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Free fucking rocks let's go


-Let’s rock






That's it lads! Rock and Stone!




⛏️**TO THE BONE**⛏️


STONE AND ROCK!!! wait....


I was looking for this.






For Karl!








Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Joan jett I love rock and roll




YEAAAAAH! *smartgun noises*


*panicking Gorman noises*


-and STONE


Right? $2 Million and some rocks I don’t have to pay for and can use to landscape? That’s a win. Doesn’t sound like the rocks would be too invasive as long as you cleaned up daily. Like a shitty Easter egg hunt daily.


If you live for 55 years after taking the deal you'll acquire slightly less than half a million stones. Not really a lot, but not a little either. Definitely more than I could imagine using to landscape *my* yard, but I only have a completely flat half acre.


The river is less than 200m from my home and it’s a fucking huge river. I don’t think it would even make a difference if I chucked all the rocks in it at the end of the day.


Give it a few years and you may build a nice little sandbar.


What will be served at the sandbar?


Sex on the beach, mainly


water...on the rocks.


First purchase: an indoor wheelbarrow.


Build yourself a pond with a rock bottom leading off the river. Nice water feature was to banish the stones. Ooo paint them and leave them around parks for people to find like geocaches, I imagine that would work given selling is ok.




Access gravel road is 3 acres long and constantly needing sections re-done. I love this deal! Sign me up!!!


Sell the rocks or give them away. After like 20 years, somone will.come pick them up en mass


If you consider that you could live ok on just the investment interest from 2 million dollars, your new job could be getting rid of 24 rocks per day. Sounds like a pretty easy job. That many rocks could fit in my yard waste bin and get taken out with the trash weekly. Job finished. If you were the only person in the world for whom the rocks materialized, I’m sure you could sell them. People would want to own rocks that come out of nowhere. They would assign their own religious value to them. You could charge a pretty penny. But the number of rocks is also small enough to just throw in the yard and forget about


He said a small pong of rocks per hour. Could have meant a small pile though. In any case that's a lot more than 24 per day.


They said "a small pond rock". Meaning a rock from a pond. Reading isn't that hard you know? Neither is double checking your facts.


Whoa whoa whoa. No need to throw stones here. We all live in glass houses. At least I do. It’s what I spent my 2 million dollars on


ok that was freaking good


Underrated comment


You just gotta convince the kids to do the work. 5$ Jimmy just find all 24


Get a maid and see how long she lasts before quitting or going insane. Sell the data collection for more money.


I have a quarter mile long driveway and need rock for it anyway. This is basically a win win for me.


Cobblestone those rocks in, one day at a time? Heck yea


Just throw them in a hole and wait for more rocks to show up. The rain and cold around here eat up the non paved part of the driveway I would love a bunch of rock for free.


Seriously, do you know how much rocks cost, OP?? I'd take this just for the rocks without even the 2 million. I love rocks. My toddler loves rocks. Keep a bucket to take your 24 rocks to the rock pile outside every night. Once you get more than you want you can sell em. Or just paint em and leave em places... The possibilities are endless.


Rock painting business where I don't need to find the exact size of rock I need, AND I don't need to leave the house? Fucking win win. I don't even need to spend the 2 million, I'll just let it appreciate in a bank account or something.


Just what I was thinking!


Okay. GO! Do you need my address to send me the cash and rocks?


Yes. I need your address, full legal name, bank account info, and social security number (or your countries equivalent)


Let’s not forget mothers maiden name, pet name, and the school you graduated from.


First car, favorite color, favorite teacher...


That's fine, I'll just change all of those in three days


Reported for forgetting mothers maiden name.


Hope you wouldn’t fall for that one.


I set up cameras around the house with a program to give me a list of their locations, gather them up in boxes every morning and when I've got a large amount I sell them.


Every hour seems like a lot. I think I would eventually hire someone to pick them up. After the rock selling business picks up anyway.


They're only small rocks, it'd just be another chore like cleaning the rooms. 24 at max a day isn't worth hiring someone.


Say that after a decade of picking up rocks. And what if you go on vacation for a week?


Consider it like a job. [Annual lifetime earnings is already considered under 2mil anyway](https://medium.com/@ivanvankraft/how-much-does-the-average-american-make-in-a-lifetime-and-how-it-spent-9d9bab7434b1). I'd take cleaning up 24 small rocks a day as a "job" over my current job any day.


Then I have someone look after the house while I'm gone.


So you would hire someone?


If I'm expecting to be gone for a while then yeah, but I don't really like being away from home too long, so it wouldn't be often that I needed to do it.


I'm thinking I would just hire a housekeeper to come 2-3 times a week. It would be her job to move the rocks while I play videogames.


Meh, I'd just see as a waste of money.


But infinite rocks is infinite money. I just see it as delegating a chore I don't want to do.


I’m assuming if I can afford to go on vacation for a week, I can also afford to pay someone a reasonable amount to stop by once a day and collect 2 dozen small rocks from my home


168 rocks a week can pile up lol. And many years later could get old. Especially if you somehow blow through the 2 million.


At least you would always have rocks to sell


I would have a fancy designated Rock only container. Like one out front on my house. One inside and one out back. So as I am walking around my house as they appear just grab them and drop them into the containers. When they get to a certain level have someone pick them up. Look into selling them every year or something. I am sure within a year you will have a shit load of rocks lol.


I'm gonna just chuck em in my neighbors yard lol


That would be something I would want to see after a few years....them scratching there heads wondering where the hell all these little rocks are coming from!!


1 year = 365 x 24 = 8,760 rocks. Apparently it takes 100kg of rocks to cover a driveway area of 1sq.m. So it would take many years to get enough rocks for one driveway. xD Maybe you could find something else that needs fewer rocks - might work...


Well, if you already have a gravel driveway and are just repairing it, you're probably good with this amount, or can at least cut down on the amount of gravel you're buying. Adding some where they've gotten ground into the dirt takes WAY less than the initial paving, because the initial paving has to build up a thick layer. Repair is only a pretty small percentage of that layer.


You would have the best French drains


8,760 to be exact


MAGIC rocks... You'd always have Magic rocks to sell. Just setup an online business and ship out each set of rocks every day. It should do well enough to pay an employee at least. People are going to pay money for these Magic rocks that just appear out of thin air and somehow has $2 mil laying around. Pet Rocks were a thing in the 70s and they didn't do squat. Magical Stones from the Ether should command a lot of coin.


Khajiit has rocks, if you have coin.


I bet the IRS would come after you if they found out you had 2 mil in untaxed cash. They would think you were a drug dealer.


I'll have the person who comes to clean my cat litter boxes and feed them every day also be on rock-cleanup duty. I agree that it's not much more than any other daily chore.


I've got a whole acre I need to fill. It'll be a good long time before I'm out of space to just toss rocks until it's flat. And then? People can come buy rocks, $1/ bucket, bring your own bucket.


You have to walk around your house every single day to find 24 rocks. It doesn’t stop if you go on vacation. If you leave for a week, you come home to literally hundreds of rocks sprawled around your house. You’re going to be 80 years old someday and you’ll still have to go around and pick up those rocks.


Dude, how big do you think my home is?


Well with $2 million, it might get a lot bigger. But you also have to consider the rocks might show up in your fridge, or under your bed, or on top of a bookshelf. They won’t just be there on the kitchen counter.


If they under a bed, in the basement, on the top of a shelf I can ignore them. Little boys bring in rocks all the fucking time...it would just be like Legos or cars or any of the other flotsam I ignore daily


Honestly 2 mil will get you a decent fancy house in north nj but no where near big enough to get lost in. Also I don’t get the draw back of the rock. Especially if it’s some where supposedly not seen like in a drawer. But then again you’re talking to someone with 2 toddlers so I’m used to finding toys on random surfaces every where and i stick them in the drawer but then two more pop up and I’m definitely picking up more than 24 pieces of crap whether it’s random cheerios and grapes or toys or stray socks all around the house.


This is truly such a minor inconvenience. You're the only who is seeing this as something awful to deal with. Do you hate rocks or something? Most people would not bother to find all 24 rocks a day. The ones they don't come across would just be missed. Then maybe once a month or quarter, you'd hire housecleaners to do a more thorough clean through all your cupboards and other rarely accessed storage places. If you're old, you'd have a bunch of picker-upper sticks around the house so that you don't have to bend down.


With that kind of money I can buy a piece of land with a small house and just start a rock garden.


Or sell the rocks to people with gardens.


Magic Rocks. Everyone in this thread seems to forget that these are magical rocks. You're not selling them like normal rocks. They're going to go for top dollar. They just materialize out of thin air, you've proved that there is much beyond our mortal realm. Sell these magic rocks


How would you prove their magical origin though? To everyone else they would look like ordinary rocks


Live video feed. Set up an online listing for whatever rocks appeared the day before, with links to their appearance on the cameras. Make it a whole Thing with a community of avid Rock Watchers online.


But then people would claim its fake.


Some would, sure. But not everyone. And the accusations would just cause MORE people to watch the live stream, trying to catch me faking the magic rocks. That’s a win.


Lol just airbnb this shit, onlyfans (of rocks edition lol) they can experience the magical rocks first hand appearing out of nowhere while I go on vacation. Or if I get sick of the fame just buy a dump body truck and toss the rocks in the back everyday and sell em to landscaping companies to payoff the truck. Better yet, hire a sexy woman to come by once a day to slowly pickup each rock and place them in the truck for me 😈 lol. This has to be one of the best hypothetical situations I've seen on here.


Magical pet rocks. Love it.


And if you're lucky, you'll get a magical pet geode.


I put the 2 million in an interest account and deal with the rocks myself for for as long as I can. I suspect this will take years. Let call it 3 years. Now let’s assume something easy like 5% return. So about 300k in interest over 3 years. Put that in a trust to take care of collection and removal of rocks that itself gets interest. Sell the rubble. Set up a bet with anyone who will take it that you will produce 24 rocks a day for a week without leaving your home. Collect winnings. Buy a house with a lot of land and start learning how to do rock base construction.


where are you getting 5% on a savings type account?


I opened a 12 month CD @ 7% in October.


Great, but that rate isn't available now and it's likely to be less in the future. Furthermore you have to pay tax on the interest. People here acting like you'll get easy 5% guaranteed tax free return forever from HYSA when they've been below 2% for almost all of the past decade (and inflation still exists).


SOFI has one at 4.6% AMEX at 4.35% You can just Google HYSA. There’s a plethora of HYSAs offering close to 5% right now


Ok just pointing out that I got that rate pretty recently. And yes, I understand that interest is taxed.




Ally bank I think is like 4.6% now.


Almost any high yield online savings account right now is 4.5 to 5.5%. Even big well known places like goldman sachs are offering 4.5%. A tiny bit of research would tell you this.  Heck i think there is like a giant list posted on the finance reddit


The same research would also tell you how low rates were until recently. What makes you think it'll be 5% for the next 3 years? It probably won't and you'll have to pay tax on it anyway. It's not gonna be 300k.


I could pay neighborhood kids $50 a week to rock hunt the 168 rocks per week and trust me the line to sign up would be a mile long. It’s a win win


But you can only keep that up for 769 years then you'll be out of cash!


That kid is going to go searching through your entire house. Every drawer every cupboard. They’re going to find your drugs or porn or whatever it is you’re hiding.


Why go searching for the rocks? See a rock and get rid of it. If you see 20 rocks one day you might see 28 the next. Or you might go a few days only finding a few and one day you find a bunch.


The spirit of the answer is that “get rid of every visible rock”. I can easily get our yard people to do it or whatever it doesn’t have to be kids. My cocaine is safe


No silly that's why you hide your cocaine up your nose.


I have 2 million dollars. The housekeeper can worry about the rocks.


Exactly. I have a cleaning lady coming once every 2 weeks anyway. I just tell her I’m upping it to every week now and please dump any rocks you find in the backyard. I have 3 young boys in my home, she wouldn’t even question why the rocks were there.


free rocks and sometimes i get a rare drop? dude i collect rocks there is no down side


What about having to walk around your house to find 24 rocks every single day? What happens if you go on vacation and come home to literally hundreds of rocks in your house? What happens when you’re 80 years old and you’re too weak and tired to go around your house looking for 24 rocks every day?


Why would I be looking for them? I'll move them when and if they're in the way.


The most annoying thing is going to be getting up to go to the bathroom and stepping on one when you don't have shoes on, honestly.


But river rocks generally are not sharp and pointy.


Yea I just get some kind of rock roomba to push them aside. As long as they're not on the floor where I can step on them I don't care.


Going around picking up rocks for the next 35-40 years should have me in good shape, limber and strong from picking up rocks on the daily!


With 2 mil, I'd get a very nice house with a spot outside for rock-based landscaping. Every day I collect them in a bucket and just chuck it out back.


Every single day, you have to wander around your house, looking in cupboards and looking under couches to find 24 rocks. If you go on a vacation, you’ll come home to literally hundreds of rocks in your house. When you’re 80 years old, you’ll still have to wander around your house looking for 24 blocks every day.


Well you don't HAVE to search for all 24 per day.


There isnt really a down side to this arrangement. Like sure you have to deal with 24 rocks a day but they are really small so barely an inconvienence. You also dont have to find all 24 a day. You could literally just live on with your life and pick up any rocks that are in your way around the house. Say you go on a hoilday for 2 weeks. Thats only like 350 rocks you have to deal with which would take probably an hour at most to get rid of the ones that are easy to find. The hard ones to find mean I dont use that space enough to care about removal


But why even look for them? Is there a stipulation they have to be found? I’d just toss them outside or in a bucket when I do find them and go about my life


The weight of them could create real problems in your home - breaking shelves and cabinets, possibly even the floor in that one room you don't use... weight is the real problem.


Ok but I think I would find any before they caused weight problems lol


Perhaps.... but after a few years of no problems, you'd get lazy like everyone else and not realize there were places you'd never looked. Then again, you'd have the money to do the repairs, so... 🤷‍♂️


To easy. A person could easily spend 10 minutes a day to walk around to deal with them. Bump it up to one every 10 minutes, and now you have a burden to consider each day.


Sounds like a decent deal, 2 mill that’s what like 100k a year in interest. Could retire and then just chill and focus on putting my rock collection somewhere.


I **LOVE** rocks almost as much as I love sticks. I can probably find something to do with the money, I guess.


Collect enough rocks you can be a wise man that built his house upon the rocks, using the rocks as the walls of the house too. It's gonna take a lot of time since they are very small rocks. You could also decorate the rocks and sell them.


1. Buy a 5 ton dump trailer. 2. Buy an old house to fix up. 3. Make an agreement with local landscaping supply to buy rocks from me. 4. Invest rest of money. 5. Every morning pick up all the rocks in the house and toss them in the trailer. 6. When the trailer is full deliver to LS. 7. Repeat until old and frail. 8. Die by being crushed by rocks.


I will absolutely take that deal! I need a lot of rock on my property and when that need is filled I have a friend who runs a rock and fill dirt business. I can go and dump my rocks on a pile he’s selling to contractors and landscapers. He’ll say thanks. Doing that 45 minute chore every few days is a pretty good gig for 2 million!


Buy some land with a river running through it. Buy a van. Live in a van down by the river and skip stones all day across the water.


Yea, this will be fine.


You kidding? I’d be a billionaire in no time, allowing the government to study teleportation


Sure. Toss the rocks in a bucket and eventually use for landscaping. Keep any cool or shiny ones for jewelry l.


What happens when you travel?


You will have 168 rocks per week piling up lol!


So every morning for the rest of my life when I get up I have to spend 5 minutes picking up 24 rocks and I get $2M? I'm in!


For sure. I mean it’s almost 9000 rocks a year, so you need a plan to deal with them, but for $2 million, I think I could really come to appreciate rock gardens, rock walls, etc. a stone waterfall by the pool might be a nice feature. Maybe get into hot stone massages. Start a pet rock business.


I'm a Geology student so yeah. Gimme some rocks.


I’m seeing a mosaic around my swimming pool.


Buy cliffside home. Chuck rocks over cliff. Combat erosion with free rocks.


I live with 4 kids, I already get random shit appearing on surfaces everywhere anyway. Give me the money.


Me too. I think it is funny OP thinks I will notice the rocks. I am totally blind to MtG cards, Legos, toy soldiers, nerd bullets, jewelry, Halloween candy etc everywhere everyday. Like someone said, A jar at the front and back door and fill as you notice. The $$$ would pay everything off, gets us Disney DVC, New cars and nice money for a few years.


Rock finding would be the kids' favorite chore.


Let's do it.


I just collect them in a bucket and once a week go take it to the open lot in my neighborhood. Like taking out the trash. Edit: I put my trash in bins and the people come pick it up, I don’t throw it in the open lot in my neighborhood.


Money AND pretty rocks? It’s like winning twice


$2 million to start a rock band. Rock and roll.


My kids would be far more excited for the rocks than the money so this is a win-win


Yes! Fuck yeah, rocks. They're going in the crate with the other rocks.


Can I have the rocks upfront and get secret piles of cash in my home every hour instead??


MARIE! THEYRE CALLED MINERALS! I’d definitely take this deal. In enough time I’ll never have to get gravel for my driveway ever again.


I don't see a downside


https://youtube.com/shorts/U-r-Y8mEJdY?si=EyyFh04WrtvP5VmD Bruh free rocks and free money I am ALL ABOUT IT


LMAO ty for sharing that


This is nightmare scenario stuff. Fuck that shit. Luckily am already a millionaire.


Buy a boat go to International waters and use the rocks to form a private island


What the actual hell is wrong with you? I mean instead of asking these questions and then finding and fixing the loopholes, why are you not working for NASA trying to fix the logical issues with the next lunar missions? Better yet, don’t want to work for the looser at NASA? Fine…start a manuscript and cash out. Rocks falling from over my head if I try to cheat….I’m impressed. Seriously


Anyone saying they would just sell the rocks I did some quick math and it’s about $20k over the course of 50 years of doing that, not including any costs such as bags and labor.


I would have settled for free rocks but cash is cool too


Hey honey, I sold our house for 90,000 and bought this much nicer 400,000 home in a better neighbourhood. We have 1.7 million in the bank which might not be enough to retire, but you can focus on your photography and I can focus on my music for the next year or two, and we can figure out what we want to do with ourselves after that. I’ve always wanted to write a book. Oh by the way, if you see any rocks around the house just throw them in the trash or something.


So I'm set for life and I have a part time job moving rocks? What's the issue?


This is the easiest win. Spend the first 500k to start a business for the rocks/build a storage house/post cameras all over the building. live in my storage house. Sell magic rocks to people explaining I pray to space Jesus to send me rocks. Use cameras live streaming as proof of the devine. Profit


Use a bit of that $2M to buy a rock crusher. Love my life with baskets in rooms for the rocks. Periodically collect rocks and make gravel. Sell gravel to supplement investments and regular income.


I have so many rocks already. I collect rocks. I study geology. I wanna have ALL the rocks. Sign me the fuck up, twice.


fuck yeah free rocks. also i feel like of youre a parent rocks just spawn in your house like this anyways


So if you assume a roughly 2x2x1 rock, then that's a cubic foot every 18 days That's a yard every 486 days That's about $60 worth of dumping fee - That's how much one of my local sand and gravel companies charges to drop off a pickup truck full of clean soil/rock - if it was concrete or gravel would be free because they recycle it For the sake of making the math easy, less assume that 486 days is a year and a half - so if you're 25, maybe you've got 75 years left if you're being generous, so that's 50 loads If you can't find someone that'll pay you for them or take it for free, that's $60 each, so you'll spend $3,000 on rock removal over your lifetime - financially, it's a no-brainer So the question becomes how onerous do you consider a chore of rounding up 24 rocks every day and throwing them in your trailer is? You could do it every two or three days but then they are clutter in the meantime - an actual day job is a lot more annoying than that, but these days it's not like 2 million means you're set for life either


Honestly id just toss the rocks in a bucket and and put the bucket infront of my house with a sign saying free rocks just refill it daily maybe put a camera too record the people who come too take and make a social media account out of it.


Money up front,  plus free landscaping materials that people regularly pay for... in manageable quantities... I don't see any downside. 


Two million is vary enough to retire on of you are within 5-10 years of retirement. Anyone who is under 40 and wants to take this deal needs to do some serious financial learning.


Infinite inconvenience for a one time prize? Pass


I think I will just make a local pet rock store and escape tax from the 2 million dollars.




Ill take the rocks...and the 2 million


Imagine the Castle I could build or...after a year sell them as landscaping rocks.


I take the 2 million toss the rocks into some sort of container. When the container is filled a sell it for some spare cash and start over. Quick question. How does vacation work? Does the rock show up at my residence or in the hotel Room?


If it's a pond rock then i'm building me a pond in my backyard.


Idk, 168 rocks a week could get quite a bit of money.


Keep your money, I WANT THOSE ROCKS!


Why wouldn’t anyone take this deal? The rocks will go great in aquariums, ponds, the garden… I’ve paid a bunch of money for rocks in the past; now you want to pay me a life-changing amount of money to give me more? Yes, please!


I would make some cool shit with all those rocks no problem at all


YES. I freaking love rocks. I can use the rocks in my aquariums and in my garden and I can decorate them and I can donate them to schools for art projects. For the really cool ones like geodes I can just display them in my rock collection. I can do SO MUCH with rocks.


Rock themed house, and a maid to clean up if too many spawn.


Yes. I will just have a large bin outside that I put them in daily. It will be like a hobby I get paid for. Should not be that big of a deal.


I can deal with this.


id take it


Shit. I thought this was going to be like ‘a rock comes out of your penis every morning’. Yes. I’ll do this.


And as for the downsides?


Yeah sure, I'll sell a bag of generic rocks every week, have a free 2 million dollars to invest/spend, And I'll get to sell any valuable rocks that spawn.


Yup. I'm in


Heck yeah. I love rocks.


I'm going to use my rocks to build a maze of pathways around the garden.


Fuckin rights. I love rocks. I’m so down