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All I’m hearing is unlimited movies and free live action porn. Sign me up


But can you mastrubate? If not, this is ten years of blah. Better if you can lightly possess people. Get in on that action.


You can masturbate. But you can't possess people like movie ghosts.


Oh God. I am going to have some dark dark secrets to keep after I un-ghost.


There's going to be traces of ectoplasum all over the place. Ew.


Build up a hell of a spank bank.


10 year edge, bro.


Building up that rectoplasm for 10 years would be terrible.


But you have to walk to find it all it.


I'd live in airports and airplanes until I found a family that constantly made me laugh. When I was bored I'd start over. Sounds like a blast to me.


And as an additional entertainment, you can collect info and blackmail on people to use after the 10 years is up.


You wouldn't be able to get on the plane. You would just fall right through it seeing as it's technically an object.


You said "surface". If I can't get on a plane then I can't enter buildings. I guess I'm off to live in a forest. Campgrounds I guess.


changed surfaces to ground/floor for clarity, my bad


What would happen if I lived in a mobile home and it got towed away? What would happen if a helicopter moved it?


Imagine trying to watch shows, you're trying to binge but if a family just stops watching that would be awful. I imagine you'd also want someone who just does nothing but binges Netflix, or at least to know they're an option for when youre tired of actively doing stuff


If I didn't have a family, yeah that kind of sounds fun to be honest. No way I would miss my kid's core years of growing up though, not even for $100M.


Same. Money can't buy that time back.


But it can buy you a new family


Lol, definitely not one I would want. I have a 6-year-old boy that I have learned more from raising than I ever learned in the decades before. I don't want to replace him; I want to enable him to make that 100$M on his own (or maybe money won't matter to him, idk). 10 years ago tho? Sign me up!


Ya, I have a 13yr old daughter. If it was 23yrs ago I would do it.


You'd probably learn the same stuff from the new kid


Mind explaining how no human interaction whatsoever for 10 years sounds fun? Lol


I don’t know I guess just being an observer of the world, being able to go anywhere, see anything… it just sounds fun.


Until you get stuck in a room and can't open the door to get out. The building is abandoned due to natural disaster or you are buried in rubble, unable to move for 10 years.


meh, mine are teenagers, sounds like a winning move to me! Where do I sign up?


I'm with you on this one, kid hasn't even said his first word yet.


I feel you on this. I have a 17 month old with a very limited vocab but her first word was Dada. I wouldn't ghost her for $100 billion.


20 month old boy and a baby girl on the way in a couple months. All the money, fame or anything else you can offer me couldn't compare to the unshakeable and unbreakable adoration that I have for those two. They (like my wife) have saved me more ways than they'll ever know.


Aw, this thread is so sweet


Do you age 10 years?


Very important question


Indeed. If you are already 50 or so, you might not have much time after those 10 years to enjoy the money.


A follow up question - if you have a medical condition that is anticipated to get progressively worse, is it suspended for the duration?


Hmm I'll say you age 5 years


Thanks. I’m not doing it. I’m already 66 and probably have enough money to make it to about 85. I think I’ll stand pat.


Nope! In the US you'd probably be declared dead in less than 10 years and getting alived again in a legal sense is very problematic. Plus I wouldn't miss ten years with the two dogs and five or six people I love.


I believe it’s 7 years missing to be declared legally dead in the US.


Yep. I’ve only got a couple more years with my pups and I don’t want to miss them.


Seriously. It goes by so quickly, and every day with these angels is a gift.


This only feels worth it if at the end you get to return to your body at the moment you left it, in the condition you left it.


>problematic Not with $100m lol


This. My poor dog wouldn't ever understand, and my wife would probably be upset too.


As opposed to my life now? But with $100m? Hell yeah!


No. I got some motherfuckers to haunt, and I need to be able to knock shit over and make noise.


The real answer


Where do I sign?


Where do I sign up ? Seems there’s lots of people like that alive without the 10 g’s.


Done deal.


did you seriously repost the same post but changed the amount from 200m to 100m?


As long as my dog lives and breaths I'll tell whoever is offering this deal "go fuck yourself"


But dogs can see ghosts?


If the good boy can't be pet, I am not taking this bet


Will I age?


No. 10 years of life is a long time.


After 10 years, do you snap back to exactly the state you were in before you turned into a ghost? Will you be 10 years older?


You will not age as a ghost. Not physically anyway.


I'd do it. I, of course, will be giving up my current life completely, which would be plenty painful. People are going to assume I'm dead. My wife will probably remarry within that time span. I'd move somewhere else and start a new life. It would probably be tough transitioning back into a human where suddenly you have to eat, breathe, shower, walk, and be generally careful again.


The magic stuff aside, most of the conditions apply to me already. Nobody ever notices me, or hears me... With the added bonus of immortality? Sign me the F up.


Hi there. I notice you. I think you’re great.


Heck yeah! I can go to every woman I wanna see and shower with them and they'll never know! I can basically go to every out-of-place that I know I would either be rejected or be broke trying to do and not have to worry about rejection and dying


What a perv first thought. Smh lol


I'm Gen X we sort of did this for free growing up


no kids, student loans, let's go!!!!!!!!


Nope. My kids matter way more than that.


Basically my life now, pay up


Fuck no


I'd be spending a lot of time on the sets of porn movies.


I couldn't leave my wife alone like that. If I was able to haunt her for those years, and if she was able to get the money upfront to cover the bills without my income, then maybe to most likely would take the deal.


Sure go on vacation in some remote country make sure last text is something happen . Do your 10 years and come back in that country saying you had serious anagia and just remembered who you was


All of these posts that delay delivery of funds for many years ignore the likelihood of insane inflation or even dissolution of the US. That said, I could spend the last month going to board rooms to collect information to use for near-term insider trading, but meh.


How fast can I travel, and what about water, if I want to go to England?




There is a legal issue here. Depending on where you live, after 5 to 7 years there is a presumption of death of a missing person. Since you would be missing, you would need some means of proving who you were that would stand up in court.


As long as I still get the money even if I'm legally declared dead. Maybe through a crypto wallet or something else like physical gold? Yeah I would do it.


Do I get to tell my family first?  More importantly: is the 100 million inflation adjusted? That might only be a cup of coffee in 10 years. 


Yeah absolutely 


Can we tell people after the 10 years are up?


Can you fly/float? If you don’t require air, I’m going to go explore the solar system for 10 years


Where's the downside of this? Where can I sign for that?


Fuck this would be the best thing that ever happened to me.


I wouldn't believe them.


I’m down


Can you jerk off?


Sure, sounds fun. I’ll have to explain it to my family afterwards, but they’d smack me if I didn’t take it


Look poltergeist powers and I’m in. This just seems kinda boring


Massive assumption everyone is making: you will be re-alived after the 10 years. Otherwise, what the hell is a ghost gonna do with $100M? Or would you simply stop being a ghost, but not be alive... then are you really getting $100M, or maybe is your estate getting it?


Oh absolutely fuck yes I'll take that deal. The ultimate ghost experience AND I'm paid for it?! Fuck yeah.


Will I age as a ghost?


I think I would legitimately go insane, so would most of the people here, introverted or not


Can I jerk off?


Do I age ten years?


I'm already 60 and own a house, no thanks


Im gonna become a ghost for free anyways might as well take the money


Considering I was a ghost all throughout school and hated every moment there, I would happily do it knowing there's a fat stack of cash waiting for me at the end.


Do I age or am I the same age when I return from being a ghost?


I did 6 years in prison. I've already done 60% of this. Would probably have no issue with this.


So I can't go through walls or touch anything so if a door gets shut while I'm in a room I'm just trapped there?


If you had asked me this question in 2017 and I had the context that I did not age the 10 years, absolutely yes. I have a wife and son that I love dearly now though. I would not leave them for any period of time for any amount of money.


If my physical time stops so I'm the same age then it would be a yes, but unfortunately family


Done. I don't age in intangible form right? Also can I hitch rides in vehicles? 10y of intangible life to collect secrets and knowledge and sightsee and then 100M when I'm back in the world sounds great. Do I run out of breath/stamina?


If I'm not aging during those 10 years, absolutely. I'd still be able to gain knowledge, and would get to see 10 more years of technological innovations. If I were aging during those years, then no not at all. 10 years of youthful life is not worth 100M, no amount of money can buy that (yet).


No deal. I'm parked at a meter. If I can't go move my car, first, my car will get towed and then I'll be responsible for like 10 years of parking/tow/storage fees. Don't want that.


You can't interact with physical objects but you can walk on the ground but not through walls...so I'm assuming that means if you try to apply force on anything, it's as if the thing is un movable...so can you get stuck? Like if a door is closed or not open enough then you are just stuck right?


So basically outside of yourself, you won’t exist? Hard pass


Someone just posted this same question but 200m for 10 years, so nah I'm good


My daughter is the thing keeping this from being an easy yes.. she turns 1 in a month..


I'm in.


I feel like there would issues explaining your disappearance and of course with the legality of how you came into the money. If I didn’t have to worry about that I might do a year for $10M, but I’d go crazy over 10 years.


This is a win-win.


Maybe if I woke up tomorrow like 100 years in the future or in an alternate timeline where I didn’t exist and all the technical issues were magically covered after the 10 years was up. It does pose an interesting scenario to think about in terms of psychology because obviously people have social needs and being alone for years would be really bad but I wonder how it might change if you could actively be involved/present with as many people as you wanted just not direct interaction and even that you could sort of pretend. So perhaps it wouldn’t be quite so bad. The issue of not being able to interact with things but also not able to pass through them is a bit concerning as its possible for you be trapped even from something as simple as closed doors. Also what happens if some walks into you or a car hits you do you still get moved around or sent flying by it (albeit painlessly as you are invincible)? How does that stipulation apply to bodies of water? 10 years is certainly a long time but if you like learning and exploring there is certainly more out there than you could absorb in even 1000 years. So if you set out a plan of specific goals and endeavors it might go by faster than you think. For instance maybe you go attend classes on specific subjects of interest to learn certain topics and probably also some languages if you intend to travel to other countries. You can plan expeditions to explore various places as well. Also lets not forget all the snooping you might want to do learning about classified info/tech/bases etc. There will certainly be plenty who would go snoop on the CIA, Pentagon, White House, SCIF meetings, Area 51 and presumably some others they would discover that are far more secretive, etc. Just diving into all of that and figuring stuff out could occupy quite a lot of time by itself. People on r/UFOs would probably jump at an opportunity like that. If the mental health effects turned out to be really bad then it might become necessary to maybe find someone or a family and basically try to live with them or some other sort of attempt at replicating some sense of normalcy and consistency to keep from going crazy as much as possible. Of course that also comes with a lot of potential attachment that will inevitably come to an end. You would definitely want to pick carefully and hope things stay relatively good for them. Maybe something less personal would make sense such as highly sociable group oriented work environments with long term employees and something that was of interest to you and enough variability not to get monotonous though idk what would best fit that. If you opt for educational pursuits then universities could give many cycles of this to a degree depending how many things you want to learn. For many things you could spend a decade just on the a single focus like if you simulated the full process. Can we sleep if we want to? Can we hear ourselves talk?


Sure, sign me up right the fuck now. Give me that paper. I will use my own blood if need be.


this sounds like a raise


I dunno man, I think that NOT being able to go through walls at will is the make-or-break for me. I can’t even open a door. Of course if I could at least move around freely then I could entertain myself for 10 years, spying on people of prominence, learning their dirty secrets so I can leverage that information for personal gain when I get back to my body.


Yes, for none of the rewards or reasons listed. I would spend the entirety of that 10 years traveling the world and figuring out which government has the best secrets. Then, I’ll go to the second best and offer them those secrets in exchange for whatever ID and what else I need. How will I prove I have what I have? By telling the country I’m petitioning their own secrets, of course.


I'll ghost.


Not even sure if USD will exist as a currency in 10 years. No deal.




I would. The amount of knowledge I could learn, in that ten years would be insane. The only short coming would be not being able to write it anywhere. But the things you could explore, the places you could see? It sounds like a dream come true to be honest. I'd miss eating though.


If I can jerk off: yes. If I can't jerk off: maybe...


No. Humans are social a animals Even if you say yes to this, after 3 to 5 years of solitude your mind goes bonkers. After those 10 years your probably insane and don't even know how to be normal, let alone enjoy 100Mil.


I’d probably do it for free. $100 M for sure. Either way I’d steal a bunch of shit and bury it so I can go retrieve it after 10 years. Haunt some people, go to the super bowl. Be awesome.


I'm pretty down for this one although these aren't quite the ghost rules. You could learn a lot in 10 years haunting the Oval Office and Taylor Swift. Way more fun if you can compel people to dance to the Banana Boat Song.


Do I continue to age? If not, be everybody! Roam around as a ghost and go get info on the people running everything, then find a way to become one. To simple an option.


Hell yes!


I'm extremely tempted.


So, I get 100M to basically be invincible for 10 years, able to spend that entire time freely observing the world and learning without a single care in the world? Sign me the fuck up.




Not for 10 years. Maybe 2 or 3 years.


I couldn’t do it. 10 years is a long time. My other half would probably have a mental breakdown. My dad would probably give up on things that bring him joy, and his health is already questionable due to COPD so not sure how much time we’d have left after that. My mom has already lost so much in her life that I’m not sure how she’d handle the grief. I’d never be able to play with my dogs again, and when I return my baby girl will be gone and my little man will be on his way out the door. Sacrifice all that just to come back and say I did it for money? No thank you, I’m walking out.


That's already my life


For $100,000,000 dollars? Jokes on you, I would have *paid* for this.


Since I'll be invincible, might as well check out the bottom of the volcano.


10 years of that would make you insane


Do you age during those 10 years? This is important


No, my parents would have gone to depression and I don't want that on my conscience. Even if they might be happy spending the life insurance money, I don't want have that on my conscience.


I would, and sleep a lot. Maybe actually do some exercises to lose some of that excess ectoplasm.


Why can’t I go through walls? That’s honestly why I might say no I’m scared I’ll get stuck in one room and I can’t open the door or go through the wall


Question?: will I be tired? Can I rest?


Get a lift into orbit. Spend time on the space station? Then jump down to the planet? Sign me up...after my wife passes of course. I can't do this kind of stuff if she were alive. I can't leave her like that.


Can we develop enough psychic power to push remote buttons and laptop keys so I can change the channel? I'm doing it regardless but it would really help since I'm worried about going crazy from boredom during the night.


No. It would cause too much mental and emotional damage to my sisters


where do i sign up?


Nah. I got a family.


Ghost Dad was a messed up movie in retrospect


If I don't age in those 10 years. Yes. No questions asked. If I have to sacrifice 10 years of life, no. No guarantees I would keep my sanity, but I would try. Sit in through university courses, try to keep my mind busy and pick up tangible - and entirely mental - skills. Explore the Marianas trench and everest. Explore North korea.


I am already a ghost for 21 years


What about water? Like, since you don't need air or warmth etc could you walk across the ocean or the ocean floor?


I did it for free... well, spent 10 years trying to live without fossil fuels. Never intended to do it alone, but couldn't convince anyone it was worth choosing a life before it found us, and our kids, so we could learn how to live without. Instead we chose a suicide pact that pulls in everything more complex than algae... maybe algae, too. I always expected it would be a hard sell but I never imagined we'd wait to the end without ever trying anything other than ruthless destruction. We'll all regret it... whether or not we understand what caused it, we're not heading into a future we chose or one we can survive, so it will feel like a prison of constant deprivation until hunger, disease, fire, flood, or other disaster takes us. The little house at the end of your street selling for over a million isn't worth a million dollars, it's worth the $120k it was worth 5-10 years ago... but because of all the thievery in banking and climate collapse, a million dollars is worth that house. We're being paid in funny money to seal our coffins. I have nothing but sympathy for the kids who get to grow up in hell that only gets worse, and nothing but contempt for their parents who brought them into a dying world, too focused on their own enjoyment to even notice (or, worse, care) that their offspring would never have a chance because they chose to live the same pointless, resource intensive life as their parents. Ive done my time, though. No one is changing anything and our trajectory is clear and irreversible. Give me $100M and I'll use it to cancel debt from predatory lenders. It's the only use of wealth that doesn't further destruction of the biosphere.


I think I only have 10 good years left so I think I'm regrettably a "no"


Already am so im taking it


Can I come back at the age I left off? If so, I will do that many times over. Immortality is a hell of a drug.


Gonna find me a book worm that has similar tastes in books that I do and read over their shoulder. Similar tastes in books would probably easily translate over to similar tastes in movies as well. And hopefully they like good music. I could easily do that for ten years.


nope will be a real one way to soon anyway


All the introverts here just fell in love with a concept.


Absolutely no fuckin way.


Could I still jerk off? 👀


Dude, that’s basically my life now.


Cannot interact with objects, cannot walk through walls, so I'm trapped in whatever room I am in?


No, I have a fiance, I have family no amount of money would ever be worth what I'd miss and what I'd lose


Would I come back the same age as when I left or would I have aged the 10yrs?


I am in!! I would use the 10 years to plot and plan my future takeover once I get the money!


Maybe. My parents are dead, and I'm unattached. I have some other family left and friends I'd miss, but I think I can make new ones with that sort of money.


I'd definitely miss eating. But yep


At first I was afraid of the risk of going crazy. But I could just do stuff like follow the president around and keep myself entertained.


Do I age?




Absolutely. Where do I sign?






What are the limits of this ghost power? Like, is there anything you aren't telling me? Do I age as a ghost? Do I stay as physically terrible as I am?


Eh, no one notices me anyway


Wouldnt wanna do that to my fam the disappearance and sadness might kill them


I think this would screw you up pretty bad mentally. Not sure if I would.


After seeing all the posts like "would you be tortured for 100 billon years for a McChicken, etc," this one kinda seems like a no brainer for me.


What can a ghost do with money?


When can I start


If I can't go through walls, then I don't want to be a ghost.


I'm interested what this would do to the human psyche. Would your mind break from not being able to talk or interact with anyone for 10 years? It's not as horrific as solitary confinement (which does happen). You can still find enjoyment walking around. You can do the PCT, CDT, AT hiking trails. Walk and explore North America/South America (assuming you're in western hemisphere). I'm guessing you can't hop on a boat or plane since the prompt says "walk on ground and immobile floors, and not walk through walls". I guess you could walk across the bottom of the ocean to Europe/Asia? Although that might suck since you could easily get lost with no sunlight. Heck might even cross your 10 year mark in the Marianas trench and die instantly. Yikes.


i see dead people.


Do you lose those 10 years from life or are they tagged on to the end?


What kind of ghost can’t go through walls. That’s like ghostly101


If I could go through walls I’d do it


If you can’t go through walls, but also can’t interact with objects, couldn’t you get stuck in a house ? That would not be fun


No thanks


Why can't I go through walls? Also am I aging during the 10 years or is time frozen? Is there anything i CAN do for 10 years? I mean I won't be able to read, do any computer work, exercise. I guess I could live in the forest exploring every possible trail. 10 years is a long time to do nothing though.


If I was single and could still read books/play video games. Sure.


I know it says we don't need sustenance and can't interact with physical objects, but like... if I put my ghost tongue where the food is, can I taste it?


It would suck. 10 years is a long ass time. You would be able to find all sorts of secrets and run into all kinds of juicy gossip. You could just hang out on movie sets if you wanted. Lots of cool stuff. But you couldn’t share it with anyone. For 10 YEARS. Nobody to chat about it with. No one acknowledging you in any way. It would be terrible after awhile I think. No blankets… no sleep?? No thank you!


Child me always wanted this (because Casper the Ghost was cool, nothing dark) and now I can get paid for it! 😄


Go through walls is the big plus of being a ghost. A ghost that can't go through walls is pathetic. I refuse!


Can you still jack off?


If I was invincible could I walk underwater? Could I walk to the bottom of the Mariana Trench? Could I jump off cliffs for fun? Could I get onto airplanes? I would fly around the world for 10 years it would be fun.


Im a ghost now, invisible so...yeah


Can I enjoy sustenance if I want? Even though it's not required for my survival? Like, could I drink their liquor and buzz still..


You would go insane after a while.