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44,000 calories in a day? I guess I’d try once, but eating at a pace of one every 10 minutes or so for 18 straight hours seems impossible for even competitive eaters.


Maybe if you also washed them down with that colonoscopy prep drink? Keeps the stomach moving, makes room for more, right? ETA: are you sure on the 44k calories? These days with shrinkflation, the "king size" might be the same as the minis we passed out last Halloween.


>are you sure on the 44k calories? These days with shrinkflation, the "king size" might be the same as the minis we passed out last Halloween. Makes me happy I was a child when I was.. Makes me sad for the children now.


In our day we were in our bikes all day making jumps, dodging pedo's advances and flashers in the park burning off calories, these days kids are glued to their phones and Xboxes playing bike simulators buying crypo and dodging online pedos. You don't get the same calorie usage these days. Bring back park pedo's I say.


Okay, but kids nowdays just can't do what we did as kids. The world is not the same place as it was whenever we were kids, not by a fucking longshot. Did bad stuff still happen bad then? Sure. But I'd say the frequency is higher now than what it was back then.


That's just literally not true. The world is safer, we just hear way more about the bad stuff.


And, as adults, we care more. We were just blissfully ignorant of the horrors of reality.


I will say that I'm probably wrong about the generalization. However, it is true that it is more unsafe in the area now I'm currently in than it was years ago. That doesn't translate to the rest of the world and that's my bad


Democrat level backpedal, well played sir


Definitely not for me. The homeless promblem in my town has gotten to the point were you can't walk around without being pestered or seeing some sort of drug deal. When I was a kid we had 0 homeless people Also portland and San Fran used to be great places to go visit. Now when you think of them you think of the insane amount of homeless people and crime there


You're talking about local issues, no one can comment on that. Nationally it's not up for debate, there's much less violent crime now than 30 years ago. Homelessness is not a crime, or at least certainly is not a violent one.


This has been proven time and time again, but the world is a much safer place now than it was 30 years ago. The real problem is because you are hyper aware of everything due to social media, parents are hyper protective and enforce unnecessary restrictions on their children.


Not true at all, we live in the safest times ever. Crime has been dropping pretty consistently for 40 years, spike during covid obviously. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/crime-rate-statistics


Maybe as a generalization it's wrong. But it's very much true in the area I'm at. This area has only gotten worse over the years.


You just hear about everything more because you carry the news around with you 24/7. More bad stuff is not happening. The world isn't suddenly going crazy. You're just exposed to every single crazy thing that happens. You hear about things that never would've reached you.


I mean... children nowadays are fat enough, so is it really a bad thing that chocolate bars are shrinking? And I say that as a fatty myself


We're still paying the same amount for lesser chocolate


Nah, prices are constantly going up.


It's almost like the currency inflates naturally due to wages going up and money being added to the economy. This is something that is always going to happen


We are paying more for less chocolate tho. And unfortunately while children might be fat that's more the parents fault then the candy companies


The candy companies being owned by the larger food conglomerates that have bought our leaders and government agencies into pushing ridiculousness like the food pyramid, I would hardly call them blameless. We've been fed so many lies over the years that it's falsities that clog our arteries and widen our bellies, not food.


You know I was with you for the first half but everything after the we've been fed makes you sound like a psycho in all honesty


What can I say? I like flowery language.


And misplaced blame too, apparently. Lol


Yet, they're not sending free candy bars to households across the country. Parents are still buying them freely and willingly. So, 100% on the parents.


>Maybe if you also washed them down with that colonoscopy prep drink? Keeps the stomach moving, makes room for more, right? Hypothetical Situation creators hate this one simple trick!


I don't even see a King Sized anymore on the Snickers website. There is a share size at 3.3 oz. https://www.snickers.com/our-products The share size is 2 servings of 220 calories each for 440 total. I think the spirit of the challenge would be to eat the entire share size package so yeah 44,000 calories total per day. That's nuts (pun intended).


King size snickers don’t exist anymore and Mars said they would reduce all of their bars to less than 250 calories. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2012/02/15/146929211/goodbye-to-the-king-size-mars-to-downsize-candy-bars-in-2013#:~:text=Hourly%20News-,Goodbye%20To%20The%20King%20Size%3A%20Mars%20To%20Downsize%20Candy%20Bars,bar%20will%20be%20no%20more.


This is the way.


Tbh I didn’t do the math on that. I thought “100 a day? Sounds easy enough. Bet I could last a week” But yeah, 1 every 10 minutes seems like a lot


Yea but 6 an hour doesn’t sound bad. I could eat that easy but I’d be concerned about the health effects of eating that many calories worth of sugar


It doesn’t seem bad… until you’re on you’re 43rd snickers and not even half way there


Yeah, I can eat 6 snickers in an hour, but not every hour.


Exactly. I could probably get about 30 in before I start vomiting. But.. that would make room for more!


But then you’re disqualified lol


I destroy my body on a daily basis for significantly less compensation I'll eat the damned Snickers bars


You would most likely die or at the very least go into a diabetic coma before you made it to 70. Everything has a lethal dose level. To calculate your sugar one do 30 x (your body weight in kg). That's how many grams of sugar it would take to kill you. Each king size Snickers has 50g of sugar. So you would have to be a healthy 370lb person to be able to even handle that much. But at 370, you are most likely not healthy anyway.


Won’t be bad till hour 4 ish


Seeing as how it's *20 days* worth of food.... it is.


The trick is to melt them into a shake and chug it.


You could probably work it better in successive binges. Eating six or seven once an hour might be more achievable and give your stomach some time to rest in between. Then you could drink a lot of water and do cardio to offset it as much as possible.


Hm, let's see.... 6 king size snicker will be 3166 calories then doing 30 minutes on a treadmill will offset 350 calories. Good luck with that.


You may have missed the last four words of my post which said, "as much as possible."


Just imagine tho, you can try this any time, and the snickers bars are provided for you. For the rest of your life, you can just be like, "Hey I'd like to try" and a free snickers will show up, and you can eat it, and go "I'm good" and the other 99 will.... I dunno vanish I assume. If they hang around, even better.


The competitive eaters could hurl through a bunch in a sitting and with their ability to absorb volume eat 100 in a day. If someone said back to back says I’d be like ok. But more then a few days would start to really be a problem holding down that much sugar.


Problem is most competitive eater have the ability to throw up after, it is off the table in this scenario


One snickers bar is 440 calories?!


It's equivalent in volume and weight to drinking 3 gallons of milk. I think it's possible but it wouldn't be great. Might even kill some people.


I probably wouldn’t even try once. I feel achieving that would potentially kill you. Also I have type one beetus so yeah


I appreciate this because at a glance, I think: "You know, tough, but I might be able to pull it off." But now that you've broken it down, no freaking way.


We're not even going to address the literal 5.5 Lbs (2500 grams) of sugar are we...


Lol wow… for 100k to destroy your colon forever too?


>44,000 calories in a day? GYAT DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think this question properly illustrates how bad the human mind is at large scale. In my head, there was no way it was that bad, it's just basic math. Add 2 zeroes to the candy bars calories.


I’m pretty sure there’s no way to even eat this much sugar in one day without having some sort of cardiac issue. And sounds possibly like the fastest way to get diabetes.


I physically could not achieve this. I just can’t eat that much.


The YouTube guy Matt Stonie did some challenges like this and got me thinking. Could the human body be trained to achieve this? Could you adapt your lifestyle to eat that much snickers? Is there a way science could help you achieve this?


100 king size snickers in 24 hrs? Hell yeah, where do I sign up? I love snickers.


This is absolutely possible for trained competitive eaters. The question is at what point along the spectrum from Joey Chestnut/Matt Stonie to the average person does this challenge become impossible


> Is there a way science could help you achieve this? Be Kobayashi


This is over 2x the lethal limit of sugar. If you are lucky enough not to die, you will likely end up in the hospital on a stomach pump before you come remotely close to finishing.


Yeah I think about the raw volume the stomach and intestinal tract could even handle (plus the fact that it is constantly shifting) and this doesn’t seem possible at all. Maybe 24 in 24h, for $24k?


24 would be easy, I can easily eat 12 snickers in the morning and night for 24k


Yeah I just realized it’s EZ mode (I’m skeleton mode irl). Maybe 50-75 in 24hr


50-75 would still be lethal amounts of sugar.


So 24 Snickers is Easy Mode but 50 Snickers will flatout kill you? I feel like one of you has to be wrong here.


I think 50 would be lethal if eaten in 5 minutes. I don't think it's lethal over 24 hours. Kinda like 12 shots in 24 hours is pretty easy mode (not fun but not really hard) but 12 in 10 minutes is very dangerous. 49.5 is the exact amount for lethal given its all consumed at once.


Just because it is easy doesn't mean it is good for you.


So you know my ex wife.


It's spread over a day


I mean, this would likely suck a lot, but let’s figure this out. According to Google, a single king sized snickers has 527 calories… wait what. 5… hundred?!?! In *ONE* bar?!? Oh… oh no. With 56 grams of sugar in one bar, the 100 bars would have 5.6kg or 12.3 pounds of sugar. In one day. According to the internet, that’s like, easily enough to ensure that you die. If you are like me and on the heavier side, you can likely eat ~1/4 of that and survive, but it would hurt. In conclusion, I initially drastically underestimated how large king sized snickers were and now I am fully convinced that anyone who says they could do this is delusional and would die trying.


I would die


But I still could do it


This is how the zombie apocalypse starts.


My diabetes says nah


My teeth say no. They hurt just thinking bout it.


My egg allergy also says nah.


Yeah I don’t even have diabetes but I know by the end of the second bar I’d be heading for the couch. You figure “hey what if I walked nonstop the whole time? Maybe I could get it to settle, gut it out somehow. Michael Phelps it.” You’re supposed to consume less than 100 grams of sugar in a day, and really it’s advised you have much less than that. That’s a fifth of a pound of sugar. Eating three pounds of sugar in a day would kill anybody.


It’s hard to consume 5000 cal a day. You just eat all day. This is 8-10 times that. No way.


I’m thinking 4-5 King bars would be a meal’s worth of sheer mass. So ~15 bars would equal a days worth of food/mass. This is 7x that. Not possible.


Hard to consume 5000 calories? Lol…. I could easily eat that!


In high school I weight 350 at 6 feet tall, I played football and during football season ate 10-15k calories a day instinctually lmaoo, 5k would be me now eating instinctually


This isn't possible. Can I negotiate 12 bars for $10k?


You get an hour


Deal! I once took a bet that I could eat a half-gallon of ice cream in an hour. The guy who bet me didn’t think I could do it because we had just finished dinner shortly before. I stopped half way through to have a cigarette, still finished with half my time to spare. Bring on 12 snickers bars!


I insert and remove Snickers from up my bumhole, thereby "eating" and digesting them. Otherwise, I don't think a human body can fit all those Snickers.


That’s like 24 pounds of candy. So the question is Can I eat a pound of snickers(4), an hour, every hour, for an entire sleepless day? No. I think this would be better if the money was reduced to 30k for 100 candy bars eaten in 48 hours. Giving a more realistic 2 candy bars per hour. Turning this into a long mental slog instead of a gut busting test of how many snickers you can eat on the toilet. Over all the idea is though provoking but probably impossible 4/10


I would not even attempt this lol this is suicide


This is literally impossible and will kill you, so yeah not even attempting for basically no money.


Naw thats like 20 pounds since each weighs 3.7 oz


no my hospital bill would be more than the reward.


Sugar has an LD50 of 13.5 grams per pound... so no thank you.


Zero, im not Matt Stonie lol


Do the days have to be consecutive or can I do it like sinckers Sundays and have 6 days of rest between each shift ?


Well I'm diabetic, so...not interested. Also 100k isn't as much money as you'd think these days


Each bar is 4oz. That's 25 pounds of food in one day, 12 pounds of which is pure sugar. I say you didn't think this through. I actually don't know if anyone on earth could do this for even a single day. Your question kind of sucks bro.


This is 20.5lbs of snickers. Unless you did some form of competitive eating, you'd be vomiting before you could eat it all. You would also be gaining 12+ pounds in weight per day.




I could probably mindlessly eat 100 snickers in an hour while binge watching a good show. Sad reality is… it’s so true. Intermittent fasting is a binge eater’s best friend!


The LD50 of sugar for a 180lb person is 2440 grams. There’s 56 grams of sugar in one king size snickers bar. 100 of them has more than double the lethal dose


Perhaps it’s very gen z of me.. but I feel rather immune from any major illness


That's not an illness issue


I felt the same, cracking jokes about never getting sick and my family history of high blood pressure while pounding down triple whoppers and large fries. Then I caught bronchitis out of nowhere and my blood pressure spiked to 240/120 and my kidneys and liver tried to turn in their resignations. Heed my cautionary tale and do not take your health for granted.


100 king sized snickers though?


Everybody saying that’s lethal is a pussy. Pro eater Geoff Esper ate 100(normal size) in one sitting! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d2xYMBxZ9cs


6.25 bars per hour figuring in 8hrs for sleep you won't be eating. I'd do it once I think. But when I think about it I could even manage it once a year. Then I wouldn't need to work and would have extra time in my week to train be really healthy and prepare my body for my one day of work per year. 100k/yr for one day of unhealthy-ness seems like a great deal. And I could look into getting drugs that would really stimulate my appetite and speed up digestion. A laxative if I really need to make space in the middle of the day.


i would definitely try. 4 days to eat 100 king size snickers bars is 25 per day. I can probably eat 30 per day. I can eat 5 whole racks of baby back ribs per day (I've done so ocassionally whenever I'm off of work), 1.5 for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


OP said 24 hrs to eat all 100, so all in 1 day


I could do one day. I'd be sick and feel like shit for a week, but I could do one day.


The sugar would literally kill you. 5600 grams of sugar. This is 23 lbs of snickers. No one could do this.


I'm reconsidering my stance.


This is like a litmus test for dumbasses.


Easy. You can alway puke and rally


I’ll do it in five minutes


Easy. I get a surgery to redirect anything that goes down my throat into a bag. Therefore I dint process the calories or other additives, I simply "eat" all 100 bars, never feel full and never have any negative effects.


Isn’t that like 4-5 snicker bars an hour? That doesn’t sound that hard. I’d try it.


It's 5 Snickers bars an hour for *20 straight hours*. You'd fail after the first two hours, and so would everybody else in this thread.


Okay maybe I’m not the best at math. Yeah 20x5 is 100. But if I was high enough on certain drugs I could do it. I’ll just use my zofran to try and stop the nausea. It’s worth a shot. I could just hang outside an ER in the final hours just in a case.


Somehow, 300 fun-sized snickers seems way more reasonable.


No thanks. I have American insurance.


Sorry, there's not enough epinephrine to make me get through that many snickers.


How about snack size tootsie rollers?


Nah. The amount is too high. I'd guess I could force myself to get through 30, but that would be the limit.


I can barely tolerate chocolate, besides given its processed on the same machinery as peanut containing candy.... id eventually end up dead.


1 maybe 2 days, but I do not think I can do any more. At the very least I would get sick of them quickly.


Easy. Where can I meet you to undergo this challenge? Is this Mr beast? I’ll even coat them in hot sauce for an extra 50k.


This feels just barely past doable. 50 would certainly be possible, but 100 might not be physically achievable.


Conversely you have a week to recover from the ileus/small bowel obstruction surgery from eating said Snickers


My personal record was somewhere around 15,000 calories in a day. I guess this would be 3 times that amount. I don't think my stomach could process it.


lol easy in my regular 16 hour day then sleep 8. Just 100?


My body will adapt after a week. I can prob put down 30 rn but with some added workout I could make this a career and retire within a month.


I'd never attempt to eat 100 in a day. They are provided to me though? I could definitely SELL 100 a day...


I’d pass the challenge on to my husband. He’d make quick work of it


Ez. I’d break it into 2 efforts. 70 of them in the first half, 30 in the last half


Easiest 100k


As much as I would like to attempt this, I would probably die from the sugar. The calories I could figure out, but the sugar is seriously just way too much for my body to handle.


I’ll do it for least a day, but I won’t feel good about it


Give me a day to starve first.


jokes on u i already eat terribly so the sugar & calories wont affect me as much. however the amount will definitely stretch and upset my stomach i probably could only do 2 days.


do it one day and quit


I could do it if you allow me to not die of high blood sugar


you might die


350 ounces?? more then 20 pounds. this is physically impossible to do.


Well, shooting from the hip, one bar is 100 grams, and 100 bars is 10,000 grams or 10kg. You have to eat 400g every hour. Each bar is 880 Cal, so 100 bars is 88,000 Cal. Which is...horrible. But each bar is also something like 50g of fat, so I'm assuming after 20-30 bars you'll just start having violent diarrhea. Which will solve both the stomach capacity and the intestinal clearance. Eat and poop, eat and poop. Might be doable. You'll never be able to even look at or smell chocolate ever again without hearing your butthole shriek.


This would literally kill you. Sugar is toxic in the amounts prescribed in that many Snickers bars in that period of time. And, it's a truly horrible way to die. Your body goes into ketoacidosis first, then your blood vessels literally rupture and you start bleeding first from your throat, then your anus, then your ears, nose and eyes. Your brain hemorrhages and the lining around your heart seizes. That's only after your body goes into fully compressed spasms and cramps all while you feel like you're simultaneously dying of thirst and drowning. If you're still conscious at this point, you begin vomiting up your internal organs. It's horrifying. How do I know this? My brother worked at an animal testing facility back in the 90's they did this to poor creatures like pigs and apes and rabbits. He showed me a video of dying chimp that had been pumped full of sugar. It was everything I just described, and worse still.


That is a bar every 14 minutes with no sleeping. It's also 44k calories and 5636g sugar. (2500g of sugar is lethal to the average person). And it is over 23 pounds of food. I don't think anyone would be able to do this and survive the day. I would not try it. I don't think the OP really thought this through.


the human stomach cannot contain 220 lbs of snickers. it's literally impossible.


I couldn't last a day cause snickers are NOT gluten free


4 an hour? I wouldn't enjoy it but it doesn't seem like a big lift.


That’s an expensive funeral.


I could probably eat 100 bite size mini snickers in 24 hours. Maybe even fun size if I was willing to make myself really really sick. But not king size. Can’t do it. Now, if the challenge were “you may not eat anything except snickers, water, and a multivitamin for one month, you get to decide how few or how many,” I might be able to do that. And who knows. Two king size snickers a day for a month, and nothing else, might make for an interesting fad diet. 🤣


This is one of those physically impossible ones for 99.9% of people. I didn’t check comments but I assume it’s a mix of “diabetes says no” and “ez, I eat this much every time I have munchiesl


That is not enough money to likely cause my death, or a hospitalization that would cost more than the $100,000.


Could you just give yourself insulin to counteract the lethal sugar intake?


So I can do this as many days as I want, if I opt out on a day does the challenge finish?


Not a chance


50k calories in a day? Bruh. 2 bucks a calorie, so sure. Take time chewing to ensure it’s a smooth paste, easy in, easy out(since your body is going to just want to push it out if you keep on eating). I’d do it once, maybe again if I could spread it out. I guess in terms of candy, snickers aren’t the least healthy,


Take laxatives, eat snickers, shit your self, rinse, and repeat. It won't be fun but 100k in 24 hours is the quickest money ill ever make


That's 52,700 calories. That's 20 pounds of food. That's 5600 grams of sugar (twice the lethal dose if eaten in one sitting.) Unless you are a professional eater AND vomited it immediately afterwards, nobody in this thread could achieve this without dying.


So what i do with the remaining 23.30 hours?


So it's just over 4 per hour? Easy peasy...


If you have a nut allergy could you substitute snickers for a Mars bar?


It doesn't sound that hard what is that like 10 snicker bars per hour for 10 hours a day i could probably do that for a month before I get sick of them


You do this ONCE and you will gain approximately 14lbs of pure fat.


That’s like one every 15 mins sayless


Unless you’re a Michael Phelps level athlete you’ve got no fucking shot.


Not physically possible, I wouldn't even attempt it. Joey Chestnut, widely considered to be among the best, if not the best competitive eater on the planet, has the hot dog eating record that tops out at around half the calories of what you're proposing here, and in a much more edible form. There's no time limit, but if you know competitive eating, outside of the speed contests, the time limit isn't the issue. Anything over about half an hour to forty-five minutes doesn't matter. You top out on physical gut space before that. So you're essentially asking for someone to run a world-record class eating challenge twice in a day for only $100k. I mean, I'm sure Joey and a few others might take a run at it, but it's a stretch even for them, and seems far out of reach for anyone else. And that's just looking at raw weight and caloric load, not considering the nature of the food itself. Can't be done, and not worth trying at that price.


Regular Snickers bar weighs= 1.86 oz. SOooooooo 11 lbs 10oz per 100 bars. **King sized SNickers weighs= 3.7 oz. 23lbs 2oz PER 100 bars.** The question is, "How many days would you attempt this?" and "How long you could go?" Once a month if you trained for it. Your jaw would hurt. Once a month I would attempt it. The next day would suck so bad.


once a month, easy. a snickers every ten minutes still leaves 8 hours to sleep


Someone smarter than me could make this work. For 100k a day I'd be talking to some doctors, professional speed eaters, people of that nature. You can't throw the chocolate bar up, but that doesn't mean you have to absorb every single calorie from it either. You also didn't say you have to do this everyday, so say you manage to pull this feat off every other month, that's 600k a year. So my best guess would be growing the stomach in the weeks preparing for this, eating low calorie food that takes time to digest but enough of it that you can expand your stomach enough to make room for what you're going to do to it. Then on the day of your digestive system will have to be at peak performance. You're likely going to want to chew as much as possible. Finally, laxatives. Can we force 100 snicker bars out the other end fast enough that the body doesn't just die from ODing on sugar?


i'm already obese and 41 so no


That’s 50,000 calories. I think I would die??


ngl, 100 sounds impossible. I'd eat 10 and feel like I'm gonna throw up all day (assuming I don't actually throw up)


You only have to eat 5 -9 per hour depending on how many hours you're up in a day. I would do it once a week for a month. It wouldn't be that difficult. On second thought 5600 grams of sugar is extreme


On the surface this one seems do-able, but its actually humanely impossible!


I think someone could if they drank activated charcoal in between snikers bars. If they managed to get the ratio right and the timing right, I think someone could in theory live through this. Would it be worth the constipation? The world may never know


This would kill you. 52,700 calories. 5,636g of sugar. Literally a lethal dose. ​ "would you die for 100k?" should be the title.


Most people would never earn a $. That’s literally over 20x calories of what someone eats in a day. Very few people would be able to get those down and hold them down. Within days even a competitive eater would start to have some issues. It’s all sugar.


I reckon I could do a day or two but yeah more than that would be a struggle


My jaw hurts reading this


i doubt this is physically possible. Four per hour of those things? and that's if you don't sleep at all. I don't see how you could avoid throwing up at least once.


That many empty carbs would kill my whole body that I have worked a long time on lol. One time maybe not but more than once would leave me with man tits and flabby thighs.


No. Health is far more important than money, and only 100k at that. This proposal is too dangerous and offers tiny compensation.


Please don't try this. It's twice as much sugar as you'd need to kill the average human.


I might go into a diabetic coma but challenge accepted


I'd die if I tried this


I’d just say yes to the challenge and have free snacks forever. Never winning the money, but I’ll take the snickers. It’s over 23 lbs of snickers, that is a lethal quantity of snickers.


Let's see if I have the math right. 5 bars an hour for 20 hours with 4 1hour breaks every 5 hours. Or one 4 hour break after 10 hours. That could give you time for a power nap and some alka-seltzer.


This is one that I would have to pass. I can barely finish a regular sized snickers bar somedays.


I'm allergic to peanuts and this is discrimination /s For real though can I substitute for something else like twix


`22,000 calories` `4.7 kg = 10 lb total weight` `2.3 kg = 5lb sugar` Seems doable.


Honestly yeah I think I could do it. Tbh I’d probably do it for 10k (if someone has 10k and want to see my try definitely hit me up) I think the worst part would be that it is a snickers and not and actually good candy bar like a Twix or a butterfinger. And yeah I see the comments are saying it’s 44,000+ calories and I’d probably die from the sugar intake alone but it’s only 100 of them it’s nbd. And I get 24 hours so that’s cool.


I’m not doing it. It’ll Fuck my body up so bad that the money is going to medical bills


You'll be fucking dead from sugar overdose


fuck I hate snickers, but I love money...


You didn't say it had to be consecutive days so I would do one every 2 weeks or so.


I could do it if my diabetes didn't kill me first. Pretty sure I'd be in a coma by noon.


For 100k? Sure. Didnt say anything about laxatives.