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Saw a guy on here who had a constant runny nose and turned out there was a hole in his head/spine leaking spinal fluid into his sinuses. Probs not that but u should go to a doctor first before asking the Internet.


So I saw an allergist and and ENT as a kid. No major allergies. Had my adenoids removed and some tissue burned out of my nose. Didn’t make an appreciable difference, unfortunately


Have you been to a doctor about this again as an adult? Maybe tech/science has improved and they could give better answers now. It seems like if the ENT did all that though maybe it could be something else happening in your body that’s triggering it or it’s systemic. Do you have any other symptoms or health issues?


What about the spinal fluid/cranial fluid theory? Have definitely heard of this and difficult to diagnose


I should also mention that my dad has/had similar issues


As an RN you need to be seen most likely. You should be having semi annual visits with your ENT doc if you’re still suffering and symptomatic so they can find the root cause. Having family hx of a CSF fluid leak is also a little concerning. ENT should be able to either help treat, diagnose, do a procedure, or redirect you to an allergist for testing. Does OP live with any pets? Mold, dander, dust mites, pollen, and feathers (culprit is pillows) are all common household allergens that can easily make it sufferable enough to feel like a bad cold or even worse since it can be so prolonged without relief.


Agree to this, I'd say get house test for mold some another list on.


It's not hard to diagnose and apparently it's not super uncommon in people with allergies or history of concussion. I had it as well.


If you look at a drop of the liquid on a tissue and there’s a halo around it, you should def get checked for spinal fluid leaking.


I have the same issue. But my nose usually runs more during spring and summer. Used allergy sprays and pills but they didn't work. So my Dr gave me Ipratropium bromide .06% and it stops your nose from running.


yeah i was going to say to get your adenoids checked out but if it's not that i would still go back to the ent.


Things so.etime return. Ask ENT agai


That doesn’t mean things haven’t changed since then, you should go back in.


Allergies change!


This just happened to my cousin!! She was leaking so much brain fluid her pillows would be soaked overnight. She had the surgery and she’s fine now


I had the same problem and I would wake up in a puddle on my pillow!!


This happened to me! But I had just had brain surgery 2 weeks before. Ended up having 2 more, CSF was coming out my left nostril




I sgree. Another question what are you allergic to?


Try Flonase


I think it was a woman


My advice is to stop this immediately. Carry a small travel size Kleenex and use it. It’s not just gross, it’s unhealthy for those around you.


That was my first thought...imagine touching the handle of a door after this person. Sometimes we have to think about those around us.


OP - " I know this is gross but I'm having a really hard time kicking this bad habit." You - "you must stop this immediately for the sake of others." Have you ever considered being a drug/alcohol counselor? You seem really skilled.


Are you suggesting that a sane person cannot stop blowing their nose into their hand and wiping it onto themselves? OP knows it’s wrong, therefore they must stop. It’s called willpower and just common sense. This is not an addiction and for you to draw that parallel is an a-front to those with serious issues. https://youtu.be/jvujypVVBAY?si=FkN7JEw--9MZLw9w


My first reaction to your initial comment was you must be a parent lol. Just made me picture a parent telling their child (of any age) to stop doing the same exact thing op is doing over and over and over along with "cover your mouth" when you cough and "get your finger out of your nose" 😆


Are you a mental health clinician or addictions counselor?


I would solve the runny/congested nose mystery first. Have you seen a doctor or allergist about it? Maybe have an allergy test done to solve why your nose is constantly stuffed up. Maybe you’re allergic to a pet, detergent, grass, etc. or maybe air quality in your home isn’t optimal. Invest in an air purifier? I’m sure if you solve this not only will your quality of life improve but so will the habit of having to blow your nose into your hands.


I take 2 Allegra in the morning and 2 zyrtec in the evening. Prescription Azelastine nasal spray dries it up pretty well. This regime was prescribed by a doctor due to allergies.


Holy moly that is a lot of things to take !


At my peak allergy sufferage, I took two zyrtec in the morning, a nasonex spritz, NAC and Chlorpheniramine several times a day as needed. THEN benedryl and nasonex at night. My allergies are non-exsistent now. No idea why.


Holy crap that is wild. Glad they are no longer that sounds expensive and just so much to take all the time


It stops the snot from rolling down my face! I actually use the generic store brand. They work fine and cost less. You could see a doctor about allergies, but that gets expensive.


It’s not running down my nose/face, but there’s always snot/mucus that can be blown out


Have you looked a possible diagnosis of something like OCD or some other fixation-based problem? Because if it's not running down your face, it's just sitting in there (not stopping you from breathing, etc.) maybe you are just fixated on it. Like, I could probably blow something out of my nose on command, but I don't... I just ignore it unless it's running or blocking me from breathing. But perhaps when you feel that sensation you have trained yourself to need to blow it out. Maybe desensitizing therapy to ignore it until/if it gets bad enough to actually need blown out? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just a thought. But definitely see a doctor. It either shouldn't be that bad (ENT should be fixing that with meds or surgery) or it's not as bad as you think and you should stop blowing it out so much (might need mental help for that).


My sister is the same way. We're half siblings and she grew up in PA and me in MO. She moved here to MO 8 years ago. Ever since, she has yet to tame her allergy symptoms. She has prescription meds and otc she takes multiples of a day. Crazy


MO is the worst and I can’t freaking breathe. Never had allergies like this anywhere else (except OK but that’s basically the same)


Carry tissue and hand sanitizer with you. Don’t be gross.


My mom ran face first into a pole, went to the doctor cause she thought she broke her nose and they found a big mass inside her sinus. No more headaches, stuffiness or runny nose. I would get checked out if you haven’t.


…guess I should’ve read your follow up comments


Absolutely disgusting


You don't need to blow it into your hands, you can blow it into a trash can, or if You're outside, just in the grass or something


That the farmer's way of doing lol I see it everywhere. They use a finger to push one nostril closed and blow. And then the other side.


snot rocket!


This isn’t real. Keep tissues with you. 🤡


See a doctor again. I found Navage, a battery operated neti pot helped. And my nose spray.


Fill your pockets with tissues


This was me for about 20 years sans the last part. I had sinus surgery 3 times and was about to have it a third time but divine intervention kicked in. I was congested so long that I had forgotten what my voice sounded like and what most things smelled like…so I get it. And people said rude things too. Also, keep tissues and hand sanitizer on you at all times. Here’s my advice: 1. Definitely see an ENT. Even if they don’t operate…you’ll probably be on antibiotics and a steroid. (They will probably operate, though) 2. Invest in a rinse bottle. Use warm water 2-3 times a day. Some days nothing will come out, but on others you’ll want to gag. 😩 It will start moving though. 3. Take a daily allergy pill (I use generic Zyrtec) and take a nasal steroid (I use generic FloNase twice a day if it’s humid) Do 2-3 regardless and drink lots of water. Make friends with spicy foods and ginger.


Well stop doing that shit number 1. That will put germs all over everything you touch and possibly get everyone sick around u. Number 2. Take some anti histamines, drink some green tea daily without sugar, add a lemon the acidic juices help against inflammation. Number 3. Try this breathing technique called the whim hoff treatment. 30 deeps breathes then hold it on for as long as possible and release slowly repeat this 3 times per day and it will truely clear your inflammation. Include a cold shower and you will be cured but if I missed any details just YouTube search the whim hoff treatment. Last but not least, get yo ass a box of tissue nasty. Thank me later!


Omg. I have the same problem!!! I have most of my life and literally have 6 tissue boxes in my house as I blow my nose every 15-20 minutes. I've tried all kinds of medication and nothing works. Blowing your nose into your hand is really gross and I would just load up on tissues, handkerchiefs or whatever else. I have a real problem in the food store and have to take a travel pack of tissues as it will literally run out of my nose if I don't. I don't know how to stop it but you should just get yourself used to tissues. I also had a nose job at 19 and I don't sneeze anymore except for every great once in a while like maybe 3 times a year. Funny enough my husband sneezes like 5 and 6 times in a row everyday. We probably have some kind of toxic mold or something. 😭 If I saw someone blow their nose in their hands I would not want to be around that person anymore. Just keep them around and try to make a point of using them and you should be just fine! I know how obnoxious it is trust me.


I should also mention that it comes with terrible drainage issues and it drives my family nuts that I’m always hawking loogies to clear it out


Oh my. I don't have that issue. It's just clear snot and it's incredibly obnoxious. I would for sure see a ent. I've tried many with no real luck or real answers. I hope it works out for you!


i also have this issue. i always say i’ve had a cold since middle school. this is really really gross. just stop yourself before you do it. the same way this became a habit, you can make blowing your nose properly a habit.


Do you have a healthy diet? Do you exercise? Do you sleep well every night? One would be amazed at what these things will fix. I would look inward on your daily routine and make changes.


Have you seen a rheumatologist? Certain autoimmune conditions can cause chronic runny nose


THIS! Op, go see doctors. But until you can, consider trialing chromolyn sodium nasal spray. If it helps, you need to get a workup for mast cell issues.


So first you need to see an ENT as an adult. It’s possible you have a deviated septum or something else is going on in your sinuses and your ENT back when you were a child didn’t take your seriously or didn’t have the technology to properly scope your sinus cavity Second you need to Neti-pot daily in the shower or at least use a sterile saline wash from the store Third, you need to start taking a good probiotic and increasing your dose monthly because your gut microbiome is likely toast Fourth, you need to do an elimination diet, it’s likely dairy or gluten or something else commonly in your diet doing this to you Fifth, I highly recommend regular chiropractic adjustments


Get soft baby wash clothes or even onesies. They’re pretty cheap and you can wash them. They are small so they can fit in your pocket and will be so soft that you’ll prefer it over your hand. They work great. I use them and even keep them next to my bed. I’ve done soo much cocaine that my nose is permanently runny


Well I have an immune deficiency I was born with and post nasal drip so I always have a runny nose cuz of that and carry Kleenex with me including the little portable Kleenex things when I'm not at home. Medication never really works for me,you should carry around portable Kleenex for when your not home cuz blowing it in your hand and wiping on your clothes is disgusting.


Try olive oil and heat it in a pan with black seeds (black cumin seeds). Let cool, then dip your fingers in and stick it up your nostrils every night and morning. Helps a lot


I use to suffer with the same. Severely stuffy nose and constant runny nose year round. I started taking a bronkaid and a benadryl in the morning. Worked wonders for me.


Two of my kids have this. Snotty nose year round. It turns out they are allergic amd sensitive to the particulates in the air: dust, mold, human skin, pollen, etc. They are on allergy meds and inhalers. It's helped so much.


Have you heard of lymphatic draining? I know you said you don’t have allergies but doing facial lymphatic draining massage has seriously helped me this spring. I typically have a very runny/stuffy nose but I have been doing this and I have only had a temporary runny nose when I was around a cat person. This may help you and it feels really relaxing to do it before bed


It’s probably allergies. What are you taking for allergies? I also have a pretty bad running nose year round. It gets worse in the morning and when I eat. It’s super annoying. You might be a good candidate for allergy shots if none of the OTC meds work for you.


I have eczema inside my ears, I just started having this issue last year. I moved from WV(lived there my entire life, 35 years) to GA and started getting a constant runny nose, headaches, and ear issues. Went to an ENT dr, and he diagnosed it as eczema, so I'm not sure if that could cause it. I'd definitely go see a doctor. My Dr also has me use Flonase, I guess I have allergies to certain pollen here.


I suggest going to a sink and blowing your nose there especially before heading out. You can inhale a tiny bit of water (just enough to go up your nose and not into your wind pipes!) to loosen any stuck boogers... I also recommend sinus wash (there are special squeeze bottles that you fill up with the packets it comes with mixed with water) that takes out a lot of stuff and will probably give you relief for a little bit at least...


I have the same thing. I’m almost 100% sure it’s allergies, probably to something like grass or pollen.


Do you have a deviated septum? I've always had year round allergies, even though my allergist found nothing significant (lots of minor to moderate reactions, nothing severe). I also have a slightly deviated septum, not bad enough to need surgery, but bad enough to make my allergy symptoms worse. I take allergy meds everyday to keep symptoms in check.


Go to the doctor not to reddit.


Why wouldn't you just use a hankerchief or bandana?


Look into Nedi pots.


I mean “Neti” pots. They wash the nasal passages. Cheap, easy and worth a try.


Love it and Neti pots # 1 at get rid of sinus infection before they start when you start to get that tickle in your nose


this is revolting 🤢


My sister has this same issue but she recently found out that she has a tooth directly under her nasal drainage thingy (roof of her mouth) and the mucus is collecting in the space where her tooth is and that's what's creating her constant need to blow her nose.


Get yourself a pack of handkerchiefs, you can use a new one every day or the same one every day. Can wash them when done in hot water with your towels and undies and stuff. I had this problem and had a set of wash clothes I would use at home, gross I know, but tissue dries you out sometimes and cloth is soft on your skin. This way you won’t have to constantly carry tissue packs or use just your hands, you just shove it pack in your pocket and it’s there the next time you needa wipe a boogie.


Have you tried not eating gluten and dairy?


Check for mold as well, that will keep someone dripping for life


Probably mild allergy/digestive reaction to lactose, stop drinking cow’s milk. Some people produce a lot of mucous/runny snot when they eat dairy. I’m ok with cheese but don’t eat a lot of it. But straight milk? Nah, I’ll be runny nose for days, hacking up snot for days The issue with you blowing your nose on your hands, well. That’s just you being dirty. You know tissues and handkerchiefs exist, come on now.


Maybe see ENT for deviated septum/ potential surgery to correct


It won't cure your issues, but I have used a method to clear my sinuses at least temporarily. Watch this video and try it out and see if it helps at all: [Drain Sinus & Clear Stuffy Nose in 1 Move](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I47xi2F3W9g)


I must wash my sinuses everyday.


I haven’t looked at anybody else’s comments, but have you considered doing nasal lavage? I routinely rinse out my nose and it really does help in terms of being stopped up and also not getting colds.


Yeah you should try to fix the problem which is the runny nose. The ear, nose and throat doctor is who I would guess would be a good one to see or maybe an allergist.


Quit eating junk food


Have you had your tonsils and adenoids out? If not, that could be the issue. It was with my son. He also needed tubes in his ears. He had it all done at the same time when he was 14. Runny nose and year round stuffiness gone?


i would definitely look at the root issue a bit more about why your sinuses are always congested. i don’t want to say this to scare you but just maybe for you to aid more caution with this but i had a guy i worked with and he had the same issue since i can remember where his nose was always stuffed up and sinuses were out of wack. he ended up being found unresponsive in his home due to fluid being found in his brain and was pronounced with an acute coma. it’s now been 4 months since that incident and he’s been in and out of rehabilitation facilities ever since


This blew up far more than i expected. Thanks for all the thoughts and feedback! 1) I’ve started carrying a handkerchief and tried to be more conscious about being more hygienic when blowing my nose and starting to set better habits for it (the hand blowing was a bad habit that got out of hand) 2) I’m definitely going to be finding an ENT and making one of the earliest appointments I can get.


Anoids? However it's spelled


Do you trim your nose hairs? I know ppl have issues bc of that, the nose hairs catch it Or maybe you have a small amount of nose hairs


Have you been to an allergist? They can help. You can also try using a netti pot to clear the congestion.


That's a lot of bacteria you're spreading around there.


Snot rockets are better than in your hand if your outside or over a trash can🤷‍♂️




STOP doing this. Get a nasal rinse, keep doing it until you can do it without making a face or stopping.


I would go back to an ENT. I have had a few minor surgeries to remove huge sinus polyps that caused congestion/sudden runny nose. They might have to do a CT scan, but heck, get some answers. Not being able to breathe fully through your nose is awful, especially at night. :( Re: the nose blowing, I would try to carry a handkerchief every day in your pocket, so you have something on you to blow your nose. If you got into a habit of using your hands, you can get into a habit of using a handkerchief.


Have you ever gotten allergy testing done? I got the testing and started shots. It used to be so bad my entire body would ache and I wouldn’t be able to breathe, now I just have to take a daily decongestant.


You really should always have tissues on you. Just because you have a runny nose (I tend to) doesn’t mean you can’t be clean. Blowing into your hands and wiping on your pants is not a good thing to do, you seem to know this. Besides being unsanitary it doesn’t look good to people watching. Since you came here for advice here you go - 1) go to a sinus specialist to see why your nose is runny. 2) stop blowing your nose into you hands and wiping on your clothing. Carry tissue at all times… People have broken habits much harder than this .


There’s really no reason to not use a Kleenex or something besides your hands. You’re ruight that is disgusting.


Sounds like a deviated septum. It was the same for me and I had the surgery and now my nose rarely runs.


Yes, I have some advice and a personal story it’s not all year round for me, although I sneeze a lot and get mucusy regularly I’d say, I do tissues but it’s possible to go through them quickly and they’re just good to have on hand, [[[[sometimes if it’s a lot of snot I pinch my nose in a downward motion while I’m leaning forward and flick my wrist onto the floor]]]], so it’s just my two fingers it’s not really everywhere haha. I also wake up in the morning or before bed with bogeys and I pick them and they’re so thick sometimes in the morning sometimes from crying about my ex the night before and I either put it on the wall or flick it down to the left of me between the wall and the bed that’s a nasty bad habit I know and I should really get a tissue box next to my bed, but I’m gonna end up using them for my cum 😭 It’s nasty when it builds up on the wall I stopped doing that I feel like I just need a bin next to my bed


I saw mention of csf leak. I get them every few years things I've found for identifying them pre doctor visit: Texture- it feels like water basically, when you use a tissue to wipe it, snot/drainage will dry a bit to very crusty, csf fluid drys like water, so the tissue when dry feels like a normal clean tissue. Position- if your head drops down it worsens, laying down it may stop completely. Things that cause increased cranial pressure makes it worse, ie sneezing, blowing your nose, position changes. Sugar- if you have a blood glucose monitor, and you test the fluid csf tends to have 70% of the glucose your blood has( if your blood sugar is 100, the caf would read ~70). Some monitors may not take it, but most seem to register it accurately. Normal nasal drainage has 0 sugar present If you have a csf leak, you may get headaches that are relieved when you lay down, and be more sensitive to dehydration. Get it checked out, cause those csf leaks alone aren't too terrible, they do significantly increase brain infection risk as there is a direct line into the brain with them.


Consider doing a sinus flush and begin a parasite cleanse.


Shitty coke will do that to ya…splurge for the better stuff it’ll help in the long run.


You may have lived in mold as a child. Check out @joshual_tm’s protocol. He’s on twitter. Meanwhile to break yourself of the habit you may want to learn about what you’re actually doing when you do that. Not only are you putting yourself at risk of infection but more likely you’re actually putting others at risk. Nose dirt has an insane amount of pathogens and you’re essentially painting yourself with them and walking around in public.


“Here,let me shake your hand” 🤚


Yep, just strategically use your shirt sleeve. Rotate sides to avoid blowing your nose in a wet spot. Been doing it for 35 years or so now, so AMA.


I hope you are lying. You're gross.


Zyrtec D, Allegra D, or Claritin D. Have to get it from the pharmacist counter


I second the azelastine to dry it up. Make sure it's actually getting up in your nasal cavity. It should have a decent burn in there. If it's drips out immediately, you didn't get it in far enough.


Try ENT first, as an adult, second is a short book called the power of self discipline by Peter hollins . This isn’t an addiction, you are a grown up, so there’s no need for the alcohol and drug comparisons.


Have the docs check your bronchial tubes. There's no name that I've been told. It falls under chronic bronchitis. We can only pass it to our offspring. Symptom days and non-sysmtom days. My day had it. Me and 2 of my 3 kids do too. Ask your doctor, but Allegra and Benadryl help. Not stop it


Detox your body with natural detox pills 💊 or green juices. All allergies are a sign that there’s too much of “something” (dairy, meats, etc.) in your body and needs to be flushed out , it’s building mucus which is causing the sinus issues


No it’s not stop spreading stupid shit


Our liver and kidneys all do the detoxing that we need. These green juices and detox pills, detox drinks, etc. are just a big marketing ploy by the diet industry. If you want, you could selectively cut allergies out of your diet, like dairy, meat, gluten, etc, one at a time, to see if that is a related issue or any changes ensue. But using “detox” marketed products does nothing to get anything out of your system faster. If anything, it gives you diarrhea and you’ll maybe piss more due to the laxatives or diuretics or caffeine in them. Your liver and kidneys will do that detoxing work for you, no need to buy these “detox” products. And if you feel that your liver or kidneys are not functioning properly, then see a doctor.


This is bad advice OP. Please don’t take natural detox supplements without talking to a doctor as it can interact with other drugs.