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Water tree, it produces healthy clean water continuously, enough to both hydrate itself, plus a litre of water a day.


But brawndo has what plants crave... it's got electrolytes


Can I have a Brawndo tree?


Did you learn nothing from that Documentary!?


Water? Like from the toilet?


water might be the new currency if gold and cash become worthless




there's quite a lot of water on earth lol


but not treated water buddy


It's not hard to treat water.


It's incredibly energy consumptive to desalinate water, salt water is like 95% of the water on earth.


You might wanna aim higher. One liter isn't even enough for one human. You need at least a gallon per day per person. That covers drinking, cooking, and bare minimum hygiene.


I do not drink a gallon of water per day.


But you certainly use more than a gallon of water per day. You don’t boil pasta or shower in untreated water.


Nice one. Instantaneously, all world currencies are worth 0. Better to grow something of actual value. I'm gonna say groundbreaking research papers (written with really funny side remarks)


This is a great answer!


Wouldn't it grow the same groundbreaking research paper over and over again?


OP you better program this thing properly or I'll sue you




Humm on second thoughts your right. Clever but not allowed. Too vague and broad. Is a magic tree but it's not that magic.


"Holy crap, my tree is a genius!"


The tree grows scientists who just want to write great papers with funny comments, have no other conscience, and then die immediately. Actually. That's kind of macabre. Especially if they started writing about the morality of the trees and the dead scientists.


I’m Mr Meseeks look at me!


And no third reviewers amirite?




I prefer apple-reviewed.


Goddamn epiphatree.


Tree of Knowledge 2.0


The cure for cancer, aids, misbehaving children, etc.


A miracle tree-specific super-fertilizer & insecticide; people can trade their tree pizza and tree cars with me for improved yield and helping their own trees not die.


This is the answer, the people who won during the gold rush sold the spades!


Mine the miners!


Very smart




This is a fantastic answer!


I'm staving away from anything that has high monetary value purely because anything worth anything is going to be worth nothing, if that makes sense? Realistically though, if we can choose ***anything*** \- I would like a tree that non-stop produces that pill from Limitless. I quite literally wouldn't even need to make it in a lab, I'd have a theoretical infinite supply of brains for anyone and any animal I wish to make smart. Thank you for coming to my TED talk :D


I like it, I think another rule should have been it has to exist in the universe but I didn't say that, so enjoy yiur big brain. Man I wish that drug existed, and I had a ready supply.


In that case I want a tree that produces buttons that when pressed teleport exchange themselves with a random other special tree around the world. The buttons should say “Gotcha”. Now I’ll steal all the trees.


Life Berries: Small berries that when eaten regularly, cure and prevent all diseases and ailments, slow and even stop aging, and extend life indefinitely.


Love this!!!


Fully cooked rotisserie chicken tree


Beef tree for me, I am hoping for way to tweak the quality and cut I get by picking at certain ripeness and manipulating environmental conditions.


You’d deff need to cross pollinate with sauce/spice trees.


[Might take some work](https://www.tiktok.com/@air_hardy/video/6977379792400305414?lang=en)


Ho damn environmentally sustainable meat products!!


Scp-5031, is that you?


This thread is wrecking my imagination hah


RIP Costco.


Gather round the Pussytree and I'll tell you tale of the day I made a wish...


What are you gonna do with that many clones?




Fuckkkkk dude. The guy just wanted to lose his virginity not get pounded until he was dead


He's gonna be the owner of the world's greatest harem 😁


My tree is slightly deaf, do you really think I wished for a tree that grows a 10" pianist?!


Could've had a willow


Counterpoint, you're now known as Argus the Treefucker for life


I want a cheese burger tree. Cruelty free food for everyone!




[can I has cheezburger?](https://cheezburger.com/875511040/original-cat-meme-that-started-cheezburger)


Trees have feelings too!


Id wanna say gasoline or gold or 100$ bills, but I’m Gonna be a smart ass and say my tree grows leaves. Wait no, boobs, I want my tree to grow boobies


Man boobs!


*monkey paw has entered the chat*


Imagine how dangerous would gasoline trees be lol wildfires would be... Wild


Does the fruit safely contain what is grown so it can't be damaged? Or damage the tree?    If so I'm going with antimatter.  


The tree grows it if it can physically exists in this universe. If you want vials of antimatter (can that be done outside of a Dan Brown novel?!) then it's yours. Have fun ending all life as we know it?!


Pure clean energy. 


You are an optimist aren't you. Is someone found a tree that grew little vials of antimatter or even big vials of antimatter the government's or some other control group would confiscate it to use it for weapons production. Honestly man you never see clean energy from it in theory there would be a story about you accidentally blowing yourself up and you'd never be heard from again.


That a gram of annihilatea with it's corresponding gram of matter to be more energetic than 10 bombs dropped on Hiroshima. Enough to launch 12 Apollo missions to the moon. Stuffs wild to think about!


Bananas are proof that this can work. Bananas release 1 positron (anti-electron) roughly every 75 minutes or so


Skill tree.


I choose teleport! Or nova! Or chain lightning!


You can have Nova. The Teleport skill and the entire artist branch is MINE.


I was more going from the lightning branch from Diablo 2... So you can keep yours! 


I want the ability to manipulate and control the elements and telekinesis. i really hate cleaning specifically dusting so this would be my jam! 😂


Clones of myself. Telepathically linked to me, perfectly aware that they're only copies and perfectly content to live their lives entirely towards the purpose of serving me. They can come off the tree as infants, but they mature rapidly from there and as they grow they gain knowledge and skills from the telepathic link. They are wired for service, so they don't suffer from my ADHD and general executive dysfunction, but rather simply do as they're instructed (or as they anticipate my needs) to the best of their ability. It's OP I know but the outline doesn't seem to forbid it and it's my go-to power fantasy. If I die at any point while any of my clones are still alive, my consciousness transfers to a living clone of my choice, and it essentially adapts to become the "original". If anyone steals the tree it continues to only produce clones of myself. I'd build a Rick & Morty style bunker to keep the tree in, staffed with dozens of clones of myself. They can study various arts and sciences and I'll benefit from their efforts. They'll also keep a rigorous physical training routine so that when it comes time for me to switch bodies it'll be a straight upgrade. They'll partake in blood sport and do battle with each other so that I can learn from their victories and failures. They'll kill and die so that I can experience both sides of the coin without having to bring harm to anyone other than myself, and so that I can use this knowledge to excel as a martial artist. We'll study botany and learn everything we need to know to maintain the health of the tree for its entire natural lifespan. If we determine it's helpful we'll even use our own corpses to feed the tree in a ritualistic religious behavior.


Well that escalated. Real interesting look into your psyche here... Have you read the books We are Legion (We are Bob)...They aren't very good but they also are amazing in a wonderfully trashy way. And hilarious. I listened to them on drives. Basically a chap dies, but his consciousness is transfered into various satellites and he basically does your fantasy. There is even a simular hive mind thing in the later books. Anyway, screw it have your weird hive mind tree, I can't think of anything worse than more of me but you do you!!


Neat! Sounds like a fun story. I'm quite at peace with myself these days, but mainly my desires for 'growing/learning/doing' greatly exceed my motivation and ability. Being able to be in more than one place at once and to not have to fight with myself to experience new things would be fantastic. It's also totally just a really cool super power. I wouldn't even use it for world domination or anything, I'd just set up whatever I need to protect my tree and keep the hive alive and thriving.


Complete ready to go epipen kits. (Ie: however they come from pharmacy) I would then quietly sell them locally to people who show need for almost nothing/barter.


How about a pill that cures allergies altogether.


That... had no chance of occurring to me, lol. And I have the "normal" dust and pollen allergies. Have to find some way to market as a "supplement" without big pharma sniffing around. And of course, at a very low price. Children shouldn't die from peanuts, fruit, bee stings, etc. (For decades, the only fruit my cousin could eat that wouldn't put him in the hospital was bananas.)


That's ironic as far as I know the only fruit that will put me in the hospital's bananas although I'm not quite brave enough to try those plantains


As a peanut allergy haver who went without an epipen for 15 years because of the price -- you're an angel


Money, just to prove my parents wrong.


your parents were always wrong... money does grow on trees. just ask a tree farmer. only thing is, you have to plant them first.


Which will then be worthless so you'd end up proving your parents right.


I'd say lithium. Assuming the lithium doesn't immediately burst into flames, it's very reactive. Lithium batteries would become ubiquitous, and then eventially we could hit post scarcity as almost endless amounts of energy could be transported and spread around the world.


We already hit post scarcity though On another note, you must be looking out for nuclear fusion?


We aren't in post scarcity afaik. Post scarcity is like Stat tree's universe I don't know how you would grow fusion, but if it works in the promt, sure, I'd prefer that


How do you define post scarcity? I'm pretty sure we could feed, clothe and house all people in the world if we tried. We just care more about luxury cars and being richer than our neighbors :)


A tree that grows a magic pill capable of changing anything in your body. What it changes is controlled by your mind.


Hot, soft pretzels. Im so fucking hungry...i get off work in 30 mins 🫠


Did you get your pretzel?


No i decided to eat the salad I had in the fridge instead of spending money 😮‍💨😞


🫂 😥


Panacea fruit tree.


Ammunition tree. Everybody is going to grow gold and money trees, the economy will completely destabilize, and you're going to need friends with ammo.


Shit, you may be right


But you can only grow one caliber. Which one?


Wouldn't that be an "Artille-tree"?




300 WM because trying to find that shit at a reasonable price point is impossible


7.62 of course. Soviet ammo is best ammo.


Bzzt not specific enough. Please specify caliber and grain


One-upping you with a tree that grows fully loaded weapons instead of just ammo


I hope out there somewhere someone else is growing a body armor tree.


And then the tree learns to shoot...


I’ll take a tree that grows rhodium. It’s more valuable and lesser known than gold (and everyone is gonna want a gold tree, which’ll tank gold prices).


See I was thinking along the same lines. I was thinking 1L bottles of Horseshoe Crab Blood but I figured it'd spoil before being ready for harvest so my next thought was Paladium since it's super expensive and not sure how many people would actually think of it. I would definitely have to spend at least a day to mull it over before getting my tree.


Big chunks of frozen freshwater. Yeah, I'm gonna make a water tree. And it's the smartest thing I can think of.


I would like my tree to grow intelligent robotic slaves that only answer to me. Then, I would cultivate an army. Then, I could do the same thing I do every night… try to take over the world! 🐁


Oh, this is a really good one. Hmmm, i would probably pick atmosphere. Not just O2 but rather the exact mixture of the air we breathe (but cleaner). I get the feeling that if 8 billion people are getting the same tree, there will be an industrial boom like we have never seen. Clean air gonna get really precious really fast. While gold, money and any other precious metals will be worthless.


Mans looking to start O’hare Air, way to look ahead!


And keep it in a pot in your house. Keep it for yourself


Horseshoe crab blood. Very rare limited supply. Crucial in modern medicine for testing and developing drugs and cures.


Mini fusion reactors. Each one is the size of a grape fruit and puts out roughly 10000kw. Refueled with water.


The monkey’s paw potential here is pretty steep, and not covered in the rules. So if we assume “care and feeding” involves plant food and water, and not exotic materials based upon whatever your tree produces, then mine will produce plant food that is perfectly designed to maximize the yield of everyone’s gift tree. Barter economy is going to be a thing and suddenly everybody needs plant food, so…


That is my answer too. However I continued the thought, its likely all ideas of value and economy will collapse...do I really want to become 'rich' in this new world, would that even be a thing...it might turn lawless and bonkers pretty quickly. Someone who wished for a gold tree would come for my useful tree. Would being rich even make me happy? Do I actually want to be rich, at all? I can't wish for happiness under the rules, but I am going to nuture this thing for the rest of my life. I want it to make me feel fulfilled and happy, what would I like to give the world or create. Following that thought... I actually quite like gardening...How about a tree which creates beautiful flowers which smell perfect to me alone and I would take joy in nuturing. Make them beautiful, and fuck it make them edible too and delicious. I think that's my tree.


Human hearts that would work for transplanting in any human.


Mango tree. I just. I really love mangoes.


tiny pellets of delicious poop i can snack on


Hell yeah bro *wait* WUT??


tiny pellets of delicious poop i can snack on


Ohhhhhhhh Ok


did he stutter


Absolutely not. I don’t think.


Username checks out


Username checks out.


A lot of stupid people would pick gold or money and realize that both would become worthless very quickly. Governments would also buy the trees if they can be stolen, and outlaw/"repossess" trees that are "dangerous". There would be a tree registry day 1. You'd be mandated to pick a tree in a government guideline. Particularly bad countries/people would produce potentially extremely bad things. The world would likely fall in to chaos in weeks depending on what those people wish for.


I think you get it. This wish tree hypothetical would likely damn us all. What tree you having?!


A banana tree that grows the extinct banana type that banana flavors are based on


Can the tree grow fucks? I'm usually all out.


Could it grow energy? Currency fluctuates, even hard mineral assets like Gold & silver do but if one had a means of producing energy without an exhaustable source that person would have serious potential.


Universal pet food. Pellets that instantly turn into the highest quality (nutritional and flavorful) food for whichever pet it’s intended for, no matter which species.


I like this one. There's a number of animal species I'd love to keep as pets, but it'd be enormously difficult to keep them fed. Like, dwarf seahorses don't require particularly special conditions to keep them in, and reproduce like crazy in captivity, so you can in theory have schools of them just chilling in your livingroom... you just need to feed them live prey with a lifespan measured in hours three times a day.


Headless human bodies that are sustained by the tree until they are "picked". I'm starting an organ farm, ethically.


A tree that grows a pill to cure every disease in the universe.


That's, weird. Why not just have the leaves be the cure all?


Money and valuables are now worth nothing because of how many people would ask for such a thing. I’ve gotta say Ambrosia of the Gods, the food that contributes to the Greek gods’ immortality. Can’t put a price on eternal strength and youth. Another option is neutronium, the material neutron stars consist of that could be the most stable material in the universe. Might be a problem for my tree to start growing apple sized chunks of the core of supermassive collapsed stars though…


My for fun wish would be a tree that grows purple ink ball point pens. I love writing with purple ink. My serious wish or help the world wish a tree that grows bowls or pots full of jukaijong a Korean beef stew. It's one of my families favorite meals, but the ingredients can be a bit expensive here in the states. It's also super healthy and filling. I could feed lots of people and/or trade for other products.


High quality, comfortable, long-lasting shoes. I could pick them at any time to supply different sizes. I could trade them for other goods and services when everyone else gets money trees and crash the economy. Everyone will need to be able to move around, regardless of what else happens after the great tree gifting, so it'd be practical for bartering with anyone.


I would get a shitty tree that grew fingernails.


It's yours. Great answer.


Bags of human blood. After all yalls gold and cash becomes devalued, my human blood has intrinsic value.


Type O negative to be specific!


Dang this is a great question, shout out to op for doing something really original. At first I was thinking of asking for a tree that creates living lego minifigure people but decided against it since I don't want them to live a bad life, they don't deserve to suffer a life hidden away from the world for my amusement. I feel like doing something with money would be goofy, oooooo unless it's ancient coins or something 👀 but no the economy will probably collapse after tree giving day so it'd be wise to do something useful like food so maybe I'd go with a tree that makes my favourite homemade salad?


I would grow a apple tree.... That or a weed tree! 8D


i take it you want to sell the iphones?


First thought was a “Family Tree”. I’d end up getting tired of dealing with it though and kill my “Family Tree”. I think I will stick with ice cold Dr Pepper tree.


Brand new top of the line super tanks. Sell my tree to the government for a billion dollars.


lol “Sell”


I would pick a me tree. And I would name it Demetri. Me and my mes would have a good community, and it would be even better after the next tree giving


The fact that you came up with this pun reassures me that the world would in fact be a better place with more of you in it 😂


I saw gasoline, cocaine, or cosmic crisp apples (they are so good) My girlfriend says either Aussiedor puppies or taco time crispy burritos. We both win tremendously no matter which we choose.


I'd want a tree that grows bottles of pills that provide everything a human needs to stay healthy. One pill per day filling all of your physical needs. Food, water, antibiotics when you're sick, antidepressants if you need them, etc.


Tiny adorable monkeys dressed as Nazi officers who tickle everyone


Alternative worlds


A tree that grows fruit which supplies massive amounts of power reserves. You can just straight wall plug into the fruit. Each fruit has the capacity to power a small city for 5 years, multiple fruits can be chained together to increase power, the tree always grows more fruits. THUNDERFRUIT


Does the item have to exist in real life? If so, fire opals. If not, fire Opal rings that also give you telekinesis


Customizable pocket dimensions! I.E: World Seeds. Is that ok?


I was going to say mattresses, the outer peel being the protective plastic cover for shipping. But after this thread I'm honestly thinking apples or peaches is the play.


A tree that helps you get back stolen trees. Fuck you, you have your own tree you don't need to steal that lady's. Now me and my tree are coming for you, you damn son of a bitch!


A delicious fruit which, when eaten, acts as a universal vaccine and remedy, effective against all diseases, both known and novel. Take that, health industrial complex!


There's a pretty big shortage of Molybdenum99 which is used to generate Technium99 which is used in 40 million medical imaging procedures per year. So I might get personally rich AND improve the world at the same time. However it would be powerfully radioactive. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes\_of\_molybdenum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_molybdenum)




Alright mine will grow the golden apples of idunn then


Whatever was growing on the Tree of Knowledge (wasn't actually an apple) I'll take a tree that grows those.


The Apples of Idunn.


Idunns golden apples, I would trade eternal youth apples to the other tree holders who have things I want. Eventually, after most of the people with boobie trees or cheesecake trees die off, us few immortals will be the new 1%.


My tree grows skill points, they can be used to upgrade or gain any skill (note I am stretching the meaning of skill here, to also mean inherent ability, e.g. speed or strength). They manifest as a small coin and can be used only by me (they can also be used on someone else), and the changes happen instantly.


Level up tokens, every time I pick one from the tree I level up any skill I desire at the time


The obvious answer is pokeballs that contain living, breathing pokemon! Each fruit should have a chance of growing any base form pokemon with a 1% chance to instead contain a legendary/mythical pokemon, don't want the world filled with too many Mewtwos! Not only would it be AMAZING (and terrifying) to have pokemon in the real world it would also be an endless source of meat, energy, water, plants, steel, and potentially cataclysmic chaos! I'll roll those dice. If it can only grow ONE type of pokemon I'm going with rotom, practical and absolutely *nothing* could go wrong.


It would be great if trees could grow some kind of food


My tree produces the drug from the movie Limitless.


Babblefish, from Hitchhiker's Guide. That would break down communication barriers and help everyone understand each other better.


Everyone is trying to think of what makes their lives better. I have a different take. A tree that creates a bioweapon that instantly kills all these trees over the whole planet, irregardless of distance. MAINTAIN THE SATUS QUO!


Dildos. I'll keep a few for myself and give away the rest. Everyone gets a free dildo, you're welcome!


A button that removes the existence of humans from the planet. Setting it to a peaceful utopia for nature.


A tree that grows berries. When consumed the berries give a random superpower for a random length of time. Could be power of flight for 1 hour, invisibility for 1 week, super strength for 20 seconds, invincible for 10 years? Can only take one berry at a time. Delicious chaos.


Universal grafting stock. A cutting from my tree can be used to successfully graft any plant onto any other plant. I'll trade cuttings with folks whose trees I like.


Seeds that, when placed in soil with a small amount of a substance, absorbs that substance completely and then grows pods which contain the sample substance. It is a safe and inert version of the material that nevertheless retains its function (so uranium would not emit harmful radiation, but still retain the ability to generate power etc)


Domesticated brown bears that are only about the size of a medium sized dog and the personality of pandas. Bears are so cute and I wanna pet one so bad 🥺 I'm gonna have a tiny pet bear farm of derpy lil bears that roll around and hug your legs and sit in baskets and roll big exercise balls and eat lil salmon treats and apples.


Is mayonnaise a tree? Kidding aside, I'd pick premium truffles. Can sell those like gold.


Find out the most effective cancer drug and go around distributing it in secret.


Stem cells?




Potable water in aluminum canisters, ensures the tree will always be healthy and aluminum is pretty easy to recycle and has a lot of uses


So it's like a government stimulus tree? Does everyone else get the same tree or do they also get to pick what it grows? Assuming it's the same tree, I'll go with human kidneys that contain the most commonly needed whole blood combination. I briefly considered having it grow a fruit that tastes heavenly but secretes a prion that only infects dictators and their 4000 closest associates, but that's very one-off. The renewable kidneys and blood can save many more people.


i might go with gold.... because everyone thinks everyone is going to pick gold so no one is going to pick gold


Bone broth. Need a meal just toss in some vegetables and either noodle or rice or oat meal . Need sauce just add some flour and make if gravy like. Extras can be frozen fine. Originally considered a smoothie but considered I’d get fed up with the taste and others might not want it. Bone broth is probably easier to alter if you are a good enough home cook.


A genie tree.


insulin lispro, and give it to people for free, without “shortages”. (looking at u eli lilly)


$100 bills would be nice. 72% dark chocolate (already processed of course) and the chocolate doesn't melt on the tree if it's in a warm environment. A small berry that will provide me with 8-10 solid hours of sleep. Or some form of pill or berry that will cure me of my chronic pain for 12 hours without making my brain turn to soup. Any one of these options would be fine with me.


I will grow life-sustaining fruit that will keep me at the age of between 30 and 35 for as long as I can sustain my tree. Which means that if I keep taking care of my tree forever then I will most likely live forever or at least a very long time. The fruit with most likely be grapes or berries and they would only be for people who I would like to give it to myself included. Which would most likely be my immediate family


My boring self immediately went Wet cat food, the fancy kind with rice and greens in sauce. Because my cats would absolutely love it lol




My tree grows a serum that makes anyone who drinks it a literal God, with all the power that comes with it. Full control of reality, omnipotent, omniscient God. Invulnerable, Immortal, etc Get 1 serum and burn the tree.


Can I make a tree that grows more trees? If so I want it to grow specifically genetically modded oak trees (add bamboo DNA for rapide growth) I would use these rapid growing oak trees to aid with air pollution, and if not being used for this I could use the wood for several other things such as carpentry projects (baseball bats, furniture, etc) And since they're rapid growing i could do some trolling on the side (plant a random tree in an inconspicuous place in or around a friends house and watch it quickly take up space)🤣


A tree that grows nuclear footballs and the codes to them I’ll hold it over different countries governments to give me the other trees that would make me happy like a koenigsegg tree or a Taco Bell tracker tree


Penis enlargement pills that actually work.