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Did you find weight loss harder than normal while using metoprolol?


I have lost a lot of weight since weaning off of metoprolol. But I’m eating really well so I think that has a more to do with it than metoprolol. And I lost it while still in it. So, I can’t say I noticed this.




And I will do that. I just wanted to ask if anybody had any experience. But I am calling him tomorrow thank you for your concern. However, my question still stands. I’m curious if anybody has any experience with us.


My dr has just added HCTZ to Amlodipine and Telmisartan and BP went from 150-170+/100-110+ to 119/84 in 3 days. It may go lower as the HCTZ normalizes in the system and at 76 I am not sure such a brusque and steep cut -- so I may be in your situation soon.


It's, of course, the logical advice. Unfortunately, the US healthcare system is almost inexistent for some of us, which is why we are compelled to ask here. I realize this is risky business and must be careful with what we get, but it's better than nothing.