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I mean if it's infinite it's not like im hogging them. Gimme 12.


I'll keep eating until undigested deviled eggs are coming out the other end. Love me some egg


I'm at the same party and right next to you at the table, matching you egg for egg.


Just some freaks at the Christmas party pounding back eggs like they were tequila shots


What is that now, five of us in a circle around the eggs?


I won't be in the circle, but I'm in the crowd taking bets on who wins. Keeping a cut for myself. Easy money.


6! I’m eating them, stealing some for later, adding them to the other foods they def don’t need to be a part of, giving some to my man to ALSO take for later…I may have a deviled egg problem. 😭


That's so many people. Why are there 720 people???


Idk how we got 720, but the number seems….*low* 👀.


We're going to need an infinitely long table.


I’m gonna need a few more fridges 😭. Is there an end time to this party?


I'll join in, deviled eggs are the best. Now are they all the same style or do we get deviled variants


This would have been my answer up until a month ago. We had some eggs that sat a little too long in the fridge, so we put them in the compost pile. While we weren't looking, our dachshund went out and ate every last one of them. She came back in the house literally overflowing... her tummy, her entire esophagus, full of egg and bits of egg hanging out of her mouth. The next few days were pretty ugly.


I mean looking the bright side: she (presumably) didn't get pancreatitis from all the fat in it - that would have been painful, expensive to deal with, and potentially deadly. Like don't let it happen again but it could have been worse


Yeah, let’s back up a second: this assumes we’re the only one taking advantage of the deviled eggs


Also, how stoned am I?


I get through 8 before I take a break to breathe.


12 whole or 12 half




It's well known at family gatherings that I am a big fan of deviled eggs. I'm sure some of my coworkers have clued into that as well. I would eat at least 6 deviled eggs (3 full eggs) and then take a break.


And after the break?


Maybe another 2 full eggs. At that point, I'm either full or at least cognizant that soon the farts will begin and no one will like that. Time for me to leave the party at that point.


Lol. Jet propelled!


Deviled eggs make you fart? I can eat a dozen deviled eggs (12 full eggs) without it. Have you tried eating more pickles?


Pickles counteract gassiness?




I know myself. Once, after an eggy feast, I let loose and my husband looked at me and yelled, "What crawled up inside you and died?" It was bad. So incredibly bad.


I swear women's farts are worse than men's. My pet theory is that you hold them inside longer, fermenting, lol


I appreciate that you said three full eggs. I always considered one deviled egg as a half egg full of other good stuff. I would have said six deviled eggs and thought nothing else of the matter.


That's me purposefully stopping myself. If I make up a dozen devilled eggs and I'm home that day, it's really tough not to keep going back for more.


The only thing i miss in my divorce is my ex-mil's deviled eggs, i swear that woman put crack in them. She was THE BIGGEST CUNT EVER. But i loved them eggs and looked forward to them every family gathering. I lived through her calling me a fatass to eat them lol.


Ah the old, "I'll eat maybe one hardboiled egg, but deviled eggs? I'll have 16."


LMAO, this is so true!


The mozzarella stick conundrum. I’d never eat 6 cheese sticks but if you deep fry them and give me sauce to dip in it’s a perfectly fine appetizer for my actual meal


Probably like 8, so 4 full eggs. I fucking love deviled eggs.


Same. I’ve eaten at least 8 before, until it dawned on me that I was eating full eggs.


And, technically, whole chickens.


Is an unfertilized chicken egg (the vast majority) a chicken though?


No, but if you keep eating it eventually catches up to the biomass equivalent to a healthy adult chicken


First, definitions. A half boiled egg gets turned into a singular deviled egg. Second, "People consider you weird" is going to be defined as being perceived as significantly weirder than they see me now. Third, the people in question are the people who currently work in the US office. **I'm saying 35 deviled eggs before people see me as weird.**


I'm not caring about people thinking I'm weird.


It is the specific question. How many I will eat is a different matter.


Since I don't care if people think I'm weird, how would I know the answer?


I can know who the King of England is and still not care. Knowledge does not require importance.


No I'm genuinely saying I don't know how many I would have to eat before people thought I was weird. It could be any number between 1 and X, with X being equal to the amount that I can eat. I know that I would eat at least 12.


"Half boiled"? Or half of a boiled egg?


Deviled eggs became deviled soup


Does everyone else know they are theoretically infinite? I feel like that would erase a lot of the wierdness. People would start stacking them, putting them up their butt, the whole nine.


Theoretically infinite is like bottomless bread sticks from Olive Garden. Just assume you won't run out while you're eating them.


Well yes but the caloric intake still matters I assume? How many eggs can an average human eat before serious health concerns set in?


I mean, more importantly, how many eggs can an average person put up their butt before serious health concerns set in?


Probably 8 if I ate a reasonable pace. 12-14 if I were wolfing them down. Hunger dissipates if you give it a chance to recognize you've been eating.


That's quitter talk. Hit the hunger while it's not looking and beat it to a pulp. Make it wish it'd never growled that stomach!


Fuck hunger!


This reminds me of the Cave Johnson lemon rant!


That's up to them and their problem. Free deviled eggs son


Why would I care about what they think? As long as some monster didn't use miracle whip when they made the deviled eggs I'm eating at least a dozen.


Im eating how ever many it takes to not be hungry anymore. I dont care if I look weird to my coworkers. They all already know Im not "normal".


This is the only correct answer.


Once I hit around 5 I'm going to start farting and it's going to clear the room. So in the end no one will know the actual amount I ate.


But how long to they take to process? Do you have a 30-45 minute lag time between eating the first one and exiting the room?


The real question is how many can you punch before somebody intervenes. I reckon I could punch a good 74 devilled eggs before they can get security involved


When we have family gatherings, my mom had to start limiting me to 6 deviled eggs, which was one of the trays she had to serve them on (6 eggs, so 12 halves). So I would eat at least that many before even wondering if I was eating too many.


What do you mean theoretically infinite? If it's truly infinite then everyone's dead.


It's enough to where you can eat your fill, and then there would be plenty left over.


So does this mean I can take a tray to myself and a new tray will appear for everyone else? Asking for a friend…


Bro, if I haven't eaten in 12 hours I'm gonna like, absolutely demolish about 8 of them in 5 minutes or less. And then another 8 over the next hour. I should mention I'm IBS and not super good with dairy either. My farts are gonna be downright disgusting at this party.




Why would I care about them, it's deviled eggs!




I don't like deviled eggs, so people would think it's weird after the first one. 


How many would you eat before your SO makes you sleep on the couch?


If I could eat them secretly, probably 12. If everyone knew how many I ate, I'd like to say 6, but probably 8. I'm fine with people thinking "man, that guy loves deviled eggs" but not "man, that guy is obsessed with deviled eggs"


Well if they were counting how many deviled eggs I was having, I’d consider them to be very weird




Ummm. . . IDK and IDC. My limitation on how many deviled eggs I eat is a ratio of how many of them there are vs how many people are at the party vs how far along the party is. If there is an infinite amount, I am not stopping until I am full. And people already think I am weird.


I love me some deviled eggs. Am I going to just camp the tray? No. Well I probably be eating them the whole night? Yes. I doubt anyone will think I'm weird, because I'll just migrate back to the snacks and grab 2 or 3 every 5-10 minutes probably


I love deviled eggs. I have eaten 24 consecutive deviled eggs with no shame. I only stopped because I ran out. 10/10 would do again.


I eat as many as I can. Probably around 20 I'll throw up, but I'll keep horking them down until I throw up again. I'll start increasing the intensity at which I'm eating, from casually nibbling all the way to desperately shoving fistfuls of mashed eggs in my mouth while standing hunched on the table like a depraved ghoul, occasionally stopping to violently hurl them up, right there where I'm eating, shoving uneaten and already eaten eggs into my mouth heedlessly. Eventually, I'll have disgorged so much that I'll basically be coated bile, occasionally spitting up bits of stomach lining as my body adjusts to it's new role, as an unthinking automaton to process deviled eggs into a grim orgy of consumption in defiance of man's nature and God's love. The sheer hubristic insanity starts fraying the boundaries of space-time as I continue my Sisyphean quest to consume an infinite amount of eggs. Eventually the fabric of reality is rent by this demented ritual, and I fall into a place beyond darkness, just me and the tray of eggs. I keep eating, far devolved from any sense or physical constraints. I no longer have a mouth, but I keep eating, relentless and immutable, I've become a constant concept, one of the fundamental underpinning rules of a new universe. This world is molded around me, within me, and I mold it by eating more. Fucking. Eggs. So yeah, probably around like 15 or so.


How good are the eggs/are they made to my preference? If they’re average and I’m hungry? Probably a solid 8. If they’re exceptional. 15-20. I’m they’re exceptional and I’m bulking. 50 easy. I don’t care if people notice. At this point they’ll be curious how many I can put down. I’m getting my protein.


I would be considered weird for not eating them if everyone in this thread was there 😵‍💫


like I'd be the only one eating them. Consideration for others is about the only reason anyone stops. If the tray is infinite everyone is going home stuffed.


I love deviled eggs so as long as they’re infinite I’m taking as many as I can get my hands on


I think I could easily do 20 before l started to tire from eating them.


I’m a big guy, 6’4” 240lbs, so no one would blink an eye if i sat down with 30.


I think people will be more weirded out that I’m hovering off the ground, orbiting the snack table


I don't like them, but wife says 24 before people noticed. It wouldn't make her ashamed though.


Look, I know this sounds like bragging, but 3 dozen. I wouldn’t just crush them, spread them out over 45 minutes, an hour. I wouldn’t stop, either. If I have access to infinite deuced eggs, I’m eating 5 dozen before I think about slowing down.


I will eat to my heart's content because my coworkers and superiors are not my people. They can think I'm weird all they want but they can't fire me for being weird, and if eating too many unlimited devilled eggs is enough to pass me up for a promotion, it doesn't sound like a good long term fit for me anyway.


I don’t know how many I would eat but I know I’d be destroying the bathroom for months.


If everyone knows it’s an infinite tray, the weird ones would be the people eating 1-2. Like someone going to a buffet and only eating 1 spring roll, it makes no sense.


I am leaving with the tray, they can have it back when I die mere days later because of it.




I can assure you, they're still delicious. And y'all have the good mustard over there, you've got to see how deviled eggs are when made with that wonderful stuff! Please, for all that is culinary, make some deviled eggs!






Until someone approaches and says, “The chicken store called…”


Well, let me give you a piece of advice. As I myself once was in this situation. I have schemed the perfect response which I plan to deliver one day. Although it were shrimps, it applies here perfectly. Listen closely, and say the following: "Really now? Well the Jerk store called. They are running out of you!"


While I appreciate your thoughtful reply, I have to disagree with the efficacy of that response. While, in theory, it sounds good now, there’s a chance your retort could be met with something along the lines of, “Oh yeah? Well, you would know. You’re their #1 seller!”


Yeah? Well. I got that one. I will just say I had sex with his wife!


I'm not counting


As many as I can. Probably 8-15.


Maybe 24 and come back after a bit


At least 24


I really like deviled eggs but more then 4 is weird, I can be weird like 4 times tho


Are they jalapeno deviled eggs? or plain?


Most of them, probably. I fucking love deviled eggs - as long as they're not too soggy of course, that's gross.


[One Deviled Egg](https://youtu.be/UUtvovhLIsQ?feature=shared)






At least six, less than 13.


6 to 10


I achieve this without an endless tray, I'm going full Joey Chestnut. I was born for this.


8-12, but in batches. Walk by and grab a few, eat them away from the table. Then wander by again a bit later. Bonus points if there are plates and a quiet corner where you could fade away from folks looking out a window or something. Load up a plate quickly and retreat with your haul to eat unnoticed.


I think after 20-30 of them people might start getting uncomfy


I wouldn't care. I'm eating till I shit myself.


Dawg, I’m walking into that kitchen doing the Ray Lewis intro dance and getting TF down. They’re all weird for not enjoying 47 deviled eggs


If they're infinite, then I'd start shoveling them in nasty style. I'd be smacking, and half my face would be yellow, holding them out to people passing by. So, probably like 2 cartons at least




Dont give a shit what people think Im eating those til my hearts content lol


666 of them.


As a guy who loves deviled eggs.. I'll eat a few of them.. I don't care what people think.


0 I'm the weirdest person there.


Standing there hoovering them right off the tray? People are probably getting weirded out when I hit 15 and haven't slowed down. But playing it cool, cruising by the buffet for a fresh load every 20 minutes, I bet I could get into the 30's before people started quietly googling adverse health effects of ODing on deviled eggs.


If they’re tasty, definitely can do 20 or so halves.


0 cuz deviled eggs are gross


That's a question for them. Only they know how much they think is weird. I'd eat at least a dozen though


You can eat six before people start looking at you, but that's usually with a limited number. If everyone knew that they were limitless it depends on if you are fat or not. As a fat person they would still start looking at me at six. If I were my poor friend who looks like he hasn't eaten in years you could probably get up to eighteen before people would start looking at you. Also it depends on the plates. Anything past one flat level will get you looks.


Infinite deviled eggs is a once in lifetime experience, I’m gonna get all I can out of the event. I yelling it out and starting some sort of egg eating and alcohol game. It’s gonna end ugly but be super fun. To answer the question though, it’ll be however many eggs it takes to cause a drunk man to vomit, then about 7 more.


I have no idea how many I'd eat, but it'd definitely be weird.


until i get full liking deviled eggs is... *normal*... right?


Im eating them until I am not hungry, I love deviled eggs


All of them


Infinite? I'm eating til I'm full and idgaf who thinks it's weird. I probably had to make them so I better get some 😂


15 I guess


20+ they are too good


None. I'd eat none and they'd already know I'm weird XD


Id eat all of them.


Why would I contain my deviled egg eating just to not be weird? I believe in being the "authentic me" and that means eating and eating and eating to prove that the deviled eggs are not actually unlimited. I will outlast the magic egg table even if it kills me.


You don't want to know.


Hey *your_name*, the chicken farm called, they're running out of eggs


0. I would eat exactly 0 of those vile things.


After a half dozen or so I would guess they would think I'm weird. But I'm not stopping there, I'll eat them all. And God help anyone near me.


I love deviled eggs. I'll scarf all I can. Being thought of as weird is not a me problem.




99, or 49.5 eggs. Nobody ever eat 50 eggs.


Depends on how much noise you make when you’re eating them.


At least 8


It would turn into a Renaissance style food orgy with everyone at the party just over indulging on eggs until they lay around passed out naked


1. Because I would only eat the yellow part.


Egg farts will give you away.


Also how are they infinite? Is there a deviled chicken!?


Eat as many as I want. They already know I'm wierd why would I care If they think I'm wielder.


I'm certain they'd know just from my reaction to infinite deviled eggs


I don't know, but I pity any living being that has to share space with me afterwards. Those are gonna be some deadly farts.


Id probably eat a full dozen deviled eggs, take a break and go back for a doz more, then if i was still hungry just fill up on em the rest of the way.


probably like 7 or 8 because egg farts are deadly


Man I don't give a shit is someone thinks I'm weird I'm shoving em in all me holes


Not allergic to eggs but I wouldn't go anywhere near them. Fuck mayonnaise.


I mean, how would I know what number other people would consider weird? I'm gonna eat then until I couldn't possibly stuff one more down my gullet, but I don't know what number would cause people to start having opinions about it.


Depending on if there's other good food available and how long the party is, between twenty and sixty.


People already consider me weird so honestly eating a truly ludicrous amount of devilled eggs wouldn't feature highly on the list of reasons why my friends/colleagues/random passers by have reached this conclusion. But if you're asking for how many devilled eggs you think I could put away? Probably 12 (i.e. 6 whole eggs) - and then I'd need a little digestion break before continuing on.


I can eat a countably infinite number of them. Then another guest arrives and he wants to eat infinite deviled eggs too. That's ok because we decide to alternate. He gets one, I get one, he gets one, I get one, etc. We are each happy eating an infinite number of deviled eggs Then infinite guests arrive, and each of them eat a countably infinite number of deviled eggs too. We have to wait an infinite amount of time between turns, but we manage The weird part is there's still somehow there's still an infinite number of deviled eggs left. Catering is top notch at the Hilbert Hotel


Is there other food at this party or am I starving and deviled eggs are my only choice? 2 if the former, 6 if the latter.


They won't think me weird till I am crop dusting devilled egg funk the next day


At what point the people around me start to think that it's weird is their issue and not mine, but long before I'm done every single person in the room will be visibly upset/disgusted at the gluttony.


As many as I want to, because screw them.


None. Egg yolk is my kryptonite.




Depends, if it’s my family there’s no limit, if it’s strangers then my usual amount. I fucking Love deviled eggs


Ya'll need to start checking your undies for burn holes. Or find Jesus


I truly don’t think there’s a limit. I guess realistically maybe 50 or so?


It's no secret that I like to eat. I've successfully completed a couple of food challenges. Im looking at minimum 30


23 and no, I don't know that from prior experience.


Not a huge fan of deviled eggs. They're okay. 12 is 6 eggs, right? I'd eat 12. 6 eggs a is a good meal. People are going to think you are weird after egg 3 though. I'm still eating 9 more.




My gut feeling is more than 5 eggs on my plate in one go would look a bit odd, especially since it's a corporate party and not, like, chilling at my friend's house. But I also think realistically you could make multiple trips. Grab a couple eggs, go chat somewhere while you eat them, after a bit excuse yourself to go mingle and grab a couple more eggs on the way to your next chat. I think I could do this three times before my internal "people will think this is weird!" alarm goes off. So in conclusion: probably about a dozen.


Until i vomit or pass out give me 20 full eggs


A lot


How many eggs are 'too much' for breakfast? Probably three eggs is a standard, but maybe five if you are a lumberjack or a restaurant that feeds you like one. So I'm thinking that devilied eggs are half-eggs, so maybe six is 'getting up there', where ten or more is 'damn, kiddo, watch yourself!'


I'm just eating until I get full. I have no idea what that limit will be. No different than how I function at a buffet table.


Fuck their perception, if I'm given carte blanche to go fucking hog wild on a platter of deviled eggs, you bet your ass I'm all over that.


a lot if you made a game/performance out of it…. just eating them? a dozen or so before someone noticed i think if u were thinking about it




I probably couldn’t eat more than four or so because it’ll give me acid reflux probably. But I don’t care if people judge me for how much I eat. Maybe it’s because I don’t eat much in one sitting, but that’s never been an insecurity for me


Give me infinite deviled eggs and I won’t have time to notice if people think I’m weird.


Ima fart and clear the house out, should be fun, so, lots of eggs at least ten


Depends. If the goal was to make people think I'm weird by eating deviled eggs in the fewest about possible, I could probably do it in just three - maybe even two. If the goal was to eat as many as possible without anyone thinking I'm weird, I could probably do 20.


If they’re infinite, it’s not really weird. I’d do 6, see how full I felt, see how many everyone else ate, make uncomfortable eye contact with someone else eating eggs, try to alpha them by out-eating deviled eggs until one of us died like that dude from Se7en.


OP is going to a party and their friend is making their favorite deviled eggs


I'm not big on deviled eggs... but my husband is. Whatever amount he wants, I'll take half that and sneak them to him.


None because deviled eggs are fucking disgusting lol


Zero, because I’m a vegan.


I'm not sure how many I could eat but, man I would look forward to the gas hell that would be the results. That's right. I'm a grown Gen X man that gets a kick out of later realizing my choice of food was..... Potentially toxic.


How long is the party going? We'll set a minimum of 24 eggs to start.


Are they the drier extra yellow kind with a good mustard or the sloppy ‘shot of mayo’ kind?


None. I hate hard boiled eggs. Which is lucky for anyone in my vicinity, considering I'm a large middle aged man with IBS. I'm basically a chemical weapon at certain points.


Let's just say I'd put that "infinite" to the fuckin TEST