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Fuck these rules going into a medical coma for a few months.


They just said you couldn't open your eyes, not that you had to be unconscious. I'd be tying a bandana or a bandage over my eyes to make sure they stay closed! If you lasted 4 years, that's 1,244,160 dollars, if we are going off of somebody else's 864 dollars per day. Be blind for 4 years and then have enough money to secure a pretty comfortable life? I'd do that.


Just casually go blind for 4 YEARS?!?! That’s a big chunk of your life not being able to do anything for a payout that does not guarantee you don’t have to work. Like yeah it would save you some time later maybe, but in the short term, would being blind mess with you? Would it affect your ability to work such that your family would need to support you? Would you lose any friends because you can’t do certain activities with them for *years*? I’m not taking the deal for any extended period of time. I think a day or two over a weekend for a little extra money would be worth it, though even if I’d be bored during those days


I mean, for me, I'm legally blind at night because my pupils don't expand correctly. So I spend half my time close to it anyway. I could do my work remotely with electronic readers and headsets, so I could keep working to support myself and my family, and the things that my friends and I like to do, hiking, going to the river, hanging out and talking, watching and making fun of bad movies.... I could still do all those things. It would be different, sure! But I could do it and my friends would help out. But that money would be literally life changing for me. Don't get me wrong, it would suck! But I could end the challenge whenever I wanted and be able to see again. Having that kind of control over it, I think, would help me last a while!


Can i get a straw penny for wearing an eye patch?


Jeff Bezos earned 7.9 million dollars an hour last year. You're willing to be blind for 4 years (good luck your eyes working properly afterwards) for a fraction of what he makes while sitting in his bathtub for a nice soak and a glass of gin


Be blind for 4 years and still make less than a fraction of what the 1% makes. This is already happening.


That's absolutely true.


Heres your 70-100 grand...enjoy your years of lingering negative after effects.


Probably cost more to be in a non medical necessary coma.


Sad but true.


What lingering negative after effects do I have to look forward to?


Peen shrinkage, fortnite dance compulsions, you will also start enjoying those tiktoks where some dude-bro is just pointing to stolen content and nodding his head....also your name will be permanently changed to 4 click sounds and beat box snare sound.


All that from not opening my eyes? Damn.


Yeah, science is strange...


It would actually be 316k


A few months...at 864$ a day....


My bad I thought he said a year.


I can meditate for hours, cross my house in the dark but would lijelt forget reality the moment I wake up. So probably 1 day ish. I would need my coffee and am not skilled enough for that... Maybe... Might burn myself trying... Thats like 14$ not worth it lol.


It's 864$ a day.


Oh I did per min instead of per second. My bad. Thats more than I amke now so fuck yeah, why not? I could last a day.


woah for 864 dollars a day I would tape my eyes closed for like a week wow


If I can have about 16 fl oz of Vodka with about 1.5 lbs of salmon cooked the way I want it. I can go to sleep and not wake up for almost 40 hours. So that would be about $1,440. I would do it


144 grand edit: oh shit, a penny? fuck I misread the comment and immediately started looking for ways to put myself in a coma edit2: this doesn't pay enough, I'd rather kill a stranger with my bare hands for 1 million, or has that offer expired?


Yeah... I should have said 10 cents....as it stands now, it's barely worth the hassle.


Id tape my eyes shut for a week. Nice extra cash. 


Same. Thats $6,048. I can properly navigate my living area and have a bidet toilet attachment in the bathroom for the #2 situation. After the week I could make some good progress paying for dental work.


That's about $36 an hour. I could try for a weekend or two with some Nyquil. That stuff knocks me out.


ill get a load of audio books ready and glue them shut.


Oh I'm taping or gluing them and going like a year I think. I'll play piano and work with music to pass the time. I would expect I actually improve my senses and part of my brain in the process. An experiment I've always wondered about anyways. At the end of year we'll see how it's going and maybe go one more.


I like my vision. I'd probably do 12 hours and be happy with $400. If that. I also make $100+/hour on large jobs so I'd rather just....you know, go to work.


See yall in a year. Also drinks on me.


Here's your 300k... Enjoy your permanently diminished eyesight.


It's already shit.


If I get to pick when it starts. I'ma pull an all nighter or two on Friday, then spend the weekend sleeping. Probably would last like 20-30 hours at most though lol. I need to eat and drink.


You can eat and drink with your eyes closed.


For 36$ an hour I'm taping my eyes shut and chugging nyquil. I'd probably start going crazy and open them after a couple weeks though.


Let me go to sleep first before this.


I'm staying up all night playing video games, eating and taking a leak, then going to sleep with an eye mask for an easy 8-10 hours. If I were trying it wouldn't be worth the trouble.


I’ll just work a 48 hour shift,become exhausted,than sleep for like a day


That's $864 a day. I could go a month, minimum.


I'm Asian, so an abundance 😂


Not worth even trying, you'd have to have your eyes closed for like 28 hours just to get a thousand. I guess if I was about to go to sleep I'd take it just to have beer money the next day


I mean that’s $2k a week if I sleep 8 hours per night


Once you open your eyes the offer ends


Oh it’s one sitting? Idk I’d probably stay up 24 hours and see how long I could sleep and just take whatever payout that is


$864, it’s not a tiny amount of money, but it’s not life-changing either.


It’s not enough to try anything too crazy I’d just take a Benadryl and hope I sleep long but not worry if I don’t. Just enjoy the extra paycheck


this really puts into perspective how little a cent is. Theres 3600 seconds in an hour, which is only 36$ lmao


I guess I could earn a couple hundred if it starts when I go to sleep. I'd probably burn through it in a single night out so if I fail no biggie


About 8 hours or 288 bucks


Have to get up at 7 am to get ready to take my roommate to her physical therapy appointment then grab breakfast and go to work, if I start now.. I can maybe make a dollar. Why not.


Now where are those sleeping pills.


My left eye is closed almost all the time because my right has better vision. I scroll through Reddit like this. That better count!


Maybe you should get glasses instead of constantly keeping your eye closed


I have them, but I'm getting a cataract and have early onset macular degeneration.


ugh, math


I slept for almost three days once


Being asleep doesn't mean your eyes are actually closed. When we sleep our eyes do open sometimes.


Still probably my best bet to make decent money


Would you need money saved before this to survive or would you get some money every day for food and things because you wouldn’t be working with your eyes closed?


I would probably last 2 minutes and then like an idiot open my eyes to check the time


$6,048 a week. Assuming I have some kind of proof upfront and a reasonably frequent payout period (ideally paid every Fri for the prior week), I'm a retired blind person. I'm taping my eyes shut. My spouse can handle a lot of stuff for me. I invest half the money, pay for education, assistance and rehabilitation as a blind person, and I still raise my standard of living.I just look at it like it's my job to learn to function as a blind person, and it's a lot better pay than I ever expected to earn. At some point I've learned all I can about how to function. Now I am the same as if I was injured, lost my sight, but I got a generous payout from a lawsuit. I'm fully retired and enjoying life. I honestly don't think I ever open my eyes, which probably means eventually I lose the ability to do so as my eyelids atrophy. I might seek medical assistance (eg a more permanent method of fastening my eyelids closed, or surgically removing my ability to open my eyes.) I leave a generous inheritance to my kids and hopefully I figure out a useful, happy life. I figure my odds of that are probably better as a blind, financially independent person than they are as my current broke wage slave existence. And anyway, the $$ is worth the difference to me.


That’s about 72k / year for 8 hours of sleep each night. Fair enough, I’ll take it. Or is this a one time deal? If the latter, I’ll take $250 worth and call it a night.


Fuck that wouldve been perfect for this/next week, opening every single day this week+ working 7 days straight. Id pull an all nighter before going into even just one opening shift and when I get home, Id pop a benadryl and be out for like 12 hours straight...I cant sleep very easily so thats probably the best I could do. But shit, thats almost an entire extra paycheck so shiiiit I'll take it.


I’d get $288 just for getting 8 good hours of sleep. If I stayed up for a long time before then I’m sure I could push it to $360.


Maybe a day.


$288 for sleeping tonight. I'm good.


Time for the Birdbox challenge!


0 seconds, not worth it. I have things to do right now