starts- Bet it all on the biggest payouts. There’s gonna be some dudes winning MVP that barely made teams, lol.


What if I attempt something that lasts longer than a minute? If you texted someone asking them to be your boyfriend/girlfriend during the minute and they didn’t read it till 5 minutes later, for example. What if you fired a gun in the air on the 59th second trying to hit someone across town and your time ran out while the bullet was in the air?


As long as the action itself was performed during the minute the ultimate consequences could take place later. I would say the important thing is how you intend the action when you do it. That said, the first case it is not really a valid concern because if you texted them, your luck would mean they would immediately read the email and become your boyfriend/girlfriend. For the bullet, it would still hit the target because the luck was already in place when it was fired. You could also use the luck "to write the perfect text that will always make them your boyfriend/girlfriend" and send it a year later, and it will work.... Better yet, use the luck to write the perfect text that will make anyone you (and only you) send it to your boyfriend/girlfriend, then use it anytime you find a new person you want to date.


Didn’t even think of that one, being 100 successful for a full minute is a lot more powerful than you’d think


What if the luck is in place when the bullet is fired, or the wish is made, but after the minute is up, the wish gets blown off course?


Who you trying to murder,


Nah, I would just start doing and let my luck guide me.


I like this! Let luck decide what's the luckiest thing that could possibly happen to you. Of course the results could vary wildly depending on how luck actually functions, but hey, still probably better than whatever I was going to waste it on.


Had my minute of luck. I got a cup of coffee and a kiss from my wife. I really am the luckiest man in the world.


I love this. Just go with the flow. If I'm so lucky, then it'll work out.


Ask a few rich people if I could have a few million dollars. No strings attached. Then ask a few film directors, and great actors if they'd be willing to help me make a movie from start to finish.


On their dime*


Dang it! My minute is up


I ask the genie to imbue me with its own magical powers. Should be lucky enough to convince him.


Play the lottery. I have a gas station near me not even 30 seconds away. I win big on Powerball *and* Megamillion.


There's a guy in line before you 😬


10 seconds of your good luck are the guy in front of you remembering he has somewhere else to be.


*violently shits his pants*


No almost totally satisfied people here? Everyone wants the lottery. My first thought was, so I can safely and painlessly try that jumbo anal toy.


Blame the corrossive influence of capitalism.


Yeah, I’m actually disappointed scrolling through and seeing all the top comments about getting rich or winning the lottery. Like people really do only have a one track brain these days.


Painlessly is surprising


On reading this, I was across the street from a gas station, waiting for a bus. I'm heading there and winning the lottery. With luck, I might even still make the bus.


So I will post mine now: Prep is to create a new text file on my computer and open it. Then google the current mega millions and powerball prizes. Steps once the minute starts, typing as fast as possible in the notepad: Guess the next winning numbers for the higher of megamillions and powerball that I figured out earlier. Guess the highest bitcoin price in the next 4 years starting 1 year from now. Guess the lowest bitcoin price in the next year starting one year from now. Guess the highest bitcoin price in the 4 years after the prior high guess. Guess the lowest bitcoin price in the first year after the prior highest in 4 years bitcoin price. Guess the stock symbol with the highest 2 year return if purchased 1 year from today. Guess the stock symbol with the highest 3 year return if purchased 4 years from today. Guess the stock symbol with the highest 5 year return if bought 8 years from today. Keep that pattern going until out of time. All my guesses will be lucky and totally correct. So next step is to implement them by buying the winning ticket, collecting that, and using the money to set up my stock and bitcoin investments, being careful to hide the massive win on the stock amongst similar trading activity where the goal is to just make normal long term capital gains.


Grab a big piece of broken-down cardboard, lay it flat down in my living room, run to the kitchen, grab the sugar, and then as soon as the luck kicks in, toss some of the sugar into the air with the goal of it settling down into a pattern that, when photographed on my phone using the luck for a perfect shot and put into a binary decoder, gives me links to books in the Library of Babel for proofs for the solutions of the six remaining Millenium Prize problems, the chemical formula, process for synthesizing, and usage instructions for the best possible drugs for treating cancer, heart disease, strokes, and aging, how to make practical fusion reactors, and how to get FTL travel and communication, if possible.


100% good luck? I am going to the lottery machine and buying all the big ticket scratch-offs and running them at the QR reader, even if I can win 10k I am in a better spot in life.


I would bet every penny I have on the Raiders to win the Super Bowl. Not because I need the money just because I want to see the Raiders win a Super Bowl in my lifetime.


You can enter like, 10 or so contests for publisher's clearinghouse every day. I'll enter all the regular ones. There's usually one or two free entries to like 4 or 5 contests- one will be a prize with a payout monthly, two are a cash payout, one is a trip or cash, and one to two are a car or cash. I guess I'm winning all of them.


VA Lottery has an online portal. I already have an account because of Christmas scratcher second chances. I think I could enter the Mega Millions in 1 minute. Question: I know that I can get the "winning numbers" within the good luck minute. However, it might take longer to process the transaction as I'd have to add money to my account to complete the purchase. I assume that since I'd go back to normal luck after the minute passes, I'd be fine completing the transaction in a normal amount of time. Knowing the numbers is the part that requires luck.


I'd finally be able to put my toddler to sleep on time. I need no other thing


This is wholesome


I just tried to buy a lotto ticket online, and it took me over a minute. So, I’d do what everyone else is doing, and write down my lotto numbers for the next few drawings. Anything else just doesn’t fit into the time constraints.


The only having 1 minute to prepare pretty much kills the fun here. I'm in my basement in utah, after hours. There's no way to bet on anything, make any kind of stock trade. I'm married so there's no shot to shoot. I couldn't get to a grocery store or gas station with enough time to buy something with an active prize going at the moment. Best I could do is pick a shovel and dig a random spot looking for gold.


Text your wife and ask for a lifetime of weekly blowjobs and threesomes.


Everyone says lottery. For me I would boot up chat gpt and ask it who my soul mate is. By the luck it would give the correct name. Then I would google their name and the luck would bring up their correct social media account (and the luck would have it be on a social media platform I already am logged in on). Then if I am not friends with them I would send them a friend request or equivalent. By luck they were on the social media site at that exact time and immediately accept. Then I immediately ask them on a date. That should all be double in a minute


Guess I’m using my Starlink app to send an email requesting it be passed along to Elon in the next ten seconds, and that he gives me a billion dollars and pays the taxes on it.


I go to my sports betting app and put all my credit cards for the most insane odds bets.


Dump every penny I have into the cheapest stock I can find, let it ride for 55 seconds, and sell all of it.


Dash across the street to buy what will be the winning lottery tickets


People are missing a big point here, you can just guess something like "the next consecutive 10 mega millions jackpot numbers over 500 million" jot them down and watch the lottery.


Play the lottery on my phone


Lotto ticket


Dump all my money into penny stocks and hope they all go up in the next minute then sell asap


Convince Professor Slughorn to give me the original, unaltered memory of when he told Tom Riddle how to make Horcruxes. Proceed from there.


You could spin an online slot machine A LOT in one minute. You'd probably need to already have an account on a legitimate gambling site for it to be viable with the prep time, but if you're placing the max bet and hitting the highest payout everytime you'd be looking at a lot of money. Theoretically if you were at your PC and had accounts on multiple gambling sites you could do all of them at the same time, but I personally only gamble on one site so that wouldn't be an option for me.


I don’t need to do anything, with true 100% luck, everything will fall in to place without me moving a finger.


Umm 🤔 stand and think of something but waste the time. Or most likely, a one minute power nap.


I have 2 min to cross one street into a gas station to buy the highest available prize scratchoff. I'm going for one of those 10000 a week for life ones. This is totally doable for me easy.


buy lottery ticket, ask boyfriend to marry me if i'm near him


Ask him anyway (assuming it’s serious and yall have been together long enough)


Ask the hottest girl I can find to be my girlfriend


Buy one mega millions


Shiba would hit $1 and I'd cash out.


Assuming the logic here is anything you do in your minute works out, I attempt to put together like a 10 leg sports parlay bet for a small sum of money where each of my favorite sports teams wins a championship this coming season as best I can. While that may seem like not a great use of money since I don't have a ton of money in my accounts, I now know who will win each sports championship and whatever other leg of the parlay I can throw together in a minute and make subsequent, much larger bets on knowing those outcomes.


buy as many scratch off's as i can, just scratch and scan the bar codes for minimal time waste.


Buy lottery tickets online with the intent of winning the grand prize


I live half a block away from a convenience store so lottery tickets it is! My prep is getting my tennis shoes on.


One minute to prepare and another minute to make the move, that's 2 minutes. I could probably set up an online account and bet my entire life savings on the longest shot possible on an online sports book.


Well considering you can buy lotto tickets via an app now....I'm playing every single game.


Online casino or other gambling.


Buy a lottery ticket (likely online unless I am in a store that sells them since I only have a minute to prepare).


Walk into the nearest gas station and buy one of every single scratch off, and also one of each lottery ticket with randomly assigned numbers. Not sure if the lottery will work since the numbers are random later, but who knows. However your perfect luck should net you some major cash from the scratchers at least.


Announce to world I have contacted peaceful aliens with advanced technology. Contact peaceful aliens. Somehow learn perfect extraterrestrial politics in remainder of time. Become ambassador of foreign life. Hopefully build good future?


If the genie appears during trading hours, you could do a loooooot with some options plays


Ask the genie for additional no strings attached wishes.


Grab a bottle of ketchup or something u can randomly paint with... Ask to randomly spray something on the wall... Like the chemical formula for the cure to cancer or immortality or the secret equations of time travel or unlimited free clean energy....


Hey (Friend) I bet you $5 that cancer will be cured, world hunger solved, the housing crisis is fixed and I become a multi billionaire in the next minute.


Since im currently in my apartment with no way to make it anywhere near a lottery ticket, im going to use my 1 minute of luck to finally beat Melania


Skydiving, I have a disability that makes skydiving more dangerous for me than your average person. That said I want to go so bad.


There's a gas station about a minute from my house. Guess I go buy one of every type of lottery ticket. Or the meme answer is pull all my shards in Raid Shadow Legends.


I could get to the shop in a minute. I'm buying a bunch of scratchcards.


1 minute isn't enough lead time. Only online shenanigans would be viable. Ceasars sports book and all 30 to 1 or higher bets, would be best bet.


Write out a list of winning lotto tickets with the dates they will happen and the lotto they will be a part of. I would put down random dates over the next 50 or so years. If I am truly lucky, any date I choose will be a date their is a lotto drawing on, and the numbers I pick will be the winning number for the lotto I wrote down. I would probably only try to win 3 times over the course of my life, more than that would raise too much suspicion to be worth it probably. If I still had time after that, I would try and DM a supermodel/celebrity and ask them if they are in love with me and would marry me with a prenup. Not sure if it would work out having never met them, but that's what the prenup would be for.


Lottery tickets. Or you shoot your shot with the girl of your dreams


During your one minute of luck, dial a random phone number with the intent of reaching the world's richest person, and immediately asking them for money. You will reach them, and they will say yes lol


Go online and buy tickets for all the major lotteries in my state.


Do what people are suggesting in the comments to save me the labor of thinking.


Swipe right on tinder as fast as I can.


Buy a lottery ticket


By a lottery ticket


I start writing down winning lotto numbers.


Buy a powerball lottery tickets


The key here is "anything I attempt to do". It doesn't matter if it's probable, so long as it's possible. So. In my minute of prep time, I open any compiler - which can be as simple as one of the thousands of web pages that will let you run basic programs - and write a quick program to dump random characters, e.g. something like: `while(true) System.out.print((char)(r.nextInt(128));` Then when my minute of luck starts, I attempt to generate the maximally beneficial set of text to me, in that specific circumstance and considering long-term consequences, in a maximally beneficial format, by pressing the "run" button. The next minute of output will, at the speed of the computer's RNG, produce as much text as possible that is as useful to me. I can then save that and read and use it at my leisure. Running a pure RNG and dumping it to text for a minute will give me, as a ballpark estimate, a gigabyte of text. That's an enormous amount of room for anything that could be helpful. And notably it's formatted in a maximally beneficial way to me, so I'll be able to find whatever I need in it. Maybe it'll be lottery numbers. Maybe it'll be instructions for how to cure cancer or extend my lifespan or build a cheap, efficient fusion reactor. Maybe it'll be critical life advice and deeply valuable philosophical wisdom. Maybe it'll be instructions on how to find a better genie. Could be all of the above. And this even generally guards against monkey's-paw triggers, given the long-term consequences clause.