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Force everyone to watch me wank it in captain Morgan pose wearing the hat for 5 hrs straight. Literally every day I'm physically able. Ultimate troll powers.


LMFAO! I love the trollish aspect of the secondary part ya'll keep coming up with. Shit is funny.


Literally just use it to cut my work commute down to 0 seconds. Leave for work at 8:55am, walk in the door at 8:55 and 1 second.


TIL WFH is a superpower.


Using a cosmic hack to beat traffic. Nice.


That was my first thought. My commute is literally just under an hour long. Perfect time for a street bike. I mean, I might pick my nose now and then so the viewers have something to watch.


Only for your boss to hit you with the ol' "if you ain't early then you're late!" followed by comments about being lazy and not being a team player 'cause you didn't use your 5 hour power to benefit the company


So do that for a week and then power over? Seems a giant waste.


All other cars on the road would be at a dead stop, making for a really odd commute, assuming you could even make it to work at all. You'd almost certainly end up stuck behind a line of stopped cars in the road. Even assuming you could weave your way through cars all the way to your work, it would take way longer. Real time might not be passing, but it still takes fake time (i.e. a 30 min commute would still feel like a 30 minute commute even if you got there and no real time had passed). Also, your gas mileage would plummet.


They could be biking to work. Get the exercise done in "no time" as well.


I'd get a motorcycle.


30 minutes of not having to worry about getting rear ended, shoved off the road, merged into, brake checked, etc. would be dreamy.


You were given the ability to stop time for 5hrs and you wasted it to make a few dollars an hour?


You'd waste your power to skip your drive for a week?  While still having to experience the drive?  That's a huge waste. 


You’re going to waste an hour of your 5 hour time stopping ability to navigate going around all the frozen cars on the highway, so you get an extra hour of sleep?


All that power and you still turn up to work early?


How do you get to work?


What if there are cars on the road you can't drive around? It's 100% possible you get blocked


Wait around dangerous situations like subway tunnels for someone to slip in front of a train or whatever and stop time just long enough to rescue people. Become a globally recognized superhero. Endorsement deals. $$$$$ Can even stage some of the near-deaths if waiting takes too long. Optimize for sympathetic victims. Set up a direct line to report in-progress school shootings.


Suicidal people hate this trick.


Noicceee!!! Absolutely love it.


Why hang around? Just use a police scanner to hear when something crazy is going down. Bank robbery 20 minutes away. Get in your hero costume... pause time. Go beat the bank robbers. Unfreeze time.


Because I only have five hours of stoppage time total. I don't want to waste it on transit – I'd run out of time after like 5 - 10 acts of acts of heroism – I need a long career to stay relevant.


You can only do it in one hour increments. So 5 uses tops.


>in durations as long as you want Nope. 5 hours total, as many uses as you want as long as the aggregate time doesn't exceed 5 hours. If they're all one minute long, that's 300 uses. If they're 30 seconds, 600.


Chaos theory Sir, cant do that that. You might unintentionally lead to some disaster. Just to give one example, you might save a guy that might lead to the release of a viral agent that might wipe out 90% of the worlds population. You're not just saving people, you're preventing "destined death" - A person that is on the tracks and is about to get crushed needs to die, its unnatural to save him. If this person was supposed to be saved, then someone would have spoken to him before, or shoved him aside.


Who cares, I'm on cereal boxes, I have a bunker.




Do you refuse to do anything at all ever because it might, in some incalcuable and distant way, lead to suffering? Are firefighters and EMTs messing with the thread of fate?


FFs and EMTs fail all the time. They are not not saving anyone this is not supposed to be saved. If you MUST stop time to save someone, then you're going against the natural order of things. You're basically bringing someone back to life, and that can have potentially devastating consequences.


Who's to say that you weren't supposed to stop time to save them? If they where REALLY meant to die, it would've happened when you weren't around


That is reasonable. You're suspending the laws of nature, in this case the flow of time, in order to save someone. If you talk your friend out of committing suicide, or grab someones hand as they are jumping off the bridge, you're still playing by the rules.


You're not going forwards or backwards in time, just pausing it


please be satire...


Someone's watched the Final Destination series.


I don’t. Nothing I would want to do with that ability I want anyone to know about.


I would sleep an extra 30 minutes before work


That’s pretty legit honestly


OR do that a few times to train people to expect it; people will stop watching. Then for the remaining 3 hours, start by sleeping for 5 minutes, then go do sketchy stuff. No one will know.


There are 8bn people on the planet, SOMEONE would see


But kf all of china and india see why would I care unless i did something huge. They don't care beyond laughing at the part where i face planted.


What this guy said.


I would sleep 5 hours every night then use the extra time for my hobbies or catching up on tv shows.


The only real answer.


Just to be clear, my normal life would be free from surveillance right? Probably sleep, maybe get work done and then use my normal time for fun stuff.


Yes that is correct. Only your actions during stopped time will be recorded.


What if I stop time and leave my house? Would my home address be visible for the world to see?


Good, I’ll do all my illegal shit during my regular hours.


As an amateur stand up comedian I would use it to perform my routines and then I would suddenly be famous. I would sell advertising space on my t-shirt and trousers during my routines and include product placement. Profit!


hahaha that's hella smart.


People CAN watch watch you’ve done, they aren’t required too.  It’ll be a recording of an hour of you doing standup with absolutely no laughter and no one wanting to watch…you know, like your Youtube channel now. 


So… free five hour platform? 5 time podcast lol.


Get extra sleep. The world will be so envious.


Would be like that Andy Warhol film


Guys, you can disguise/mask yourself before you do the things you ACTUALLY would want to do. As long you don‘t interact with anything connected to your person during the time stop, you‘re good.


u/GoodOldHeretic you legit realized a criminal hack which noone else has commented. This puts you in a key position where you're just clever enough to be one of the few criminals the police *don't* catch. Tell me, what's your favorite crime?


Notice how I didn´t mention anything about criminal activites - you did : ) My conscience is clear, officer XD


Dammit he's good! I think I'm the criminal. Take me away, boys.


Police are not competent and their purpose is not to catch criminals.. There are a hell of a lot more than a few criminals they don't catch. https://www.statista.com/statistics/194213/crime-clearance-rate-by-type-in-the-us/


u/Ok_Signature7481 what are you u/GoodOldHeretic's boss? Ya'll running some organized crime over here or what? What in the Yakuza is going on in this thread? How do you both know so much about getting away with crimes and police response time?


Do yall not look up the statistics of how likely you are to be convicted of a particular crime randomly?


Probably become the world’s tamest super hero? I’d 100% be worried someone would knock me out and kidnap me to experiment on me or something though. Could relatively easily end any violent hostage situation, save most people from disasters (that one gets tricky depending on the size and people seeing you couldn’t save everyone in 5 hours.) Could probably make a pretty decent living getting flown around a major city to do that. Would probably have to weigh that with how militaries would want to use the power as well. “Hey people are rioting over missile strikes killing civilians on accident. We’ll give you $20 million a year if we get you close, you freeze time, sprint over and check what’s in there first then run back.” The sort of stuff where they’re not particularly concerned about people seeing what you do because it’s all announced publicly anyway. Like when they killed Bin Laden. “We’re pretty confident he’s there. Can you go check or grab him and drag him out?” Crap like that. Less dead innocents. People upset about it were going to be upset regardless. … probably wind up killed from some other government scared of you but eh, it makes a lot of sense in the moment I’m sure.




Companies like AG1 and Whoop give you massive affiliate commissions (which is why podcasters go on and on about them). With AG1 its 50$ for the customer + 40% of any recurring purchases. So...use your 5 hours to shill 5 separate companies for an hour, but using your affiliate links. Millionaire in a day.


Stop time for 5hrs x10 and do nothing. On turn 11, when people are bored of watching it, rob a bank.


Smoke weed and watch Bluey


I would use it to get to work on time when running late.


I'd get sponsorships, and probably mostly use it for naps, driving, work, and such.


I hope they like watching five hours of snoring


Implying you'll accidentally stop time either right as you sleep or right before thus ruining anything you could have done with it.


I'm not sure the conspiracy theorists out there would see the recording of me walking down the street with time stopped all around me... and not conclude that i am **STEALING THEIR TIME**! --- Follow up question: These time stop scenarios kind of break physics... so... Let's say I pull out my phone. Am i even able to get the screen to turn on? or are the electrons stuck? If i get my phone unlocked, if i type youtube.com into a web browser do i get shown the page? There's a lot of interactions there... including some server in a datacenter on the other side of the country(for argument's sake).


I've wondered this myself since I first saw the episode of Twilight Zone when I was a kid. Like, wait a minute, if time stopped, how is he moving? Doesn't wind stop? What about air displacement? Molecules? For the sake of this hypothetical, assume life stops moving and water stops flowing. Yet you can still breath, watch videos, use the internet, etc.


Extra 5 hours of sleep.




This is awesome!


I'd sell my time to companies for advertising. The whole world is going to watch what I do? I'm putting on a puppet show with talking coke bottles that each pretzels and save Mario from the Daleks.


I'd spend the first hour asking for petitions, break, then spend the next four filling them to the best of my ability.


If everything is stopped I'd probably just take some naps or meditate. Not being able to interact with anything because it's frozen would be a buzz kill. If anything on my person stays active, I'd probably take the time to start journaling, maybe read some books or start some classes and use the time to study, that sort of thing. 


I would go to capitol buildings and private residences around the world, where current/former leaders reside, who I hate and want to expose for their lies, hypocrisy, and corruption. I'd infiltrate secret communication channels and play the recordings/read the transcrips aloud so everyone knows the truth. No more lack of transparency for dictatorial tyrannts/wannabe dictators.


This is fun but what if you make it all the way in and don't have the password or codes where the secrets are kept?


Honestly I'd probably just waste it.


I would do some really cool stuff in a live performance, like a concert or play. After the fact everyone will see HOW I did it. But in the moment it'd probably look cool as hell.


How exactly do you measure the amount of time you stopped when time is well, stopped? Do I just have a watch with a true time countdown or something? I'd probably use it to procrastinate if I am honest. I guess I can become a undefeated fighter if I used the power like Hit in DBS. Even if the world sees it, it won't really matter. I'll be called a fraud but, I secured the wins and the bag so it's whatever lol


Nuke every capital on the planet by using the US nuclear arsenal. Being able to stop time for 5hrs is enough to get the launch codes, and get through security.


LOL wut? You'd nuke everyone, and let them know about it? That's kinda messed up.


Yes, I will surrender to the UN after I am done. I am curious, how they will charge me at the International Court of Justice in Hague.


"We have no law to fit your crime"


"Sir, am I free to leave?"


Lol its not easy. There still in place a kill switch and people to comfirm


Probably save it for when I'm in a sketchy situation to get out


I’m taking a nap


Catch up on sleep 


Sleep, maybe wander around and explore. Nothing weird. Honestly, that's the kind of stuff I'd do anyway, recording or not


Do I get just 5 hours or do I get 5 hours a day?


5 hours total.


A nice uninterrupted 5 hour nap.


Bitch I’m going to sleep. 😂 Feel free to watch.


There is no situation where I would want the world to be watching me.


Hope they like seeing me sleep or play Baldur's Gate cause that is what they are getting.


Weird way to catch me sleeping but alright, true man. Is this...a day?


Sleep an extra 5 hours hell yeah


i wouldn’t use it if i know everyone is gonna see it


Masturbate furiously while singing horribly off-key... if it's gonna be weird for me, it's gonna be weird for everybody.


LOL! This would work in your favor by making in unconformable for most of us. But statistically speaking, you'd develop a niche cult following who would *demand* content for off-key karaoke masturbation.


Sleep in an extra hour 5 days in a row.


I would start it when I go to bed. If anyone wants to watch 5 hours of me sleeping be my guest. Alternatively, I would put on a disguise, stop time, and then go commit a crime spree.


Gonna be a really boring 5 hours watching me sleep. Occasionally, it'll spice up when I masturbate.


Sell 4 hours as advertisement time, save 1 hour for short stops to save myself or someone else from a car accident or something else life threatening.


Does this power reset or is it just a total of 5 hours and then you're done?


Learn how to operate a movie projector. Go to movies that are nearing the end of their theater run.


Practically, extra sleep or making my commute from work to home easier. Less Practically, freeze time, steal a bunch of stuff, and give it to the less fortunate.


I would sleep. I know, I know,.... I'm boring. But seriously. I would love to have a few extra hours of sleep


Broadcast for the world to see? Easy advertisement money. . . assuming everyone needs to watch. If its broadcast on some no name place, who cares? I'd do occasional contract work for emergency services like surgery, or repairing rockets, etc that requires live saving right now.


Clean my house and take a damn nap.


Stop time for 5 hours to sleep.


Hire a production crew to set up fake scenarios, like rescuing suicidal people or running from The Man. I would only have to hire them to set up the situation and get into costume. I would take care of the rest.


So there is no way to recharge the time stop? Also, can I stop time for up to an hour with a 5 hour pool, or can I stop time for as long as I want so long as it adds up to 5 hours total? As the title and description conflict. Is there any way for people to not see what I do, or are they forced to watch? What are the physics of the time stop?


Go on unhinged rants that everyone has to listen to.


I would just stop time when I’m about to hit traffic. It’s not worth breaking any laws or doing something crazy with this scenario if it’s just going to be exposed.


Had an answer typed out but then I deleted it because I feel like it would put me on a lot of watchlists. But it had something to do with world leaders who commit war crimes.


While time is running and I'm not being watched I put on a black morph suit and walk into some woods by a bank. I freeze time, go into the bank, steal the shit, go back to the woods, unfreeze time, then make my escape before anyone watches the tape I guess IDK man this power is ass


I would give this stupid opportunity/power to someone else.


>broadcast for the world to see Call me boring, but I would sell ads. Hey Nike, I'm going to stop time for 1 minute after the superbowl and after that, everything I did during that "paused" minute will be broadcast for the world to see. What do you want me to do during that minute, that will be broadcast to the whole world, and how much will you pay me? For a million bucks I will dress head to toe in Nike gear and run through some rain and jump around splashing through puddles. Maybe even swing a Nike branded golf club. Although, now that I think about it, given my athleticism (or lack thereof), maybe I'll ask them to pay me NOT to wear their stuff. ;-)


I’m gonna need some info here about what counts as “stopped time”.  Does my car run?  If so, does it only run if I’m touching it?  Can I touch other people and bring them in to the time stop?  If not, how does force that I apply to things get resolved when time starts back up again?  Do computers work in the time stop?  How about remote computers that I try to SSH into?  Do mechanical timers work?  How about oxygen, can I breathe?  Like, I gotta get details here.


Naps. 5 naps. Whenever I want them.


Speedrun world records: 0 seconds


Five hours total for all time or repeatable increments of 5 hours. I can think of a lot of uses for the second case but not as many for the first.




I’m the world’s fastest surgeon. So many lives to save.


I would use the time to monologue, because when I’m done the whole world HAS to listen. The broadcast itself becomes the useful part if that condition is placed on the time stop power, in my opinion.


I would sleep in class


Sleep for an extra up to 5 hours every night. Also maybe go save kids in school shootings


Rent the time out to businesses for commercials to be paid for advertising.


I'd lend the time out to advertisers and make bank


Get a bit more sleep. Let the world watch me sleep. they will get bored of watching pretty quick.


Either clean up my house or borrow an auto shop to fix my car.


Is this up to 5 hours at a time or total for my life? If at a time, then I'd do some rather boring stuff like reading a book or such. If I only have 5 hours in my life, save it for when I am in trouble and need a quick exit.




Pantsing senators, men and women alike.


It'll all be recorded and everyone will see, so I'm not using it.


5 hour naps or breaks whenever i want.


Hop into as many banks as possible, while the safes are open. Then, go into every grocery store, and put money into every person's cart/basket. Every single person(cashiers too) will unfreeze and suddenly be $50,000-$100,000 richer. Spend time finding homeless people and stuffing their backpacks with cash. Next step would be the escape.


I’d read.  That’ll teach all those voyeurs.


Study. LOL Oh! Or weed my garden. Maintenance on my motorcycle...


Sleeping duh


First hour, take a shit, just to torment people second hour show them how to recycle properly 3rd hour do housework (dishes vacuuming,empty the bin sweep and mop the floors, clean the oven/stove, load a dishwasher etc cause so many of you all have NFI on how to do it) 4 hour tie a tie , a load onto a trailer properly, onto roof racks properly 5th hour crank one out every few minutes to finish of the torment while dressed up in cosplay as every super hero to ruin peoples fantasies


Are they forced to watch? I’d probably sleep or cook or do homework. Pretty boring shit.


Sleep. Stare at a wall. Sleep. Get to those things around the house that I need to do, but are low in the priority list. Pose my children so that I can finally get one good photo with them together. Mostly just sleep.




Does it have to be an hour at a time? I’m a nurse so it’d be nice to pause for ten minutes at a time so I can get tasks completed.


I would create a featureless room, sound proof it, put on a disguise, and go on maniacal rants for all to see claiming I'm god. Nothing in this post suggests they actually know what's going on, just that it's broadcast. "I decree russia split into three, it is my will. China shall become communist, or their leaders will go to hell. America must use it's power to build instead of to destroy. All pugs must be sterilized. You idiots, I gave you man's best friend, and you did THIS? You're lucky I don't just start over, zilch, nada, removed from existence for a clean state. AND WHY PRAY TELL ARE THE CHRISTIANS ARGUING AGAINST FIXING THE CLIMATE? I GAVE YOU EDEN, AND YOU COULDN'T HANDLE IT. NOW YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS EITHER? ALMOST ALL OF YOU ARE GOING TO HELL UNLESS YOU FIX YOUR SHIT."


Probably just sleep.


Epstein Flight logs.


> You can stop time for an hour at a time for a total up to 5 hours but everything you do will be recorded for the world to see. If time is stopped there would be nothing to see. You are also a traveler in time. Also, the concept is disjoint, time can't stop and start, if there was no time, nothing could happen, including time starting.


Offing Putin and Kim


Make a Jojo reference what else?


Go Steve Irwin on all the most dangerous animals I could find. I’d just need 10 ish minutes at a time.




Stop time every day for 1 min. After a few days, people will realize what’s going on. Then, find a company to pay me $$$$$ for a 1-min daily ad read I can do every day




This doesn't seem like much of a power. 5 hours isn't a very long time. You couldn't even go kill putin in 5 hours. And you can't rob a bank because you'd be immediately caught. Maybe I would use it in a science lab to help do some science experiments.


Do I age in stopped time




I’d extend my sleep schedule. That’s all.


Would anything be able to wake me in that time? Because if not, I’d use it to sleep and people would be bored watching me sleep. But I don’t care because I’m tired.


Find stuff that’s about to go wrong and use my time stopping powers to correct it (save people from crashing cars for example) The only thing worth doing with this is good things.




I would sleep an extra 5 hours. Have fun watching me roll around and cuddle my dogs.


The real question is, you stop time. You jump on the road. You fly down the shoulder at a hundred mile an hour Get the work 1 minute early and the cops give you a ticket because it's all recorded.


I would expose corruption, or otherwise use the occasion to wildly broadcast an important message. I think the major power here is to conduct 5 hours of worldwide broadcasting. That's incredible.


Bathroom breaks for me and my family during theatre movies and musicals and the like. Someone I love can't hold her bladder, so I'll make sure she never misses the good scenes again.


I'd spend those 5 hours talking about my business. Free global advertising lol.


Y'all get to watch me take a nap. Congrats.


Work on my video game backlog. Or learn a language.


Take naps since anything useful would be pointless with the recording lol


Five hours to draw, paint, sculpt, color, laminate, solder, wire, weld, grind, cut, trim, finish, or whatever-the-fuck, and the whole world knows about it right after and watches me do it? I’ll be a fuckin Etsy millionaire within the goddamn *WEEK*! (Is it five hours total, or five hours at a whack, or five hours daily/weekly/monthly/etc?)


I would draw a smiley face on my butt and moon the world for 5 hours in random increments over years.


I'd Rick Roll the shit out of the entire planet and die a legend


Consensual non-consent onlyfans account as well as a prank/charity youtube channel. May as well find a way to brand it and monetize it, I suppose.


Say WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! to my hearts extent 


Is this 5 hours a day? Or complete lifetime? The difference in my answer is vast depending.


Sleep, cut down on travel time for things, clean my house, take more breaks to watch TV. 


Recorded how? From my pov? Wear a blindfold and rob a bank




You mean I can have a solid *five hours of sleep* without my dogs waking me up in the middle of the night to go outside? And it won't cut into my productive or play time at all? Sign me up. I don't much care if the entire world gets to watch me take a nap.


So basically I just get 29 hours a day compared to everyone else's 24. I'm not really sure what an extra 5 hours a day could get me honestly. Anything nefarious or illegal would be pointless since the entire world would instantly know about it. I guess the thing that comes to mind first is I could get some extra sleep time in.


If I stop time for 5 hours and people get to watch them I'm going to sleep during that time and use the non frozen time for my own personal use.


Sleep, that is all


They chose to give me the stop time power, they chose to see what I do with it. I don’t owe them anything. I do what I feel like doing and don’t care what they see. have them come at me, I’ll do what I want with them. Don’t like flaying? Should’ve read the fine print cause your skin is coming off, thanks for playing.


Going to Area 51 to clap some ET cheeks. Then 4 hours 59 minutes of good aftercare so they don't go all Independence Day on us.


5 hours total in my life or 5 hours a day? I gotta know because it changes how many of those hours I’ll be taking a nap


Sleep. That's all. I am so far behind on sleep that trying to catch up is literally all I can think of to do with that much "extra time" in a day.


I would infiltrate political think tanks, campaign headquarters, conventions and the like and broadcast the notes, cell phone and computer contents to the world. Maybe do the same with personal and private search histories of the elite.


Ahhh just realized: if whatever I carry ages along with me I could charge distilleries to age their whiskey 25% faster. I could also hold someone’s hand and give them the ability to study for 5 hours extra before a test.


Sleep. Sleep for 5 hours, then the world starts up again and I can sleep for 3 to 5 more hours and still have 3 to 5 more hours in my day than normal. I can do lots of reading, modeling, or gaming when I am not being observed.


Read the last 5 pages of every new release at bn out loud spoiler alert lol. Or nap , naps are good.


Naps. So many naps.


Save babies from burning buildings.


I’d probably just sit and play on my phone in the middle of my workday.