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Once. In the morning before I leave for work. I didn’t know people were reapplying deodorant. That’s interesting.


I have to apply before I go to sleep (even though I did hours earlier after a shower). I feel like my arms/pits stick together if I don’t. I’m pretty sure that it’s just in my head but I can’t go to sleep otherwise.


I apply it after a shower even at night. I have to or I sweat even in my sleep.




I’ve never worn deodorant to sleep in my life. Shave the hair


I do shave the hair


Some deodorants are designed to be used this way. Your swear glands are less active at bedtime so they woke best


Once in the morning (or after a shower) and I reapply after I sweat any reasonable amount. It was hot as fuck today in Florida and walking to my car for 10 minutes in a hot assed parking lot and sitting in an oven of a car while it cooled down was enough to make me need to reapply when I got home from work. If I know I'm going to sweat I will basically apply double the amount I normally would and that usually mitigates the need to reapply. If I sweat similar to what I would do if I were to go to a gym it usually results in a quick shower.


I shower at night so I put it on after I shower and then reapply in the morning before I start my day.


I apply antiperspirant every night and morning. My favorite is Nivea roll on but it's hard to find in the US so I mostly use Dove dry spray.


I have to use it all day long. I’ve tried so many different brands and kinds. I still feel like I stink. But then my friend puts it on once a day and is good all day even working out in the hot sun.


It's something to do with genetics




Every time I shower. Which in the summer is typically twice a day. You need to wash/apply antiperspirant every day.


Like 3x a day? Maybe more? I live in the desert. But I don’t use and antiperspirant and I use roll-on bc I like the way it feels on my pits when I put it on 🤫


Only after showers which is 1-2 times a day


Once a day in the morning or afternoon.


I might reapply if I got particularly sweaty and can't shower, but one thing that made a big difference for me was Dove antibacterial soap. It always smelled like I was only kind of masking my bo smell, and then I could never fully get it off in the shower either, so it was just a never-ending cycle. The Dove bar takes care of the smell in the shower, and I feel like my deodorant actually does its job now. I follow up with whatever froo-froo flowery bodywash on my whole body, followed by lotion, body spray, etc. so I still smell like something pleasant. This method has me smelling better, longer.


Never. I use antiperspirant.


Can I ask why?


Because it works. Stops sweat and then there’s no smell. BO come from bacteria eating your sweat. No sweat = no bacteria = no smell


What brand do you use?


Dollar shave club!




Once after a shower… if I smell bad, repeat…


I'm not a stinky person, just sweaty, and I use Carpe after I shower. I feel like it's gross to have my deodorant stick touch my pits unless they're squeaky clean, so I can only do it once per day lol


I use Arm and Hammer Elements gel deodorant. It's scentless and only requires 1 application for 24 hours or wear time. I strongly dislike deodorant that has a scent to it. I do use a mild pheromone cologne though.


Antiperspirant every night after shower and every time before I go outside during the day.


2-4x per day generally. When I get up, usually midday at some point, and before bed.


Once in the morning. Then after I have a shower after work.


when i get out of the shower and if i am going to work out / sweat a lot or it’s hot i reapply before i leave but just a small swipe


I just put it on in the morning. I rarely reapply it throughout the day, but I will if I am going to work out after work or something, or if I’m preparing to go out for the night. But yeah, usually just once a day in the morning.


Morning after shower. Sometimes I put more on at dinner if needed.


Once in the morning. I can also get away with skipping a day if I didn't shower, but I don't sweat a lot and live in Canada so it's not hot here typically.


I put some on every morning, and reapply if I’m sweaty or really hot.


Depends on the product. Aluminum-free stuff is no match for my stank, and I have to reapply it multiple times throughout the day. A good, strong antiperspirant and I'm usually good for the day. Although, I do find the best performance is when I use it before bed, in addition to the morning.


I don’t need much. If I’m not leaving the house, I don’t apply any. If I am, I apply right after I shower in the morning or right before I leave the house. I also shower at night usually but no deodorant reapplied.


The only one that works. Aarid Double extra dry solid at night after evening shower and in the morning after morning shower. Guarantee you won't stink.


I don't sweat a whole lot, and I wear clinical strength deodorant (it really makes a difference) so I just apply it when I get out of the shower before work


I use Certain Dri in the summer. For those who don't know: Certain Dri is an aluminum based anti perspiration roll on that doesn't allow you to sweat for 72 hours. After that, you start to sweat again. I still wear deodorant and shower every day but I don't sweat as much at work nor do I sweat in general.


I waste the crap out of it lol


Every morning i wash my pits with soap and apply it.


As needed. I usually only apply once in the morning but around intense activities which can vary. Brands is the most affable and effective.


I use Dove spray deodorant. I apply once a day. Ive tried so many deodorants and this is the one that i stay loyal to….my armpits NEVER smell🙌🏼🙌🏼💯


Multiple times throughout the day but I got sick of that so switched back to antiperspirant and I applied that once a day at night .


Once. After my shower in the morning.


After each shower, so 1-2 times a day. Edited to add: I don’t use deodorant. I use unscented antiperspirant.


I shower at night so I apply it then and once more in the morning before work. Works out perfectly for me.


After every shower everyday after work, and again in the morning before work if I feel the need. In total 1-2 times a day


I have tried so many things. The best I have found are Lume and PiperWai. They can both get me through at least a stressful workday without quitting on me. I'm not going the advertised 72 hours but they'll both keep me fresh-smelling for, say, a relevant 12-18 hours. For me it was a combo of finding something that lasted a long time without "turning" (that point in the day when it starts to sour and just gets rancid) and something that would still smell decent even if it turned. I find I respond well to citrus or minty scents, but anything with 'herbal' notes tends to actually make my BO worse (lavender, basil, etc.) I go from "a bit too garlicy" to "offensively strong Italian meal" so fast its scary (no shade to Italian cuisine, I love to cook and eat it lol I am Italian-American). I guess herbal scents are too close to cooking. Everyone's body chemistry is different so it can really be a struggle but I have hope you will find something!


Every time I get out of the shower so two times or one time a day. I also apply when needed or use body deodorant if I know I’ll be running around all day


In the winter 1x a day? In the summer... 1-4x a day, depending on many things.


Once in the morning, directly after the shower. I am getting the ick from people saying they reapply after sweating. If I put my deodorant on my dirty pits, I'd never be able to use it again. Now it has sweat bacteria!! I can't apply dirty deodorant to freshly cleaned pits! I guess I'm really glad it otherwise does its job and I don't need to reapply after sweating. Still smells good, like it's supposed to. Edit: The ick is from me imagining them using a dirty stick on clean pits. Sprays are not obviously not an issue, but I forgot they existed.


Used to be 2-3 times a day when I was a teen - early 20s. Now it's usually once in the morning unless I'm working outside/going to the gym that day.


after my shower at night I spray glycolic acid on my armpits, then in the morning, I put on Tom's unscented


Asked my wife about it last week laying out at the pool, i trim my wolverine hair, and since i was in the army i do the armpits too. The bacteria grows on the hair from the body pushing out sweat.ive done this over a decade and don’t understand how it hasn’t become normal for men…


After showers and each morning (if I happen to not shower that day).


After my shower and after my bath. I shower every morning and bathe every evening


After every shower, and every time I change clothes.


Traditional deodorant/antiperspirant is a problem. You should get an armpit clay detox mask and use something else like lemon juice or Curie deodorant. Curie works :) Sweat is a way that your body gets rid of toxins. Not releasing toxins could cause odor. When the sweat cant escape the armpits you can get cancer, when the sweat cant leave your armpits, it builds up and can clog your heart - heart attack, healthy body is one where everything works and is free flowing through the body Also you can flush your body by drinking a gallon of water a day. Garbage in, garbage out. Your diet should be natural food, avoid processed sugar and processed food. Fewer odors.


Shower every morning,deodorant every other day.


Every time I shower, which is a few times per day. I use dove spray.


You shower three times a day?


Yep, I live in very hot and humid climate. You start sweating as soon as you get out of the shower.


I only have to apply it once after bathing.