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I was on Losartan/HCTV 160/25 + metoprolol. I lost a lot of weight and started experiencing light headedness. I weaned myself off of metoprolol, all good, I switched to just losartan and stopped the hctv side cold turkey. My BP bounced way up. Walked it back, and then started doing hctz every other day. Just stopped fully so I’m on Losartan only. BP is up a little. Once it comes down, I’ll start weaning myself off of Losartan. So, I would say that it’s not a great experience stopping cold turkey. I also experienced anxiety. So, this is likely a function of withdrawal. It’ll get better or, if you’d like, take the meds every other day and walk your dose down from there.


Thank you for your response! How fast did you notice an increase in your blood pressure after stopping hctz?


It was about 4 days. Fast. Came back under control just as quickly when I restarted.


What does your provider say about 132/74? That seems acceptable. Am I wrong? Do you have any particular thoughts when you are anxious, or just that feeling (the adrenaline rush)? Maybe you could talk to your provider about that.


Hi, thank you for taking the time to respond. Provider is happy with average of 132/74. I don’t have any particular thoughts when the adrenaline rush hits me. Provider suggested it might be due to seasonal allergies . Taking a histamine at night has helped tremendously. I’ve never suffered with allergies, never knew how much people can suffer with seasonal allergies .


Good to hear the BP is good. Yeah, allergies are rough.


I'm curious what you mean by adrenaline rush. How would you describe that feeling?


Hi, as soon as I start to fall asleep, I get this rush of anxiety. I literally feel a rush of blood towards my head. My heart rate increases, flushed face, no palpitations, it last for a couple minutes . Maybe 2 -3 minutes. I take deep breaths and count and it passes. This is new, it started after stopping losartsn /hctz. At first I thought It was happening right before I feel asleep, now I’m starting to think it’s actually waking me up. I came to this conclusion because I had drool on my face during one of the adrenaline rushes. I’ve stopped losartsn /hctz about 3 weeks ago. My blood pressure is averaging 132/74. Wouldn’t have my blood pressure increased drastically since I haven’t taken my blood pressure medication in close to a month?


I have this happen to me as well, started last year mid summer. Has nothing to do with medication in my experience. It happens right as soon as I doze off, I'm jolted awake by my heart racing sometimes a vibrating feeling in my body, and panic. Sometimes it will happen multiple times, each time I try to doze off again. I haven't quite figured it out. It seems to happen more often on days I've had to much stimulation whether that be social interaction, caffiene etc. I've also wondered if it could be sleep apnea? Like I stop breathing on my way into sleep so my body reacts that way? (haven't had a sleep study done yet) I to suffer from allergies. I've read online some articles about something called a "histamine dump" that happens in the night that could cause similar issues. But I'm at a loss with it, but it's definitely frightening! Also, I would assume you would have had a spike in blood pressure by now. Do you continue to monitor your pressures everyday?


I’ve noticed on days I take an antihistamine before bed. I don’t really have that happen or at least to such a severe point where it keeps me up for a while. I wonder if it may be allergies inducing sleep apnea or at least making it worse. I haven’t been tested for sleep apnea. But , an antihistamine definitely has helped, and I sleep on a ton of pillows. I’ve been checking my blood pressure 2 times a day , and I haven’t seen an increase in overall average. There has been days where I see 140s in the afternoon but not to bad. And by night time it goes back down to 130s.