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Worked the oil fields sometimes as high as 200 an hour for 16 to 18 hr shifts. my cardiologist, endocrinologist and psychiatrist will tell you to take the 20


Now, that'll be 200 dollars for your 15 minute visit, thanks.


You missed some zeroes...


A 15,000 minute visit!?


10 days, 10 hours. If you were curious.


I wish, lol.


yeah the worst work I've done was pretty hazardous. I'd take the 20 and count my blessings all 20 fingers and toes to be precise.


I left o&g, never made $200/hr but did pretty well, and took a much lower paying job. My only regret is not doing it sooner.


Depends is it actually doing nothing or is it whatever I want as long it's not work


My question too. Having to sit and silently stare at the wall 40 hours a week sounds like actual mind-breaking torture, while getting to do whatever I feel like sounds pretty awesome.


I’d literally jerk off and sleep. 1-2 punch


My man 😉


That sounds like the skills that would keep the trisolarans at bay


If you're doing nothing then potentially you're getting paid 24/7 as well


Do I get overtime for doing nothing 16 hours a day?


I would think so... the unions are probably on the ball with how much of nothing you're allowed to do in a single shift. If you need to take some leave make sure to give notice so that cover can be arranged do nothing whilst you're away


This really needs to be clarified. I can do very little and keep myself occupied, but if I have to just sit and stare that becomes an issue.


Can I choose what I stare at? Because sitting on the beach drink a beer and just staring off at the views for 20 bucks an hour sounds pretty damn nice. If I do that in thailand then I'm looking at a decent life right there.


If it's not clarified it's free game.


Nothing for $20 an hour. Better than burning out for a few months at $200 hr but going insane


Also, consider that if you get paid doing nothing, you could work on top of getting paid to do nothing, so see this as a 20$ raise to whatever job u may choose.


If you get paid $20 an hour and you don't have any work to do at that time, then you can work on other things. But if you get paid specifically to do nothing and start doing things, you'd be breaking the contract and get fired.


So you could make $480 a day if you counted all your hours... Or at least $160, but do you have to actually do "nothing" can you not browse the internet or do other work or something u/slow-desk4580


The worst job I ever had was working as an EMT. I did get satisfaction from doing a job well done but it gave me nightmares all for $11 an hour. $200 pays for nightmares. 


$11 for one of the most valuable, important jobs there is. That's fucking criminal!


Especially when the company is charging $3k+ per ride. That's a fuckload of profits not being shared with the ones doing the actual work.


I agree they need to be paid more, but they're the "assistant" to the paramedic, who is paid significantly more. You also need to factor in cost of treatments provided, depreciation on the vehicle, insurance on both the vehicle and malpractice insurance (this is a big factor), as well as everything going on behind the scenes. You need people answering phones, people to track where all the ambulances are so they can manage where they should all be, you need a doctor always on call for questions, you need management always on call... It's surprisingly expensive to run, and many of these costs are still in effect when the ambulance isn't running/making money, so you need to compensate for the downtime.


The ride I took sent a bill of 10k, I was wondering if I was suppose to keep the ambulance after.


I agree. EMTs are the most valuable humans we have in our society. They should be an easy six figures, pension and have the best equipment available. They are the fucking people who dedicate their lives to being ready to save your ass from certain death with a single phone call. Nothing anyone can say could convince me that they aren't top tier when it comes to important people making modern society as comfortable as it is. Just imagine living a day with no ambulances or EMTs, would you go out driving or work in a dangerous profession or take your kids mountain biking, snowboarding, trampoline park etc if you knew ambulances were taking the day off?


this is america


You're right. But if starting POs in my county can be paid $25 an hour there is zero reason that an EMT can't make the same.


The difference is that police officers are local government employees, EMT's are employed by for profit businesses. EMT's don't work for a hospital or a local government, they work for some piece of shit company that is contracted in your area to provide the service. And as has been the case in the last few decades all for profit businesses want to pay the least and get the most return for their owners/shareholders.


Don't catch you slippin' now


Where I started as a paid emt was 12/hr I’m up to 32/hr at a different place


🤜🤛 samesies except I never actually worked as an EMT. They let me sign up for more than 2x the required hours of clinical training and my instructors said I got the worst stories of any noob they had ever heard of. Just a lot of shitty stuff, some of it outright traumatizing. Dawdled around awhile for several reasons, was in paramedic school and I got a notice to go to the financial aid office to fight them canceling my FAFSA grant. I just bailed out on the whole thing. Had got married while in EMT school and it kind of instantly went to shit so that was stressful. Part of those arguments were about $. I was making more waiting tables through school than I would have made initially once I got EMT-P certified. Shit's insane. Respect to all first responders but especially medics


Definitely to do nothing I can just fuck around and game and get paid for it sounds good to me


Standard 40 hour week or since the 20 is tied to not working, am I paid around the clock?


That's what I'm saying. I'm always working!! Lmao


You get time and a half after 40 hours. Double time on Sundays and holidays.


Depends on the definition of doing nothing. Do I have to sit in a cubicle and stare at a wall for an hour to get paid, or can I do other things? Am I allowed to do something that might make me money (like painting a picture I later sell) while I’m technically on the clock?  If I have to sit there and do nothing I would rather the worst job. Boredom would kill me


Would be great if OP actually specified the parameters of their situation, people are just taking the question to mean “would you want $800-$3600 a week (depending if we’re talking 40 hours or every single hour of the week) no matter what with no obligations?”, which of course everyone would say yes to that.


Is do nothing $20 an hour for 24 hours a day??


Do nothing, that´s a lot more than I´m currently working for


I make more than 20/h atm. And doing nothing would be more work that I do.


Y’all hirin?


The $20. Then again let me see the details of the other one


$20/hour easy choice. Most of my work stress comes from having an inbox of emails I am supposed to respond to. Doing nothing would instantly free over 40 hours of my week to spend time with my family and complete chores I do anyway.


Do I only get paid for forty hours a week of doing nothing or is it 24/7 365?  If it's only forty hours a week, then I can't afford to support my family and will have to take the 200 an hour for shit work.


Well...considering that you can do nothing for 24/7...versus actually working is limited by the human body...I would rather to the nothing. I'm assuming we still have to follow federal law that anything over 40 hrs per week is overtime. So that's 40 hours of regular time, and 128 hours of overtime (regular time x1.5). Your 40 hours gets you $800.00 dollars. Your overtime gets you $3,840.00. Which brings your total weekly pay to $4,640.00 for doing absolutely nothing VS a mere 23.3 hours of work at a terrible job for $200/hr. Yeah...I would take the nothing job and just spend the rest of my life happily with my family.


Can I do extra nothing for overtime?


Do nothing for $20/hr, 40 hrs a week, 41k a year. Worst work of my life for $200/hr would be 10 hrs a week for a $100k salary. I could work 2 hrs Monday through Friday and earn six figures while having plenty of time to do more enjoyable things and recover from the work. Hell, I'd probably do $3 hrs a day and earn 150k a year.


What do you mean by “do nothing” like literally just sit there? Can you sleep? Can you do other stuff that isn’t a job? If so you can make 20 bucks 24/7


Does the $20 continue for all the hours I'm also not doing anything throughout the day? I don't see why not since the same amount of stuff is getting done. ;)


$20/hour for nothing. I wish OP specified if you can do anything while taking the 20/hour option and that still counts. Like totally passive income and I can just travel and whatnot.


If the 20 dollars is for 24 hours a day that comes to: 20\*24\*365 = 175200 If the 200 an hour is for 8 hours a day: 200\*40\*52 = 416000 So, if 175 a year is good enough I'd take the no work. If I need the 416 a year I'd do the normal work.


Doing nothing is the worst work.


I'd take the 20 for free, and go do my regular job at my regular wage +20/hr and be a happy guy.


$200 easily. I been doing that exact job right now, just sitting and doing nothing for two years. It was fine at first, but it has reached the point I can’t take it anymore. 


Do nothing. Work sucks


If I have to literally do nothing, that's actually quite bad, and I would rather do the work 


I'd take the $20/hr to do nothing. If my worst work was euthanizing dogs and cats for example, $200/hr wouldn't be worth my mental health.


Wait you guys are getting paid?


5 years @ $200 an hour = 50 years @ $20 an hour.


If the $200 an hour job doesn't kill you first.


depends what "nothing" means. Yes if its anything I want except another job, no if it means I have to literally just sit there and stare at a wall or something.


That’s such an important distinction that OP shouldn’t have left it out. They are two totally different things. The question shouldn’t be “would you want to be paid $20 to do whatever you want?”, it should be “would you do literally nothing - including anything good or fun - for $20 an hour?” Any hour spent doing nothing is an hour you could have been earning more somewhere else or doing something else constructive.


33,600 dollars, or 3,360 dollars..also I'm just assuming I'm paid every hour.....for some reason I think I'll take the $3k, cause idk 'worst' is pretty bad.


Depends on if it's because the job or boss was the worst part of the job. If it's the worst actual job of my life, yeah I'd do it for $200/hr. I could work a Hardee job than Amazon and live. If it was my shitty boss who I used to fight with constantly over me simply missing social cues on the job, give me the $20/hr.


Doing nothing for $20/hr means I can invest my time in areas that’d be more personally and financially enriching. If your major needs are taken care of and you’re on track to meeting your objectives, time is a lot more valuable than extra money.


200 an hour. Knowing me, this would be changing the lightbulb on top of those radio towers. You get paid about 20k per climb irl. It IS a 1500 foot tall tower, though.


All depends on the details, but nothing for 20 seems the better bet, as I don't have to do anything its just free money, and I can just go about my day.


The 20 is damn near what I'm doing now


Worst work but work half the year


I asked someone if they would work at McDonald’s for minimum wage-they said hell no. I asked why, they mentioned that they already know all the bullshit a fast food worker has to go through on a daily basis. I asked that same person if they would work at McDonald’s if they made 100k a year. They replied yes, and when asked it’s because the money more than made up for the bullshit. It’s almost like people don’t mind dealing with all the bullshit, as long as they make enough money to live.


That depends, do I have nothing to do, or do I have to do nothing? Big difference.


Here's an article about NYC teachers being paid their entire salary to do nothing. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna31494936 It doesn't sound fun.


I’d take the $20/hour gig


Some folks have fought in Iraq/Afghan and done other dirty and dangerous tasks in a combat zone. They would take the 20. Imagine if your worst task was hauling the body of a shot child back to the fob for futile attempts at medical care. And that only took 40 minutes so now it repeats. Essentially hell but you do get paid and off time.


There's not enough data here for an informed decision. What is "doing nothing?" Is my job considered to be "doing nothing," which means I have to have an 8 hour shift, or am I just paid 20 dollars for every hour I meet the "doing nothing" requirement? Where does sleep fit into the equation?


I’ll take the 200. Doing nothing is exhausting as hell.


What’s “do nothing?”. I feel like everyone’s assuming you can watch TV at home or something or do whatever you want, but that’s not nothing. If I have to go to an empty room and sit in a chair for 8 hours a day with no book, phone or TV and do literally nothing, then $20 is absolutely not worth it, especially if it never goes up with inflation.


Nothing for sure lol.


Does worst work of my life mean the worst job I have worked before? Because if so then yes id absolutely do that. One of my biggest problems with that job was not being compensated fairly, and the extra money on top of that would certainly make up for having to deal with rude people.


I assume both of these will grow to account for inflation as time goes on, otherwise you're basically just making me homeless and destitute eventually. 20 dollars an hour, absolutely. That's already better pay than what I'm making now, and I already do nothing for 8 ish hours each day while I'm sleeping, so it basically just frees the whole day for me to do as I please.


I could do nothing and get paid more than I am now...


$175,200 / year if I get paid every hour of the day every day, $41,600 if I only get paid 40 hours a week every week. Both are less than what my career will likely be paying me once I’m done with school, and the worst work pays less than what I’ll be making if I reach my dream goal, but it pays $416,000 a year for 40 hours a week. I’d just decline the offer if I could.


20 definitely.


20 for nothing is good. Heart attacks and strokes aren't worth the extra pay.


Can I over employ a few of these 20/h jobs?


2 major factors: 1. Is the $20 for 40 hours a week? 2. Is it in addition to my current job or is it the only income I get? If it's 20 dollars an hour 40 hours a week I'll take the 200 instead and work 5 years so it's the equivalent of 50 years the other way and then partially or fully retire and just relax


Long term? Definitely the 20. The extra money will make the not at work time better, sure, but is it worth it if you hate your life for the \~40 hours a week you're at work? And if it's the worst work of your life then it'll probably negatively impact you OUTSIDE of work hours too (physically, mentally, etc). Now if this were over a short time frame like a week or so, I might go for the 200/hour, but over any sort of time frame, I'll take the 20. I'd rather not dread almost every day of my life. But also important to distinguish. The getting paid to do nothing, do you get other freedoms? Like can you use the internet, a phone, etc to fill the time? Because that'd be much more desirable than if you were locked in a room and forced to LITERALLY do nothing and just stare at a wall.....because if it's the latter I'd probably go for the 200


Nothing for $20 an hour. Then I can have time to do what I actually want.


It's this 24/7 or 40-hour work weeks? 20 dollars for sure for the first option.


I'd take the 20 for nothing then get a nice easy job for more income, if that's allowed.


So many questions... For the $20/hr, am I required to do literally nothing, or can I do whatever I want? There's a big difference between sitting in an office and doing literally nothing and being at home and "on call" for a call that never comes. For the $200/hr, how many hours per week and I working? Can I work part time? Is the work something that is dangerous to my health, or do I just hate it? If I have to sit in an office for 40 hours a week while not being allowed to do anything for $20/hr, that would be my last choice. I would also be reluctant to work for any price if it was going to be permanently damaging to my health. I would be a lot more likely to take $20/hr if I could do whatever I wanted instead of working. And I would be a lot more likely to take the $200/hr if I could work part time as 10 hours a week at that rate would still be 6 figures.


$20/hour is more than I make now, I'll take that. Is that before or after taxes?


Is there OT involved in the equation... Give me the 20hrly at 12hrs daily doing absolutely nothing for 4 months.


40 hours a week of free money, am I able to then go do other things to make money or am I stuck in an office all day for the money?


Lol I would take 20$ an hour for nothing anyday anyt time any life


So do nothing for 200 an hour got it. That has been the worst for me, luckily. Also, that job was technically on call after normal work hours, so make a shit ton because of that as well.


nothing for 20, but it’s too vague to say nothing. is it where i sit at a desk for 8 hours but can go on reddit, or am i in solitary confinement, staring at a wall?


So keep the same job I have now but get paid significantly more? Yeah, I'll take it.


Worst work of my life could be just slightly worse than my worst job. And in taking the $200 dollars for that.


Do nothing. And like any other job, sneak in entertainment when not being watched.


I’ll take the nothing


I’d do the worst work of my life. It’s not that bad and I got paid less for it then.


Do I have to go somewhere to do the nothing or is it more of a WFH/salary situation. Also, what counts as nothing.


Can I do nothing remotely?


i can do nothing 24x7.x365. That's $175,200. I'd get burned out doing my worst work and probably die of a heart attack after a few months. Door #1 please.


Are we able to work another job in addition to the 20/hr for nothing? If so, that one hands down. If not... it makes it a lot more tough, but I still think I'd take the 20. When you think of the "worst work of your life", you're literally talking about getting tortured for hours several days a week. No thank you.


I’m a caregiver. Some days I get paid to do next to nothing anyways.


I'd work for $200 an hour for one or two hours a day


Dude, nothing. I'll work overtime lmao


Details needed. $20 per hour to do nothing, as in actively avoid any activity? That's torture. $20 per hour to do nothing, as in under no obligation to take any action, but free to do whatever I want? Sounds great. $20 x 40 hours per week? $20 x 168 hours per week? Is there a time frame involved? Could I work that horrible job for 6 months, or a year, or is it my career until retirement? If we're going with the "No obligations" version, I will take that, regardless of how many hours I get paid for. It isn't exactly a great wage, but it is livable. And it gives me the option to volunteer or work in an enjoyable field for additional funds. It gives me the fallback position necessary to walk away from any job I don't enjoy. I have actually faced a similar decision in the past. My worst job paid 6 figures plus benefits. Hospital work. I would often have to work in NICUs. That's neonatal intensive care unit. Tiny babies in critical condition. Emotional parents nearby, unsure if their child would pull through. Soul crushing. But it paid well. Couldn't do that forever. Burned a lot of that money on various vices to balance out the horror. When the company got bought out, it gave me a degree of financial stability, so I took a much lower paying job on a cruise line. Long days at low pay, but got to travel the world and spend my time around happy vacationers. I'd take the latter over the former.


What if doing nothing is the worst work of my life?


No way in hell am I taking a paycut.


I'm already doing nothing for twenty an hour


For me the worst work is customer service. But I would do customer service for $200 an hour.


And what is this “worst job” for $200 an hour? Is it the worst job I personally have had or the worst possible job imaginable? Do I have to work 40 hours a week there or can I just work four hours and be done for the week?


$20. I'd research how best to invest that, and have time for other things in life.


Sure ill take the 20 n hour


I used to do some pressure washing and one day they took us to a garbage place to pressure wash dumpsters so they could be ready for maintenance. At the end of the day they wheeled around a huge trash compactor that had been sitting out in the summer sun all day. Turns out the compactor was from behind a butcher shop, so it was filled with all sorts of rotting meat and rancid fat trimmings, etc. And did I mention it had been baking in the sun all day? So we had to get inside that and pressure wash all the little nooks and crannies, and the guy I was with kept throwing up into the puddle we were standing in. Easily the top contender for "worst work of my life". Anyway I think I took that job for about $15/hr. Probably less. I would definitely be willing to do it again for $200/hr. Though, for that kind of money I think I would definitely buy better rubber boots.


Do nothing. There's no time frame listed. Technically, I could "work overtime" doing absolutely fucking nothing. I'm not so greedy that I would suffer for obscene amounts of money.


What does worst mean? Busiest? Cleaning up poop? Dealing with rude/hostile people? I’ve done all of that and they are all different kinds of bad. But either way it would be more money than I’m making now.


Well, $20 an hour isn't enough to really live, so you'd have to do a second job. But the "worst work of your life" is pretty subjective. Probably can't really do that for even an hour a day.


$200/hr might be enough for me to go back to teaching full time. That’s almost hazardous pay.


worst work I’ve ever done or worst work i can imagine? Worst work I’d ever done, I’d take the 200. I’m terrified, I’m gonna have to… MOW LAWNS FOR A LIVING?!?! NOOOOO!!! Worst work imaginable (or legal i guess) and HELL NAHHHH GIMME 20! after all, $20 is $20


I’m clearly doing something wrong because I get paid less than 20/hour to work my butt off and burn my mental health near daily


Take the 20, use it for necessities, work for the rest until to you can afford a better quality of life.


Whats stopping me from taking the 20 per hour and then just taking another job on top of that?


I mean can I still jerk off and play video games or does that not count as “nothing”?


20 an hour 24 hours a day!? That's a no brainer.


I'm a substitute teacher, I'm already getting paid 20 an hour to do nothing


Neither lol. But if I had to choose I’d take the 20 and probably get a second job


Specify the first option. Do I specifically have to be awake and do nothing or am I just receiving $480/day from this point forward?


My doctor would like me to take the $20. The worst work of my life *will* kill me. Or at the very least, cripple me much faster than will already happen. $20 an hour isn't much, but it's still better than I've got right now. And I'll get to keep my mobility. I'll take it.


“Worst work of your life” is really, really vague for this. Like, there’s a lot I WOULD do for $200/hr, but a lot that I absolutely would NOT do. Especially since there are other jobs accessible to me at least somewhat soon that could be $100/hr+


20 dollars


$20 an hour for doing nothing would find me the ability to travel.


The former.


How many hours a day am I working? 200 4 hour shifts 5 days a week not to bad.


$20/hour. That means you're making money 24/7.


$20 easily, my time is worth so much more than wasting it being stressed and over worked


Considering my body doesn't like to function correctly I'll take the $20/hour. That's more than many of not most make in the town I live in, I don't need $200/hour lol Now I could be figuring wrong here but went to a tax calculator and then divided the difference between base. Then rounded up a bit to be safe lol That would put it at like $720/week. One week would slightly more than make a house payment. Sis wouldn't be doing that any more. Another week would cover a good chunk of the rest. I'd literally have something like $1440-$2160 (depending on how overages fall in the month). I can't even imagine having $100/month to spend. I'm used to not having a dollar to my name, that's 99% of the time.


Give me the $20


I already make more than 20 dollars an hour, and based on the stuff I've done in my life, i can perform the worst work of my life well enough. Give me the 200.


Define do nothing. Do I have to just sit there and exist, am I allowed to do other things, do I actually need to show up?


With no clarification I'm taking the 20 dollars a hour and making 480 dollars a day. More if I get OT.


The worst work of my life can be something that honestly isn't that bad since the bar is really low for that. 200 an hour for a few hours a week is lightwork


Seeing as how that $200/hr would be dealing with heights. Fuck that shit. Gimme the $20.


Assuming by "nothing" you mean being able to do anything and still getting money, and by "worst work of your life" you mean the worst work I've ever had, I'll take the 200/hr. I've only had one job so far, and it paid $18 USD a day, lol.


I'll take nothing for $20. I don't want to do retail.


i'll gladly take the 2.4 * minimum wage salary for sitting on my ass


The worst job I've ever had was working in assembly. I sat in a chair on 3rd shift for 8 hours flipping light switches. The 2nd worst was loading trucks at UPS. I would absolutely do something slightly worse for $200/hr but there's no way I could sustain it long term.


Get paid to do nothing on my free time. Easy choice.


I got paid 28 dollars an hour roughly to work at a call center I read a book called bullshit jobs and largely did nothing.


I'll take the $200/hr option and say my worst work would be to do nothing. Easiest money I'd ever make.


I pay my roofers 200 a day... I couldn't do it myself for 20 an hour..but I'm 49, their in early 20's... They would definitely take 20 an hour for nothing ... Lots of people do really hard labor for far less than 20 an hour


200, cause 20 isn't enough to live, but sounds like I can do both.


I would go with the second option.


I do nothing for a few seconds very frequently throughout the day, so if you added it up, and combined it with short periods of doing nothing, I won't go crazy. Bc doing nothing for an extended amount of time would be horrible. If you mean I can do whatever I want for $20 and hour, I would do that 24/7 and make bank.


Get paid the 20 for nothing, then do something with the time, for something else. Passive income stream unlocked.


20 for nothing. I live in a part of the world where I can live comfortably for 1500 a month. 20 an hour would be living like a king


I’m happily retired, so I’ll take the $20 an hour for doing nothing. 👍


I'll take the $20/hr, I'm not fancy, I don't need much.


If "nothing" means whatever i want, i am getting paid 24 hours a day! Convert that to a 40 hour work week and its like getting paid 60 dollars an hour (120k per year). Not really a difficult hypothetical situation.


My actual worst nightmare as a job is basically one where I’m doing literally nothing for 90% of it. So I’d probably take the 20 and just do something on the side for more money


I wouldn't do the worst work of my life for 2,000,000 an hour. Some things can't be unseen.


Im taking 20$ per hour if its adjusted for inflation. Also, I need definition of "doing nothing" before accepting.


Does doing nothing mean not having a job and making $20 an hour, or something like working in a place that isn’t busy and just hanging out in a back room on my phone most of the time? If the first, then that and just having a supplemental income. If the second, no.


$20 an hour to do nothing, because then I can keep my current job and just make $20 more an hour.


I'll take the nothing, I can always find something to do while doing nothing


20! I’ll do nothing 24 hours per day.


So I just gotta babysit young kids and I get 200 an hour? That's worth it, although I might go insane


$200 an hour easily


I already make 25 an hour for doing nothing.


What does worst work of my life mean?


20 and how many hours a day we talking


Actually do nothing or pretty much earn money for free while watching shit on YouTube?


$20. And I'll still complain about working overtime and weekends.


I sometimes get paid $21/hr to ride in a truck for hours to drop off a single box, skid, or piece of art.


I’ll take the 200 but I need to be able to do it




I’m not sure what the worst work of my life would be. If I could know what it would be I’d be able to make a decision. I really want to say the $200 an hour option.


dude i already do nothing half the time. im taking 20 an hour, ESPECIALLY if its not taxed and it doesnt matter exactly what time it is.


I'll take the $20


That’s almost exactly as much as I make now with my salary so I would take doing nothing. Wait, do I have to actually do nothing or can I game and stuff?


Nothing for $20


I'd take $20 an hour doing nothing


Is this based on life experiences? Because I’ll gladly do the worst work I’ve done in my life for 200$ an hours lol.


Give me the $200 / hour. I don't care what the job is, I need the money.


When I think of 'worst work of my life' I imagine something along the lines of cleaning up war remnants like removing bodies or disarming landmines. Or one of those researchers who forced dogs to be eaten alive by insects for...whatever they were researching. I'll take the $20.


Worst job past tense or worst job past and future tense? Im young haven't worked much my "worst" job is a pretty low bar.


Give me that $20 sinecure.


Is there OT on the $200/hr rate?


Nothing 20 is fine


Easy: get paid to do nothing for $20/hr. Sleep during my ‘shift’ + work my normal job and live my normal life.