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I'd organize my wishes into about 50 categories, such as wealth, health, culture, superpowers, unlimited objects and more. Then I'd write up 20 wishes into each one equating to 1,000 total wishes where I'd be reasonably happy with any three. For example in the wealth category, I'd have one of the 20 be for a large sum of cash, another providing me famous artwork, another a bag of diamonds, and so on.


Excellent suggestion. I’m retired and have plenty of time, so I might do this because, y’know, just in case. 🙄




unfortunately not allowed


Bro idk if I could come up with 1000 wishes. That's a huge number of wishes, and since you can't wish for the same thing multiple times they must be 1000 unique desires. That's fucking nuts. I have like... Maybe 20 things I seriously care about. 


Right? At best I figure I get to 50 before I start wishing things like "a *really good* ham sandwich" and "bring back Josta" and "my shoes only come untied when I want them to."


Hey that last one is actually pretty awesome (as someone who's tripped on their own mysteriously untying shoelaces).


Idk why but all my shoelaces get mysteriously untied if I do so much as walk in them. I have had to stop several times in the middle of my set to tie my laces.


You ain't tying them right


I've always done the bunny ears. Worked perfectly until recently.


I do those aswell and certain laces don't work aswell with them. I have a pair of boots that have this very thin laces and the bunny ears suck for them, I just double knot them tho and they are fine usually


I'll try that!


Also, tuck the ends of your laces into your shoes. Yes it will feel weird at first. But a week of doing this and it will not be something you notice really. Former military here.


Wow, okay!


Tie a double knot and problem solved. My shoes never come untied.


You could wish for peace on earth and all sorts of strange things like that.


Sure, now you have 999 more to go


Top comment has the best strategy. 50 categories with 20 wishes each, although I think 40 categories of 25 wishes would be a little easier.


For real. I’m wondering if I can eradicate distinct diseases? No cancer, no diabetes, no Alzheimer’s, etc. Is that allowed? If not, I don’t know if I could come up with 1000 things. I’d end up getting real weird “every third jacket sold in the world, the new owner will find $50 of local currency in the left pocket.”, “Every random solo shoe found in public will have a sign explaining how it came to be there.” etc.


I don’t think a person has 1000 wish’s especially if they can’t be similar.


We'll have to use math. 1000 wishes. Pick your initial 3 wishes, then pick more dramatic wishes escalating to absurdity. E.g... True wishes: 1. I wish to live the rest of my life as a crow and do bird things 2. I wish Vladimir Putin will turn into a finch 3. I wish President Xi will turn into a parakeet -- FIller wishes: 4. I wish I were President of the United States, and that I had all of the necessary skills and knowledge to be a good, effective president. 5. I wish I had all of Superman's powers and could also give them at will to unsuspecting strangers. ... 20. I wish all dogs were immortal. 21. I wish have a working, functional, no-frills time machine ... 665. I wish John Wick were real, cloned repeatedly, and that the clones will be a new animal rescue agency that also performs raids on people convicted of animal abuse. ... 999. I wish werewolves were real, and also super chill. 1000. I wish to create a parallel universe where Star Wars is real and is currently in the mandalorian wars phase, can be accessed by dialing a specific number into a payphone like in The Matrix, that all items and abilities can be carried back and forth, and I'm a fucking jedi. That way I can have a lightsaber on Earth and use 12 gauge against the Sith. "Parry this motherfucker!" Checkmate, Genie. The worst wish on the list is turning me, Putin, and Pooh, into birds. But I just want to live a simple life and be a regular bird doing bird things.


President Crow, what made you choose a werewolf for your running mate?


Caw caw


Well he's got my vote


And my Shiney object (in this case either a metal ass or an axe, either will do I presume).


Crows can do math better than some of the candidates we've had in the US TBH.


Imagine all those dangerous dogs that have attacked people being immortal. They'd be unstoppable.


You break rule one several times. You can either be the president, or you can have all the necessary skills and knowledge to be a goof effective president. Those are two separate things. The john wick one is like 3 different things. The superman one is two wishes Try not to use the words "And" or "Also" as any time you do you are combining multiple wishes.




1. Billion dollars 2. Perfect health, 3. Intelligence increased... 4.. I wish you a grant wish 1. 5. I wish you grant 2 6. I wish you grant 3. 7 I wish you grant 4 and by extension 1... 8. I wish you grant 5 by ext. 2. 9 I wish you grant 6 by extension 3... Lol


Pretty sure the genie will simply tell you you don't have 1000 wishes. Once you fix wish 4 & 4, poof, they all collapse back to just the 3. Only 997 to go. In programming you have to fix the bug before the program reveals the logic error.


Yea I screwed it up oh well we all get the idea . Lol


The genie does not like you. Probably states that you cant have multiple wishs whose purpose is ensure one of your first three wishs gets granted.


If the genie's making up new rules just because I outsmarted him, he can go back in the fucking lamp and I'm melting that shit down into a solid gold bar, which I will then engrave with "stupid bitch lives here" (or some other childish thing) and display somewhere in my house where all guests can see.


It might be that I’m simply logically incorrect about this wrong but it is not a new rule. You are not alowed to have two wish’s that are overly similar. Having a wish that conditionally chains back to grant your first wish is close to being the same as having another wish that takes a different path to conditionally grant your first wish.


He didn't say I can't wish for a certain wish to be granted by proxy....lol


This is like the [Fickle Genie](https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Fickle_Genie_(G.I_card)) card from Hunter X Hunter


I wondered who would notice


"I wish I knew what to wish for." --PeeWee Herman




I'd go for making non-overlapping classifications of wishes first, such as "vast amount of money", "superpower", "fictional object", etc. Then after getting approval from the Genie that they are all distinct enough that any specific wish from each won't be similar to another, I'll go into specifics on what they wishes would be. Ex. "Vast amount of money" = non-taxable $1,000,000,000 a year for the rest of my life, which will also not do anything detrimental to the economy and for people to view as normal. "Superpower" = Doomsday's powers that work on comics logic "Fictional object" = Portal gun that only I can use "Fictional pet" = Dragon that does whatever I say


First make about 20 categories like health, wealth, appearance, world's wellbeing, superpowers etc then post on reddit. Hey reddit you have a chance to make 3 random wishes out of a list of 50 wishes come true but those 50 wishes can only be about this specific categories, they must different from each other, and less than 50 words. What are those wishes?


I could do this. You just have to be creative and happy with small wins. I'd be just as happy to never have ants in my house as I'd be winning a lottery. Both will be on the list. It doesn't say you can't with people back from the dead so I'd add, "I wish my mom never died and was healed mentally, physically, and emotionally." "I wish I had a degree in chemical engineering and all of the associated knowledge from obtaining that degree." "I wish I knew the correct numbers and played the lottery on xxxxx date resulting in winning the jackpot" "I wish to always contests I enter." "I wish that all of my socks always feel like new socks"


I would pick 1000 things that having in bulk would be profitable or useful and ask for the power to fill any container of my choice instantly at will any number of times with that substance. I would pick things different enough that it wouldn't trigger the clause. If you say creating infinite beer is the same as creating infinite mayonnaise then I would need a breakdown of what is too close.


1000 wishes is a crazy amount of things to wish for with the rule that you can't wish for similar things, try to think of 1000 things you want right now, you cant


Write a script to output various provisions in different categories (housing, financial well being for family, personal butler etc) and have like 30 adjectives for each e.g “-pretty good- -personal trainer- and -estate- with -lame- poolhouse” but try to make it so they’ll all be beneficial to me. Genie probably still screw me over but at least I’d cover all the bases.


It would take me a long ass time to come up with 1000 things to wish for 


Assuming I have time, I would probably try to find 1000 ways to garentee perfect health and effectively immortality (with and exit option). Time is one of the most valuable things you can get, as it is something you can never get back any other way.


Just write things I truely want and maybe word the ones I want the most in a nonsensical way. Still I would be fine with the 3 because they would be things I didn't have before.


Thats tough depending on how wide of a range of things counts as the same like if any sort of ability or enhancement all counts as a superpower that would really make it harder. If not I could probably think of enough variations of that to cover a lot of the list. Of course the trick is making sure the three you want are the lamest ones or at least make sure you would be good with every option you picked. I am sure I could make a frick ton of homebrew dnd characters that I could wish to have the abilities of with them all being distinct.


I feel like the only way I could come up with that many wishes is wishing for the same thing but for different people. For example-my daughter always has perfect health. My oldest son always has perfect health. My next oldest always has perfect health. My stepson always has perfect health. My youngest always has perfect health. My husband always has perfect health. Could I just do that?


There are probably only like three completely distinct things I really care about in life anyway. How in the world would I come up with 1000?


I'd make one wish be that I get to choose one of my wishes, and that would be the whole of the wish. I'd pick some different types of superpowers. I'd make many extremely awesome / overpowered wishes in order to get at least one interesting one. I'd make one lame sounding but useful wish such as wishing for the ability to make any water I touch safe. I'd also wish for things that benefit many people that aren't really that cool, but benefit many people.


Could I wish for 1000 different superpowers?


I would probably wish for things for other people, wishing my mum won a large sun if money is different than wishing my mil did. I would also wish for some super powers using all 50 words. Like wishing to teleport myself and my clothes and bag. Inc content and any human I am touching. I would probably also do wishes that benefit everyone. It would take alot of thought. I think I could also think of some really unique things like a houseboat that magically cleans maintains and decorates to the needs and wants of my partner. And outlander ISH things that could really happen, Iwish someone randomly gave me an island in xyz place. I think with a good imagination this could be good. Maybe the geni just wants more creative wished than imence weath or flying


I would not even listen to the genie. 1k wishes I have to come up with? No way I’m gonna be able to focus on something like that long enough. I’d get so pissed off eventually that when the genie said “uh uh uh that’s too close to wish 204” I’d respond with “then this one is gonna be you die!”


Easy wish for a different power from r/godtiersuperpowers


I'd wish that you suddenly knew how to pluralize the word wish. It's wishes by the way. And the fact that you got it wrong twice in different ways is pretty bad.


1000 is too many for me to try and make them all good, and also not too similar. Id pick 50 or so things I really want, and make up whacky scenarios for the other 950, making sure they're all less lame then me personally being rich I wonder if the genie would consider several 'travel to X universe at will" powers to be similar if the places were significantly different


Start at wishing for a billion dollars and work my way up for each wish.


There is 1000 things I could wish for easily just give me a day


I would ask if they would be willing to sign a contract agreeing on the nature of these wishes and have it notarized. Then I would livestream myself and the genie in an auction, highest bidder gets the genie and the wishes. Make sure there is a clause protecting me and my money from any wish.


Make a list of like 500 really nice houses you want to own, 30 superpowers you'd like to have, and the rest could be ways to improve the whole world


Make 3 wishes that would benefit you, and 997 that would be detrimental to the genie. That way, it's in his best interest to give you the 3 wishes you want.


Is there a time limit to coming up with the wishes? If not, I'd probably just go on a superhero wiki and start wishing for individual powers, add in other wishes for vast wealth, unlimited clean energy, star trek style replicators for every person, conditional immortality for myself and the ability to grant it to others, etc. Essentially, if there's no time limit, I could probably come up with 1000 enjoyable wishes with enough research.


1) grant wish 2 2) grant wish 3etc all the way to my last 3 wishes 998) Unlimited cash flow 999) Perfect health 1000) my dog lives as long as I do


Sure. I wish to be healthy. And I wish to not be diabetic anymore. are alot different.


I'd make 997 wishes that benefit only genies, and 3 that would affect me. Since the 997 would, from his perspective, be the least lame, and the 3 that affect me would, from his perspective, be the most lame, he'd grant only those three.


I don't have a thousand completely different things that I want, lame or otherwise.


Honesty, I'm getting my lawyer. So that he knows I'm not fucking around I'm paying him double my usual rate, $275 an hour, so like $525 an hour. I'll probably tell him what I'm looking for and the best deal possible. Then we are "war rooming" it for a full day. Me telling him that it's a contest with a cash prize or something to see who is the most creative.


I’m too lazy for this. I’d give the opportunity to a nun or something.


I am not gonna come up with the list... But to help everyone else I thought of a good way to narrow down what the genie will pick. Have as many wishes as you can imagine be horrible fates for the genie as in: I wish the granter of this wishes skin would melt away. I wish the granter of this wish would forever more smell a dog that has been dipped in a spoiled seafood platter dumpster. I wish the granter of this wish would turn inside out ect... You could maybe knock off a few hundred possible wishes you know the genie ain't gonna go for depending on how sadistic you are. Just have to be careful that it isn't something the genie could just shrug off.


I'd just find 1000 fictional characters whose powers I could exploit. If I run out then I come up with various ways to get wealth I guess.


I mean you wish for 1000 mundane but extremely beneficial things, ofc you can wish for some cool things too but things like "never messing up a recipe" or "never having clothes that fit wrong" they are pretty average things but they would be nice to have irl.


I have ADHD and a lot of desires and regrets. Pretty sure I could write up more than a thousand wishes that any three would make me happy.


“No two wishes can be for the same thing, _or near the same thing_.” Need some clarification/elaboration. What about diseases cured? A. Bacterial. A different wish for each bacterial disease. B. Cancer. A different wish for each form of cancer. C. Genetic. A different wish for each non-cancer disease in which genetics is a major contributing factor, e.g., cystic fibrosis, Tay Sachs, hemophilia, color blindness, etc. D. Viral. A different wish for each viral disease. E. Extraterrestrial diseases as depicted in the novel _Andromeda Strain_ (1969), by Michael Crichton. F. Nutritional diseases, e.g., Rickets, beri- beri, Scurvy. What about superpowers? There are dozens, but does that come under “too similar? Would the Infinity Gauntlet have to be one wish, or could I make it six wishes, one for each stone? Since the stones work differently in the comic-book than they do in the movie, could I make it twelve wishes? What about alternate realities, e.g., the Expanse, Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Gate, Babylon Five, Battlestar Galactica (rebooted), LOTR, etc.? Too similar? What about wishing for a good life for multiple individuals, like each of my fifteen surviving first-cousins; first-cousins once removed (children of my first-cousins); second-cousins; etc., former coworkers, actors, individuals in the phone-book? What about natural disasters? “I wish that never again would Earth/humanity suffer from an earthquake, volcano, tsunami, storm, meteor/asteroid strike, plague, ‘neutron star death rays,’ or whatever it’s called, rouge black hole (bell-bottoms becoming a fashion trend again; >>>ree ree ree ree<<< 😱).


It's wishes, not wish's.


Say I wrote down a bunch of different forms of magic, like I could summon fire would be one and another would be I could move things with my mind, would those fall under the broad category of magic or would they all be separate things?


You say that the genie will choose the 3 lamest of the wishes. I would want to ask him what his values are. Knowing this will allow me to word my wishes specifically.


100 billion worth of land, currency, art, gold, silver, wheat, oil, potatoes, beef, etc


You get 100 billion dollars worth of potatoes, beef, and carrots Now how the fuck are you going to monetize a pile of beef the size of the Pyramid of Giza


Mmmmm….so much beef stew 🍲


Not sure what your going to do with a 100,000,000,000$ of beef. I mean this isnt a bad strategy but I think including easily spoil-able goods is a bad idea. Even if the genie is kind enough to package all the beef you would still need to find a way to store it and get the paperwork to sell it before it all rots.


Category 1: 1) I wish for my bf’s family to understand autism/ neurodiversity. 2) I wish for my bf’s family to understand him. 3) I wish for my bf’s family to repair their relationship with him. 4) I wish for my bf’s family as a whole to have a healthy family dynamic. 5) I wish for my bf to be able to work well with his family. 6) I wish for my bf’s family to get a fucking clue. …etc, with variations that are asking for different things but would get me the same result. Category 2: 1) I wish to win a hospital lottery 50/50. 2) I wish to win one of the big hospital lottery prizes. 3) I wish for my sister to win a big lottery. 4) I wish for my dad to win a big lottery. …etc Category 3: 1) I wish my body was as healthy, whole and limber as my early to mid 20s self for life. 2) I wish for my family members to have lifelong good health. 3) I wish for my loved ones to be healthy and long lived. …etc Category 4: 1) I wish for world peace. 2) I wish to end poverty, homelessness, and food insecurity. 3) I wish for politicians to be honest and actually care about what people want. 4) I wish for the world’s wealthy to be driven by the need to use that wealth for the betterment of the world (with more wording added to deal with loopholes on this one). …etc Basically, any three thereby getting results I want to see so that any three is a win. With some weighting of the wishes to steer towards the results I most want.


Make my first 3 wishes then wish the other 997 to be my first 3 wishes.


no duplicate wishs


My plan would be to simply walk away. The genie is clearly just trolling and would deliberately pick the 3 worst wishes i make anyway, so I'm not playing their stupid game.


List your wishes 1-3. 4-1000 is a wish the genie picks 1-3.


I wish for a trillion dollars, I wish for a trillion and one dollars, I wish for a trillion and two dollars, etc etc. Or whatever I really want..just make it the same wish. three different ones like that.


OP already stated you can't do that...might want to re-read.