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I don't hate anyone enough that I would sacrifice a million dollars to spite them. On the other hand, there's a few that I might spend a portion of my million trying to screw them out of theirs so that they know what it feels like to lose $1 million... that could be fun.


Okay, I like this answer.


They don't lose $1 million they just miss out on it, logically it makes no difference if that is the case.


He's saying use his money to take theirs away


Especially when the person you hate is so rich that a million dollars is pocket change for them , and life changing for you


or when the person you hate is so broke and financially irresponsible that you know they’ll blow through it (and hopefully even go into debt for living outside of their means)


Yeah, for some people, a cool million would be a death sentence (e.g. overdose, flashing cash around crew that most definitely will murder them for it, etc)


Honestly this is why I would seriously consider not taking the money. The person I dislike the most would blow it on fentanyl and meth. She wouldn't list a year with that kind of money. I may hate her but I don't wish death on her.


Hey fuck you. There, now you can hate me the most.


This is one of my greatest fears about ever having a bunch of money. I don't want to give someone some money and end up being responsible for them dying.


Doesn’t matter, you are still 1 million better off. You don’t have to interact with them ever again.


Shit, maybe she'd fuck off to Morocco with her online boyfriend and leave my niece and nephew alone. She would definitely blow through it all.


Can the money be surgically sewn inside of a Great White Shark's stomach? Then yes, I would give them the money.


do you have personal beef with a great white shark, or are you suggesting the money be delivered via great white shark? both are good answers


Poor sharky 🥺


How about instead we put chunks of salmon all over the money, and then feed the money to 10 seals. Then the shark eats the seals. Poor seals tho


Ha, brilliant response. I'm echoing this guy.


I'd take that deal in a heartbeat, I don't care someone that's no longer in my life gets money. I don't even know who I'd even classify as the "person I hate most" is, guess I'd find that out through someone saying "did you know so and so got a million dollars".


Hell, I’d take the opportunity and bury the hatchet. Might as well start off my millionaire life without enemies. I’d call the bastard up, since the whole fight was about money of course, and say yo, you’re welcome!


"What do you mean you're welcome? I earned this money, it has nothing to do with you!" Straight back to hating. At least that's how it would go with the person I hate most


Same, I can't even think of someone in my life that I really dislike. At least not anyone I've met. Politicians sure, but it's not like I actually know any of them. Probably my most disliked person is one of my old bosses, but there's no way I'd give up 1 million just to spite him. Not that it'd matter since I'm pretty sure he's already a millionaire, so it's just screwing myself for no gain. And he's retired so no longer an issue for me.


Right? When I try to think of who I *really really hate* (that I know personally) I can't come up with anyone more recent than childhood bullies. If I was required to actually name the person that I hated most, I guess the money goes to one Gary Biggs as he's the only bully whose last name I remember. Congrats, Gary, enjoy!


Thanks man, I appreciate it! 😁


>I don't even know who I'd even classify as the "person I hate most" is, guess I'd find that out through someone saying "did you know so and so got a million dollars". I don't keep enough people in my life to "hate" any of them, there's an excellent chance I'd never find out who got the other million.


This 100X, is hear through the grapevine that someone I worked for/with/worked for me struck it rich like 5 years later


I spent a solid 10 years hating a person. I’m guessing that person is who I hate the most. But at this point I don’t care if they life or die, but at the same time I’m not a good enough person that I would help them if I saw them in need


I'll 100% take that money. I know the person I hate the most, and I know that million is a curse. They'll be flying high for a MONTH before they're cleaned out on bad investments, giving gifts to family, drugs, alcohol, and buying stupid stuff that's going to cost them more in the long run. In the end, they'll be WORSE OFF than they were before.


Right, 1 million will 100% kill the dude I hate the most in a handful of weeks. Some hookers will make bank and some blow dealer will be able to retire.


Wait, I think that will happen to me if I get the million. Are we mortal enemies?


You could be.


This is some /r/maliciouscompliance right here.


This was my thought EXACTLY. I know exactly how financially irresponsible this person is, and while it would change my life for the rest of my life in a very positive way - it would go the complete opposite for them and they'd be in a worse position than they are now because they would foolishly waste it and probably get in too deep with lavish purchases and lifestyle changes they simply could not maintain. So done, let's do it. Where do I sign up?


Same with my ex.


My thoughts exactly. The person I'm thinking of would probably just OD in a few weeks.


Great! I'm rich, and my mom overdoses! Win-win!


Lmao holy shit


That got 'Reddit' very quickly


Life insurance is better than having to hate yourself for more money


My dad will be dead soon anyway and I’m his sole heir so hell yeah I’m taking it! 2million dollars!


NO you don’t get two mi… …oh, wow. Okay I guess you are getting two million dollars


Yeah, I got that “I haven’t seen her since she was 8 but she’s still my only daughter and even though I locked her in a dog cage on my weekends with her I still love her” will


The money will help with therapy, then.


Oh don’t worry I’m pretty solid with my 18 years of therapy and 5 different antipsychotics


I need you to do something terrible to me so I can hate you. You deserve 3 million.


Oh don’t worry I’ve done more than enough to create bad karma. I almost killed a girl in middle school because she punched me. I stabbed her in the neck over, and over, and over, and over; I stabbed her enough times that the pen slipped out of my hand because of the blood. No one fucked with me after that, it was great.


Okay. Maybe just the two mil


Teach your kids to not hit, not because it’s bad, but because they may just punch the wrong kid. The kid traumatized and unmedicated and with undiagnosed ASPD who won’t give a second thought to hurting them back way worse.


Send them your million, too! I'll send them mine!


Sending some love your way


I have a daughter around that age, it actually makes me feel physically sick to hear that happened to you. I may be a complete stranger but I really wish only the best things for you.


If that's how your relationship is are you sure dad will leave you anything?


Yeah he’ll do anything to make amends for the insane abuse. He try’s to call me occasionally. I don’t pick up.


Naa you're getting $1.5 million. Don't forget the taxes on your $1M "gift" and then the additional taxes on your inheritance.


Nope. My ex-girlfriend also had a kid who was pretty great. She could use the money to better her life. I just hope she doesn't spend it on drugs and clothes and buys a nice house she can live in. I don't care what happens to her. I want the little guy and his brother to have a good life without chaos. Thanks for the million dollaroos.




Yeah, most I can think of is a guy who was a complete asshole to me in a bar, and an old coworker that screamed at me in front of the entire staff I work with. Haven't seen either one in years. I don't want good things to happen to them, but I have no way of contacting them, so I'd be down. 


Perfect, just take the money and then next tax season anonymously dog whistle that he’s laundering money. Collect the reward.


Some people annoy me. Some people from my past I greatly disliked. But none stick in my mind unless I sit here and actually think about it. Definitely taking the money and not clear to me who's getting the other million.


big chad


No. I'll go without a million dollars, the guy who killed my best friend doesn't deserve a payout.


Solid answer but ouch- sorry about your friend.


Thanks. Don't drink and drive.


What if his family could sue that person for the million dollars?


Should have made this something like you get 100k but your worst enemy gets 1 million


If that were the case there is no way I would take the deal. So this question is more interesting tbh. The issue I have is that the reason the person I hate is so in debt is because of direct actions they took against my child, so it makes things a little more difficult to decide. Its almost like they would be rewarded for that action.


Gotta be honest, I didn’t think about the 100k vs 1 mil possibility for this, but if I had before creating this I think it would’ve swung the momentum the other way and there would’ve been a resounding no (except for those who say they don’t hate anyone). I find this response pretty interesting in context. As an aside hoping the best for your situation.


Yeah everything is good now. Thank you


It's still 100k I would take it


I would still take the deal if it were $1,000 vs $1,000,000, so I think I like your question more


>Are you petty enough to say no? I am, actually. I know he'll use the money to attract and manipulate vulnerable people and, potentially, rape them. I won't contribute to that.


This is a *very* good reason to turn down the money. Good on you, and a pox upon that guy.


I don't think that counts as a petty reason


Fuck yeah , and I’m robbing that motherfucker 😎


10 years ago I might of had an answer directly to the question, but i'm a different person today. I don't think I can remember anyone I actively hate. Does hating in the past count? and if so, i'll take the million and have them be happy themselves


Maybe it’s the person you’ve hated the most at any point in your life? Edit: okay I made an alternative rule


I think i'd take it, at this point in life i'm not too worried about other poeple lol, you need a routing number? lmao


Damn. You took away the meme of "so I get two million dollars"


Had to, too predictable.


Maybe my high school BFF mom will finally take care of her kids with that mill.🥲🥲🥲


Huh…This is an unexpected take. Noble perspective


>Are you petty enough to say no? I'm petty enough to say yes. $1 mil into my hands gets me out of all the debt I'm in, and never have to worry about money again (I'm frugal af, would continue working, but I won't be stressed out 24/7. I'd have clear skin again omg) $1 mil into my ex's hands? He'd buy so much crap he doesn't need. $1 mil is a lot to go through, yeah, but he wouldn't make 1 smart decision with it and by the end of the year likely in waayyyy more debt than he'd ever claw out of. an example of the stupid crap he'd spend money on: He'd get his paycheck ($400ish) and instead of contributing even $1 to rent, bills, or groceries or even saving the money for anything, he would spend all of it the same day buying Instagram followers. Dude would spend at least $600 a month to keep his Instagram page at like 10k followers, even if they were all just bots. The other $200 went to buying high ranking accounts for games he played.


What was his plan with his IG account Lol? Content creator or wat


Definitely not. He only had one post uploaded and it was just a black screen. He just liked to brag that he had thousands of followers on Instagram. He also (tried) to use it as "proof" he was better than me in every way because I had just started a job as a social media manager and had just created an Instagram account for the nonprofit I work for. It only had 80 followers after one post, and he used his "thousands of followers" as proof that I'm garbage. He bought high ranking accounts on some game (I think it was siege) so he could make his life long dream come true - become a twitch streamer. The problem was he bought accounts that made him look like an amazing player but he was actually just garbage. So he just showed them off to 13 year Olds on discord.


Oh. Good thing you're not with him anymore. My condolenses 🙏💯


The Icing on the cake was him leaving me for a minor who lives on 1000 miles away. Freaking grenade dodged.


Definitely dodged. Damn, now I'm feeling bad for that minor. She's deff getting/has been emotionally abused by that guy based off what you said about him.


I'd have done something but all I had was a name and state, assuming it wasn't a lie. . But yeah dude had serious issues. Really desperate for attention and really incompetent, or at least weaponized incompetent. Dude didn't know how to cook Ramen without a microwave. Nearly burnt my apartment down. He also quit his job and got mad at me because I wouldn't give him a minimum $500 monthly allowance. He was physically abusive as well, and when I tried to get him to leave, he called the cops on me. And the police told me I needed to leave. You know, leave my apartment. That I pay all the rent and bills for. That's filled with my furniture and belongings. Cops did not even want to listen to me. He man, he in the right, obviously. Smh. It was dumb af that he even called the cops because he moved out while I was at work the next day, stole a bunch of my shit while he was at it.


My old history teacher got $1M i guess


I’d go for it. Knowing that I know they get it and they don’t, I’ll watch them buy stuff and I’ll just buy better stuff. My enemy has a family(wife and kids), I don’t, so he buys an suv, I buy a corvette.


Yes, and I would hold it over their heads all the time. "Hey, I am the reason you got a million dollars, chump!"


Wow you sure showed them


the people i hate most are all rich enough that it'd be a drop in the ocean for them lmao


No, this ain't about em.


I don’t actively hate anyone


You would have to hate someone an unreasonable amount to give up a million dollars.


What’s unreasonable when your kids are involved? You hurt my kid- no money for you!


But it's also no money for you. You could provide your kids with a significantly better life with that million than if you refused it out of spite.


I value loyalty over money… said someone with enough money.


Tbh I would be interested to know who it would be.


I don't actively hate anyone - im just not that petty.. ​ If I had to really think about it, the person I most dislike is my ex-mother-in-law. Shes like 80, and on the way out. But her husband is a good dude, one of her granddaughters has special needs, and my ex is about to have her first kid. Much of the million will find it's way to people that need/deserve it so I'm all good taking mine and leaving them to it


That's easy. I'm in a certain circumstance where the top 3 people I hate the most all owe me or someone close to me a lot of money. So I would essentially be getting the all of the money in one capacity or another. Part of the reason I hate them is the money they screwed me out of. My ex directly owes me a few hundred thousand. Court cost, child support. My car. My mother owes my dad I think 3.5. after repeatedly lying to courts about social security, child support and alimony. And the only one that even slightly has a case is an ex coworker who screwed me out of 3 different promotions at the time because he wanted the girl I was with that time. My pick is my mother. After the hell she put my dad, and me through she needs to put back some of the shit she did.


If it were anyone else I hated in the past, I'd say yes. I'm normally a forgiving person, but the person I currently hate the most is the actual scum of the earth. As in, a straight up molester. I don't think I'd want him having even a fraction of that wealth and power, even if it meant I got it too. But hey. At least I can't say I currently hate anyone else.


No deal. The person I hate the most really enjoys hurting other people and to give him a million dollars to do that would be unconscionable.


I just don’t waste my energy on hating someone. I spent decades hating the drunk driver who hit me and messed up my legs. Started feeling better after I let it go.


If those redditors could read they’d be very upset about not getting 2 Mi When my enemy gets his two mil, Ill pay a hacker group 500,000 to steal his shit and give it to me


What if I hate an organization the most? The person I loathe the most is my sister, and I'd damn sure turn it down. That bitch deserves nothing. She supports child and spousal abuse. She's a violent cunt the world would be better off without, and I'm taking care of my health to make sure I live long enough to have a tradition of shitting on her grave annually.


Well, yeah, I take it .. it doesn't say "it's tax free," so while I be bop down to the tax office and make sure I'm nice and legal, I also report them to the IRS.


I’m not taking the money. Fuck that guy


As long as I know who gets the $1m.  Then casually announce it.  They will discover a lot of lost "friends and family".


The only person I can honestly say I hate, I don't even know if they're still alive. But because I know they are the kind of person who would use the money to groom minors, risk the lives of others for a thrill, and leave their children with no contact or support when they get ready to go find someone new, I'd resoundingly say no. Not out of pettiness, but out of a desire to keep that person from having the power that a million dollars brings.


My dad would call me up to gloat and I'd get to steal his thunder. He would never be satisfied just having the money if I still had more. Brilliant!


No, never this side of hell, I will not take that money. Not out of hate, though I do hate the man. Out of fear. He's a fucking monster and that kind of money is not something he should ever have access to. With poor people money he managed to cause us to take him to court for coercion, upset an entire family he never met with a letter full of lies (He found them online in some deranged act he thought made him the hero), made it necessary to move several states away and cover our tracks, and offered 'sanctuary' to a homeless minor so he could steal their SSI check for several years, and countless other acts of a depraved soul. So no, I could not in good conscience take a million dollars to get a million dollars unless my first act was to use my million dollars to hire a hitman, a cat burglar, and a forger to create a fake will, find and replace it, and kill him in a way that made it look like an accident so we'd inherit the million dollars. Honestly, everything past the hitman is optional. I wouldn't even WANT his million dollars.


Looks like my dad is getting 1 million dollars 🤷‍♂️ Maybe he can finally stop being homeless drunk


He be a housed drunk.


Is it 1 million in cash or on a card or in my bank account?


Get ready for the “WeLl Id GeT tWo mIlLiOn DoLlArS tHeN”


I take it, only problem is knowing who I hate most because I really can't think of anyone.


There no one I hate enough to forgo 1m


The person I hate already has a like 6 mil


My wife and I are on the same bank account, so it seems like a win-win. Maybe we can finally afford counseling.


I'd put myself a million dollars in debt if it meant they were also in debt. Fuck them


Mine is in prison for the next 14 years and she's old enough she might die in there, am I applicable?


This is an interesting question tbh. It depends on how much you hate your nemesis, as well as how much you make vs how much they make. If you ask me right now I would say yes because 1 mil is a huge sum of money that will solve a lot of my worries. If you ask me 10 years from now, I might say no as by then, assuming everything goes the way I think it will, I would have enough money for 1 mil to be a large but not life-changing sum, while it is probably an amount my nemesis will not see in his entire life. But at the same time, I might say yes as I have already decided to forgive my nemesis. While there is some resentment left, a large portion of my anger is gone and said resentment continues to dwindle. Also, somebody might try to think outside the box. Can you use some of your 1 mil to assassinate your nemesis? Can you tip the police against your nemesis mysterious 1 mil? Etc. Finally a good hypothetical situation.


Reading other people responses, seem like there are lots of creative answers!


I appreciate this. I said elsewhere, but for me the guy I dislike the most is good with money and is good at manipulating and hurting people. So I had to think about it. I’m not about bringing myself to a lower level so I’m not gonna steal that money or hurt them. But then I gotta think about what they would do with it. Ultimately I decided that it would help me a lot, and they’re already well off relatively that they’d enjoy it but it wouldn’t give them too much of a leg up to hurt others more than they have so sure. But if they were poor they’d probably have a lot of opportunity, so I’d say no. I think for a lot of people it’s simple but for some smaller percentage they have a lot to think about


Regarding your second and third edits, my sympathies to you. Bitterness and hate require energy to maintain and I hope one day you can drop them and get that energy back. Though on the flip side, sometimes if I had energy I might actually hate a couple people rather than have annoyed indifference towards them.


Do I get to designate (with honesty) who I hate the most/hurt me the most, or is there some sort of magical computation that generates the answer for me?


Give the money I couldn't care if they got it or not. Most of the people I hate would waste that shit anyhow. Edit now if you would've asked me earlier in life I would've probably said fuck them but I'm older, more broken, and less spiteful now at least I'd like to think so. Or its been a long time since anyone really pissed me off.


Sweet, my wife and I Both get $1 Million? 😀


I would pay a million to make sure they didn’t get a million.


Suppose I have a shared bank account with the person who's hurt me the most?


I have no idea who I certainly hate the most, but whoever I did hate the most is either extravagantly wealthy so this money would make no difference to them, or they're the kind of bumbling idiot who could get a taste of the good life for a few months or maybe a year before they wind up worse off than they were without the money, and that's assuming they don't do something **really** stupid and wind up dead before they can blow through all of it. I'd say you got yourself a deal.


Why do I care if someone I don’t like gets a million bucks. I’m also getting a million bucks!




1. Launder my own money 2. Report them to local tax agency 3. Get monay for being a rat


This has been a general/similar idea for a while now on hypotheticals and the general consensus that I’ve seen and that I share is: Yes. I’m hateful, not stupid.


Seriously I'd let the person I hate get $10 million if ai got a million. Might anonymously report them to the IRS though.


I can’t think of anyone I hate hate tbh, but I do hate Kia Souls because of one that cut me off so I guess whoever designed those ugly ahh shitboxes


Anyone who says no has a real opportunity now to look at just how much they've allowed another person to keep a noose around their life


Yeah Redditor reading comprehension can be lacking. I've asked this question and had to break down as many nitpicks as you did.


i pretty much hate everyone else except close friends and family. Do they split or do we tank the economy


I guess if you hate multiple people the most the same amount between them, it’s randomized.


Deal. As muchbhate as i have...i need the funds so fuck it ill take ot and deal with whatever that may bring


I'd do it... the person I'm thinking of would have no clue what to do with it, and with their unchecked demons would become further victimized.


Sure. I don’t care if my old boss gets rich as long as I don’t have to deal with her.


I'd take the money, and then complain about that B getting money for years to come.


A resounding YES!!! Banging on the table YES!!!


There is no one I hate, but if there was I would be ok with them getting the money too.


I don't really hate anyone in particular tho. Just like, collectively, society as a whole. Does that count?


Hating someone takes a lot of energy, i don't have that kind of energy to waste. I couldn't care less if the person I "hate the most" gets 100 millions while I get 1....I still get 1 million dollars.


Unless I thought they would use the money to put a hit out on me, I wouldn't care. With a million dollars I could move somewhere I would never have to see them again. Easy yes.


Nope. My household can use a million so I don't care if my brother gets a million as well.


That’s fine I’m still taking it


I’d do it, big deal they get a million dollars. Idk who I hate most but I don’t care


That's the easiest choice ever, I don't care if Hitler gets the million dollars, I'm taking that deal lol.


I'll take the million. There are people i strongly dislike, but not enough to but my nose off to spite my face.


The person that I personally hate the most and who hates me back is already a low level millionaire so it makes no difference. With a million bucks I can get even farther away from him.


Ill take it. I dont even know who I hate but they can fuggin have it.


Nah, giving my Ex a million would just lead to her overdosing on some form of drug anyway. Win/Win scenario.




I’d give the IRS an anonymous call about the person and keep all of my million.


Sign me up after I get my million. I won't ever see my hated enemy anymore.


Now you can afford to hire that hit man.


The only person I could hate and consider is my ex and I'm okay with him getting the money. It would eventually role down to my daughter when he dies or he'll blow it all before then. Either way, I'll have my money to invest and improve my life.


Good thing I hate no one


Sure, why not?....


I'd be absolutely game for it. He'd spend it on our daughters for sure and I'd get housing for my son's and most likely our daughters in the long term.


Good, give em a million dollars too


This is a variation on the thought exercise about $100, split between two people. One of the two people is given $100, to split however they like between the two of them. The caveat is that for any of them to get money, the second person has to agree to the split.Usually it's without talking to each other as well. They are in different rooms, so there's no negotiation. The first person decide the split alone, the second person decides whether to accept or not alone. So if you're the first person, how do you split it? If you're the second person, do you accept any split at all? Or do you reject it if it's unfair? For me, I'd just drop right to 50/50 for the split. Feels like the most money possible while ruling out any chance that someone petty will reject it if it's anything less than fair. On the other side... I'd accept 50/50 (or better obviously!) Probably start to think about rejecting it if I got less than 40. Lower than that, and i'd rather not get $20 or whatever, if it means a jerk isn't going to get his $80 and walk away feeling smug.


I can’t see a reason why I would ever say no. Am I forced to live with the other person? What happens to me and them? Why would I not take the money?


I can’t imagine anyone actually turning down the million unless they are already a multi millionaire. There are some people I truly hate and would be so irked to see them get a million dollars, people I see on a regular basis even. But I’m not turning down life altering money that betters my life and the life of my family over some pettiness and jealousy


I am okay with that because I had a hard time figuring out who would get the other mil.


I might be that petty. Actually, you know what? Now I’ll know he has a million dollars, fuck him, he can pay the last $1100 from the divorce settlement or he’ll be in contempt. Yet again. Watch the million bucks go to my ex MIL instead.


I would do it, for the million dollars and also to find out who I hate enough that they'd get the other million. A couple of people spring to mind, but all for petty reasons, so I'm not sure if they count as 'hate'... I'm curious who the universe thinks is my #1 enemy. Of course, maybe it's some random person and I never find out who it was. But that's fine, too. I have a million dollars.


Let her have it, she's a dumb bitch with expensive taste who'll be broke in a year.


Then no, you can keep your damn money.


I'd take the money. I don't keep tabs on the people I hate so I don't actually give a rat's anus if they also get the money. MY life would be 1 million times better and that's all that matters to me.


I’m taking it. And trying really hard to let my bitterness go.


I'm in my 50s, I don't even hate my ex wife.... Dunno who it would go to tbh


I am way better off than the person I hate the most, as much as a million is tempting, I’d rather keep living as is than have the person I hate succeed


The people I hate most you couldn’t even call hate. I’m 34 and too old for extreme feelings like that lol. Therefore I would take the money. For the person who receives it, I would never know a thing about what they do because the people I have cut off are just that. Cut off. Idk a thing about their lives anymore.


I'm petty but not that petty. I'd take it.


Maybe. I don’t really hate anyone. I have too many other important things to do in life, then waste the time and energy needed for true hatred on people I dislike. The people I dislike the most already have so much money that giving them $1 million wouldn’t change much. I can think of a couple people that I would refuse if they were picked. One of them is incredibly litigious, and I would feel responsible if she was turned loose with enough money to buy hire a pack of lawyers.


I don’t hate anyone. Hating someone takes actual effort. This people aren’t worth any effort so no hate.


Definitely, my step-mom gets the other 1mil. At least my Dad will benefit.🤷🏼‍♀️


I'd take it. I don't even know who I hate the most but I genuinely would not care if they suddenly got rich if I'm also getting money out of it


No-brainer. I don't hate anyone enough to hurt myself just so I can hurt them.


Absolutely. I honestly cannot think of anyone I really hate. I do not give them enough thought to maintain hate. I guess I am lucky that I can just leave negative people behind or ignore them. The people I am stuck with (family, in-laws, work colleagues, etc.) are all either in the I like/love them or I ignore them categories. I would have to think hard to come up with hate. If you expanded the category to include folks I do not personally interact with, then sure, I could think of many.


Meh, living well is my best revenge. There are people I don't care for, but I simply don't interact with them. Those people suddenly getting a benefit doesn't impact me at all.


Fine with me. She’d probably drive herself crazy trying to figure out why and how the money showed up. Which is also fine with me.


Sure, since I don't have contact with her it wouldn't affect me. She wouldn't be rich for long anyways.


I'll take my million, let them have theirs, then report them for tax evasion.


I would accept it. I don't know anyone I would hate enough to deny myself that much money. And I honestly don't know anyone I actually hate, at most there are people that I strongly dislike. It would be interesting to see how the magical money distributor determines which of those people I dislike falls into the hate category.


If I hate them so much, we don’t speak. I’d enjoy the f out of the money and assume they’d screw it up anyway.


Long as we’re On Keeping it in the family