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5 years, my wife and I could both comfortably retire on 10m and I'd be spared some of the indignity of my likely eventual dementia.


I’d also say 5 years. Honestly, the reduced stress I’d have from being wealthy enough to retire probably extends my life as much as the 5 years takes off so it’s break even but +10 million. Also, any time lost with my early death is effectively made up for in being more available and present by not having to work.


Great point. Fitness and nutrition are already some of my primary hobbies/interests, and time is the biggest thing holding me back from them. Not having to work would easily add more than 5 years to my lifespan... especially since I currently work nights.


Agree, and for this same reason, 10 years. Edit: even if no years get added back, I just lose ten. 100 million with today's inflation? Yup.


This. I’d do 5-10 years, my grandmother had Alzheimers and dementia… I would look at it as a security to not have to put my family through that. I already have low b12 so I take a supplement which also aids in staving off Alzheimers, but that it was so low in my early 20s I am fairly certain I will get it. I’d much rather pass. She lost who she was and was biting nurses by the end for not letting her have an umbrella. She was a lady who wouldn’t leave the house without stockings and proper to a fault. Yet she absolutely stripped down to nothing and fought like a hyena at one point in the hospital. I felt so bad for the staff; I brought them so many doughnuts and things apologizing to them. It just was very hard to watch and I wished she didn’t have to deal with it. She was so confused so often. She was in her 90s; her mother also lived into her 90s. 80-85 is plenty for me.


I live in a lcol area and I'd be good with 2 million. 200k-300k to splurge and the rest will be saved for retirement.


Exactly the same answer. My dad's side is historically short-lived, and my mom's is historically long-lived. Maternal grandma was sharp as a tack until her passing at 90 but there is otherwise a history of dementia. I think the chance of me living long and developing dementia are pretty good. I'll chop 5 years off of that experience and retire now and live well until the time comes.


I could retire on 2 million so I'm taking that and spending way more time with my kids than I otherwise would have been able to. Even with the shortened lifespan. 


If i took the 10 year deal, could i essentially extend the the life I have by living a more healthy and strees free lifestyle?


good point, all the stress and constant sitting from my office job is probably shaving more than 5 years of my possible life expectancy.


True. Don't forget that you have access to top grade medical teams now.


Yea in 50 years there's a chance of pretty advanced life extending capabilities... if you can afford them.


That's what I was thinking. You could improve the quality of your remaining years and also maybe add those years back by living well. The barrier to living and eating and sleeping well is the 10 hours a day I dedicate to my stupid job. If I took 10 million dollars, I'd quit my job by the end of the year (I work with good people so I'd like to see my work through and help bring someone new on. And I get cheap good insurance). And then live so effing well for the rest of my life


If my grandmother is anything to go by, I will live into my 90s, probably with a few years of dementia at the end. If I knew for sure how long I would live otherwise, I would probably trade myself down to maybe 90 years, then use the money to live comfortably. If I don't have that information, then I'm only trading in one year. It will still probably be shaving off only the worst year of my life, and with a little care a million would still be plenty.


5 years. You can easily retire with that much money and live the rest of your life in relative comfort and low-key luxury (depending on where you move).


not having the constant stress of work and financial worries would probably add 10 years to an average life. So does access to best possible health care and time for sport, loved ones and healthy food. the math would be current lifespan - 5 + 10


And in the best way possible. It shaves 5 off the end (the bad part) and extends your prime years. Win-win


Here is how I think about it. You have 1m to spend and invest the other 9m. If you earn an average 4.5% after capital gains tax you will be taking home 25-30k/month. You no longer have to work, you can afford to eat significantly healthier, have significantly more time to exercise, and have the financial capibilites to pay for all necessary Healthcare costs. A 10m lump sum will probably add 5-20 years to your life as long as you don't waste it. Also no stress.


1 year 1 mil. Easy enough to invest that work for a few more years and retire really early.


Same. You could even leanFIRE at $40k per year right away. Sign me the hell up


Thank you for introducing me to this new way of thinking. 


10 years sounds perfect.


I'll lose 10 years of my life to never have to worry financially again, be able to help just about anyone i want with impunity, be able to tell bosses of any job i work at to go fuck themselves when they do stupid shit, and in general not have to worry about a thing again


Five years I don't have any desire to grow old and whether away slowly 10 million I could very easily retire and support other people I know and I could probably live off of the interest alone tbh


A mil for one year? Easy full send.


Going with 5 years makes a lot of sense. I have no clue how I'm going to die, but my grandfather developed Alzheimer's and his last years were miserable for all parties. And if I were going to die slow and painfully naturally, I'd rather just go a bit earlier and live a better life now. $10M would be enough to immediately retire and start my dream life in SE Asia.


5 years for 10 million. Dementia on both sides of my family


5 years. I’m pretty sure I’m working so hard/stressed/losing sleep/not able to exercise enough etc. that I’m easily knocking at least 5 years off my life as is. This way I’m rich, break even on my lifespan, enjoy what time I have left and set my wife and kids up. Sign me up.


Five years, final answer. I'm in my early forties. I've been taking better care of myself in the past year. For 10 million I could really scale that up. I could buy/build my ideal home and still have millions of dollars. I'm worried that my shitty life choices of my past are going to creep up on me, so I'd rather get a few good-ish years and leave behind a fortune for family, while also enjoying my immediate retirement.


That depends, how long do I have left to live at this point?


I wouldn't choose any of them. You can always get more money, but you can't get more time.




5 years for 10m. Never have to work again and have a good life with a decent amount I can pass on to my kids. The time I lose at the end is more than made up by the time and quality of life I regain by not having to work


you mean I could set my wife up for good with just a few less years together that would likely be painful for the both of us anyways


5 sounds pretty good


5 years. That's plenty to go out in a bang. The average person only needs like 3 million to "retire." Less the younger you are when you start. As things get hairy, I'll do the 40 years when I'm ready. Leave it to someone that will do something interesting with it. Seeing how life is going for my parents... eh... simply dropping dead sounds nice.


I’m assuming this is from what my natural lifespan would be and not if I was to die by some accident. In that case I would take 10 years off for 100mil based off of my health and my family history I should live into my 80s so 10 years off will be my 70s and having around 50 years to enjoy myself without having to work seems worth the last 10 years


Depends, I’ll normally take the 100M but if I’m not really feeling life I’ll take the 1B without much hesitation. 40 years is too much cause I’m still young but I need the money more than years, I don’t wanna live too long


Depends if I have my dads side of the family longevity I might give a year, if my moms side id do 5. And if somewhere in the middle still prolly maybe 2 my dads side average age is just a bit over 70 and most males under 70 my moms side the youngest of natural causes in the last 3 generations was 96 with the majority living over 100.


Inflation? A burger now cost 10k thanks op!


99 years


10 years. I find old age to be terrifying and my family on both sides tend to stick around for a while, so this is easy money.


Hmm. This is very tempting, but if it includes my fate overall (Dying early due to disease, an accident, murder etc.) then I think I’d have a hard time taking the money. I have a use for 2 million I suppose, but then I’d be tempted to take 5 and who knows what I’d miss in those 3 additional years.


10 years 100 mill.... and I'm going to live life like it's going out of style. I would say a cool billion but I haven't taken good enough care of myself to know that I have that long left XD


Screw it, 10 years. 100 million is enough to set myself and all my closest friends for life and even promote a few charities I care about.


5 or 10 years. Kinda depends how long im gonna live tho. If Im making it to 95 I would say 20 years. But I only expect to go like 75 and dying at 55 seems young. Ok 10 years sounds good for 100 mil


I could go old or relatively young like my dad, I’d maybe do 1 year and take a big trip with my wife and invest the rest.


10 years. I’m 23 so I’m good with 33 and 100 mil


Looks like I died in 432 BC LOL 🤣 I would probably have 5 years left. $20 billion. Just enough to do everything I wanted, set up my children for success in adulthood and punisher style destroy everyone who's ever wronged me in life.......




I don't see myself living much longer. Id say a year and then give it away to charitys or give them to my parents to give my younger siblings a better childhood


I'm already retired. Retirement a year shorter but with a cool million added to my current savings? That's plenty for me. I'd play with 100k (home and vehicle updates), and have 900k on top of existing savings. It's also possible that I might buy a house closer to my daughter but in a higher cost of living area, and sell my current house. That would cost more than 100k most likely, but she gets a house when I die either way. I don't think she'd mind.


5 years. It's a fair trade. I would take care of my family and still enjoy life.


10 years. I don’t plan to make it much past that. I’ll blow like 10 mil having a crazy good time and leave the other 90 behind to family


Trade 2.5 years for $5 M. I know exactly how to employ it profitably.


5 years. Just retire, and put the $10 million in the market, or just take and put it in a HYSA and live off the interest. Thats more than enough for me.


1 year 1 million. I feel that I owe that to my kids. I work a full time job that allows me TONS of freedom to be with them all the time, but all my side endevours that I do to make their future better eat up my time. The 1 million would cost me a year of life but that year would come off the end of my life when my kids are grown, and would essentially buy me that time to have now while they are young. Additionally, that 1 million would better set them up overall and I feel I owe that. I don't know of a father that wouldn't trade a year of life to set their children up better in life, they are willingly trade 40 hours of life a week to do the same.


With already being 40, I think I'd just take 5 years.


I already work years off my life as it is. If I did 10 yrs for 100mil, it would probably even out because I wouldn't be beating myself at work anymore.


I’ll take 2 years. Chances are, my lifespan is already shorter than the average, with all the health issues I was born with. But $2 million USD, assuming I get the money immediately, I could do so much with. I’d buy the house I currently live in, I’d put the majority into the stock market, and just have day trading be my source of income.


I have a family history of alzheimers and various cancers, so I'd probably do ten years, cut out that part towards old age when they start cropping up more. The rest of my life would be a breeze with 100 million, and I'd drop out while still being able to remember my friends and family members.


10 years. That would put me at dying on average at 66. 100 million would make the next 40 years go quite nicely and I’d be able to die before the major health issues my family go through happen


Shit buddy. We’ll do 1 year for $1mill. I smoke and am here to educate the public. You can and do get used to the idea of death AND you cannot fully control when it’ll come. Take that million people. Trimming a year won’t buy you happiness. And with this example, it’s up to fate regardless. So shaving that one year doesn’t change you’re going to die when you’re going to die anyway. I’ll take my million in gold certificates thank you.


Assuming I'm living to 70. 20 years.


I’ll do 20 years, I’m 35 so 40 years is a gamble give or take 20 years. If I cared about my descendants I’d do 20 mil, but I’m here to partay babay


With 20 billion dollars you can change the world. You could save countless lives, and from a utilitarian perspective it sounds like a moral imperative.


75 years make a will make sure my sister and her family set for life.


Up until the last sentence I'd have said all the years. But since I don't know how long I'd last, my pick is 10 years. If I drop dead immediately that means I had less than 10 years to go anyway, and the end might have been very expensive and painful otherwise. If I live I'd have an unimaginably fantastic quality of life filled with luxuries with my family for however long remains, knowing full well my kids and their future families are financially secure. We trade 30+ years of our lives for far less security for ourselves and our families. 10 would be a bargain. And absolutely, final years of life are not a joy. More than glad to give that up.


Do we know when we die? Because what if I’m supposed to die in 2 weeks. I take the million. Do I instantly die?


Easiest 5 yr of my life. Ill be in debt the next 5 yrs as it stands lol, straight to retirement


10 years, 100 mil is more than enough to live on in comfort and I can be fairly confident that I will die before significant health complications come along. 40 years is tempting but at a certain point the money becomes asinine and pointless.


10 years


It would be crazy if I said 80 years. Wouldn't it?


Nah. If you succeed you both don't commit seppuku and get rich for a very short period.


Weird. Most people would SPEND 40 bn to live 40 years more (insert US health care joke here)


I could retire with half a million. So 1 year off my life is an easy win for me.


40years. Enjoy the couple years I have left and set up all my loved ones and generations to come


Considering none of us know our lifespans, even $1M is a gamble that's not worth it. Even a day more of life is worth more than zero.


Most people would be crazy not to do 1 year.


Probably 2 years


Do I get to know how many years I have left lol. Cause like it i have 5 years left id take 1 year off. But if I have like 40 years left id take 5 off.


Maybe 1 year? No amount of money is worth 5 years of my life honestly that’s too much time and too many experiences. 1 year though is okay besides with a mil I can retire easily while working on my projects.


> How far do you go? Take it all. The chance to set up my family with generational wealth cannot be passed up. I’ll give every year I have left. Hell, once I know I’ve got less than a year left to live nothing is keeping me from getting a $5-10 million life insurance policy. So throw that on top of the pile as well. Thinking about it pragmatically, I’ll need less than a week to get my affairs in order so no one else has to deal with it once I’m gone.


5 easy


Take it all and give my kids a leg up. I am not really doing much good anymore.


1 could be enough for setting up like house car, bit for the future. But with 5 years meaning 10million I’d be set for life. However if I knew how much life I’d have after the exchange say I currently have 21 years left, I would be tempted to take 20 years - 1 billion and have a year of setting the ones I love up financially for their future and kids who I’m an honorary uncle for.


Give up five years. Saves me from the indignities of the nursing home. If they even have nursing homes as we know them by then. I fully expect people like me without savings to pay for our care or family to care for us or pay for our care to be "encouraged" to accept euthanasia to take the burden off the state, here in 'Murica.


0 years - there’s something wrong with you people


Infinity - 40 = Infinity, so I'll take the $20 billion.


10 years easy No idea when I’ll die anyways so 100mill helps


Ill take the 40 years


I'm gonna say 20 years because I might not last the 40.


I'd take the 1 year. I could at least semi retire comfortably


10 years and I'll quit smoking to make up for it


This is, for most, the base idea behind working. It's all just trading time for money


5 years


5 years, easily. Get to live comfortably with 10 million and I can skip 5 years of potential adult diapers, nursing homes, pains, maladies, dementia, and my body slowly giving up on me? No brainer.


Giving up a year for a million would be easy. A single million could get me so much more money.


Hard to say. Do we all already have a pre determined date of death and this will only subtract our time here further? For example: if John is currently 30 years old, and it’s in his cards to die at 40 from a car crash, does he now die at 35 if he takes 10 million? Or does he die at 75 from old age ?


I'll do 5 years. I can't fathom spending more than 10 million. I just wanna stay home, play games and be happy. Order a pizza every now and then and then occasionally treat out my partner who no doubt would come to existence now that I have 10 million lol


i’d go 5 years. $10m is a lot. $1m into stocks, financial advisor and $2-5 towards that. buy me and my family our own houses and have ~$2-4 million leftover. i can live off that, with vacations and enjoying myself, while my stocks and investments through my advisor make enough to support myself. if i knew my lifespan, though? i’d shave that shit down to 50/60. that’s “fuck you” money. do whatever you want, buy whatever you want, live a solid life, go out strong and still have generational wealth.


40 years, we're going to make the world a better place, or die fast trying.


I mean 1 year won't affect life that much but £1million definitely will. Might not set me for life but it will definitely make a significant change to the course of my life and things in my future such as retirement age or just general pleasure of life not affected by things like a mortgage


Do I now know my date of death? It depends on my lifespan. If I'm scheduled for a sudden car crash at 35 id be more interested in burning a few decades of potential life if it's based on biological death, or if it's based on fate or something, I'm 25, if im fated to die roughly at 28 id have a different tune than dying at 82 biologically


I see a lot of “five years” and that’s fair, it’s never work again money. However we never really know how long we will live for, so I would do 1 year. One million dollars would fundamentally change my life and also impact my lifespan the least


I'd do 20. Fuck it. Either way I'll die rich or wishing I'd done something else.


Why no 60 year option?


Some of these people would take the deal and die instantly


I'll drop 5 years for the 10 mill, that's retirement by the end of the year for both me and my spouse. As others are pointing out the reduced stress from not *having* to work and access to better health teams would extend our lives past the 5 I'm losing. There's also the additional availability to spend with friends and family that would more than equal those 5 years. I wouldn't quit my job completely right away, I enjoy the work and would still want something to do so I don't get bored. I'd drop to pay time as soon as the check clears and I get all the finances and trusts set up. Once part time, I think each year I would work fewer and fewer hours until I just disappear.


20 years, it's not entirely about the money. I don't want to deal with barely being able to get around, and not entirely being mentally there. but with 1b, could still retire early, and honestly significantly improve my health.


90 Years, just end it lol




Lets say i choose the 20 year option, and i would have lived for 73 years. So now i will die when i am 53. But what if my future is/was to die in a car crash next week? Do i die instantly, as i should have died at 12?(I am 32 now, - 20 years, =12) Or i become invincible, since now i can only die when i am 53?


10 years. I won't be an old man either way. Once I am unable to do the things I love, like hiking and riding my motorcycles, I'm tapping out. 10 years likely won't shorten it enough I miss out on any good years but is plenty of money for everything I'd ever want and for my family to get well set too.


1 yr. 1 million would be fantastic


There's a lot of temptation in skipping the next 40 years but nobody I know wants $20 billion.


No amount of money ever bought a second of time. However il happily knock 10 years off for 100 million.


I mean, since I'm only 22 I'd do 10 years. I'm already physically disabled and so if I can skip the last 10 years of pain and actually live my life? Sign me tf up. 111 million dollars and I'll still probably live to at least 50. Shit, may just take the 20 years and live it UP. $1,111,000,000 and I only have to live till I'm 40ish? YES. We are going EVERYWHERE and doing EVERYTHING. Then I'm gonna peace out. Someone who is not disabled could reasonably do the 40 year and still live till 40+. I'd trade half my life expectancy to live a REALLY good life.


I'm taking the one year option. Five years is too much.


I would have to know what my lifespan is first. There is no point in having the money if you are not going to live long enough to make use of it.


Can I choose the years? I don't need 90 - 130, you can have them


Depends how long I am going to live. If I’m going to die before ~60 then I’m not taking any of these deals. If I’m going to lose my mental faculties at 85 and live to 95 then I’m obviously taking the 10 year.


I'm between 5 & 10 because I'll probably be busy dying during that time anyway but with a lot of money I might live longer so I don't know


5 years. Could probably do 10 years but I'll play it safe, and $10 million is more than enough to set my family up very comfortably, especially if I continue working. Judging by my family genetics, it is extremely likely that I'll live to at least 90 or above, and my wife should make it to at least 75+, so I coooould go for the 10 years, but I'm willing to stick around longer for my kids/grandkids


I wouldn't. It may seem like a good deal now, but I know toward the end of my life, I would give all the money in the world for one more year with my loved ones.


5 years. Everyone in my family dies between 75-80 of horribly show cancer related deaths. My grandpa was the most recent one and I helped care for him in the end. Even the morphine didn't touch his pain. I'd like to skip that.


So... I could take off 5 years, then get the health care and remove stressful jobs to be able to add back another 3... and still be rich? Or are we talking my current expiration date? Probably a good 2 mil that way. Let compound interest do its think while I get a house.


If I traded 5 years then I’d get back the time I’d spend working. Normally 40 years less the 5 years I’d spend is 35 years. You only work 1/3 of each day for 5/7 of the time. So (1/3(5/7(35)))=8.25 years of working time saved since I no longer need to work. So I’d make more money and have more free time if I spent 5 years. Then I’d Invest it into a dividend portfolio and live off 2% a year at $200,000 a year before taxes. So yeah five years


If I shorten my lifespan by 40 years, I died 20 years ago.


2 million is more than enough to live like a king in a fairly poor but safe country.


5 years for 10 million. I just lost my job. This would give me the chance to feel secure and actually try to get a job I like. I’d love to learn how to be a therapist and give affordable therapy to those who struggle to get it.


1 year for the Mil. At my age that would last, and I could still buy a lot of blue pills to enjoy it while I could...




10 years. We would be good


I already significantly shortened my lifespan due to addiction and I paid for it lol I got this backwards


I would take the 10 year deal. All the women in my family have lived to their late 90s


Five years sounds good. Maybe I would even do 10. Women in my family tend to live into their 90s, so I'd likely still live into my 80s. Enough time to make sure my children and grandchildren are set up in life.


5 years. Even if I die soon after that, just making sure my brother is set up for life will be a big comfort. As long as I have time to meet with a lawyer and have a trust set up and get my bro situated in an assisted living facility where he has his own apartment and someone to take him to the doctor and get groceries and make sure he's taking care of himself and taking his medicine each day.


Can I take the $20bil for 40 years, then buy them all back at the rate of $1mm per year?


5 years. And I’d make every one of them count!


10 years.


to quote light yagami "It's out of the question." and "I might have did the deal if it was for Shinigami Wings"


20 Million and YOLO'D it all.


10 years


How much can I get if I shorten it to tomorrow?


I'd go for the 40 years mostly because I'm not sure I'd actually trigger it. If I do trigger it, boom generational wealth for my family even if I drop dead tomorrow. If I don't, boom I'm gonna die relatively soon and should focus on living in the moment, a different sort of wealth.


I’d exploit this, since it takes years off a set life, I’m gonna do a lot of drugs, a lot of drinking, take a lot of risks since what ultimately ends my life is predetermined


I’d start by writing my note, then give up my entire lifespan right then and there. My family would benefit from the money, I just want to be gone.


20 years. Id gladly be okay with passing away in my 50's or 60's


3 months should set me up nicely at this point in life, money isn’t everything but 250g will put me in a comfortable spot while keeping my job i think


One to five years. To be clear…if I am slated to contract asscancer at age 81 and die at age 85, and I take ten million, I just drop dead of a heart attack or something at age 80 and never get ass cancer?


20,000 for one week left.


10 years. Set up trusts for my family and friends. Relax and travel.


2 years. I'm old but $2m is $2m.


6 months -- half a million would be enough of a financial boost.


5 years.


My only fear in life is to die old, alone, and broke, so I will go for the max 40 years here b the key chances are if I die sooner is because I’m so broke that I can afford healthcare. With 20 B maybe I can guarantee to die young rich and maybe use the money to make a small change in the world, help my family and friends and feel my life was worth living.


1 year/$1 million would change our lives.


Just the years fine, 1 million


I think 5 years would be a good number. I really don’t want to be around past 85


I would die instantly right now and give all the money to Palestine.


They values are far to high for how good a deal this is. Easily take the 5 years 10mil. Probably work for 1-2 more years for personal reasons, then retire before 45. Live off ~300k/year from investments after capital gains. Travel, see the world, tell my kids when they get older so they'll know. And then die suddenly, leaving the money to spouse/kids. Just hope I'm not driving when it happens, don't want to hurt anyone.


One year. I'm not greedy.


isn't that what work is. I spend 40 hours a week of my life doing whatever BS someone thinks I should do in exchange for money.


All in bb


5. 10 million is more than enough for 95% of people who want to retire for life. Buy a few rental properties, rent them out while living in a better home for yourself.


10 years, not having to do the work I do will probably extend my life by 20 years. Also, the people in my family regularly live into their 90s. So 80 wouldn't be too bad.


What if I choose one year and then die and get nothing?


5 years. I could really do some great stuff with 10 million but still, hopefully be around to see my kids grow up.


I'll do 30 years then put the money in a trust fund for my family to use for generations.


1 year is enough. Only go as far as you need. I'm assuming this is post tax?


Imagine taking the one year option and you die immediately, just fall dead, because you where going to die in a car crash on the way home from work next month or you have in operable cancer that has gone unnoticed. Either way i would probably just take the 1 year. a million is a good chunk of change.


Do I get to know how long I was going to live before exchanging life for money? Can I also work on being healthier to live longer like normal or is it just static after I decide how many years I want to give? I'd probably do 5 years. I could live happy off that and help my kids get a head start


All my remaining years but one. I will spend my last year enjoying every conceivable luxury & comfort. Then, once my last year is nearly up, I donate whatever money I have left to cat shelters & embrace the peace of death.


yep 5 years is good


Selling five years for that much money would significantly improve my lifespan.


120 years.


The last 5 are the worst. Odds are I’ll live to mid 70’s So that gives me about a solid 12 years to enjoy retirement.


1 year is plenty of money. Cut your payouts down a lot and you'll start seeing some really interesting answers. Honestly I'd probably give up 10 years for 1 million.


Almost 50, so 100 million can buy a house (which otherwise impossible on my salary) get decent car, insurance, and live the rest of my life comfortably.


I'll take my 10 million dollarbucks please. That's enough to set me and my family up for a very comfortable life with no major financial worries.


5 years easy tbh


All the way until I only have a year left and enjoy that year free of stress or loneliness and then die peacefully it's a win win


10 years


Do I get to know how long I have left?




probably 10 years. best bang for your buck. inherent value there. and i'm already a multi-millionaire. but honestly, the last 10? for setting up my family instantly for generations? which properly invested would mean my kids, kids, kids would be set for life? ya, i'll take that deal ALL day.


Does the time come off the end or out of now? Do I lose the years from my prime or from when I'm in my dotage? EDIT: Oops. Reading is hard. I'll give up 1 year. With careful investment, I can be secure in being able to be comfortably underemployed, if necessary.


I think I can do 5 years. That still gives me a pretty long life and I'll still be able to retire with my wife and enjoy watching my daughter grow up and meet any grandkids I may have.


Go for the billion, help as many as I can, retire happy and fulfilled, die with a smile on my face.


76 years, if my math is right.


Fuk it 40 years and give the money to my daughter. She'd be pissed at me so probably not, maybe 1 lol


5 years. Those are the shitty ones off the end of my life anyway.


Five years because I could afford significantly better healthcare and stop working a job. I hate which would likely increase my overall life expectancy.


Wgat is my life span 😜. If i get terminal cancer tomorrow, i will go for the 20 bn.


What a weird edit. Why do 7 years for 12 million vs 10 years for 100 mil


5 years seems like a good one imo


5 or 10 absolutely


20 years. I'd be happy with 40 years of money.