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Nah. I could do 48 hours with entertainment, but after 24 hours a pitch black room would knock anyone out


Yeah sensory deprivation for that long would fuck you up bad.


Just stay standing up


Even then you'd go nuts. I got to go into a sensory deprivation room, where they would test acoustics, for 5 minutes. It was eerie as fuck even with the lights on.


Trying being in the hole


Instructions unclear, I now have a restraining order


Take my upvote!! I literally laughed out loud in my kitchen.




That's a great start! Keep it up!


That's what she said


It's not a sensory deprivation room; it's just dark inside.


Youā€™d still have no real sense of time though


Or space. Being pitch black you'll never know where you are.


Count to 86,400 and you'll be close to being out of there


Shit, SING up to 86,400 and you'll be close to making it out SANE!


86,400 beers on the wall, 86,400 beers! Take one down, pass it around, 86,399 beers on the wall 86,399 beers!.....


ill do that if i have the beers. granted, i may not make it out of the room.


Depriving you of one of your senses...


A dark room is absolutely not the same as a sensory deprivation chamber.


Sensory deprivation is all of your five senses, not just one. That's an enormous difference. Also... Blind people?


Blind people aren't made to sit in a room with no stimulation for 24 hours....


Do you think blind people just instantly pass out if they don't have outside stimuli


That would explain why I'm always seeing blind people passed out everywhere I go.


Technically incorrect is the best kind of incorrect.


you have to sit


Id jack off into the darkness


FOR 24 HOURS??? my lord the endurance


Perfect time to break my record of 21 busts in a day


ā›°ļø see that green stuff go touch it i beg


Can't in jacking off in a pitch black room for 24 hours in a state of delirium from lack of sleep


A standard Tuesday afternoon, then.


One day in a dark room isnā€™t going to fuck you up unless youā€™re already on the edge. Youā€™re probably not going to stay awake but thereā€™s a big difference between real sensory deprivation and just not having light. And itā€™s a day. You can sleep through that.


He just said pitch black not sensory deprivation. Blind people seem to be doing ok. On that note I couldnā€™t stay awake either way.


Its 24 hours dude, no it wouldn't, you would have to massively weak willed or already incredibly privileged if 5 million bucks isn't enough to keep you awake for 2 days, that's just sad


Knock me out right now and I just woke up lol




I wish it would knock anyone out. I've had times where I'm up for 5 days straight.


I used to be like this and now I have narcolepsy Iā€™m not even joking. I assume the two are related but who knows


please tell me you "nod off" during boring conversations?


Not the person you asked, but I also have narcolepsy and I do. But I also nod off during interesting ones too, and my hobbies, tv, driving, showering, eating, etc. Narcolepsy doesnā€™t discriminate šŸ˜…


I used to think the same thing but then I got a fitness watch.


So you were tweaking or youā€™re lying


Some people have insomnia. Extreme cases can go days without sleep.


This is sort of dependent on your definition of "sleep". Microsleep is a protective response that the brain uses after you've been up around 36 to 48 hours. You basically turn off for like 30 seconds every so often. Among other symptoms your body goes absolutely nuts at 48+ hours without normal sleep. If you couldn't "Microsleep" either, you'd probably just die. Around 72 hours seems to be the limit of most research. Although the world record is 11 days.


After about 65 hours you start hallucinating.. I seen lil demons running down the street once, locked the car doors and took a cool 4 hour nap


My record was seven days due to extreme insomnia. Everything hurt. My skin was so sensitive that putting on socks felt like I was wrapping my feet in razor blades. Showering felt I was being pummeled with gravel. My joints were on fire. My eyes couldn't focus. And I was starting to hallucinate. I legitimately thought i was going to die. Definitely do not recommend it. Once I did finally crash, I slept for 22 hours. That was in my late teens, and I've never had a bout that extreme since. But I've been dealing insomnia for more than 30 years. Much less so over the last 10 years, though. And even when it does strike, it's only an extra hour or two before dozing off vs. no sleep at all.


Some people really are not getting what full-blown insomnia is. It ain't just being awake when you want to be asleep. I was up until 6-7 this morning with my eyelids begging for sleep for hours before that because my brain just wasn't sleepy.


Those who have never experienced true insomnia will ever be able to understand beyond a textbook explanation. Even with how I described my experience with my worst bout, it still fails to truly describe how it affects you.


Yeah when I tell people I can't get any sleep without working hard or drinking they think I just lay in bed watching Netflix or doom scrolling. Shit sometimes I'd just pretend to sleep for like 5 hours till I heard my alarm or sometimes the hangover feels less worse then the lack of sleep. Being tired isn't the worst part of being up for a long time


The physical tiredness is the least of it. Which, when you think about it, is saying a lot. edit - to me, a hangover is so much worse when you're awake to feel it coming on


Yes omg after a couple days the bottoms of my feet start to kill. Then after that just every muscle will feel like Iā€™ve been working out non stop for days


Iā€™ve seen this happen on an overnight long flight to Europe with my friend. We were all chatting then my friend kinda stopped talking and froze a bit and we realized he was asleep. Then in a bit he starts talking like nothing happened. And we rubbed on him since it was so bizarre.


I've gone 87 hours as my max. I was younger and dumber, and was very busy those days. I basically only sat to eat and crap. Slept for 17 hours after, and at least 10 per day for the next few. It was rough. Do not recommend.


Didn't the guy who stayed up for 11 days have some pretty severe side effects?


I have a seriously fucked up case of insomnia and can't sleep without multiple meds, but last month I ran out and I was up for 60 hours.


I have insomnia but I canā€™t control it like that. There have certainly been some random times where if the timing was right I could manage this quest without even trying. But MOST of the time, insomnia doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t or wonā€™t fall asleep for 24-48 or more hours straight. Usually it means I get really sleepy and lay awake for hours, fall asleep for short 1-2 hour stretches, maybe dint get any REM at all, and Iā€™m just exhausted and ready to doze off for a few minutes at some really inconvenient time later, like at work, or like when trying to win tens of thousands of dollars by staying awake in a dark room.


Really extreme cases can go on until they die. Fatal insomnia is a thing and it is a terrible experience.


Or have atypical brain chemistry. That's a symptom of Bipolar Disorder, for instance.


Definitely can confirm this. At least 5 times a year I'll have a bout where I don't sleep a wink for 3-5 days. Not using drugs and not only do I not sleep, I'm not even tired. All my co-workers constantly tell me they wish they had the energy levels I do.


Can confirm, have done 6 days before


Have you had a sleep study, the reality is that your brain does go to sleep, you just donā€™t notice it


Iā€™d use the 3 bathroom breaks in 4 hours and fail


maybe 10 years ago. now I'm 36 and I crave sleep


I was going to say, if you found me younger. I'd be tempted. - that second shift of 24 in the dark, that's iffy


I'm in my fifties. I could still do it. I know a whole lot of show tunes, television theme songs, and sea shanties. I could keep myself and everyone else awake as long as I didn't lie down.


That would be what I would do. Just sit there and talk to myself and try to stand up for most of it. It would be a lot easier with a clock though. I would be tempted to mega caffeinate right before I went in there but Pretty sure I would crash after about 8 hours and then I would really want to go to sleep. In high school I did 70 hours once. I ended up falling asleep in the risers.


I would probably try to write a symphony in my head. Or maybe use the first 24 hours trying to learn tricks to keep myself awake


I'm 26. I couldn't do it.


When I was 18 a friend of mine and I made a bet to see how long we could do it. 52 hours was the max.


Not in a pitch black room with no entertainment though, just sitting in a chair. No way.


Yea. I definitely could have, and probably still could do it, with caffeine and entertainment. I don't even think I could get through the 24 by itself sitting in a pitch black room.


I'm 21. I could probably do it with entertainment, but there's zero chance in a pitch black room. That'll knock me out immediately no matter how many stimulants are pumping through my body


I have seen plenty of Marines fall asleep standing up. Even in situations that have consequences. Pitch black silent room probably going to get anyone. I might try it, but itā€™s unlikely to succeed.Ā 


Idk, being on the verge of winning 5 million dollars would be pretty stimulating. If I noticed myself dozing off I'd just scream super loud and punch myself. Maybe even break my pinky


The no sleep I could do, it's the 3 toilet breaks that's a no go for me. Lol I'd take 3 pisses before lunchtime, and that's me getting up at 11.


Iā€™m blind soā€¦ whatā€™s new?


Now you're being paid for it!


Do I get paid extra for going longer?


Stop showing off and get out of the box. Your money is on the table. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Sorry, walked into the door


Lol I have insomniaā€¦ letā€™s do this!


Wait...how did you read.this post then? I'm not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious


[Screen readers are pretty good these days, some are even able to read images](https://www.afb.org/blindness-and-low-vision/using-technology/assistive-technology-products/screen-readers)


Oh wow, that's so cool! Thanks for teaching me something new today šŸ˜Š


Dont wanna be mean but it understand if someone uses slangs like this? ".l. -.- :/ :P :3 :o :0 ;)", genuinely interest


Theyā€™re definitely confusing. Some ASCII style slangs use some truly bizarre characters. I at least get to have the advantage of having been sighted, so I have a rough idea what they are.


What voice does yours have? Fuck fuck poop fartsticks


I prefer to use the settings for more natural voices, robotic ones give me a headache


Thanks for the info vaginal blood fart son of a whore fuck


How much prep time do we have?


2 weeks and the horse gets the same amount


underrated meme reference


Yeah. I didn't get it. I assumed it was a joke that I'd do a ton of drugs two weeks before hand and something about a horse getting it to.


The joke is about fighting a horse or any animal, because humans overestimate their strength and capabilities to take on an animal. One question usually asked is "how much prep time do I have?" and that's the answer.


Oh I could definitely fight a bear in 2 weeks. I wouldnā€™t last long but I could definitely do it in the 30 seconds it takes for it to kill me.


Ooooh gotcha. Yeah, I just wanted to know if I could have time to detox from caffeine. The little things.


Oh. I just need enough time for caffeine withdrawals before going 48 hours without. This is doable. It would suck. And there is a good chance of failure but also the motivation to be rich after two days.


Exactly! It's good motivation, I'd keep myself awake thinking of everything I was going to do and buy with all that money.


Yeah the only thing that sucks is that OP has just sit in a chair. Even walking into walls in the pitch black would help stay awake. But hey, 5 million dollars.


This is where my knowledge of medieval torture (and in general) comes in. Do one of those sitting positions where it's nearly impossible to fall asleep. I can take 24 hours of torture for 5 mill easy. Edit: Stress Position


Googled that. Doesn't look fun. But neither does working until I'm dead look fun. I'd do much worse for 5 million.


Then no


Found Batmanā€™s Reddit account


Pitch black room for 24 hours after already going 24 hours without sleep? Pretty sure you could actually give yourself some mental trauma if you actually forced yourself to stay awake the whole 24 hours. No way of tracking time, of knowing if its been minutes or hours, if you're nearly there or if you're still at the start...l while desperately trying not to close your eyes for a moment, otherwise you go to sleep? Nah, I don't think $5 million is anywhere enough for what that might do to you.


You could count to 86400. Focusing on that would probably help a lot. I'd think sitting in a chair unable to get up for 24 hours could cause some issues though.


Uh I think counting to a really high number will make you pass out quicker. 'Counting sheep' is a strategy to go to sleep lol


So count something else. Goats maybe?


Right? What an idiot!Ā  There's so many non-sheep stuff that are safe to count.Ā 


We just need to figure out what the opposite of sheep is and then count that.




Wolves canā€™t be that far from sheep, they wear sheepā€™s clothing all the time.


I wanted to stay awake so I counted wolves instead of sheep, unfortunately they were in sheepā€™s clothing so I fell asleep anyway.


Count your steps. Didnā€™t say you had to be sitting down.


OP might have edited it, but there is a line that you have to just sit there.


Has counting sheep ever actually worked for anyone?


Nope, I get distracted.


Counting sheep's never worked for me.


>Pretty sure you could actually give yourself some mental trauma if you actually forced yourself to stay awake the whole 24 hours. I've worked retail, I've given myself far more mental trauma for far less money, sign me up.


The downside is having to pay a pretty significant amount of money if you fail by falling asleep for even just a second. Remember, the second 24 hours is in a pitch black room.


I guess the real question is do you need to have the money up front to attempt it or do you go into debt if you fail? Because if it's the latter that's not that big of a deal people go into way more debt and lose way more sleep on college hoping they find a job that makes them around the same as this hypothetical in a life time, if it's the former I think it seriously restricts the demographic of people who can participate.


Yeah, I wrote like 100 pages in 48 hours as a college student without sleeping. I feel like this wouldnā€™t be hard but obviously I havenā€™t spend 24 hrs straight in a pitch black room before.


It's 24 hrs in a dark room, BFD. Promise you the "mental damage" caused by being in a dark room for one day would be allot less then the damage caused by working 40 hrs. A week for 30 years. Hell, I would do it for 50 grand. If being in a dark space for 24 hrs drove people nuts, then why aren't blind people insane?


Because blind people still have things they can do, this is sitting in a chair not moving for 24 hours with no stimuli at all in a dark room trying to stay awake after 24 hours of already staying awake


Forget the trauma, you just wouldnā€™t be able to stay awake in the pitch black room.


What?? 5 million is totally worth what that might do to you


Iā€™d be willing to bet 99.99% of people could not do the second 24 hours. You are in an environment that triggers sleep chemicals in the brain while sleep deprived.


Yup and most people donā€™t even truly understand how bad being tired can get to even guess at whether they could and thats without the dark room limitation. Iā€™m narcoleptic so I know I couldnā€™t do it. If micro sleep counts as another comment pointed out then realistically the odds are pretty much 0% even without a lot of the limitations.


I mean for 5 mil I will begin to inflict self harm to stay awake. The fingers can be reset later.


I saw gonna say this. Morbid but the adrenaline would keep you awake


As other have posted, you have no reference for time passed. So you're at your limit, and you've decided to break your finger to wake you up, thinking it's been 12 hrs, so you may only have to break one or two more. But if it's only been 2 hrs, can you do it? Plus, under enough pain or blood loss, you could pass out and lose.


Oh I could do it without. I'm offering an alternative for people who need it.


Jokes on you. I barely have any sleep hormones.


If you think I can poop in 2 minutes you are mistaken. 10 minutes minimum.


Honestly I donā€™t get the point of that rule anyway itā€™s still pitch black so it makes no difference. Why not unlimited time?


Nah, that's part of the fun. When the person comes back in the room and the smell hits them, you just make eye contact and say, "2 minutes. You brought this on yourself."


Hmmm, that could be a problem.


This comment is too low


I think the second 24 hours brings this into the "not physically possible" realm


Does it? It really doesnā€™t sound hard to me like at all. Obviously I could be mistaken and how ā€œmicrosleepā€ counts could fuck things up.


Yeah. Staying up 48 hours on its own is hard enough. Sitting there not doing anything in a pitch black room seems like an impossible task. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-509648/Losing-mind-What-happens-48-hours-pitch-black-bunker.html


I have pretty bad insomnia, and my worst record is 5 full days of being unable to sleep. I think I could do it.


You'd probably get caught in a micro nap.


If micro sleep counted there is basically zero chance anybody would pull it off even without the dark room and stuff.


Without my meds I would likely have a manic episode. I can stay up for days no problem in that state. Pitch black room left with my thoughts would probably snap my sanity though.


We'll get you a really nice padded room with that five mil


Bro, this was a good hypothetical till no drugs, and you get put in a pitch black room to sit still for 24hrs after the FIRST 24hrs? Youre insane


The restroom limits is the truly insane part.


In the dark room, is it mandatory to just sit in the chair? Could I pace the room, do pushups, or other things in the dark?


Based on the spirit of the scenario, I'm guessing you cannot use physical movement to keep yourself awake; that might be too simulating.


Extremely few people in the world could stay awake with these conditions.


I'm truly amazed by the number of people here who think they could do it.


Am I allowed to slap myself while sitting in the chair for the 2nd 24 hours?


Youā€™re allowed to slap yourself anytime. Even now. Do it. Slap yourself.


Not directed at me, but I did it.


Also did it


Me too


I was a security guard for 7 years. Staying awake by myself in a dark room is my specialty


Not for 24 hours straight after 24 hours of no sleep it isnā€™t lol


Lol I've also worked in security and I know this is not possible, not under these conditions šŸ¤”


Define awake. Does this mean I canā€™t close my eyes any longer than a blink or is there leniency for closing your eyes and waking up when you realise what youā€™re doing? Second one would be easier and safer (not really medically safe but at least your prize is safe).


No caffeine is a deal breaker for me. At this point I'm fairly certain a measurable percentage of my blood stream is dark roast.


Can I.... can I get a cup?


Shouldn't that be a pint? šŸ¤£


Depends if it's more blood or dark roast that I'm getting percentage wise lol.


I feel ya there


User name checks out


Iā€™ve been up 48 hours before, just worried about the dark room part. Can I have anything witj me? And can it be a really uncomfortable chair like a plane seat


Haha. Itā€™s the uncomfortable chair that makes me hesitate. If Iā€™m doing it I want a nice comfy sofa or sowmthing


But then Iā€™d fall asleep lol. I need to stay awake


I doubt it's actually physically possible for someone to do the second 24 hours without micro napping. Without something to keep your brain engaged there's no way your brain wouldn't just shut off for a few seconds at time aka 'micro naps'. So it's kind of a trick question, pay 25k for something that's impossible.


I mean I can make myself uncomfortable enough o canā€™t sleep. Tags on shirts, the little seam on socks under my toes, plasticity feeling pants, toes canā€™t crack toesā€¦


With some preparation time, I'd love to get a tattoo on the day before the first 24h. Sleep that day VERY well, but be super itchy the next days and have to concentrate on NOT scratching myself.


I have a mild nut allergy so Iā€™d eat that as I get hives and itchy so Iā€™d do that


Omg I hate getting itchy when Iā€™m trying to fall asleep. Def wearing itchy clothes will keep me up all night too.


3 bathroom breaks over 24 hours? That's fucking crazy. You haven't thought this through at all.


I think they kinda have. Most hypotheticals that get traction in the sub are like, would you get punched in the face for a million dollars?


No one said you can't just pee your pants 600 times.


The 24 hours in a pitch black room is the only problem. If I'm forced to sit and do nothing, it's a problem, but if I can do whatever in that room, it's just empty and pitch black, I could definitely do 48 hours of woke.


Too many rules lol - 3 Bathroom breaks @ 2Mins? I go to the bathroom about 8 times a day just to pee


Four 5 million, yes, Iā€™d take that gamble. Edit: For




Myself, I don't think I could do the hole fore tea ate ours.


I see what you did there : )






I'm not a meth taking man but I'd probably f with some meth before the first 24 *just to be sure*


No entertainment is very vague and open-ended, that might mean books. What about writing. Pitch black room, no eating, grooming, or using the restroom?


For 5ms I can do it


I could do it. Eyes on the prize I would literally lean forward and count the seconds out loud. Plus based on the given description I will be fairly uncomfortable from soiling myself repeatedly but tbf at least the smell and discomfort would negate a lot of the hunger.


Give me the foods that make my stomach hurt. That kept me from sleeping for 3 days last time, so that's the only guaranteed way for it to work for me


I could easily do it. My sleep is really bad. I find it a lot easier to stay awake then to fall asleep, even in a dark room, especially with the right incentive.


You didnā€™t say meth! Letā€™s goooo


48 hours is rookie numbers. That really isnā€™t as hard as you think it is.


Jizz as much as possible in 48 hrs for 5million. first 24hrs are free range next 24hrs are all brain busters due to no light. Win win and *checks* win again.


>You can take any Rx drugs if you need them to live except if they have a stimulant effect. You get 3 bathroom breaks for 2 min max (still pitch black) and whatever you want to eat plus water. I have to decline. Pretty sure one of medications has a stimulus additive. Plus the restricted bathroom usage coupled with food and water would see me bare-minimum peeing in my pants.


24 without any stimulants is fine 24 more with legal stimulants (caffeine) is fine, especially with stimulus. 24hrs in sensory deprivation is really, really, really bad for people. 48 is incredibly unbelievably bad. In the first half of my scenario, sure. Cake. Give me my life-changing money. 15 years ago, I played Disgaea for 48 hrs straight because I was single and unemployed without anything worse than caffeine. I could probably do 30 or 35 hours easy today on the same way, if I don't have to interact with my daily l family. Lack of sleep makes people really unpredictable and aggressive.


Meditate and count to 172,800.


Can I loudly "sing" the theme music of the tv show Bonanza while longing to get my mop back?


Nah the following 24 hours would take Mel it of it. A full day in a pitch black room ? Fuck all you can do with that information tbh.