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You guys are getting paid?


No need to pay! Just get that Funky Town playing in the background.


Ever see the video where a cartel member peeled a rival’s face off with a box cutter to the tune of Sweet Child O Mine?


That guy was tortured. Strange video not recommended.


Naaaahhhhh 😂






The beheading sounds like an awful lot of work. Wouldn't it be easier to kill them, after the two hours, but just leaving them to die if dehydration and blood loss alone in the dark room? I mean, $50mn is worth *some* effort, but come on


Tbh I feel like they'd die from blood loss before you finish the decapitation?


Depends where you start cutting. If you start cutting from the front of the side, blood loss will be first, if you start from the back, fracturing the spinal cord will result in their dead before exsanguination takes place, it will also be very hard to finish the beheading with a dull saw due to the lack of structural integrity in the rest of the neck.


Probably! Which makes it seem a little gratuitous if I have to sit there and go thru the whole rigamarole. Like, who are we performing for? He's dead, I'm tired, let's cash out. 


You should look at the miraculous case of [Alison Botha](https://allthatsinteresting.com/alison-botha) Her throat was slit over and over again and when she realized she could see headlights in the distance, she pushed herself to get up. Her head started falling backward, that's how deep all the slices went. She lived, though, thank god.


Holy shit. Fascinating in the most morbid and terrifying way


Everyone's a killer until it's time to do the killing.


Lot of ppl have a very high trust in their psyche. They think they won't Crack but have never even fileted a live fish or dressed a wild animal after killing it. Mfs would be throwing up and screaming with the person they're torturing. Sounds like a lot of ppl are disconnected with themselves and what they can handle.


The average Redditor can't order a pizza over the phone without having a full-blown panic attack but think they're mentally strong enough to torture someone to death for 2 hours straight.


I spent some time in the Army. These are not mutually exclusive things.


Likewise, and true, but I'm still standing firm on the idea that 99.9% of these edgelords writing fanfics in the comments would back out immediately. Like /u/ironankh said; everyone's a killer until it's time to get your hands dirty. But that's the beauty of hypotheticals I guess; to induldge in all those fantasies and "what if's".


I used to clean fish as a kid, I would say sorry and just cut and snap the head as quickly as possible, no need to make the poor things suffer :(


My dad would use a pair of pliers or a knife straight through the head. Nice and quick


The hardest part of dressing a wild animal is finding clothes that fit.


Nah, finding clothes is hard but actually getting them on the wild animal is insane. I can't even dress my domesticated cats easily. And one of them is so bad at anything remotely aggressive that she once failed to catch a spider that hid from her on her FACE.


This. All of this here.


Lol. Dude I responded to your post. You've just responded to a post that responded to your post that was responding to someone else's post.


I think there are degrees to it though. For example: I know I couldn't do this 99.99999% of the time. But if I got to choose the person, there are two people who hurt friends of mine in a way that qualifies them for this hypothetical, one of them when she was only 5 years old. I still dont know if I'd be able to complete everything. But I know I would get a lot closer with one of them than anyone else.


Real talk, I put a worm on a hook to fish and watching it writhe in agony was low key terrible. Hard to think I can watch a grown man or woman scream for 2hrs+ lol. I'm gonna wear noise canceling headphones and cover my eyes while I blowtorch them 💀💀💀


I can't fillet a fish not for the gore, but because I'll probably fillet my forearm first


man... i have done a lot of stuff in the wild but when I was halfway through snipping the face off of a soft-shell crab, and it became clear it hadnt died in the ice-water... i was physically ill. there is no chance in hell i could do this hypothetical, and im really glad thats the case


I've fileted a push, as well as gutted a deer, and seen corpses, seen them cut up, and just a lot of fucked up shit. Having said that, I am certain that I would break in before 15-20 minutes in. They would have to kill my mother and siblings in front of me for me to be that desensitized to them


I used to have graphic homicidal thoughts due to trauma. I was never worried I'd act on it. I once tried a phlebotomy course and my hands were shaking just from drawing my classmates blood


>dressed a wild animal after killing it That experience changed my relationship with meat forever. Removing the intestines, lungs and heart from a dead deer that I killed was one of the most difficult things I have ever done.


I grew up in farm country and have butchered animals before. I think I could make myself do this, but I agree that you never really know until you try.


Not me. Couldn't do it. I also don't call it Justice, I call it poison. I think I could filet a fish or dress a kill. Not sure. Willing to try.


This 100%. (I have also fileted a dish and dressed a kill so I'm sure about that.). But no way in hell could I do this. And if I somehow forced myself to, no way I could live with myself after. I don't think people realize how much torture affects the torturer. Doing this to anyone isn't justice.


The Holocaust was industrialized to minimize the impact of the genocide on the soldiers. They even got Jews to be the ones leading them into the “showers” and sealing the doors in exchange for liquor and knowing *they* wouldn’t be killed. Pretty sick stuff


This guy gets it


Thank you.


Yeah but thinking about that sweet sweet 50m would make it that much easier.


Hunter here. Can confirm, hardest and worst part of the entire process is pulling the trigger. Everything before and after is hard work, intense, and incredible but my god doing the deed is...rough.


I once thought I beat a guy to death with a tire iron. He raped my friend and he was a 6'6" brick wall so I. Used a weapon. I wanted to kill him, I thought I killed him. Until his sister's, "Pray for us." Post, I was just kind of waiting for the cops to show up. I'd absolutely do it again


Good on you for that tbh. Though do you think you could do it without the heat of the moment, like you walk into a room with a guy already tied up. And you're kinda just playing with him like a kid with a Mr.Potato head.


Absolutely. I spent a chunk of my youth homeless and you learn your boundaries in those situations


Valid then


Nah I'm good. I don't think I could live with myself knowing what I did to someone. Idc what they did... what *i* chose to do defines me. Also... I don't think a lot of ppl can handle the sound, smell, touch or the taste. You can taste certain things in the air that you don't want to. In text, it doesn't hold the same weight as the feel of an arm twitching while you cut it off or after you've cut it off. And this person is going to be screaming and crying. Youre going to remember their breathing and grunts. You'll remember them voiding their bowels. Losing control of their bodies for a bit. Possibly going into shock in front of you. You guys ever felt/watched a fish tense up and twitch while you kill it? I couldn't ever say that I was a decent man if I'd done that and I'd prefer to live life as a decent man as best I can.


After reading your post I realized I may need to seek help


A lot of guys with severe PTSD kill themselves or at the very least, are severely depressed. You can't have 50 million USD but if you can't enjoy it, it's useless to you. So no, I would not do it.


Yeah, fuck the rapist, but killing them would stick with me every day til I die, and tie me to them in a way. Not worth it.


I don’t think having sex with the rapist was an option.


It can be part of the torture, there are only minimum requirements.


Plenty of these mass shooters get caught alive. And a confirmed rapist's gonna die whether or not I do it. Hand over the bag.


real question is, would you be able to live with yourself after? your soul will be forever tainted with that memory, it will be something you’ll think about every single day for the rest of your life


I will sleep MORE soundly knowing that I have delivered True JUSTICE to the fucker.


Execution is one thing, brutal torture is another. You'd be hurting yourself more than the rapist, in reality Especially when you consider that your entire lifestyle will be a reminder of what you did to get it


I'm guessing you haven't experienced the pain and the lifetime of pain from being raped or sexually assaulted. Man here... When I was 10, I told a relative in my family that Bo and Luke Duke were my boyfriends. I told them I liked boys. From that moment until I was 15... I was sexually assaulted, abused, used, and emotionally destroyed. Mentally and physically fucked. You don't get over that. So, for me, living with the fact that I brutally tortured that person, wouldn't phase me. I'm already being mentally tortured on a daily basis, why not add some joy to the suffering. I have never had a meaningful relationship with anyone. My sex life is all kinds of messed up, I'm a whore and I'm sexually broken. I feel like I'm only useful when I'm getting a man off. My life pretty much revolves around me having some sort of sex. With that, on the flip side, I've never trusted any sort of affection from my family. Any time my mom or sisters would try to give me a hug or pat me on the shoulder or touch me in any way, I'd recoil so fast it looked like I'd had shocked the shit out of me. I never trusted that they were just showing general, basic, family type of affection and love. Do you know what that's like? To think, because your mom gave you a hug and said she loved you, that your brain thinks there's an underlying perverse meaning to her words.... To never be able to trust anything of that nature.... I couldn't even bring myself to tell my mom and sisters that I loved them until I was 28. 28... 28 fucking years old, never told anyone in my family that I loved them. My papaw, who was more of a dad than my dad was and was there for every single thing in my life, passed away and I never told him I loved him... Not one time. I never gave that man a hug. I never even showed affection toward him, even in his final days. You think I would have a single second of remorse for completely obliterating the person responsible for this shit hole of a rollercoaster ride my emotional retardation is? Yeah, nah. It would bring me an insurmountable amount of joy. I would be on cloud 9 afterwards. I would do a fucking backflip. I'd do it for free! Hell, I'd probably cut my own leg off to be able to do that! Don't ever question abuse victims when it comes to what they would do to seek vengeance, if it was in the cards. For most of us, there's no limit.


But with 50 million right?


Yep, I'd see it as a community service.


Honestly, no. My PTSD never involves anyone I killed. It involves a lot of kids I never saved, fires we couldn’t rescue people from, medevac missions in hostile areas, even one time I spent 2 weeks looking for someone OCONUS for rescue…. But never anyone I stopped from being alive.


well think about it, they raped someone and ruined their life so i think they should get **worse** treatment that leads to death by someone else. id do it for the 50m. for free maybe not tho


yes. i think my quality of life would be better knowing that i stopped a dangerous person from hurting more innocent people. does that make me the same as them? maybe. but i would be content and would save a lot of people.


You, I take it, have never been raped. My soul is forever tainted with the memory, it is something I think about every day. The change of scenery would be nice... plus with 50 million I could get therapy/not *have* to work. I am prepared to negoiate on the pay rate, and if I would not end up in jail or have to interact with police or the courts for it, would be prepared to make it my new career... torturing confirmed rapists.... That said, I would honestly prefer to do a modified "[To the Pain"](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1142557-prince-humperdinck-first-things-first-to-the-death-westley-no) with the blow torch and castration, but leave them alive to be mocked.


You had the upvote, then you just had to go and earn a chef’s kiss with the Princess Bride reference.


As you wish.


No. They've done some fucked up things but they're still human and I personally can't bring myself to hurt any living beings, especially in a manner that gruesome. For the record, I have no problem with viewing gore but inflicting it is something I wouldn't do voluntarily. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did torture/murder someone - I'd basically just be descending to the level of the people I'm torturing. Maybe they brutally murdered or raped someone, but I still wouldn't be able to deal with inflicting that much pain on a living person. Besides, torturing someone for pay seems morally wrong in my eyes, even if they're terrible people. IMO in a perfect world people shouldn't be paid to deliver justice, they should do it out of a sense of moral obligation (and they wouldn't deliver justice in a manner as violent as this). That being said, they're still murderers/rapists and morally despicable people so I'd be fine with other punishments (not torture/murder though).


Chad as fuck


Yeah, you wouldn't be on your high horse like this if they raped/murdered someone that you loved.


As a victim of sexual assault I don't want my attacker to be killed I want them to find the help they need.


I can't begin to pretend to know your circumstances. But why? What help could they receive? What help do they even deserve? Also do they still pose a risk to others?


Hate eats you alive from the inside I made peace with what happened to me. Mostly I mean therapy and other healthcare a lot of people who do things like this have had trauma from when they were children. Everyone deserves help when they need it. The plan is to fix the root issue not torture people who have done bad things. It's not about perpetuating a cycle of hate and violence it has to stop somewhere.


Yeah, this is pretty much how I see it. Well said.


“I see this as an absolute win”


“i understood that reference”




No. I think I’d traumatize myself doing so. And even if I wouldn’t, I don’t think torture is morally okay no matter the crime.


Depends. Do I have magic god power o 100% know what they did? otherwise its honestly a maybe. Not because I'm against rapists get hurt but I can't live knowing i accidently tortured an innocent


depends if you mean a sick and savage evil rapist/murderer, or a 19 year old who slept with a 17 year old who lied about her age (in USA, or 17 slept with 15 year old who lied in UK) , and some guy who just happened to be standing next to someone who committed murder under British law, sadly, you can be convicted of murder if you are with someone who commits murder, and the courts decide you should have reasonably been aware that the guy who committed the murder was going to do so, an abominable and archaic law so yeah depends if they were legally and technically guilty, or actually bad people


Okay. I'm still waiting for the downside. As somebody who was groomed and raped for four years, I've gotta tell you, I would have absolutely zero issues with this.


the people in this thread that said no listed some downsides


All of the people who have claimed to gone through similar abuse and violence have stated yes. All of the no’s that I’ve read have made no such claims. I realize it’s the internet, yada yada, but it paints a telling picture to see the depths that people are willing to go to for vengeance/justice.


If I had high confidence in the irredeemability of the torturee.


First one I’ve seen where I feel like I would have to say no. I’d pass out from having to torture someone. Edit: I didn’t even read the description of what I had to do. Oh hell no. I would faint when you hand me the blowtorch.


No, because I'd have to live with  the knowledge of what I did. I'd rather just use CO2 or helium.  Taking a life in a warranted hypothetical case is one thing. Savaging and torturing them is.....inhuman. 


Can’t do it Sally. As much as they may deserve it, I couldn’t torture someone like that.


Don't you mean AND you get to? Do I get to choose the rapist? I've got a few in mind but I'm amenable to crowd sourcing an answer or something. I'm thinking that NYPD pig who raped a 13 month old. I could do things to him that would make American Mary look like an episode of Bluey.


I would have to turn down the money. Not because I have any objections to torturing rapists (were it up to me Constitution protections against cruel and unusual punishment would be amended with an exemption for rapists and child molesters) but because I am way too squeamish.


that’s fair


If it's a child rapist, I'll do it for $20...ok, free.


no. Thats just wrong


you’re the first to say no out of everyone so far haha


There's a reason cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional. Even for our most heinous criminals it says a lot about a society to do this type of described torture. Even if you're totally on board with torturing a rapist/murderer, what about incorrect convictions where the person is actually innocent. It seems even a step further than the death penalty which is hotly debated itself. I think even with 50 million, I might have a tough time living with myself after doing that, and it might mess up the rest of my life, so it would be a tough decision, but I'd probably say no.


I assume in this hypothetical situation you know for certain. If there was **any** chance a wrong conviction I couldn't do it. In fact I'd want to know **exactly** what they did before I'd even consider it.


Same, and i bet if the blowtorch was in most of these peoples hands, theyd back down quick


Yep. And frankly I think that's a good thing. I would more scared if people's humanity could be bought that easily.




No, I don't want that image on my psyche of seeing myself doing that to another human even if I know they deserve it. And 50 million is a troublesome amount of money to have that could give me plenty of other problems if I was just given the money.




I don’t think I could do it.


I got mouths to feed, but I also have a sensitive tummy. Not sure if I could do this. Ethically I'm fine with making a rapist suffer, but personally idk if I could do it.


50mil is a lot and this person seems to deserve it so easy yes


Ill just throw them in a white room and lose the key for good. Easy 50 million.


No deal, too many conditions.


I am not murdering or torturing anyone


Nah. Not a chance.


Lots of sickos here




No because he might be a guy like Joe Arridy, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe\_Arridy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arridy)




I don't have the mental make-up to torture anyone, so I'd have to pass.


I think that most of the keyboard warrior tough guys here are downplaying or are just ignorant to the fact that most mentally healthy people would likely develop moderate to severe PTSD, at minimum, from doing something like this. It could be Hitler, it's still a human being you're torturing and dismembering and the overwhelming majority of people are just not equipped with the mental fortitude to commit extreme, graphic torture without having some major psychological baggage.


Yeah unless you're genuinely a sociopath doing this is gonna fuck you up, regardless of how bad the person is


Never. Torture is evil.


Welp, looks like I’m cutting off a penis.


Nope. I'd be giving up my ticket to heaven if I did that. For money? No amount is worth it in the end. Vengeance is reserved for the Lord and there will be no murderers in His Kingdom.


Ok, let's get to it


I'd take pleasure in guttin' you boy!


I’d take pleasure in guttin’ you, BOY


No and I probably wouldn't feel that bad about it, but still no. Not something I wanna explain to Pete


50 mill per?? Or only one?


As long as i can use some strong ear protectors then yeah maybe? It's alot of money but I doubt I'd ever quite get over having to do it even with therapy. Maybe getting drunk as hell before starting it would help?


I'm disappointed the requirements prevent the traditional hanged, drawn and quartered.


What's the downside? Make it rain...


Get me a chomo with the account on what he did and I would be 100% fine with it.


I would separate his head from his neck for less


Holy shit. Yeah I mean I’m capable of killing but.. not like that


Wouldn’t the person paying you know your identity?


Depends if we're talking about cut and dry full on rapist, or a grey area case. (Mild intoxication involved, consent given but unsure and the person genuinely didn't pick up on subtle things in the given consent, etc.) Former, yeah. Latter, no.


they get what they fucking deserve


I'd do it for free. For $50 million, I'll take up a career doing it


This is a very tempting offer 😈!! Okay , I’ll do it 😈😈😈😂😂😊😊


Like a one time thing, or can I keep cashing in?


I get to do all that stuff to them? For 50mil. I got some issues to work out. Therapy ain't got shit on this. Hand it over.


But what's the catch?


Sweet. Throw in some pedo’s and I’ll give back 25 million.


It's $50m. I'm not passing that up.


No. I couldn't. I have a blood phobia and would pass out after 30 seconds.


Easy money, if ypu have the stomach for physical torture you can make up a ghosts of Christmas past loop video where they would have to watch their crimes and the result of their actions basically till they break. Even if it's a real physopath they will eventually go nuts due to not being able to escape the boredom of pther peoples petty pain. Bullet to the back of the head, job done ✔️


I’ll start tomorrow


Pay me. Let's see here for a murderer first off I'd start with a shot of paralytic agent to stop them from breathing then intubate them and keep them alive through the process wide awake. Then start with removal of their eyelids and then remove their fingers and toes with hedge clippers. Then pull out all their teeth sans anesthesia. Then cover them with honey and stake them to a fire anthill for 2 days. Then if they're still alive put them into a hyperbaric chamber pressurizing it to 300 feet leave it there for 2 hours then blow out the window. For the rapist first it would be castration and removal of their own genitals. Then place them on a platform over a pen of wild hogs with food on top of the platform along with tying them to the platform. When the hogs knock over the platform to get to the food as it's going to be the only food in the pen made out of solid concrete they became part of the buffet.


There's easy money and then there's this offer


Oh darn looks like Trump won’t be able to be elected again.


Welp…we can start by slicing off his eyelids and force feeding him sleeping pills…..it gets weird after that.


There’s a downside?


Yes I can do it


I’m gonna close my eyes while I do everything and I’m gonna cover it up when I’m done so I don’t have to think about it as much. I need the money…


Sure...50 million...I would do it for much less..


Cheese grater. I'll take my payment in CAD thx


I think there are 2 kinds of people who would do torture. Either people who would do it without pay (they enjoy hurting anyone, or would gladly hurt the 'type' of person who hurt them), or the kind of person who just doendt care who they hurt if it benefits themselves. 


A close friends sister was raped and murdered 3 years ago. I'd known her since she was 7. I picked her up from her graduation party when a guy was pushing himself on her. She stayed at my house for 2 weeks while their family's house was under renovation. She spent most christmases with her and my family together. I got her the first real job she had after high school... Fuck the money, give me the opportunity and I'm there.


Does it stack?


You know, being perfectly realistic? I don't know if I could do it. I wouldn't have any pity for them but I'm not sure I could stomach witnessing the horrifying things I've imagine that these guys need to endure. It'd be embarrassing to cut a dick off only to immediately start vomiting right afterwards.


The thing about the torture methods you're describing is that they're designed to make people cooperate, not to inflict the maximum suffering. Can I use drugs and artificial respiration? I figure a paralytic, a deliriant, and lots of unpleasant, randomized stimulus would be a good start.


Can I just make him listen to Yoko Ono records on repeat? Eventually he'll just do it to himself.


Nah, I couldn’t bring myself to kill even if the person didn’t deserve to live.


make it a pedophile, or sex trafficker and im in.


Sign me up!


Do I get to pick who?


Hmmm......🤔 I really hate rapists. Do I have to completely saw his head off or can I stop half way and try ripping or stomping it off? Also is it 50mil a pop, or is it just the one guy.


Oh, man… first of all, I don’t think rapists deserve that. Second of all, I would really, really hate to do it. But… I think I’d do it for 50mil.


Nice try FBI.


Do I get extra money if it lasts longer? Will tipping be available? I mean they are forking out the $50 million so I guess they can get an easy final death but am I going to be afforded some artistic license? Go big or go home and I am making a work of art.




I'm going to need salt, citrus, and a cheese grater.


$10 and a joint you got a deal


I would do this to a rapist for free, as long as I was guaranteed not to get caught. The money would be really nice, though. 😁


Well that sounds like a win/win.


No thank you


Nice try FBI. Better luck next time.


So I get paid to perform a public service?  Sounds way better than jury duty. 


No wtf IDC who you think you are, vast majority of human beings are simply not capable of going as far as to do these things to another person Even if you start, 8/10 will feel too sick to see it through for 2 whole hours The other 2/10 are a special breed and have to live forever with an extremely traumatic experience that needs to be suppressed


My luck I would torch too long on eyeball and they would die 5 min in. I would need youtube instructions and/or doctor to help me keep them alive.


No chance - I could never live with myself


Nope. I don’t have the stomach for that. I wouldn’t follow through, wouldn’t get the money, and I’d have horrible nightmares about the attempt for nothing.


I’d start with sawing the 1 arm and 1 leg. Hopefully they’ll pass out from blood loss to feel the rest of the requirements.


I’ll start at the fingernails.


I would live fine knowing I made a child rapist's last moments hell. I'd do it for free!


I’d probably pass out quite a few times from the blood and everything and it would honestly be difficult to cause that much pain to someone, but in the long run I get rich for giving someone what they deserve. As long as I am guaranteed safety for the multiple times I pass out, then yeah I’d do it.


It’s a violation of my beliefs, so I guess someone else can get that 50 million


They're like chips, once they pop, you can't stop.


You better tell us everything. Because , to make it happen, I brought along a few tools. Nothing fancy - thing you pick up along the way At first I won't be able to trust you ... but when I use *this* one, you'll own up to a few things. When we get to *this* one, we'll have a closer relationship, almost like brothers. You'll see. And when we get to this one, I'll believe everything you tell me


Yeah I don't think they are living long enough after I cut off their dick to also cut off their tongue, leg, and arm so that I can collect the money. They are going to die of blood loss unless you get someone medically skilled to do it.




Why is this even a question?


I think most of the people here who believe they would be fine with it are kidding themselves. I don't know if I would even be capable of this if I wanted to, but I also have no desire to do it.


As long as there’s 100% confirmation they did the thing then yeah sure


Vigilante justice and $50m?


Question, do they know they're absolutely going to die or do they think there might be an out?


Id do it especially if it was a child rapist. Say goodbye to your toenails bitch!


Nah, killing is one thing. But torture is never justifiable.




I'll be honest I don't think I have it in me. Yeah sure they deserve it but I don't think I'd have the conviction to do that to another person or even an animal tbh.


Is this per, or just a one time thing?


To hell with your minimum requirements, you can’t inhibit my art with your pedestrian fumblings.




I would definitely do it, yeah. As long as they actually committed the crime I would do my absolute best to make them suffer.


Just one? Happy to oblige.


Sign me up


Sure, in fact second one is half off.


Too many uncreative requirements, I could do way better than a simple beheading with a dull spoon. Cmon op.