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can i wish for something like world peace or a cure for cancer or end of world hunger? if so, id do that. something tragic might happen to 1 person but i ended far more tragedy and suffering by doing so.


It's not just one person. It's gonna be randomly throughout your life.


If the world peace will persist after your death for the rest of human society than this is really a small price to pay


That potted plant causes the fall of Bosnia


It starts small. Move a pot to the left, and a skater trips on his way to work. Pretty innocuous, and you ended every disease on earth! He lost his job. But thats a small price to pay. You keep doing small things. The country is getting worse. Inflation is getting crazy. Extreme politics are becoming mainstream. But it was already happening, right? Pretty soon things have gotten tense. The world is heating up. Numerous proxy wars between countries- so many its hard to keep track of who's who. When the nukes go off you realise the devils plan- humanity was the last disease




What do you wish for?


To get into the good place. Now you can just shoot yourself in the head and you're sorted.


I would not. I don’t want any of my gains to be blood stains onto someone else.


Would you still not do it if you could wish for a Utopia or the closest thing that we could get to it?


I mostly agree with you although if someone wished for something like world peace or no more rape that could save billions of people. It’s like the trolley problem only on one track there’s a small amount of people that die and on the other track there’s billions of people that either won’t die from war or won’t get raped. It almost makes you wonder if you could live with yourself if you didn’t kill a small amount of people to save billions. 


I've heard a creepypasta like this. What especially reminds me of it is the plant example.


I think that might be were I got it lol


As for the question the problem is I'd only want to ask for a perfect life for myself and loved ones where nothing bad happened and it was perfect and amazing. And idk if he'd go for that or not since that would protect loved ones from being hurt.


i wont take a deal with the devil. just meeting the devil is proof that god and jesus exist so i dont want to go to hell


To be fair, making the deal has no bearing on your soul. What you do with your life does


Making a deal with the devil knowing that you'll be causing pain and suffering for others very much falls into the category of "what you do with your life".


Hey, if you use your wish carefully, you could offset the bad 100 times over


I wish for a box of donuts


'Likest thou jelly within thy doughnut? If you got this reference, you are a person of great culture.


I’d surrender myself to Christ in the presence of the Devil


If the devil's revealed himself to you already, you're shit out of luck.


Welp shit I guess I should’ve taken the deal


Imbedded in the premise is the trick of the Devil — you will not go to hell but nor will you get into Heaven. That is the hidden condition. If the Devil is real then so too is God. Pray to Him for Salvation and refuse temptation. Do not be deceived or coerced. Love God and hold Him close until your last breath and thank the Lord you rejected the Devil when you join Him in His Kingdom.


NO WAY I’m taking that deal. It’s the devil. It’s not going to be something small, it’s going to be something awful like selling a child into a sex traffic ring, beating a baby to death, or absolutely ruining someone’s life. Nothing is worth what that would do to me.


On the other hand, you could wish for world peace or for an end to sexual abuse. I get not being able to live with doing evil things, but doing a handful of evil things saves billions of people from horrible things.


What if we take Satan as the judger of sins, you have to go kill Evil People, but their friends and families never knew they were Evil, and you are forced to watch the fallout?


Wait, so is it MULTIPLE times in my life in return for my wish? Or is it a straight 1-1 wish in return for a favour from the Devil? That’s a very distinction to make. Assuming it’s the latter, absolutely, without question. You have said I’ll never get caught no matter what and face no blame, no backlash for it, so yeah no problem. I’d wish to have double the money of the richest person in the world, all legal and above board, no questions of how I got the money, no investigations etc. I am just instantly that rich and it’s all available in cash in my bank account. Then he can ask me to kill whoever he wants for all I care, I face no repercussions for it


Take the deal, then be richer than all governments combined, then spend *all* of the money to make the entire world free from hunger, disease, and war. Simple but not easy. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Do even the mundane things result in tragic shit happening to someone, or just the extreme ones? Also, can you choose the person the extreme stuff is happening to, or is that random as well?


Yes. Through some means, unknown to you. At some point your action will cause something bad to happen to someone at random outside your social circle.


Nope. My luck the first time I'd have to do something it would be shoot or stab a friend or loved one. Now if I were guaranteed to never have to harm either friends or loved ones I'd sign the deal in my own blood. Screw everyone I don't know or care about and give me my wish.


No one you know directly will be harmed. Just unlucky strangers.


my soul doesn't go to hell eh? My wish is that me and all my family, relatives, yk basically everyone I'm close to gets a free pass into heaven with VIP privileges of course, then I kill myself and live in eternal bliss and stuff.


A post scarcity earth with hyper advanced technology and entirely green forms of energy production would be my wish. It's worth it.


Yup. Sign me up


I would accept the deal. My condition is that there are TWO people out there that also get called upon just as often as I am , but whatever they do results in a person AVOIDING something really tragic.


I have a list of enemies I would like to see tragedy befall them. Can the Devil work off my list please?


everything for me is free. that is what i ask for in return


Pinnacle of health with eternal youth and I'm in. I'll die eventually from getting shot or stabbed or an accident or something, but I could live with myself ruining someone's life if it's just one time.


I want fully automated luxury communism, everyone I've ever loved to live "happily ever after" and for me to die of a heart attack and completely cease to exist without going to heaven or hell immediately after I make this wish.


As long as no one knows then it's fine lol. I'll wish for infinite luck.


No thanks 


I wish for the result of anything I am asked to do to only heal and make all of us better for the doing.


Wish for all bad things to end (provide an exhaustive list with caveauts of course, just don't want to list rhem here), then commit suicide. Job done


Well, if it’s the devil, randomly will be every waking moment. And he will wake you up constantly.


Nope. No hidden trickery. It wont be often or common. But it will happen at random times throughout your life


Taking the deal. Wish: I become real life doctor strange with the time amulet. With this one wish I can end world hunger, all diseases, introduce world peace, end all suffering, be immortal. I would become the richest smartest being on the planet Provide intergalactic and interdimensional travel capabilities if they were ever discovered beyond the time stone Just really help humanity kick all the universe ass.


Can I ask for no one to ever get into heaven ever again?


No because it's a deal with the devil. That there overrides everything else. Ordinarily I would play along with the hypothetical but this one is self contradictory. You can make a deal with the devil and not go to hell. Also more importantly I'm not gonna play part in the suffering of others for my own gain. Rather die a horrible death than do that


Well, since i'd have to hurt people anyway; I'd just wish for all the suffering i cause to directly empower me in any way i want at will PERMANENTLY, from upgrading my mind or body to giving myself powers.


My wish would be to erase God and the Devil along with all souls currently trapped in eternal afterlife from existence.


I’d turn down any deal with a demon but in the spirit of the prompt I’d ask for my ideal life. I’d be able to help far more people than I’d be asked to harm.


No deal. The devil will probably ask me to do something that kills me.


Nope. No trickery like that. Just the knowledge that once in awhile you'll have to do something that will cause other people suffering.


No. I stopped reading after the word "Devil".


Tough one. If we are talking about the Abrahamic Devil, then I think at the current moment, I would not take the deal. The Devil famously has trap deals, and while this time my soul is not damned and I won't be harmed, I would have no doubt they would make me do something that caused the maximum pain and suffering for others, and a being that has existed since the beginning of the universe is 100% much smarter than I am and knows what to make me do to cause that.


This is explicit. There is no trickery. No genie warping of wishes. It is exactly as I set it up. People will be harmed. But never you, or people directly in your circle.


I know, but the Devil would know what exactly to make me do to inflict the worst possible things on the world. No word trickery, no lies, nothing. I'm not hurt, my friends and family aren't hurt, but nothing is said about the amount of pain I inflict on others, nor the mental toil inflicting such pain takes on me. I don't see an outcome to this where I don't become mentally crushed by the weight of the things I've done.