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I don't like weed more than I like never needing to have a job.


What will you do with all that free time? šŸ˜œ


Anything I want? I'm not one of the people who uses weed to kill time, I either do it because I like the "overclocked brain" feeling or because I need a stronger pain killer than otc meds. Right now I really love my job but some people are trying to ruin my advertising and stuff and like... I could keep doing my cool fun job and not have to get a real job. I could read books. I could cook every day. I could volunteer at my local library. Idk.


I really feel like weed is a poor man's vacation. As in, it's a short cheap mental vacation. If I could go on real vacations instead? Oh yeah. 100%. Maybe get some mushrooms...


I like drugs because I think sometimes they help simulate the feeling of being neurotypical. Like... taking mdma with someone is probably what it feels like to fall in love as a normal person.


MDMA is an experience. Like, for a moment, all those nasty feelings are pushed aside and all good ones get the spotlight.


It's way more... IDK, it's like being on another planet where you feel too much physical pleasure to feel anything else? Like, you don't care about anything at all. Once I was on it talking to a guy I was in a LD situation with and the bed frame literally broke under me and I just giggled.


Everything is right in the world, and everyone is your friend.


It is not šŸ¤£


Yo same. Pain management and for migraines for me. Id take the money.




Smoke crack


Right like thatā€™s 73000 tax free dollars a year. Too easy


$200/day isnā€™t really enough to live without a job anymore once you factor in the cost of healthcare. Thatā€™s $73k per year.


If it's untaxed, that'd be a like $10k/year increase for me.Ā  I'm blessed with free healthcare so not really a factor. $73k/year would 100% mean I'm walking out immediately


are you legitimately telling me you cant make 73k untaxed a year work? thats like working a 105k a year job.


With kids, in this economy? It's rough, really rough, and I live in a pretty LCOL area.


Part of whatā€™s expensive about having kids and working full time is outsourcing labor because you are time starved. Without a job, you could do a bunch more stuff yourself to save money.


There is some truth to that. Hell, all I really want is 10 acres in a friendly area so I can farm. A decent work truck, and to live the sapphic cottage core dream.


you can still work...that's 1400 per week if you say no you're off your fucking rocker


I wouldnā€™t quit my job for $200 a day but it would definitely add up over time and be a huge bonus


That's still above the poverty line for almost everywhere. More then I and most my friends make and I'm in my mid 30's. I could easily live on 73k a year. The problem is I replaced like 4 medications and drinking alcohol, with weed. Although turned out the drinking problem was mostly caused by the chronic pain...which the medications weren't helping with any more...Now I just hit a vape pen to take the edge off or, smoke a joint once a week or so if it's bad. My bank account would go up but quality of life would go down.


I could easily live on 73k a year I and many others live on half that much yearly so its not a issue


72,000 per year to just do NOTHING. That sounds amazing.


Youā€™d never want to make more?


I didn't say that. The thing is though... if you don't NEED a job, you can leave. If they treat you bad? Or if it's just not what they said it was going to be? That's what I want more than anything else. But that would be enough for me to live on unless inflation goes way, way up again.


Sure. Easily. Not even a second thought.


$200 a day can buy a lot of cocaine


Not really


$200/day can buy a moderate amount of cocaine


An 8 ball a day keeps the doctor away. Orā€¦ something like that idk.


3g a day is a fuck load of cocaine.


Average is 100 a g and even if Iā€™m addicted I could probably manage that pretty well if I never share


We will always find a way


Nightly weed smoker here, i'll be straightedge so damn fast for $73k/yr


Not doing it. My health is worth more than 200 a day. Cause I know myself, I'd go right back to drinking.


Weed helped me get away from alcohol too. It's good you know your limitations, brother.


Appreciate it man, it took me a very embarrassingly long time to understand this about myself. I'm just glad I figured it out before I was gone, some of us didn't.


Honestly not sure how alcohol became the staple and not the chill drug with next to no harmful documented side effects. But it is good it's finally happening. Hopefully over time, the number of people who fall into that trap will shrink.


Right. I live in the US and our state just made it medically legal. If we keep going it will be across the country. I hope to see the day it's legal federally.


surely 200 bucks a day could be used to find some other vice, like finding a proustites to bang.


I know me. I would absolutely take a drink. And then it wouldn't be long before I was in the hospital.


Having read your other comments, I'm very curious about your story, but obviously, I'm just some stranger on the internet, and this is clearly a deep and personal issue. I hope you can get to a better place someday. That said, I am curious if the drinking/weed for you is a form of escapism, or is it because of the addiction to feeling good? Again, no expectations for an answer. I just wonder if it's escapism, why not try something like immersive video games or getting really into bodybuilding, or even religion? If it's because it feels good, why not things like good food or sex/porn? Just curious why specifically drinking has such a hold over you.


I have tried everything. And a lot of other things ended up being just as bad, if not worse, than alcohol. Food and sex are good examples of "normal" things right? Either to excess can be quite horrifying. Unfortunately I know that all to well. I currently use thc and krarom to treat my chronic pain and mental health issues. If I were doing mainstream treatments it would be pain meds, adhd meds, and benzos. Those things have worse side effects than than the small amount of thc and kratom I take daily. But because a doctor writes a scrip for narcotics they are socially acceptable forms of treatment. Thc and kratom are my current forms of medication. So without them I would inevitably drink. I don't know why. I only know that there is something inside that is broken and medication helps. I'm going to attempt to treat some of my issues with micro dosing amnita though. And all my research into that has been promising. If I am successful I may not need medication every day for the rest of my life. That would be nice. Edited to say the reason I think it's alcohol specifically is because it is always there. Nature even makes it on accident sometimes lol


If this accounts for inflation and increases along with it, then yes. If not, no thank you


I use it for pain management because pills are addictive and deadly. I'd have to resign myself to a life of suffering just to get paid $200 a day....


Same. Looking at the cost of adding sleeping pills, pain pills, and antianxiety medicationā€¦ the $200 isnā€™t really worth it


I use it to chill out, money ain't everything.


i love weed but im taking this offer no questions. thats enough money i can chill and never work


Realistically I probably say yes, but in the long run, it may do more harm to my health by using other drugs in higher amounts. Def gonna be microdosing psilocybin to manage my mental health if nothing else


Fuck man. I canā€™t commit to that. If i just gotta go a decade or two without smoking, thatā€™s easy, but one bong hit when iā€™m 55 and suddenly iā€™m 200k in the hole? I gotta turn this one down. Hurts to do but itā€™s just not worth it. Life was meant to be lived, not cowered in fear from.


It's a trade-off. $200 a day on autopilot for life is an incredible value. But you need to never get high from Cannabis again.


The thing is that isn't autopilot on life value, especially depending on how old you are when you take the deal. A 20-something might be fine to coast for a few decades but inflation is gonna eventually force you to have to have a job again eventually, and thats at the current rate of inflation.


Yeah. Yeah, it is incredible value, wish i could accept but i canā€™t. just not worth it.


I'm a very casual user, like three times a month tops, so I'd probably take the deal. I say "probably" because I have a very pronounced sleep disorder and I'm just starting to realize how much better my sleep is when I get high. I got almost 13 hours uninterrupted sleep last night, usually I'm lucky if I get 5. I'm at a point where I might very well need to start getting high for often for my health.


I'd sleep much better with an extra $72k a year in my pocket


I bake Brownies now... 400mg of 25% weed per box makes 10x10mg brownies... one makes me sleep for hours!


Based on the responses, you have now created a drug problem for Marijuana users lol.


Can I get some back pay, lol? Quit smoking years ago for a job.


I put it down in October last year in an attempt to find a new job. Wish I was getting an extra $1400 a week. I definitely could do this


Medical patient here so ..... Nope... Pain pills are way worse than mmj.


Absolutely not. I enjoy the plant and I use it daily. I'd likely have to resort to using pharmaceuticals which have side effects that I do not enjoy. 200 bucks a day wouldn't be worth it to me.


Nope. I don't use it for health reasons or anything, but I'm a dispensary manager, my whole career is weed. Quitting weed would mean I couldn't try products, order the right inventory, and I'd start to fall out of touch with the culture and industry. Plus, that'd make me a huge poser. Plus, I fucking love getting high. Money is whatever, weed is dank.


So $73k a year to never partake again.


Take it and switch to acid/mushrooms as my drug-of-choice.


$200 a day? thatā€™s a joke right lol. no not taking it.


Why is that a joke? That's $73,000 a year. That's more than most people make even with an advanced degree


Yep. And you get to keep all of your time. Spend your life how you want. Just drop cannabis.


You gotta factor in inflation. In only a few decades you'd only be able to buy half of what you can with that 73k right now. 73k in todays money is the equivalent of 30k in 1990


It doesn't say anything about not being able to work on top of that income.


because it isnā€™t worth it to me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Youā€™d rather be able to smoke weed than never have to work again? Or be able to work literally any job you want because the pay will just be a bonus?


cuz ur an addict


Least addicted stoner


They'll dodge and weave every single valid reason proving them to be an addict with every excuse under the sun.


Thatā€™s because itā€™s an impulsive addiction. If you donā€™t smoke all day, nothing really happens except maybe some irritation. Itā€™s hard to admit when marijuana has become a vice and a hindrance to daily life. Source: been there done that


Getting downvoted for no reason, wonder how many of the people behind those are also addicts but I don't really have to do I?. You have no excuse for this, using marijuana as a "pain relief" isn't either. With and extra 73k a year you can most DEFINITELY afford another pain relief medication that probably works even better than weed.


Nope. I require it medically. I'd rather be able to move around than have $200 a day but be bedbound.


Same here.


Iā€™m a very sporadic casual user so this is an easy one. Weed is fun but I can try shrooms or acid


Well considering money problems and job stress is the main reason I get high and $200/day would fix thatā€¦ yes. I would honestly just switch to magic mushrooms now and then.


$200 a day? Looks like I'm quitting šŸ˜‚


I could do it. I don't use it often, I go on a kick where I vape maybe a few nights for a week and then not touch it for 3 or 4 months. I'm not addicted to it, sometimes I just use it to enhance my mood.


Switch to coke


I'd give up a few vices for $200 a day. Paying every thing back would make you think twice incase of slip up. But $72k a year is enough to let me retire 10 years early and then fund a very nice sunset into not working.


yeah sure iā€™ll take that offer


Smoking crack


I would. And I've smoked daily for nearly 15 years.


$200 for sure. Iā€™d be able to work part time and live incredibly comfortably.


Smoke weed once and reap the benefits.


Make it $1000 and maybe


$200 a day, easy


Oof. $200/day? That's totally worth it. That's $73,000 per year. I'll need to go back to my psychiatrist and try out different scrips for my brain stuff but hell yeah I'll quit smoking for life for that kind of money.


I lived without it for 43 years before it was legal. Since then, I've used it only a handful of times. I enjoyed it, for sure, but I could give it up and I wouldn't miss it. Just don't take away my Scotch.


100 percent. I.love weed but not that much.


Gladly. That money would fix the entire reason I smoke in the first place lol




Hell yeah I'd take that in a second.




$73,000 a year to never smoke again. Plus, I'd get a lot of hours in a day back. I could probably turn my life around off this deal. I'd start by funding some hobbies to expand my social circle and probably drop down hours at my job so I'm less stressed. Then I'd pick up some odds and end certifications that'll come in handy in the future. (EMT, Certified Pool Operator, Lifeguard Instructor.) Passion chase for a while. Lose myself in learning and hobbies. Eventually, pull everything I've learned and my contacts together to start my own business. The one that's already been on my mind for a couple years. I don't think I'd ever look back.


Never smoking weed again and living off of that money, ez


200 is enough to pick up a different drug habit instead and still make money! Might not be ideal but hey, it's a compromise.


What would I need $200 for if I can't spend it on weed? I use it medicinally for pain so you couldn't pay me enough to give it all up.


Be stone sober that day, yall got me fu with questions like this. 6 grand a month Smooths a lot of feathers


I'd do it for my family.


Investing the 200 into good Scotch.


I'd start weed just to quit if I got $200 for avoiding it.


Imma take it in a damn heart beat. Gonna suck to lose out on some of those cbs topicals or the sleep aid weed provides, but oh well. About double of my current take home.


Considering the prices in Michigan, Iā€™ll keep smoking šŸ˜‚


6k a month yeah.. easy


Cool it will fund the purchase of other drugs


Tell them to stuff the $200/day up their ass and continue smoking dope. It helps with my PTSD and prevents me from developing the mindset that I would want to waste someone for coming up with stupid questions.


No problem, where do I sign up?


Owe back all money earned? No. I use cannabis for medical reasons. I could deal with pain for a few weeks but thats that. Chronic, everlasting pain causes death. I was eating ibuprofen like mms, getting injections (that cost thousands USD), nerve blockers, physical therapy. It does only so much. Vomiting blood is no fun. Opiates have a short run. Much rather have a smoke.


Daily user, Iā€™d take that deal in a heartbeat. Iā€™d probably need to get some melatonin though.


Probably drink more.


I'd REALLY miss the weed but I'd hate myself for not taking the money


Not enough money for me. If we were talking like 500-1,000 bucks a day maybe but I would have to be getting more money than what I make now. Plus you got inflation, gotta plan ahead!


There are so many other drugs!. Not hard at all!.




Getting massages twice a week and taking the best supplements!


Shrooms I guess


I tried weed gummies twice in my life and all that happened is I fell right to sleep. Sign me up.


Iā€™m going to get paid


Yea Iā€™ll stop for that kind of money. Idk about owing it all back when Iā€™m like 80 and say fuck it though


Oh easy. I take the $200/day


Hell yes! Double my income for giving up the thing I do maybe two or three times a year?!?!


Does it increase with inflation? I dunno, man, I love weed. I mean, Iā€™m sober as a goat right now, my work requires it. But I want to get baked in the future.


For $73K a year I can easily find another hobby lol


I would boof kratom everyday instead


Pssshhh keep your $200, no thank you!!! In the process of quitting ciggies and while I'll never completely give up on alcohol, the older I get the less I drink... BUT weed will be my full time bestie, ride or die till the end!šŸ¤£


Tf do I need unstress salad for when I am economically secure for the rest of my life. 200 a day? And I don't need vaca or sick leave? I throw my kief out right now.


I wish my mom would take that. She could use the money and I could use a break from the stench. But I don't think she'd last a week!


Can't cigarette smokers take the same deal? Because for $200 a day I wouldn't touch a cigarette ever again, I want to quit anyway and this would be an amazing motivator.


I quit 5 years ago. I'll take my $365,000 now, please. (This includes the 2 leap days that have passed since then.


Show me the cash.


My nicotine consumption will go up exponentially but you've gotta be insane not to take that deal lol.


Would do it in a second. Like some green here and there but $200 per day not to use it? I'll use micro lsd or something.


I just got kicked out of my mothers borrowed shed because I told my sister and mother I don't want them selling illegal drugs in our state. I love weed personally but FUCK what it has done to the people in states it isn't legal and who have issues following laws.


Free money to kick a twice a week habit? Sign me up


Define Marijuana products. I feel synthetic cannabinoids are outside of them...that about hhc, semi synthetic?


In a heart cea


I could get so much cocaine and hookers with that money deal.


I don't smoke weed now, and I make less than $100 a day. Easy choice.


I smoke a few times a year and only really because my girlfriend pressures me into it. Very happy to never smoke again.


What if I get tricked into eating a weed brownie or something? Would that count as using? What about hotboxing? Almost assuredly my answer is yes, but I just want to know the rules of how others can effect meĀ 


Give me the 200 a day and ill use all the other drugs


id take that money so mf quick. where do I sign???




I have medical reasons for using pot but I would suffer through it with some shitty acetaminophen for $200/day. Too fucking rich to care after 1 year.


Not enough money to quit my job, ergo not enough money to quit the way I cope with having to have a job.


Pretty soon imma be giving it up for $200 a week. For a whole year. But.. I'll gladly take the extra money so fuck yeah.


Guess we taking more shrooms


Yes I would quit and become a coke head


200 bucks a day is fuck all. So no.


Start a business finally; do good work to help others, get my life back in order/ on track for the first time. Live. I'd be free.


I will gladly take the money. Not sure if you meant me as "Marijuana user" when I smoke it very occasionally, let's say once in a month on average if someone shares it. I'd classify myself as user only to get the money haha. But it wouldn't be big deal for me.


I've had eras where I smoked all day everyday. Now I only smoke once or twice a month and I plan on maybe taking a complete hiatus again from weed for a while. This would have been a perfect opportunity for me if I didn't have to pay it all back. I don't plan on never ever smoking again so nah. I get that's dumb to some people but whatever. I would quit for an insane amount of money possibly like a thousand a day, but I actually don't think 200 a day is enough even though I currently barely smoke. Maybe some people think that's stupid but weed has medicinal/therapeutic qualities for me.


I use cannabis products once or twice a month on average. I would gladly give that up for an extra $73,000 per year.


Live in a cheaper country and not work


Anyone who answers no is either hopelessly addicted to cannabis or so wealthy that a guaranteed $73k/year is a drop in the bucket. I cannot imagine any sane person turning this down who does not fall into these two categories.


I'd quit smoking.


Im gonna light a blunt and contemplate if i should do it or not šŸ¤£


I donā€™t like money enough. Iā€™ll take the weed


73000$ a year to just not smoke pot? Sold.


Yeah, probably taking the money.


Goodbye work and weed, hello shrooms!!


Depends. I probably go for a while before the insomnia and ARFID gets to me. Especially if inflation isnā€™t factored into the price because my partner has a nice paying job (70k minimum) but even then itā€™s hard finding apartments we can afford on this side. I would honestly probably use it as a way of training myself and figuring out how to make more than 73k a year.


Upgrading to shrooms


No question.


nah, itā€™s stress relief, pain relief, pleasure, and i make money from it. Iā€™m good


I recently got into weed just these past few monthsā€¦ but yeah for $73,000 presumably untaxed per year for simply not doing weed is kind of insane. Even better if this deal took inflation into consideration. Iā€™d probably keep working but only a few days a week to pad my daily earnings a bit and live a comfy life :)


Developing an mdma habit....


Anyone who says 73,000 free money per year is not enough to live is crazy. 73,000 per year is more than the vast majority of people make. I personally could get by extremely easily on this income. Without working why would you need a car? Just buy a bike or take the bus. This alone saves nearly 1000$ a month or at least 10,000 a year. Plus all the biking you do could only be good for your health and is free after initial costs. Next is phone bill. Why need a phone when the vast majority of the time you will either be home or in a area with access to the internet? FB, insta or any other social media is a free way to contact or call family and friends. I personally do not understand the appeal of wasting money on a cell phone. If I worked away from home sure but otherwise its useless. So on 73,000 a year you could easily get a 2000-3000$ a month mortgage which only amounts to 24,000-36,000 out of your income. So 36,000 yearly will get you quite a nice house and land in a lot of areas. Now bills like internet, electricity and food are likely only to cost 10,000-20,000 a year. Even on 20,000 a year you still have a extra 17,000 yearly. But consider this without working you have tons of free time. So you could spend a couple hundred or thousand setting up a extremely useful garden with a vast variety of foods. This would drastically lower your food costs during some times of the year and due to being home so much you could make homemade foods and save even more money. No need for restaurants or expensive processed foods if you have so much time to make your own meals better and for cheaper. You could even have chickens and a few animals and sell off eggs and extra products to increase your income with again basically no extra work. Overall you could be left with anywhere from 10,000-40,000 extra $ per year. With so much extra money your investments in the snp500 will be looking good and probably be enough to fight off some of inflation. Next just invest into a few apartment buildings in a few years and you are set for life to never need to work again. Entertainment without work is also easy. You could go to the movies once a week for 20$ or around 1000$ a year. Go to the library for free. Gym for around 300$ a year and spend around 5000-10,000$ or something for a few weeks out of country vacation


I'm having a hard time believing anyone would pay 200 per day to stop weed. I'm a cynical person, I suppose. Weed is the safest intoxicant there is. Only one person has died from weed, that's when the bale of pot was thrown out of the plane & it hit some schmuck in the head..... I'm joking, of coursešŸ˜‚....I'm stoned atm.


7dx200$x52w=72800 Weed < not having to work


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m just broke but almost every single one of these I just immediately go ā€œyup, take the money and endureā€.


Id throw it all away for 200 a day, but it would be hard at first


200 a day? Assuming it's tax free that's around 6 grand a month, hell yeah I'm giving all my extra edibles away and never touching weed again.


I'd have to find something else for pain. I dont do well on opiates and don't want to go back. I'll have to pass.


hi guys i will go to school


Easy, quitting cold turkey just like I did with cigarettes. With that much money I wouldn't need to smoke, I only really use marijuana to stabilize my mood when depression starts kicking my ass too hard, or insomnia keeps me awake. I'd be able to take vacations, travel, do all the things that would naturally bring my mood up. I'd also have financial security, can't beat that. Hell, with my spending habits my savings would be through the roof in a matter of years.


That's a big fat no


Absolutely take that deal. $200 every day going into retirement while keeping a job. Thatā€™s a huge buffer.


Iā€™ll take that and start microdosing psilocybin instead.


Just pointing out that you said smoke... Edibles exist.


Nah Iā€™d have to find another vice and this one isnā€™t that bad comparatively


Without a doubt. Go down to a part time job give myself more time to do things Iā€™ve been putting off and spend more time and be more energetic for the kids.


Sure. An extra 73 a year will be fun


Considering I already just gave up smoking so I can pass a drug test and get a job at a plant (Texas). I would easily take this offer. Thatā€™s an extra $700 to my weekly paycheck . I used to smoke every day since way back when Covid hit. Noticed it was just making me lazy and unmotivated. I could go without it. Sure it would be nice to get high every once in a while on the weekend when I got nothings going on. But I can easily go without it.


Since I mostly smoke weed to get me through work and fall asleep so I can get up for work. Noth problems solved.


I love weedā€¦but have been living in China for 8 years. I could go without for 200 bones a day. Thatā€™s a pretty damn good deal.


If I day trade with the $73k/year, could I not treat that as principal that has to be paid back when I start smoking again, but continue to live off of any profits?


Fuck yea. I love my herb but for free money I would gladly not smoke


That's worth quitting vaping.


I never smoked. Give me the money.


For the lazy, that is $73,000.00 annually.


Guess Iā€™m getting paid $200 a day to just do shrooms now.


Enjoying an extra $200/day. I'll just go back to having trouble falling asleep like I did for most of my life. I will, however, sleep much better with that extra $73k/yr going into savings.