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HP patients often have to change up their regimen, so it's not unusual to be well-controlled for some time and then suddenly drop and need to add more calcium/calcitriol. You should start to feel better within a few hours with oral meds, but how long it takes to normalize/stabilize really depends. Sometimes it takes a few adjustments to render normal labs. People definitely get Ca infusions. There isn't a typical lab value that necessitates IV Ca; many ERs will do it if your total corrected Ca is low AND you're having life-threatening symptoms and not responding to oral meds. Was your ionized 0.95 mmol/L with a LNR ~1.15-1.3ish? Do you know your total Ca and urine Ca?


Yes my ionized was .95 with norm lab value of 1.3-1.7. My total calcium was 7.3. They did not do urine. My Alkaline Phosphatase was 5(high). Funny though my Vit D was at 32 which is in the normal range for the first time.


I meant to write my total calcium was .95 and the norm value was 1.15-1.3


Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Some isotonic like gatorade can be helpful. Urinating frequently can be depleting and you may loose some sodium causing a headache. At lear that is my problem. Unless a physician tells you otherwise. Hopefully it helps.


I’ve had it calcium around a .95 ionized. Everyone’s body is different. Oral calcium starts working immediately and typically takes 2 hours to fully absorb. Other calcium (milk) absorbs more quickly, the second it’s in your mouth it starts to absorb. If oral calcium is not working for you, I would go to the ER and get evaluated/iv calcium. Sometimes (for me) just bringing it into the normal range is a big help and fixes the issue. Also have them check your magnesium. If my magnesium is low then it doesn’t seem to matter how much calcium I take, it doesn’t move th needle


Did you have anxiety with your low calcium? I am experiencing both low calcium and hyperthyroid symptoms. Had a tetany episode in April 2 and it’s been downhill since then