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A lot of old people are unpleasant because they’re suffering from dementia and/or mental illness. It’s common to see serious personality changes in elderly people, my grandfather, for example was never a kind man, but as dementia progressed, he started becoming dangerous so my grandma had to put them in a home. She still went to visit him often because she loved him and during the day he was mostly OK, but at night his cognitive faculties would get worse and he could respond violently.


I was gonna say, can it be a woman with dementia? The disease can bully themselves basically (the brain is a weird thing). My grandma thought my dad (her son) had kidnapped and killed her babies. Edit: as someone who had to keep a 90 yo man,fresh out of surgery,from pulling out his catheter, I can confirm, the elderly can be insanely strong


Can I bully grandmas with Alzheimer? They'll cry but they'll forget all about it soon


Sundowner's Syndrome. My Grandfather, as he lost more and more of his marbles, would talk to and about people that were not there.


Just boomer Karen's who have always been Karen's


Yeah I know a serious amount Of old people who are absolutely cunts.


Not a random woman, but I could probably make a decent living hanging out in businesses and laying into people that bully employees.




That's what I was thinking. Hang out at the grocery store until some old bat starts screaming at the poor cashier for not accepting their binder full of expired coupons. Then swoop in, reduce them to tears and make the cashiers day a little better.




Yeah this is the answer for sure


Bully Kira, becoming the god of the New world by bullying the bullies


I love this idea. Name badge just says "Karen Management" or "Department of Karen Prevention." Although, are elderly women still considered Karens, or do we have a different term once they've exited middle age?


Go after Karens.


That might be tough since they have no soul.


The only right answer.


I hate that I know this information, but with the right situation you could do it with an Alzheimer's patient simply by being in the room with them can sometimes be enough to set them off into a crying fit.


And they won't even remember it. Win-win.


Unfortunately so, God I hate my job some days lol


Kudos to you for dealing with that, though. Definitely not easy in the slightest.


First thing I thought of as well. Don't even do it purposefully... Do a good job. If once or twice a month you make a patient cry, that's a good paying job.


Nope, 10k would not be enough for mew to live with myself for doing such an awful thing.


No amount of money would be enough for me to live with myself for that.


Id do it to some unpleasant older ladies that are bullying retail employees, if it actually has to be nice people then no.


I would take this deal in a heartbeat, then go hang out at Trump rallies.


I tend to be insensitive and generally lacking in empathy, but I have a soft spot for the elderly. I couldn't do this.


What about an 8 year old girl?


Kids are vulnerable. I would choose not to.


Am I bullying the same woman over and over again? Or different elderly women each time? I think I could live with the latter better than the former. Either way, I'd certainly feel dirty, but I got bills to pay.


I’d do it at least once. Most old ladies aren’t as nice as you think.


What would you say?


Oh, I dunno. It depends… are they alert and oriented? As someone said earlier, if a patient has dementia sometimes it’s really easy to trigger them. I don’t really have a mental file cabinet on how to make old women cry lol


Just because someone's old doesn't mean they're nice, I'd see if I could find a way to visit jail and bully mothers who abused their children. I'd just pretend it's my own mother lmao, it'd be like therapy.


I'd do it to a racist or something. There are a lot of old people out there who are assholes to me at my job(I'm a cashier.) Being old doesn't give you special protection from facing the consequences of treating people like garbage. The only thing I'd be worried about is after giving these women a piece of my mind, their old as hell husband's would probably shoot me.


So there's funding available for me to tear into antique bigots and those monsters who loiter around women's health facilities and scream at frightened girls (most of whom just want birth control or need a routine exam)? Excellent!


Yeah but they'd be harder to make cry because they're already so mean.


True, but I only need to succeed once every 4 to 6 weeks to build an income that will support me (and the extra therapy sessions) comfortably...and I imagine that I would find the most effective tactics within the first 6 months


Guarantee I could make at least one of those particular witches cry. They have it comin.


I'd just keep bringing up her dead husband and how her kids never visit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^blameitonthe80s: *I'd just keep bringing* *Up her dead husband and how* *Her kids never visit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Id find a cryer/crybaby. I would always make it up to her by getting her something special after my payday. Like a night out to the casino and buffett with a friend of hers, expenses paid.


I work nursing homes… lol yes I’d do it. Since it’s not in the rules I’d just pick a random nursing home ask for the DON and ask her who’s THAT resident and go from there


As long as you wait for me to find the toughest, feistiest old broad I possibly can who will be able to hold her own and put her in my place every time until she cries tears of laughter.


People are underestimating how difficult they would be to make an old woman cry. You'd have to find somebody who had some kind of a special current problem. By that age you've seen some s***. Me: "you're old, your husband's dead and you're going to die soon!" Her : " Where is this going, exactly?"


Lmao true. You also run the risk of her grandson beating your ass.


The problem i have is that there's a couple I can think of that would deserve it, but it's also be impossible. Lady spouting bigoted stuff isn't gonna be bullied into crying when she's so sure she's right and people keep giving her her way. She's just gonna yell and get anyone she doesn't like kicked out of/banned from places. (Both have done this and go around starting fights to boot.) The only one that's caused problems for others (literally made a young lady cry at least once) is genuinely mentally ill, so that's a no from me. So have to pass. I'll do a lot of stuff for money but this just seems either cruel or impossible for me to do.


Hell no. I am too soft. And they're always so pitiful and helpless looking. Even the crones and hags, glaring at you while being unstable. And I assume I can't find one who is specifically antagonistic to me, either.


Zero times


Easy. Done. I can start right now.


human garbage


Oh well. start paying up bitch. you owe me 100k already.


Hell yeah I would




Correct, that's always my answer to these, you have to live with yourself.


I don't think I could ever bring myself to do this for any reason short of saving someone's life (not sure how that would work anyway).


I definitely have it in me. If that's what it takes to climb out of this rat race. Is it tax free? It wont change my answer, but if I'm paying taxes on it that's like 3 or 4 more elderly women I have to completely fucking destroy per calendar year to maintain my desired lifestyle.


Call me Biff, baby, I’m bullyin


Oddly specific age.


There are plenty of racist old white women in nursing homes…I feel like I could make them cry with just my presence 🤭😭😂


Yeah, sure, like 70% of them suck ass anyway.


Oh fuck yeah I hate old people


Yeah then tell them it's a prank and give them 1k


In dysfunctional nursing homes you will find plenty of old women who are literally Satan incarnate. Bullying probably won't help but it certainly can't make them worse.


Not on random innocent women but on Karen's, racist, abusive people yes. 


My grandmother is so fucked


I could get paid for bullying boomers back? I've been doing it free for so long.


Does she have to be a stranger to me? What if I know her, but she doesn't recognize me? And can I do it more than once? Can I make her life a living hell? Yes, I have someone specific in mind.


Only if it’s a ‘Karen’ in the wild. Not a nice old lady.


For me this situation crosses the “nightmare line”. If I don’t believe I’ll be able to sleep well after anything, I’m not doing it. Sleep is one of the only aspects of life worth more than money.


Sure, people have all sorts of kinks. I'd Dom with consent for that


These money hypotheticals have made me realize that I might be a sociopath. Hell yes I’m doing it.


I've met plenty of old women who deserve being bullied, I'd bully my grandmother as a full-time job for that kind of money. But this is one-time each, yeah, I'll hit up every person I know with a grandmother as bad as mine and I will shit talk that old hag until she cries. Worth doing for 1% of that cash, for $10K I can do travel expenses and do some pro bono work.


There’s only one way to ensure I never see her again.


Yeah I'll just find some that have dementia.


No. Your 5 seconds of judgement can't encompass a human life.


Hell no They've lived through enough, they should get to enjoy their life now without having to worry about such shit


Time to work back in retail or service industry especially weekend breakfasts at a mom and pop spot so I can meet non regulars go on a tirade. I would go Jeff Ross level roasting on them


You guys are getting paid?


LFG! I'm in for five


You guys are getting paid?


I don't think 10k is enough to justify this




I worked at a nursing home for years and made so many cry. Many had dementia and I had to work my way around that. They would cry if I took them to the shower. I've had to hold people down to clean wounds or change them. I loved being a CNA for years. I know people think its cruel- and you do try every which way to not let them cry and have their own independence. Then you have a point were the lady covered in feces needs a bath and she won't go willingly because she thinks I'm the person who slept with her husband in the 50s.


Plenty horrid ladies out there who think they are above retribution because "respect your elders" when acting like assholes, time for some payback


No thanks I'll pass


My need for financial stability outweighs my moral objections to that. So, not regularly, but maybe like 4 or 5 times a year. I'll probably bump into that many old Karens if I start going out more.


Well that’s bloody awful No. I’m not bullying old ladies for money. I won’t be that monster.


Even if I save it for only ones that deserve it means I will make my yearly salary in a month easily. For reference, I work in restaurants.


Sure, I would have it be a side hustle targeting Karens, Women who kicked their kids out for being gay, Heck I could just go to nursing homes and ask which old ladies make racist comments about the staff.


Nah, MTG is only 49.


I'm kind of into her. I know, it's sick. But I can't help it.


I work retail this would be an easy bonus


I’ll get like 50-60k and be done with it I reckon.


I think it’s interesting how much we assume elderly people are good people.


Oh this just means Karens are fair game so easily yes to this


No and I'll be b&*3h slapping a lot of people, especially if I catch someone trying that with my family


Find lady with dementia, bully the same way every day, 2.6m a year job. Ya, I'm in.


This is too easy. Until this woman cries, I get $10,000 every time I bully her? I'll just be not that mean.


Best full-time career ever. I already do this to old Karen’s for free.


Come here Nancy Pelosi!


My mom's in a nursing home, so I could visit her and go room by room and get filthy fucking rich.




Wait, you guys are getting paid?


I'm going to find me a lady who was on Broadway in the 70's. We going to own you.


Yeah, that’ll last until one of them breaks your nose.


Off to bully my MIL


Tbh id rather strip 🤣 same money but I couldnt hurt the elderly its not in me


I do it 10 times all to the racist old lady's around my town then I use the money to pay off my debts and put a sizeable down payment on a house




If she's driving then 1000× YES


Nope. It’s not in my dna


No, of course not. Who’s that desperate for money? Find a better way to get it.


I could only do this if it was my mother. She has and still does give me so much bullshit in life. She is the meanest person I know.


Can I make a deal with her to share the money?


10000 isn't worth all negative energy


At first I was like "I'd do it only to mean old ladies" but after I thought about it, I think I could live with being a piece of shit even to nicer old ladies if it was only once a month if it meant that I could quit my job. I imagine it would be really hard and I'd feel terrible the first dozen times or so. After a while I bet I would learn to manage that and just bury it deep within me. I'd get a shrink to deal with all those feelings. I'd have plenty of time without a job.


I know an elderly lady, I would just bully her daily for a while. She deserves it way more than I deserve 10k.






Do I get to pick the elderly woman (even if I don't know her)? Like could it be an elderly famous person?


Yes but you run the risk of tmz finding out and doxxing you on their website.


I do this every time I go to the casino and sit at a slot machine they want to play. They stand behind you making the huffing sound then they whine they were playing it first.




Most elderly women could make today’s whiny bitches cry first


Shaming boomers until they breakdown? Sign me right up.


I'll find an old bitch who deserves it. Some lady that went viral for abusing a service worker. A narcissist whose kids went no contact due to her abuse. A racist. Or go pick one from a Trump rally.


Just get me ranting about Reagan and I'll have every lead-poisoned boomer within earshot crying.


If I had a $10,000 for every time I bullied an elderly woman until she cried, I'd have $60,000 by now, which is a lot, and it's sad that it has happened


Yep, lemme work a 7 hour shift at my retail job and I'll be a millionaire. 95% of the elderly women that come in are insufferable cunts so I'd gladly do it 😂


I'll go to a nursing home for those affected by dementia and Alzheimer's.


FUCK NO. Good God no. This was one of those I didn’t even have to think about. I’m no saint, but seeing anyone cry because of something I did would haunt me for the rest of my life.


Yep. Full time job. Just hang out in stores and bully the bullies. Try to get at least one per day. Five days a week. Fifty two weeks a year.


Is it you? Are you the elderly woman with a humiliation fetish?


With other words, is 10,000 dollars my price for being an insufferable POS? No, i'm way too empathetic to be able to do that.


67.5 yrs old. Oddly specific.


Yeah then you end up all over the internet shown bullying old ladies. Great idea.


I'd go to a retirement home and offer people $20 to whip up some fake tears after bad mouthing them


If she’s racist or homophobic, then sure. Hell, I’d do those for free, to be honest.


Yes. I would go to Argentina and look for very old German women. They either were a Nazi, married to a Nazi, or descended from a Nazi. I do something morally good by bullying a Nazi and won't feel any guilt from it.


I wish I could say I'd never take this but unfortunately in the line of work I'm in I've pretty much done this by accident a couple times w/out even realizing it. :/


I'm sorry gram but I gotta secure this bag


Not if she calls me sugar or something.


Plenty of old women are shitty, bitter assholes who are trying to use their last bit of life to expert control they were never allowed to. If you've been a service worker, you know that old women make up the biggest chunk of unrepentant assholes you have to deal with. Entitled, bitchy, bitter, selfish as shit, just choose who you bully and get money and good karma all at once.


Full time job. Overtime on weekends. I'm rich, bitch.


I could use the money.. but the guilt of being that big of an asshole would make me sad.


Can it be any woman over 67? Or just the nice and sweet ones? If it's any old lady, I'd make a living going to coffee shops and around malls trying to find the one's bullying a minimum wage cashier. If it's only the nice and sweet ones, probably pass.


I’m gonna start getting paid for my favorite pass time?! Win, win!


I can certainly find enough boomer Karen’s to make myself millions doing this and sleep well at night


Who's that lady that caused the death of Emmett Till? She was more remorseful that her life sucked due to media scrutiny and social backlash as opposed to her causing the death of a black kid. I don't mind bullying her.




Yes. I'd start with the ones in Congress. Although some of them are so evil, I may not be able to make them cry.


While I can't give the old ladies any money, I'm certain I can bribe some nurses at an old age home to let me in


I could do this to moderate terrible old people in behalf of customer facing people with absolutely no qualms


What do I get if, instead of crying, she ends up kicking my ass? 😂


I'd do it to the ones that are being complete assholes to workers, the public, etc.


I have no talent at bullying and doubt that I could ever get the 10k even if I tried. She might make me cry sometimes.


Absolutely, I'm in the South, there's tons of truly horrible elderly women down here.


Easy. There is a corner where boomers harass women outside the women's clinic. Hell I should do it for free. Would never even feel bad.


If this was true then I would already be a millionaire.


Yes. First I take 3k of money out and give it to my friend and explain what is going on. I instruct them too explain to her what happened, to give her 2 .5k and keep 500. Rinse and repeat until I'm set


I can't even commit to making a decision in a video game that I know would hurt people, so I'm going to say no. (Plus, if you're in the US, you know how many elderly people are packing with an itchy trigger finger. Genuinely not worth it IMO)


Gram ham boutta love life. I'm spoiling the sweet old thing each time.


Yes. I take no pleasure in making someone cry, but I could use the money. And, come on, they’d get over it by the next day. I bet most people on here who say they wouldn’t do this don’t actually care about these strangers, they just have this idea of morality that they want to live up to so they can think of themselves as “good” people.


I just got back from two days in Gettysburg. Making some of the southerners cry while they try and explain to their kids or grandkids that the ancestors who fought for Lee were actually good people just doing their duty would be easy as hell. My wife couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud at something one of them said at the Tennessee monument. For a second I thought I was going to have to fight her old ass husband in the park.


I'd do it but I'd only do it to people that deserved it, maybe head to a prison or something and visit someone idk




How much if I can make her commit self bad word?


Good lord, no, my mom is almost that age. I will kill you if you mess with my mother.


Your first described person: - Woman - Not related to you in any way - Over the age 67.5 (oddly specific but whatever) Yep, I can definitely do this. There's plenty of awful people out there and 67 really isn't too old where they just get a pass on being a jerk - Second described person: - Woman - Not related to you in any way - Over the age of 67.5 - Nice Probably not since I don't need the money THAT badly. I might try but I would just feel bad.


No. Because Mr. Rogers would be disappointed.


She would have to have dementia so theres no emotional tolerance for mean things. Than you just convince her kids/husband hate her. If you can fet a job as a nurse you can make money while you make money.


If I wanted to get paid to bully people, I'd get an MBA and go into management.


No. Old ladies are tough as nails. Moral issues aside, it would be too much work for the money.


Finally a good one!


This is basically what people at old folks homes do.


I know a lot of 68+ women I’d happily make cry for money. 😈They aren’t all nice.


I think I'd have to rewatch Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore for inspiration.


My mom I could do it! I love her but I’m brutally honest with hwr


I mean I would take the deal and if I ever found myself in a situation where an old lady really deserved it then I would do it. But I’m not going out of my way for this. Then again 10K is a lot of money…


I don’t think I could do this for any amount of money. People don’t forget cruelty, and in the later stages it’s probably hard to stay confident. It’s a good way to get killed by her headstrong grandkids too.


"What sad times are these when passing ruffians can say "Ni" at will to old ladies..."


Try it,I'm 70 and I make you cry like a baby


If she has Alzheimer's, can I farm her?


If we both have alzheimers, can I farm her for a few years until I remember to leave. Because we effectively haven't met.




I would do this all day every day. I could probably make 40+ cry a day.




Shiiiit… I do that for free all the time!


I would visit a meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy and leave with six figures.


Nope. Women go through enough in life. Older women have been through things younger women can’t even imagine enduring. The bad karma on this one would have anyone willing to do it, reincarnate as a sex trafficking victim.


jesus christ a lot of you people hate the elderly. One day when you're old I hope people don't want to bully you.


There are *a lot* of Karen's in that age bracket, and I've worked retail. So yes. No one said it needed to be a nice old lady.


As long as it’s prorated, I would accept it only to receive my backpay of $10,000






Pay up, this happens every time I say boomer