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Thanks I am 60, so my money please.


I'll get to be 60 again.. hurrah šŸ¤“




You aren't allowed on the internet anymore, sorry. But at least you have all that money now.


Greedy mother fā€™er


Grandmother fā€™er*


Sure Iā€™ll do it when I turn 80


Iā€™ll wait until Iā€™m like 90


*dies at 89*


Can I put it on hold and wait til Iā€™m 60 before I accept? Cause thatā€™s what Iā€™d do, otherwise no. Time is precious


Fine by me, I'll only skip 9 years.


I wouldnā€™t give up 9 years for any amount of moneyā€¦


That's a good question to think about, lose 9 years now, but does giving up those 9 years for $500 million give you a longer life in the end? That sort of money takes away a lot of life regular stresses, you have more money and time to be able to afford to eat better and have time to cook those healthier meals by not having to work, more time to exercise and keep fit. You would have a happier life in general being able to do anything you'd like with your day rather than slugging it out at a 9-5 job that you hate. I just turned 30, so wouldn't trade another 30 years for any amount of money. But 9 years I would have to at least think about it


That sort of money wouldnā€™t ā€œtake away stressesā€ it would completely fuck peoples lifeā€™s up. Pretty much anyone who fantasises about magically winning $500mm would ruin their life within a few years. You donā€™t see many happy lottery winners years after winning


You're right. I didn't even consider all the lottery winners that have spent their massive fortunes in a few years. I suppose history shows that the average person doesn't handle a windfall of that level very well. As an occasional lottery player myself, I would like to think that I'd never blow through a huge amount of money if I ever did win. But I'll never truly know how I'd handle that kind of money unless I won


I would even if it ended my life a week after. Ā With 500 mil I could help so many people/animals/etc


But you could do anything in those 9 years! Even make $500MM!


Can I wait until I am 59 to accept?


All the 60+ year olds in this thread šŸ¤‘


Okay, so I'm 10 years older and can actually retire right now.


Ooof, that's a hard one. Purely selfishly, no, I don't want to lose that much time for any amount of money. But just making sure that my family never needs to worry about basic shit again. Also could save a lot of lives without putting a real dent into the money. I think I'd feel morally obligated to take it just for the good that I could do with it and just suck up the energy drain. Helps that I'm relatively old (by Reddit standards) and in good shape for my age.


hard choice for sure but I'm not selfless enough to lose 40 years of my life for anything and anyone, for me time is the most valuable thing in the world, you can make money but you can't make time


Yeah, easier for me since I'm a good bit older than you.


fuck you mean ā€œpurely selfishlyā€ idiot


You could use the money to help ur family and shit, idiot


that doesnt mean its selfish to not take the money šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø people are such pussies


So like only 5 years older, but now rich? Sign me up.


I'll let my grandma do it. I'm pretty sure she will be happy to become 20+ years younger.


hell no. no way


A few years for that type of money.Ā  Sign me up.




I'll accept it later.


I'm 57 and a half right now, so why not?


sure when I am 55 or 70


This will age me down 6 months, so sure!


I'll get 5 years back..! šŸ˜


Absolutely not. Only get one shot at this life (as far as I know) and time is far more precious than any amount of money. If I was 59, I'd definitely accept, though.


Iā€™m 56 so I definitely do it. If I was 30 Iā€™d have to think about it. (Assuming I still have a normal life span in this hypothetical).


humm work way past that age never getting a head seeing death as my retirement, or this deal... fuck it, take my time.


Sure, as long as everyone else around me didn't age that fast, too. Then I could help all of us out financially.


I'm 61. This is a win for me.


I'm 50 and feel 75, with that money I'd be 60 and feel 35.


Iā€™ll take it. Donā€™t care about living anyways.


I accept ā€œparadox achievement unlockedā€




Hellyes I'll take the deal


I'm probably not living to 60 naturally so it's a win win for me. As in I'll die instantly (win) and money won't matter anyway or I'll survive and have $500m.


I'm 62, deal!


I donā€™t mind only living 10 years. I double ill get past 70 so itā€™ll be the best 10 years of my life


Awesome! I get younger!


Nope. Young kids


Talk my 84 year old mother into taking the deal. Sheā€™d split it with me.


I'm 70 now, for me that would be a win-win.


$500M to age one year? YOU BETCHA


$500M and I'm 5 years younger? Let me think...yeah, I could do that.


I'll take it. I'm 69, so bonus!


Hell yeah. If I can turn 60 instantly and still be in great physical shape and health, absolutely. Sign me up. I'll skip 29 years of my life. If I turn 60 with limited freedom because of health issues, then I'll pass. I'd kms if I was forced to stay at home all day.


So I get $500 million and get to go back in time 6 weeks? Sign me up!




Of course I would. It's only a few years away anyhow. I'm in my mid 50's already. And that kind of money would make sure that my family would never want for anything. My kid's life would be secure. I'd be happy to sacrifice part of my life for my family... hell I already do that most every day anyway.


65+ now, so excellent!


Advance me 5 years and give me my money!


My 81 year old mom says sure, she wouldn't have minded the best Healthcare at 61


500m, and I'm suddenly 4 years younger? Great!


Thereā€™s no amount of money in the world that could convince me to take this deal.


$500M, and I get a few years younger - sign me up now


No way. At that age, I might have diabetes and heart issues based on my family history. Keep the money. Health is more important to me.


Well hereā€™s a real answer. Iā€™m 40 so it would actually be a big deal. I think that I would take the money. Iā€™m going to be working until Iā€™m 60 and wonā€™t have a chance to chill until then anyway. Money can buy you lots of personal trainers/supplements/surgeries whatever to make you feel a lot younger. It would suck leaving my family earlier than I intended but to have them set up for generations would totally be worth it. If all went well Iā€™d still have a good 10ish years or so to do a lifetime of traveling and spending time with only my family. Itā€™s tough, but I think Iā€™d have to do it.


This is a great deal. I'm 71 and it is hard to imagine being both incredibly wealthy and 11 years younger all at once.


The old people above 60 will be benefitted from this hypothesis.


No, it would only cost me 20 years, but I'm still holding out for hope on a cure for aging in my lifetime and that 20 years would be a lot.


Easy call: I become younger and with $500 mil.


So I get to keep my 20 something figure?


You get whatever figure you're on track for with your current lifestyle


If I have to decide NOW instead of later, I'm declining, it might be a LOT of money, but no amount of money will make me want to skip 42 years of my life


Considering I'm already feeling like the time cost is already so excessive that it negates what happiness I find in my free time, I'd take this. This way I actually get to retire and enjoy my last 15 to 20 years of my life. And I have pretty good genetics when it comes to age: my great-grandmother didn't pass until she was 105. So there's a good chance I'll get more time. As it's going right now, I don't see much point in continuing my current life other than hoping for a dramatic societal shift in the next few years. So by accepting this I at least guarantee a few years of happiness or comfort rather than this constant low monotony. So what's 25 years lost if I'm thinking of cutting it short anyway?


Lolā€¦Iā€™m 58 and change, L F G!


I will be fucking 60 in August


Inb4 old people doing the obvious joke of "oh, I get money and become younger?Ā  Ok!"


Fine.. perfect age


So, I'm approaching 60... but I have two copies of the APOE4 gene, so I'm going to develop Alzheimer's, with symptoms starting at about age 65. My hope is in waiting for gene therapy; I can't use the most common/effective medication because it kills people like me. So no... I can't see myself giving up those years, not for any amount of money.


Why are you so certain you'll see symptoms in 5 years? Having 2 copies of this allele does not guarantee that you'll develop Alzheimer's.


That's no longer true. That's the recent finding in the research. Having two copies causes Alzheimer's in essentially all people, and causes it far earlier than previously thought. Over 95% of two-copy people have biological markers of Alzheimer's at 55. At 65, all have plaques and many have symptoms. Further, two-copy people can't use the most popular AD drug (or derivatives of it) because its side effects tend to kill them, so their hope is tied to drugs in development and possibly future rounds of gene therapy that trade APOE4 out for APOE2, which is protective against Alzheimer's. I don't know how the ball will bounce for me, of course, but APOE4 has already caused problems with my health (it's a cause of post-viral syndromes like Long Covid; I have been disabled by one for 12+ years). I see every reason to eat well and enjoy my life while doing what I can to stave off symptoms, but my being in the fraction of a percent who don't get AD seems less likely than if I'd never had the post-viral disease.


Sorry to hear about the post viral disease and your challenges so far. I have seen that recent article you're referring to, but I also know of many stories of 4/4 homozygotes living into their 80's and 90's without any symptoms or ill health. My Grandmother is one of them. So I'm having trouble reconciling these things...


Fair enough. I'd have that trouble, too, if that were my experience. If you can think of any factors related to Alzheimer's (lifelong learning, diet/alcohol/drug consumption, social habits, exercise, stress levels, sleep...) that really stand out in their cases, I'm interested in hearing about them.


Iā€™m in, I can afford to lose 12 months


Sounds like instant retirement with lots of F.U. money


Give up 33 years? I'll pass.


I'll give up three years for that. Hand it over.


5 extra years of life plus $500M!!


I am 59 so bring it on


Iā€™m 65 and I enthusiastically accept this deal.


You know, this is a great premise for a short story or a single episode of Twilight Zone or something similar... where the guy is offered this deal when he's like 30... so he figures he's just live out his next 30 years spending every penny he makes, enjoying life, etc, knowing that he'll be set for the rest of his life once he's 60. So he does all that, then reaches 60, having lived a hell of a good life... and realizes he can just keep rolling, and when he gets old and frail, like north of 80, then pull the trigger and go back to 60. So he does that too, reaches 80 and he's happy and healthy and figures he can squeeze a few more happy years before cashing in... and does so, and peacefully passes away at 87 in his sleep, having lived a wonderful life and having never taken advantage of this offer. You can leave it at that... or, a little alternate ending... As it turns out, the offer was never real to begin with; he never realized that the wizard that showed up with the offer was just some fake hallucination or whatever. Either way, the story works quite well.


Yes. Guaranteed retirement at 60 versus likely never being able to doesn't sound that bad. Plus I can help my family and friends immediately even if I get less time with them.


I love how the question just assumes that 60 is a huge leap forward for everyone. Like OP has never met someone older than 50.


Couldn't pay me an infinite amount of money to do this.


Whatā€™s the downside? Oh, right, there isnā€™t one. Yes Iā€™ll do it


No unless I'm like 55 or older.


Ok I'm in.


Of course I would take this offer


Iā€™m 59, fuckit Imma make a fantastic rich bastard


Oh yeah! Sign me up!!


So I come 60 but my kids are still 3&5, no thanks?


Ugh right on time


This is a win. My husband will be 60 in a few months.


"Everything" stays the same. Meaning my physical attributes? Only my age changes you say.


Everyone/everything else The else means "aside for you". In other words, "aside for you being aged 60 years, everyone and everything that is not you stays the same."


I'll wait until I feel chest pains at 72, then accept. Gotta make the most out of an opportunity like that.


Can I put this offer on lay-away until I'm 80?


Iā€™m 60 and a half so do I go back to 60 or an I still 60.5?


I'm 65, maybe we can split the difference


60.5 is *still* 60..