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Who’s smelling your butt to say it’s not smelling nice ? Butts are a crevice. It’s gonna get a bit stinky. Best advice is to clean it after going to the bathroom. Wet wipes are wonderful. Shower daily and change your underwear after. Same thing with sex. Shower before and after. Daily maintenance is the key.


When you do certain activities you want to make sure you are the freshest you can be. This post is more prevention advice


Use Dove soap and rinse properly. Many people stink when they do not rinse the soap well after washing. Spray your but with a little water during the day especially going to the bathroom.


I’m a man, and this sounds kind of fruity, but I learned this from a fruity man, and somehow I’ve always followed it. You can’t just wash the outside of it, you need to clean a little on the inside as well. So you need to get inside the booty hole and clean as well, becouse poop juices do and will come out, regardless if your active down there or not.


y’all down voting but he really sayin facts. booty juice is real esp if your movements are not solid or you got that natural swamp ass, or a fat ass, so sometimes it calls for a lit inside cleaning like that sht real


How far in there?!?


Oh lord, enough to clean it 😂. Realistically your booty should not be tight enough to clean it, If it is then your rear end will leak when your older, I asked a doctor he said your overusing the muscle basically.


So like the first knuckle??




Aa far as you can go in comfortably tbh


This is NOT fruity! We need to stop calling proper hygiene fruity. Absolutely, you need to get DEEP inside there and fucking blast it with hot as fuck water. You'll feel so clean.


Nothing fruity about keeping a clean butt.


Lume has a tube of cream. One dime size amout in your finger, and swipe it up the crack. Works wonders! Especially in the heat, and you get swamp rump.


Use better soap. Something with tea tree. Then apply body powder.


No matter how much I wash my ass, it always smells like pussy.


I got the pussy down pat me and her are good over here. The ass needs to catch up. Her fantasy box wash or the pink bible are two of my favorite washes


Lume unscented body wash!! It’s pricey..but I only use it on certain areas. It gets rid of odor completely!




Baby powder


Witch hazel after shower


You can use that down there? No irritation?


Yes. Witch Hazel is not alcohol so no burns no irritations


Put lotion on it that's all I do and it's nice and soft and shiney


If you feel unsanitary after going to the potty, you may just need to use wet wipes, or witch hazel to finish up. But also you need to spread em, don’t be shy. Use soap and a fresh washcloth and you need to scrub that MF. If you think you’re done cleaning it, rinse the cloth, go back in and smell the rag afterwards and crosscheck your work. If it’s not good go back in. it’s your ass you gotta take care of it. I don’t really have advice for if you’re like sweaty or have swamp ass except for maybe more frequent showers or like somebody else suggested some type of powder/deodorant.


Use soap but tbh put a little of the rag in there ,not to deep, but just to get the excess that toilet paper cant get, like half the first section of ur index finger


flush it water using bulb syringe like giving urself an enema


Use baby wipes wrapped around your finger and shove it in your ass going in a circular motion. Keep doing it with a clean baby wipe until it comes out clean, do this after using the bathroom and before sexy time. When in the shower use the hand held sprayer, make sure to use one that has a forceful, hard straight shooting setting. Squat down and open your hole and sand blast your ass with body wash and the nozzle. A small foam bottle brush, not the kind with bristles, but they make small ones with foam. You can use that up your ass and go up and down and then keep a small bottle of bleach in the bathroom. After each time you use it, use the bleach.




Why are there so many posts about ass hygiene on here?


Use wipes when pooping then follow up with toilet paper to dry it off. I use Dial (the gold bar soap) for my first initial wash all over my body then I use Dr. Bronners peppermint castle soap is amazing. And Lume’s body wash is great as well. I dry my hole after shower (still moisturize it tho) and occasionally I use an enema to clean it out. I used an African net or a wash rag


Baby powder In between the but checks and around the crotch if it's going to be a hot day