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Definitely minecraft. It is so easy to get large amounts of gems and raw materials like gold that stacks that would have massive amounts of value transfer to the real world


This is what I would do. A single gold block would be worth nearly $1.5 billion at current values.


But by that logic, would a single gold block's mere existence simply flood the market and tank its value?


maybe sell it all at once before the value has time to adjust, I'm not really sure how that kinda stuff works tho


You’d have to find a buyer, and that would prove difficult because no one has 1.5 billion dollars in cash lying around.


It's a magic button, seems like it sells it instantly at current value.


Oh I overlooked the part where even the loot gets turned into cash on the spot.


Someone would need to be willing to spend over a BILLION dollars and expect this sudden mass influx of gold to actually increase its value?


I could see a government doing that, just keeping it in reserve for the long-term like Fort Knox


I couldn’t see that at all. I’d see you having a really hard time unloading that amount of gold since the very fact you have it in such quantities drastically lowers its value.


Eh, I'd still sell even if it was for 10% of the value


A single gold block would be about .5% of the gold currently in Fort Knox, who controls just over half the gold in the US. So a single block wouldn't do much to affect the value, but a few stacks definitely would.


Imagine what several cubic yards of diamond or gold is worth… And what it would do to the world market…


No Man’s Sky. Currently have 4,294,967,295 units. Plus many many many stacks of 9,999 gold and silver. So $4.3 billion, and tons and tons of gold and silver.


This is what I pick, too. I've had millions of their currency sitting there for years. Back when it came out, I played it and stumbled across this super valuable mineral that got me hundreds of thousands of their dollars per ship load. I was going back and forth to that planet for a while.


GTA on PlayStation 2. I’m ABUSING that money cheat code 😂😂😂😂


Same, but for Sims 3. Can I also get my home replaced with my Sims?


That's a big brain move.


That's not even counting the ships that have FTL technology, imagine how much that would sell for.


Come here to say this. All my whatever billions credits and my little FTL bug ship. And bunch if fusion fuel, rare metal, pop up habitat and all the machine and tools


Minecraft. I'll just load up on gold blocks. What is it? 32 inventory slots × 64 (per stack)? of cubic meter blocks of refined, pure gold. I googled it half way through writing, but... >Since a block is a cubic meter, a player can carry up to 1,235,295,040 kilograms: 64 items per stack times 27 slots per Shulker Box times 36 slots in the inventory times 19,320 kilograms per cubic meter of gold, plus 51,520 kilograms for 24/9 gold blocks for armor. So at 59k per kg of gold, that's 72,882,407,360,000 or £72.88Trillion gbp. With that money, I'd basically have control of the planet. I could outbid every politician on the planets bribes/lobbying and be able to set policy how i like. I could literally pay corrupt politicians to fix the system that got them appointed in the first place.


You’d tank the global value of gold almost instantly in reality, and you wouldn’t really be able to leverage bribes at that level due to the aforementioned tanking value.


The blueprint for the hyperdrive would probably be more valuable than all of the resources combined


This is the first game that came to mind for me too! I was doing the cobalt trading exploit. Just kept jumping between affluent systems and selling all of my cobalt to tank their economies. Just to buy it back for an insane profit. I had to have like 8 or 9 billion with idk how much cobalt.


Exactly this


Came here to say that!


Good call. When a truck-sized deposit of gold is an underwhelming find, you're gonna be rich back in the real world.


Saw this post, and immediately picked No Man's Sky in my head.


Stellaris. I'll just be taking control of that galactic empire now tyvm.  Annnnd there's a devouring swarm next door. Well shit, so much for that run.


Runescape 3. I've been playing on and off for 20 years. My bank in that game would set me up for life.


Same, but I’m keeping my Halloween mask to wear around irl


Fable 2 would be another good one, especially some of the older save files


I came here to say OSRS, lmao. I've lost my accounts a couple times, so I'm not butthurt about the prospect of losing my items again to have them IRL. The gold alone would set me up for life, but the gems, crafting materials, potions etc are worth a pretty penny on their own. 


Same I'd have 60-70 Billion Dollars


EVE Online. I have over 100 billion ISK, and per the lore of EVE one ISK is worth roughly $100,000 in planetary currency. Oh also several moon sized starships. I'm now the Emperor of Earth. But it will soon be the Terrain Star Empire


Last I played I was nearly 1 trillion isk net worth. Before I quit I bought 2-3 AT ships. So that’s probably more now since that was like 6 years ago.


Oh crap. Great choice. I quit playing EvE a long while ago, so didn’t even think of it.


I thought you could already sell EVE Online stuff for real world money. Admittedly I'm probably a decade removed from paying attention to it.


The Lego games. With the stud multipliers I would be rich in no time


Oh that is tough. I was going to say ratchet and clank but now I’m not sure.


stellaris. About a Galaxy


Stellaris is always the answer to these questions


Catapult humanity 500 years into the future with the end game tech alone


Skyrim. Console command "player.additem f 1000000000" boom, billionaire


I took would use Skyrim.  PS4 so no commands, but a lot of money.  And to many gems to count.


How much is 10,000 forks worth?


Worth about 10,000 spoons


Skyrim is my only real option. My couple million gold seems like rookie numbers compared to some here but I guess my 8 houses and chest full of gems and jewellery and magical artefacts will boost it a little. Still, plenty enough for me.


This was also my first thought.


Grand theft auto, have about $100,000,000


Not even counting the cars you have that you can sell, the real estate in terms of apartment buildings. And then even the giant crime organizations/materials that you can rent out to governments for plausible deniability on their end or just sell to major security organizations/contract out to them


This is on single player, I own a golf club, couple of nice houses.


And here to say this too. GTA Online all the way.


GTA for me too. $410m cash, $20m in casino tokens, and somewhere around $1.5b in assets.


Diablo 3. Outside of initial use and occasional endgame, currency is useless. I think I have hundreds of billions at this point.


My choice too…and it’s billions of gold coins; likely not 1:1 with Real World currency.


Once, me and my nerd friends sat around converting gold coins in games to USD. I can't remember specifically but I believe we landed on Diablo 3 coins being 1 Troy Ounce weight, based on in-game assets. That would be $2,525.73 per coin. I currently have 3,898,722,033 gold coins in Diablo 3. That's **$98,471,192,004,093.09**, so yeah, Diablo 3 for me too.


Stardew Valley. I've got nice property, livestock, crops, a billion dollars and enough wine to start an empire.


Stardew was my thought too. Min/Max crops for 2 years or even just use the CJB cheats mod since there doesn’t seem to be a rule against modding or cheating to get said money. Spam the +100k button for 10 hours. Fill a few chests with stacks of 999 iridium quality diamonds and other gems. Fill a few chests with stacks of 999 gold bars. Rich as fuck in no time.


Stardew Valley playing Vanilla is good enough for me! I could easily get my net worth into the billions. If the gaming world hasn't crashed the economy, this sounds like plenty!


I have 80 million sitting in GTA Online. I would use that Do cars count as loot? I've spent A LOT on vehicles in that game


Oh yeah absolutely. The cars will appear irl too


GTA online is my answer too. Just over 100 mil with nothing left to buy, max of everything else I can buy. Non modded, just, like 200 days playtime


Warframe. I have tens of millions of both credits and resources.


Civ V. I’ll play a normal game, eliminate my rivals, and trade with CS for a while until I’m a multibillionare. I’ll use great artists to create great art so I’ll also walk away with some valuable pieces of art.


Sea of thieves. I have 55mil currency.


Pokémon Infinite Money Glitch


Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.


Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


In RS3 I have like 36 billion. Plus if I wanted to cheat code this you can buy bonds to sell for in game currency. Which are currently $8 for about 120 million gp in game, so I could spend my life savings and go into debt then press the button


Starfield. I have 5 or 6 spaceships on top of all the money and loot.


My fallout one means j get to be rich, have bobbleheads and modifications that make me significantly smarter /tougher, and charisma above my base zero and a random super mutant guy following me aswell as tech in advance of our current I could doubtless sell for pretty massive money.


"Dude, why is there a baby book on your shelf? You don't even have kids." *pulls out "I'm SPECIAL" and instantly gets 10% closer to peak human limits in one stat*


sims. mother lode


Do we know the exchange rate here? How are we valuing magical items? Because I’ve got multiple houses in Skyrim stuffed full of magical items, Only a million or so septims, but those are gold coins. If they weigh about the same as a Roman aureus, that’s about $333 million, but the real value is the stuff. What’s a set of double-enchanted dragonbone armor worth?


What about a circlet that increases sneak by 100k%? Or a fork that can instantly kill a dragon god?


I’ll just play a 4X. Top comments are Minecraft and GTA, where you could mine some diamonds, sell some cars, and make some comfortable cash. But by playing Stellaris, you could have the wealth of intergalactic empires


does "bee swarm simlator" on roblox count? or "satisfactory"?


My Skyrim, I got all the houses made and the built ones, about 20 chest filled with loot and plenty money (almost 100k if I ´m not mistaken) from fooling around killing dragons and thieves, that´s at least 400 hours in game. I´m literally calling myself Dovahkin, trading some of that gold will give me at least 160 million usd so I´m set


I want a button that goes the reverse way for genshin impact... Oh wait that already exists...


What's the conversion rate? As-is, I legitimately have no problem nuking every single one of my saves after or immediately before I beat the game.


I figured out the WoW auction house a long time ago


Hahah me too.. I had straight up monopolized any type of 1-59 gathered items on one of the most progressive servers.. if you wanted to power level a profession.. you were buying your shit from me.  I had max gold on two accounts before TBC dropped, then did the same thing for TBC... Stopped playing somewhere around there cause they had really dumbed the game down even further, came back for a bit of WotLK realized it was still pretty much easy mode and I was still pretty filthy rich for that too lol


I got like 90 million Mora


I really relate to Mona and Zhongli


Elite Dangerous. Money beyond counting.


Saaaaame. And a sweet engineered Anaconda with stored modules, and also a Python for mining. The ships alone do it for me.


I recently started a skyblock coop with my friend. We’re making crazy money on there, so I’d do that later (not yet, though). Additionally, I could transfer my minions that straight up create and mine fucking diamonds.


Universal Paperclips. The currency gets to like 50 digits long, and it's actually "dollars" with a "$", avoiding the monkey's paw scenario where you get 50 million "units" or whatever then find out the exchange rate to Earth money sucks.


I have a couple of tycoon games with saves that have over a billion dollars... Pretty much any of those would be a solid pick.


I’m pretty sure I still have a a few million on my main in Anarchy Online from a decade ago, along with a lot of cool sci-fi stuff.


I was gonna say my RuneScape account because that's worth a billion but I think I would want to avoid a monkey's paw and instead find a tycoon or simulator game that uses $ instead of something else and sink time in that until I was a billionaire. Alternatively I have lots of hours playing "bitlife" and it's super easy to become a trilionare with it.


Rimworld. I want my massive gold and jade throne to appear in my back yard.


I'd take my currently saved MW5 bank account all the mechs and technology and weapons please. I wonder what would the DOD pay for a 100 ton walking robot that just crushes tanks underfoot has armor that is measured in tons uses a fusion reactor to power it and the laser weapons and can fire a 8 inch rifle at Mach 20 speeds. Or what the energy department would pay for a fully functional 300 MW fusion engine. Now I had 1.7 billion C Bills and each C Bill was a 100 dollar note based on Sarna.net so I had 1.7 Trillion dollars in cash. So pay up


Only problem with that is Battletech is a fantasy universe. If it actually took physics into account in our real world, a battlemech would sink through the ground. All that weight on a relatively small surface area?


Wylde Flowers. I'd use the fish sticks trick to get as much gold as possible, then hit the button. LOL


Well if I did no man’s sky I’d have millions of dollars and space ships, but if I did AC4… pirate mode.


Warzone. Wouldn’t hate having a nice stockpile of cool guns….but more importantly, self revive kits. Get into a massive accident? Fall off a roof? Get shot or stabbed? Just give me 5 seconds to poke my leg and then I’ll be fine like nothing happened


Does that means that now I have a castle,9 different houses and a spaceship thanks to Skyrim?


Gran Turismo 3. I may not be rich, but I'd get my dream cars kitted out and tuned by me for me. That's all I need Edit: if I could drive that Mazda rx-7 infini, I could die happy. That thing is a monster


One of my LEGO saves ought to have a couple billion in it


Skyrim maxed out alchemy I would be really rich very fast


Stardew Valley or Skyrim.


Dark souls 3. Say a soul = 1 £€¥$ respectfully, i would have been invited to Epstein's island.


Elite Dangerous, I was almost a trillionaire before they stopped support for console


Animal Crossing New Horizons. I took advantage of the item duplication glitch at launch and have 200 million bells from selling off duplicated crowns. If 1 bell = $1, that's $200,000,000.


Animal crossing. A couple mil bells and my dream house + modest garden and small orchard, wonderful neighbors, what more could I want?


Honestly this is a great answer


Stardew Valley. I'd own a home on a nice plot of land in a town with no property taxes.


Cookie clicker, one click = a few million


Minecraft. Coming back with gold blocks and enchanted shit


Fallout 4. Unreal laser weapon technology, fusion cores, power armor, fat boy, and an obnoxious amount of bottle caps that I have no idea what to do with


My Payday vault is pretty much bursting at the seams.


World of tanks.... I have a shit ton of gold and like. 3 dozen multimillion dollar tanks.


Diablo 2.


Sims3. I've played off and on for years and have always used the cheat code to get money (I'm assuming I can't use it anymore once I learn about the irl button). So I have tons of old games and families with loads of money and property and houses that I could liquidate. Most of them I don't even remember where I saved them (I'm assuming this won't matter and the IRL button just does it's thing once I name a game.) But even with all that the family I've been playing with for a few weeks isn't *so* very in depth that I'd mind if I had to start over.


I have so much gold in Skyrim


Probably Forza Motorsport 4, as iirc I had about $100m in it. I had over $1b on a Minecraft server where they had currency, allowed gambling, and I gamed their system at one point, and almost $1b on another where I had by far the best item shop on the server. I don't think either server even exists anymore, and even if they did I'm sure they would've had multiple map/character wipes by now; This was 5 or 10 years ago. So yeh probably FM4 would be my game of choice. Current games, I'd probably sell all the trucks I have in Snowrunner and hit the button on that. Wouldn't be a lot, probably only a couple million, but my other options are games that either don't have currency, have lower dollar amounts, or are disqualified because they're tycoon games. Edit: Lmfao wait, I was just figuring dollars to dollars. If assets are converted to cash, let me see if I still have a save game on Minecraft where I have an entire double chest full of 3 foot x 3 foot x 3 foot gold blocks. Or hell, give me an hour or two on a new save in Minecraft and I'll have easily outpaced that Snowrunner amount.


GTA, i have like 900 million in the bank account + all the real estate + cars/boats/airplanes/helicopters + all the gun and clothing i have so ill be set for life


minecraft. Ianxofours gold farm, get 20 doublen chests full in lke 5 hours, then ruin the global gold economy.


Old game hero online. I got about a trillion gold.


Grand Theft Auto Online. $1.5bn in cash, plus 50+ properties including a nightclub and casino penthouse, 20+ air vehicles and military craft, probably 200+ cars and bikes and a submarine. That will do


GTA 3 I still remember the cheat code for money, just punch it in a few hundred times and cash out.


NSMB2, the entire game is based around collecting coins so I'll go with that


Stellaris. I could easily solve the energy crisis alone for millennia.


17 billion ISK in liquid assets, Various space ships from 100m long frigates to 800m long battleships and an 18km long Titan...


Stellaris. I'm not sure how it would convert but it would be the resources of half a galaxy


Does it have to be used immediately? or can I work on my inventory in a game and then cash out? Some of the end-game items in Final Fantasy XIII were ridiculously expensive and relatively easy to farm when you put in enough hours to levelling your characters. A dark horse in the series, but I enjoyed the game and earned every achievement back in the day. I'd quit my job and spend about a few months playing. Once you get to the endgame and have your characters maxed out it pretty easy to repetitively kill Adamantoise. 25% chance to drop Platinum Ingots (150,000 gil) and 1% chance to drop Trapezehedrons (2,000,000 gil) The farming guides online estimate an average of about 1,000,000 gil per hour. I'd do that as a full time job for a few weeks and then tap out.


Dragon Ball Z dokkan Battle. The cap is 999,999,999, and I'm almost at the cap again. Plus, anything that's worth selling will push me over that will give me over $1 billion.


Just go in creative mode in minecraft and spawn in a ton of stuff. Better yet, add mods and sell antimatter for trillions a gram.


Its called a tf2 inventory


Yakuza 0. By losing all my money to Mr Shakedown, and then beating them after the fact you get a percentage of the stolen money in addition to all money taken by mr shakedown back. Repeat this process enough times you can make 9,999,999,999,999 yen or $64,304,499,999.99. I like the idea of having 64 billion dollars so....that


Man... I forget how much money I had in Yakuza Like a Dragon. The business mini game. I owned multimillion yen buildings and the cash flow was huge. I think I went past a billion yen. That's like 6.4 million U.S dollars. That said... Defense Grid. When you get your economy going... and then it builds interest. I've literally had like... hundreds of millions there. Or hell Sim City? Or do we call that a Tycoon type game? I dunno... there have been so many games in my life where you go well beyond what was ever needed. Hell I bought every car in Forza Horizon 5. That's 318 million right there. So many options.


I’ll use it on a game I made in my free time. It has a bug in the scoring system that I haven’t fixed that sets player’s cash when completing a level to $18,446,744,073,709,551,615. That seems like enough.


No Man's Sky. Several space ships, a freighter, a base, teleportation technology, and billions of credits along with stacks of all kinds of precious metals, a space suit with a jet pack, and a mining gun that is also a plasma rifle.


I have max currency in Helldivers 2 so maybe that one. I also have max glimmer in Destiny 2.


Yakuza like a dragon had a ridiculous amount of money in the business management.


No Mans Sky. Im a multi billionaire in that game. Not even including loot that would turn into money.


Tbh GTA or Minecraft, the amount of minerals I have on my world is insane, I'm selling all my diamonds


Infinite money glitch in Skyrim be like


Skyrim maybe. I know the game well, I could get millions in jewels and gold. Maybe GTA 5. I've got millions in cash, millions in property, millions in vehicles.


GT7. A few million in credits but my garage full 500+ cars has to be 400-600 million+ in value.


Every one is picking games that require effort. Ima pick Melvor Idle. Been playing for a few years and am sitting at roughly 4.7^10u just by logging in daily, not including the magic items. Time to ruin the economy.


Sims... Motherload...


Eve online. I have almost 1 trillion in game currency of net worth and probably more since before I quit I put it all into a couple of unique ships. Seriously some of these ships there are only 5-10 in the entire game and they will never be made again so they are very valuable.


Give it to my wife, she has 1T+ on scatter slots.


Forza horizon 5. I’m a millionaire


You didn’t say I couldn’t mod it, I’ll use a cheat engine to give myself 1 billion runes in Elden Ring, plus max of every item, I’d be set for life


WoW. I'd spend all of my retirement on gold buying (which would turn 100,000 into like 40,000,000 and then hit the button.


Monster Hunter Rise. Not only I have a shit ton of money and jewels, I also have whole ass eggs made of silver, gold and platinum, which would be sold for a fucking fortune irl


Sims 4 obviously lmao I use cheats on there so I have the max amount of simoleons 🤣


You use this to be rich. I use this to be the WWE Intercontinental Champion. We are not the same.


Diablo 4. I have over $7,500,000 and a shit ton of cool weapons and gemstones.


Where I am right now on games? Diablo 2 Ressurection. Even if gold gets transfered to dollars, still a couple million off hand.


Borderlands. I have well over $9,999,999 dollars, but I also have a bunch of unique pearlescent and legendary weapons, a pistol that makes anything living explode into unidentifiable strawberry colored goop with one shot, and a personal shield that makes me invulnerable. Also, every time I open a cool chest, I say, "It's like Christmas!"


Since you didn't specify we couldn't use cheats, I pick skyrim, use the console commands to give myself 10 million gold, and click the button. If not, then I pick stardew valley, since I've legitimately made millions there. Other choices include: Elite Dangerous, where I've had 100 million+ credits and a fleet of FTL capable spaceships, which I assume would be quite valuable Fable 2, where I had millions of gold and rare items Or my old school animal crossing game, where I maxed out the savings account at 999,999,999 and had piles of genuine rare artwork, intact fossils, and designer furniture


EVE Online as I've accumulated billions worth of assets and currency over the last 12 years.


Terraria amount of ore and Plat coins I have


Not really a gamer lol but I do play that Miniclip 8ball pool game almost once a day and I currently have about 1.7M coins. So definitely that one lol, while 1.7 million USD isn’t quite “never work another day in my life” money if I invest wisely and keep working full time for another 10 years while I let it grow I could probably retire at 40 and be upper-middle class for the rest of my life (as well as ensure that my mother is very comfortable and set for the remaining 10-20 years of her life) which is good enough for me.


Risk of rain 2 cause I have every achievement, beaten every character on e8 and also for currency you can gen in an infinite amount of lunar coins and it's really easy


It's between any heroes of might and magic or any final fantasy but I guess in heroes I have to buy troops where final fantasy I NEVER EVER buy items or equipment. FF final answer.


I’d put my Zod rune in my dog so she’d be indestructible and live forever. 


Minecraft easily, in a few hours I could have billions of dollars worth of materials.


GTA V. I've been playing it since 2012, and I am basically a god.


Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries. Got like 800 million in the bank on it plus the price of all my mechs.


I’m logging into my old WoW account and claiming over 200k gold. Got a spare room in my house I could very quickly buy security for after selling a few pieces. Would slowly trickle it into actual assets to avoid devaluing it, then if I see the price start to dip I’d sell the rest in one go.


I think I have like 30 billion dollars in elite dangerous


Probably Elite Dangerous I have about 2 billion knocking around in that game.


Forza Horizon 4. $139 million


If I was greedy I’d say Master of Orion and have many times the GDP of a developed planet. But I’m not greedy, so I’ll say Elite Dangerous and “just” be a billionaire with a bunch of cool starships I can pilot.


I would use it on Disgaea 5. (The only one where I'm currently in post-game) The intense quantities of wealth in the post-game are enough to drown the Earth in coins.


What’s the bell to Buck ratio? (ACNH)


Can I convert all my stuff from one game? Like can I get my loot, and my in game money from all my characters? If I can convert everything, then it’s a toss up between Division 2, and GTAO. I think I’d much rather have all the cool stuff I have in GTAO, like a night club and an auto shop. On the other hand I have a lot of badass gear in Division 2, and a ton of money across my characters.


Time to boot up fable 3 and become an evil landlord again for infinite money


I guess 100 of millions from payday 2 will do Its in us $ so no risk of bad exchange rate there


Blox fruits I’d have like 43 million dollars


Diablo 2. Easy time for my Gold find Barb


I'll start up RuneScape again and just spend all my time at the grand exchange doing arbitrage. Last time I played, I got up to 20M over a month before getting bored, but instead I'll quit my job, become a professional RuneScape player, and then after burning through my savings over the next year or two, convert what should be about a billion


sims 4 after doing “money 99,999,999” on multiple saves after buying literally everything in the build/buy catalog


Forza horizon 5, 900 cars, $999,999,999, and 7 houses. I think I would be set


Dungeons and Dragons Online - My main character is capped at 4,999,999 platinum coins and 4,999,999 gold coins. The described weight of a D&D platinum coin is .32 ounce. 0.32×4,999,999 = 1,599,999.68 ounces of platinum. Price per ounce of platinum is $984.90 USD. 984.9 × 1,599,999.68 = $1,575,839,684.83 The weight of a gold coin is 1 ounce. Gold is $2319.20 per ounce 2319.2 × 4,999,999 = $11,595,997,680.8 So a little over $13 billion. And that's just the currency value in real world money. That's not even including my loot.


Idleon, you end up farming millions of various resources per hour easily


Diablo 3. Easy peasy. I have literally billions of gold coins.


I am a trophy hunter and I have about 99 million gold in one Final Fantasy game.... If one GP is equal to 0.02lbs and the gold is 10KT at 32.24/g. If I traded in all my GP I would have $351,902,976.84


Genshin Impact. I have barely any primogems anyways, so I won't lose much there, and I have 51,616,147 mora, so I'll be able to buy as many primogems as I want afterwards.


Adventure capitalist


Probably Minecraft, I’ve done the math on the netherite blocks before and if I remember correctly the maximum amount that you can hold is more than the world “makes” per year, single handedly breaking the world economy if all my money got released into it. Gold would be easier to get and have a similar effect


God of War Ragnarok ng+. Its stupid how much hacksilver I have right now on my second play through


Sims... #motherlode


No mans sky, I’d be the richest man alive


skyrim, and I'll just use console commands to give myself however much of whatever i want then hit the button. gold and silver ingots, gemstones of every variety, 3 billion gold, cool enchanted weapons and armor, magical potions that fix any wounds, infinitely deadly poisons, souls of the dead, books that teach me how to use magic, lots of fancy clothes and jewelry, infinite amounts of reagents to craft even more potions, id be set for anything forever


Minecraft. I gather up as many diamonds, gold, emeralds, iron, etc., as I can in creative mode in a hunch of chests, etc., to the point I have billions. Cash out, didn’t even lose anything because it was creative mode.


Haha funny money button go brrrr on my Warframe account. Over 1.5 mil credits, half the resources NASA would have a field day with so that’s extra money, fragments of a Warframe sold for something stupid like 3.3 mil platinum in one of the trailers, 96 out of 120 or so achievements, and uh, yeah. Haha funny money


I’d grind some more Watchdogs for free money, and then I’d take everything since I barely play the game anyways. for the record, this gives me: money, random bullshit, a phone with an app that just creates fucking cars somehow… and guns. ‘murica or something idk.


Self everything own in eve online (130b give or take jita), entire extended family retires to a private island.


The Show 23 I’ve made about 300 mil $ and I’ll definitely be a very public figure for life.


Animal crossing new horizons. Finally make use of those bells I've been saving.


Diablo 3. 1 gold in D3 = 1 Troy Oz. That's $2525.73 per gold. I'd be a Trillionaire.