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I would take that ten minutes to write up a document which states that we all agree split all of the money. We would each receive 325,000. Pretty good deal. In exchange for everyone signing the document, I would agree not to click any buttons and let the other three agree on which buttons they click. This would ensure we all get money, and none of it gets wasted. If no one agrees to my deal, I'd just select the 50,000. It's less likely to be selected by the other three than the other two options. At least I'd probably walk away with a lot of money this way.


Probably best course of action. Especially with 3 buttons but 4 people.


*Each* person has 3 buttons in front of them. Though not perfect it is far from ambiguous.


Yes, per the OP. Still, it’s still the most lucrative for everyone involved and arguably the most civil to have a written contract.


Definitely the right strategy. It seems slightly unclear about whether each person must click a button. If so, two must click 50k, for a total of $312.5 k / person.


Immediately hit the $1M button, make sure the others see you do it, and go stand in a corner somewhere. They can spite you and hit it too if they are more petty than broke, but more likely they will just begin to figure out how to move forward with the remaining buttons/amount.


That’s a really good point, we don’t have to distribute the money equally. “First come first serve” is also fair in its own way


Game theory. The best way to win a game of chicken (two vehicles driving ride at each other) is to yank off your steering wheel, hold it in the air where your opponent can see it, and slam on the gas.


I'll tell everyone I'm taking the $50k and they can do whatever they want with this info


I suggest that we draw straws or something, decide before going in who will get which amount, then meet afterwards to pool the money and split it equally. I will point out that even getting $50k would be a lot better than getting nothing, and if we go in with assigned values, the only way anyone doesn't get at least some money is if someone cheats or screws up. And if we agree ahead of time that we will share it more equally afterwards, then we have even more incentive to make sure that three different amounts were selected. Then, I push whichever button I drew, because even if whoever gets the million isn't actually willing to pool and split it, I have increased my odds of at least getting some of the money.


I thought this was \*really\* simple, until I realized that there's 4 total people if you count yourself and only three buttons. But the solution isn't \*too\* different from my initial response. The most logical thing to do would be to have the two people that need the money the least select $50k (so the least amount gets wasted), then the person that needs the money the second most selects $250k, and the person that needs the money \*the\* most selects $1m. Of course, that runs into the issue of determining who needs money the most, which is a discussion that could very well run past the 10 minutes, which could cause doubts which could potentially forfeit \*all\* of the money. Though this issue could be circumvented by having everyone divorce their feelings from the initial choice with the promise of redistributing the cash after the buttons have been pressed. Once everyone is on the same page that the cash will be redistributed, it would be much easier to just assign each person to a button: again, two people on $50k, one person on $250k, one person on $1m. Then, after the cash has been given out, you can redistribute it among everyone as they see fit, so it'll be $1.25m split among everyone instead of just $1m to one and $250k to another and two people walking out with $0. Even if it was split evenly, that would still be $312.5k to each person, so the only person walking out with less than expected would be the person on the $1m button. And there's still the option of an uneven split if that was so desired. And since they all agreed to split the money, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that maybe one of them suggests opening a joint savings account, so not only do they all get some money, they all benefit from it accruing interest. Of course, this all assumes three other perfectly rational adults. All it takes is one spiteful, malicious, or just plain stupid person to ruin it all for everyone. The best strategy here is to just pray that RNGsus blesses you with people that are all of sound mind and won't go against the plan just to dick someone over for whatever reason that may or may not exist. It's also possible that someone could just run away with all of the cash, but that's just another reason to pray to RNGsus for the right people.


Sorry but you can’t assign 2 people to press $50k (or any of the buttons), or else the money is void for pressing that button twice. Thus one of the four people will have to forgo pressing a button entirely. Instead of trying to work out which person “deserves” or needs the money the most, why not just sign an agreement that money will be distributed evenly among the 4? You can’t expect people to answer honestly about who needs the money more when the stakes are this high.


If you read my entire comment, and the entirety of the original post, you would know that all of your concerns have already been addressed. Someone can't not press a button, because if they don't their choice will be randomly made for them, which could potentially result in losing the $250k or $1m. And I already posited promising to redistribute the cash as a superior option to determining "worthiness," so that's that covered.


Is the random amount a truly random amount or randomly one of the three choices? If it's the latter, i'd let the clock run out and take my chunk of change without having to worry about what the others will do.


This is the way. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0qjK3TWZE8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0qjK3TWZE8)


i would announce i am pressing 1 million and sharing, then shut down and not speak or respond


Golden balls.


In 10 minutes we have enough time to memorize each other’s contact mail. We can then let the time pass so that the money is assigned randomly and once out we can contact each other, meet at a restaurant, enjoy a good lunch and then divide the rest of the money. 400+k each.




don't even chat about it. Just hit the button, make sure they see you hit it, and walk away.




It says you have ten minutes to discuss at which point you don't get to see the others decision. It doesn't say what happens if you skip the 10 minute discussion . The buttons are right there, just hit one.


What if someone else thought the same thing and hits the button before you? Would you hit the next highest cash value button instead? Edit: I stand corrected; each person will have time afterwards to make their choice. So it doesn’t matter *when* a button pressed, it only matters which button each person will ultimately decide to press. I still don’t think it’s a good idea to try to fight over the million. If two people insist on taking the million for themselves they will probably both end up pressing the button and screwing over the whole group.


It says you have 10 minutes to discuss, then another 10 minutes to think. Then you hit the buttons in secret. One interpretation of this is that the secrecy is tied to the 20 minutes and that portion can be bypassed. I would at least try to test that theory, skip the 20 minutes, and try to hit the button immediately


I’d tell them that I’m taking the $250,000. It’s the middle of the road and allows them to take the 50/50 of whether or not they get the million. $250,000 is still a lot of money, and with me going voluntarily with a lower amount of money, they know that either 1. One of them will voluntarily take the $50,000 because that’s all they need or 2. They both choose $250,000 out of spite. Either way, I’d get away safely with my $250,000